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Group – 6o Heenao Puja o Royo Rishio Aranganathan

A group presentation in Business Strategy II



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Inception of Vivendi

Inception 1853 A water company -Compagnie Générale des Eaux

created by Napoleon III Initially focused on Water Sector, waste

management, 1976 –CEO Guy Dejouany 1980s - Diversification started 1996 - Jean-Marie Messier appointed as new CEO 1998 – Group changed name and become Vivendi  2000 - Creation of Vivendi Universal

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Compagnie Générale des Eaux – VEVENDI - CONGLOMERATE

Series of acquisitions, in 2002 total of 14,000 companies worldwide


o Media And Communicationso Music o Publishingo TV & Filmo Internet and Telecomo Environmental Services

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Revenues in Communication sector Equal the Environmental sector

To strengthen its world leadership in environmental services

To become a major Global Player in Media and communications

Financed by the VE cash flow Underline assumption that every

household will have high speed internet connection

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Vivendi – Revenue by sector in 2001

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Integration problem

CEO Messier compromised the interests of shareholders

Lack of synergy between Vivendi’s water and Entertainment assets – company lost 23 Billion Euros in 2002 followed 13.6 billion Euros of loss in 2001

Failed acquisition strategy (Buyouts- stock shares rather than cash- worked well when share prices were high)– bought at a higher , unrealistic price – doubts on the very way they were financed, more visible as Dot com bubble burst in 2001

Made cultural blunders, his purchase of a 17.5 million euro penthouse at Park Avenue was seen as a betrayal to France. His comment of “ the French cultural exception is dead” was taken as a hostile criticism towards French art & culture

Messier was an investment Banker before joining Vivendi, he had love for music and movies and always wanted to be in the limelight, used to make a deal of multi million Euros almost every month

His extraordinary liking towards US and US based business were not taken well in France –(a multi billion dollar acquisition of Seagram & Houghton Mifflin)

Too many in too little a time with poor decision and financial misadventure, High speed internet access didn’t come early enough, Messier lost control of reality,

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Messier – a man with dual faces

In one hand Messier was taken as a modern, approachable Chief Executive who believed in Collegial - participative management style Inside the company, he appeared as authoritarian and sometimes even cutting, his removal of popular head of Canal Plus, Pierre Lescure, resulting a virtual revolt within the company by the employees His charismatic personality could sway the emotions of board members without reasoning and logic to convince them of the wisdom of his business deals

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Competition by Sector

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Fall of Vivendi Universal

2001- sever drop in the valuation of Telecom & Internet Industry

During this time, long awaited revision in GAAP of US and French accounting system introduce, it prohibited amortization of Goodwill and indefinite –lived other intangible assets

2002- Vivendi had to take a 17 billion Euro Goodwill impairment charge against income, caused a loss of 17billion Euro for the company

Slump in share prices create a cash crisis for Vivendi, a large portion of 17 billion euro debt was structured as Bonds in convertible and exchangeable for equity manner

Moody’s downgraded debt rating of Vivendi as analyst expected that the Vivendi had to go for multiple cash settlements

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Vivendi’s Income loss

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Vivendi’s stock price decline

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Messier wanted to make Vivendi the biggest Entertainment and Media company in the World Messier being an Investor Banker, wanted to acquire big names Always wanted to be in the limelight Wanted to venture out of Europe

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Growth Vector Analysis

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Growth Vector Analysis of 2000-02

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Porter Analysis 1

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Porter Analysis 2

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Value Chain Analysis

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Financial Ratio Profile

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Space Analysis

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Management & Leadership

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CONCLUSIONThere were lack of synergy in its activitiesActivities are at two different level in the life cycleManagement issues US vs. EuropeVivendi needs to concentrate either US or EuropeVivendi should monetize part of activities, may be US Entertainment assets

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