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Virtuemart Product Compare Extension

Joomla Virtuemart product compare extension helps customers to add various items into a place to compare to decide the final choice.

Virtuemart product compare extension can be placed on both category pages and

details pages. Once the item is added to compare, Ajax will make it fly to the

comparison popup and highlighted. Customers are reminded about item they’ve added,

preventing repeated actions.

In the comparison window, if an item is not favorited, the user can easily remove it.

Finally, the most suitable product is added to cart. 

In the backend, admin can configure the positions of the compare tab on the left side or

the right side. Also, maximum of products compared can be specified. Choosing the

color whenever hover the button as well as an item’s added is just simple. All options

become easy to use in the backend, no coding skills required.

Enable Joomla Plugin in Virtuemart Configuration at admin panel

To use this plug-in , user must go to Administration-Component –Virtuemart-

Configuration- Shop- then, check enable joomla Plugin as image below.

Enable the status for Virtuemart compare product plug-in at admin panel

User goes to Extension ==> Plug-in Manager ==> Find Virtuemart Compare product

plugin and enable to it as shown image below.

Config CMS Virtuemart Product Compare extension in admin panel

User goes to Extension ==> Module Manager ,then find CMS VM Compare config it as

image below.

Module management for module Virtuemart Product Compare

User easily set up position of module, choose status in published, and assign the

module on all pages as image shows below.

Position of comparison module

User can simply choose Center Right or Center Left position if wanted.

The maximum number of compared products

User can limit number of item in Max item compare for comparable products.

Compared Products with exact detail information to show out

Show all needed detail information of compared products in admin panel

User can show / hide add to card ,rating, price ,description , weight, length ,

availability ,category , and others of products.

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