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FIT2234 – Group Research Project Assignment

Steve Camapgna

Eric Kennedy

Tyler O’Brien

Tommy Neeposh

Nitin Anand

Voice over Internet Protocol is a term used for voice being transported via the internet.

The data network involved might be the Internet itself, a corporate intranet, or managed networks used by local or long distance carriers and ISPs.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is a term used for voice being transported via the internet. The data network involved might be the Internet itself, a corporate intranet, or managed networks used by local or long distance carriers and ISPs.

The protocols used to carry the signal over the IP network are commonly referred to as Voice over IP. VoIP is a new technology, but it builds upon existing digital processing

All digital audio systems including digital phone, perform three functions on the audio signal they receive:

1) Digitize it which means it is converted into computer data .

2) Compress it to reduce the amount of data needing to be stored

3) Transmit it to the intended destination thereafter, when a person speaks his or her own voice changes in power and tone during the utterance.

A computer connected to the Internet creates packets out of the data it wants to transmit.

Each packet has an address and some contents. The routers on the Internet are like the switches in a conventional telephone network in the way they control the traffic.

They examine the destination address of every packet that arrives and then they send that packet onward to its destination using the most efficient route at that instant.

Each router only forwards a packet one step, to the next router. Every packet leaving its origin may travel by a different path to get to its destination.

The packets may arrive out of order. If the receiver plays them out of order, it might be hard to understand the speech. But VoIP devices and software re-arrange the packets so that they are played in the proper order.

VoIP uses digital audio processing techniques and add to them the Internet's method of transmission.

VoIP is a promising technology because it allows for the integration of voice, text, video, and other media on the same network.

In 2005, Skype became one of the largest VoIP providers in the world having had over one million people subscribe.

On December 31st, 2008, the Federal Communications Commission said that just over 21 million people were subscribed to a VoIP service via telephone and cable companies such as Vonage.

Most of the 162 million wired connections in the United States are residential which translates into 13 percent.

Most of the 162 million wired connections in the United States are residential which translates into 13 percent.

Only 1 percent of those VoIP lines served businesses. 141 million of these are copper wired systems and are responsible for 87 percent of the lines (48% residential, 39% business accounts).

VoIP represents only a small percentage of the landline phone subscriptions.

There are many different VOIP although Nextivais the top rated provider.

Nextiva has one of the lowest monthly rates sitting at $21.95 and after reading many reviews the general consensus among VoIP users is that they love it.

Nextivia has five star ratings across the boards in terms of price, ease of use, and customer satisfaction.

CEO of a company named EFX - John Floyd, said that after switching to Nextiva, they now have ten phones, an automated attendant, a dedicated T-1 for internet, twice as many employees, and that their monthly cost in communications and infrastructure charges is still $500 less than before.

He goes on to say that the call quality is great and his customers are very happy regarding the ease of access to a representative.

Saves a great deal of cost to communicate within and outside of the company.

Since a VoIP service uses bandwidth through a DSL, 3G or Wi-Fi IP, the need for telephone wires and the like are unnecessary.

Being compatible with networks using 3G and Wi-Fi, make VoIP services very portable, meaning that you are able to use these services on your internet phone, smartphone, laptop, and even your tablet on the go.

Connections can be made PC-to-PC, PC-to-phone, PC-to-tablet and so on. Skype has recently developed an application for Android OS making it all the more portable.

As well as portability, VoIP services can transmit more than one call over the same bandwidth connection which would be convenient for a small office operating under one IP address.

VoIP programs rely on electricity. This is a disadvantage because if there is a power outage, the call will be dropped and the service will not work until the power source is reinstated.

If you were to dial a 911 call and could not tell the operator your location, they would be unable to locate you as they would be able to with a traditional telephone or cellular phone.

The final disadvantage is actually fairly easily fixed. Since data packets cumulatively contain a single file and since VoIP services run in real-time, the data packets risk being jumbled or misplaced if the server is too busy. However, as stated, this can be easily mended by creating dedicated data paths for individual calls.

There is a bright future lined up ahead for VoIP.

Many companies are coming out offering improved VoIP technology at lower costs.

With global recession taking place, business owners are becoming more attracted to the commercial advantages of using voice over IP services.

VoIP providers can offer services 30-60% less over traditional communication services.

There is a higher level of acceptance towards VoIP developing as it is being used more and more in businesses and households.

This is due to the fact that word of mouth is getting around about the advantages and cost savings in VoIP, especially in long distance communication.

In the near future there will be a new level of innovation and integration between VoIP and web-based applications.

Example: ability to add telephony functions to your TV. When you receive a phone call at home, the TV will pause the live broadcast and show you the details of the caller and allow you to accept it or send it to voicemail by using the remote control.

Example: “lone-worker” application which can allow a supervisor to contact each employee on their mobile phone to display location and safety status of employees working alone.

VoIP has evolved a long way from its beginning to the underlying technology for just about all new voice communication services today.

As more opportunities of VoIP service integration are explored we will see a great deal more of VoIP in the years ahead.

Thank you for listening to our presentation!

Made by:

Steve Camapgna

Eric Kennedy

Tyler O’Brien

Tommy Neeposh

Nitin Anand

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