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Practices of Intergenerational Faith Formation & Ministry

Vibrant Faith University - Course #2

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Brothers and sisters: I pray always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. . . .

And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. (Phil 1:4-6, 8-11)

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+As the flame of faith is carried,

as the torch of faith is passed,

Reaching ‘cross the generations, each receiving from the last,

So the promise to God’s people is received, then handed down,

In the light of our baptism, through our fam’lies, faith is found.

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+As the seasons spin and follow,

as our stories long endure,

Like an ever-flowing river, so the covenant is pure.

In our span of earthly living, as the great or as the least,

Still we find in book and tableChrist the Word and Christ the Feast.

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+May we learn to tell the story,

keep the flame of faith ablaze;

May we strive to keep the Gospel as the center of our days

As we keep the faithful Spirit brightly burning, lifted high,

May each generation follow with Christ’s light to journey by.

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+Schedule (estimate) 1:00 pm - Gather, Pray, Overview of Session

1:10 pm - Introduce the Five Practices

1:20 pm - Practice 1: Caring Relationships

1:45 pm - Practice 2: Celebrating Together - interview with Tracey

2:15 pm - Break

2:30 pm - Practice 3: Learning Together - interview with Barbara

3:00 pm - Practice 4: Praying Together

3:15 pm - Practice 5: Serving Together

3:35 pm - Digital Strategies

4:00 pm - Conclusion & Depart

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+Part 2 Practices: Weeks 10-16

Week 10. Caring RelationshipsWeek 11. Celebrating & Praying TogetherWeek 12. Learning TogetherWeek 13. Serving TogetherWeeks 14 & 15. Application: Connect, Infuse, Create Intergenerationality (Project)Week 16 - Live Presentation #3

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+Online Resources

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+Part 1: Five Practices

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+Core Strategies for Becoming Intentionally Intergenerational

Caring RelationshipsCelebratingLearningPrayingServing

1. Create - Intergenerational Experiences

2. Infuse - Intergenerational Experiences & Relationships into Existing Ministries & Programs

3. Connect - Generations

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+Integrated Model: LOGOS

1. Bible Study

2. Family Time

3. Worship Skills

4. Recreation

GenOn Ministries


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+Messy Church

1. A flexible, relaxed arrival time with drinks and snacks2. Creative exploration of a Bible story/theme through

creative experiences for people of different learning styles and of all ages. Children and adults are not separated and are encouraged to explore the story/theme together

3. A short but explicit time of worship with story, music and prayers that builds on the creative exploration.

4. A generous welcome and hospitality is expressed through a delicious home-cooked, sit-down meal with others

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+Messy Church Values

Christ-centered: Messy Church is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord & Savior.

All-age: It is for adults and children to enjoy together - every element should be relevant and accessible to all.

Creativity: It uses hands-on activities to explore Bible stories, to reflect a God of creativity and to give people a chance to play together.

Hospitality: It reflects a God of unconditional love and is a church for people outside church, providing an oasis of welcome and a safe space in which to thrive.

Celebration: It reflects a God of joy who wants his people to have life in all its fullness.

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+Messy Church Report

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+Caring Relationships

Cultivating caring relationships across generations in the congregation and community—becoming a life-giving spiritual community of faith, hope, and love—through intergenerational relationship-building in all ministries and programs, storytelling, mentoring, community life events, and more.

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Cultivating caring relationships across generations in the congregation and community, becoming a life-giving spiritual community of faith, hope, and love.

Intergenerational Caring Conversations Intergenerational Community Building Intergenerational Relationships in Existing Programs Intergenerational Storytelling Intergenerational Relationships through Mentoring

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+Mt. Vernon Baptist ChurchColumbus MS

Pr. Josh Daffern: For the past decade, I’ve been a part of a very special event that you wouldn’t expect to see in a Baptist church: a prom.

Baptists and dancing have had a long and storied history, but this is different, I assure you.

Every spring for the past decade the church I’ve had the privilege of serving at has thrown a Joy Prom, a prom for the special needs community.

It’s an opportunity for folks from all ages in the special needs community to come together and have a night where they are the kings and queens.

Other churches and businesses throughout the community partner with our high school students (who serve as dates) to prepare this incredible event.

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+MTV Joy Prom

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+Faith Webbing:Gary Pecuch

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+Celebrating Together

Worshiping God together through intergenerational Sunday worship—engaging all ages in worship and leadership roles, whole community rituals and sacramental celebrations, milestone celebrations, and church year feasts and seasons that involve ages and generations.

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Worshiping God together through Sunday worship, rituals, sacraments, and the liturgical seasons that involves all of the ages and generations.

Intergenerational Sunday Worship Whole Community Sacramental Celebrations Milestones throughout Life Church Year Feasts & Seasons

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+Intergenerational Worship

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+Zion Lutheran - Houston

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Birth / Baptism Starting School Year First Communion Receiving a first Bible Confirmation Graduation (HS, College) Engagement Wedding Retirement Death / Funeral

Celebrating Milestones

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+Celebrating Milestones

1. A ritual celebration or a blessing marking the milestone with the whole church community

2. A home ritual celebration or blessing marking the milestone

3. A learning program, often for the whole family or intergenerational, that prepares the individual and the whole family for the milestone and for faith practice at home

4. A tangible, visible reminder or symbol of the occasion being marked

5. Resources to support continuing faith growth and practice after the milestone

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+Learning Together

Engaging all ages and generations in intergenerational learning experiences that teach scripture and the Christian tradition, informing and forming disciples of all ages in Christian identity.

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Engaging all ages and generations together in learning experiences that teach scripture and the Christian tradition, informing and forming disciples of all ages in Christian identity.

Intergenerational Learning (James White)1. In-Common All Ages Experiences2. Parallel Learning3. Contributive Occasions4. Interactive Sharing

Weekly, Bi-Weekly, and Monthly Models Small Group & Large Group Models

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+Intergenerational Learning

1. As the faith formation curriculum for the whole community

2. In Lectionary-based catechesis3. In sacramental preparation4. In Vacation Bible School5. In parent-child and parent-teen programs6. In milestone celebrations 7. In intergenerational service projects8. In liturgical season celebrations9. In a retreat experience or parish mission

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+Core Curriculum

Core CurriculumChildren


Adults Family


Online / Digital

For the Whole Community

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+Intergenerational Learning Process

Meal and Community Building Part 1. Gathering and PrayerPart 2. All Ages Learning ExperiencePart 3. In-Depth Learning Experience

Option 1. Whole Group (together)Option 2. Age Group (parallel)Option 3. Activity Center

Part 4. Sharing Learning Experiences and Home Application

Part 5. Closing Prayer

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+Intergenerational Learning Themes

1. Seasons of the Church Year2. Scripture3. Christian Beliefs4. Liturgy & Sacraments5. Morality6. Justice7. Prayer8. Christian Practices

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+Example: Church Year

Oct: Feast of All Saints

Nov: Advent Season

Dec: Christmas Season

Jan: Baptism of the Lord

Feb: Lenten Season

Mar: Good Friday

April: Easter Season

May: Pentecost

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+ Example: Creed

Sept Church (Parish Ministries Fair/Stewardship Sun.)

Nov Resurrection of the Dead, Life Everlasting (Feasts of All Saints and All Souls)

Dec Jesus Christ, Son of God (Incarnation, Christmas)

Mar Death & Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Triduum)

May Holy Spirit (Pentecost)

June Trinity and God the Father (Trinity Sunday)

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+Core Curriculum Theme

JusticeLife and Dignity of the Human PersonCall to Family, Community and ParticipationRights and ResponsibilitiesOption for the Poor and VulnerableSolidarityPeaceCare for God’s Creation

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+Example: Justice

Sept Dignity of Work (Labor Day)

Oct Dignity of Human Life (Respect Life Month)

Nov Saints of Justice (Feast of All Saints Day)

Nov Option for the Poor (Thanksgiving)

Dec Peace (Christmas and World Day of Peace)

Jan Rights & Responsibilities (Poverty Awareness Month)

Feb Solidarity/Option for the Poor (Lent)

April Care for God’s Creation (Easter/Earth Day)

May Solidarity (Feast of Pentecost)

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+Praying Together

Nurturing the spiritual life of the whole community through the congregation’s prayer services, rituals, and blessings throughout the year that bring together all ages and generations and engage people in spiritual formation.

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Nurturing the spiritual life of the whole community through the congregation’s prayer services, rituals, and blessings throughout the year. Intergenerational Formation in Spiritual

Practices Intergenerational Prayer Stations Intergenerational Prayer Partners & Spiritual

Guides Intergenerational Prayer Groups

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+Core Curriculum Theme

Prayer Call to Prayer: Forms and ExpressionsThe Lord’s PrayerDenominational expressionsCommon Devotions and PrayersPraying through the Year: Advent-ChristmasPraying through the Year: Lent-Easter

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+Example: Prayer

Oct Luther on Prayer (Reformation)

Nov Prayers and Devotions (Feast of All Saints)

Dec Prayer in Advent and Christmas Seasons

Jan Call to Prayer (World Day of Prayer)

Mar Prayer in the Lenten and Easter Seasons

May Lord’s Prayer (Easter Season)

Jun Praying with Scripture and the Lectionary (Summer)

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+Serving Together

Involving all ages and generations in service and mission to the world, especially to the poor and vulnerable, in caring for creation, and in the works of justice and advocacy through local and global projects.

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Involving all ages and generations in service and mission to the world, especially to the poor and vulnerable, and in the works of justice and advocacy. Intergenerational Mission Trips Churchwide Service Day Intergenerational Monthly Project Intergenerational Service Nights Intergenerational Service Projects

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+Designing Intergenerational Service

1. Make the activities meaningful, so that every person, regardless of age, can contribute in a significant way.

2. Supply mentors to individuals or families that have had little or no experience in service.

3. Offer various options to suit individuals and families with different ages, interests, time constraints, and locations.

4. Include preparation and reflection as part of any church-sponsored service activity.

5. Hold a service fair for all generations.

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+Designing Intergenerational Service

6. Provide service resources (books, media, websites) for families and all generations; include children’s books that focus on caring for others.

7. Becoming a clearinghouse for local and global service opportunities.

8. Organize regular intergenerational service days and events.

9. Organize an annual intergenerational mission trip. 10. Celebrate what church members are already


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+Community Service DaySt. John Bosco Parish in Parma Heights, Ohio, held its first Community Service Day on May 14, 2016. 240 volunteers worked at 17 different sites. www.sjbosco.com

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+Intergenerational Mission Trip

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+Designing Service Programming

The Pastoral Circle Process


Social Analysis

Biblical & Theological Reflection


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+Pastoral Circle Steps

1. Insertion/Experience2. Social Analysis

What are the “facts” of the situation? Why does this condition exist? What’s causing it?

3. Theological Reflection What is the Bible telling us? What is our Christian tradition telling us?

4. Action How can we serve those in need? How can we act for justice to alleviate the causes of

the situation?

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+Part 2Digitally Connected

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+Digitally Connecting Intergenerational Faith Formation

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Church Event or Program

At Home & Daily Life

Digitally Connecting Intergenerational Faith Formation

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+Digitally Connecting Intergenerational Faith Formation

Event or







Bible Reading

Daily Prayer




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+Digitally Connecting: Sunday Worship

Church Life Daily & Home Life Online LifeExperience of Worship in the Congregation• Sunday worship

and lectionary• Church year

feasts and seasons

• Church rituals: baptism, communion, funerals, etc.

Experience of Sunday worship, rituals, and church year seasons in daily life • Reflecting on the

sermon and readings at home

• Practices: Lectio, etc.

• Application to daily living

Online worship, church year, and lectionary resources on the church’s faith formation website• Lectionary

commentaries online

• Video reflections and commentary

• Online activities and projects

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+Digitally Connecting: Lent

Church Life Daily & Home Life Online Life• Ash Wednesday• Lenten Sunday

liturgies• Stations of the

Cross• Lenten prayer • Lenten retreat• Lenten service• Lenten soup


• Fasting• Praying• Service/

Almsgiving• Lectionary

reflection• Family activities

• Lenten learning resources

• Lenten calendar

• Daily Lenten prayer

• Weekly table prayer

• Video resources

• Online retreat experience

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