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7/21/2019 VL10D Not Able to Create a Delivery

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VL10D Not able to create a delivery This question is Not Answered. 

Ankur Agarwal 

Mar 28, 2012 2:52 PM Hi Gurus,

I have created a PO ( Intercompany PO ) for 1 pieceIn supplying plant stock is available.

In MD04 I checked the corresponding entry is there for the PO line item still I am not able to open a deliveryagainst the PO.

Further I had checked in the Cust tab for the Material the material is not blocked for Sales Order and neither

any PGI is due for any other delivery.Any clue why this is happening.

Best RegardsAnkur


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 Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Sridhar Jayavarapu Mar 28, 2012 3:16 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) Check the Picking location in supplying plant is correct or not.

SPRO-->Logistics Execution-->Shipping-->Picking-->Determine Picking Location-->Assign Picking


Check the configuration as per your stoarge conditions then maintain the stock in supplying plant.Finally check in your PO shipping tab is there or not

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Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ankur Agarwal Mar 28, 2012 5:07 PM (in response to Sridhar Jayavarapu) 

Hi Sridhar,All this Ihave checked it is fine after your last reply.

Also this PO is notsubject to release strategy.Best Regards

Ankur  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

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 Sridhar Jayavarapu Mar 28, 2012 5:15 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) Ok.Is there any open deliveries in MD04 against that material ?Check have activated in PO returns indicator is


What is the error log are you getting in VL10 D?  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ankur Agarwal Mar 28, 2012 5:32 PM (in response to Sridhar Jayavarapu)  No as I mentioned earlier I checked the same in MD04 for open deliveries.PO Return indicator is also not

there. User informed me for the same and error message she has send in the screen shot Message No VR547  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Sridhar Jayavarapu Mar 28, 2012 5:41 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) That is message ,Where is the log ?.can you attch the screen shot?.Do one thing if you are working IN ECC6.0

then in PO line ite you can find last column supplying plant storage location.

Enter the location where the stock in supplying plant then try to create the delivery.  Alert Moderator  

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Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ankur Agarwal Mar 28, 2012 5:55 PM (in response to Sridhar Jayavarapu) 

Hi,Error log I am not able to recreate in Quality server .Also I amonECC6 but not able to locate the last field as

supplying plant storage location. This is for this material the issue is coming.Can you please give the technical

name of the field supplying plant storage location in EKPO.  Alert Moderator  

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Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Sridhar Jayavarapu Mar 28, 2012 5:59 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) I am also working in very old version.I have seen this filed when i was worked in ECC 6.0.Please provide the

error screen shot so that it can identified.  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ankur Agarwal Mar 28, 2012 6:19 PM (in response to Sridhar Jayavarapu) 

also in this scenario for this client no stock determaintion is used as in MRP3 view sock determination group isnot maintained  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

ala sumanth kumar Mar 28, 2012 8:23 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) Supplying plant storage location is determined by the config. You cannot find supplying plant storage location

in EKPO. LE->Shipping->Picking->Determine Picking Location->Define rules for picking locationdetermination and Assign picking locations.

Check for the "Availability Check" for Material.  Alert Moderator  

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 Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Lakshmipathi G Mar 28, 2012 3:25 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) 

Ensure that PO release strategy is not there in that process. Check in ME28G. Lakshmipathi

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 Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ajit Kumar Mar 28, 2012 3:32 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) also pl chck the creation date and calcrule___ in vl10d

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 Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

ala sumanth kumar Mar 28, 2012 5:49 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) Are u able to see the purchase order to create Delivery or not? If you are not able to see the purchase order,

check the Delivery creation Dates in VL10D.o


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o  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ankur Agarwal Mar 28, 2012 5:59 PM (in response to ala sumanth kumar) 


I am able to see the PO.Thanks

Ankur  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

ala sumanth kumar Mar 28, 2012 6:13 PM (in response to Ankur Agarwal) Once you try to create the Delivery. Check T.code SU53, if the necessary authorizations are available.

Everything should be in Green. If you find something in Red, check with your security team. 

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  Re: VL10D Not able to create a delivery 

Ankur Agarwal Mar 28, 2012 6:51 PM (in response to ala sumanth kumar) it is for user and she was able to do the same thing earlier but not now for this material. I don't have to create

the outbound delivery

STO or PO due list for delivery in VL10D or

VL10B T.code This question is Assumed Answered. 

Hanumant Nimbalkar  Aug 4, 2011 1:19 PM Dear Experts,

In Transaction VL10D or VL10B, If STO or PO is not provided as input and the Deliv. Creation Date is by

default as todays and tomorrows date , In this case system is notl showing the all pending list of STO or PO

need to processd for replenishment delivery,

If I remove the Deliv. Creation Date from the VL10D or VL10B transaction screen then only system will show

the all pending STO or PO which need tobe processed for replenishment delivery...

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I am expecting system should show all the pending STO or PO need to processed for delivery from the by

default screen of VL10D or VL10B

How can i achieve this ,

is there any SAP NOTE for this changes or ??????????

Thanks in Advance 773 Views


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 Re: STO or PO due list for delivery in VL10D or VL10B T.code  

Hanumant Nimbalkar Aug 5, 2011 9:35 AM (in response to Hanumant Nimbalkar) 

Experts Any Input on this???????o


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 Re: STO or PO due list for delivery in VL10D or VL10B T.code  

Roopavathy Thangaraj Aug 5, 2011 10:49 AM (in response to Hanumant Nimbalkar) 


you can check whether the POs have any release procedure .POs which are not released will not appear in thelist.

Also check the delivery due date on the PO.



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 Re: STO or PO due list for delivery in VL10D or VL10B T.code  

Marian Solomon Aug 5, 2011 11:08 AM (in response to Hanumant Nimbalkar) Hello,

1. VL10* transaction can be used with variants. You can create and save your own preferences.

2. Take a look in VL10CUA and in SPRO - LE - Shipping - Worklist3. Read this note: Note 192423 - Delivery Processing Performance: Consulting


Unable to do delivery in vld10 This question is Not Answered. 

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Gurkirat Singh 

May 18, 2011 3:25 PM Hi,

i am having a peculiar problem, i have created a PO and i now i want to create deliverys for that PO. when i goto the VL10d and give the PO number, i cant see the items at all... i have checked all the configurations and the

manual entries, all seem to be okay.

Message displayed is "List Contains no Data"

Can you help me on this ASAP??



Helpful Answers by Malik Malik , Mohanaselvan Jayaraj, Diwakar Deshpande 




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 Helpful Answer Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Malik Malik  May 18, 2011 3:31 PM (in response to Gurkirat Singh) Hi,

check the shipping data for the STO and maintain customer data with VD01.

there might be delivery date problem.

In VL10D, give the shipping point and in PO tab give PO number.

Hope help U !


Pardeep Malik

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Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Gurkirat Singh May 18, 2011 3:40 PM (in response to Malik Malik) I checked shipping data . It is maintained.

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I have PO with 4 line items. For first 3 line items delivery has been done. But its doesn't showing data for 4th

line item....

Pls help on this.

Also try with delivery date modification. Still doen't come.  Alert Moderator  

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Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Malik Malik  May 18, 2011 3:44 PM (in response to Malik Malik) Hi,

if you have done ealier in background ...then please check PO history for 4th item 

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  Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Gurkirat Singh May 19, 2011 3:47 PM (in response to Malik Malik) Hi Pradeep,

There is no option to enter item number for PO in vl10d screen.

I entered PO number and clear fields like Cal Rule and Delivery Creation Dates. Still when i execute it itshows me "List contains no data".

Also check stock for material .

I am transferring stock from Plant ABA with company code SED to plant DEF with comapny code FTG.

Is it necaasry receing plant should have stock = nill?

I check stock in receiving plant as 1.

Stock in ABA = 2

Stock in DEF = 1 both are unrestricted Stocks.

Can you help me on this?  Alert Moderator  

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  Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

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 Mohanaselvan Jayaraj May 19, 2011 5:19 PM (in response to Gurkirat Singh) I think this is due to the quantity not confirmed in the PO.

Go to the PO and in the Delivery Schedule tab, check the scheduled quantity and the committed quantity.The committed quantity should not be zero to create the delivery.

If the committed quantity is zero and you have the stock available in the supplying plant, then delete the

delivery schedule in the PO. This will delete the PO quantity and enter the PO quantity again to automaticallyconfirm the quantity.

If it still not confirming, check the stock availabilty in CO06. Enter the material and the supplying plant. If thestock was assigned to some other order or anything, deallocate it. Then go to the PO and try again the same


   Note: The confirmation of quantity will happen when you create the PO quantity. So the stock

should be available when you create the PO.*

Hope it helps.

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  Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Gurkirat Singh May 20, 2011 8:48 AM (in response to Mohanaselvan Jayaraj) Thank you for your information.

I checked Schdule Quan = 1 and commited qty =1.

Also in Co06 there is no other order to whom stock is assigned.

Also i checked in me2l it shows me data corresponding to PO and displays there is still 1 qty to be delievred

for a plant.

But i dont know y its not cming in vl10d .

Highly appreciated uf someone help me.

Waiting for ur reply? 

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  Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Gurkirat Singh May 26, 2011 10:07 AM (in response to Mohanaselvan Jayaraj) Can anyone help on this?.....i hve critical issue in Production.....

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 Helpful Answer Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Mohanaselvan Jayaraj May 18, 2011 6:02 PM (in response to Gurkirat Singh) Try by removing the Delivery creation dates and the calculation rule. It might not be within the date range,

which it was looking for.o


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 Helpful Answer Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Diwakar Deshpande May 18, 2011 6:14 PM (in response to Gurkirat Singh) 


When you are in VL10D put PO and Item number system will prompt delivery can not be created

 Now click on log for delivery creation icon, select the line and click on Notes icon sytem will provide you the

reason why delivery

can not be created, may be you have availability check active and system is not able to find out the stock

Go to PO in change mode and change the delivery date , or check the stock if its lying in Quality or assiged to

any other order




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o  Re: Unable to do delivery in vld10 

Gurkirat Singh May 19, 2011 8:07 AM (in response to Diwakar Deshpande) 

Hi Diwakar,

There is no option to enter item number for PO in vl10d screen.

I entered PO number and clear fields like Cal Rule and Delivery Creation Dates. Still when i execute it itshows me "List contains no data".

Also check stock for material .

I am transferring stock from Plant ABA with company code SED to plant DEF with comapny code FTG.

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Is it necaasry receing plant should have stock = nill?

I check stock in receiving plant as 1.

Stock in ABA = 2

Stock in DEF = 1 both are unrestricted Stocks.

VL10D list contains no data This question is Not Answered. 

zheng michael 

Apr 28, 2011 11:07 AM Dear all,

i met a strange problem, after i created STO type UB, I use VL10D, it shows the message " list contains no

data" but when i use VL10B, there are records, but when i click the backgroud button there is no effectivity.when i use another material use VL10D it can get data. but the two materials i almost same, anyone can tell me



Helpful Answers by MAURO BIANCHI, Pankaj Singh, Tushar Patankar  



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 Helpful Answer Re: VL10D list contains no data 

MAURO BIANCHI Apr 28, 2011 11:57 AM (in response to zheng michael) 


Check if in table VETVG exist an entry for your PO



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Re: VL10D list contains no data 

zheng michael Apr 28, 2011 12:10 PM (in response to MAURO BIANCHI) Yes, they all in the table VETVG .

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 Helpful Answer Re: VL10D list contains no data 

Pankaj Singh Apr 28, 2011 12:09 PM (in response to zheng michael) 


Check whether release strategy has been implemented in system and applied to STO. If yes then first release

the same in ME29N and then try VL10D.o


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Re: VL10D list contains no data 

zheng michael Apr 28, 2011 12:12 PM (in response to Pankaj Singh) have no release strategy

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  Re: VL10D list contains no data 

Ajit Kumar Apr 28, 2011 2:16 PM (in response to zheng michael)  pl see the value in calcruledefault. try it by keeping it blank

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 Helpful Answer Re: VL10D list contains no data 

Tushar Patankar Apr 28, 2011 4:09 PM (in response to zheng michael) Hello,

Check the shipping point which you are entering in the selection criteria. Also keep the delivery creation date


Also there is possibility that shipping point variant is not yet defined in VL10D transcation.




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Re: VL10D list contains no data 

zheng michael Apr 29, 2011 5:06 AM (in response to Tushar Patankar) 

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