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Page 1: VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Department of ... › government › departments › human... · 8/16/2018  · Virginia Beach Community Services Board Lewis noted that she


Thursday, August 16, 2018 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


INFORMAL SESSION Call to Order by the Chair

Ms. Carrollyn Cox Public Comment

Public Board Presentation

• Performance Contract Vote

Adjournment Ms. Carrollyn Cox

FORMAL SESSION Call to Order by the Chair

• Approval of the Board Minutes

• April and June

Committee Reports • Developmental Services Committee • Mental Health and Substance Abuse • Executive Committee

Dr. Linda Bright

Ms. Kathleen Ashby Ms. Carrollyn Cox

Financial Report • Year to Date

Ms. Maria Kurtz

Old Business • By-Laws update and slight modification

New Business •

Matters of the Chair Ms. Carrollyn Cox • Board Education:

o August: Field Trip to Beach House and SkillQuest o September: Behavioral Health and Wellness (Prevention Services) o October: Infant Services & Language Environment Analysis (LENA)

Matters of the Director/Deputy Director •

Ms. Dannette Smith Ms. Aileen L. Smith

Other Business • September Nominating Committee Presentation • DBHDS Dashboard

Ms. Carrollyn Cox

Ms. Angela Hicks and Mr. Tim Capoldo

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Thursday, April 26 2018 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.


Board Members Present

Board Members Absent Staff Present

Patricia Alspaugh Linda Bright (E) Maria Kurtz Carrollyn Cox Carla Hesseltine (E) Aileen L. Smith Joyce Harvey Cameron Randle (E) Angie Hicks Molly Trask Dawn Rykheart Diane Jones Wendy Voliva Alan Marsden James Thornton Geraldine Hunt Tim Capoldo Yvonne Lewis Council Liaison Andrea Lowe Phillip Black Nicola Morley Kay Ashby Laura Disney Diana Ruchelman Guests Natacha Dolson Dannette Smith

Informal Session

Call to Order by the Chair

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 am

Ms. Carrollyn Cox

Board Presentation • ID/DD Medicaid Waiver Services

Mr. Tim Capoldo

Tim provided a brief overview of ID/DD Waiver services. He introduced three Supervisors who oversee programs that provide Medicaid Waiver Services in our agency. The Supervisors who attended were Laura Disney, the SkillQuest Supervisor, Nicky Morley, the Case Management Supervisor and Natacha Dolson who is the Supportive Living Supervisor. Mr. Capoldo will also provide a more in-depth review at a future DS Committee meeting. Nicky Morley provided an overview of case management services. She explained the difference between the ID and DD waivers. In the past, the DD Waiver waiting list was overseen by the Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters and was based on a chronological list. As of last year, the ID waiting list and the DD waiting list were combined and are maintained by the Community Services Boards in the State of Virginia. The waiting list slots are based on priority and are not based on the length of time that an individual has been waiting for a service. Ms. Morley reviewed the different priority lists. There are three different priority levels. Only those on the Priority 1 list are considered for waiver slots as these individuals are the most urgent in terms of their need for services. The criteria for Priority 1 includes, but is not limited to homelessness, severe behaviors and/or the age of caregivers.

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Virginia Beach Community Services Board Natacha Dolson reviewed the Supportive Living Program’s array of services. This program serves individuals who are 21 years of age and over and the individuals live in group homes or may receive supports in their own homes. There has been great success in transitioning people from institutions to group homes, to living with their family or living independently. The SLP staff also assists the individual in self-advocacy, speaking with their doctors, linking with CEO to find jobs and ensuring their overall health by assisting them in making nutrition and hygiene choices. Mr. Tim Capoldo covered Community Employment Options (CEO) in Krista Shanafelt’s absence. Funding is available through Waiver and DARS. The program is CARF accredited and helps individuals find and maintain employment. Tim shared that Geico is a large placement for DS and that Farm Fresh was a setback as they employed 10 individuals. CEO provides services to over 200 people a month and partners with over 100 businesses in the community. Laura Disney reviewed services that are provided at SkillQuest. The Day Support Program provides services for those 21 and above and funding for services is mainly received through Medicaid Waiver and the Department of Health. Ms. Disney reviewed the current rates and the challenges of getting the attendees into the community, specifically those who are the most medically fragile. With the redesign there is a stronger emphasis on services in the community and the services may require 1 staff with 3 people. Tim closed with the comment that Developmental Services is working hard to provide supportive services in the community especially day supports. He spoke highly of his staff who have worked so hard to keep on top of the changes while continuing to provide excellent services. Aileen Smith and Tim Capoldo noted that the Rising Tides program (dual diagnosis services) will be transitioning the clients to other similar services in the community due to regulatory changes. These individuals will have the opportunity to make their own choices in continued participation with other providers. Ms. Diana Ruchelman stated that she appreciates the hard work that the staff do every day to provide the services. She plans to advocate.

Public Comment

No public comment


Adjourned at 9:50 am


Call to Order by the Chair

Ms. Carrollyn Cox Ms. Cox called the meeting to order at 9:55 am

Approval of the Board Minutes

Ms. Geraldine Hunt moved and Ms. Diane Ruchelman seconded. Minutes approved as presented.

Committee Reports • Developmental Services Committee – No meeting was held in April • Mental Health and Substance Abuse – April 2018 • Executive Committee – April 2018 Meeting

• Dr. Linda Bright • Ms. Kathleen Ashby • Ms. Carrollyn Cox

• Dr. Bright not available (excused). Ms. Cox shared that even though a meeting was not held the reports from the division were provided.

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Virginia Beach Community Services Board

• Ms. Ashby would like a change to the BH minutes. The Coalition is the sponsoring agency not

NAMI as noted in the minutes from the April BH meeting. • Ms. Cox reviewed the Executive Committee meeting minutes.

o Ms. Cox will ask Andrea Lowe to create a presentation for the CSB Board members to take into the community.

o Wendy noted VBHuman services is now on Facebook.

Financial Report • Year to Date

Ms. Dawn Rykheart Ms. Maria Kurtz provided the report and she provided additional information when the CSB Board members asked questions.

Old Business • Civic League Meeting attendance • By-Laws subcommittee

o Will review at a future meeting

New Business • Committee meetings (Will discuss consecutive times for both meetings at

the bi-monthly meetings)

Carrollyn asked for comment and a vote. Diane Jones stated she supports this idea. Ms. Jones moved for a motion for a “Review of the Schedule” of committee meetings. Ms. Hunt seconded. The motion carried and staff will discuss the meeting times at the next committee meetings. The day of the month would stay the same. The staff will provide a suggestion for times at a future CSB Board meeting for additional consideration.

Matters of the Chair

Ms. Carrollyn Cox

Board Education: • May: No meeting this month • June: Performance Contract & Budget Review – Dawn Rykheart • July: No meeting this month • August: Business meeting at 8:30am and field trip at 9am to BHDS program locations Ms. Jones reminded the Board that the August meeting is the 16th, not the 30th. She reminded the Board that they need to vote on the performance contract and a quorum is required at this meeting. This information was noted and the CSB Board will meet prior to the field trip to vote on the contract. Ms. Buckler will send reminders in regards to the meeting dates.

Matters of the Director/Deputy Director • MH Forum Wrap Up

Ms. Dannette Smith Ms. Aileen L. Smith

Ms. Aileen Smith shared that the MH forum was a great success and thanked the speakers and board members in attendance. She also thanked the Division Administrators in particular Angie Hicks and Jim Thornton and noted how hard they have worked to provide what was needed for these speaking events. Ms.

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Virginia Beach Community Services Board Lewis noted that she attended a meeting in the community prior to the forum and spoke with other citizens who were not aware of the behavioral health services that our agency provides. She had advised them to attend the April forum.

Other Business • DBHDS Dashboard

Ms. Angela Hicks Mr. Tim Capoldo

Ms. Hicks reviewed her section and noted that the dashboard will change in July, with new areas under review in particular in regards to health screening. She then discussed her sections. Mr. Capoldo reviewed his DS specific sections and he shared that the case management method of reporting will change. Adjournment Ms. Cox asked for questions. There being none the meeting adjourned at 10:39.

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Thursday, June 28th 2018 8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.



Board Members Present Board Members Absent Staff Present Patricia Alspaugh Phillip Black (E) Dannette R. Smith Linda Bright Aileen L. Smith Carrollyn Cox Angie Hicks Joyce Harvey Dawn Rykheart Geraldine Hunt Maria Kurtz Molly Trask Wendy Voliva Yvonne Lewis James Thornton Carla Hesseltine Council Liaison Tim Capoldo Diana Ruchelman Diane Jones Guests Alan Marsden Cameron Randle Kay Ashby

Call to Order by the Chair Ms. Cox called to order at 8:30 am. Public Comment Ms. Dannette Smith thanked Diana Ruchelman for her work with the Board. The Board thanked Ms. Diana Ruchelman for her 12 years including her terms of the chair of the board. Ms. Ruchelman thanked everyone for their support over the years and hopes that all of the strong advocacy will continue. Board Presentation: The FY19 Performance Contract and Budget Review occurred. Ms. Rykheart provided an in-depth look at the performance contract deliverables and related requirements for all programs in BHDS as well as Administration.

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Highlights included: • Exhibit K: Ms. Rykheart noted that Exhibit K addresses state hospital admission and

discharge processes and requirements.

Ms. Maria Kurtz also reviewed the CSB budget which is represented in the performance contract.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:42 am


Call to Order by the Chair The Chair called formal session to order at 9:42 am Approval of the Board Minutes The Chair called for approval of the April minutes. These minutes could not be reviewed and approved as they were not included in the meeting packet. The minutes will be sent out and voted on at the next meeting. Committee Reports:

• Developmental Services Committee – June 2018 Dr. Bright reviewed the minutes of the meeting. At the upcoming August meeting Tim will begin providing additional detailed presentations on the ID/DD Waiver.

• Behavioral Health – June 2018 Ms. Ruchelman reviewed the meeting. The meeting focused on a presentation for pregnant and postpartum women. Ms. Ruchelman noted some changes need to be made to the finance numbers in the minutes.

• Executive Committee – June 2018 Ms. Cox reviewed the Executive Committee meeting. She reiterated the importance of the August 16th meeting to vote on the performance contract. Following the vote there will be a field trip to two of the BHDS programs (Beach House & SkillQuest). Please RSVP your attendance for the field trip starting at approximately 9 and ending by noon. At the meeting there was a discussion on adjusting the times of the committee meetings. A vote will be deferred on this subject. Ms. Cox will send information on Civic League meetings and is aware that attendance may not occur until fall of 2018 due to their scheduling. Ms. Ruchelman suggested calling your civic league and request to be added to their schedule. Ms. Lowe will provide you with a presentation. The Human Services Facebook page is up. Ms. Cox is asking for “good news” stories to share.

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The Social Services Advisory Board meeting is August 3rd and the CSB Board members are invited to attend. Financial Report

• Year to Date Ms. Kurtz provided the update through May 31 2018. Old Business

• Review suggestion to move the DH and BH Committee meeting times. Addressed above in the Executive Committee report

• Community Engagement: Addressed above in the Executive Committee meeting report New Business

• Social Services Advisory Board meeting invitation – addressed above • Legislative Breakfast meeting – August 20th at the MOCA

Matters of the Chair

Board Education: • July No meeting • August Field trip to a BHDS program locations (9am -11:30/Leaving from 3432) • September Behavioral Health and Wellness: Ms. Ava Lawrence

Matters of the Director/Deputy Director

• None Performance Contract Reports

• DBHDS Dashboard presented in August Other Business

• The August CSB Meeting will be held early in the month on August 16th @ 8:30am to accommodate voting on the performance contract. A reminder will be sent.

• Prior to adjournment of the meeting, Ms. Voliva asked the members to gather for a group photo following the legislative breakfast

Adjournment Ms. Cox called the meeting adjourned at 10:14 am The next meeting will be August 16th 2018 at 8:30 am

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400 Investors Place, SkillQuest August 9, 2018 4:00 - 5:00 PM


Committee Members Ms. Carrollyn Cox, Dr. Linda Bright, Dr. Joyce Harvey, Ms. Geraldine Hunt City Facilitator Ms. Aileen L. Smith Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 4:06 pm

Public Comment None Education

• August: Field Trip to Beach House and SkillQuest • September: Behavioral Health and Wellness (Prevention Services) • October: Infant Services & Language Environment Analysis (LENA)

Old Business

• By-Laws update and slight modification: Ms. Cox to run the changes by Attorney Rod Ingram.

New Business

• SkillQuest updates: Please note that the MOCA Art Show is October 29th

Matters of the Chair • No additional items

Staff Updates I Director's Report

• Dannette R. Smith – Director and/or Aileen L. Smith Deputy Director

Other Business September nominating committee presentation

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CSB Executive Committee Minutes

Agenda Setting

• Vote: FY 2019 DBHDS Performance Contract • Reports • Staff Updates • Tour

The meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm The next meeting is September 20, 2018 at Pembroke 6 Suite 309A

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Developmental Services Division Committee Meeting Date: August 9, 2018

Time: 9:00 A.M. Members Present Staff Present Guests Present Dr. Linda Bright Mr. Tim Capoldo Mr. Brian Baldwin Mr. Phil Black Ms. Aileen Smith Ms. Carrollyn Cox Ms. Krista Shanafelt Ms. Nicola Morley Ms. Maria Kurtz

Agenda Items

Welcome and Introductions Dr. Linda Bright Presentation Mr. Tim Capoldo

Ms. Nicky Morley Ms. Krista Shanafelt

Reports: • Incident Management Report Mr. Tim Capoldo • Waiting List Mr. Tim Capoldo • Output Report Mr. Tim Capoldo • Finance Report Ms. Maria Kurtz

Announcements Public Comment Welcome Dr. Bright welcomed all in attendance. Presentation Mr. Capoldo, Ms. Morley and Ms. Shanafelt gave an “Introduction to Medicaid Waiver” as it relates to slot assignment, case management services and employment.

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Developmental Services Division Committee Meeting Minutes

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Ms. Morley gave an in depth description of what the new waiver services provide and the Waiver Slot Assignment Committee’s (WSAC) role. Case Management serves children and adults with varying degrees of needs. They now also serve or oversee persons on the DD waiver; some of those individuals do quite well in the community and will only have medical needs. The WSAC determines who gets a slot and which slot. New slots are still awarded yearly to the CSBs and the vacated slots still stay with the CSB. Ms. Shanafelt discussed Community Employment Options (CEO). CEO provides services in the community not at sheltered workshops. She reviewed each type of supported employment which includes Long Term, Short Term, job development (actively seeking a new company to provide placement) and onsite training. They serve a few Behavior Health clients as well. Most CEO individuals do not have case management, although if needed they will be referred. They will soon provide customized employment via DARS which will entail working with an individual who does not fit in a typical job. The employer may be asked to negotiate amending the job description. Or the individual may be able to develop their own job, such as dog grooming because the person enjoys dogs but not people! New services will include transportation for individuals. The power point will be sent to all members with the Board packet. Report

Finance Ms. Kurtz presented the financial report. She explained the apparent discrepancies between the deficit/surplus due to the end of the fiscal year. Incident Management Report Mr. Capoldo reviewed each category. All reports were handled appropriately. New licensure regulations will change what types of injuries are reported, the change should reduce the number of reportable events. ID Slot Report Mr. Capoldo reviewed each type of slot and the numbers receiving those services. Output Report Mr. Capoldo reviewed the end of FY numbers served report. Of note the MH PsychoSocial numbers will continue to drop as this program is being phased out. Consumers will continue to be served in another capacity.

New Items:

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Developmental Services Division Committee Meeting Minutes

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Information Items The Infant Program graduation ceremony is next Thursday, August 16th at 4:00 pm at the Wycliff church on Great Neck Road.

Discussion Items None Public Comment None The next meeting of the DSC is October 11, 2018

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Slot TypeStart of M


Start of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthEnd of M


End of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M


Start of M


Start of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthEnd of M


End of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M


Start of M


Start of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthEnd of M


End of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M


Childrens slot -

Hold -

MFP slot in -

Childrens slot - Projected -

Pending Appeal -

Hold -

Active - Transfer in -

Transfer out - M

FP slot in - Childrens slot -

Pending Appeal -

Childrens slot - Projected -

Available - Pending Appeal -

Transfer out -

Childrens slot -

Hold -

MFP slot in -

Childrens slot - Projected - Hold -

Transfer out - Transfer out -

Transfer in - Transfer in -

Transfer out -

Childrens slot -

Pending Appeal -

Transfer in - Transfer out -

MFP slot in -

Projected -

Transfer in - Transfer out -

MFP slot in -

Projected - Hold - Available -

Childrens slot -

Transfer out - M

FP slot in -

Transfer in - Transfer out -

MFP slot in -

Projected - Hold - Available -

Childrens slot - Childrens slot -

Pending Appeal -

Active -

Childrens slot - Hold - Available -



Active - Active - Active -

Active - Active -






Transfer in - Transfer out -

MFP slot in -

Projected - Hold - Available -

Transfer in -

MFP slot in -

MFP slot in -

Transfer in -

Available -

Transfer in -

Available -

Transfer in -

Projected -

Transfer out -

Childrens slot -

Hold - Available -

Active - Active -

Active - Active -

Active - 117 Transfer in - 0

Transfer out - 0 M

FP slot in - 0 Childrens slot - 0

Projected - 3Hold - 1Available - 2Pending Appeal - 1

Available - Pending Appeal -


MFP slot in -

Childrens slot - Projected -

Pending Appeal -

Projected - Hold - Available -


unity Living

Family and Individual


Building Independence


Active - 12 Transfer in - 0

Transfer out - 0 M

FP slot in - 0 Childrens slot - 0

Active - 576 Transfer in - 0

Transfer out - 0 M

FP slot in - 0 Childrens slot - 0

Projected - 5Hold - 11Available - 1 Pending Appeal - 1


Active - Transfer in -

Transfer out - M

FP slot in - Active - Transfer in -

Transfer out - M

FP slot in -

Active - Transfer in - Transfer out -

MFP slot in -

Childrens slot - Active - Transfer in -

Transfer out - M

FP slot in -

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ID and DS Combined


Waiver Slot M

eeting Held







Slot TypeStart of M


Start of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthEnd of M


End of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M



Start of M


Start of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

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End of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M



Start of M


Start of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthStart of M

onthEnd of M


End of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M

onthEnd of M



Available - Available -

Pending Appeal -

Projected -

Available - Available -

Available - Pending Appeal -

Hold -

Pending Appeal - Pending Appeal -

Pending Appeal -

Hold - Projected -

Projected - Projected - Hold -

Hold - Hold -

Added / deletedAdded 19 / deleted 6

Added / deletedAdded / deleted

Added / deletedAdded / deleted

Added / deleted

Added 8 / deleted 32Added / deleted

Added / deletedAdded / deleted

Added / deletedAdded / deleted

Added 11 / deleted 5Added / deleted

Added / deletedAdded / deleted

Added / deleted












Projected - 2

Available - 0Pending Appeal - 0

Hold - 0

Priority 2

Priority 3

Priority 1

Projected -


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Start of M

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onthStart of M

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Additional Notes:

Waiver Planning List

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City of Virginia BeachDevelopmental Services Committee

FY 2018 Budget vs. Actual as of June 30, 2018

Revenue Source FY 2018 Budget YTD Budget YTD Collections

% of YTD Budget Achieved

(goal 100%)

Fees for Services 1 20,091,591 20,091,591 18,497,551 92%State Revenue 2,206,952 2,206,952 2,307,677 105%Federal Revenue 510,473 510,473 510,475 100%Miscellaneous Revenue 2 - - 39,727 100%Fund Reserve 90,000 90,000 - 0%General Fund Support 3 4,189,239 4,189,239 4,189,239 100%

Total Revenue 27,088,255 27,088,255 25,544,669 94%

Expenditure Category FY 2018 Budget YTD Budget YTD Spending % AchievedPersonnel 22,113,766 22,113,766 21,427,431 97%Professional Services 2,477,330 2,477,330 2,869,715 116%

Internal Services 4 711,305 711,305 722,830 102%Other Charges 430,437 430,437 440,231 102%Supplies 693,680 693,680 621,925 90%Leases and Rentals 5 661,737 661,737 683,306 103%Capital Outlay 6 - - - 0%

Total Expenditures 27,088,255 27,088,255 26,765,438 99%

Revenue Over Expenditures (1,220,769) 7 Rental Choice VA -

(Deficit)/Surplus (1,220,769)

1 YTD budget adjusted to reflect fee collections one month behind. 2 Miscellaneous revenue consists of $30k refund of FY 2016 ICF Cost Settlement payback 3 Report assumes General Fund Support are utilized in equal monthly installments.4 Internal Service charges for City Garage, Risk, IT Subscription, and Network Telecommunications pulled 100% at beginning of year;

Fuel, Motor Pool and Telephones come out monthly.5 Leases and Rentals consist of monthly and quarterly leases (paid in advance).6 Capital Outlay consists of equipment purchases that are made as needed and will vary througout the year.7 Rental Choice VA expenses were not incurred this fiscal year

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Behavioral Health Division Committee Meeting August 9, 2018

12:00 Noon Members Present Staff Present Guests Present Dr. Joyce Harvey Ms. Angie Hicks Ms. Molly Trask Ms. LeAnne Brant Ms. Shelby Giles Ms. Michelle Sampson

Agenda Items

Welcome and Introductions Dr. Joyce Harvey Presentation Ms. Shelby Giles Reports:

• Waiting List Ms. Angie Hicks • Incident Management Report Ms. Angie Hicks • Finance Report Ms. Maria Kurtz

Announcements Public Comment Welcome The meeting was called to order at 12:05pm. Dr. Harvey welcomed everyone to the meeting. Presentation Ms. Shelby Giles provided an overview of the Program for Assistance in Transitioning from Homelessness (PATH) program. The program is a team of four staff that provides outreach and engagement for the homeless population and assists individuals with applying for all services they may need to stabilize in the community. The team works closely with case management, the jail, housing providers and other city programs.

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Behavioral Health Division Committee Meeting Minutes

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The PATH program will soon move from their current location at 22nd Street to the new Housing Resource Center (HRC). The team will provide services to the homeless population at HRC as well as continue the critical work of community-based outreach. Ms. Giles also provided an update on interim leadership and recruitment for vacant PATH positions. Reports

• Waiting List Ms. Hicks reviewed the waiting list and numbers served in Behavioral Health. There was not a significant shift to be noted other than a slight increase in referrals to Supportive Residential Services and a decrease in the numbers referred to jail services.

• Incident Management Report Ms. Hicks reviewed the report. All reports were investigated and handled appropriately. Ms. Hicks shared that there will be new state changes to the incident reporting process and the CQI division is modifying our internal processes to adhere to the changes. Additional details about the new regulations will be presented at the October meeting.

• Finance Report Ms. Kurtz presented the end of fiscal year 2018 financial report. She noted that the surplus revenues outlined in the budget report are assigned to specific programs and cannot be used elsewhere. It was also noted that some fee reimbursement may not yet have been received for fiscal year 2018.

Announcements: Ms. LeAnne Brant shared the following upcoming activities:

• Morning of Hope Walk at Mt. Trashmore will be held on September 8, 2018. • Caitlyn’s Halo 5K for Opioid Awareness will be held August 31, 2018

Carolyn Weems sponsors this new walk in memory of her daughter. • Shatter The Silence will be held September the 14th at the Attucks Theater. • REVIVE flyer was distributed and has been revised. Members were asked to review the new

training dates at the bottom of the flyer. • Friends and Family Education will begin October 2nd through November (see attached flyer). This

is a six-week education class for families affected by addiction. • “Help me Understand” classes will begin September 11th with morning sessions from 10 AM –

12PM and evening sessions will be held September 13th from 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM. The sessions will feature various topics with general information about Behavioral Health disorders. The first group

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Behavioral Health Division Committee Meeting Minutes

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topic will be Bipolar Disorder and upcoming classes will review additional topics such as anxiety, childhood trauma, depression, etc. Groups will be held in Pembroke 6, Suite 212.

The meeting adjourned at 1:13 pm. The next meeting is October 11, 2018 at Pembroke 6 Suite 431.

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City of Virginia BeachBehavioral Health Services Committee

FY 2018 Budget vs. Actual as of June 30, 2018

Revenue Source FY 2018 Budget YTD Budget YTD Collections

% of YTD Budget Achieved

(goal 100%)

Fees for Services 1 6,060,522 6,060,522 4,754,530 78%State Revenue 11,092,894 11,092,894 11,329,490 102%Federal Revenue 3,258,964 3,258,964 3,137,667 96%Miscellaneous Revenue 2 6,364 6,364 126,246 1984%Fund Reserve 193,124 193,124 155,362 80%General Fund Support 3 8,610,018 8,610,018 8,610,018 100%

Total Revenue 29,221,886 29,221,886 28,113,313 96%

Expenditure Category FY 2018 Budget YTD Budget YTD Spending % AchievedPersonnel 21,828,488 21,828,488 19,749,894 90%Professional Services 4,345,095 4,345,095 4,345,698 100%

Internal Services 4 646,040 646,040 679,242 105%Other Charges 584,827 584,827 473,175 81%Supplies 1,130,788 1,130,788 834,207 74%Leases and Rentals 5 682,381 682,381 635,794 93%Capital Outlay 6 4,267 4,267 4,107 96%

Total Expenditures 29,221,886 29,221,886 26,722,117 91%

Revenue Over Expenditures 1,391,196 7 PSH Receipts in Excess of Expenditures (464,574)

7PACT Receipts in Excess of Expenditures - (Deficit)/Surplus 926,622

1 YTD budget reflected at 100%. 2 $98k final FY 2017 DAP reimbursement.3 Report assumes General Fund Support are utilized in equal monthly installments.4 Internal Service charges for City Garage, Risk, IT Subscription, and Network Telecommunications pulled 100% at beginning of year;

Fuel, Motor Pool and Telephones come out monthly.5 Leases and Rentals consist of monthly and quarterly leases (paid in advance).6 Capital Outlay consists of equipment purchases that are made as needed and will vary througout the year.7 Permanent Supportive Housing excess revenue noted due to inability to offset other expenditures with this revenue

Page 27: VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Department of ... › government › departments › human... · 8/16/2018  · Virginia Beach Community Services Board Lewis noted that she
Page 28: VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Department of ... › government › departments › human... · 8/16/2018  · Virginia Beach Community Services Board Lewis noted that she
Page 29: VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Department of ... › government › departments › human... · 8/16/2018  · Virginia Beach Community Services Board Lewis noted that she
Page 30: VIRGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Department of ... › government › departments › human... · 8/16/2018  · Virginia Beach Community Services Board Lewis noted that she

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