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  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    Dynamic and Transient Engine Testing Applications,System requirements and modular structures

    Presented by :

    Hans Peter Dohmen

    Gerald Fehl Schen Pegasus Gmbh

    SAE Technical Paper no ! "#$"%#

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    &' Dynamic and Transient Engine Testing Applications,System requirements and modular structures

    ()AD to (*G

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System



    (oad to (ig + characteristics o dri-erand -ehicle are simulated close toreality or engine installed in the teststand .ith the help o dynamometer,

    enabling reduction o productde-elopment times

    Dynamic Engine /alibration +

    -eri0cation o comple1 E/2 algorithms.ith respect to -arious operatingconditions

    Emission Testing

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    System (equirement + 3odules and


  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    3odularity : Test stand should ha-emodular structure .ith standardi4ed

    interaces to enable adaptation tone. testing

    5 ma6or modules around thespecimen i'e' Engine are : Dynamometer :7 types

    /ontroller :control dynamometer, (8Scompatible

    3easuring system : or e1haust and uelconsumption

    Automation system: runs the -arious

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    9ehicle model to road loadsimulation(8S;

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System

    8/15E1ample o test stand

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    /alculation methodology The controller must be complemented by (8S

    sot.are to enable transient testing

    This is used to simulate all orces acting on the-ehicle and to reproduce them at the engineinterace ie

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    9irtual 3ulti cylinder Engine

    Transient Test System

    Presented by>ohn >' 3os.a, Dere A' 3angun

    P/(8, 2ni-ersity o ?isconsin

    Austin (' 8eme, >ohn 8' 8ahti et al Enerpac, G3 Po.ertrain etc

    SAE Technical Paper no + $@@"!$5!@&@

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    $' 9irtual 3ulti cylinderEngine Transient Test

    System Done at P/(8Po.ertrain /ontrol (esearch

    8aboratory;, 2ni-' o ?isconsin

    Approach + a transient system or singlecylinder system that replicates dynamics oa multi cylinder engine

    Test system includes a dynamic model o

    the entire multi!cylinder engine that runs inreal time

    3odel computes instantaneous torque

    tra6ectory and dyno applies it to engine

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    Set up

  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System





  • 7/24/2019 Virtual Multi Cylinder Engine Transient Test System


    (eerences to note

    2S Patent C@#%% + *nternal/ombustion Engine Simulation and


    Transient 3ulti /ylinder *ntaeDynamics simulated on a singlecylinder engine

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