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What is the impact if….

You are killed in an auto accident?

2,000 teens killed

17,000 total killed

Drugs/Alcohol #1 killer

Vision impaired

Loss of concentration

Slower reaction time

30% of Collisions are Rear End

In a Year:

- 2,000 Fatalities

- 620,000 Injuries

So Remember:

- Traveling Distance

- Reaction Time

For a person weighing

140 to 150 lbs.


Less than 2 oz.


21 or older: .08 or .10

Under 21: “0”

Court Costs

Loss of Insurance

Felony Conviction

Permanent Record

Damage to Reputation

Loss of Voting Rights

- Sleep too little

- Stay up too late

- Drive at night

- Sleep too little

- Stay up too late

- Drive at night

Young drivers tend to:

- Sleep too little

- Stay up too late

- Drive at night

Can’t stop yawning

Can’t remember last few miles

Can’t keep eyes open

Your mind wanders

You’re drifting out of your lane

You’re jerking the wheel to stay on course

1. Drive Rested

2. Drive in daylight

3. Take breaks every 75-100 miles

When Driving:

- Avoid Tailgating

- Avoid Fatigue

- Avoid Drugs and Alcohol

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