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Indigenous peoples of South America(JUST IN CASE)


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DON’T 4GET: This class is about THE AMERICAS. That’s why the Maya, Aztec and Incas are included. As are the Spanish conquistadors then come in and wreck (I mean colonize) Latin America.

Paper #3 (3 essays/ 2.5 hours) has about 18 different topics to choose from. I am confident that between the four (4) questions from topics 16 and 17, you will find 3 that u like. Just in case, however, here are the notes for Topics #1 and 2: Aztecs, Incas and conquistadors.

THIS WAS MY FINAL EXAM QUESTION IN POLSCI 303: LATIN AMERICAAmerica is rich. Latin America is poor. Why?...............................

The Spanish colonization of Latin America was completely different from British colonization of the 13 colonies. The British wanted the 13 colonies to be a LITTLE ENGLAND. That is they wanted them to be healthy, wealthy and wise. That’s why they gave us a :

A lil bit of democracy A lil bit of capitalism A lil bit of literacy This is also why were so PREPARED for independence!!!

Spain, on the other hand, wanted only to rape and exploit Central and South America. They viewed the natives as SAVAGES who didn’t have clothes, technology or….GOD!

They wanted nothing other than to suck the areas dry, use the native Indians until they dropped dead from exhaustion, and then import as many West African slaves as God and weather would permit.

Remember that the Spanish conquistadors were only looking for the 3 G’s1. God 2. Gold 3. Glory

And they won using 2. Guns 2. Germs 3. Steel

**By the way…Spain is Catholic while England is Protestant. Protestantism values literacy because you are expected to READ the Bible without the help of an intermediary or a priest. Catholicism, on the other hand, was partially responsible for the illiteracy that came to claim Latin America after independence.

In addition, don’t 4get that they failed to listen to Simon Bolivar when he said: Unite…or ….Die!!!!!

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Proof of this is the manner in which the English even BEGAN their exploration of North America. They did it in the spirit of capitalism and ownership. If you remember correctly, the English, and the Dutch, set up JOINT-STOCK COMOANIES and ROYAL-CHARTERED MONOPOLIES and gave them permission to settle the New World. They got permission to go to America and in exchange they agreed to give a cut to the good ol’ King and Queen. In addition, English citizens and corporations were allowed to buy chunks of these companies and get a share of their profits. They could then trade and sell stocks from them. The English used a foundation of shared ownership, the stock market, and shared interest to create the foundation of the 13 colonies. They wanted them to succeed. Everybody wins; the explorers, the monarch, and the businessmen.

This is how Jamestown was founded, the lost colony at Roanoke, and the rest of the 13 colonies. I mean, one of the reasons the North won the Civil war was that we had industry; shipbuilding, factories, whaling etc. Even the Mayflower Compact was proof this immediate self-rule and independence. Another example is the Virginia House of Burgesses; allowed to make their own laws, within the confines of the crown, sure, but with a degree of self-determination as well.

Finally, the whole point of the 13 colonies was RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Sure you had to be white and Christian, but religious freedom became the backbone of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. As opposed to Spanish America where you better become Catholic…..or……off with your head.

The problems came about, the call for INDEPENDENCE came about, only when King James II started TAKING AWAY these rights. When he started chipping away at:

Democracy Stamp Act Capitalism’ Quartering of soldiers Freedom Boston Tea Party etc.

This is ALL in stark contrast to Spain and Portugal!!!!! There was no interest on the part of the Spanish in creating anything. They were there to use and discard!

In the 1500’s: Spain and Portugal later COMPLETELY transformed South America by bringing in

Slavery Spanish rule Massive patriarchy Diseases (like smallpox, chickenpox and measles) Horses, cows, goats, pigs and chickens Iron and steel Ships and cannons

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And guns……………………………………………

This GENERATIONAL POVERTY is also why communism appealed to so many in latin America and why Reagan got involved in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Grenada and Nixon got involved in Chile.

MAYA, AZTEC AND INCA: Indigenous peoples of South America (750-1500)

1. The Maya were in Mexico and Central America2. The Aztec were ONLY in Mexico3. The Incas were in ONLY South America near the wonderful Andes Mountains

MEN AND WOMENUnlike the Spanish, the Aztecs and Incas treated men and women ALMOST the same. This is known as gender equality.

Men and women were different, but equal . 1. Men worshipped the sun/women worshipped the moon2. Men worked in the fields/ women with childcare3. Both men and women could be priests.

This is HUGE: This is completely different from almost every other religion we have studied. In Judaism women aren’t even allowed to read the Torah. The Islamic world treats women very badly, and even in Catholicism a woman can’t be a priest or the Pope.


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With the Maya, Aztec and Inca, the priests really ran the show. Yes, they both had Emperors and Kings but the priests wielded tremendous influence and more often than not the Emperor used a special relationship to God (or the Gods) to justify his rule and brutality.

They were BOTH polytheistic and they were both major THEOCRACIES. (A theocracy is different from a democracy in that religion and religious figures are in charge)

Thinking Question: Should the words “under God” be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance? * remind me to show you scenes from the cartoon Road to el Dorado about the Gods!


- Their #1 emperor was a guy named Montezuma :of course he said he was a descendant of the Sun God.

**If you go to Mexico, drink the water, and get diarrhea,……it’s called Montezuma’s Revenge (cuz we Europeans killed him and all his friends).


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They had these HUGE temples in every city, and on top of these temples, the priests would cut off the slaves’ or prisoners’ heads and then take out their heart. And then…..breakfast!

You see, the Sun God required human blood every single day OR THE SUN WOULDN’T RISE. And so to appease him the Aztec priests (not the Incas) would kill a different slave on top of their pyramid every day the sun rose.

After killing the slave and chopping their heads off, the PRIESTS would cut out the heart, hold it up for all the peasants (You) to bow down to and worship. Then the priests would do their godly duty and eat the heart (with ketchup, tobassco sauce, and pickles)

Other animals besides Aztecs that were cannibals: PRAYING MANTIS BLACK WIDOW. ...



RABBIT. Electra and Smoove

Now when the Spanish come they will look at the Incas and Aztecs, and the Native Americans to the north, as SAVAGES. First of all, they’re NOT monotheistic and they don’t have Jesus. And finally, they are cannibals……………………………….


- A slave's children were free (Yay!) (The slave could have possessions and even own other slaves.) How quaint!

- How to win your freedom: A slave could run away from their master, run outside the walls of the market and step on a piece of human excrement. Then they could present their case to

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the judges, they would grant that slave freedom. (Hmmmm. We should try this strategy in class…)

- A master could not sell a slave without the slave's consent (Aw man!!!)

- An Aztec could become a slave as a punishment. A murderer sentenced to death could instead, upon the request of the wife of his victim, be given to her as a slave.

- MY FAVORITE:::: A father could sell his son into slavery if the son was declared incorrigible (bad behavior) by an authority (but dad, I’ll never steal the car again………….)

- Those who did not pay their debts could also be sold as slaves (just like in old England and Georgia in the 13 colonies). People could even sell themselves as slaves to pay off a debt. Now if some you have less than stellar grades it is possible that my car tires need washing

** Remind me to show u scenes from Mel Gibsons’ movie Apocalypto, which has the best and most accurate sense of international slavery I can think of. You see, slavery in this world is not just about the Civil War.

DON’T 4GET: Slavery has been practiced ever since man realized he was stronger than other men (ME). And greed, selfishness and aggression have ruled the day ever since. The Greeks had slaves, the Persians had slaves, ancient Egypt had slaves, the Maya, Aztec and Inca had slaves. ……Then Europe had slaves, Africans had slaves, Islamic rulers had slaves, American had slaves, Brazilians and Spanish Mexicans had slaves and on and on until the 1800’s. Slavery was global and ageless…..and lest u think slavery is gone, think of who picks your food and makes your clothes!!!!

In fact, after we have finished preparing for the AP Exam, remind me to show you scenes of sweatshop labor and farm workers, who are really the slaves of today.

GODS: the big one was the Sun God) Here is a list of all there other gods (no goddesses)I will call on your randomly and you will pronounce them (Justin Knibbs will go first)

Huitzilopochtli. Huitzilopochtli (pronounced Weetz-ee-loh-POSHT-lee) Tonatiuh. ...

Tezcatlipoca. ... Chalchiuhtlicue. ...

Centeotl. ... Quetzalcoatl. ...

Xipe Totec. Tlaloc. Tlaloc (pronounced Tlá-lock)

POLITICAL STRUCTURE: The Aztecs were more like Rome, sending out local Governors to run conquered

provinces. The Incas, on the other hand, were kind of like China, controlling everything from

Cuzco, the capital. The Incas didn’t have as many slaves as the Aztecs and they DEFINITELY didn’t eat their hearts (no ketchup)

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HINT: If u ever get a question about bureaucracy or political structure, juts think of how Plantation High School is run (or even the United States)

- The Aztecs demanded tribute from all surrounding villages; jewelry, gold, clothing,

animals, starbucks, skittles (In fact, 40% of all their money and food came from village tribute.)

- You also had to pay a tax after you were conquered, just like in Rome. (all empires really!!)

*An interesting thing about this concept of TRIBUTE is that any country that we study, any Empire, will collect TRIBUTE from its people, its territories and its conquered lands. Of course! What’s the fun of conquering someone if you can’t collect their TRIBUTE.

It’s basically subjects and citizens within those conquered areas either coming to the capital and giving the KING/CEASAR/EMPEROR their MONEY/GOLD/FOOD. It can also be simply seen as TAXATION. It’s really all the same thing. I have not received TRIBUTE from any of you in weeks!

ALSO, how do you control large empires??????????? Roads!!!!!!!!!!! The Aztecs actually invented the wheel. Betcha didn’t know that!- Now we have bicycles, cars, the Flintsone cars and tricycles for

And the Incas had 10,000 MILES OF ROADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If u look at the Incan empire you see that they were mostly high up in the ANDES MOUNTAINS. The Andes Mountains are on the left side of South America and are considered the HARDEST mountains in the world to cross, even more than the Himalayas. They don’t have Mt. Everest, but almost every peak is a steep 10,000 feet.The Andes built their empire along these mountains and created roads going around them. In fact, their most famous city MACHU PICCHU, is known as CLOUD CITY and is in Peru.

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- If u go to Peru, you can take a trolley up (boring!)- Or..u can hike up. It takes 4 days and you have to walk 26 miles (Eazy Peazy!)


In fact, the mountains were so formidable that the Incas HAD MO WRITTEN LANGUAGE. Instead they would use different colored cords called QUIPUS. The color and length of the cords determined the message. So saying something like “Marisa

only has a “B’ in World History” would look something like this:

AZTEC AND INCAN INVENTIONS1. Popcorn2. Chocolate ( I prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate) This is why Europe started sending so many cocoa beans back after the colonization3. Chewing Gum (Singapore has made gum illegal because of everyone spitting it out on sidewalks. If u get caught, you get beaten with a wooden cane.4. Brain surgery: Used on soldiers. Usually they died but by the 1600’s a lot survived. The Incas used maize alcohol to battle infections.5. NO WRITING SYSTEM. Either Quippus or hieroglyphics.6. Calendars, clocks

Fun Fact: Only idiots thought the world was going to end in 2012. The Maya calendar only STOPPED at 2012 cuz they died. There was NOTHING in the calendar to suggest the end of anything.


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If u live on a mountain, how you gonna grow food?Well, the Incas practiced something called terraced farming. it looks something like this:

They would actually cut away parts of the mountain to make flat steps. The Chinese did this to grow rice on mountains as well. Remember: this kind of information can go under ENVIRONMENT, ECONOMIC, TECHNOLOGY, ETC.

So can the information found below:

The Incas also had a crazy system of FORCED LABOR called the MITA SYSTEM. It went as follows:

Every village had to send 25% of all its men every 3 months. When they came back, or died, the village would send the next 25% When the Spanish conquer the Incas they will implement this Mita System in the

silver mountain and on the sugar and tobacco plantations.



OK, so after Christopher Columbus left for Spain, the Spanish conquistadors started coming. In the 1500’s they killed BOTH the Aztecs and the Incas and basically took over ALL of Central America, Mexico and South America (Portugal claimed Brazil).

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WHY DID THEY COME? GOD, GOLD AND GLORY!!!!! God: They forced everyone to become Catholic. If u didn’t off with ur head! Gold: seLf-explanatory. Actually, Latin America had a HUGE supply of silver Glory: Fame

HOW DID THEY WIN? GUNS, GERMS AND STEEL!!!!! Guns (Their guns and cannons were just too much) Germs (They brought smallpox and other diseases, which the Aztecs and Incas

had no immunity to) Steel (Their cannons and armor were also too much)

ALSO HORSES. The Aztecs thought horses were just really huge dogs (Labradoodles). The ONLY large animal in South America, after the wooly mammouth went extict, was the LLAMA, which can spit really far distances like Alan George, Talaxy Bonner and Kyela Dixon

ALSO, many of the prisoners and slaves fought alongside the Spanish thinking: “well they’re gonna be an improvement over the Aztecs, right?!” Wrong!!!! They went from enslavement by one empire to enslavement by another!

The 2 main conquistadors are:1. Hernan Cortez: Killed the Aztecs and enslaved Montezuma (got diarrhea as a

result)2. Fransisco Pizarro: Destroyed the Incas and took Machu Picchu (Now crazy

Americans take selfies there and fall off!! I call this ‘natural selection’)

MOST IMPORTANT PART: WHAT DID THE SPANISH CHANGEDON’T 4GET: You may get a long essay not on COMPARE/CONTRAST but on how a country

CHANGED. Here’s ur answer:

Vocabulary Word: Syncretic Religion: It’s when 2 religions join and become a new one that is a combination of both. This is

what happened when Catholicism came to South America.

For Example1. In Mexico City, one of the biggest holidays is the ‘Day of the Dead’ Festival. I know

many of you are failing IB Spanish so……. It is otherwise known as “Dia de los Muertos” . It really has very little

Mexico: 81% Catholic. They just made abortion and gay marriage legalBrazil: 61% Catholic: Women used to have 6 babies each because the Catholic

Church DOES NOT allow birth control

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When the Spanish and Portuguese came to Latin America they forced everyone to become Catholic. Or u got your head cut off (How Christian of them)

2. Example #2: Syncretic foods: Cajun cooking (boiled crawfish, fried oysters), - Conch chowder in the Bahamas- Jerk Chicken from Jamaica- Jerk Goat - pickled pigs feet in..Publix

OK, U MAY BE ASKED HOW SOUTH AMERICA CHANGEDDDDDDD AFTER 1492.7. Well, we already discussed Catholicism8. We also discussed guns, cannons, armor, steel and germs9. Let’s look at TRADE

By the way, this is what SMALLPOX looks like: Look at pix online if u like. We cured it in 1796

Fun Fact: The U.S Army wanted to get rid of Native Americans so badly that in the winter they gave Native American villages blankets…covered in Smallpox


THE COLOMBIAN EXCHANGE :This is stuff that went from Europe to the Americas and from the Americas to Europe


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Sugar and tobacco Also cows, goats, pigs and chickens (Principal DiPaolo, Vanessa Fergusoni and I

are vegetarians) Small pox

Turkeys, pumpkins and squash Also horses Slaves!!!!

WHAT DID WE SEND TO EUROPE? We sent potatoes, tomatoes and corn to Europe and china

The populations of Europe and china skyrocketed as a result!!!!!!(CHINA TODAY: 1.3 BILLION PPL INDIA TODAY: 1 BILLION PPL)

And the world was FLOODED with SILVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Gold: $1500 per ounce

Silver: $20.00 per ounceFairydust: priceless

Platinum: $1800 per ounce

It turns out that Peru and Bolivia had HUGE SILVER MINES. Well, who’s gonna mine them?

3. Well, first the Spanish used the Incan MiTA SYSTEM: -Every male in every village had to work for free every three months-They all worked either in the silver mines or the sugar plantations-When these people died (and most did die), the Spanish brought in…….slaves from West Africa.

Also, England LOVED Tobacco. So colonies like North Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky grew tobacco. Again, massive numbers of slaves were brought in.

4. The Spanish and the Americans get SLAVESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Middle Passage: The part of the Colombian Exchange where the slaves would come over from West Africa

-30,000,000 slaves in 100 years/20% died on the trip over-The conditions were beyond description-African leaders were bad too!

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This is what the boats of the MIDDLE PASSAGE BOATS looked like

DON’T FORGET: Africa had been involved in the slave trade long before Europe got involved. African tribal leaders would take prisoners of war, or steal slaves from other villages. They would sell them to North Africa, the Middle East (remember, the Middle East would take slaves as long as they weren’t Christians or Jews), as well as Europe. But when Europe got involved the slave trade really accelerated. In addition, the West African tribal leaders wanted the guns, gunpowder and other goods the Europeans were willing to trade.

As U can see, the conditions for the slaves was terrible. You had to sleep on the floor along with 200 other people. You had to go to the bathroom right there and you were not allowed on the deck of the ship for any fresh air. You died of disease, hunger, or water-borne diseases like cholera or dysentery. Probably you hoped for death.


THE AZTECS OF MEXICO:They went from 10 million 1 to 1 million

THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS:The native population went to almost zero!!The slave population jumped to the millions.

***In Haiti the local Tainos (tie-ee-nohs) would rather jump off the cliffs to their deaths than be enslaved by either the Spanish, the French or the British.

DON’T 4GET that ‘E’ for ‘ENVIRONMENT’ means: Diseases OR Migration

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Demographics Family and kinship (They died cuz of smallpox, slavery and mistreatment)

SPANISH MILITARY VS. AZTEC/INCAN MILITARYThe Aztecs and the Incas BOTH had MAJOR military empires. I mean, they conquered EVERYONE around them and incorporated them into their world. Of course you became either a citizen paying tribute, a soldier or a slave. But when the Spanish came in they simply replaced the awful old rulers with awful new ones.

The Incas incorporated something like 10,000,000 peoples into their empire. And the Aztec capital of Tenochitlan (which is today’s Mexico City) had 500,000. This was like Paris pr London, and when the Spanish saw it they thought, “Is THIS the city of gold? And that’s what the cartoon “Road to El Dorado” is all about. Hernan Cortez thought that Tenochitlan was the fabled city of El Dorado. Just like when Ponce de Leon went looking for the “Fountain of Youth” and founded St. Augustine near Daytona Beach instead. (The oldest city in North America: founded in 1516)







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Actually, he wasn’t. Christopher Columbus was only looking for a quicker route to China. That’s why he named the islands of the Caribbean the West Indies, cuz he thought he was near India.

Why did everyone in Europe want to find a quicker way to get to China? Because they wanted a faster way to buy all the things that China exported; like silk,

printing blocks, and gunpowder. Everybody knew the Earth was round. Only uneducated Europeans and Freshmen

thought the Earth was flat. What they didn’t know was how big the planet was. Yet even after Christopher Columbus ‘discovered’ America he and all of the explorers

who came after him were still only looking for one thing: a way to get to China. They thought they could go through New York, and then Canada, and then the North Pole to get to China. This was called the Northwest Passage.

They were wrong. The North Pole was covered in ice but they didn’t know that at the time.

Sad Note: because of Global warming the Northwest Passage now exists. Very sad! That is, the North Pole has so little ice that a ship can go from here to China during the summer. In fact, we have even found polar bears who have actually drowned because there’s such little ice.

Portugal was the first country to make a move and create a GLOBAL TRADING EMPIRE 1. A guy from Portugal named Henry the Navigator set up a school for sea captains and navigators on the Atlantic coast. Portugal is right on the Atlantic after all. 2. The Portuguese then sent a guy named Vasco de Gama all the way from Europe to the tip of South Africa. He gets caught in so many storms down there that when he gets back alive, the king of Portugal names the tip of South Africa the Cape of Good Hope. It still has that name today.

Fun Fact: The tip of South Africa has the most Great White sharks in the world. They like the cold water. And morons still go surfing and get eaten up every year

3. Then they send a guy even further, all the way AROUND Africa, to India through the Indian Ocean. When they do that, they’re like “You know what, let’s start Portuguese cities in India and even further in South East Asia near China!” This is how Portugal got involved in international trade.

Fun Fact: A guy named Magellan makes it all around the world, but he dies on his ship in the Philippines. His crew makes it back to Europe though. His crew is the first EVER to go all the way around the world. This is called circumnavigating the globe.


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Cartography: really good at making maps. I get lost at Sawgrass! Navigation: The compass and the astrolabe, a device to measure constellations at night. Better ships and innovation in ship design: the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria They understood global wind patterns like the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic (that’s why it takes 8 hours to fly to Paris but only 7 hours to fly back!)

Don’t 4GET that India has the SUMMER MONSOONS!! (Actually, Europeans made us of ancient Islamic and Asian knowledge). DON’t 4GET: Trade is everything!

Also, any time AP asks you a question: the answer is wind and ships

Next, Spain gets involved:1. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella were very Catholic people. In fact, it was they who kicked all the Jews and the Muslim armies out of Spain in 1491. You had a choice if you were Jewish; convert to Catholicism or be killed. This was known as the Spanish Inquisition. That’s not very nice of them. Is that very Christian?

2. Queen Isabella just wanted 3 things: A. To make everyone CatholicB. To find a quicker route to ChinaSo, she sent Spanish conquistadors after Columbus to conquer South America


1. Compare and Contrast the Aztec caste system and the Spanish caste system

2. Compare and Contrast Aztec religion and Spanish religion:

3. Compare and Contrast Aztec bureaucracy to Incan government:

4. What was the Mita system?

5. How did the Aztecs, Maya and Incas approach slavery?

6. How did the Aztec and Inca treat the female gender relative to Portugal?



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C. WHY were these explorers looking for China?

D. What was the Colombian Exchange (I promise u this will be a Long Response Question in May) Let this be your Study Guide.

E. How did the Spanish change the ENTIRE DEMOGRAPHICS of Latin America?

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