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Page 1: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .


Class : I

May your Holidays be filled with joy and good cheer!! NAME : ________________

As the holidays have begun, it’s time for us to have some fun, It is the time to read an amazing book and help mommy cook, We will

make new friends and play a lot of games, Spend time with them and know their names, We will sleep

on time and rise with the bright sun, As the holidays have begun, it’s time for us to have fun!!

Dear Parent(s) Holidays are a good time to take a break from the daily routine. It is the time to indulge in hobbies, meet old friends and extended family members. Summer time is the quality time that you can utilize to bond with your child. It is the time of simple pleasures and excitement. Enjoy this precious time with your ward. You can make your child more independent by teaching him/her various activities to develop his/ her physical and mental skills. Note: Kindly ensure that the VEP is completed by the students under the guidance of the parents. Submit VEP when school reopens.

Page 2: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .




Page 3: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Reading Comprehension

Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions:

Passage 1

Page 4: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Passage 2

Page 5: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Q. Read the blends given in the oval. Find the words in the grid and color them.

Page 6: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Q. Pick the words from the box and fill in the blanks to complete the story.

1. Once there was a _________ sitting on a _______.

2. He was having a piece of __________.

3. A hungry and clever ________ came.

4. He said, “Dear crow, can you sing a _______ for me”.

5. The crow started to ________ and the bread fell down.

6. The fox _____________ it and went away.


fox picked

bread sing crow

tree song

Page 7: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Q. Work from textbook ‘MY GRAMMAR TIME’:-

• Do Page numbers: 9, 10, 12, 13, and 23

• Read page number 11

Q. Write all the words of the following blends in your new notebook:-

(Refer to the vocabulary sheet)

cl pl fl

sl gr cr


Page 8: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .




Page 9: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .


Q. Rahul wants to reach his house. Help him find the way to reach his house by

drawing the path. Remember to follow the instructions given and answer each


a) Start walking by the smallest number in the grid.

b) The number that comes after 5.

c) The number which is before 15.

d) The number which is in-between 20 and 22.

e) One number greater than 30.

f) The number which is in-between 42 and 44.

g) Reach the house by stepping on the biggest number in the grid.

1 5 6

18 21 14

29 31 32

42 43 50

Page 10: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .


Q. Color the number grid according to the given instructions and identify the

letter formed.

a) A number greater than 5 and smaller than 7 color it blue.

b) A number missed by me in forward counting 12, 14, 15 color it green.

c) A number which is equal to 20 color it red.

d) A number that comes in- between 37 and 39 color it yellow.

e) A number more than 42 and less than 44 color it pink.

f) A two-digit number which comes just after 9 color it purple.

g) Smallest one-digit number color it orange.

6 22 34 19

10 15 44 33

43 45 28 49

1 13 20 38

Page 11: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Q. A code is a way of writing a message in secret. Each letter of the alphabet is

replaced by a number. Use the numbers to form code and make new words.

Write names of any 5 animals in the secret code and paste or draw their pictures.

a) ______________________

b) ______________________

c) ______________________

d) ______________________

e) ______________________

Page 12: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Q. Do the following pages in your textbooks:-

• ‘MATH-e-MAGIC’ -> Page numbers: 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25,

26, 27, 28, and 29

• ‘NEW ENJOYING MATHEMATICS’ -> Page numbers: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20,

21, and 29

Q. Write number names 1 – 50 in your new notebook.


Page 13: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .




Page 14: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

अपठित गद्यांश

प्र. नीचे दिए गए गद्द््यांश को पदिए:

रयजय और लतय बयजयर गए । रयजय बयजय लय्य ।

उसकय बयजय लयल थय । रयजय पीली सीटी भी लय्य ।

लतय मयलय लयई । वह गयजर और टमयटर भी लयई ।

ककरन कल बयजयर जयएगी । वह ककतयब लयएगी ।

प्र. दिए गए अनुछेि को पढकर सही वयक्् के आगे और गलत वयक्् के आगे लगयऍ ।

1. रयजय कय बयजय हरय थय | ( ______ ) 2. लतय मयलय लय्ी | ( ______ ) 3. ककरन आज बयजयर ग्ी | ( ______ )

प्र. दिए गए अनुछेि को पढकर वयक्् पूरे करो ।

1. रयजय और लतय _______________ गए ।

2. रयजय ____________________ लय्य । 3. लतय _________________ लयई ।

Page 15: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

प्र. दिए गए अनुछेि में से आ, इ और ई की मयत्रय के िो – िो शब्ि ललखो:

1. आ : _________________ , ________________

2. इ : _________________ , ________________

3. ई : _________________ , ________________

प्र. ननम्नललखखत पषृ्ठों को अपनी पयठ्् पुस्ततकय ‘विभि’ में कीस्जए:-

• पषृ्ठ सांख््य: 6, 7, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23

प्र. ननम्नललखखत पषृ्ठों को अपनी पयठ्् पुस्ततकय ‘विभि’ में से पदिए:-

• पषृ्ठ सांख््य: 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 22

प्र. करय्े गए आ, इ और ई की मयत्रय के शब्ि अपनी न्ी कॉपी में ललखखए |


Page 16: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .




Page 17: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .


Page 18: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .


Family Collage

Materials Required:-

1. Old Magazine

2. A4 sheet (any color)

3. Scissor

4. Glue


• The children will go through any old magazines/newspapers

and find pictures of all the things their mothers do.

• Cut them out and glue them onto A4 paper.

• The same can be done for Dad.

Page 19: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .


Do the following exercises to keep you fit.

Page 20: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

Q. Match the following:-

Q. Do the following pages in your textbook ‘OUR WONDERFUL PLANET’:-

• Page numbers: 7, 8, 9, and 10


Page 21: VIDYA BHARATI SCHOOL VACATION ENRICHMENT … · ENGLISH HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK . Reading Comprehension Q. Read the following passages and answer the questions: Passage 1 . Passage 2 .

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