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  • What is DRR official visit? Its mandatory in Rotaract that each and every club should conduct DRR Official visit DRR will visit the clubs to review the functioning of the club Clubs will submit their reports, accounts (optional), etc., to DRR The clubs which conducted the DRR visit are considered for District Awards
  • How to organize DRR official visit?
  • Before scheduling your Clubs DRR official visit...
  • Prepare the budget & raise the fund Confirm the dates with the parent club President and DRR before fixing. It is advisable to suggest 3 tentative dates. (if your club is college based, confirm with your Faculty co-ordinator, Principal or Dean, before confirming the dates with parent club President & DRR) Cross check the time for fixing DRR visit, with DRR/DRS, so that you dont clash with co-clubs DRR visit Check the availability of Hall/Venue
  • Pre DRR visit checklist
  • The following has to be checklisted: VENUE INVITE PROGRAM PRESENTATION DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED BACKSTAGE FOOD DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHY (Delegate the committee works to members according to their availability)
  • Venue
  • Book the capacity of venue according to your invitees & budget. Also check the following amenities in the venue: Hall capacity Audio with mike & speakers Projector with screen & its required cables Laptop Dais, Podium, Tables & Chairs Place for providing refreshments Rest rooms Parking space
  • Invite
  • In an open space, everything starts with an invitation. The invitation list must include the following people: District Rotaract Representative (DRR) District Rotaract Secretary (DRS) Parent club President/Secretary/other Rotarians Rotaract Chairman If college based invite your faculty co-ordinator, Principal or Dean Associate District Rotaract Representative (ADRR) Associate District Rotaract Secretary (ADRS)
  • Group Rotaract Representative (GRR) Group Rotaract Secretary (GRS) District Treasurer team Sergeant-at-arms Directors from the four avenue of service Representative from Editorial Board District Rotaract Representative Elect (DRRE) District Rotaract Representative Nominee (DRRN) President and Secretary of co-clubs Other guest and special invitees (A formal invite/announcement a week before helps the invitees to give prior importance to attend the event.)
  • Program
  • The program committee is formed to fix/assist the entire program schedule. The committee must decide on the agenda of the program and then develop a plan to accomplish it. The Programs should cover: Agenda Minute-by-minute agenda Invite Rotaract song/Invocation song Master of ceremony Finalise the Chief Guest (DRR) and the Guest of Honor Profiles of Chief Guest, Guest of Honor, Incoming President & Secretary Secretary report/Presentation
  • Profiles of Chief guest, Guest of honor, President elect and Secretary elect Secretary report/presentation Avenue wise report Club attendance, membership application book Treasury report Minutes of meeting book (book general & board) Club charter and club number President collar and gavel Club banner and letterhead District directory Awards list Project (if any)
  • The following is the agenda for DRR official visit: Calling the dignitaries on to the dais Collaring the President by Sergeant-at-arms Collaring the DRR by District Sergeant-at-arms Rotaract song/Invocation song/Silent invocation Welcome address by President Projects (if any) Secretarys report/Presentation by Secretary Submitting the secretary report to DRR, DRS & GRR Submitting the four avenue wise report to the District avenue of service directors
  • Address by other invitees Introduction of the Chief guest (DRR) DRR address Vote of thanks National anthem Adjournment of the meeting Fellowship
  • PROTOCOLS TO BE OBSERVED Order of inviting dignitaries on to the dais: President Secretary DRR (Chief Guest) Guest of Honor Parent club president Faculty co-ordinator and Pricipal/ Dean (for college based club) GRR DRS
  • PROTOCOLS TO BE OBSERVED Order of felicitating the dignitaries: DRR (Chief Guest) Guest of Honor Special Invitee Rotarians Staff co-ordinator and Principal/Dean - for college based club Rotaract District Office Bearers Rotaract Club Presidents
  • Presentation
  • The presentations which has to be checklisted are: Secretary report Agenda slides Project launch slides/videos, if any Introduction presentation/video of President elect and Secretary elect
  • Documents to be submitted
  • The mandatory documents which has to be submitted are Minutes of the meeting (both general and board) Club project report with photos Monthly report Club attendance Treasury report Club magazine/bulletin Presidents & Secretarys incoming and outgoing profile
  • Backstage
  • Backstage is managed by a central organizing team, which plans the overall direction of the event. The committee is co-ordinated with programs to ensure everything goes well as scheduled. The following has to be checklisted in backstage: Collar, Gavel & Charter Banner & Letterhead Invitation Profiles of Chief Guest, Guest of Honor, Incoming President & Secretary Agenda Minute by minute agenda
  • Rotaract song/invocation song Secretary report/presentation Avenue wise report Attendance book, Membership application book Minutes of the meeting (both board and general) Treasury report District directory Awards list Project (if any)
  • Tray Water Awards & Mementos Table Cloth Flowers buds Stationaries
  • Food
  • Providing food at a meeting or any other event will create a welcoming atmosphere. Refreshments may include: Snacks/food Water Cold/Hot drinks Make sure the refreshments are properly served with Paper plates, Cups, Tissue Paper, etc...
  • Design
  • Design plays a very important role in communicating your ideas effectively. The following designs has to be ready before the installation: Invitation Banner Letterhead Bulletin Posters, if any
  • Photography
  • A picture is worth a thousand words Make sure the whole program is clicked by a good photographer.
  • Never prolong DRR visit Keep it simple Dont have too many people on the dais Only odd number of seats allowed in the dais Keep the audience in mind Be well prepared Maintain the decorum Start on time and finish on time Recognize the efforts of the Rotaractors for their dedication and support
  • As the old year comes to an end and the new year unfolds, we feel renewed with new promises. Wishing your team, the best success for future endeavors! Happy Rotaraction!

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