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27. 12. 2017 Screen Object

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Screen ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Manipulates forms according to their placement on the screen and controls the mouse pointer outside your application's forms at run tim e. The Screen object is accessed with the keyword Screen.

Syn tax


Rem arks

The Screen object is the entire Windows desktop. Using the Screen object, you can set the M ousePo in ter property of the Screen object to the hourglass pointer while a modal form is displayed.

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27. 12. 2017 Section Object (Data Report Designer)

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Section Object (Data Report Designer)See Also Example Properties Methods Events

The Section object represents a section of the Data Report designer.

Syn tax


Rem arks

You must use standard collection syntax to retrieve a reference to a Section object and any controls on the Data Report designer. The example below retrieves the name of the third control on the second section of the Section object:

D e b u g .P r in t D a ta R e p o r t1 .S e c t io n s (2 ) .C o n tro ls (3 ) .N a m e

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27. 12. 2017 Sections Collection Example

Visual Basic Reference

Sections Collection ExampleThe example prints the name of each Section object in the Data Report designer as well as the names of each control In the section. To try the example, create a Data Report. Place a Com m andButton control on a form, and paste the code into the Declarations section of the code module. Press F5 to run the project and click the button.

P r iv a t e Sub Com m and1_C lick()Dim s e c t , c t lFo r Each s e c t In D a ta R e p o rt1 .S e c t io n s

D e b u g .P r in t " S e c t io n " , sect.N am e Fo r Each c t l In s e c t .C o n t r o ls

D e b u g .P r in t , c tl.N am e Next c t l

Next se c t End Sub

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27. 12. 2017 SelBookmarks Collection (DataGrid Control)

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Visual Basic: DataGrid ControlV isua l Stud io 6 .0

SelBookmarks CollectionSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

A Se lBoo km arks collection contains a bookmark for each row selected in a DataGrid control.

Syn tax

Se lBoo km arks

Rem arks

Use the Se lBookm arks property of the DataGrid control to return the Se lB oo km arks collection. Bookmarks are added to the Se lBoo km arks collection in the order they're selected. You can reposition the DataGrid control's current record pointer by setting the Bo o km ark property to one of the selected bookmarks in the Se lBoo km arks collection.

Use the Add method to add bookmarks to the Se lB oo km arks collection. Once a bookmark is appended to the Se lB oo km arks collection, it appears selected in the DataGrid control.

To remove a bookmark from the Se lBoo km arks collection, use the Rem ove method. Once a bookmark is removed from the Se lB oo km arks collection, it no longer appears selected in the DataGrid control.

The Se lBoo km arks collection supports the Add and Rem ove methods as well as the Count property. Using these methods and properties, you can manipulate the list of selected items in the DataGrid control. For example, you can programmatically select additional items by using the Add method, or determine the total number of selected items using the Count property.

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27. 12. 2017 SelectedControls Collection

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

SelectedControls CollectionSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

A collection that allows access to all of the currently selected controls on an object.

Syn tax

SelectedContro ls(index)

The placeholder index represents an integer with a range from 0 to S e le c te d C o n tro ls .C o u n t - 1 .

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27. 12. 2017 SelectedVBControls Collection (Visual Basic Add-In Model)

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Visual Basic Extensibility ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

SelectedVBControls CollectionSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Returns a collection of currently selected controls on a component.

Syn tax

SelectedV BC ontro ls

Rem arks

You can use this collection to access all currently selected controls on a form. The code can step through the collection of controls or request a specific control.

This collection has the same specifications as the V BC o ntro ls collection, except this collection doesn't implement the Add method. The default method for the Se lectedV BC ontro ls collection is the Item method and is indexed with integers.

This collection replaces the Se lectedC ontro lTem plates collection from Visual Basic version 4.0.

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27. 12. 2017 SelectedVBControlsEvents Object (Visual Basic Add-In Model)

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Visual Basic Extensibility ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

SelectedVBControlsEvents ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Represents a source of events supported by all currently selected controls.

Syn tax

Se lectedV BC ontro lsEvents

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27. 12. 2017 Series Object

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

Series ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

An item from a SeriesCoNection collection that represents a group of data points on a chart.

Syn tax


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Visual Basic: MSChart Control

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27. 12. 2017 Series Object Example

Visual Basic: MSChart Control

Series Object ExampleThe following example changes the appearance of the lines for all series in a three-dimensional line chart.

P r iv a t e Sub Com m and1_C lick()Dim se rX As S e r ie s' Change th e c h a r t typ e to 3D l in e and sm oothing ' each l i n e .M S C h a rt1 .ch a rtT yp e = V tC h C hartTyp e3d Lin e M SChart1.Colum nCount = 4Fo r Each se rX In M S C h a r t1 .P lo t .S e r ie s C o lle c t io n

se rX .S h o w G u id e L in e (V tC h A x is Id Y ) = True s e rX .G u id e L in e P e n .S ty le = V tP e n S ty le D it te d s e r X .P e n .S t y le = 4

Next End Sub

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27. 12. 2017 Series Collection

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

Series CollectionVisual Basic: MSChart Control

See Also Example Properties Methods Events

A collection of chart series.

Syn tax

Series (index)

The Series collection syntax has these parts:

P a r t D e s c r ip t io n

in d e x In teg e r. Id e n t if ie s th e se r ie s o f th e cha rt. S e r ie s a re id en tif ie d in th e o rd e r o f da ta g rid

c o lu m n s , b eg in n in g w ith 1.

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27. 12. 2017 SeriesCollection Collection

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

SeriesCollection CollectionVisual Basic: MSChart Control

See Also Example Properties Methods Events

Provides information about the series that make up a chart.

S yn tax

SeriesCo llection (index)

The SeriesCo llection collection syntax has these parts:

P a r t D e s c r ip t io n

in d e x Id e n t if ie s a s p e c if ic s e r ie s in th e se r ie s co lle c t io n .

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27. 12. 2017 Series, SeriesCollection Collections Example

Visual Basic: MSChart Control

Series, SeriesCollection Collections ExampleThe following example hides all the series in a chart.

P r iv a t e Sub Com m and1_C lick()Dim se rX As S e r ie s ' H ides A l l S e r ie s .Fo r Each se rX In M S C h a r t1 .P lo t .S e r ie s C o lle c t io n

s e rX .P o s it io n .H id d e n = True Next

End Sub

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27. 12. 2017 SeriesMarker Object

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

SeriesMarker ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Describes a marker that identifies all data points within one series on a chart.

Syn tax

SeriesM arker

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27. 12. 2017 SeriesMarker Object Example

Visual Basic: MSChart Control

SeriesMarker Object ExampleThe following example sets marker parameters for all series in a chart.

P r iv a t e Sub Com m and1_C lick()Dim se rX As s e r ie s' Show m arkers and unshow th e l in e s f o r a l l s e r ie s . M S C h a rt1 .ch a rtT yp e = V tC h C hartTyp e2d Lin e Fo r Each se rX In M S C h a r t1 .P lo t .S e r ie s C o lle c t io n

s e rX .S e r ie sM a rk e r .S h o w = True se rX .S h o w L in e = F a ls e

Next End Sub

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27. 12. 2017 SeriesPosition Object

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

Visual Basic: MSChart Control

SeriesPosition ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The location where a chart series is drawn in relation to other series. If all series have the same order (position), then they are stacked.

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27. 12. 2017 Shadow Object

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

Shadow ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Holds information about the appearance of a shadow on a chart element.

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27. 12. 2017 Shadow Object Example

Visual Basic: MSChart Control

Shadow Object ExampleThe following example sets a shadow on a chart backdrop title.

P r iv a t e Sub Com m and1_C lick()' Show shadow fo r t i t l e .W ith M S C h a r t1 .T it le

.L o c a t io n .V is ib le = True

.T e x t = "C h a rt T i t l e "

.B a ck d ro p .F ram e .W id th = 1

.B a c k d ro p .F ra m e .F ra m e C o lo r .S e t 255 , 0 , 0

.B a c k d ro p .F ra m e .S ty le = V tF ra m e S ty le S in g le L in e

.B a c k d ro p .S h a d o w .S ty le = VtShadow StyleD rop

.B a c k d ro p .S h a d o w .O ffs e t .x = 10

.B a c k d ro p .S h a d o w .O ffs e t .y = 10 End With

End Sub

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27. 12. 2017 Shape Control

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Shape ControlSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The Shape control is a graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle, rounded rectangle, or rounded square.

Syn tax


Rem arks

Use Shape controls at design time instead of, or in addition to, invoking C ircle and Line methods at run tim e. You can draw a Shape control in a container, but it can't act as a container. The effect of setting the Bo rderS ty le property depends on the setting of the BorderW idth property. If Bo rderW idth isn't 1 and Bo rderS ty le isn't 0 or 6, Bo rderS ty le is set to 1.

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27. 12. 2017 Shape Control (Data Report Designer)

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Shape Control (Data Report Designer)See Also Example Properties Methods Events

The Shape control is a graphical control displayed as a rectangle, square, oval, circle, rounded rectangle, or rounded square.

Syn tax


Rem arks

The Data Report designer version of the Shape control is conceptually sim ilar to the standard Visual Basic Shape control in providing a method of displaying certain shapes on any application. However, the Data Report designer version does not support the Bo rderW idth , F illCo lor, or F illS ty le properties.

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27. 12. 2017 Slider Control

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Visual Basic: Windows ControlsV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Slider ControlSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

A S lider control is a window containing a slider and optional tick marks. You can move the slider by dragging it, clicking the mouse to either side of the slider, or using the keyboard.

Syn tax

S lider

Rem arks

S lider controls are useful when you want to select a discrete value or a set of consecutive values in a range. For example, you could use a S lider to set the size of a displayed image by moving the slider to a given tick mark rather than by typing a number. To select a range of values, set the Se lectRange property to True , and program the control to select a range when the SHIFT key is down.

The S lid e r control can be oriented either horizontally or vertically.

D istribu tio n Note To use the S lider control in your application, you must add the MSCOMCTL.OCX file to the project. When distributing your application, install the MSCOMCTL.OCX file in the user's Microsoft Windows System or System32 directory. For more information on how to add an ActiveX control to a project, see the Program m er's Guide.

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27. 12. 2017 Split Object (DataGrid Control)

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Visual Basic: DataGrid ControlV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Split ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

A Sp lit object represents a split within a DataGrid control.

Rem arks

The D ataGrid supports Excel-like splits that divide the grid into vertical panes to provide users with different views of a database. Each split is represented by a Sp lit object and contains a group of adjacent columns that scroll as a unit. When a DataGrid object is created, it contains one Sp lit object by default.

You can use splits to present your data in multiple vertical panes. The data panes (or splits) can display data, scroll (vertically) together or independently of each other, and display the same or different columns. You can also use splits to fix one or more columns from scrolling. Unlike other grid products, the fixed columns do not have to be at the left edge of the grid, but can be at the right edge or anywhere in the middle. You can even have multiple groups of fixed columns within a grid.

You cannot stretch a column wider than its split. If you resize a split to be smaller then a column you can still grab the "phantom" splitter bar.

Each Sp lit object maintains its own Columns collection. These independent splits and columns provide you with very powerful and flexible data presentation capabilities.

As mentioned above, a grid (a DataGrid object) initially contains a single split. If additional splits are created, you can determine or set the current split (i.e., the split that has received focus) using the grid's Sp lit property as follows:

' Read th e ze ro -b ased in d e x o f the c u r re n t s p l i t V a r ia b le % = D a ta G r id 1 .S p l i t

' Se t fo cu s to th e s p l i t w ith an in d e x eq u a l to ' V a ria b le %D a ta G r id 1 .S p l i t = V a ria b le %

Each split in a grid is a different view of the same data source, and each split behaves just like an independent grid. If you create additional Sp lit objects without customizing any of the split properties, all splits will be identical and each will behave very much like the original grid with one split.

Some of the properties of the DataGrid control are the same as the properties of a Sp lit object and are considered common. Changes made to a DataGrid control common property also change the same property of the current Sp lit object and vice versa. For example, consider a grid with two splits, and assume that the current split index is 1 (i.e., the grid's Sp lit property is set to 1). If you want to determine the marquee style in use, the following statements are identical:

marquee% = D a ta G rid 1 .M a rq u e e S ty le marquee% = D a ta G r id 1 .S p lit s (1 ) .M a rq u e e S ty le

If the current split index is set to 1, then the following code is equivalent for setting the M arqeeStyle property to dbgSo lidCellBorder:

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27. 12. 2017 Split Object (DataGrid Control)

D a ta G r id l.M a rq u e e S ty le = d b g S o lid C e llB o rd e r D a ta G r id 1 .S p lit s (1 ) .M a rq u e e S ty le = d b g S o lid C e llB o rd e r

N ote Common properties are unique to DataGrid objects and their associated Sp lit objects. No other object pairs possess similar relationships.

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27. 12. 2017 Splits Collection (DataGrid Control)

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Visual Basic: DataGrid ControlV isua l Stud io 6 .0

Splits CollectionSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The Splits collection contains all stored Sp lit objects in a DataGrid control.

Syn tax


Sp lits.Item (index)

Rem arks

You can create splits at design time using the grid's UI-active context menu. At run time, you can create and remove splits using the Splits collection's Add and Rem ove methods. Each method takes a zero-based split index. The following code demonstrates adding and removing splits at run time:

' C re a te a S p l i t o b je c t w ith in d e x 0 D a ta G r id 1 .S p lit s .A d d 0 ' Remove th e S p l i t o b je c t w ith in d e x 1 D a ta G r id 1 .S p lit s .R e m o v e 1

You can determine the number of splits in a grid using the Splits collection's Count property.

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27. 12. 2017 SSTab Control (SSTab Control)

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Visual Basic: MSTab ControlV isua l Stud io 6 .0

SSTab ControlSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The SSTab control provides a group of tabs, each of which acts as a container for other controls. Only one tab is active in the control at a time, displaying the controls it contains to the user while hiding the controls in the other tabs.

Syn tax


Rem arks

An SSTab control is like the dividers in a notebook or the labels on a group of file folders. Using an SSTab control, you can define multiple pages for the same area of a w indow or dialog box in your application. Using the properties of this control, you can:

• Determine the number of tabs.

• Organize the tabs into more than one row.

• Set the text for each tab.

• Display a graphic on each tab.

• Determine the style of tabs used.

• Set the size of each tab.

To use this control, you must first decide how you want to organize the controls you will place into various tabs. Set the Tabs and Tab sPerR o w properties to create the tabs and organize them into rows. Then select each tab at design time by clicking the tab. For each tab, draw the controls you want displayed when the user selects that tab. Set the Caption , P icture , TabH eight, and Tab M axW id th properties as needed to customize the top part of the tab.

At run time, users can navigate between tabs by either pressing CTRL+TAB or by using accelerator keys defined in the caption of each tab.

You can also customize the entire SSTab control using the Style , Show FocusRect, TabO rientation , and W ordW rap properties.

D istribu tio n Note The SSTab control is found in the TABCTL32.OCX file. To use the SSTab control in your application, you must add the control's .OCX file to the project. When distributing your application, install the appropriate .OCX file in the user's Microsoft W indows System or System32 directory. For more information on how to add an additional control to a project, see the Visual Basic Program m er's Guide.

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27. 12. 2017 StatLine Object

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V isua l Stud io 6 .0

StatLine ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Describes how statistic lines are displayed on a chart.

S yn tax

StatL ine

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27. 12. 2017 StatLine Object Example

Visual Basic: MSChart Control

StatLine Object ExampleThe following example sets the color and pen parameters for a chart statistics line.

P r iv a t e Sub Com m and1_C lick()' Show a l l s t a t i s t i c l in e s f o r s e r ie s 2 . M S C h a rt1 .ch a rtT yp e = V tC h C hartTyp e2d Lin e W ith M S C h a r t 1 .p lo t .S e r ie s C o l le c t io n (2 ) .S t a t L in e

.V t C o lo r .S e t 128 , 128 , 255

.F la g = VtChStatsM inim um Or VtChStatsMaxim um Or V tChStatsM ean Or V tC h S ta tsS td d e v Or _ V tC h S ta tsR e g re ss io n.S ty le (v tC h S ta tsM in im u m ) = V tP e n S ty le D o tte d .w id th = 2

End With End Sub

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27. 12. 2017 StatusBar Control

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Visual Basic: Windows ControlsV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StatusBar ControlSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

A S ta tusB ar control provides a window, usually at the bottom of a parent form, through which an application can display various kinds of status data. The S tatusB ar can be divided up into a maximum of sixteen Panel objects that are contained in a Panels collection.

Syn tax

StatusB ar

Rem arks

A S ta tusB ar control consists of Panel objects, each of which can contain text and/or a picture. Properties to control the appearance of individual panels include W id th , A lig nm ent (of text and pictures), and Bevel. Additionally, you can use one of seven values of the S ty le property to automatically display common data such as date, time, and keyboard states.

At design time, you can create panels and customize their appearance by setting values in the Panel tab of the Properties Page of the S ta tusB ar control. At run time, the Panel objects can be reconfigured to reflect different functions, depending on the state of the application. For detailed information about the properties, events, and methods of Panel objects, see the Panel Object and Panels Collection topics.

A S ta tusB ar control typically displays information about an object being viewed on the form, the object's components, or contextual information that relates to that object's operation. The S tatusBar, along with other controls such as the To o lbar control, gives you the tools to create an interface that is economical and yet rich in information.

D istribu tio n Note The S ta tusB ar control is part of a group of custom controls that are found in the MSCOMCTL.OCX file. To use the S ta tusB ar control in your application, you must add the MSCOMCTL.OCX file to the project. When distributing your application, install the MSCOMCTL.OCX file in the user's Microsoft W indows SYSTEM folder. For more information on how to add a custom control to a project, see the Program m er's Guide.

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27. 12. 2017 StdDataFormat Object

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StdDataFormat ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The StdD ataForm at object allows formatting to be applied to data as it is read from and written to a database.

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StdD ataForm at

Rem arks

The StdD ataForm at object is an integral part of data binding. It is created for any bound control, regardless of whether you create one in code.

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27. 12. 2017 StdDataFormat Object

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StdDataFormat ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The StdD ataForm at object allows formatting to be applied to data as it is read from and written to a database.

Syn tax

StdD ataForm at

Rem arks

The StdD ataForm at object is an integral part of data binding. It is created for any bound control, regardless of whether you create one in code.

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27. 12. 2017 StdDataFormats Collection

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StdDataFormats CollectionSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The StdD ataForm ats collection contains one or more S tdD ataForm at objects.

Rem arks

Complex bound controls can be bound to multiple StdD ataForm at objects. The D ataG rid , for example, has one binding per column. The S tdD ataForm ats collection provides a top-level object through which you can access multiple format objects.

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27. 12. 2017 StdDataValue Object

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StdDataValue ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

Sets or returns the value after formatting is performed by the S tdD ataForm at object, or the value written to the database after any work done in the Unformat event.

Syn tax

StdD ataValue

Rem arks

The S tdD ataValue object is passed to the Format and Unformat events of the StdD ataForm at object. Using the StdD ataValue object in these events allows you to provide formatting not supported by the StdD ataForm at object.

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27. 12. 2017 StdFont Object

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StdFont ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The S tdFont object contains information needed to format text for display in the interface of an application or for printed output.

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Rem arks

You frequently identify a StdFont object using the Font property of an object that displays text (such as a Form object or the P rin te r object).

To create a StdFont object, use code like the following:

Dim X As New S tdFo nt

If you put a T e x tB o x control named Text1 on a form, you can dynamically change its S tdFont object to another using the Set statement, as in the following example:

Dim X As New S tdFo nt X .B o ld = True X.Name = " A r i a l "Se t T e x t1 .F o n t = X

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27. 12. 2017 StdPicture Object

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Visual Basic ReferenceV isua l Stud io 6 .0

StdPicture ObjectSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The Std P ictu re object enables you to manipulate bitmaps, icons, metafiles enhanced metafiles, GIF, and JPEG images assigned to objects having a P ictu re property.

Syn tax

StdP icture

Rem arks

You frequently identify a S tdP ictu re object using the P ictu re property of an object that displays graphics (such as a Form object or a P ic tu reB o x control). If you have a P ic tu reB o x control named Picture1, you can set its P icture property to a S tdP ictu re object using the Set statement, as in the following example:

Dim X As New S td P ic tu reSe t X = L o a d P ic tu re (" c :\ w in d o w s \ c ir c le s .b m p " )Se t P i c t u r e l .P i c t u r e = X

You can use an array of S td P ictu re objects to keep a series of graphics in memory without needing a form that contains multiple P ic tu reB o x or Im age controls.

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27. 12. 2017 SysInfo Control (SysInfo Control)

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Visual Basic: SysInfo ControlV isua l Stud io 6 .0

SysInfo ControlSee Also Example Properties Methods Events

The SysIn fo control allows you to respond to certain system messages sent to all applications by the operating system. Your application can then adapt to changes in the operating system if necessary.

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Rem arks

Using the SysIn fo control, you can monitor information provided by the operating system as well as respond to system­generated events. The features of this control fall into one of these groups:

• Events tied to changes in the system (DisplayChanged, TimeChanged, and SettingChanged events, for example).

• Power status events and properties (PowerSuspend, PowerResume events and A C Status and Batte ryS ta tus properties, for example).

• Plug and Play events (DeviceArrival, DeviceRemoveComplete events, for example).

• Operating system properties (OSVersion and W o rkA reaH e ig h t properties, for example).

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