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Page 1: Visual studio 2008 overview


Page 2: Visual studio 2008 overview

“In our company, each department has produced their own systems.”

The Complexity Challenge

“Complexity is just natural, a characteristic of IT — it’s complicated. And complicated is not necessarily bad.”

“…hardware, software, systems, and databases. They all haveto cooperate together.”

“We want to control costs and create a seamless environment, so we're trying to align the processes and systems.”

“We're a large company, and we have everything. Sun environments, Unix, Microsoft servers, and IBM mainframes.”

“You cannot reduce IT complexity, you can only make it more manageable. IT is complex.”

Page 3: Visual studio 2008 overview

Visual Studio 2008



Better Collaboration

Across the Lifecycle

Employ theLatest


Page 4: Visual studio 2008 overview

Rejuvenating the Developer

LINQ with dataService-oriented-Architect (SOA )ServicesWeb Workflow

Deliver WorkflowConsume ServicesSimplify Mobility

Better DeploymentClient ServicesEnhanced Quality

Developer Challenges

Improved ProductivityDecreased Complexity

Better Application Quality

Page 5: Visual studio 2008 overview

Employ the latest technologies

Page 6: Visual studio 2008 overview

Integrate Graphic Designers

Design compellin

g UI

Build great a




Page 7: Visual studio 2008 overview
Page 8: Visual studio 2008 overview

Deliver Lifecycle Collaboration

Full LifecycleManagement

Real-timeProject Reporting

Predictable , Visible,Controlled Development Process

TS Data


EnterpriseLoad Testing

Test Management

Page 9: Visual studio 2008 overview


Secure Applications

Real Time Visibility

Integrated Quality

Performance and Analysis Tools

Visual Studio Team System

SOA SupportAJAX Web

Page 10: Visual studio 2008 overview


Orcas Beta

Mid 07

Visual Studio 2008RTM

1H 08

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