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  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    Sri Sharada Institute Of Indian Management -Research

    Approved by AICTE

    Plot No. 7, Phase-II, Institutional Area, Behind the Grand Hotel, asant!un",Ne# $elhi % &&''7' (ebsite) ###.srisii*.or+

    Project Reportn

    Value Chan Analysis

    P!"M # $%&' - $%&(

    Su)mitted to#- Su)mitted *y#-PRO+,S andi *IPI ./MAR0A"AV 1$%&'%&&&2

    *IS34A5667 .IS3OR 1$%&'%&&$2

    MAAS3 .A.A7I 1$%&'%&$82


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis



    (e hereby delare that the ollo#in+ pro"et report o

    /VA9/6 C3A AA90SIS is an authenti #or0 done by us.

    This is to delare that all #or0 indul+ed in the o*pletion o this

    #or0 suh as researh, analysis o ativities o an or+ani1ation

    is a proound and honest #or0 o ours.

    P9AC6#64 "693I *IPI ./MAR 0A"AV

    *IS34A5667 .IS3OR

    MAAS3 .A.A7I

    P!"M :M*A 1$%&'-$%&(2


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis



    (e #ould li0e to e3press *y hearty +ratitude to *y aulty

    +uide, Prof, S andi or +ivin+ us the opportunity to prepare a

    pro"et report on /Value Chan Analysis4 and or his valuable

    +uidane #hih helped us in o*pletin+ this pro"et.

    *IPI ./MAR 0A"AV

    *IS34A5667 .IS3OR


    P!"M # 1$%&'-$%&(2


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis



    Value Chain AnalysisAchie;ing 6

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    3o= to /se the 7ool#

    alue Chain Analysis is a three-step proess)

    &. Ativity Analysis) ?irst, you identiy the ativities you underta0e to deliver

    your produt or servie@2. alue Analysis) Acti;ity Analysis

    The irst step to ta0e is to brainstor* the ativities that you, your tea* or

    your o*pany underta0es that in so*e #ay ontribute to#ards your

    usto*er6s e3periene. At an or+ani1ational level, this #ill inlude the step-

    by-step business proesses that you use to serve the usto*er. These #ill

    inlude *ar0etin+ o your produts or servies@ sales and order-ta0in+@operational proesses@ delivery@ support@ and so on 8this *ay also involve

    *any other steps or proesses speii to your industry9.At a personal or tea*

    level, it #ill involve the step-by-step lo# o #or0 that you arry out. But this

    #ill also involve other thin+s as #ell.

    +or e

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    7ip# I you arry out the brainstor*in+ behind the Ativity Analysis andalue Analysis #ith your tea*, you6ll al*ost ertainly +et a riher ans#er

    than i you do it on your o#n. ;ou *ay also ind that your tea* is *ore

    li0ely to buy into any onlusions you dra# ro* the e3erise. Ater all, the

    onlusions #ill be as *uh theirs as yours.ne you6ve brainstor*ed the ativities #hih add value or your o*pany,

    list the*. A useul #ay o doin+ this is to lay the* out as a si*pliied lo#

    hart runnin+ do#n the pa+e % this +ives a +ood visual representation o yourvalue hain.

    Step $ > Value Analysis

    No#, or eah ativity you6ve identiied, list the alue ?ators % the thin+s

    that your usto*ers6 value in the #ay that eah ativity is onduted. ?or

    e3a*ple, i you6re thin0in+ about a telephone order-ta0in+ proess, your

    usto*er #ill value a :ui0 ans#er to his or her all@ a polite *anner@eiient ta0in+ o order details@ ast and 0no#led+eable ans#erin+ o

    :uestions@ and an eiient and :ui0 resolution to any proble*s that arise.I you6re thin0in+ about delivery o a proessional servie, your usto*er #ill

    *ost li0ely value an aurate and orret solution@ a solution based on

    o*pletely up-to-date inor*ation@ a solution that is learly e3pressed and

    easily ationable@ and so on.Ne3t to eah ativity you6ve identiied, #rite do#n these alue ?ators. And

    ne3t to these, #rite do#n #hat needs to be done or han+ed to provide +reat

    value or eah alue ?ator.

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    Tip) I you have a stron+ enou+h relationship #ith one or *ore o your

    usto*ers, it *ay be #orth presentin+ your onlusions to the* and +ettin+

    their eedba0 % this is a +ood #ay o either onir*in+ that you6re ri+ht or o

    +ettin+ a better understandin+ o #hat they really #ant.


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    level o business unit or proess "ust lar+e enou+h to be *ana+ed as a

    separate business ativity.

    b. Identify the Cost "ri;er1s2 at 6ach Value Acti;ity.A ost driveris any ator that han+es the level o total ost. The ob"etive o this step is

    to identiy ativities or #hih the ir* has a urrent or potential ostadvanta+e.

    . "e;elop a Competiti;e Ad;antage )y Reducing Cost or

    Adding Value,In this step, the ir* deter*ines the nature o its urrent and

    potential o*petitive advanta+es by studyin+ the value ativities and ostdrivers identiies earlier. In doin+ so, the ir* *ust onsider the


    Identiy o*petitive advanta+e 8ost leadership or dierentiation9. The

    analysis o value ativities an help better understand the ir*s strate+i

    o*petitive advanta+e and its proper positionin+ in the overall industry valuehain.

    Identiy opportunities or added value. The analysis o value ativities anhelp identiy ativities in #hih the ir* an add si+niiant value or the


    Identiy opportunities or redued ost. A study o its value ativities and ost

    drivers an help a ir* deter*ine those parts o the value hain or #hih it is

    not o*petitive.

    E3ploit lin0a+es a*on+ ativities in the value hain. The deision to provide

    an ativity internally or to outsoure it is so*eti*es inluened by the #ay

    that ativity is aeted by another ativity in the hain. alue-hain analysis

    supports the ir*s strate+i o*petitive advanta+e by ailitatin+ thedisovery o opportunities or addin+ value or the usto*er andFor by

    reduin+ the ost to provide the produt or servie.

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    Value Chan Analysis of +ood And Agriculture of 6

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    $, Project *acground

    A. Project *acground#

    Project ame#Transor*in+ Eastern Indias Eono*ies throu+h InnovativeKural Business Hubs

    7imeline) Nove*ber &, 2'&2 to tober 5&, 2'&>"e;elopment Partners) CII ?ACE and J

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    i*pat. KBHs *ay *aniest as physial, bri0 and *ortar establish*ents in

    their deploy*ent or virtual a++re+ation points, usin+ Inor*ation

    Co**uniation Tehnolo+ies 8ICT9. (hile KBH *odels e3ist in various

    or*s, o**on *issin+ ele*ents in all o the* are value hain +aps li0e

    proure*ent lin0a+es. Althou+h KBH *odels inrease *ar0et aess to:uality-assured a+ri-inputs and ontribute to *ar0et transpareny, they all

    short o proitability and thereore are unsustainable unless ne#, innovative

    business *odels are developed to better harness ra+*ented resoures andaddress supply and de*and issues aross 0ey value hains.

    CII ?ACE #ill stren+then the private setor role in ataly1in+ a+riulture

    produtivity #hile inte+ratin+ broader partiipation in selet a+riulture value

    hains in order to inrease ar* ino*es throu+h inlusive eono*i +ro#th.

    Jnder this ativity CII ?ACE #ill help i*prove produtivity o s*all and *ediu*

    landholders and inrease ino*e levels throu+h inlusive +ro#th by ta0in+

    suessul *ar0et-driven KBH *odels and innovations to sale. CII ?ACE #ill

    build upon the KBH invest*ents established throu+h the Consultative Group or

    International A+riulture Kesearh 8CGIAK9 Collaborative Kesearh

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    hain. This #ill inlude supply o a+riultural inputs li0e seed, ertili1er, pest

    *ana+e*ent and *ehani1ation, *ehani1ation servies, e3tension servies,

    inane and *ar0etin+ servies, a+ro-proessin+, and *ar0etin+ and

    proure*ent syste*s

    CII ?ACE KBH #ill develop business *odels to address +aps in the

    a+riulture value hain #ithin the onte3t o i**ature, developin+ and

    *ature *ar0ets.

    ', O;erall Conte

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    ar*ers ino*es. ?or e3a*ple, use o tehnolo+y or prie disovery,

    #eather inor*ation and other si*ilar suh servies. These servies

    ould inlude settin+ up o ICT solutions, *onitorin+ reation o de*o

    ar*s, on ar* produtivity aross the value hain, produtivity

    trainin+s and trainin+s to hub entres.

    >. 6

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    8, Scope of 4or and "eli;era)les > *AS69I6 S7/"0 A" S/PP90

    C3AI ASS6SSM67

    A, Scope of 4or#

    Acti;ity# Value Chain Analysis

    O)jecti;e# Conduct ;alue chain analysis for *anana and Vegeta)les ;alue

    chain in 4est *engalB and *ihar respecti;ely,

    7imeline) (ithin t#o *onths ro* the ti*e o a+ree*ent.

    Area#North Eastern Ke+ion - (est Ben+al, and Bihar

    Profile of OrganiEations) Kesearh or+ani1ation, eduational institutions

    Commodity# Bein+ identiied in eah state throu+h parallel proess

    Value Chain acti;ities) The alue Chain analysis loo0s at the #hole proess

    o eetive utili1ation o resoures to reate a o*petitive advanta+e that

    #ould provide a lo#er ost and better i*proved proit *ar+in. alue addition

    tends to reate the ollo#in+)

    Identiyin+ the speii o**odities or value hain Eono*ies o sale

    Capaity utili1ation

    Din0a+es a*on+ ativities inludin+ vertial inte+ration

    Dearnin+ proess

    Interrelationships a*on+ business units

    ar0etin+ outlets

    alue hains eno*pass the ull ran+e o ativities and servies re:uired to

    brin+ a produt or servie ro* its oneption to sale in its inal *ar0etsL#hether loal, national, re+ional or +lobal. alue hains inlude input

    suppliers, produers, proessors and buyers atively supported by a ran+e o

    tehnial, business and inanial servie providers.


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    The *ain purpose o this intervention is to arry out an analysis and

    assess*ent o potential value hains and lin0a+es in the a+riultural and a+ro-

    based setor. This #ould reate a plator* or develop*ent o a blue-print or

    stren+thenin+ o value hain ro* ar* to or0 ativities.


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    Ho# *uh inrease in ino*e is e3peted to result ro* the CII

    ?ACE intervention 8tar+et and attribution esti*ation9=

    Ho# *uh inrease in produtivity is e3peted to result ro* the

    CII ?ACE intervention

    Ho# *uh derease in post harvest loses is e3peted to resultro* CII ?ACE interventions

    (hat are the 0ind o inanial instru*ents and ris0 *ana+e*ent

    strate+ies are re:uired to ensure stren+thenin+ o value hain

    (hat are opportunities or syner+ies due to inte+rated

    approahFallianes #ith other or+anisations atively supportin+that value hain=

    Kis0 analysis

    Baseline study results #ith su++ested indiators or *easurin+the outo*e ater t#o years o the pro"et

    Responsi)ilities of the *idder

    The hosen ontrator #ill be responsible or or+ani1in+ and *ana+in+ the

    lo+istis o ondutin+ the ield#or0, inludin+ the provisionin+ o a tea* o

    intervie#ers apable o ad*inisterin+ the :uestionnaires in loal lan+ua+e@

    the provision o transport and lod+in+ o the tea*s o intervie#ers durin+ theield #or0@ proessin+, ondutin+ basi analysis and presentin+ in a

    pa0a+ed report to CII ?ACE or urther analysis and reportin+. Theintervie#ers and their supervisors should be able to o**uniate luently in

    8loal lan+ua+e9. All intervie#ers need to be able to read and #rite in loal

    lan+ua+e as #ell.

    The bidder need to speiy survey *ethods alon+ #ith details o the sa*ple

    or eah survey instru*ent #hih they usually onsider appropriate.

    Responsi)ilities of CII +AC6#

    &. CII ?ACE #ill provide overall *ana+e*ent, tehnial inputs as and #hen

    re:uired, partiularly in the areas o inali1in+ the study instru*ent, and

    +uidin+ the analysis and baseline study at several points.


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    2. Provide a list o and a *ap o pro"et sites in three re+ions

    5. Provide introdution o ield investi+ators to the sites, and on-site support

    to the* throu+h CII ?ACE ield oies.

    V, CostsProvide ite*i1ed osts or the total sope o this pro"et, based on the sope

    o #or0 and deliverables outlined in

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    Proposals #ill irst be evaluated ro* a tehnial standpoint. Those

    proposals that are onsidered to be tehnially aeptable shall then be

    evaluated in ter*s o ost. Eah tehnial proposal #ill be evaluated based on

    evidene o the ollo#in+ ite*s)

    Note) CII reserves the ri+ht to inlude additional riteria.


    CRI76RIA Scores

    76C3ICA9 CRI76RIA 1'( points2

    Proposals relets understandin+ o pro"et and the sope o #or0 in the K?P

    Proposal illustrates 0no#led+e o value hain analysis and baseline survey *ethods

    alon+ #ith details o the sa*ple or eah survey instru*ent #hih is usually onsidered


    Clearly de*onstrates 0no#led+e and understandin+ o the value hain analysis and

    baseline :uestions and ob"etives aross the value hain and an "ustiy the seleted

    *ethodolo+y or *eetin+ the stated ob"etive8s9 as outlined in the

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    VIII, Instructions for Responding

    A, CII contacts#

    Proure*ent Contat) Tarun Tandon 8tarun.tandonQii.in9

    TehnialFPro+ra* Contat) eetu !apur 8*eetu.0apurQii.in9

    ", Proposals due# May &HB $%&'

    Co*pleted proposals in the or*at belo# should be sub*itted by e*ail to the

    ontats listed above. The sub"et line o the e*ail should read)

    7ransforming 6astern India@s 6conomies 7hrough Inno;ati;e Rural

    *usiness 3u)s

    r+ani1ation $esription

    Period o Peror*ane

    ethodolo+y o ontribution to the ob"etives as outlines in setion I

    (or0 plan and deliverables

    anpo#er re:uired to ondut the value hain analysis and baseline


    Bud+et inludin+ ontributions 8in ash or 0ind9

    6, Selection of short-list

    CII reserves the ri+ht to selet a short list ro* the bids reeived. CII has the

    option to intervie# and disuss speii details #ith those a+enies #ho areon the short-list.

    +, Conclusion of process

    Appliants #ill be notiied o CIIs deision in May $%&'. ?inal a#ard issub"et to the ter*s and onditions inluded in this soliitation, as #ell as

    suessul inal ne+otiations o all appliable ter*s and onditions aetin+

    this #or0.


  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    ID, 7erms and Conditions of the Solicitation

    A, otice of non-)inding solicitation

    CII reserves the ri+ht to re"et any and all bids reeived in response to this

    soliitation, and is in no #ay bound to aept any proposal. All the #or0produed under this K?P #ill be sole property o CII ?ACE.

    *, "ata

    All the ra# and inal data olleted by the or+ani1ation #ill be handed over to

    CII ?ACE in sot and hard opies.

    C, Confidentiality

    All inor*ation provided by CII as part o this soliitation *ust be treated as

    onidential.Proposals, disussions, and all inor*ation reeived in response to this

    soliitation #ill be held as stritly onidential, e3ept as other#ise noted.

    ", Communication

    All o**uniations re+ardin+ this soliitation shall be direted to

    appropriate parties at CII indiated in

  • 8/10/2019 Value Chain and Baseline Analysis


    CII does not represent, #arrant, or at as an a+ent or any third party as a

    result o this soliitation. This soliitation does not authori1e any third party

    to bind or o**it CII in any #ay #ithout our e3press #ritten onsent.


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