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Vertical Seismic Profiling Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing in a Hydrofrac Treatment WellSudhish K. Bakku∗, Peter Wills†, Michael Fehler∗, Jeff Mestayer† , Albena Mateeva†, Jorge Lopez†


Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a Fiber Optic (FO) ca-ble based technology which is gaining importance for VSP sur-veys, especially for time-lapse monitoring of reservoirs. DASoffers advantages over geophones but it also poses unique chal-lenges: receiver depth uncertainty and low signal-to-noise ra-tio. Here, we present an analysis of a VSP acquisition wherethe FO cable was installed in a treatment well for monitor-ing a multi-stage hydraulic fracture treatment in the same well.We describe methods for depth calibration and discuss varioussources of noise and a processing flow to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. Large spike noise, most likely from the DASacquisition system, appears to be a major source of noise inthe raw DAS data, but can be removed with careful process-ing. Other sources of noise include temperature fluctuationsin the well and optical noise. The field trial showed that excel-lent quality VSP data can be recorded in a hydro-frac treatmentwell.


A new technique for acquiring VSP surveys, Distributed Acous-tic Sensing (DAS), is gaining importance to replace geophonesas seismic sensors in the borehole. Several field trials con-ducted recently in onshore wells (Mestayer et al., 2011, 2012;Miller et al., 2012) as well as offshore wells (Mateeva et al.,2013a) demonstrate that DAS is an usable technology for VSP.In an extreme deviation from what would be possible with geo-phones, we describe a field trial to test DAS VSP in a treat-ment well with the objective to monitor hydraulic fracturing.Previous attempts to monitor hydraulic fracturing (Wills et al.,1992; Fehler and Pearson, 1984) were limited by the observa-tions from a near-by monitoring well. DAS in the treatmentwell would allow us to make seismic measurements within thethe stimulated zone with out requiring a separate monitoringwell (Wills et al., 2012).

A typical DAS system (see Figure 1) is comprised of a Coher-ent Optical Time Domain Interferometer, commonly referredto as a light-box or Interrogator unit at the surface connected toa fiber optical cable installed in the well. The system is analo-gous to an array of geophones placed along the entire length ofthe fiber. The interrogator unit emits short laser pulses into thefiber and analyzes the Rayleigh-scattering to probe the strainalong the fiber. As the pulse travels along the fiber, part ofthe energy is back-scattered by the microscopic defects in thefiber and then it propagates back to the surface. Though theamplitude and phase of the back-scattered signal at a locationin the fiber is random, the change in phase-lag between twolocations at two times is proportional to the strain in that sec-tion of the fiber (Hartog et al., 2013). Hartog et al. (2013)

∗Earth Resources Laboratory, MIT†Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.

describes different systems to estimate the phase-lag, eitherby using a single pulse or a pair of pulses with slightly dif-ferent frequencies separated in time. The two-way travel-timeof the back-scattered signal corresponds to the location of the‘receiver’ in the fiber. The distance over which the phase-lagis estimated at each receiver is called the ‘gauge-length’ andis usually fixed prior to the acquisition. Larger gauge-lengthcorresponds to better signal-to-noise ratio but poorer spatialresolution and vice-versa. The fiber is either hung against theborehole wall, installed on the tubing or cemented outside thecasing. When installed on the tubing or cemented outside thecasing, it can be used as a permanent monitoring device.

Detector & Interferometer

Laser Optical Fiber


Receiver spacing

Gauge-Length, L

depth = t/2C

S1 S2

S1 S2




Phase-lag ∞ ∆L/L


Figure 1: A schematic description of the various componentsof the DAS system. The phase-lag between the beat signals(S1+S2) formed from two scattering points in the fiber in theunstrained (blue) and strained (red) state is proportional to thestrain in that section of the fiber.

DAS seismic acquisition has several advantages over acquisi-tion with geophones. DAS data can be acquired over the en-tire well at one instant while geophones are mostly deployedin short arrays and so covering a significant part of the wellrequires several string moves. Thus geophones are not ide-ally suited to instantaneous measurements (as we require forhydrofrac monitoring). Geophones require invasive and error-prone deployment and often cannot be deployed at all (for ex-ample, in a treatment well or at an offshore platform). FO ca-bles are easier to deploy and are often permanent and installedfor other monitoring purposes (like Distributed TemperatureSensing). DAS is considered a game changer for downholeseismic acquisition and, for some operations that could not bedone without DAS, a game maker. It is simple to acquire DASfrom multiple wells simultaneously (Mateeva et al., 2013b).For geophones, the same functionality would require multi-ple copies of most of the equipment (geophone array, wirelinetruck, recording instruments) and would, in most cases, be im-practical and prohibitively expensive.

Current FO cables used for DAS have limitations: they aremore sensitive to strain along the length of the fiber and notto strain perpendicular to the fiber (broadside to the fiber).As a result, DAS is more sensitive to P-waves and less sen-

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VSP using DAS in a treatment well

sitive to shear waves when propagation direction is parallelto the fiber. DAS has also an uncertainty in receiver depths.Strain measurements from back-scattered energy are associ-ated with a certain depth along the fiber based on the arrivaltime of the back-scattered energy, assuming a certain velocityof light in the fiber. The optical length (along the fiber) canbe larger than the measured depth along the well due to ‘over-stuff’, where the fiber length is made longer than the cablelength to prevent snapping when stretched. This leads to un-certainty in the optical length and depth errors that grow withdepth. In addition, the length of the cable above the wellheadis not always accurately known. Another well-known issuewith DAS is the lower signal-to-noise ratio compared to geo-phones (lower by 40 dB) (Mestayer et al., 2012). This limitsthe use of DAS in projects with weak signals. Fortunately,the current field trial has adequate signal-to-noise ratio afterstacking and it is expected that the future editions of the opti-cal hardware will close the geophone/DAS sensitivity signif-icantly (Mateeva et al., 2013a). In our study, the treatmentrelated operations in the well make the data much noiser andchallenging than would be in a regular VSP.

In the following sections we describe the field experiment uti-lizing DAS to record signal from Vibroseis sources before,during and after stimulation in a multi-stage fracturing oper-ation. We first look at removal of a significant noise source -strong seismic spikes on uncorrelated data that created unac-ceptable noise upon correlation. We then describe the depthcalibration process. Next, we summarize the processing work-flow and present the VSP gathers before and after stimulation.


Outer Casing Inner Casing Production Tubing Cement Mud/Fluid FO Cable

Well Completion Schematic




4 5 6


8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19



ed Z


Stimulated Stages

Figure 2: Well completion schematic. The green tick marksindicate the stages that have time-lapse DAS VSP data.

The field trial featured DAS VSP monitoring of hydraulic frac-turing in a treatment well in a Shell-owned gas field. The ver-tical well is drilled in fluvial deposits from the Cretaceous pe-riod. The time-lapse survey was a near offset VSP using Vibro-seis as sources and DAS as receivers. There were three sourcelocations, each with two Vibroseis trucks placed bumper-to-bumper. The Vibroseis sources were activated sequentially foreach location, with 32 sweeps, of 16s/4s sweep/listen timesper location. The frequency of the sweep signal varied linearly

with time with a bandwidth of 6-80 Hz. The FO cable was in-stalled on the production tubing of the well and was cementedwithin the zone of interest (see Figure 2). DAS receivers werespaced 8 m apart along the cable with a gauge-length of 40m. The DAS data were acquired with the ‘ODH3’ interrogatorunit of Optasense, at 20 kHz sampling rate∗ and then band-pass filtered to a band of 2 Hz to 500 Hz followed by down-sampling to 1 ms. Seismic data were collected before, duringand after stimulation of 8 of the total 19 stages.


Figure 3(a) shows an example of the down-sampled raw-dataand Figure 3(b) shows the raw-data correlated with the Vibro-seis sweep signal. The receivers in the figures are numberedincreasing with depth. Notice that the raw and correlated datacontain noise that appears as horizontal stripes (e.g. appears onall receivers at a given time). This is a common observation inDAS data and is linked to time-variant optical noise that occursequally on all receivers. In addition, we see ringing (verticalstripes) at certain receivers in the correlated data, especiallyin the receivers right above the plug of the stimulated stage(located at receiver# 432). The data are less noisy below theplug. The ringing masks the wave-field and renders time-lapseinterpretation impossible. It is linked to spike-like noise in theuncorrelated data.

Receiver #



ng ti



250 300 350 400 450 500






Stage Plug


Receiver #


ing tim

e (


250 300 350 400 450 500






Figure 3: (a)Raw-data (b)Correlated Data. The receivers arenumbered increasingly from the top of the well. The data pre-sented here were collected after stimulation of a stage. Notedifferent time scales in (a) and (b): raw-data are 20 secondslong while the correlated data are 4 seconds long.

The spikes in the uncorrelated data are large in amplitude rang-ing in size up to 900 times the background signal level. Thesespikes spread out to the entire time record as ringing noisewhen raw-data are correlated with Vibroseis sweep signal. Weobserve spikes in data collected before and after stimulation.However, the incidence of the spikes is higher in the deepersection of the well, above the plug of the stage being stim-ulated, and just after stimulation. It is unclear whether thespikes are caused by large fiber strain or whether some othermechanism, such as problems with the optical hardware, is re-sponsible. Figure 4(a) shows spikes extracted from data at dif-ferent receivers and from different shot gathers aligned at theirpeaks. We see that the normalized spikes (see Figure 4(b)) are

∗DAS data are purely digital and have no analogue of an anti-alias filter. The opticalsystem tends to generate white noise up to very high frequencies and this noise aliases intothe seismic band. So it is of interest to sample at the highest frequency possible and thanbandpass and resample. The highest DAS sample frequency is determined by the requirementthat only one light signal can be in the fiber at any time.

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VSP using DAS in a treatment well

all similar and decay to pre-spike level within about 150 ms.The spike is steep but doesn’t occur over a single time sample -it builds up to the peak, which doesn’t support the idea of sud-den cycle skipping due to large strain. We did not observe anycorrelation between the height of the peak and the time it tookto reach the peak value. We observed similar spike noise insome laboratory data too, even when the cable is not exposedto any external stimulus. The spikes in the laboratory have thesame temporal shape as the field data after amplitude normal-ization. Finally, spike noise was observed in downhole data atsome other wells, at all depths, despite the fact that well dataare generally very quiet.

Spike removal: Spikes are identified by processing one traceat a time. All the data points larger than an amplitude cut-offare identified as points on the spikes and are set to zero. Theamplitude cut-off for each trace is set a scale factor times themedian of the absolute values of all the data on the trace. Oncethe spikes are filtered, 32 successive sweeps were median-stacked at a given receiver. Taking a median further suppressesthe remnant spikes and considerably improves the data quality.Note that the use of Vibroseis data limited the spikes to a smallportion of any given shot signal, which made the spike elimi-nation much more robust.

−100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250






time (ms) from peak




−100 −50 0 50 100 150 200 250−1













time (ms) from peak


Figure 4: (a) Selected spikes from different traces and shotgathers aligned about the peak. (b) Spikes in figure 4(a) nor-malized by their amplitude.


250 300 350 400 450 500









Receiver #


e of












BStage 9 plug

Stage 10 plug

Receiver #


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 160





Time of day (Hrs)



ed D

C le


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16




Time of day (Hrs)Tem






° C


10357 ft9015 ft7672 ft6329 ft

10357 ft9015 ft7672 ft6329 ft

A Pre−stimulationB Pressure testingC StimulationD Flow−back


DTS data



Figure 5: (a) DC level as a function of time-of-day duringstage 9. DC level is related to the activity in the well anddepends on the phase of stimulation: A) Pre-stimulation B)Pressure testing C) Stimulation D) Flow-back. (b) IntegratedDC level qualitatively matches the temperature measurementsusing DTS .

After spike removal, a DC bias on DAS traces was noticedeven though, ideally, we expect the signal from the vibroseis

truck and the random noise to have zero mean and thus thereshould be no such bias†. In Figure 5(a), the DC level (mean oftrace at each receiver: one number per receiver) for each shot-gather (vibroseis sweep) is plotted at the time when the shotwas collected. The figure shows the variation of DC Level withthe receiver location and time of day, before, during and afterstimulation of Stage 9. The color indicates the amplitude ofthe DC level and is shown white when no data were collected.

The DC level is approximately zero throughout the well dur-ing the pre-stimulation phase. However, in the remaining threephases the DC level varies above the plug (shallower receivers)and is zero below the plug. DC level variation is clearly corre-lated with the activity in the well and when integrated with re-spect to time of day, the integrated DC level followed the tem-perature in the well measured using Distributed TemperatureSensing (see Figure 5(b)). Temperature causes long-periodstrain in DAS fiber, especially in treatment wells where tem-perature may change up to 50◦ C. DTS estimates temperaturefrom the temperature dependent Raman-scattering of the laserpulse in the FO cable and is not affected by the strain in thefiber.


Depth calibration is an important issue for DAS, both for reg-ular VSP and time-lapse measurements. For time-lapse inter-pretation of hydrofrac monitoring, accurate depths are requiredto correlate data with well operations. We calibrated the re-ceiver depths using two independent methods: 1) Tube-wavereflection at plug: Tube-waves are waves guided by the bore-hole fluid that travel along the well and have a linear moveout.We use tube-waves generated from perforation shots fired be-fore stimulation of each stage to identify plug locations. Theplug acts as a barrier to the downward propagating tube-waveand reflects it back up (see Figure 6(a)). 2) DC level jump atbase of perforations: We have shown that the DC level cor-relates with the temperature fluctuation in the well. As a resultDC level after stimulation has a finite negative value above thelowest perforation and jumps to zero below the lowest perfo-ration (see Figure 6(b)). In general, the plug was within a fewfeet of the bottom perforation and we refer to both with thegeneric term ‘plug’. The goal of both depth calibration meth-ods is to identify the fiber channel that corresponds to a knowndepth in the well (plug) at each stage and assign the knowndepth to the fiber channel. The depth of the plug is knownwithin couple of feet from the wire-line measurements duringplug placement. Both tube-wave reflection and DC level jumpare smeared over 5 receivers (about a gauge-length) since DASaverages strain over a gauge-length. We take the middle re-ceiver as the plug location. The plug locations from the twoindependent methods matched within a receiver.


The processing work-flow is summarized in Figure 7. As wementioned earlier, we first remove the spikes from the down-

†In addition, Optasense applied a bandpass filter to retain data only between 2 Hz to 500Hz. We don’t know how the observed low frequency energy survives the filter.

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VSP using DAS in a treatment well

Receiver #



ng ti



100 200 300 400 500




x 104


Reflectionat plug

Reflection dueto dia changeReflection from



100 200 300 400 500−20−10





425 430 435 440−20−10


Receiver #




Lowest perforation at receiver# 432


Figure 6: (a) Shot-gather of Optasense raw-data collected dur-ing the perforation shot of stage# 9 shows tube-wave genera-tion. (b) DC level jump across the plug in the field data. Thelower figure in (b) is a zoomed in to show the DC level jumpacross the plug.

Raw Data (Downsampled to 1 kHz)

Remove spikes & Clip Noise

Apply zero-phase bandpass �lter (4-8-90-110 Hz)

Apply median �lterto remove optical noise

Median-stack the sweeps

Correlate with sweep signal

Apply FX-Decon Filter

Figure 7: Processing Flow

sampled raw-data. We then apply a zero-phase band-pass filter(4-8-90-110 Hz) to remove the DC components and any otherlow-frequent noise (e.g: Temperature) that are present. Band-pass filtering prior to the removal of spikes will corrupt thespectrum with the energy from the spikes. Ideally, these spikesmust be removed before the 20 kHz data are down-sampled to1 ms. After band-pass filtering, we filter the optical noise thatmanifests as horizontal lines in the shot gather. At each recordtime we estimate the optical noise by taking the median of thedata from receivers below the plug. Receivers below the plugare shielded from well operation noise, tube-waves and pro-vide better estimate of the optical noise. The processed raw-data are then median-stacked (32 sweeps) to improve signal-to-noise ratio. It is important to take the median rather thanmean to suppress the remnant spikes. The stacked raw-dataare then correlated with the Vibroseis sweep signal to obtainthe correlated data. Stacking has to be done prior to the corre-lation so that the energy from the spike is not spread over theentire trace in the correlated data. The order of the operationmatters since median stacking is a non-linear filter. We thenapplied a FX-Decon filter to suppress random spatial noise andenhance spatially correlated events. The FX-Decon filter isapplied trace-by-trace over a moving time-window of length64 ms and using 15 traces centered about the current trace.The spatial prediction filter used in the FX-Decon filter is threetraces long. Figure 8 shows correlated stacks before and afterstimulation with and without processing. The processing hassignificantly enhanced the data quality. In addition to the directP-waves, we can now clearly identify P-wave reflections frominterfaces and direct S-waves. The noise level is comparablebefore and after stimulation. This data quality is promising fortime-lapse analysis of hydraulic fracturing using DAS.

Receiver #


e (


250 300 350 400 450 500





Receiver #


e (


250 300 350 400 450 500





Receiver #


e (m


250 300 350 400 450 500




Direct P-wave

Direct S-wave

P-wave re�ections


Receiver #


e (m


250 300 350 400 450 500




Direct P-wave

Direct S-wave

P-wave re�ections


Figure 8: (a)Pre-stimulation Stack, (b)Post-stimulationStack before processing. (c)Pre-stimulation Stack, (d)Post-stimulation Stack after processing.


The field trial showed that excellent quality VSP data can berecorded in a hydrofrac treatment well. We showed that DASreceiver depth can be reliably calibrated using either tube-wavereflections or DAS DC bias. The major sources of noise ap-pear to be spike-like noise probably due to optical hardwaredifficulties, that is accentuated under noisy conditions. How-ever, a simple spike-removal algorithm does an excellent jobof removing the spikes, partly because of the long raw recordsobtained with a single vibroseis sweep. DAS data may be con-taminated by strain due to temperature fluctuations and resultsin DC bias, but this does not affect the final seismic recordsand actually is useful in calibrating channel depths. Treatmentwell data, given its high quality, shows promise for time-lapsemonitoring of hydraulic fracturing.


We thank Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.for providing us with the data set and James Ostrikoff, Tim Ro-den for designing and acquiring the experiment. We thank thePinedale asset for the financial and logistical support and al-lowing us to publish our finding. Sudhish Bakku thanks MarkWillis (Halliburton), Greg Duckworth (Optasense) for valuablediscussions.

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VSP using DAS in a treatment well


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Hartog, A., O. Kotov, and L. Liokumovich, 2013, The optics of distributed vibration sensing: Second EAGE Workshop on Perma-nent Reservoir Monitoring.

Mateeva, A., J. Lopez, J. Mestayer, P. Wills, B. Cox, D. Kiyashchenko, Z. Yang, W. Berlang, R. Detomo, and S. Grandi, 2013a,Distributed acoustic sensing for reservoir monitoring with VSP: The Leading Edge, 32, 1278–1283.

Mateeva, A., J. Mestayer, Z. Yang, J. Lopez, P. Wills, J. Roy, and T. Bown, 2013b, Dual-well 3D VSP in deepwater made possibleby DAS: 83rd Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 5062–5066.

Mestayer, J., B. Cox, P. Wills, D. Kiyashchenko, J. Lopez, M. Costello, S. Bourne, G. Ugueto, R. Lupton, G. Solano, D. Hill, andA. Lewis, 2011, Field trials of distributed acoustic sensing for geophysical monitoring: 81st Annual International Meeting, SEG,Expanded Abstracts, 4253–4257.

Mestayer, J., S. Grandi Karam, B. Cox, P. Wills, A. Mateeva, J. Lopez, D. Hill, and A. Lewis, 2012, Distributed acoustic sensingfor geophysical monitoring: 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.

Miller, D., T. Parker, S. Kashikar, M. Todorov, and T. Bostick, 2012, Vertical seismic profiling using a fibre-optic cable as adistributed acoustic sensor: 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition.

Wills, P. B., D. C. DeMartini, H. J. Vinegar, J. Shlyapobersky, W. F. Deeg, J. C. Woerpel, J. E. Fix, G. G. Sorrells, and R. G. Adair,1992, Active and passive imaging of hydraulic fractures: The Leading Edge, 11, 15–22.

Wills, P. B., S. Grandi Karam, J. J. Mestayer, G. A. Ugueto, and J. L. Lopez, 2012, Hydraulic fracture monitoring using activeseismic sources with receivers in the treatment well: Canadian Patent No. CA2838840 A1.

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