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What kind of media institution might

distribute you media product and why?

By Max Frankel

Vanished is a sad thriller about a young girl who gets kidnapped. It takes place in the city of London in England and happens when she wonders off from her mother, it is also about her fight for survival till she gets saved. It is specifically set in a rich neighborhood of London called Chelsea to show the wealth of the characters and thus giving a reason for the kidnapping.

The film is going to be released globally in most

Countries to get a large profit and get get high in the box office. The film will also have a big budget for advertisement. Lionsgate will be the main media distributor. This is because Lionsgate is known for its violent and thriller films. It is the conglomerate for films like Saw, Monsters Ball, Crash and The Expendables. As a result of using Lionsgate my audience will know when reading about the film and watching the trailer that the film is sinister, sad and scary which will be important for distributing and recognition of the film thus helping generate money and potentially reaching the box office.

Vanished will have a certificate rating of 15 due to the poor and disturbing environment the girls in and the violence her savior has to go through to find her. I did not want Vanised to be an 18 as 18’s are known for being far too violent and as a result less people would go to watch it at the cinema. As a result I choose a 15 rating for my film as 15’s will attract more audiences as it is open to a wider range of customers and this film would have a key demographic among 15- 18 year olds as I didn’t want them to be excluded from seeing the film in the cinema or reduce its potential box office earnings.

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