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Page 1: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

8/4/2019 VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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Page 2: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

8/4/2019 VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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Extract from Occurrence Book

District: Central Division Station: Grand Bassin Police

OB No. Date

Time and TitleO B 28/08

O n 05.08.08at 1315 hours

Compla intrespecting signboard

Nature of Occurrence

M r Harish Boodhoo also called Harison Boodhoo, 64 yrs, SocialWorker, Journalist residing at Belle Terre, Phoenix Tel No: 6981005states: In or about 2006 I drew the attention of the then Commissionerof Police Mr Gopalsingh to the existence of two sign boards of theVoice of Hindu political organization at Grand Bassin. They are adanger to the Society because they display two swords with blooddripping from them an d with tw o Indian flags. In the first week ofJuly this year I wrote several letters to the Commissioner of Policean d others. Today I am giving written statement regarding same andthe violent authorities of the V O H . The purpose is to request the

police an d other law enforcemen t authorities to apply the law.

Recorded by meRead over & explained(sd) PC 7633 Dabydoyal (sd) Harish Boodhoo

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N o . 6 9 3 4 3 7


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The above sta tement has been(Nlmc (if pcr .son pnaknig s U i l c m c n l )

w ho acknowledges i t tcfbe true andron'ectlv recorded.

Signature of Maker.

Signature of

Place, Date and Time

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N c 6 9 3 4 3 8 I'. I . 55


N . I . C . N


Occ \ipat i Age.

A di ress. Rel ig ion

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The above s t a t e m e n t has been

be trueawTcorrectly recorded.h o acknowledes i t

Signature of Maker

Signature of Witnesses

Place. Date an d Time

nfR(.'c<>rtli/i^ Officer

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Th e above s tatement ha s been i

w ho acknowledges i t tojbe true an d correctlv recorded

A n N -Signature oj'Maker..

Signature of Wit net

", Date an d T u n e

m a M n g s t a l c m c n t )

Signature o f Recording Officer

il Rank nfRcfirding ' 'i

Page 6: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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N c 6 9 3 4 4 0. s P A T I O X

N . I . C . N

S T A T E D \T O F

Occupat i A ge

Adcress . . . . . . R c i i u i o n . . .

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The above sta tement has heen poad^vo rb y

w ho acknowledges it t(| be true anocor rec t ly recorded• < J l

Signature of Maker.

( N a m e > i n c r s o n m n k i n < ? s t a t e m e n t )

Signature of Witnesses

Place. Date an d T i m e

ni re of Recording Officer

W v P m i-o • / ^ /k r ' U L X x - ^ li! ^M^LV.\: <r. . . . : ' . > . • . .. . rf


- Hank of Recording (tfi

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6 9 3 4 4 1 I'. I S^


N . I . C . N


O ct ipal .Aye.,

Address Rel i i i ion .

,- ; ~ - - j - f \ n— — - — c r v~ *

A Y \ j j i / l £ b V j A y v y \ / Ms W I N T ; ~

The above s t a t ement has beenJ




w ho acknowledges i t |b be t rue an d Correctly recorded.

Signature of Make

Signature of

'Mace , D a l e a n d T i m e

( N a m e iVjpcrson m a k i n g s t a l e m c n t )

//r of Recording Officer

Rank nfRccnnl:n» Officer

Page 8: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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Signature of Make

Signature o f Witncssc.

Place . Df i i c a nd T i m e

Page 9: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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above sta tement has been rsad-^hfcrby me

o a c k n o wl e d g e s i t 19 be t rue an d cffrrectly recorded

of A hiker.

of Witnesses^.

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Page 10: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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N o . 6 9 3 4 4 5 P. 1. 55


N.I.C. >

S T A T E ; E N T O F

Occup; 'o n , Age.

Address v , : .. Religion..\_ljmlf§ :_ „--• -„--$_ . . . . .„„

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lieafc-ove statement has been rea* , bym e < :

vho acknowledges i t f j o be tnte and c.6rrectly r ewdeiL,.p r person m ^ ' < H g s ( a ' " ! - c n l )

lSio nltture of Recording Officer

P ^/) 17' r,\ - V \ I>5 0? U'' • • • • - f . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . .r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mblnci Rank of Recording Officer

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N o . 6 9 3 4 4 6STATION

N.I/ N o

ST/ - M E N 1 OF

Occupa t ion A ge

Address : „ Rel ig ion




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ri;c above sta tement has been Peefrgsrerby m e ItT.

v /h o a c k n o wl e d g e s i ! UBbe t rue and correctly r eco rded .

'Signature of Maker..

Place , Date an d " i i m c


.jL |

nature of Recording Officer

i Rank ( j f Refolding Officci

Page 12: VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

8/4/2019 VOH Goondas Entirely at the Service of the PM

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February 2009

M y Ref: O B 28/08 G rand Bass in

Mr Harish BoodhooBelle TerrePhoenix


Re. Declaration on 05.08.08 at Gran d Bassin Police Post

Please refer to the complaint you made at Grand Bassin Police Post on05.08.08 respecting il legal sign p osts of the V oice of Hindu .

I have to inform you that after completion of the enquiry the case has beenreferred to the Director of Publ ic Prosecutions on 16.08.08 fo r advice.

You wi l l be kept inform of the outcome as an d when advice is tendered.


s/fsp;BOoDivisional C om m ander

Central Divis ion

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