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Vibrant Communities in a Robust Region

Centralina Council of Governments

Growing jobs & the economy, controlling cost of

government, & enhancing quality of life

A collaborative effort of local governments, businesses, and non-profits in the region around Charlotte, NC

A process for creating a Regional Strategic Framework for

Growing jobs & the economyControlling the cost of

governmentEnhancing quality of life

CONNECT Our Future is …


Our Regional Geography


Two-State Region includes:

• 14 Counties

• More than 100 municipalities

2011 HUD Grant: One of only 30 awarded in U.S., one of few fully funded


Build on the CONECT Regional Vision (2008)

Engage the full diversity of the region’s population in developing shared regional strategies for growth

Establish an ongoing network or organizational relationships to carry out those strategies



A strong, diverse Economy

Increased Collaboration among jurisdictions

Sustainable, well-managed Growth

A safe and healthy Environment

High quality Educational opportunities

Enhanced Social Equity through community leadership and volunteerism

CONNECT Regional Vision


Challenges Communities Face Today

Planning appropriately for dramatic growth within the region, while maintaining community character

Meeting infrastructure needs – sewer, transportation – while controlling cost of government

Shared limited water resources

High unemployment; need for worker training, need for jobs and housing that attract/retain young people

Difficulty attracting businesses, need to revitalize old industrial/commercial areas

Lack of regional information and tools for decision-making

Continuing to build a vibrant community for our children and grandchildren


How Could a Strategic Framework Help?

Develop strategies for shared problems

Align regional job growth strategies with local planning

Identifying ways to stretch infrastructure dollars, strengthen local agriculture and keep community character intact while continuing to grow

ensure neighboring communities know and understand your community’s vision, and how it relates to their plans


What is the CONNECT Consortium?

• More than 100 public, private, non-profit member organizations

• Guides process to develop a regional strategic framework,

• With public engagement and alternative scenario assessment to develop a preferred future scenario


CONNECT Consortium Work Flow


CONNECT Program and Support Teams



CONNECT milestones

• Define values, indicators• Develop current trend & alternative scenarios• Identify preferred scenario• Strategies, tools for implementation


Livability Principles: Provide More Transportation Choices to “… improve air quality, reduce greenhouse gas emissions …”

“ … consider the interdependent challenges of: (1) economic competitiveness and revitalization; (2) social equity, inclusion, and access to opportunity; (3) energy use and climate change; and (4) public health and environmental impact.”

Regional Plan for Sustainable Development must “… integrate existing or emerging plans … [including] air and water quality plans, … climate change impact assessments …

Sustainable Communities program


and tie these plans to local comprehensive land use and capital investment plans.”

Air Quality & Climate Change work plan

Diesel/Black Carbon Technical Study

Assess projected 5-yr extent of Diesel BC emissions from major construction projects

Develop strategies for addressing Diesel BC emissions

Estimate potential impacts of recommended strategies (environmental, economic, and health)


Questions or Comments?Contacts:


Project Manager: Sushil Nepal, [email protected] Manager: Michelle Nance,

[email protected] Development Director: Vicki Bott, [email protected]


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