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First Part: FUTURE TENSES1 Future Simple 1.1 Forms Affirmative/Positive:

Subject + shall*/will + short infinitive Ex: You will go;

We shall eat etc.

* We use shall for the first person singular and plural Negative:

Subject + shall/will + NOT + short infinitive

Ex: They will not swim; I shall not drink Interrogative:

Will/shall + subject + short infinitive

Ex: Will you go to school?

Shall we leave without him?

1.2 Uses and restrictions To denote actions to be performed in the futureI shall be 23 next week.

How much will you pay for this? To denote a spontaneous decision

Wait, I shall come with you.

To denote an opinion, hope, uncertainty or assumption regarding the future

We shall hopefully return this week.

To denote a promise

I shall do my homework as soon as I come back.

To denote an action in the future that cannot be influenced

It will snow tonight.

DO NOT USE THE FUTURE IN TEMPORAL AND CONDITIONAL CLAUSES! Use the Present Simple instead.I shall call you when you come back. The car will start if you turn the key.1.3 Exercises

1.3.1 Put the following sentences into the Future Simple:Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

1. You (earn) a lot of money.

2. You (travel) around the world.

3. You (meet) lots of interesting people.

4. Everybody (adore) you.

5. You (not / have) any problems.

6. Many people (serve) you.

7. They (anticipate) your wishes.

8. There (not / be) anything left to wish for.

9. Everything (be) perfect.

10. But all these things (happen / only) if you marry me.

1.3.2 Make sentences with the following words using the Future Simple:1. they / share / their sweets




2. he / pay / cash




3. I / close / the door




4. Tina / paint / a picture for us




5. John / dial / the number for you




6. Ben / break / the rules



Question: 2 Future Continuous/Progressive 2.1 Forms


Subject + shall/will + BE +vb-ing I shall be going. Negative:

Subject + shall/will + NOT + BE +vb-ing He will not be eating. Interrogative:

Shall/will + subject + BE +vb-ing Will they be talking?2.2 Uses To denote an action that is going on at a certain time in the futureWhat will Charlie be doing at 2 oclock tomorrow? To denote an action that is sure to happen in the near future

We shall be skiing in the Alps this winter. 2.3 Exercises

2.3.1 Put the following sentences into the Future Continuous:. 1. At midnight we (sleep) .

2. This time next week we (sit) at the beach.

3. At nine I (watch) the news.

4. Tonight we (cram up) for our English test.

5. They (dance) all night.

6. He (not / play) all afternoon.

7. I (not / work) all day.

8. (eat / you) at six?

9. (drive / she) to London?

10. (fight / they) again?

2.3.2 Use the words below to make sentences using the future continuous.a) I / to read a book -

b) it / to rain -

c) he / to repair his bike -

d) they / to watch a film -

e) the cat /to sleep on the chair -

f) Jane and Emily / to do their homework -

g) Bill / to wait at the bus stop -

h) we / to listen to the radio -3 Future Perfect Simple 3.1 Forms


Subject + shall/will + have+ 3rd form of verb

I shall have seen that movie by 8.00.

Negative:Subject + shall/will+ NOT + have + 3rd form of the verb

He will not have done his homework by tomorrow. Interrogative:Shall/will + subject + have + 3rd form of the verb

Will John have eaten his pudding by the end of the movie? 3.2 Uses To denote an action completed before something in the futureBy next Tuesday, I will have received an answer.

3.3 Exercises

3.3.1 Put the following sentences into the Future Perfect Simple: 1. By 9 o'clock we (cook) dinner.

2. They (eat) by then.

3. In one week he (cross) the Atlantic.

4. She (go) home.

5. Jane (not / finish) her work.

6. Fred (not/return) from his trip by Monday.

7. The sun (not / rise) by 4 o'clock.

8. (do / you) the washing up by six o'clock?

9. Our boss (not / leave) the office yet.

10. (buy / she) the new car?

4 Future Perfect Continuous/Progressive 4.1 Forms

4.1.1 Affirmative/Positive:

Subject + shall/will+ HAVE + BEEN + vb-ingAt ten oclock I shall have been working for two hours.

4.1.2 Negative:Subject + shall/will+ NOT + HAVE + BEEN + vb-ingIn December they will not have been smoking for ten years.

4.1.3 Interrogative:Shall/will + subject + HAVE + BEEN + vb-ing

Will they have been sleeping for two hours when the alarm starts?4.2 UseThis tense puts emphasis on the course/duration of an action

A continuous action taking place before a certain time in the future

By the end of the class he will have been speaking for one hour. 4.3 Exercises

4.3.1 Put the following sentences into the Future Perfect Progressive: By the end of the week I (work) here for four months.

By the end of this month we (live) together for six years.

By the end of the term she (study) for nine years.

By midnight we (play) this computer game for 48 hours.

She (talk) on the phone for hours.

They (look for) me all night long.

He (play) soccer all day long.

You (watch) TV all the time.

He (not / sleep) all morning.

(wait / they) for 2 hours? 5 Exercises on Future Perfect Simple and Future Perfect Continuous/Progressive

5.1 Put the verbs into the correct tense (future perfect simple or future perfect progressive)

1. By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) more than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.

2. When Sarah goes on vacation next month, she (study) German for over two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.

3. I have not traveled much yet; however, I (visit) the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

4. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master) all twelve tenses including their passive forms.

5. Drive faster! If you don't hurry up, she (have) the baby by the time we get to the hospital.

6. I came to England six months ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I (study) for nine months and I (be) in England for exactly one year.

7. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8:00 o'clock. By the time she gets here, we (wait) for her for two hours.

8. Frank has just changed jobs again. If he keeps this up, he (change) jobs at least four or five times by the end of the year. 9. Come over to my house around 9 o'clock. By then, I (complete) my history essay and we can go see a movie.

10. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) married for fifty years.6 Be Going To 6.1 Uses

Express an action in the near future that has already been planned or prepared

I am going to study more next semester.

A conclusion regarding the immediate future

It is going to rain today. Look at the clouds!

6.2 Exercise6.2.1 Put the following sentences into the future using Be Going ToThe last marketing-campaign was not really successful. The organisers of that campaign have therefore come together to discuss what went wrong. Now they are explaining what's going to be different in the next campaign.

1. Question: What (change / you) in the next campaign?

2. Answer: We (start) planning the campaign earlier.

3. And we (focus) on a specific target group.

4. Question: How (do / you) that?

5. Answer: We (cram / not) that much information into our campaign.

6. Instead, the campaign (leave) just one clear message.

7. Question: Which target group (reach / you)?

8. Answer: Our next campaign (target) at housewives aged 30 to 40.

9. Question: How (get / you) these prospects to buy our products?

10. Answer: The campaign (make) clear that these products can make life a lot easier for the housewife.

7 Be To 7.1 Use Express an arrangement, immediate plansWe are to meet them at the train station. I am to be there tomorrow at 11. 8 Be About To 8.1 Use

Express an immediate future action whose fulfillment is imminent The waitress is about to drop the coffee mug. 9 Present Simple9.1 Use

To denote future actions (calendars, timetables, programmes):

The plane leaves at 10:24 PM.

. 10 Present Continuous 10.1 Use

To denote future actions (personal plans):

My parents are coming tomorrow.

11 Exercises on the Future 11.1 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:1. I (know) the answer tomorrow. 2. By next Sunday my friend (stay) in bed for two weeks.

3. He (resemble) his father in a few years time.

4. The exhibition (be) due to close on Friday next week.

5. He (tell) you what you want to know when he (have) enough time. 6. They (get) here next week.

7. I see that you are wearing your gardening gloves. (you, do) some weeding?

8. By the time you (come) home I (finish) the whole work alone.

9. Ill come at three oclock. Good, I (expect) you.10. I hope you (not forget) all about me by next summer.

11.2 Translate into English1. Te voi chema cand va veni.

2. Isi va face baia pana te vei trezi.

3. Stiam ca va sosi la timp.

4. Ce vei face maine pe vremea asta?

5. Il voi vedea saptamana viitoare.

6. Ma vei mai iubi cand voi avea 60 de ani?

7. Pana la ora sapte el va fi studiat de doua ore.

8. Urmeaza sa tina un discurs in Parlament maine.

9. Azi avem repetitie la ora 10.00.

10. Voiai sa spui ceva.

11. De azi intr-o saptamana sunt trei ani de cand s-au casatorit.

12. Iti voi da de veste imediat ce soseste. Second Part: Conditional Mood and Conditional Clause

Conditional Mood

12 Simple Present Conditional

12.1 Forms


Subject + would + short infinitive

Ex: You would go.


Subject + would + NOT + short infinitive

Ex: They would not swim.


Would + subject + short infinitive

Ex: Would you go to school?

12.2 Uses

To denote actions that might happenI would close this deal immediately.

How much would you suffer for him?

A main clause connected to a conditional clauses type II

I wouldnt do that if I were you.

12.3 Exercise

Put the verbs into the correct form (present conditional).

1. They (walk) to the station.

2. He (tell) you the truth.

3. I (go) home.

4. They (watch) a scary movie.

5. You (not / say) that.

6. She (not / do) this.

7. (give / you) him this letter?

8. I (not / wait) any longer.

9. (wake / she) me up at six o'clock?

10. (help / they) him in the garden?

13 Continuous/Progressive Present Conditional

13.1 Forms


Subject + would + BE +vb-ing

I would be going. Negative:

Subject + would + NOT + BE +vb-ing

He would not be eating.


Would + subject + BE +vb-ing

Would they be talking?13.2 Use

To put emphasis on the course/duration of an action that might take place

If I hadnt seen them together, would they still be lying to me?

13.3 Exercise

13.3.1 Put the verbs into the correct form (conditional progressive). Use would.

1. Usually I (work) at this time.

2. The baby (sleep) now.

3. We (write) a test now. But our teacher is sick.

4. If the music were better, everybody (dance) now.

5. If I had not broken my leg, I (dive) in the Caribbean now.

6. If the weather were better, we (sit) outside now.

7. He (watch) TV now if I had not pulled out the plug.

8. She (go out) with that cutie if her best friend had not snapped him first.

9. If you had taken another route, we (not / stand) in the traffic jam.

10. (wait / she / still) for me now if I had not picked her up?

14 Simple Past Conditional14.1 Forms


Subject + would + have+ 3rd form of verb

I would have seen that movie if it hadnt been for him.


Subject + would+ NOT + have + 3rd form of the verb

He would not have done his homework.


Would + subject + have + 3rd form of the verb

Would Jane have eaten her desert?

14.2 Uses

An action that could have taken place in the pastI would have received an answer sooner.

A main clause connected to a conditional clauses type IIII would have called you if I hadnt been so busy.14.3 Exercises

14.3.1 Put the following sentences into the Simple Past Conditional:

1. They (walk) to the station.

2. We (sleep) in the tent.

3. I (win) the race.

4. He (tell) her.

5. I (not / open) the door.

6. We (not / say) that.

7. She (not / drive) that fast.

8. (do / he) that?

9. (travel / you) by train?

10. (begin / they) earlier?15 Continuous/Progressive Past Conditional15.1 Forms

15.1.1 Affirmative/Positive:

Subject + would+ HAVE + BEEN + vb-ing

Jared would have been working.

15.1.2 Negative:

Subject + would+ NOT + HAVE + BEEN + vb-ing

They would not have been swimming.

15.1.3 Interrogative:

Would + subject + HAVE + BEEN + vb-ing

Would they have been sleeping?

15.2 UseThis tense puts emphasis on the course/duration of an action

To put emphasis on the course/duration of an action that could have taken place in the pastWould she have been cooking if she had known that he wouldnt come?15.3 Exercise

15.3.1 Put the following sentences into the Progressive Past Conditional:

1. He (work) when the accident happened. But that day he went home earlier.

2. If the storm had not frightened them, the kids (sleep) all night.

3. If I had not send them outside, they (sit) in front of the computer all day.

4. If he had won the race, he (celebrate) three days in a row.

5. If he had not had to go home, we (play) chess all night.

6. They (drink) all night. But they ran out of money.

7. He (fly) to Australia, if he had not missed the plane.

8. She (not / study) in Toronto for 2 years if her parents had not wanted her to.

9. We (not walk) around in the woods all night if they had told us it was dangerous.

10. (gamble / he) all night long if we had not stopped him?

Conditional Clause or IF Clause

TypeMain ClauseIF/UNLESSConditional Clause

I Present, Future

They will walk in the parkifPRESENT

the weather is nice.

IIPresent Conditional

Andrea would go to the cinema

I wouldnt say anything to him if ifPAST TENSE

(the verb To BE = WERE for all persons)

she had a friend to go with.

I were you.

IIIPast Conditional

We would have eaten the whole cakeifPAST PERFECT

Emily hadnt stopped us.

15.4 Exercises15.4.1 Conditional clause type I.

Put the following sentences into the correct tense:

1. The table will collapse if you (stand) on it.

2. If I see him I (give) him a lift.

3. If you eat all that you (be) sick.

4. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once.

5. The police (arrest) Frank if they catch him.

6. If you read in bad light you (ruin) your eyes.

7. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.

8. What will happen if my parachute (not open) ?

9. If you mow the grass I (give) you $2.

10. If you put on a kettle I (make) the tea.

11. If you (not go) away Ill send for the police.

12. I (be) very angry if your dog bites me again.

13. If he (be) late well go without him.

14. Unless you work very hard you (not be) successful.

15.4.2 Conditional clause type II.

Put the following sentences into the correct tense: 1. If I had a typewriter I (type) it myself.

2. He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often.

3. If you played for lower stakes you (not lose) so much.

4. If I (know) his address I would give it to you.

5. More tourists (come) to this country if it had a better climate.

6. If I were sent to prison, (you visit) me?

7. I wouldnt drink that wine if I (be) you.

8. I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.

9. If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes.

10. If someone gave you a helicopter, what (you do) with it?

11. If he (clean) his windscreen hed be able to see the road.

12. If you drove your car into the river, (you be able) to get out?

13. Conversation would become impossible if one (say) exactly what one thought.

14. If I (win) a big prize in a lottery Id give up my job.

15. I could tell you what this means if I (know) Greek.

16. If everyone gave $2 we (have) enough.

15.4.3 Conditional clause type III.

Put the following sentences into the correct tense: 1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you.

2. If the captain had been more careful his ship (not be) sunk.

3. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week.

5. I wouldnt have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes.

6. If he had slipped he (fall) 500 meters.

7. If he had asked you, (you accept) ?

8. The burglars (not do) so much damage if you hadnt locked all the drawers.

9. If I (know) that you were coming Id have baked a cake.

10. I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.

11. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money.

12. If you (speak) more slowly he might have understood you.

13. If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry.

14. If I (try) again I think that I would have succeeded.

15. If I (be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him.

16. If he had put out his pipe before putting it in his pocket he (not burn) a hole in his coat.

































































































































































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