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Page 1: ViPA Training Manual - Rev I for V4.7xx

The Jorin ViPA

Training Manual

Revision I for Versions V4.7x

June 2009

Jorin Limited

Jorin House, 32 Ashville Way, Whetstone, Leicestershire, LE8 6NU, United Kingdom

Email: [email protected]

Tel No: +44 (0) 116 275 3300 Fax No: +44 (0) 116 275 3322

Page 2: ViPA Training Manual - Rev I for V4.7xx


1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2

2 What is the ViPA System? .................................................................................. 3

3 How it Works?...................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Size .................................................................................................................. 6

3.2 Number and Volume Distribution ................................................................... 6

3.3 D10/50/90 Statistics ............................................................................................ 7

3.4 Shape Factor .................................................................................................... 7

3.5 Concentration .................................................................................................. 9

4 ViPA Software, Calibration and Supporting Software .................................. 11

4.1 ViPA Operating Software ............................................................................. 11

4.2 ViPA Calibration ........................................................................................... 11

4.3 Digital – Analogue Controller Software ....................................................... 12

5 The ViPA Software ............................................................................................ 13

5.1 Set-up ............................................................................................................ 14

5.1.1 Selecting the Fibre Optic Interface ........................................................ 16

5.1.2 Loading Calibration File ........................................................................ 16

5.1.3 Loading the Image File .......................................................................... 16

5.2 Marlin Camera............................................................................................... 21

5.3 Measurement ................................................................................................. 22

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5.4 Particle Classes .............................................................................................. 25

5.4.1 Setting up the Classes ............................................................................ 25

5.5 Data Reporting .............................................................................................. 30

5.5.1 Batch Graphs .......................................................................................... 30

5.5.2 Scrolling graphs ..................................................................................... 34

5.6 Particle Validation ......................................................................................... 40

5.6.1 Resizing the Frame ................................................................................ 46

5.6.2 Saving Frozen Images ............................................................................ 46

5.6.3 Loading Frozen Images.......................................................................... 47

5.6.4 Resizing the Main ViPA Screen ............................................................ 47

5.7 Data Collection .............................................................................................. 49

5.7.1 Data Storage and Retrieval .................................................................... 52

5.8 Alarms ........................................................................................................... 53

5.9 Modbus .......................................................................................................... 57

6 Parameters .......................................................................................................... 59

6.1 Setting up Optical Density as a Numerical Gas Filter .................................. 64

7 ViPA Software Routine Operation Procedure ................................................ 71

8 Troubleshooting Guide ...................................................................................... 76

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It is assumed that the reader of this material has received initial product training in the

use of the ViPA system by an experienced Jorin Ltd. representative. The information

in this manual is not intended as a substitute for this training and is simply presented as

a supplementary reference and refresher aid for trained ViPA user(s). Use of this

manual as a substitute for full training of a customer’s operators is not recommended.

Jorin cannot accept responsibility for the quality of data that is collected if an

untrained operator is employed.

Published in the United Kingdom by Jorin Ltd, Jorin House, 32 Ashville Way, Whetstone, Leicestershire. LE8 6NU

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including

photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for which should be addressed

to the publisher. Such written permission must also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system

of any nature.

Requests for copies of this document should be referred to: Document Management, Jorin Ltd, Jorin House, 32 Ashville Way,

Whetstone, Leicestershire. LE8 6NU, United Kingdom

or email [email protected]

© Jorin Ltd 2005

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1 Introduction

The Jorin ViPA (Visual Process Analyser) is a particle size analysis system designed

to operate continuously, on-line and at process temperature and pressure. The ViPA

uses a video microscope to capture images of the discrete objects, or ‘species’ (i.e.

solid particles, liquid droplets, gas bubbles), present in a given process stream. Image

analysis techniques are then applied to differentiate between the different object

populations present and the measurable characteristics of these populations - such as

size, size distribution and relative concentrations (in Vppm – explained below) - are

reported by the instrument.

This manual is provided as a supplementary reference and refresher aid for trained

ViPA user(s) and it is assumed that the reader of this material will have received initial

product training in the use of the ViPA system by an experienced Jorin Ltd

representative. Jorin Ltd’s initial person-to-person training program, consisting of

verbal and visual descriptions of the operating procedures for the ViPA system and

hands-on practical training, takes precedence over the contents of this manual. This

training manual should, therefore, only be used as a reference guide during the

operators training and as a tool to be used to refresh the trainees understanding of the

operation of the ViPA. Further reference to this manual will then ensure that the

maximum utility is achieved from the instrument.

Following expert training (provided by Jorin), the reader should be able to:

• Be comfortable and confident to:

� Run the software

� Configure and setup the software

� Maintain the operation of the ViPA

• In addition to:

� Understand what you are doing and why you are doing it

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2 What is the ViPA System?

The Jorin ViPA is a Visual Process Analyser dedicated to the characterisation of

species present within multiphase (i.e. solid/liquid, liquid/liquid,) process streams.

The ViPA uses visual techniques to measure a number of descriptive parameters for

materials within a process stream (e.g. species size, size distribution, relative


The strength of the ViPA system is its ability, by virtue of the visual nature of its

measurements and analysis, to identify and individually monitor the size distributions

of several object types within a process as well as providing a simple overall size

distribution of all species present within the stream being analysed. Typically, the

ViPA has been used to describe the objects within process fluids, both upstream and

downstream of process equipment (E.g. hydrocyclones, filters, separation units etc).

Utilised in an intelligent manner, this information can then serve as either as diagnostic

tool, isolating and identifying any process problems and shortfalls etc. or as a control

and monitoring device for ensuring the user’s process runs to specification and within

company and legislative tolerances.

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3 How it Works?

The Jorin ViPA, Visual Process Analyser, is an on-line instrument that can be used for

monitoring the physical characteristics - such as size, size distribution and overall

concentration - of multiple classes of dispersed objects within a given process stream

or re-circulating lab sample. In complex multi-phase systems these dispersed ‘objects’

may include any mixture of solid (particles), liquid (droplets), gas (bubbles) or

macromolecular (e.g. high molecular weight polymers, micelle agglomerates etc)

species. The ViPA system uses image analysis techniques and sets of user-defined

descriptive parameters (such as shape factor and optical density) to differentiate

between the various species of objects present within a sample and output the physical

information on each of these independently.

Figure 1: Cross-sectional schematic of ViPA video microscope and cell module arrangement

The ViPA unit is essentially an advanced software package mated to a compact and

robust measuring head which consists of a high speed digital video camera, lens, flow

cell and light source (Figure 1) contained within a portable and rugged 316 stainless

steel casing (approximately 43 x 20 x 15 cm). Along with other resilient components

such as the industrial sapphire flow cell and 316 stainless piping and fittings, the ViPA

is designed to allow continuous on-line operation at high pressure and elevated

temperatures and within corrosive and inhospitable environments.

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The high speed digital video camera enables the ViPA to rapidly and accurately obtain

visual information on the fluid passing through the backlit flow cell, and the system

operates by an on-going sequence of analysis of single frames from the live video

image. This is then relayed in real-time via copper or fibre optic cabling to a nearby

computer or control room where the information contained is then processed and

transfigured by the ViPA software into meaningful process data. The ViPA

continuously calculates data on up to seventeen different material parameters for each

object type, including size, shape factor, optical density, 2-D area, aspect ratio and

volume. The measuring head is typically installed on a bypass line very close to the

sample point to be utilized, ensuring the most representative possible sample is


Figure 2: ViPA Image of Suspended Ground Garnet and Light Lubricating Oil

Figure 2, above, is a typical image from the ViPA. The image shows a mixture of

suspended ground garnet particles mixed with light lubricating oil droplets. The

individual garnet crystals are approximately 35µm in size. Typically, by using two

parameters for each object seen; size and shape factor, information on the size and

concentration for oil droplets and solids may be calculated.

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3.1 Size

The ViPA measures four diameters for every object. These diameters are called feret

diameters, which the ViPA measures, at fixed angular intervals. The average feret

diameter is reported as the size of the object.

Figure 3: Axis’s that the ViPA measures the feret diameter

3.2 Number and Volume Distribution

The ViPA can present the data collected for each relevant class of dispersed material

measured in either a numeric or volumetric distribution. Table 1 below shows a model

particle size distribution with the number of particles of a given size decreasing as the

overall particle size increases. It should be noted that the fifty particles within the 150

micron size range represent an insignificant proportion of the distribution when their

contribution to the overall population is viewed on a number (of particles) basis, but

that this fraction actually represents a significant 54.5% of the whole distribution, in

terms of volume.

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Particle Size Number of


Percentage by


Volume of


Percentage by


1 5000 47.85% 2617 0.002%

3 2800 26.79% 39564 0.024%

10 1500 14.35% 785000 0.485%

25 800 7.66% 6541667 4.040%

75 300 2.87% 66234375 40.907%

150 50 0.48% 88312500 54.542%

Table 1: Model Particle Size Distribution

3.3 D10/50/90 Statistics

A percentile is a value on a scale of one hundred that indicates the percent of a

distribution that is equal to or below it. For example, if the D90 of a sample was 23µm,

this means that 90% of the species within the sample collected are, by volume, 23 µm

or smaller. Conversely, 10% of the species are greater than 23 µm.

3.4 Shape Factor

The shape factor of an object is typically a key parameter to calculate and understand.

It is on the basis of this parameter that the ViPA distinguishes between objects that are

round and those that are not round; this is a critical determination in many applications

for ViPA. As an on-line particle analyser, the ViPA derives its strength as an analytical

and diagnostic tool through its ability to provide this type of information and it is a

property made possible by the fact that the ViPA is an optical system. The Shape

Factor for any object is mathematically described as:

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Equation 1: Describing Shape Factor

It follows then that the shape factor for a perfect circle (sphere) is always 1. As the

length of perimeter increases relative to the area enclosed, the shape factor will

decrease rapidly.

Shape Shape Factor Shape Shape Factor





For example:

The dispersed, or non-continuous, phase of a liquid-liquid emulsion, such as oil in

water, will exist as perfectly spherical droplets. Conversely, most solids are irregular

in shape and will therefore have a shape factor significantly less than 1. Therefore, in a

multiphase system where a liquid (such as water) forms the continuous phase and

examples of both of the above (irregular solid particles and essentially spherical oil

droplets) contribute to the dispersed phase(s); the shape factor can be used to

distinguish and discriminate between the two types of material present.

The ViPA can use sets of user-defined values for parameters such as the shape factor to

determine the defining values or (parametric) limits for materials present in a given

sample population; a list of these values is shown below:

� Area

� Perimeter

� Feret Diameters

� Size

� Aspect Ratio

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� Shape Factor

� Specific Length/ Specific Width

� Estimated Volume

� Area Fraction

� Martins Radii

� Fractal Number

� Concentration

� Curvature

� Optical Density

Based on these inputs, the ViPA can then, in real time, determine which population a

particle belongs to and record its statistical information into a separate database. With

this technology, the ViPA system is therefore capable of providing simultaneous on-

line information regarding the multiple classes of material present within a sample.

3.5 Concentration

The ViPA reports concentration as Visible parts per million (Vppm). To do this the

ViPA assumes that the volume of fluid passing through the measuring head is

sufficient to ensure that for every frame of information captured a fresh volume of

fluid is analysed. Therefore, there is a known volume of liquid for each of the frames

that the ViPA analyses. This volume is calculated as: (the width of the analysed

image) x (the height of the analysed image) x (the depth of focus of the image).

In each frame the ViPA calculates the volume for each object that is analysed. At the

end of each analysis run the ViPA software sums the volumes of all the objects in a

population/class and the volumes of all the frames, which then allows ViPA to report a

volume/volume concentration for each run. The measured concentration is reported as

Vppm, because only those objects analysed are measured and included in the


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In other words, materials passing through the cell between frames and objects that are

not in focus are not analysed and hence not measured. However, while the

concentration figures are not absolute, they have been proved to be repeatable and

therefore can be utilised to indicate how the concentration of a material is changing

relative to previous or later measurements.

The author urges caution, however, with regards to the use of the reported values

for concentration. The ViPA reports concentration in volume/volume units and is

therefore a true representation of ppm. Laboratory methods for reporting

concentration data for both oil and solids are typically on the basis of mg L-1


This will lead to a small discrepancy within the reported oil values but can lead to

a large error, or misunderstanding, when applied to solids.

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4 ViPA Software, Calibration and Supporting Software

4.1 ViPA Operating Software

The ViPA operating software can be found in the ‘ViPA’ folder, located in C:\Program

Files\Jorin ViPA. Within this folder, the ViPA software executable file, jor_main.exe

will be located.

Depending on whether the ViPA has been configured and operated before, there may

be other files present within this folder, namely vipa.ini and vipa.bak and/or temp.ini.

The vipa.ini file contains the current configuration of the software, while the vipa.bak

contains the previous configuration of the software.

To launch the ViPA software, the operator should double click on the ViPA icon on

the desktop of the operating computer; providing a shortcut has been configured.

Typically this shortcut is named ViPA Software. Once the software has been launched,

it should be configured and operated in accordance with the guidance shown in Section


4.2 ViPA Calibration

The calibration file for the ViPA software can be found in the Calibration folder:

located in C:\Program Files\Jorin ViPA\Calibration. The calibration file is named

Marlin F-080B x10.cal. It is a small ASCII based file that contains the four figures

required for the instrument to understand the size of a pixel, the area conversion factor,

the estimated live frame area and the estimated live frame volume. At no stage should

this file be tampered with, changed or removed from the system. Such activities will

reduce the accuracy of the ViPA, or render the software useless. If this file is not

loaded, an error message stating “Calibration file not found” will appear and the

software should not be used when this error message appears. The user should load the

file themselves or call Jorin for further assistance before proceeding with any data


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4.3 Digital – Analogue Controller Software

If Digital/Analogue current output is required to be set:

Click start/Programs/ ActiveDaq

Click setup/ Device/Add device

PCI 1723


Select PCI 1723.

Setup all D/A voltage to 4 – 20 mA

Click OK

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5 The ViPA Software

To launch the ViPA software the operator shall double click on the shortcut displayed

on the control computer’s desktop. When starting the ViPA software for the first time,

a grey screen with Control Menus and Exit will be present, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Screen shot from ViPA software when first started

To access the ‘Control Menus’ the operator should move the cursor over the Control

Menus screen button and click with the mouse button. A dialog box will then appear

prompting the operator for a password, as shown in Figure 5. The operator should then

enter ‘jorin’ and the configuration and setup box will appear.

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Figure 5: Screen shot of Password dialog box to access the Control Menus

Once the operator has entered the Control Menus, the operator will see a display box

with number of tabs. To configure each of these settings the operator should click on

one of the tabs to access these options. The subsequent sections describe how the

options within each of these tabs should be configured, for a standard operation.

5.1 Set-up

The set-up area of the software configuration (see Figure 6), provides the locations of

both drivers and the instruments calibration file. It additionally provides the

functionality to change the password and configure the control computers printer.

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It is important to note that after any change has been made under the ViPA Setup box,

the ‘Apply’ button at the bottom of the dialog box should be clicked. This will ensure

that all changes made will be written to the configuration (.ini file), so that the changes

made are saved and will be retrieved every time the software is re-launched.

Figure 6: Screen shot of ViPA setup layout

Load Image File


Fibre Optic Interface

4-20 mA Output (only

available for DA version of

ViPA software)

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5.1.1 Selecting the Fibre Optic Interface

The fibre optic interface shall be the first setting that is configured within the ViPA

software. Selecting this option changes the way that the software communicates with

the camera. This check box has to be selected.

5.1.2 Loading Calibration File

To load the calibration file:-

Click the load calibration button

Go to C:\Program Files\Jorin ViPA\Calibration\Marlin F-080B x10.cal

Click Apply

Why load the calibration file? The calibration file provides the instrument with

information as to the size of a pixel, the area conversion factor, the estimated live

frame area and the estimated live frame volume. If these numbers show 1.00, then the

calibration file has not been loaded properly.

5.1.3 Loading the Image File

To load the image file and hence the video drivers:-

Click load image from file button

Go to C:\Program Files\STEMMER IMAGING\Common Vision


Click Open

Click Apply

Ensure that the Enable video display check box is selected

A small dialog box will appear as shown in Figure 7. Ensure that Format 7 Mode 0 is

selected from the Video drop down box and that Y8 is also selected. The save settings

and hide dialog box should also be checked. All other settings should appear by default

but the user should confirm that they are identical to that showed in Figure 7.

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Figure 7: Camera settings dialog box

After the image file has been loaded the Marlin camera will need to be configured,

please see Section 5.2 for detailed explanation of this step.

Why load the image file?

The image file being loaded is the camera interface software driver. This driver allows

information to be collected by the video camera, in the sampling head, to be passed

back to the computer. It is therefore this section of the ViPA set-up that allows the

instrument to ‘see’ what is going through the ViPA cell. The ‘load and save image

file’ buttons can also be used for capturing still images. Clicking on the ‘save image as

file’ button when the system is not in grab mode allows the frozen image to be saved

to a file. Clicking on the ‘load image from file’ button when the system is not in grab

mode allows a previously stored image to be displayed.

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Saving and Loading the Configuration

Once the ViPA software has been configured, the operator can chose to save the

configuration that has been generated.

To save the configuration:

Click on the Setup tab

Click on the Save Configuration As button

Select the location that the configuration file is to be save in and type a

name for the file

Click on save

To load a selected configuration:

Click on the Setup tab

Click on the Load Configuration button

Browse to the location that the configuration file has been saved

Click on the desired configuration

Click on load

Why save the configuration?

The configuration is saved automatically when the software is shut down, however

there can be benefits from saving a ‘Clean’ configuration for future reference.

It will make the setting up of the system from a blank screen quick and easy if the

default configuration is or has become corrupt. It all allows users to build application

libraries, i.e. a number of configuration files for specific data outputs or sample points.

Confirmation of 4 and 20 mA Outputs from the DA Card

If the Jorin ViPA system has been supplied with the option of Digital/Analogue

capabilities then the operator can confirm the presence of the limits of current. Once

the connection of a current reading device has been connected to the terminal board,

the details of which can be found in the manual for the PCI 1723, the operator should:

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Click on the Setup tab

Enable the Analogue output from the ViPA software by clicking on the

check box Analogue Output

Click on the Set Output 20 mA button

Confirm that a reading of 20 mA, ± 0.5 mA, is being generated via the

PCI 1723

Click on the Set Output 4 mA button

Confirm that a reading of 4 mA, ± 0.5 mA, is being generated via the

PCI 1723

Please note that the Set Output to 4mA and Set Output to 20mA buttons are only

available for software versions with the DA output functionality.

Why should you confirm the output from the D/A card?

Confirming the mA outputs from the ViPA system will allow the operator to confirm

that the system these outputs are being fed into is operational. It will additionally

allow the operator to confirm that 0 and 100% of range occurs at the positions that are


Setting up the Printer

To enable the ViPA software to print on either a local or network printer, the printer

drivers are required to be set-up.

The ViPA software utilises the ‘Print Manager’ provided in the operating system;

therefore, if a default printer has already been configured no further printer

configuration will be required. If however no printer has been configured and printing

is required, the operator shall be required to configure one.

To configure the printer either:

Close the ViPA software and any other programs that are running

Insert the set-up CD provided with the printer

Follow the on screen instructions to set-up and configure the printer

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Click on the Setup tab

Click on the Setup Printer button

Click on Add Printer

Follow the Wizard to set-up and configure the printer

Why should a printer be set-up?

Configuring a printer will allow the ViPA software to print a graphical summary of the

data that has been collected. Depending on the application of the ViPA, the use of a

printer may not always be required.

Changing the Password

The default Jorin ViPA software password is ‘jorin’. If the operator wishes to change

the password to something that is more suitable for their requirements the operator


Click on the Setup tab

Click on the New Password button

Enter the existing Password i.e. jorin

Enter the new password

Re-enter the new password and click OK

Why should the Password be changed?

The password will stop access to the Control Menu’s if it is not entered or if it is

entered incorrectly; thereby stopping untrained operators from unnecessarily changing

or adjusting the ViPA’s configuration.

Wash Check Boxes

There are 3 check boxes that allow the operator to control the wash system if a fully

automated wash system has been provided.

• The wash inspection port check box activates the wash enable signal

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• The wash port polarity check box changes the wash enable signal from a

positive pulse to a negative pulse

• The external wash control check box allows an external trigger (e.g. the ViPA

PLC) to pause the ViPA software when a wash cycle is initiated

Enable ViPA Analysis on Autostart

Selecting this check box allows the ViPA software to prompt the operator for a file

name and saving location directly upon re-launch without having to manually go into

the ViPA setup screen or click on Start/Stop. This is a useful feature for permanently

installed installations or specific conditions that do not require any changes to the

ViPA setup.

For permanent installations, the ViPA computer also has a function whereby if a

power loss occurs; the ViPA software will automatically launch upon restart of the

computer and if this check box is selected, the data analysis will continue as normal

following the last cycle number. This feature is not generally enabled for mobile or lab

versions of the ViPA.

5.2 Marlin Camera

The Marlin camera tab consists of a series of tabs which are brightness, auto exposure,

shutter, gain and gamma. On this tab the user will need to set the brightness to 0, the

auto exposure to 50 and the shutter to 100. Gain and Gamma should also be 0 as

shown in Figure 8. Once the sliders have been moved to the appropriate position, the

operator will need to click on the Write Camera button to ensure that the new settings

are written to the camera to be recalled for future use. Finally Click Apply.

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Figure 8: Screen shot of Marlin Camera tab

5.3 Measurement

Within the Measurement area of the ViPA Setup screen, see Figure 9, the operator can

select the parameters that the operator wishes the ViPA to report on.

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The selected parameters will form the basis of the information that the ViPA reports

on. Therefore, if the operator is interested in the size of the objects within the process

flow; size should be selected, and so on. Depending on the information that the

operator wishes to report, the Stats column should also be ‘Ticked on’. It should be

noted however, that all of the parameters, contained within the Measurement List will

be recorded to the Raw ViPA Data file which is then saved.

Typically, the most common measured factors chosen are size, concentration and

shape factor. For Example, if the operator wishes to measure the size and

concentration of oil and solids within a process flow.

Click on Size – this will assess the size of the objects observed

Click on Stats for Size – this will report the statistics relating to the size

Click on Shape Factor – to enable the ViPA to distinguish between round and

non-round objects

Click on Concentration – this enable the ViPA to report the concentration of the

objects observed

Click Apply

Why click shape factor?

The shape factor is a parameter which is used to differentiate between solid particles

and oil droplets (see Section 3.4 on Shape factor). However, this is not the only

parameter which can be used; for instance, aspect ratio can be used to differentiate

between objects which are pencil shaped and objects that are round.

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Figure 9: Screen shot of Measurement tab





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5.4 Particle Classes

The setting up of particle classes is an essential part of telling the ViPA Software how

to differentiate between objects using parameters such as shape factor or aspect ratio,

concentration and size.

5.4.1 Setting up the Classes

Particle classes are setup for each object class that is to be monitored. Setting up of

particle classes for different objects are completed in the same manner. The list of

available Measurement parameters that is displayed is a function of those that have

been selected within the Measurement area, as discussed in Section 5.2.

To configure a Particle class (shown in Figure 10)

Click on the New Class button

Click on the Rename button, a dialog box as shown below will appear.

Enter an appropriate name for the class i.e. Oil and Click OK

Select the parameters limits that will form the basis of the class

Select to include, or exclude, these parameters

Click apply

To complete another particle class repeat as above.

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Figure 10: Screen shot of the particle classes tab with selected measurements and parameters for

a typical oil (round objects) setup

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Figure 11: Screen shot of the particle classes tab with selected measurements and parameters for

a typical solid (non-round objects) setup

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Why click IN-cludes or EX-cludes?

Figure 12: IN-cludes and EX-cludes explanation graph

In general, choosing IN-cludes and EX-cludes gives you the option of including or

excluding a range. Figure 12 shows an example of a general size distribution for an

object and by clicking on IN-cludes and setting the low and high limits to be 0 and 50

µm respectively, you are telling the ViPA to include objects which are sized between 0

and 50 µm, indicated by the red portion in Figure 12. If EX-cludes is selected with the

low and high limits as before, the ViPA will ignore any particles which are between 0

and 50 µm and record particle sizes between 50 and the maximum particle size

measured for example ,300 µm indicated by the blue portion.

Why have shape factor between 0.8 and 1?

Shape factor is one of the selected parameters used to differentiate between solids and

oils. The shape factor is defined by Equation 2.




Areaπ (2)

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For spherical objects like oil droplets, the shape factor is typically between 0.8 and 1,

and for non round object i.e. solids, the shape factor is between 0 and 0.8.

Typical Oil setup: (as shown in Figure 10)

Enter the size range as 1.5 in the low limit and 1000 in the high limit

Under incl/excl click until IN-cludes range appear

Input shape factor as 0.8 for the low limit and 1 for the high respectively

Under incl/excl click until IN-cludes range appear

Concentration is left blank, as this will automatically record the concentration

using the above size and shape factor limits that you have entered.

Click apply

Typical Solid setup: (as shown in Figure 11)

Input 0 under the low limit and 0.8 for high limit against Shape Factor

Under incl/excl click until IN-cludes range appear

Concentration is left blank, as this will automatically record the concentration

using particles which are within the shape factor limits that you have entered

Click apply

Why 1.5 µm and not 0 µm?

This is because the pixel length is approximately 0.5µm, and the minimum of 3 pixels

are required to determine if an object is round or not round (see Figure 13). If the

object is less than 1.5 µm (0.5 multiplied by 3), it cannot determine if it is round or not

round, and therefore it is treated as a solid. Therefore the oil class (or any other round

class, i.e. gas) is started at 1.5µm.

Figure 13: A diagram to show a minimum of 3 pixels is needed to determine if an object is round

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5.5 Data Reporting

5.5.1 Batch Graphs

The operator will be required to configure the method in which the ViPA will report.

The 2 main methods are both batch and scrolling graphs; this section will explain how

the Batch graphs are configured, while the next section will describe the configuration

for the Scrolling graphs. To configure the ViPA to report the data based on ‘Batch

Graphs’ select all the check boxes (except Display Live Data Table, unless this feature

is required), as shown in Figure 14, and select the Batch Graphs radio button. What do these selections actually do?

� Clicking on Display Live Data Table enables a data table to be visible which

shows the objects that are being collected and analysed (typically this is not

selected unless required by the operator)

� Selecting the Save Sample Data box will enable the data to be saved into the

location which you will be asked to select. This file will be saved as a *.sdf

(sample data file)

� Checking the Save Particle Data box will save the file from which the

calculations are performed. This file will be saved as a *.rvd (raw ViPA data)


� Clicking the Enable Graphic Display will show the user, the sample results live

on a graph at the end of each data collection period

� AutoSave Graphs will automatically save the graphs that you see live, so that

they can be referred to in the future. These are saved in *.wmf format

(windows meta file)

� The Enable Data Summary check box allows the user to place a data summary

table on the ViPA main screen (typically the data summary table is selected

and the live data table is not). Enabling this box will allow the user to see the

data published for each class and each individual parameter set (i.e. oil

concentration, solids size, etc.)

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If the user is on a scrolling graph mode (i.e. collecting data continuously) as

discussed in Section 5.5.2; there is an option for the user to select from the

Integration Period drop down list either 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 or 480 minutes to

publish a rolling average of the scrolling data collected. If a time period is selected,

both the current data and the rolling average data will be published in this box. If

the rolling average data is not required, the user should select 0 from the

integration period drop down box.

To allow the ViPA to report the collected data in graphical form the operator must

configure the parameters that are required in the plot.

Please note that at any point if a mistake has been made and the operator needs

to delete the graph setups, then press Shift and click the first box under the

Channel column at the same time.

To configure the batch graphs, the operator should:

� Press Alt and click the left mouse button in each box button under channel box

� Repeat this action until there is the same number of boxes as the number of

particle classes required (typically 2 classes; oil and solids)

� Under attributes column, click in each of the boxes until the parameter that is

required is selected; this is typically Size.

� Under the class column, each channel should represent a class, typically oil in

channel 1 and solids in channel 2. Click on the box and the options available

should toggle between all the classes created. Particle classes are instructions

which tell the ViPA program how to define an object. It will analyse these

objects and separate them into the classes (e.g. solids, oils) which have been

defined in the Particle classes tab. (See section 5.4)

� Under graph type, select the graph in which the data is to be displayed. The

types of graphs available are listed below (typically integral curve is used).

� Under the Weight column, click in the boxes until the preferred data weighing

has been selected.

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The weighting determines how the proportion or the population is represented

when the particle data is calculated; the options are either Number

(Count/Total) or Volume weighting (Vol/Total). Volume weighting is typically


� Click apply Graph types

Int. Curve- is a cumulative curve where the x-axis represents the

parameter selected, typically size in microns, and the y-axis

represents the proportion of the population as a percentage

from 0 to 100.

Histo - is a histogram which is a graphical representation in the

form of a simple bar chart of the data obtained.

Temp.Seq- is way of representing the selected parameter; typically this

is size against time

Which graphs can be mixed?

A common graph type is Int. Curve as this can provide the reported data in a format

that is easily understood. However, the operator may choose to report the recorded

data in both Int. Curve and Histo format. These are the only two graphs that can be

mixed; due to the fact that they use common axis. Graphs can be specified to be

automatically drawn and printed at the end of an analysis. To set up this feature, click

Auto-print updated batch report. At the end of a batch sample, the graph will then

automatically print via the systems default printer.

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Figure 14: Screen shot of Data reporting tab for a typical batch graph setup

This will display a data

table to show the

objects that are being

collected. Mainly used

to set optical density


This will save the data

that is collected. (.sdf)


This will display the

graphs that are

generated from the data


This will save all the

particle information

(.rvd) files

This will save the

graphs that are

displayed. (.wmf)


This will display a data

summary table for each

cycle of data

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5.5.2 Scrolling graphs

The scrolling graph option will allow the operator to display the collected data, by a

single point, against a scrolling time axis. For example the operator can plot a

scrolling graph of the concentration measured against time. To setup the scrolling data

displays used in the online analysis mode, click on the data reporting tab, ensure that

all check boxes have been selected (except Display Live Data Table, unless this

feature is required) and then select the scrolling graphs radio button.

The operator will then be required to configure the options that are required to generate

to preferred graphical output. The parameters available are displayed under the

graphical display section.

� The number of sample points plotted in the scrolling graph window can be

either 100 or 1000 by checking one of the Display span buttons.

� Selecting the Retain full trace box forces the system to maintain records for the

sample data recorded regardless of the samples displayed.

� Auto print (span) check box will allow the printing of hardcopy of the scrolling

graph display after each 100th

or 1000th

sample point. Single Page Scrolling Graph

The scrolling graph window is used to represent the measured parameters for the

particle classes that have been set up, as described in 5.4. The user will now need to

configure the scrolling graph setup. The first column of the table is titled ‘ Page:Chan’,

Page represents the number of the scrolling graph window and, Chan represents the

channel that will be plotted inside the scrolling graph window; up to a maximum of

eight channels can be plotted in a single scrolling graph window.

� Click in the first box of the first column and ‘0:1’ will appear, this represents

the first scrolling graph window and the first channel

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� Under the column titled ‘Ptcle. Class’ continue clicking in the cell (this will

scroll through the available classes of particles) and select the desired parameter

for channel 1 (typically oil)

� Under the column titled ‘Attribute’ the operator can select the parameter to be

plotted against time next to the parameter in channel 1 (typically conc:ppm or


� The column titled ‘Statistic’ is the value that will be tested to indicate an alarm

condition, there are a number of different options that the operator can select,

for this statistic and these are as follows:

S.mean - The sample mean (as plotted) is tested to see if it falls

within the stipulated range

B/C Mean - The Box Car (sliding) mean from a user defined number of

consecutive samples is tested to see if it falls within the

stipulated range

B/C Ex1 - The expected next value calculated by linear regression is

tested to see if it falls within the stipulated range

B/C Ex2 - The expected next value but one is tested to see if it falls

within the stipulated range

Z - The Z or Confidence score of each sample mean is tested

to see if it’s less than some preset value.

d(slope)/dt - The change in the rate of change of sample means

calculated by linear regression is tested to see if it falls

within some preset limits.

It should be noted that typically S.mean is used.

� The column titled ‘Test Range’ should be left blank

� The column titled ‘Level should be left blank

� The column titled ‘Weight should be left blank

� (see Figure 15)

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Figure 15: Screen shot of Data reporting tab for a typical single page scrolling graph setup for


If size is the parameter of interest then the operator will need to ensure that for the

scrolling graphs setup; the attribute selected is size (see Figure 16).

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Figure 16: Screen shot of Data reporting tab for a typical single page scrolling graph setup for size

The only difference between concentration and size measurement is the weight option.

The weighting determines how the proportion or the population is represented when

the particle data is calculated; the options are either Number (Count/Total) or Volume

(Vol/Total) weighting. This option is only available for size measurements. Volume

weighting is typically used for Size.

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38 Multi-page Scrolling Graphs

There is also an option to have multi-page graphs if the operator wishes to monitor

more than one parameter simultaneously.

Please note that at any point if a mistake has been made and the operator needs

to Delete the graph setups, then press Shift and click the Page:Chan box at the

same time.

To set up the scrolling graphs for a multi-page graph the operator must:

� Click in the first box of the Page:Channel column and ‘0:1’ will appear, this

represents the first scrolling graph page and the first channel

� Click in the second box of the Page:Channel column and ‘0:2’ will appear, this

represents the first scrolling graph page and the second channel

� Press F1 at and click in the third box of the Page:Channel column at the same

time and ‘1:3’ will appear, this represents the second scrolling graph page and

the third channel

� Press F1 at and click in the fourth box of the first column at the same time and

‘1:4’ will appear, this represents the second scrolling graph page and the fourth


(If the operator wants a third or a fourth scrolling graph page, then press F2

and click in the fifth box of the first column at the same time to get ‘2:5’ and

press F3 and click in the sixth box of the first column at the same time to get

‘3:6’ and so on).

Please note that the maximum number of channels allowed is eight. For this

example two scrolling graph pages and 4 channels were created (0:1; 0:2; 1:3

and 1:4)

� Under the column titled ‘Ptcle. class’ click in the cell and scroll through the

available classes of particles and select the desired parameter for channel 1

(typically Oil)

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� Under the column titled ‘Ptcle. class’ click in the cell and scroll through the

available classes of particles and select the desired parameter for channel 2

(typically Solids)

� Under the column titled ‘Ptcle. class’ click in the cell and scroll through the

available classes of particles and select the desired parameter for channel 3

(typically Oil)

� Under the column titled ‘Ptcle. class’ click in the cell and scroll through the

available classes of particles and select the desired parameter for channel 4

(typically Solids)

� Under the column titled ‘attribute’ the operator can select the parameter to be

plotted against time next to the parameter in channel 1 (typically conc:ppm).

Please note that each page can only accommodate one attribute, i.e. 0:1 and 0:2

will have to have the same attribute. For this example page 0 (0:1 and 0:2) will

be conc:ppm; and page 1 (1:3 and 1:4) will be Size.

� The column titled statistic should be set to S.mean for all 4 boxes

� The test range for all rows should be blank

� The level for all rows should be blank

� The Weight column for the 0:1 and 0:2 being concentration will be blank but

for 1:3 and 1:4 being size, it can be altered to be either Count/total or Vol/Total.

For size Vol/Total is typically used.

� Click Apply

The operator should end up with a ViPA setup screen for the Data Reporting tab

that looks like Figure 17.

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Figure 17: Screen shot of Data reporting tab for a typical multi-page scrolling graph setup for

concentration and size

5.6 Particle Validation

The particle validation area of the software provides the software with information

required to capture the data from the video image. To do this the software must

recognise what is a valid object and what is not. The software contains 2 parameters to

do this information namely ‘Threshold’ and ‘Edge strength’. The ‘Threshold’ is a

feature of the software which identifies the different tones of grey; or the grey scale.

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This then gives the software the ability to differentiate between an object which is

darker grey and the background which is lighter grey, thereby defining the difference

between what is to be collected and the ‘background’.

The ‘Edge strength’ the second parameter which defines the boundaries of the object,

this feature measures the rate at which the dark grey (object) goes to light grey

(background) at the boundary of the object. The edge strength is a measurement of the

object being in focus or not. When the object is in focus it will appear with sharply

defined edges, however, when an object is out of focus the edges of the object will

appear ‘blurred’ and therefore not sharp.

When setting up the Particle Validation:

Click on the particle validation tab

� Acquire a background by pressing the ‘Acquire Background’ button, see

Figure 18.

Why acquire a background?

This is to tell the ViPA what is stuck to the screen so it can subtract it from

any calculation it makes during the setup or data collection. The

background operation collects information from a number of frames,

typically 100, and compares all of the information acquired from these. The

software then assesses any areas of greyscale that have remained the same

during each of these frames and provides a ‘corrected´ cell image for data

collection. The instrument will automatically perform a background before

either a batch or periodic run starts.

� In Screen Frame click the ‘Full Screen’ and click apply.

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Figure 18: Screen shot of Particle validation tab

To continue with the validation the operator will then be required to ‘freeze’ the live

video image to allow for both the threshold and Edge Strength to be configured. To do

this the operator should:

� Select the ‘Cyclic Freeze’ check box and frames will refresh every second.

Once you have a frame that has particles in, unselect the ‘Live image/Still

image’ check box. To resume live image, unclick cyclic freeze.

(Alternatively the user can select and unselect the ‘Live image/Still image”

check box to toggle between a live and still image).

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It is at this point where the operator tells the ViPA what the lowest acceptable

difference between the background and the object boundary; i.e. the Threshold is. This

is accomplished by moving the slider, using the mouse, to set the lowest acceptable

number of greyscales between the background and the objects. When moving the

slider, white patches will appear within the frozen video image that indicate the areas

on that frame when those areas are less than or equal to the selected threshold, or


These will increase or decrease in size when moving the slider up or down (see Figure

19). The objective of this setting is to cover the object, leaving a small halo around its

perimeter. To assist the operator in the setting of this value the operator can zoom in

on any area of the screen.

To Zoom in:

� Point at the area of interest on the screen with the mouse

� Click and hold the right-hand mouse button down until the mouse cursor is

changed to a symbol of a magnifying glass; then release the right hand

button. The screen will then zoom in, the operator can repeat this operation

a number of times until the screen appears blocky; each of these ‘blocks’ is

a pixel on the screen and as noted in Section 5.4.1 are equal to about 0.5 of

a micron.

When the white patch covers the object(s), decrease the Threshold slider until you have

a halo, Box 2/3. Box 3 in comparison to Box 2 has more particles which are

highlighted in white as the slider is lower on the scale then in Box 2. For this example

the correct threshold value is as displayed in Box 2.

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Figure 19 Threshold, the visual effect moving the slider

� To alternate between the marked-up image and the original the operator should

click on to the View Thresholded Image; which when selected will change its

name to View Original Image.

� Once the operator has performed these tasks the Live Image check box should

be checked.

� The complete routine should then be repeated until the operator can be

confident that the Threshold value is appropriate for all of the objects that the

ViPA may see. Typically this will take at least 5 checks of the threshold on

individual frames.

The next section of the validation is the setting up of the Edge Strength value: this is a

secondary setting which allows the ViPA to filter the objects that reach the threshold

but are out of focus.


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� Utilising a frozen frame, as described above, the operator should select the

check box entitled ‘Display Edge Data’ on the Particle Validation tab and

‘Display Live Data Table’ on the Data Reporting tab and then Click Apply.

Four additional columns will then be shown within the live data table

with the headings of E/S N, E/S E, E/S S and E/S W. When the image

is then processed the Edge Strength will be displayed in these columns.

The data reported for an object that is out-of-focus will appear as low

number(s), while for objects in focus these numbers will be significantly


� Click ‘View Thresholded Image’- the minimum acceptable in focus edge

strength slider will become available

� The operator should then select the View Processed Image, which will then

apply both the Threshold limit that has been set and the Edge Strength value.

The software will then calculate, and display, the selected measurement

parameters and particle classes in addition to Edge Strength values in the live

data table.

� Based on the data displayed the operator should compare this to the frozen

image. If there are any objects that the operator believes are out of focus the

data relating to this object should be identified. An assessment of Edge

Strength values for these objects should then be made.

� To reject the object the operator should adjust the Edge Strength value to be

one higher than the lower Edge Strength number displayed. For example, if the

numbers displayed in columns E/S N, E/S E, E/S S and E/S W were 3, 4, 2 and

3 respectively the Edge Strength should be configured to be 3.

� A new frame of information should then be captured by selecting Live Image

and Cyclic Freeze, the process for setting the Edge Strength should then be

repeated until the operator is confident that the settings are correct.

� Click Apply

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5.6.1 Resizing the Frame

During the setting up of the ViPA’s Validation the operator may wish to review a

small area of the captured image that contains an object of interest; for example two

round objects, one that appears light in colour and one that appears dark or establishing

the relative Edge Strength of an object.

Once the area that is being reviewed has been reduced the data reported will also

reduce, thus making the individual object easier to identify.

To resize the frame

� Click on the ‘Reset Frame’ button in the Particle Validation tab

� Click ok and use the mouse to draw a box around the area of interest

� Click Set Frame

� Click Apply

The operator will then be able to process the information that is contained within the

re-sized frame area; hence the software will not report on any objects that are outside

of this frame. Once the operator has finished using this function it must be reset to the

complete video image, if not when the analyser starts to collect data it will only register

information obtained from the area of the drawn frame.

To return back to the original sized video image:

� Click on Full Screen

� Click Apply

5.6.2 Saving Frozen Images

When the operator is setting up the software there will be a significant benefit to

saving the frozen images captured from the measuring head.

To save an image the operator should:

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� Capture an image in a normal manner, as described in Section 5.6.

� Click on the Setup tab with the ViPA Setup area

� Click Save Image As File >>

� Navigate to the location to save the file, input a name and click save; the image

will be saved in *.bmp format

5.6.3 Loading Frozen Images

Following the setup of the ViPA, the operator may wish to review some of the images

that have been saved, as described in Section 5.6.2. To load a pre-saved image and

view it within the ViPA software:

� Click on the Setup tab

� Click Load Image from File>>

� Navigate your way to the desired file, highlight it and click open

� The saved file will then appear on the screen

� Reload the video drivers as described in section 5.1.3

5.6.4 Resizing the Main ViPA Screen

In order to maximise the view of the individual areas on the screen, the live video

image, graph and table can be resized to make full use of the full screen. The resize

button is made available when you have entered the password, but should be

completed when all of the ViPA setup has been completed. The resize button is found

in the top right hand corner next to the exit button, see Figure 20.

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Figure 20: Resizing button location

To resize the areas

� Check in the ‘Resize’ box, and the setup screen will disappear

� Double click on the area, e.g. video image, graph, etc.

� Click on the small black blocks that appear around the area, and drag holding

the left-hand mouse button down to resize it

� To totally re-locate the area, again double click on it but this time move the

mouse cursor into the centre of the area; then click and hold the left-hand

mouse button down and drag the area to its new location

� When complete uncheck the ‘Resize’ box and the setup screen will re-appear

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5.7 Data Collection

During the setup of the ViPA software, the operator will need to configure how often

or how much data the instrument will collect. Data can be collected in 2 ways: Batch

and periodic (continuous) collection as shown in Figure 21. When configured to batch

collection the ViPA analyses a defined number of objects which has a minimum of

1000 particles and up to a maximum of 50,000 particles. However, when the ViPA is

configured in periodic collection mode the instrument collects data over a predefined

period of time and then stops for a predefined period of time. It is this method that

gives the option for operating on a continuous basis.

Figure 21: Screen shot of the Data Collection tab

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Depending on how the operator wishes to configure the ViPA and what types of

outputs are required; this will dictate whether the system is to be configured for batch

or periodic. For example, if the instrument is being used to in a lab to analyse a bottle

sample, then the operator will probably chose batch: the operator will also then be

required to define how big the sample population should be.

The ViPA can record batches of data in multiples of thousands between 1 and 50. The

size of the batch will depend on the operators’ confidence of collecting a

representative sample. However, if the operator is configuring the system to collect

data continuously than periodic collection would be chosen.

To configure the ViPA software to collect data by batch for a required number of


� Click on the Data Collection Tab

� Click on the radio button for Batch data collection (note that when the batch

data collection radio button is selected the options for periodic data collection

is automatically greyed out)

� Ensure the ‘Stop after the required number of particles’ check box is selected

� Amend the No. of particles required (thousands) figure to reflect the size of the

data set required e.g. 50 for 50,000 particles or 1 for 1,000 particles

� Click Apply

Periodic data collection can be configured in a number of different ways; the most

common is to collect data for a period of time and then stop for a period of time. To

configure the data collection in this mode the operator should:

� Click on the Data Collection Tab

� Click on the Periodic Data Collection radio button (note that when the periodic

data collection radio button is selected the options for batch data collection is

automatically greyed out)

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� Ensure that the capture frames continuously is switched to a greyed-out 0 and

the word (continuously) is in the adjoining box. This allows the user to capture

a set number of frames every second, minute, hour or continuously depending

on the options that are chosen.

� Select the period of time that the data should be collected over; for example 1

minute. (please note that the minimum entry for this is 20 seconds)

� Select the period of time that the ViPA should not collect data for, for example

4 minutes, by entering this into the Off-cycle area of the setup. (please note that

the minimum entry for this is 15 seconds)

� Ensure that the Cycle Continuously check box and the Report at end of every

cycle check box are ticked on.

� Click Apply

Please note that if data is to be collected is in periodic mode, that this method is

continuous and only stops when the user manually stops the program by un-checking

the Start/Stop button at the top left hand corner of the ViPA Software screen.

Why stop sampling?

This allows the ViPA to conduct the necessary calculations to produce the data that the

user has selected. The calculations are done within seconds, however, for example

your process may be slow to react to a change in conditions, and therefore the ViPA

data collection is setup accordingly and not setup on the basis of how long it takes to

calculate the data. An example of one setup could be 30 seconds on and 30 seconds

off; this means the ViPA will sample for 30 seconds and stops sampling for 30

seconds. Using this setup means that every hour you would get 60 samples, in 12 hours

you would get 720 samples. Once the setup has been decided, in both cases (batch and

periodic) the box to report at the end of every cycle is to be clicked. This ensures that

each result is reported on screen after every sample is analysed.

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If the periodic collection is required, but needs to be stopped automatically, this can be

done by un-clicking cycle continuously box. This allows the ViPA user to

automatically stop the program but this does not shutdown the program or the

computer after it has stopped.

The number of cycles can be selected (1 cycle is 1 sample). For example, after setting

up 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off, you want the ViPA after 12 hours to stop

sampling automatically. In every hour you would collect 60 samples (60 cycles) and in

12 hours 720 samples (720 cycles). Therefore you would input 720 cycles to stop the

ViPA collecting data automatically after 12 hours.

Start Data Collection

The operator is now ready to start data collection. To start the analysis, click on the

start/stop check box at the top left corner of the ViPA Software screen. You will be

asked to name the file and this file will have a .sdf extension. The file name is limited

to a maximum of 10 characters. You will then need to scroll to the suitable location

i.e. ViPA Data drive and to the suitable folder and click open.

The ViPA will now collect data and continue to do so until the operator un-checks the

Start/Stop check box.

5.7.1 Data Storage and Retrieval

The ViPA will generate large amounts of data especially if being used on continuous

(scrolling graph) mode. For all ViPA systems a strict data storage policy should be


All ViPA Systems will be supplied with a control computer. This control computer

will have a hard drive which is typically split into two partitions; one is the C: Drive,

which should only be used for Windows and the software installation.

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The second partition is typically named ViPA Data, which should be used to save all

collected ViPA data. This is to ensure that that operating system remains segregated

from the collected ViPA data. Data can be retrieved from this computer via several

methods, mainly with the installed CD rewriter, a USB memory stick or portable hard

drive or via a network connection. If the control computer does not have partitioned

hard drives, all data should be saved to a folder named ViPA Data on the C: Drive.

5.8 Alarms

The alarm function allows the user to setup the conditions under which you want to be

notified when process conditions have exceeded a set limit. There are a number of

different ways that the alarm can be activated as shown in Figure 22.

Visual Alarm – When this box is checked an alarm will be triggered which will cause

the ViPA screen to flash red once per second. The alarm limits are set when setting up

the scrolling graph, the limits of your parameter act as the limits for the alarm.

Audible Alarm – When this box is checked, if the alarm is activated the computer will

beep loudly once per second.

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Figure 22: Screen shot of the Alarm tab

Alarm Log – When the alarm is triggered this will cause the ViPA to write a report

about the underlying data error condition into an error log. If the alarm log box is

checked, then a second check box becomes available. This auto deletes the steady state

log data files when no alarms are raised. This function is designed for when the ViPA

is unattended for very long periods of time. The data files and the alarm log will

automatically be deleted unless an alarm is triggered. Where an alarm is triggered the

data files and alarm log files will be retained for both the data set where the alarm

occurs and the data set immediately prior to that.

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Commence Parameter Checks After Sample Number- Use this control to delay the

start of the testing functions. You will probably find that until a few data sets have

been recorded some of the alarm tests will be unreliable, for example when you have

only two or three data sets the linear regression calculations may not be useful. This is

typically set to e default state is to commence checks with sample number 11.

Regression Angle Change Threshold- The ViPA computes the angular difference

between successive lines of best fit calculated by linear regressions, use this control to

limit the maximum angle between successive calculations. This does not limit the

absolute value of a process but provides an alert if the process conditions are changing

too quickly.

Parameter Z Score Threshold - The Z score is a confidence score and lies in the

range of 0 to 3; the larger the score the more improbable the value.

Regression Window Width (most recent samples) - This value determines how

many samples will be used to calculate both linear regressions and box class sliding

means. For example a value of 20 here will mean that for our trend analysis the last 20

samples will be used as a basis to predict the future of the process.

Enable Alarm Auto Reset - This check box allows the ViPA to automatically reset

itself once an alarm condition has retreated, for example if the unit is to be left

unattended and detects too high a concentration, the alarm will be triggered and remain

until the concentration falls. If this check box is not checked then the system must be

manually reset after any alarm.

Clear All Level 1 Alarms – There are two different types of alarms that this button

pertains to. The first is if the cell is fouled and the second is for particles that are stuck

on the ViPA flow cell windows.

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If either of these conditions occurs a Level 1 Alarm will be raised. Clicking on this

button will clear any Level 1 alarms that have been raised. If three consecutive Level 1

Alarm conditions occur a Level 2 alarm will be raised. To clear a Level 2 alarm, the

user will have to click on Start/Stop to stop the data acquisition. If the user has a fully

automated ViPA system with a PLC and wash system, each occurrence of a Level 1

alarm will initiate a wash cycle (after which the Level 1 alarm will be cleared

automatically) and if the Level 1 alarm persists for 3 consecutive occurrences, a Level

2 alarm will be raised. To clear the Level 2 alarm, the user will have to initiate a

manual wash cycle using the PLC interface or click on the Start/stop check box on the

ViPA software.

Test Alarm - Click on this button to verify that the selected alarms are functioning.

Click again to terminate the test.

Cell Fouling Alarms - Track Background Mean Luminance and Reset

Luminance Reference

Selecting the track background mean luminance check box will allow for an alarm

condition to be raised if the ViPA Software detects a ± 20% change in luminance.

When the Reset Luminance Reference button is clicked, the mean luminance over all

pixels is calculated and retained and a background picture is also saved. The

percentage difference of every cycles new background value to the reference value is

computed and if this value changes by ± 20% a Level 1 alarm is raised. When a Level

1 alarm is raised for three or more successive backgrounds, a Level 2 alarm is raised.

Information on how to clear Level 1 and Level 2 alarms are discussed in the Clear All

Level 1 Alarms section above. The intention of this alarm is to alert the user that the

ViPA flow cell window has fouled and that it may need to be cleaned.

Cell Fouling Alarms - Track Count of Particle Duplicates

The ViPA software keeps a count of particles that are detected as having been present

in the previous frame.

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At the end of the initial data collection cycle, ViPA computes and retains the statistics

(mean count, and standard deviation, per frame) of these 'sticky' particles. In each

subsequent data collection cycle, the mean sticky particle count is computed and given

a Z score based upon the reference mean count and standard deviation. When this Z

score exceeds 3 (representing a 99.7% probability that the new value could not have

come from the reference distribution), a Level 1 alarm is raised. When a Level 1 alarm

is raised in three or more successive cycles, a Level 2 alarm is raised. Information on

how to clear Level 1 and Level 2 alarms are discussed in the Clear All Level 1 Alarms

section above. The intention of this alarm is to alert the user that the ViPA flow cell

window has fouled and that it may need to be cleaned.

5.9 Modbus

All ViPA systems have the functionality in built to output data via Modbus TCP/IP

communication protocol. To enable this functionality, the Enable ViPA as Modbus

Slave check box must be selected as shown in Figure 23. All these Modbus functions

allow the user to interact with the ViPA software remotely.

Enable ViPA Synchronisation - This check box enables a MODBUS Master to adjust

the ViPA PC (Modbus slave) system clock so as to achieve synchronisation.

Enable ViPA Stop/Start via Modbus - This check box enables the operator to use the

Modbus Master to start/stop the ViPA software.

Enable remote ViPA setup via Modbus - This check box enables the operator to

switch ViPA setup configuration files between various sample points via Modbus.

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Figure 23: The Modbus Tab screen shot

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6 Parameters

The following is a list of the parameters that can be measured along with formulas and

basic information on how some of these parameters can be interpreted.


The ViPA directly measures the 2-dimensional projected area of each particle by first

counting the number of pixels in a particle (determined, in part, by the established

threshold value) and then using an ‘area per pixel’ conversion factor (provided in the

calibration file and displayed on the ‘Setup’ screen) to determine the overall area of

the particle in microns squared.


The ViPA directly measures the 2-dimensional projected perimeter of each particle by

first counting the number of pixels that make up the particle boundary (determined, in

part by the established threshold value) and then using an ‘length per pixel’ conversion

factor (provided in the calibration file and displayed on the ‘Setup’ screen) to

determine the overall length of the particle perimeter in microns.

Ferets: Min & Max

The Feret diameter of an object is the distance between two parallel planes drawn such

that they just contact the boundary surface of the object being measured (i.e. analogous

to a calliper-type ‘squeeze’ measurement). For non-circular objects, the Feret diameter

will differ according to the axis of measurement. The ViPA measures the Feret

diameters of all ‘in-focus’ objects in the 2-D image plane produced by the video

camera at four fixed angular intervals. The ‘Ferets: Min’ is the smallest of these

measured for each object and ‘Ferets: Max’ is the largest.

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Figure 24: Axes over which the ViPA measures the Feret diameter


The ViPA reports particle size as the average of the four feret diameters measured.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio is calculated as the ratio between the minimum and maximum feret

diameters. Values of the aspect ratio therefore fall in the range 0 to 1, with regular

polygons having high aspect ratios tending to 1 and needle-shaped or fibrous materials

possessing low aspect ratios tending to 0.

Shape Factor

The shape factor is a measure of sphericity with values ranging between 0 and 1. The

shape factor for any object is described as:




Areaπ (1)

It follows mathematically then that the shape factor for a perfect circle (sphere) is

always one. As the length of perimeter increases relative to the area enclosed, the

shape factor will decrease rapidly. Generally, this means that as an object moves away

from being spherical-like, its shape factor will decrease and tend to 0.

It should be noted, however, that due to the division of area by the perimeter2, if a

shape has a relatively long perimeter compared to its area it will have a low shape

factor, although it may still appear reasonably spherical and have a high aspect ratio.

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For example, ‘cog-wheel’ or saw-toothed shapes will usually appear with very low

shape factors, but with aspect ratios in the range 0.7 to 1. So, while aspect ratio and

shape factor both have the same mathematical range of allowable values, it is possible

for them to differ significantly and care should be taken to understand this difference.

Specific Length

The ‘specific length’ of an object is defined mathematically as:

( )4

162AreaPerimeterPerimeter −+


Specific Width

The ‘specific width’ of an object is defined mathematically as:

( )4

162AreaPerimeterPerimeter −−


Specific length and specific width measurements are most commonly used for fibrous


Estimated Volume

The ‘estimated volume’ of an object is defined mathematically as:


3πSize (4)

Area Fraction

The ‘area fraction’ of an object is defined by the ViPA system as the area of an object

divided by the overall area captured within the framed video image. That is:

Area of Object

Overall Area within Framed Video Image

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Martin's Radii

Martin's radii are radius measurements taken at fixed angular intervals from the

particle’s projected 2-dimensional geometric centre of gravity. The angular intervals

are 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, & 315°. The Martin's radii measurements reported by

the ViPA are the maximum, minimum and average.

Fractal Number

The fractal number is calculated by plotting perimeter against inspection step length.

The fractal number is the slope of the line calculated from the linear regression of the

three points plotted. The smallest step-length available to ViPA is one pixel which, in

terms of the latest camera model and its length conversion factor, equates to 0.8462

microns. ViPA step-lengths are therefore multiples of this value.

In order to better conceptualise the fractal number, imagine measuring the perimeter of

a large tree trunk; first, using an inflexible 12” ruler; then an inflexible 6” ruler, and

lastly with a flexible measuring tape. Comparison of successive measurements would

reveal that as the inspection step length decreased (from 12” to 6” to close to 0”) the

perimeter recorded had increased. Fractal numbers therefore recognise that as the

resolution of measuring accuracy increases the measured geometry of real objects will

change and attempt to quantify this property in a given object to some degree.

The fractal number of the type of particle can often be common to the entire

population or that particular type of particle regardless of the individual particle size.

It may be possible in some applications to distinguish different classes of particle with

similar shapes by their fractal number.


The ViPA reports concentration as Visible parts per million (Vppm). The ViPA does

this by assuming that the flow rate of the fluid passing through the measuring head is

sufficient to ensure that for every frame of information captured a fresh volume of

fluid is analysed.

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The total fresh volume in each of the frames that the ViPA analyses may therefore be

calculated as: (the width of the analysed image) x (the height of the analysed image) x

(the depth of focus of the image). For each frame analysed, the ViPA calculates the

individual volumes of each object, and then sums the volumes specific to each object

class defined. At the end of each analysis run the ViPA software uses this information

to report a volume/volume concentration for each class of objects defined in that

sampling run.

The measured concentration is reported as Vppm, because only those objects analysed

are measured and included in the calculation. In other words, materials passing

through the cell between frames and objects that are not in focus are not analysed. As a

result of this, concentration figures are not considered ‘absolute’. They do, however,

prove to be exceptionally repeatable statistically and may therefore be utilised to

indicate how the concentration of a material is changing relatively over time.


This function is not enabled in this software version.

Optical Density

Optical density is calculated as the averaged pixel greyscale value across the projected

2-dimensional area of an object and is essentially a measure of the amount of light

transmitted through this object. This parameter can be used to differentiate between

materials that have the same shape but display different levels of transparency. An

example of when to use optical density would be to differentiate between oil droplets

and entrained gas bubbles. A detailed explanation of how to set up a numerical gas

filter by configuring the optical density is described in Section 6.1

Centre of Gravity Co-ordinates

The ViPA software measures and records the x y co-ordinates for geometric centre of

gravity for each object as projected in the 2-dimensional image plane.

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6.1 Setting up Optical Density as a Numerical Gas Filter

To minimise the ViPA misreporting entrained gas as oil, optical density can be utilised

to differentiate between the two. Figure 25 shows both an oil droplet and a gas bubble

of about equal roundness. The only difference between the two is the amount of light

that is passing through the object; hence utilising optical density can serve as a

numerical gas filter. Oil and or condensate are typically seen to be brighter due to its

lower refractive index difference with the continuous phase and therefore have a lower

optical density than gas. It should be noted that different fluids will have different

optical density values for its contained oil and gas particles and therefore this setting

will have to be configured for every fluid sampled and is not a universal setting.

Figure 25: Picture of a gas bubble and an oil droplet

To configure optical density for oil the operator will have to:

� Select the Measurement tab in the ViPA Setup screen and click on Optical

Density as shown in Figure 26 and click Apply

gas bubble

oil droplet

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Figure 26: Measurement tab with Optical Density clicked on

� On the Data Reporting tab select the Display Live Data Table check box and

unselect the Enable Data Summary check box as shown in Figure 27 and click

Apply. This should replace the Data Summary table on the ViPA main screen

with a live data table and optical density will be a column present on the table

as shown in Figure 28.




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Figure 27: Selecting display live data table and unselecting enable data summary check boxes



Live Data






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Figure 28: Optical density is a column in the live data table

� In the Particle Validation tab, the operator should select and unselect Live

Image/Still Image to obtain a still image with an in focus oil droplet in the


� Click on the Reset Frame button and a dialog box as shown below should

appear which asks the operator to draw a new frame around the particle of

interest. Click OK.

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� Using the left mouse button point to the top left corner of the particle and while

holding down the left mouse button the operator should draw a new frame

around the particle of interest as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: A frame drawn over the particle of interest

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� Click on View Processed Image/View Original Image and the operator should

see the data that corresponds to the particle in the live data table and the optical

density value should be noted.

� The operator should repeat these steps to obtain at least 5-8 still images with oil

droplets in them and the corresponding optical density values for 5-8 oil


� The operator should then add 0.02 on to the highest optical density value

observed (e.g. if 0.45 was the highest of the 5-8 optical density values, then the

operator should use 0.47 as the optical density high limit for oil)

� To set up the optical density values, select the Particle Classes tab

� In the Oil class an optical density row should be present and the operator should

input 0 as the low limit and the highest optical density found plus 0.02 (in this

example 0.47) as the high limit as shown in Figure 30.

� Ensure that IN-cludes range is selected and click Apply.

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Figure 30: Oil class

The operator will now need to select the Data Reporting tab as shown in Figure 27 and

unselect Display Live Data Table and reselect Enable Data Summary and click Apply.

The software is now configured to automatically exclude any entrained gas bubbles

from its calculation of oil data.




values in

this row

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7 ViPA Software Routine Operation Procedure

The Jorin ViPA is always shipped with a default configuration file and therefore for

normal routine day to day operation, a full software setup as discussed in this manual

is not required. In order to use the software for routine operation the following

simplified steps should be performed:

1. Launch the ViPA software by double clicking on the icon on the desktop.

2. Check the image screen to see if it is dirty. If so remove the fitting on the top of the

ViPA (outlet to drain). Use a pipe cleaner and insert a few times to clean the screen.

Tighten the fitting back on when complete. Clean the flow cell window whenever

needed and if this needs to be done during operation, remember to isolate the flow

before removing the fitting (manual cell cleaning is only required for mobile versions

of the ViPA and fixed versions without automated wash control).

3. Open the valve at the sample point and drain point to allow flow to the ViPA. The

bypass flow control valve is generally left 3/4 open but this may require adjusting

depending on the flow rate (only for mobile versions of the ViPA and fixed versions

without automated flow control).

4. The flow exiting the ViPA is controlled using flow control valve on the top of the

ViPA and ideally this flow rate should be about 35 ml/min; ranges between 20 – 50

ml/min is acceptable, but try to keep this flow rate constant (only for mobile versions

of the ViPA and fixed versions without automated flow control).

5. To enter the ViPA setup screen, click on control menus, the password for this is jorin

(unless changed by the operator after initial commissioning of the unit).

6. When changing sample points only a few changes are required to the software set up.

These changes are only required for mobile versions of the ViPA as the fixed

versions will have these parameters configured during commissioning of the unit.

The threshold value needs to be set. This parameter is in the Particle Validation tab.

Click on acquire background (the image will take 100 frames to use as a

background). When this is complete the “live/still image check box” will no longer

be greyed out. Check the box to get a still image. Using any sharp (in focus) oil

droplet/s, adjust the threshold value till the oil droplet is coloured white (the middle

of the droplet may not always be coloured white).

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As the slider value is increased less objects will be coloured white and as the slider

decreases, more objects will be coloured white. The aim of this is to get the oil

droplet coloured white with just a little dark halo remaining (see Figure 31). Picture 1

shows an oil droplet (not all oil droplets are this dark and not all will have the middle

coloured white when setting the threshold). Picture 2 shows the droplet coloured

white with a small dark halo. Picture 3 shows a lower threshold being used where the

oil droplet no longer has a halo and Picture 4 shows a much higher threshold where

the oil droplet is barely coloured white. Picture 2 is the right setting for this example.

Figure 31: How to set the threshold

7. You can enlarge the area around a droplet to see it more clearly when thresholding.

Just use the mouse and point to the droplet, hold down the right click mouse button

till a magnifying glass appears and then let the right click mouse button go. This will

zoom in on that particle. To zoom out, just click the right click mouse button.

Correct !

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Figure 32 summarises the steps needed to be taken in order to set the threshold and

edge strength for a particular sample point.

Figure 32: The Particle Validation Tab

8. Select the data collection tab, check that the periodic data collection radio button has

been selected. Decide on a sampling frequency and then set the data collections

periods accordingly; E.g. for 1 data point every minute, set the on-cycle to

continuously for 30 seconds and the off cycle for 30 seconds.

9. Make sure the “cycle continuously” and “report at the end of every cycle check box”

have been selected before starting data collection. (see Figure 33)

1. Click Acquire

background and

when acquisition of

100 frames is

complete. Live

image/still image

button is no longer

greyed out.

2. Click Live

image/still image

button to toggle

between the live

feed and a still

image. Get a still

image that has an

in focus oil


3. Click View



Original Image

and move slider

until the oil

droplet is coloured

white with a dark

halo. Repeat steps

2-3 a few times for

different still

images with oil

droplets and set

the threshold

slider to the

average value


4. Click on View

Processed Image

to see the whole

picture with the

set threshold. If

accurate click

apply, if not

repeat steps 1-3.

The edge

strength slider

should typically

be set to 2

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Figure 33: Data Collection Tab

10. Everything is now ready to start data collection. Ensure that all data is saved to an

appropriate location (either a partitioned hard drive named ViPA Data or a ViPA

Data folder in the C: drive and ensure that proper folders have been created first that

will enable the operator to save the data and identify at a later date where the data

was collected from. (Typically have a folder for Sample Location and then a sub

folder for the date).

5. Make sure

these boxes are

ticked before

starting data


1. Select this

radio button

2. This box should

be set to


3. This box should

be set to desired

sampling frequency

4. This box should

be set to desired

sampling frequency

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11. Click on Start/Stop at the top left hand corner of the screen. You will be prompted to

name the file (xxx.sdf). [The file names can only have 10 characters] and navigate

to the location of the folder created to save the data.

(If you type in a file name of more than 10 characters, then a dialogue box will

appear stating that the file name is too long, click ok and rename the file) and click


12. The ViPA is now continuously collecting data until the operator clicks the Start/Stop

button to stop it.

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8 Troubleshooting Guide

� Computer will not start up:

• Check electrical supply is available

• Check electrical fuse has not blown

• Check computer is plugged in

• Check the purge supply is adequate, and properly connected

� The video image is not shown:

• Ensure power is distributed to the camera

• Check the video image file has been loaded

• Check the camera connections are connected

• Check fibre optics are inserted correctly (for fibre optic systems)

� The video image is shown but it is difficult to see the objects flowing past

• Make sure you have objects flowing through the ViPA and that all

valves isolating flow to the ViPA are open

• Check that there is no blockage in the pipes which may be preventing

the fluid entering the ViPA

• Make sure the flow is approximately 35ml/min [>20ml/min and <


• Make sure that the sample flowing through the cell is optically

transparent, as this can make it difficult for analysis

• Make sure the cell windows is cleaned either by increasing the flow to

remove dirt, using detergent and pipe cleaner or washing function if


� The values that have been inputted in setup disappear after clicking on another


• The apply button has not been pressed after the values have been


� No graphs are produced at the end of each cycle:

• The ‘report at every cycle’ box has not been ticked in data collection.

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� How to view the data files:

• Find the directory to where the data is saved (the user entered the

location when starting the data collection). This is where the .wmf

graph files and .rvd and .sdf data files are saved. Double click on the

desired file.

� The data files show concentration values are large (e.g. 1X105):

• The calibration file has not been loaded

� Forgotten your password:

• Delete the .ini file where the ViPA program is located. This will restore

the password to back to jorin. The ViPA software will need to be


� The previous setup was not saved:

• When ending the ViPA software, you are asked if you want to save the

setup, press yes to save the setup that you have entered. If the setup was

not saved, NO was selected when ending the software.

� The ViPA has crashed:

• Make sure that the hard drive is not full of data, if it is, then transfer the

data to another recordable medium e.g. CD, USB memory stick/drive,

etc. and delete the data on the hard drive.

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