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Page 1: Voice Social Media Breakfast Agenda for September event

Voice Social Media Breakfast, September 2011 - Agenda

Voice would like to invite you to join our monthly virtual discussion over a cup of coffee, but this time on your own desk. We will be meeting on 29th of September at 10AM GMT to spend 3 hrs discussion following suggested topics:1.How can we measure social media conversations?2.What is social media ROI?3.What is social capital?4.Can we measure value of Facebook likes?

We have invited two guest to join our discussion:Dalia Lasaite (Co-funder at Campanalyst) and Deepak Goel (Funder and CEO of Drizzlin)

You can join us or leave anytime during the discussion. We hope to see you there on Tangler (please register in advance):http://www.tangler.com/forum/voicesocialmediabreakfast/topics

Bring your projects, your insights and your questions!

We hope to see you there!

Sylwia Presley from @nfpvoicewww.voicetweetups.com www.nfpvoice.com

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