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Page 1: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

Victorian Beer Label Collectors' Society

MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .


I I i



The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian Brewery Research

TI1is br"eG~erY 'eXisted tiM 1913 when it

mer-ged with the P&rth Red Cast1e &JY

and became the tnan Brewery til 1935.


Page 2: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian



' L. Godd~n , L379 No~t-h Rd., C laYton, 3 168. (03) 544- 1374 J. Hepworth, 5 Willow Crcs., Campbelltown, 5074. (08) 337-509 1 G. Crompton, II Du blin A ve., Strathmore, 3041. (03) 379-4315 A. Freer, 28 Allnut Pde., Cheltenham, 3 192. (03) 584-1 353 J. Wilks, 65 Tiverton Dr., Mulgravc, 3 170. (03) 561-422 1 G. Crompton

T o e na ble smoother operation of our Society, would members please co-operate as follows:

1. Forward all monies to the Treasurer, except for raffles. 2. Forward all contributions for the Newsletter to the Editor. 3. All general Society business, requests for labels from the Society stocks, contributions and

ra ffle ticket requests to the Sec retary. 4. New members and changes of address to the Treasurer. 5. Please forward an S.A.E. with all correspondence that requires a reply.


JO!NING FEE : $1.00 Australian. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: $10.00 Australian, due and payable on Juiy 1st, plus any levies that

may be called PRO-RATA FEES : After October 31st, $7.00 Australian.

After February 28th, $4.00 Australian. Overseas members requiring the Newsletter by Air-mail, please add A$7.00 extra to cover postage. U .S., N.Z ., U.K ., and Canadian currencies accepted

Thia Jour00nal ia copyright. None of the coptenta Qf the. "Victori;u~ ,Bee.r LaqeJ Collector11' ~iety N4;waletter" is

to be repr uced or uaea m any manner Without the pra_pr perrruu1on an wnting of the Editor and the Secretary of tlie Soc1ety.

V.B .L.C.S. The International Society of Label Collectors - Australian Brewery Research



I was fortunat e to be invited to t he Pub - c rawl that was organized t o present the Special Beer Company · s new assoc ia t i on with Elders !XL wine and spirit section, who will be the distributo rs f o r the Special Be e r Co . in the Eastern States. We started at the Roya l Hotel Nth . Helbourne,(yes the same as the VBLCS meeting place) at 5.00 whe~ e . we had light snacks and Red-Bac k Wheat Beer, Canadian Hoosehead and German Becks . At 6 p.m. we were loaded onto a double deck bus and: driven to Tiffany ' s on the Park in South Yarra where we had prawns, ~yster s & s almon , with Stella Artois, Brass Monkey Stout and Tuborg Gold. Back into the bus and onto Khyats in Brighton and we dined on lamb satay , venison sausage and marinated chicken. To go with this we drank Young ' s Ram Rod, Traditional Bitter, ( a new brew from the Special Beer Co.) and Matilda Bay Dark Lager. Around 10.30 it was back on the pus, this time I sat down stairs and had a good chat to John Stretton from the Special Beer Co. until we arrived back in the city to the Mitre Tavern, wher e we finished with c heese and fruit, and were introduced to Corona Extra, a Mexican b e er which will be released during Hay onto the Australian Market . A very pleasant evening, well organized, and introduced many people t o the use of varieties of beer with food . The VBLCS is making arrangements to obtain the new labels that I saw during the evening, and these will be made available to members as we receive them. I was invited as the Victorian Representative of Campaign For Real Ale (Australia), any VBLCS members who are really interested in beer and would like more info about CAHRA please drop me a line .

Cheers, Jack Wilks.


Page 3: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

April Meeting Notes As the new ground floor bar was opened this week, the upstairs bar was deserted and we were able to use this for our meeting . The major reconstruction of the hotel is almost complete and has resulted in a very attractive and functional interior. The adjoining brewery is also/ well under way.

A number of letters from overseas co llectors were tabled and some were placed with exchange partners, however some Czech collectors remained unplaced.

The work load of the committee has become heavier and help was sought from members at the meeting . Terry Ryan volunteered to take over the job of minute secretary and this was gratefully accepted . The problems of newsletter assembly and label distribution were discussed and several suggestions offered . The present group will try .o re-arrange the work-load .

One suggestion was to close club membership at or near the present level, but the meeting felt that this action should be avoided as long as possible, however, any member becoming unfinancial, will no longer receive several r e minders but will be delisted.

The first section of the Queensland Brewery catalogue has been printed, but ther e is a delay in the second part as we finalise label information and ar range illustrations.

Jack Wilks gave the meeting a report on mini breweries, and Danny O' Neil , who unfortunately could no t attend this meeting, advised that h e has secured supplies of the 375mL labels from the Geelong Brewery. These will be distributed shortly.

Folders giving details of the Balmain Brewery wer e distributed to the members present . Jim Finiga n was with us once more and brought a carton of old C.U.B. Jott les, complete with 26 2/3 FL OZ labels and original crown seals, to be raffl ed for the benefit of the club. Unfortunately the bottles were empty(!!) but were quickly snapped up by the members. Thank you Jim.

After further general disc ussion the raffle was drawn and the winners were: -

1. 2. 3. 4 .

F55 F24 E32 F4 8

orange white green white

B. Williamson W. A. P . Ross Vic . J. Wilks Vic. S . Roberts Vi c.

The auction of the Keith Wittenbach collections was then he ld and the r esul ts were: -

Lot Lot Lot Lo .. t

1. Swan Brewery 2. Darwin labels 3. Papua N.G. 4 .. 0ld Ballarat Bwy

$105 B.Williamson $7 -50 R.Carthew $35 E.Ranzoni $20 E . Ranzo n i

The formal part of the me eting then· c lo ... sed and the remainder of the afternoon was given over to swapp ing a nd talking .

Page 4: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian


NEXT HEETING: -will be held at the Royal Hotel, 75 Flemington Road , North Melbourn e at 1 . 00 P.H. on Sunday June 12th . Jo in the merry throng when t he bar o pen s at 1 2 noon , and c he c k the hug e range of beers in t he bottle shop .

ELECTION OF COHH ITTEE:-The re were only nominati ons rece ived for the positi on of Vice-President, so members are asked to f ill in the attached v oting fo rm, and post to the Secretary to be rece ived by last pos t Jun e lO th or vote at the meeting on the 12 th .

V.B. L .C . S. CATALOGUE : -For the record; the work of researc h, layout, photocopying of labels, typing and preparing f o r printing is been being carried out by Ke it h Deutsher and George Crompton. The assemb led. materi a l i s then passed to Alex Freer who a rranges p rinting . Alex is also currently assembling a c atalogue of the Old Bal~ara~ · ' Brewery labels , over 100 o f which were issued. Hany other members are very helpful and we hope they wil l continue to be of help with further information . In particular , we would like to thank Kerry Walton and Scotty Mac Ke n zie for their help with photocopies and dates of issue.

CARLTON DRAUGHT . Some members have put together very interesting mini collections of just the current 750 mL Carlton Draught labels . There is considerable variation in the style and size of the l ette rs and numbers forming the c ode group on the centre left of the label, even from the s ame printer , ( the printers code l e tte r is und e r the batch code ) - and there are several printers. This type of collecting can be appealing but you will need tu ke 8~ ypur eye on discarded bottles , bottle dump s and your l ocal hotel or bot tle shop as we cannot ask the brewery to sort these out for members. See how you go. By studying t he labels o f t his and other brews y ou will be surprised how you r appreciation of deta il will improve .

PHOTOCOPIES OF BEER LABELS The Registered Clubs Asso~iation AGH labels ( very scarce ) arou sed s o much interest at the last meeting, that many members, knowing that they could never obtain the labels, asked for colour photocopies. The club had this done at the cost of $2.00 for a set of three, and the results were first class, - it was very difficult to differentiate copy from original such is the quality of the modern copiers . All of these copies were stamped ''PHOTO COPY'' on the bac k of the copy, however it was put to the meeting that colour photocopying of rare labels could be fraught with danger from misrepr esentation. We would welcome members views on thi s subject.

LABELS ISSUED IN MARCH . Oue to the heavy work load in sorting labels to be sent with the newsletter, some confusion occured ans s ome membe rs received double ues of some labels whilst others missed out . We appeal to those members who received double issues to return the mini brewery e xtra labels, but don ' t worry about the major breweries,


Page 5: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

'Womrzbap ~lr This Picture shows Domesday Ale, the Worlds strongest and most alcoholic beer whic h was auctioned for charity by Christies on behalf of the Cornish Brewery Co. on the 25th April . This beer is not to be confused with an earlier issue of this b ee r whi c h had an Original Gravity of 1084-1088 . The beer shown has an O.G. of 1143 and an alcoho l by volume of 15 .86% These two records recognized by Guinness Book Records.

are the of

There was only 39 bottles auctioned and the reserve on bottle no . 1 was £ 1000 ($2500 Aust.) and the other lots were marked down to start at £25 ( $62) per 5 bottles. This recordbreaking brew was started at midnight 31st Dec . 1986 and was bottled in November 1987 .

Some me mbers may think that they have seen higher st r engths on labels in their collections. In fact, there are many methods used around the world to express alcoholic strength. The method used in Australia, Alcohol by Volume (A/V) is gaining favour in more countri~s. The USA uses Alcohol by Weight (A/W) whi c h gives a lower figure than A/V for the same beer (or ot her drinks) a nd as a rough guide A/V gives a 20% higher figure than A/W, e.g. 4% A/W = 5% A/V. Some European countries use a degree system, usually Balling or Plato which tend to provide at first glance a slightly optimistic view of beer-strengths. Along with the Origin al Gravity system favoured in Britain are based on the amount of fermentab le material in t h e wort . These methods only give a rough g uide to the alcohol in t h e fi n ished product, the Balling or Plato figure divided by thr e e will give approx. the A/~. AR · O . G. of 1050 could give 5% A/V but could vary . 5 % either way.


Page 6: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian


In the good old days,they would have hung him up by the thumb~ or burn t him at the stake . Even now, he will be lucky to escape a sticky end . Paul Greineder ·, chairman of the board of Lowenbrau arguably Munich's and therefore Germany 's most famous brewery had committed heresy. He suggested at a news conference that those dreadful foreign beers containing indescribable ingredients were just as good as the pure, wholesome German beers made only from natural ingredients . Worse still, he theorised that if German breweries were to compete they might have to start using similar ruan-made substances . He even wondered aloud whether German beer was as pure as it is claimed to be, as water nowadays contains chemicals, and hops are sprayed with pesticides. His remarks came a year after the European Court ordered West Germany to stop using its "purity laws" as an excuse to keep out foreign beer, a ruling that the Bavarians at least are wisely ignoring . The ensuring storm shook the entire city . The city council, assuming that Lowenbrau was already producing foreign-type beer; moved to banish it from the Munich Oktoberfest. The Bavarian Institute for Crop and Soil Cultivation threatened to sue over the claim that pesticides get into beer. The rival Paulaner brewery pointed out that its water, drawn from wells 200 metres deep, was 16,000 years old and therefore absolutely clean. Lowenbrau called another news conference at which its marketing director, Alfred Riedl, took back every word his chairman had said. Herr Greineder, he said scathingly, had "confused private taproom talk with a press conference". Then he read a letter from Herr . Greiner, humbly regretting the uproar and promising to do penance in · the traditional Bavarian manner by making a pilgrimage to the shrine· of Our Lady at Altotting. There he will light 1516 candles, to remind himself that in the year 1516, Duke Wilhelm IV of Bavaria decreed that beer should never be made of anything but hops, malt, yeast and water . (Melbourne Age . 31/3/88)


The Editor thanks Ross Hackie, Dave Krug~r, Laurie Godden and George Crompton for their contributions to the Newsletter. Have you an interesting label, article or information? Send it to the Editor, we are a Society, and we rely on our members to keep it going.

.· ' ·• ;

· •.

Page 7: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian


This was the second brewery to be erected in Hindmarsh, built in 1859 By Watson and Borrers on the west side of Richard St. This partnership lasted for 12 months, and 1860 it was taken over by J. Coultard~ and then taken over by E . Crawford in 1861 ( who had previously operated the ot her Hindmarsh Brewery). In 1868 his interests were purchased by Herman Henry Haussen and George Catchlove, although their partnership was often simply referred to as Haussen & Co. The company continued brewing until 1927 when arrangements were made with the Walkerville Brewery to supply beer .

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the word ( ;;p ,Jf..~ri~··:'.t h::ir!.iJrn)~i!il;if)~q~~:~~i!i~. share of it late y) . Since wart ime excise duty have made Beer scarce and dear, sharp eyes have watched to see that the exact mea-surement of froth has· not been ex-ceeded. A fract ion toe much and the publican is asked, ~'How many cou- . pons for the collar?" or told to "PI.Jt _,, > · · :. a couple of stones i_n it" to bring the ·.··. level up - keen buyers, these fe llows. They buy J3allarat B:eers . b~cause they · · . know tha t they get good . value·· for:~'>;'.£~ .. , _· .. the ir money, the best of_ ingredients and ,. ... · the best workmanship. A ll their chaff :~' -_ _;· . is in fun, a battle o f wits· with the man _: ~- · · ·· · behind the cou'nter.; who wouldn't be .. : . . . congenial in '-such surroundings? .. - .. :: /}';: ,~. ::~·:· ·

Yours si"cerely, ; :·. . .... · ·, ·: -.': ~·~ ·.:

THE BALLARAT BREWIN·c; .···ca·~· ·:\:To:~-:-·· ·. .,_

Page 8: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

Labels Issued Witll-Tltis. Nswslsttsr

Boags Draught . .. ... .... ......... . . . . . ..................... . ..... 37 SmL Boags Light . . . .. ... . .............. . . . .. . ......... ' ... ........... . 37 5mL Boags XXX Al e . . .. ..... . .... . .. . ... . . . .. .... . ... ... . . ......... . .. 750mL Cascade D-Beer ............... . .... . . . ... . .... . . . ...... .. ........ 7 SOm..b Cascade Light Lager .......... . .... . . ... . .. ..... ... .. ............ 7 SOmL Cascade Export Stout ...... . .... ... . . .................. .......... 37 SmL Cast 1 e m a in e DL Lager ........ .. .. .. . . ....... .................. ... 375mL Carbine Stout ..................... . . . ........ ........ ..... 375 & 750mL West End Lager Beer & back label .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 10mL Tooheys Draught , Chinese export ... . . ... . ...... . ... .. ....... . .. . . 750mL Tall Ships Ale, (B ond Heritage ) ... . . ..... . ...................... ::l4SmL Balmain Bock .. ......... . .... . ..... . . ........ . . ...... .. .... ... ... 375mL HcCrackens Extra Stou t (reissue) . . . . .................. .. .. no contents Courage Crest Lager (rei~sue) . . . . . . . ..... ...... . .. . . ..... .. .... . 370mL XXXX Lite Lager C' Wealth Games reissue ........ . ...... 375 & 750mL Castlemaine Diet Lager C · Wealth Games reissue .. . .... . ........... 750mL Castlemaine Draught C' Wealth Games .. reissue .......... . ........... 750mL Cast lemaine XXXX Bitter Ale C'Wealth Games ... reis s u e .. ... ... . ..... 750mL XII C'Wealth Games Sp ecial reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375mL Hillers Lager reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .... . . .. .......... ... 740mL Hill e rs Hi-L o Lager reissue . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... ...... ............ 740mL Tooheys Flag Ale reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... 250 & 740 m1 Tooheys New Spe c ial Draught reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740mL Too heys Export Pi lsener reissue . . . . . ............... ... .. . ....... 74UmL Tooheys Oatmeal Stout reisue .... . ............................... 74UmL Tooheys Li te Lager reissue . . . . . . . . . . ................. . .......... 250mL Tooheys Draught reissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... .. ................ 310mL Old Ballarat Brew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ........ . . ..... 37S mL Ballarat Gold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...... .. . . .......... . .... 375mL Old Gold Stout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . .... . ................. 3'15mL Canberra Deluxe Lager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ..... . .......... 37SmL Refreshing Ale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. .......... . ......... 375mL

LABEL DONATIONS, BREWERIES Tasmanian Breweries Pty Ltd. Bond Brewing (QLD) Ltd, Bond Brewing ( NSW ) Ltd. The South Australian Brewing Co. Balmain Brewery Ltd . Carlton & Uni ted Breweries (Me lbourne ) Ltd . Sovereign Brewery Ballarat Eaglehawk Hill Brewing Co. Pty Ltd

Page 9: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

Br0wsry News

Brewtech gears up , Victorian presence I

Philip Sexton: a market base in the Eastern States.

PERTH-based specialty beer maker Brewtech has strengthened its Victorian presence by takin: mana{ement control of the Port Melbourne Brewin: Company. Port Melbourne Brewing

is 50 per cent owned by Brewtecb but ··until now

'lS managed by the other int-venture partner,

Quest Investments. · Brewtech said it was in­vited to take over manage­ment control of Port Mcl­bourAe, giving it a plat­form from which to launch RedBack beer in the Eastern States. Brewt e ch e xecutiv e

chairman Philip Sexton

said the company was in the final plannin: stages of its new brewin: facility in Perth and the market base in the Eastern States com­plemented its expansion plans.

B rewtcch plans to lift its WA brewing capacity to 150,000 hectalitres with the construction or • new brewery.at the Ford assem­bly plant in Fremantle.

Port !\lelbourne Brewing will brew its own pilsner and lager beer alongside its Royal Hotel, and import Red Back beer from W A.

Port Melbourne operates two hotels in Melbourne and one in Tasmania.


The original malted wheat beer from the Matilda Bay Brewery.

A unique ale style brewed from Avon Valley wheat and gently spiced with Bohemian hops.

RedBack is brewed naturally without additives or preservatives and receives no processing in the brewery - a natura/living produd.

An elegant beer with a delightful creamy and raw flavow; we recommend that it is served chilled with a slice of lemon. Take it with food, when you have company, when you are sad, having fun or simply when you are just plain thirsty.

Alcohol: 4.7% Vol OG: 1044 Bittemes~: 18 IBU Colour: Wheat gold with very large thick white head.

Un fort unat e ly the '' labe l " shown ab ove i s n o t o n paper. It is "fire d on'' the b ottle, whic h makes a bit of a bump if y o u p u t i t in your a l b um . Maybe we can con v ince P hi l Se xton t o pr in t an o r dinary labe l.

T he cartoon opposite is how Edwards of the S u n- Herald sees t he Ha r bo u r Br idge in l igh t of the mini brewery explosion in Sydney .

T he la t est is t h e Hahn Bre who use ru n b y Chu c k Ha hn wh o p r e v iou sly wo rked for Coors US A, a nd Ne w Zealand Brewer i es. Also fro m Sydney co mes n ews that the for me r Resc hs Brewe ry site i s to be develope-d into a hotel and conference cen tre. Iron ically some of th e s maller buildings of h is to r i c al int e re~t we r e not demolis h ed; t he facades of which will be ma intained a nd i nco r po r a t ed as a bou tiq u e bre wery! !(Fin.Rev iew Feb 23/2/88) .

Page 10: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

.... .. .. H11111e·

This month, each prize will contain a VOLUH ( Geelong ) label, old CUB labels, a range of Courage Au stralia labels and othe r obsolete/ Australian labels ,plus a mix of foreign labels. Each pr ize wil l contain a minimum of 200 labels . Five ti c ket s for $1 .00 minimum . Twelve tic kets for $2.00 maximum. All ti c k e ts from George Cr ompt on, and include a stamped addressed envelope please if you wish to have your tickets returned to you .

Swap Shop

Harry Donald of flat 1 I 25 Pukerangi Crescent, Ellerslie, Au ckland New Zealand has an unusual facet of label collecting; he collects Stout labels only, Harry has N. Z. beer labels including some of the older specials that he wishes to swap for world - wide Stout labels .

Jack Wilks, 65 Tiverton Drive Hu l grave 3170, wants Danish and British labels, can swap similar or labels from any other country you want .

Page 11: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

Book Review THE GREATEST AUSTRALIAN BEER GUIDE Edited by Willie Simpson , The book commences with a very short history of brewing and then moves/ t o the histories of the major Australian breweries, most of these histories are written by VBLCS member Kerry Walton. The next chapter is a guide to the small scale breweries and boutique pubs whic h are c overed thoroughly . Unforunately, because of the rapidly expanding scene, the Geelong Brewery and the Rifle Brigade pub -brewery are not mentioned. A review of the top ten imports follows and then on to an outline on the various styles of beers . The re is a chapter devoted to a beer tasting panel with scoring of the various beers . Personally, I think there will b e as many top rated beers as there are beer tasting panels. There is a good section on Home-Brew kits and also beer trivia , how oeer is brewed and a very good article on VBLCS member Kerry Walton and his brewerianna collection. The book is profusely illustrated all in colour, and contains an exclusive offer for three Fosters Lager posters of pre-war vintage . I thoroughly recommend this b oo k to all VBLCS members, there possibly could be later updated versions of this book, as a request for any information is printed in the book . The Greatest Australian Beer Guide, 100 pages , quarto size, published by the Federal Publishing Co . Pty Ltd, soft cover and available at most newsagents, $5 . 95, and $6.95 in New Zealand .

- "It's li~e· beer from the wood but cheaper."


The Victorian Coas ter Co llec tors Club is ho l ding an auc t ion of over 500 lots in c luding many old Australian Labels . It will b e held in Hay N. S.W . as part of an Au s trali a wide coaster c ollec t ors weeke nd. It wil l be held at t he Inlander Hotor Inn 83 Lachlan St. Ha y . on Sat . 21st Hay at 2 . 00 p.m . I nt e r ested VBLCS me mbe r s can con tact Don Hodge by writing to : V.C.C.C. P.O.Box 167 Caulfield East 3145.


Jack Wilks wa n ts any magazines or be e r or brewing coun try .

to purchase boo ks on f rom any

Page 12: Victorian Beer Label Collectors' SocietyVictorian Beer Label Collectors' Society MAY 1988 VOLUME 17 No.3 .I ' I i I NEWSLETTER The lnternalional Society of Label Collecto!s-Auslralian

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