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October 2011

Page 2: Veritas October 2011

Georgia is sitting in Ms Salinger’s office for the 10 millionth Tuesday lunchtime in a row, waiting patiently for Adele to toast her sandwich. Don’t get us wrong, we love our “Sally”, but Adele’s lunchtime tardiness is time consuming. After all it’s hard to plan the Big Breakfast when your partner in crime is standing in the common room waiting for her cheese to melt.

After starting the year with some helpful hints from the “Purple Lady” (Judith Field), on how to be leader (to Georgia’s amazement, leaders don’t exercise their authority by pushing year 7’s into lockers), the SRC were ready to go with our first big event, International Women’s Day! After some delish brekky comprised of berry filled pastries, complimented by guest speaker and former Siena student, Anna Trembath, we raced back to school to begin preparing the MAMMOTH GIANT FUNDRAISER that is SRC WEEK!

Still waiting for Adele’s cheese to melt, Ms Salinger, Isabel Ross (PR and Admin Captain) and I planned SRC week without her! Jokes. Adele’s cheese melted, however much to Georgia’s demise she was really just being a nerd, arriving with a stack folders and books the size of China. However, upon Adele’s arrival she simply, yet again saw little G, bragging about her new gadget the almighty iPad 2, so attached to it she carries it around everywhere; even more freakishly taping her teachers (just so she can listen to their voices over and over). Finally we could all get stuck into planning all the eensie weensie details of the week, including making 300 armbands and taking a trip to COSTCO to purchase 300 cans of drink, 6 litres of tomato sauce and 3000 napkins. Trust us kids; buying in bulk really does save you money!

The Hide and Seek World Record Attempt saw just under 180 girls running and screaming through the corridors and the yard, away from the wrath of the evil teacher seekers. Next came Big Breakfast. There is nothing like arriving at school at 6.30 in the morning to fire up the BBQ’s and Justin Beiber to cook hundreds upon hundreds of eggs (Georgia’s least favorite food) and then having to chase the builders around, trying to offload 30 leftover egg and bacon rolls.Siena’s Got Talent saw the junior school produce a new wave of talent, which rivaled that of hardened SGT veteran, Dana Hamilton! With over ¾ of the school packed in to the gym, the mood was set for girls to sing and dance their way through lunchtime. Chuck in a Mobile Phone Raffle and the “Guess the Lollies in the Lolly Jar” (Adele’s favorite, attempting to make a mathematical guess, being sure… then guessing wrong by just a casual 87 lollies) and Fiesta on the Friday and we had ourselves a fantastic week.

Following the jam-packed week we were rewarded with a “Study Break” holiday. Next term (our LAST EVER full term) we were lucky enough to be graced by the presence of Sr. Sheila. At the assembly we were absolutely thrilled to present her with a $5000 cheque from the fundraising at International Women’s Day Breakfast and SRC Week.

Finally after all the whimsical reminiscing of the good times we’ve shared together, we’re suddenly thrown back into the present, where we are haunted by at least 75 trial exams and the sadness of leaving our peers, the people we’ve laughed, cried, ate, and raved with over the past 6 years. It is all about to end, turning into distant memories of our past *queue sad orchestral music*

…But lastly we are reminded that the school will not be lost and will not be destroyed without our presence, as we are reminded off the fantastic College Co-Captains for 2012- Dana Hamilton and Nadia Morali – formerly a teapot and a wardrobe. We are so thrilled to be handing over to such great leaders; we know that Siena, our “Sally” and the SRC will be kept in great form with these two in charge!!

Georgia Morsley and Adele Hirst, School Captains

The year through the Captains’ eyes

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The year through the Captains’ eyes - photos! :D

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Hey  guys,  I’m  Emily,  your  Kurrajong  House  Captain,  (if  you  don’t  know  me  by  now-­‐  I’ll  get  over  it…  eventually).

This  is  my  last  (and  first)  arFcle  as  your  House  Captain  and  I  just  want  to  say  a  massive  THANKYOU  to  all  the  girls  who  have  helped  out  and  given  their  all  for  the  first  three  terms  of  this  year.    Even  if  you  drowned  in  the  swimming  pool,  collapsed  of  heat  stroke  at  aths  or  massively  stacked  it  during  the  Yr.  12  dance  at  Fiesta  (like  me  :(  )  your  efforts  have  been  noFced  AND  appreciated  and  we  (your  house  Captains)  love  you  for  it.    Thinking  back  to  the  beginning  of  the  year  is  quite  difficult,  I  won’t  lie,  and  right  now  I’m  having  trouble  remembering  all  the  Fny  insignificant  details  such  as  who  won  what,  etc.  etc.  and  for  that  reason  imma  just  say  CONGRATULATIONS  KURRAJONG  FOR  WINNING  EVERYTHING!...  (I  wish)Joke  aside,  I’m  pre]y  sure  we  won  one  of  the  shields  in  each  major  sporFng  event,  although  I  have  been  quite  forcibly  reminded  that  Waratah  were  the  Overall  swimming  Champions  while  Dianella  blitzed  the  Aths.  But…  you  know…  who  wants  to  win  all  the  Fme  anyway???  (*sob*)

Despite  all  our  prophesies  of  doom,  Fiesta  actually  went  according  to  plan…  well  mostly…  and  turned  out  to  be  a  great  day  and  a  heap  of  fun.    I’d  just  like  to  Congratulate  the  Year  7’s  on  an  epic  first  Fme  and  I  hope  that  you’ll  conFnue  to  put  your  name  down  in  the  next  couple  of  years.    Another  huge  congratulaFon  to  the  Year  12  Dancers  (We  kept  it  PG!)  and  all  the  other  actors  and  dancers  involved.    A  massive  thank  you  must  go  to  all  the  girls  who  helped  out  back-­‐stage  and  with  the  props  (both  in  their  creaFon  and  on  the  day)  -­‐  we  literally  couldn’t  have  done  it  without  you!    Thanks  also  to  the  girls  from  ALL  houses  (if  you’re  reading  this)  for  being  there,  especially  for  the  captains  when  we  were  seriously  stressed  and  pulling  our  hair  out  in  frustraFon  that  things  were  not  working.  OOOH!  Also  a  HUGE  thanks  to  singers  and  everyone  in  the  band  (spesh  Mon  Ludekens)  coz  WE  DID  IT!!!  CHA-­‐YEAH  !  (Let’s  face  it…  Cassia’s  band  was  pre]y  kick-­‐ass  so  it’s  ok  to  celebrate)

For  all  of  you  who  MISSED  the  house  challenge  (which  was  a  giant-­‐sized  wordfind!)…  your  loss.    Well,  not  really,  if  I  remember  it  was  a  beauFful  day  and  so  lunchFme  would  have  been  pre]y  good  too,  but  for  all  those  who  DID  show  up  WE  CAME  SECOND  and  were  only  TWO  WORDS  off  Waratah.    So  thank  you  for  persevering  against  the  giant  headache-­‐in-­‐waiFng  that  is  thousands  of  le]ers  right  next  to  each  other  and  an  even  bigger  thank  you  to  all  those  girls  who  found  more  than  two  words…  unlike  me  :/

I’m  slowly  running  out  of  things  to  talk  about…  Oh  Yeah!  House  Aerobics  is  coming  up!  It’s  a  heck  of  a  lot  of  fun  if  you  form  a  team  of  friends  and  even  more  fun  for  us  all  to  watch,  so  if  you’re  interested  PLEASE  sign  up  (even  if  it  is  for  the  mixed  house  division).…  other  than  that  my  word  limit  is  up  and  I’m  out  of  House  Events,  so  with  the  hugest  hug  to  my  other  captains  for  all  the  work  they  have  done,    I  hope  you  all  have  a  fantasFc  ‘rest  of  the  year’  and  best  of  luck  for  the  future.  

Xx  Emily  O’Grady,  Kurrajong  House  Captain


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WaratahGday  guys!  Sarah  McNaughtan  your  Waratah  house  captain  here!  With  the  end  of  the  year  drawing  VERY  near,  now  is  the  Fme  to  reflect  back  on  the  year  and  the  Waratah  house’s  successes.

The  year  began  with  a  splash  as  the  Waratah  house  took  over  the  pool  in  the  swimming,  taking  out  first  place.  We  were  pumped  and  raring  to  go  by  the  Fme  Aths  came  around  and  gave  it  a  red  hot  go.  As  the  end  of  term  2  came  by,  we  farewelled  our  devoted  house  coordinator  Ms  Vanderzalm  and  welcomed  Ms  Hodgeson  (a.k.a.  Modgey  –  super  duper  legend)  into  the  role  –  who  has  done  an  AWESOME  job!  The  Fiesta  audiFons  and  rehearsals  began  which  was  hecFc  and  very  stressful  but  once  the  day  of  performance  arrived,  everyone  involved  had  a  ball!  We  won  two  of  the  library  challenges  that  took  place  throughout  the  year  which  was  great  fun!

It’s  been  a  great  year  and  we’ve  been  very  successful  as  a  house!  Big  thanks  to  everyone  for  parFcipaFng  in  the  various  acFviFes,  showing  great  enthusiasm  and  embracing  the  waratah  spirit!  I  am  so  proud  to  have  led  such  a  great  house  this  year  and  am  not  looking  forward  to  farewelling  the  house  and  my  fellow  captains  in  a  few  weeks  Fme!  :S  Speaking  of  captains,  Philly,  Dana,  Grace,  Claire  and  Emilia,     you’re  all  LEGENDS  and  I  love  all  of  you!!  Thanks  for       everything  you  funny  chickens!  :D  

WARATAH  4  LIFE!  ♥♥♥

        Mcnaughty  out.  =]  xxx

          Sarah  McNaughtan,             Waratah  Captain

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DianellaOH  HEY  THERE  SIENA  -­‐  didn’t  see  you  there!

My  name  is  Bridget  Arundell,  but  you  can  call  me  Dumbledore.  I  guess  you’re  probably  wondering  how  Dumbledore  comes  from  Bridget,  but  I’ll  tell  you  the  full  story.

Actually,  no  I  won’t;  instead,  I  feel  it  is  more  necessary  to  reflect  on  probably  the  greatest  year  of  my  life...  the  year  I  went  to  the  JusFn  Bieber  concert  –  NAH  JOKES  (but  I  actually  did  go)  –  the  year  of  year  12,  and  the  year  I  was  house  captain  of  Dianella.

If  you  are  part  of  the  Dianella  ‘crew’  you  may  recall  me  standing  up  in  front  of  you  all  at  the  end  of  last  year  and  telling  you  that  I  didn’t  have  a  boyfriend  because  Dianella  meant  more  to  me.  Today,  nothing  has  changed.  I  am  sFll  single  and  ready  for  a  pringle!

Now,  let’s  get  down  to  business…  so  I  can  get  back  to  watching  JusFn  Bieber  on  YouTube.  I  was  lying  in  my  bed  on  a  fresh  summer  morning  back  in  February  when  I  fell  into  a  brief  sleep  and  dreamt  I  had  fallen  asleep  in  a  pool  and  was  beginning  to  sink  to  the  bo]om.  Then,  as  I  encountered  a  hypnic  jerk  (for  all  you  Psychology  fans  out  there)  I  sprang  through  the  water  like  a  Hammerhead  dolphin!  Ironically,  that  is  exactly  what  my  li]le  Dianella  munchkins  did  on  the  Inter-­‐House  Swimming  Sports.  We  swam  (duh),  cheered,  dived,  springboard  dived  and  noodled  our  way  through  the  chlorine  all  the  way  to  the  finish  line.  

On  this  day  Dianella  performed  with  great  courage  and  enthusiasm  and  filled  both  lanes  in  every  single  event…  I  repeat…  EVERY.  SINGLE.  EVENT.  I  couldn’t  ask  for  a  more  passionate  group  of  galz  who  were  willing  to  swim  for  their  house  on  that  day.

Just  when  the  year  12s  and  year  7s  had  thought  that  was  enough  for  one  day…  I  decided  to  throw  them  a  party…  at  school…in  the  hall…with  teachers…and  food.  Never  ever  forget  the  food.  Myself,  along  with  many  other  year  12s  were  FULLY  PUMPED  for  a  crazy  night!  That  night  was  a  great  success  with  everyone  gelng  involved  and  having  fun,  and  I  would  like  to  thank  everyone  for  being  so  enthusiasFc  despite  have  severe  sunburn  or  hot  flushes  from  wearing  a  onesie.

Next  on  the  agenda:  ATHLETICS!  Now  this  could  go  on  for  a  while,  so  get  comfortable  in  your  classroom  chair,  or  if  you’re  in  B5,  stop  spinning  on  that  wheelie  chair.  This  day  made  me  realize  that  I  am  in  love  with  Dianella.  This  house  was  incredibly  enthusiasFc  on  that  day,  our  cheer  squad  wasn’t  the  biggest…  but  it  was  the  loudest,  as  we  took  home  the  enthusiasm  award…an  award  that  we  Dianellians  love  to  win.  When  the  half  Fme  scores  were  revealed,  and  Dianella  was  coming  4th,  who  rose  to  the  occasion?  DIANELLA  DID.  Yeah  that’s  right.  Aoer  moving  up  to  3rd,  then  to  2nd,  our  dependence  on  the  blue  relay  baton  was  what  we  had.  Dianella  children  ran  so  fast  I  couldn’t  even  see  them,  as  we  claimed  1st  place  in  every  single  relay  except  2  or  3,  resulFng  in  Dianella  winning  the  overall  aggregate  award.  A  big  congratulaFons  and  thanks  to  everyone  who  ran,  jogged,  walked,  threw,  jumped  and  cheered!  You  guys  are  wicked!

Ahhhh…  what  happened  next.  Oh  yeah,  this  is  when  Bridget  went  to  the  JusFn  Bieber  concert  on  the  2nd  of  May.

Mmmm…  what’s  that  I  smell?  Hmmm  it’s  not  the  smell  of  the  new  paint  in  the  hall,  and  it’s  not  the  smell  of  the  cookies  in  the  food  tech  room…  I  smell  FIESTA!Fiesta,  ahhh,  the  reason  why  I  a]end  Siena  College…  my  favourite  day  on  the  school  calendar.  Having  been  preparing  for  this  since  the  summer  holidays,  it  was  going  to  be  huge.  And  it  was.  The  house  captains  along  with  the  house  coordinators  worked  Frelessly  to  come  up  with  an  appropriate  and  fun  script  and  everyone  in  the  house  worked  hard  to  contribute,  whether  it  be  backstage  or  on  stage.  I  loved  our  fiesta,  and  I  cannot  thank  everyone  who  helped  out  enough.  A  very  special  menFon  to  our  dancers,  we  took  home  the  Hot  Shoe  Shuffle  Award  because  we  are  so  hot  and  shuffling…  and  the  year  7s  took  home  the  ‘First  Timers’  award…  something  they  worked  so  hard  for!  Those  year  sevens  blew  me  away,  their  enthusiasm  and  eagerness  knocked  me  on  the  floor…  literally…and  they  were  a  bundle  of  fun  to  boogie  with.

Coming  up,  we  have  the  Inter-­‐house  aerobics  and  I  hope  a  lot  of  Dianella  girls  get  involved.  I’ll  be  up  on  stage…  and  so  should  you!  I  shall  keep  you  informed  of  this  soonish.

To  gradually  conclude  my  essay,  I  would  like  to  menFon  the  house  coordinators  Mr.  Gibbs  and  Ms.  Plasto.  I  have  never  seen  two  house  coordinators  so  involved  in  their  house,  especially  on  inter-­‐house  days.  Their  help  and  assistance  on  those  days,  and  helping  make  sure  everyone  was  where  they  needed  to  be  was  incredibly  helpful  and  I  thank  them  both  for  that.  I  would  also  like  to  thank  Mr.  Gibbs  for  his  inspiraFonal  videos  at  house  assemblies,  and  for  providing  the  year  12s  of  Dianella  with  breakfast  not  long  ago…mmm.

And  last,  but  not  least,  my  other  house  captains.  I  love  you.  A  lot.  So  much.  Like,  so  much.  This  has  been  one  of  the  most  challenging  school  years  of  my  life  and  to  have  such  a  hilarious  and  hard  working  captains  made  it  so  much  easier  to  work.  Our  house  captain  meeFngs  ooen  turned  into  laughing  fits  and  dance  offs  and  I  love  you  all.  All  of  you.  So  much.

So,  much  to  your  disappointment,  it’s  Fme  for  me  to  say  good-­‐bye.  Just  from  this  essay  though.  You  will  sFll  see  me  around  the  school.  Feel  free  to  say  hi.  I  will  say  hi  back.  A  promise  is  a  promise.  Have  a  good  day  and  remember:  Dianellians  are  delicious!

Oh  wait,  just  a  final  saying  for  you  to  say  to  yourself  when  you  are  in  that  English  exam  and  you  forgot  all  your  quotes,  when  you  are  semi-­‐dying  during  the  1500,  when  you  lose  you  CAS  calculator  stylus  or  when  you  feel  like  you  can’t  remember  how  to  use  a  Bunsen  burner…  NEVER  SAY  NEVER.

Bridget  Arundell,  Dianella  House  Captain

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CassiaDear  Cassia  Girls,  

I  would  have  to  say  that  this  year  has  been  an  excepFonal  one  for  us!!  At  the  start  of  this  year  we  decided  that  we  would  show  everyone  how  compeFFve  we  could  be  and  we  could  not  have  achieved  our  goal  be]er.  Every  Cassia  girl  has  showed  her  enthusiasm,  determinaFon  and  passion  at  house  events  making  this  year  the  best  one  for  Cassia  since  I  have  been  at  Siena.

The  first  event  was  Swimming  Sports.  Everyone  came  in  their  bathers  ready  to  compete.  Our  construcFon  site  theme  was  great,  with  everyone  (including  the  teachers)  being  involved.  We  were  able  to  fill  EVERY  race  which  was  fantasFc!  We  also  introduced  our  new  house  song,  allowing  our  girls  to  show  their  Cassia  spirit  proudly.  As  the  first  house  event  for  our  year  7’s  we  were  able  to  show  them  what  being  in  Cassia  is  all  about.  

Next  we  had  athleFcs!  The  athleFcs  carnival  was  an  exciFng  day.  When  Mr  Knights  promised  us  McDonalds  if  we  won,  he  had  no  idea  how  close  he  would  come  to  regrelng  his  words!!  With  Cassia  leading  for  the  majority  of  the  day  I  can  tell  you  Mr  Knights  got  very,  VERY,  nervous.  It  was  great  to  see  the  surprise  on  the  faces  of  other  houses,  as  well  as  the  joy  on  ours  when  the  scores  kept  being  read  out  with  Cassia  in  the  lead.  Our  new  song  was  sung  loudly  and  proudly,  with  our  house  just  missing  out  on  the  enthusiasm  award.  While  in  the  end  we  didn’t  receive  the  Maccas  we  sFll  had  a  very  successful  day  winning  both  the  senior  aggregate  trophy  and  the  Yr  12  novelty  trophy.  I  know  next  year  we  can  build  on  such  a  successful  result  .

Then  it  was  Fme  to  warm  up  our  voices,  pracFce  our  dance  moves  and  don  costumes  for  Fiesta.  With  our  Michael  Jackson  theme  it  was  clear  that  Cassia  would  put  on  a  great  show.    For  5  weeks  the  girls  rehearsed  lunchFme  aoer  lunchFme  and  even  aoer  school  to  put  our  extravaganza  together!  We  had  girls  dance,  act,  sing,  play  instruments,  write  the  script,  paint  props  and  help  backstage  on  the  day.  Not  only  did  our  house  have  Michael  Jackson,  zombies,  school  kids  and  prisoners  we  also  had  our  very  own  monkey,  equipped  with  his  oversized  head  and  lolly  bananas!!  The  great  help  of  everyone  lead  Cassia  to  win  not  one,  not  two,  but  three  awards.  We  won  The  Academy  Award  (acFng),  The  Backstage  Award  and  most  importantly,  St  Catherine’s  Cup  –  the  best  overall  performance.  Our  story  was  polished  and  funny;  the  dances  great  to  watch  and  the  music  was  fantasFc  with  clearly  the  largest  band  of  any  house.  We  would  like  to  thank  everyone  who  contributed  to  us  being  the  Fiesta  Champions  of  2011!!!!!

Now  Inter  house  aerobics  is  leo.  So  make  sure,  girls,  to  start  stretching  and  to  get  your  leotards  ready  as  we  want  to  finish  such  a  successful  year  strongly!!!  

Love  Jacqui  xox

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This  term  has  been  a  busy  one  in  visual  arts!  Year  12s  studying  Art  and  Studio  Arts  have  worked  hard  on  their  Unit  4  folios  and  have  just  submi]ed  them  to  be  marked.  Well  done  girls!  Visual  CommunicaFon  and  Design  and  Design  Technology  students  are  also  preparing  to  hand  in  their  folios  as  the  holidays  approach.  The  Year  11  Studio  Arts  class  have  been  involved  in  the  Indoor  Laneway  Project  -­‐  an  online  collaboraFon  project  run  by  The  Arts  Centre  where  the  class  can  submit  their  artwork...  Go  online  and  check  it  out!  Year  9  Art  students  have  been  pracFcing  their  observaFonal  drawing,  and  have  produced  some  beauFful  artwork  depicFng  scenes  of  the  school.  They  have  also  been  studying  street  art  aoer  returning  from  'Siena  in  the  City'.  The  Year  8  Art  students  have  been  studying  the  art  elements  and  principles,  parFcularly  colour,  pa]ern  and  line.  They  have  also  produced  expressive  portraits,  and  are  about  to  start  some  painFng!  A  public  art  project  is  a-­‐happening  at  Siena,  involving  students  from  all  year  levels,  so  listen  for  future  updates  and  keep  your  eyes  peeled!  And  lastly,  please  come  along  to  our  Siena  College  art  exhibiFon  on  the  21st  of  October,  an  evening  showcasing  work  of  students  from  all  visual  arts  subjects  and  all  year  levels!

That's  all  for  now,Katharine  Mahoney,  Visual  Arts  Captain

visual arts

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Firstly,  WHAT  A  YEAR!  Thanks  to  all  our  extremely  considerate,  valued  girls.  Our  mission  at  St  Vincent  de  Paul  is  to  share  ourselves  –  who  we  are,  and  what  we  have  –  with  the  poor,  and  yet  this  conFnues  to  become  a  part  of  daily  life  at  Siena.  We  seek  to  cooperate  in  shaping  a  more  just  and  compassionate  community,  through  serving  the  poor,  respecFng  their  dignity,  sharing  our  hope  and  encouraging  them  to  take  control  of  their  own  desFny.  

The  St  Vincent  de  Paul  commi]ee  (Vinnies)  have  worked  Frelessly  to  raise  money  for  people  less  fortunate  than  ourselves.  In  doing  this,  we  are  able  to  assist  people  who  are  unable  to  support  themselves.  This  year,  we  have  run  four  extremely  successful  cake  stalls,  where  students  in  each  of  the  houses  bought  in  cakes,  which  were  then  sold  in  the  undercroo.  All  of  the  houses  did  an  amazing  job,  and  we  are  extremely  grateful  for  the  generous  contribuFon  of  teachers,  parents  and  students.  Each  house  received  house  points  (which  contribute  to  the  House  of  the  Year  award)  based  on  their  contribuFon  to  the  cake  stalls.  This  approach  allowed  the  cake  stalls  to  be  reinvigorated  and  we  were  very  proud  of  the  ‘whole  school’  effort.    CongratulaFons,  to  Cassia,  who  were  awarded  the  most  points  for  their  contribuFon  to  the  cake  stalls.

The  St  Vincent  de  Paul  girls  were  also  very  successful  in  selling  Cadbury  chocolates.  Within  two  weeks  all  of  the  chocolates  had  been  sold,  enabling  us  to  raise  over  $450  for  this  iniFaFve.  A  massive  thankyou  to  the  year  7  members  who  sold  their  chocolates  so  quickly  and  with  such  enthusiasm.  

On  Saturday  December  the  3rd,  the  St  Vincent  de  Paul  commi]ee  are  again  running  a  Christmas  BBQ  for  St  Vinnies  volunteers  and  some  mentally  ill  clients.  We  look  forward  to  funding,  welcoming  and  cooking  the  lunch.  St  Vincent  de  Paul  established  a  program  called  Compeer  which  liaises  a  mentally  incapable  individual  with  a  buddy  or  ‘peer’.  This  friend  will  take  them  to  see  a  movie  or  have  a  coffee  once  a  week  which  assists  their  self  esteem,  which  in  turn  has  proven  to  aid  development.  This  program  has  become  a  tradiFon  at  Siena,  and  in  the  past,  everyone  who  a]ended  had  a  great  Fme,  and  the  day  was  beneficial  for  both  the  members  of  the  program,  as  well  as  the  student  and  teacher  helpers.  

 We  would  like  to  extend  a  huge  thankyou  to  all  the  loyal  and  valued  Vinnies  girls  and  staff,  parFcularly  Ms  Giov  who  has  assisted  and  supported  us  over  the  years.  We  also  greatly  appreciate  the  help  of  the  House  Coordinators  and  assistants,  who  were  extremely  enthusiasFc  and  supporFve  in  preparaFons  for  cakestalls.  

“A  li]le  consideraFon,  a  li]le  thought  for  others,  makes  all  the  difference.”    Any  students  that  wish  to  join  us  are  most  welcome.  Stay  tuned  for  announcements  about  meeFngs.  

Lauren  Day  and  Anna  Nicolson,  St  Vinnies  Co-­‐Presidents

The  St  Vinnies  girls  owe  a  debt  of  graFtude  to  out-­‐going  President,  Lauren  Day,  who  worked  Frelessly  and  with  great  determinaFon,  from  her  early  days  in  the  Conference  to  her  ExecuFve  management  role  in  the  last  2  years.  She  has  had  extensive  support  and  dedicaFon  from  Anna  Nicolson  who  was  also  the  Co-­‐President  this  year.  Thank  you  and  good  luck  Lauren  and  Anna.

Ms  Giovannini.            


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environmentEnvironment over the past year at Siena

has been great! Chickens have been laying insane amount of eggs and we've all had a

fantastic time looking after them.

The "Gorillas are calling on YOU" project has been very successful, with a total of 52 phones being donated! This has been

great as these generous donations contribute to a great cause and will help make a difference to all those gorgeous

gorillas in Africa!

Katia Overmars, Environment Captain

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Hi  Girls,

Wow  Siena!  We  knew  that  terms  2  and  3  would  be  a  blast  but  these  terms  were  above  all  our  expectaFons.  Term  two  was  the  Fme  for  netball  and  hockey!  We  had  our  greatest  parFcipaFon  ever  in  netball  and  our  hockey  teams  played  so  well  each  week.  CongratulaFons  to  all  the  girls  who  parFcipated!

Term  2  holidays  was  the  Waverley  InternaFonal  Tournament!  Four  cold,  rainy,  fabulous  days  of  netball!  The  senior  team  and  two  junior  teams  played  incredibly  well  each  day  and  we  all  had  an  amazing  Fme  together,  covered  with  blankets,  supporFng  each  other.

Term  3,  what  a  term!!  Badminton,  soccer  and  volleyball  in  junior,  intermediate  and  senior  were  played  with  great  spirit  and  skill!  CongratulaFons  to  all  the  girls,  and  especially  good  luck  to  all  the  girls  involved  in  finals  in  the  next  couple  of  weeks!!

Massive  congratulaFons  to  the  senior  basketball  team  who  won  the  McDonald’s  Basketball  tournament  this  term!!

Another  huge  congratulaFons  to  Vinning  Mak  who  is  to  head  off  to  the  Commonwealth  Games  for  Australia  in  Badminton!  We  are  so  proud  of  you  Vinning  and  wish  you  the  best  of  luck!!

Term  3  also  included  WHOLE  SCHOOL  ZUMBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank  you  so  much  to  everyone  who  parFcipated  and  we  hope  you  had  as  much  fun  as  we  did!!

Of  course  sport  at  Siena  could  not  happen  without  our  wonderful  coaches  and  teachers,  thank  you  to  everyone  who  supported  us  all  throughout  the  term!!

Thank  you  to  everyone  involved  and  we  hope  to  see  you  all  again  either  on  the  basketball  court  or  the  cricket  field  next  term!!

From  your  Sports  Captains,Nicole  Clark  and  Claire  Angus

Sport Report

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*round  of  applause*  

And  an  extra  special  round  of  applause  must  go  to  Shannen  Bethune,  who  wowed  the  College  Leadership  team  with  her  mad  skills  in  public  speaking  and  won  the  inaugural  Antonio  De  Montesinos  Public  Speaking  Award.  

The  Junior  DAV  DebaFng  program  for  year  7s  and  8s  was  also  started  again  this  year;  to  all  the  girls  who  were  brave  enough  to  face  the  awesomeness  that  is  debaFng,  I  thank  you  for  all  your  amazing  efforts  and  results!

But  now  back  to  our  favourite  bunch  of  girls.  Yes,  that’s  right,  the  ones  from  Whitefriars.  I  am  proud  to  say,  that  Siena  College  won  BOTH  of  the  Siena-­‐Whitefriars  Great  Comic  Debates  this  year  –  and  this  100%  record,  I’m  sure,  will  be  upheld  for  the  next,  oh  let’s  just  say…  100  years  or  so.  

In  all  seriousness  though,  I’d  like  to  thank  each  and  everyone  of  you  who  a]ended  the  Siena  debate  –  thank  you  for  supporFng  us,  thank  you  for  laughing  in  all  the  right  places  but  most  of  all,  THANK  GOODNESS  THAT  SIENA  AND  WHITEFRIARS  WILL  NEVER  AMALGAMATE.  Even  more  seriously,  thank  you  for  all  the  girls  who  parFcipated  in  any  public  speaking  and/or  debaFng  acFvity  this  year  –  you’ve  made  it  one  of  the  best.  A  massive  THANK  YOU  must  go  to  the  debaFng  coaches,  especially  Mrs  Robertson  the  DebaFng  and  Public  Speaking  Coordinator.  Next  Fme  you  pass  a  debaFng  coach/debater  in  the  corridor,  give  them  a  high-­‐5,  because  they’re  just  too  cool.    

Arguably  awesome,  for  the  very  last  Fme,  

Layal  Hanna,  DebaFng  Captain  2011.  


This  is  Layal  Hanna,  your  one  and  only  awesome  DebaFng  Captain  for  2011!  Ok,  I’ll  stop.  I’m  really  not  that  happy.  I’M  BLOOMIN’  ECSTATIC!  You  want  to  know  why?  I’ll  tell  you  why.  Because…  THIS  HAS  BEEN  THE  BEST  YEAR  OF  DEBATING  AND  PUBLIC  SPEAKING,  like,  EVER!And  I’m  not  just  talking  about  our  epic  thrashing  of  those  Whitefriars  Boys  a  couple  of  week  ago  (although  that  was  quite  epic,  If  I  do  say  so  myself)  This  year,  all  6  debaFng  teams,  from  years  9-­‐12  entered  in  the  DAV  debaFng  compeFFon  wowed  us  all  with  their  efforts,  ability  to  argue  and  fantasFc  results.

CongratulaFons  once  again  to  the  following  girls  who  received  the  Best  Speaker  Awards  for  this  year:  A  Grade:  Layal  Hanna  (it  was  NOT  rigged,  I  promise)  (I’m  just  unnaturally  gioed)  (Lol  jks,  I’m  Fght  with  the  teachers)  B  Grade:  Georgina  EohymiouC  Grade:  Catherine  DentD  Grade:  Bernade]e  Harradine

“Will you amalgamate with me?” - Andy

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This  year  has  been  an  absolute  blast!  As  Social  Welfare  Captain  I  have  worked  closely  with  the  SRC  and  the  other  Social  JusFce  Captains  in  an  effort  to  raise  funds  for  Sister  Sheila  in  Kopanang.  This  year  we  have  worked  to  raise  awareness  in  the  Siena  Community  of  what  we  are  fundraising  for  and  why,  through  the  house  screens,  talking  to  homerooms  and  speaking  at  assembly.  I  have  thoroughly  enjoyed  helping  organise  events  such  as  InternaFonal  Women’s  Day  and  SRC  Week,  as  I  have  developed  my  skills  of  working  in  a  team  and  listening  to  those  around  me  in  order  to  make  things  happen.  I  have  learnt  invaluable  skills  such  as  efficient  public  speaking  at  leadership  days,  I  have  made  a  contribuFon  to  my  school  by  having  a  say  in  the  School  review,  I  am  more  aware  of  the  issues  present  in  our  society  and  within  the  world  through  being  a  part  of  the  SRC  and  the  St  Vincent  de  Paul  group,  and  I  have  worked  with  our  fantasFc  co-­‐ordinator  Ms  Salinger  to  make  my  posiFon  as  a  leader  important  in  the  school.  Highlights  have  included  hearing  guest  speakers  such  as  Anna  Trembath  (speaker  at  InternaFonal  Women’s  Day),  who  have  inspired  me  to  go  beyond  what  I  would  have  aimed  for  had  I  not  met  these  people.  Being  involved  in  the  SRC  has  given  me  some  incredible  and  unforge]able  experiences  such  as  having  breakfast  at  Parliament  house  and  speaking  at  our  Sorry  Day  ceremony.  I  have  learnt  to  have  courage  within  myself  when  faced  with  a  challenging  situaFon,  such  as  having  conversaFons  with  strangers  during  open  days  and  at  the  year  7  interviews.  I  have  learnt  that  all  it  takes  is  a  li]le  faith  in  order  to  not  be  afraid  to  parFcipate  and  get  involved  as  this  has  led  me  to  gelng  myself  up  on  stage  and  singing  my  heart  out  during  SRC  week,  which  I  don’t  regret  for  a  second.  I  encourage  everyone  who  is  a  part  of  this  community  to  get  involved  in  it,  as  you  will  never  understand  how  much  of  a  difference  you  can  make  if  you  don’t  believe  in  yourself  and  have  a  go  :)  My  final  contribuFon  to  Siena  College  will  be  through  a  charity  soirée  coming  up  in  term  4  where,  alongside  my  amazing  vice-­‐captain  Sophia,  we  hope  to  showcase  some  of  the  tremendous  talent  that  this  school  has  to  offer  to  raise  money  for  those  without  food  and  water  in  East  Africa.  So  really  this  year  has  been  about  doing  something  valuable  with  the  precious  Fme  we  have,  so  I  leave  you  with  this,  ‘All  mankind  is  divided  into  three  classes;  those  that  are  immovable,  those  that  are  moveable,  and  those  that  move’.

Maleah  Gridley,  Social  Welfare  Captain

Social Justice

Hey everyone!

I'm Heilala Telaivuna and if you haven't realised from the casual acknowledgements I do at the start of every assembly and mass, I'm your (soon to be ex :( ) Social Justice Captain!There have been a lot of things done this year in the social justice and social welfare department; including the usual SRC week and Fiesta, in which we raised a record amount money for Kopanang and the Solomon Island communities, and the International Women’s Day breakfast. We have also had some new additions such as the East Africa Caritas Appeal, and the celebration of Reconciliation Day by raising the aboriginal flag for the first time alongside the Australian Flag at the school. It has been an exciting and busy year and everything could not have been done without the help of the wonderful Social Welfare captain, Maleah Gridley, Ms Salinger and all the other lovely SRC girls!

Heilala Telaivuna, Social Justice Captain

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What  a  wonderful,  music  filled  year  it  had  been  at  Siena!  Each  and  every  ensemble  and  solo  performer  has,  without  a  doubt,  improved  out  of  sight,  be  it  in  their  tone,  technique,  performance  skills  or  hopefully  most  of  all,  their  passion  for  their  instrument  and  music!  There  have  been  so  many  fantasFc  achievements  that  need  to  be  celebrated.  First  of  all,  the  year  sevens:  These  girls  have  started  their  instruments  this  year  and  have  worked  so  hard.  They  have  performed  at  the  first  semester  soiree,  the  annual  music  concert,  and  they  have  also  played  for  a  group  of  grade  5s  and  inspired  them  to  pick  up  a  new  instrument!  CongratulaFons  to  those  girls,  you  have  improved  so  much  and  you’ll  keep  on  gelng  be]er!

Next,  the  students  who  have  parFcipated  and  completed  their  school  based  or  AMEB  performance  or  theory  exams.  For  those  who  have  tried  this  process  before,  it  is  super  grueling  and  stressful,  the  preparaFon  is  intense,  but  the  saFsfacFon  and  improvement  upon  compleFon  is  amazing.  CongratulaFons  all  girls  who  have  done  this!  No  ma]er  what  grade  you’ve  achieved,  you’re  a  success  :)

Of  course,  I  have  to  menFon  the  amazing  concert  “Musica  per  la  Vita”.  All  of  the  music  students  parFcipated  in  this  magnificent  display  of  talent  and  all  of  their  hard  work  and  pracFce  certainly  paid  off.  It  was  a  night  to  remember!  

Last  of  all,  I’d  like  to  congratulate  all  of  the  girls  who  have  audiFoned  for  and  been  allocated  bands  and  ensembles  for  term  4  and  next  year!  PracFce  hard,  put  in  the  hard  work,  but  make  sure  you  keep  on  having  a  ball   :)

Monica  Ludekens,  Music  Captain


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