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Vocabulary Unit 4

The house was cheap, but it lacked any aesthetic qualities.

The young man had an affinity for fast cars and easy money.

The dark clouds were an auspicious sign that rain would fall on the withered fields.

Scarlet O’Hara tried to beguile all the eligible men she met.

“Give me just the facts,” the professor said. “Separate the wheat from the chaff.”

New Jersey and New York are contiguous states because they share a common boundary.

December is the accountant’s busiest month because it is the end of the fiscal year.

At the convention, people were hired to foment disruptions during the senator’s speech.

Make sure that all of your answers are germane to the questions.

We cannot hallow this field, for the men who died here made it holy.

If you don’t take a stand, that bully will hector you for the rest of the year.

If you take a hiatus in your studies, you might forget the things you have learned.

The new hospice for cancer patients opened in July.

He was aware of some impalpable fear as he entered the room.

The actress was famous for her inimitable techniques.

Dad’s jocular manner faded when he started preparing the taxes.

The sculptor wanted to keep the clay malleable until he was sure of the final design.

The Center for Disease Control announced that the disease has become pandemic.

The sermon was about the sins which lead to perdition.

The professor rebuked his students for not studying for the exam.

The suspect recanted his confession, so the police had to release him.

The refractory group of boys refused to stop joking with each other during class.

John regaled the crowd for hours with his stories of Scotland.

The specious advertisement depicts the run-down resort as a heavenly place.

No one could break the child’s tenacious grip on the doll.

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