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Page 1: Vol. 6 No. 2 April - June 2012erdb.denr.gov.ph/files/publications/erdb/e_v6n2.pdfVol. 6 No. 2 April - June 2012 INSIDE: 4 ERDB clinches awards in DENR Sportsfest 2012 ... Santos gave

Vol. 6 No. 2 April - June 2012

INSIDE: 4 ERDB clinches awards in DENR Sportsfest 2012 4 Climate Change Adaptation: The Next Level, Theme of 2012 YES Camp

5 ERDB conducts Seminar cum Hands-on Demo on Medicinal Plant Technology 5 ERDB-ERDS Stakeholders’ Partnership on Water Resources 6 ERDB notches top awards in DENR Sportsfest Opening 8 ERDB Team Building in Dalampasigan Beach Resort, Sariaya, Quezon 10 ERDB-GAD conducts 4 seminars for Women’s Month 2012 13 ERDB Director inaugurates ERDS-10 Clonal Facility 14 Annual In-House Review of RDE Projects 14 Partner-Bond Training in Batangas 15 Paper on Adaptive Mechanisms to Environmental Change presented at PEN Symposium 16 2nd CALABARZON GAD Convention

DENR Secretary visits ERDB, inaugurates Clonal Facilities the keynote speaker of the 102nd Alumni Homecoming Anniversary of the UPLB Col-lege of Forestry and Natural Resources, his alma mater. Right after his interaction with the ERDB employees, he led the inaugural ceremony of the ERDB clonal propagation and training facilities at the Pook ni Maria Makiling, Jamboree Site, College, Laguna. Secretary Paje conducted a tour of the ERDB clonal facilities and had further interaction with the

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D ENR Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje expressed rec-

ognition of the ERDB as the research institution of the DENR and the importance of its role in the production of quality seedlings for the Na-tional Greening Program. In his speech during the program held on April 27, 2012 at the ERDB Auditorium, he encour-aged the officials and employ-ees to keep up their good work and challenged them to sus-tain their noteworthy contribu-tions for the DENR. Earlier in the day, Secretary Paje was

Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje addressing officials and employees at the ERDB Auditorium.

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New Handbook, Out-standing R&D Awards on DENR’s 25th Anniversary

T he ERDB Gender and Development Focal Point System (GADFPS) led by Forester Monette S. San-

tos conducted a one day Seminar on Environmental Conservation and Rehabilitation Awareness for Children on June 4, 2012 at the ERDB Auditorium, ERDB, Col-lege, Laguna. The activity coincided with the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Department of Environ-ment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Seminar on Environmental Conservation for Children

The children as they get ready for the planting of seedlings.

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Former DENR Secretary Heherson T. Alvarez congratulates Forester Maximo V. Lanting, Jr., Project Leader of the project “Allometry of Aboveground Biomass and Percent Carbon Content of Six Forest Tree Plantation Species in the Philippines” for winning the second prize in the Outstanding Research and Development Award. Also in photo are (left to right) ERDB Director Marcial C. Amaro, Jr., Asst. Director Leu-vina M. Tandug, retired Chief Justice Reynato S. Puno and DENR Secretary Ramon J.P. Paje.

T he Outstanding Research and Development Awards and the handover of a new Handbook to

the DENR Secretary were among the events held dur-ing the employees program for the 25th DENR Anniver-sary on June 8, 2012. The Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) spearheaded the conduct of these activities. The Outstanding Research and Development Award was given to recognize outstanding research accom-plishments and completed projects from 2005 to 2011.

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ERDB EXECOM members on how to make these facili-ties help those located in the regions.

Clonal propagation is a technology that the ERDB ap-plies in the mass production of quality planting materials of indigenous forest tree species in support to the Na-tional Greening Program. The facilities inaugurated were the laboratory area, misting or rooting area, recovery area, hardening area, training hall and dormitory located

inaugurated were the laboratory area, misting or rooting area, recovery area, hardening area, training hall and dormitory located at Jamboree site. The other facilitites are located at the Special Project Area at the ERDB headquarters. Construction of the facilities at the Jamboree site and the Special Project Area is important for ERDB as the national coordinator of 16 ERDS regional offices in the

The ERDB employees and Director Marcial C. Amaro are all ears on the message of Secretary Paje.

Sec. Paje during his tour at the recovery area of the clonal facility.

Ribbon cutting ceremony led by Sec. Paje at clonal propagation facility at the the Jamboree Site, Makiling Forest Reserve.

DENR Secretary…. from page 1

New Handbook …. from page 1

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Fourteen (14) entries were submitted from CAR, Region 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, CARAGA and ERDB. The entries were evaluated based on the following crite-ria: significance of findings (60%), methodology (32.50%), and presentation (7.50%). Awarded first place was the research project “Geospatial Modelling of Soil Erosion in Buhisan Watershed Forest Reserve” by Mr. Reynaldo L. Lanuza of DENR- ERDS Region 7. The second place winner was the project “Allometry of Aboveground Biomass and Percent Car-bon Content of Six Forest Tree Plantation Species in the Philippines” by For. Maximo V. Lanting, Jr., For. Paulino A. Umali, Jr, Mr. Nelson Levi M. Lantican, and Dr. Leu-vina M. Tandug of DENR-ERDB. The DENR Secretary awarded the winners assisted by ERDB Director Marcial C. Amaro, Jr. and Assistant Di-rector Leuvina M. Tandug.

The occasion also gave way to the pres-entation of the hand-b o o k t i t l e d “Management and Restoration of Forest in Areas Affected by Mining in the Philip-pines” to the DENR Secretary. The hand-book is one of the major outputs of a collaborative under-taking led by ERDB with the active partici-pation of the Mines and Geosciences Bu-reau (MGB), Forest Management Bureau

Mr. Reynaldo Lanuza of DENR-ERDS Region 7 and For. Maximo V. Lanting, Jr. of ERDB , both Project Leaders of the winning entries in the DENR’s Outstanding R&D Awards.

production of quality planting materials. Moreover, these facilities also serve as the main clonal propagation site of DENR. Other clonal propagation facilities have been es-tablished in the regions and some are under construc-tion. These are all being done to help reach NGP’s target of planting 113,637,500 seedlings by end of 2012. Marla V. Cambay, TDD

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Fifty-six participants composed of 24 boys and 32 girls joined the seminar. The participants were composed of pupils from Grade I and Grade VI who are mostly chil-dren, grandchildren, relatives and friends of ERDB em-ployees. ERDB Assistant Director Dr. Leuvina M. Tandug and other senior staff of the bureau welcomed the guests and participants. In the opening program, GAD Focal Person Monette S. Santos gave the rationale of the seminar. She introduced two of the senior staff of ERDB as resource persons. They were: Dr. Rafael Cadiz who lectured on “Maayos na Kapaligiran, Pamana sa Ka-bataan” and Mr. Angelito Ex-conde who talked on “Tamang Paraan ng Pagta-tanim”. The children were grouped into six together with the respective staff who assisted the participants composed of Dr. Marilyn Landicho, Ma. Lourdes Reyes. For. Ro-mana Mauricio, For. Concepcion Palaypayon, Ma. Vi-enna Austria and Ms. Medelyn Bumagat. All the participants were given kits containing note-books, pencils, pencil case, hand towels and t-shirts. Lots of prizes were given away to those who answered the questions correctly after the presentation of lectures. Before the lecture, an intermission number was ren-dered by Naomi Keith C. Orobia and Althea Jeanelle O. Juson, both nieces of Ms. Salvacion Orobia of UFERD. Dr. Rafael Cadiz was the speaker on “Maayos na Ka-paligiran, Pamana sa Kabataan”. He showed the differ-ent kinds of environment such as land, water, wind, air and forest. He also explained the different forest eco-systems such as mossy (found on top of the moun-tains), beach, mangrove, dipterocarp, pine and lime-

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Seminar on Environmental …. from page 1 stone which can be found in the Palawan underground river. Dr. Cadiz also explained that the forests are the source of food, shelter, and medicine for man and animals. He further emphasized that they also serve as protection from devastating calamities and buffer to prevent soil erosion. He showed on screen and explained for better

understanding of the children the different disasters experi-enced by mankind as a result of rampant cutting of trees in the forest. Ms. Rosalinda S. Reaviles facilitated the game which is the construction of the big-gest building or tower by us-ing toothpicks and marshmal-lows within fifteen (15) min-utes. The winner was Group IV. The next speaker was Mr. Angelito Exconde, Chief of the Los Baños Experiment Station (LBES) whose lec-ture dealt with the right way

of planting trees. In his lecture, the participants were informed of the background of ERDB’s project on National Greening Program (NGP) which was signed by President Benigno C. Aquino III, through Executive Order No. 26 on Feb. 24, 2011. The order was to plant 1.5 billion trees in 6 years starting 2012 up to 2016 in which ERDB was commissioned to produce 20 million quality trees. He said that the project cannot be done alone by the DENR thus, it needed the cooperation of other government offices like DA, DAR, LGU, DepED, NGO and other gov-ernment sectors. Mr. Exconde explained the procedures on planting trees in Filipino so that the participants could understand bet-ter what to do in the planting activity in the afternoon. He also gave them directions on the actual procedure in planting trees.Carmelita G. Reyes, TDD

As one of the exercises, participants construct a tower out of marshmallows and toothpicks.

New Handbook …. from page 2

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(FMB) and UPLB-CFNR (UPLB-College of Forestry and Natural Resources) under the capability building sup-ported by the Australian Government (AUSAID), Public Sector Linkages Program (PSLP) and the Common-wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). The handbook contains the current policies, knowledge, experiences and practices on the management and res-toration of forests in areas affected by mining in the

Philippines. It discusses fundamental principles of mine rehabilitation and forest restoration. It spells out basic strategies in managing impacts of mining on the forest with reference to existing environmental and mining poli-cies. Appropriate environmental management tech-niques and practices of progressive rehabilitation are also included. The reference material is intended to provide managers and field officers with the necessary information that

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E RDB emerged as the overall 3rd runner-up in the recently concluded DENR Sportsfest 2012. ERDB

was the champion in two events: Volleyball for men and Cheerdance competition. In badminton, it won the 2nd runner-up. In the opening event, ERDB muse, Dianne Marie F. Cunanan was chosen as Miss 2012 DENR Sportsfest. For the dancesport competition (ballroom dancing), ERDB was the overall 3rd runner-up through performers, Malaya Montesur and Nestor Leviste. The Forest Man-agement Bureau (FMB) emerged as the champion

ERDB clinches awards in DENR Sportsfest 2012

ERDB team is Champion in Men’s Volleyball, DENR Sportsfest 2012.

in the event. The National Mapping and Resource Infor-mation Authority (NAMRIA) was the 1st runner-up and the Parks and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) got the 2nd run-ner-up.

Individual awards were also received by ERDB in the Volleyball Team for men. These were the Most Valuable Player and Best Attacker Awards which were awarded to Marcelino O. Castillo, Jr. Alvin Olvida won the Best Server Award. Benjamin Beltran got the Best Tosser Award and Paul Cuadra turned out to be the Best Coach. Marla V. Cambay, TDD

“ Handa ka na ba?” (Climate Change Adaptation: The Next Level) is this year’s theme of the 2012 Youth for

Environment Summer (YES) held in Baguio City on May 1-5, 2012. It emphasized the significance of climate change adaptation and steps up awareness and action to achieve a level of preparedness among individuals, schools, and communities nationwide. Anchored on Republic Act (RA) No. 9512 or the Environ-mental Awareness and Education Act of 2008 and R. A. No. 9729 or Climate Change Act of 2009, the YES Camp aims to promote the science of climate change in the country.

Climate Change Adaptation: The Next Level, Theme of 2012 YES Camp

Ms. Vienna O. Austria, ERDB Youth Coordinator joined the 6,000 delegates from all over the country – com-posed of officers, members and teacher-advisers of the YES-O, Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) and Supreme Student Government (SSG), other interested pupils, stu-dents and teacher –advisers of other school-based or-ganizations implementing environmental programs, pro-jects, and activities in both public and private elementary and secondary schools nationwide, including school heads (SHs) and supervisors handling science. Some Sangguniang Kabataaan (SK) representatives were also in attendance. The activity at the Teachers Camp and the Baguio Coun-try Club was organized by the Department of Education (DepEd) in coordination with the Department of Environ-ment and Natural Resources – Special Concerns Office

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T hrough the project “Pro-Active Response Towards Nurturing Environmental Relations : A Barangay

Outreach Project based on Community Needs and De-mands (PARTNER-BOND), ERDB researchers Daisy C. Kalaw and Marla V. Cambay facilitated the conduct of training with emphasis on malunggay pro-duction at the Mataas na Kahoy, Batangas, June 14, 2012. The training was conducted at the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist and Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Officer (MENRO), Mrs. Angelita Ma-tanguihan.

The program started with the invocation from the MENRO staff. The National Anthem followed and the welcome remarks was delivered by Mrs. Angelica Ma-tanguihan.

Mrs. Daisy Kalaw of ERDB gave the opening remarks, overview of the training and a brief introduction on ERDB and the PARTNER-BOND Project.

The Partner Barangays also reported on the status of their medicinal plant garden that were established in each barangay.

Dr. Herminigilda Gabertan, Center Chief of the BPI-LBNCRDC (Bureau of Plant Industry) was the resource speaker on the Importance, Uses, Management and the Financial Aspect of Malunggay.

Mrs. Gloria Lanting, also from BPI-LBNCRDC gave a lecture on Malunggay Production and Processing. Actual hands-on demo on malunggay tea and capsules was also conducted by Mrs. Lanting. The participants were able to take home their own malunggay tea and capsules after the training.

The participants showed appreciation of the lectures that the ERDB conducted. Accordingly, these were very infor-mative and useful as a livelihood opportunity for the con-stituents of Mataas na Kahoy. They also thanked ERDB for conducting the activity. Marla V. Cambay, TDD

ERDB conducts Seminar cum Hands-on Demo on Medicinal Plant Technology

A two-day consultative meeting was conducted by the Ecosystems Research and Development Bu-

reau (ERDB) and Ecosystems Research and Develop-ment Service (ERDS-Region 1) on June 14-15, 2012 at the Skyplaza, Bachelor East, Municipality of Natividad and Municipal Hall, San Quintin, Pangasinan, respectively. The activities were undertaken to present the findings/outputs on the assessment of Viray-Dipalo Watersheds in Natividad and San Quintin, Pangasinan to the concerned LGUs and sectors.

Specifically, the meeting aimed to: 1) validate the data gathered; 2) gather additional information not captured in the study; and 3) come up with harmonized recommendations and action plan on the water resources protection and development of Viray and Dipalo watersheds. The expected output of the activity was to obtain active responses from the various stakeholders in addressing the emerging issues and concerns on the protection and development of water resources within the watershed areas. At the same time, the data and information generated from the study could be useful to the concerned LGUs and other sectors in increasing their awareness on the importance of their roles and participation in the protection and development management of the water resources.

These activities were attended and participated in by the Local Government Units composed of the Barangay Chairman, key officials and staff from the Municipal Agriculture, Engineering and Planning and Development offices; the local water service providers composed of the Board of Officers of San Quintin Water District, People’s Organizations of Natividad, non-government organizations from farmers association and women groups and some private entities.

Seventy-seven participants attended the said activity. Forty-seven (47) individuals came from Natividad and 30 from San Quintin on June 14 - 15, 2012 at the Skyplaza. The participants assessed and documented various mechanisms employed in the protection and develop-ment of the water resources. They also attended/participated in the consultative meeting and acted as re-source speakers in the presentation of the results/findings of the stakeholder analysis on the water re-sources protection and development of Viray and Dipalo watersheds in Natividad and San Quintin, Pangasinan.

To sustain the partnership in the protection and development management of the water resources in

ERDB-ERDS Stakeholders’ Partnership on Water Resources

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ERDB notches top awards in DENR Sportsfest Opening

Opening parade of the 2012 DENR Sportsfest held last April 26, 2012.

From left to right: Repre-sentatives of Region 4B, 4A, EMB, MGB, ERDB, LMB, PAWB and NAMRIA for the Best Muse Competition.

Ms. Dianne Marie F. Cunanan, most impressive among competitors in the talent portion.

T he opening ceremony of the DENR Annual Sports-fest unfurled last April 26, 2012 at the Multi-

purpose covered court of the DENR Central Office in Quezon City with the ERDB bagging two awards. The sportsfest opening was participated by DENR bureaus and attached agencies namely: DENR Region 4A, 4B, NCR, EMB, MGB, NCR, LLDA, LMB, PAWB, NAMRIA, FMB, NRDC, and OSEC. Carrying the theme “Yamang Dagat ay nagbibigay ng Kalusugan, Kalakasan, Karunungan at Kayamanan”, the opening ceremony started with the parade of the participating teams. The event’s opening featured two competitions: Best Muse and Cheerdance. For the Best Muse, eleven agencies, namely: DENR Region 4A, 4B, NCR, PAWB, EMB, NAMRIA, MGB, LMB, NRDC, OSEC and ERDB battled it out for the title. ERDB representative, Ms. Dianne Marie F. Cunanan outshined other representatives in the said competition.

ERDB’s pride Ms. Dianne Marie F. Cunanan wins the Best Muse Competition during the DENR Sportsfest 2012. From left to right: EMB representative (2nd runner up); ERDB rep-resentative (Best Muse); OSEC representative (1st runner up); and NAMRIA representative (3rd place).

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With her interpretative contemporary dance for the tal-ent portion, she bedazzled the audience and the judges. Her witty response in the question and answer portion eventually hailed her as the Best Muse. Runner ups were OSEC, EMB and NAMRIA.

ERDB’s stunts wow the crowd making them the champion in the DENR Cheerdance Competition.

Meanwhile, showcasing an eclectic mix of energy, en-thusiasm and ingenuity, ERDB proved that they de-serve to be the overall champion for the Cheer-dance Competition. Dressed in blue jersey accented with white tutu, ERDB cheer dancers kept everyone in awe as they gracefully danced with every beat of the music.

Yelling “ERDB! Let’s go, let’s fight. Lobsters win!”, ERDB was recognized as the overall champion for the Cheerdance Competition. NAMRIA finished second while OSEC took the third spot.

The DENR Sportsfest ran for one month. Other events were basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, chess, darts, bowling and Dancesport. Adreana M. Santos, TDD

ERDB cheerleaders show off a flawless routine.

ERDB notches …. from page 6

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The EXECOM members displaying the symbols of their teams for the games.

“Crescent moon” team won the “shoekay” game.

“Triangle” team in their presentation number.

Director Marcial Amaro, Jr. (leftmost) and Assistant Di-rector Leuvina M. Tandug (3rd from left) during the awarding ceremonies. Also in photo are: TDD Chief Eliseo M. Baltazar; Ms. Monette Santos, Chair, Prizes Committee and Ms. Rosalinda Reaviles, emcee.

ERDB Team Building in Dalampasigan Beach Re-sort, Sariaya, Quezon

(May 18-19, 2012)

Dr. Simplicia Pasicolan orchestrates the song number of the “heart” team.

AD Leuvina M. Tandug leads the dance number of “circle” team.

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More photos….

Mr. Russel Olan, ERDB Sportsfest Coor-dinator explains the mechanics of the “Pabigatan” game.

Asst. Director Leuvina M. Tandug and other team members playing the “Pabigatan” game.

Asst. Director Leuvina M. Tandug competes in the “Pabigatan Game”.

The participants line up for the “Pabigatan” game.

“Best summer outfits” were awarded to Mr. Joseph Sume-guin of the National Greening Program (NGP) and Ms. Emma Paunlagui of the Finance and Administrative Ser-vices Division (FASD).

Director Amaro (leftmost) and AD Tandug (4th from left) to-gether with Ms. Monette Santos, Chair, Prizes Committee (rightmost) during the awarding of the “Best summer outfits” to Mr. Joseph Sumeguin and Ms. Emma Paunlagui.

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T he Ecosystems Research and Development Bu-reau (ERDB), in partnership with DENR Region

4A, University of the Philippines Los Baños- College of Forestry and Natural Resources (UPLB-CFNR), Depart-ment of Science and Technology-Forest Products Re-search and Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI), ERDB Multi-Purpose Cooperative, and ERDB Women, Inc. conducted four seminars in time for the yearly cele-bration of the 2012 National Women’s Month. The Geo-hazard Map Reading and Interpretation Semi-nar was held at the CFNR Auditorium on March 6, 2012. It was designed to: a) capacitate participants on the im-portance of geohazard mapping which is vital in provid-ing information on potential areas of floodings, land-slides, liquefaction, subsidence and other ground insta-bilities; and b) explain that geohazard maps are not meant to scare the residents and property developers but instead, it warns them of natural risks. The resource speaker of this seminar was Mr. Raymond Thaddeus C. Ancog of the Mines and Geosciences Bu-reau (MGB). The participants were composed of em-ployees from ERDB, DENR Region 4A, and FPRDI as well as UPLB-CFNR students and faculty totaling 214 participants composed of 59 males and 155 females. On March 9, 2012, the Seminar on Gender and Climate Change was held at the ERDB auditorium. Ms. Corazon Z. del Mundo, Chairperson of Women in Nation-Building (WIN) which is an NGO, acted as the resource speaker of the said training. It was participated in by ERDB, FPRDI, and DENR Region 4A employees and represen-tatives from the Office of the Governor, Laguna and women members of the Epektibo at Responsableng Kilusan ng Kababaihan sa Bagong Laguna (E.R. K2) headed by the wife of Laguna Governor Emilio Ramon Ejercito and Pagsanjan, Laguna Mayor, Hon. Girlie “Maita” Ejercito.

As a backgrounder, Ms. del Mundo discussed first the GAD framework which includes the historical roots of gender inequality as manifested in the traditional roles and behaviors of men and women. She then presented the Philippine scenario in relation to the potential im-pacts of climate change which she categorized into health, agriculture, forest, water resources, coastal areas and species and natural areas. Furthermore, she showed how the country experienced climate change such as drought, fish kill, threatened food security dev-astating typhoon, flooding, and earthquakes which re-sulted to disasters to both men and women. As to the gender perspectives in climate change mitiga-tion and adaptation, Ms. del Mundo stressed that disas-ter does not discriminate between people and that the impact of climate change does not spare gender. She

ERDB-GAD conducts 4 seminars for Women’s Month 2012

Mr. Raymond Thaddeus C. Ancog of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MBG) during the Geo-hazard Map Reading and Interpre-tation Seminar held at the CFNR Auditorium on March 6, 2012.

(Left photo) participants of the seminar (right photo) ERDB Assistant Director Leuvina M. Tandug awards the certificate of appreciation to the resource speaker, Ms. Corazon Z. del Mundo, Chairperson of Women in Nation-Building. Also in photo are Ms. Alicia Calderon and Ms. Marilyn Landicho of ERDB.

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presented the impacts of climate change on women, who are always vulnerable to disaster and risks since women are most often users and managers of environ-ment. In the case of water and drought, as cited by Ms. del Mundo, decreases in water will jeopardize their families’ livelihood and further increase their workloads. Likewise, since more women than men work in the in-formal sector and small enterprises, wherein these sec-tors are often affected when disasters come due to lack of capital, and limited access to credit and information, among other obstacles. As a result, the women in-crease their workloads as they have to spend more time caring for the sick. In cases of epidemic outbreaks, the need to adopt new strategies for crop production (such as irrigation) or mobilization of livestock is harder for female-headed households and for houses. In the face of climate change, Ms. del Mundo stressed that women should also have responsibility and roles such as: a) conserve water, keep the wa-ter clean. harvest, save and use rain water; b) manage solid waste to prevent pollution and clogging of water-ways. (reuse, reduce, recycle); c) listen, learn, and par-ticipate; compost organic wastes and grow your own vegetables; d) save the trees and the forests: grow

ERDB-GAD conducts …. from page 8

The participants and resource speaker, Mr. Valentin P. Guidote, Jr., Provincial Planning Coordinator and Head of the Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction and Manage-ment Office of Laguna during the seminar/open forum.

trees and mangroves; e) protect the air: re-duce greenhouse emissions; (bawal magsiga!) f) protect the land and soil; and g) preserve Philippine biodiversity.

Ms. Del Mundo also gave tips on handling emergencies like having all important documents scanned and saved into a flash drive and preparing an emergency bag con-taining all the necessary survival materials needed. The seminar “Empowering Women in Disaster Risk Re-duction and Preparedness” was held on March 12, 2012. The resource person was Mr. Valentin P. Guidote, Jr., Provincial Planning Coordinator and Head of the Provin-cial Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office of Laguna. Participants were ERDB, FPRDI and DENR Re-gion 4A employees and representatives from E.R. K2, a women organization of Laguna totaling 105 participants (35 males and 70 females). The seminar aimed to increase the awareness and knowledge of women and men employees of ERDB and guest participants on different disaster risk reduction and preparedness efforts in the family, work place and com-munity as a whole. Mr. Guidote Jr. discussed the Philippine DRRM Act of 2010, DRRM trends in the Philippines, the Hyogo Frame-work for Action (HFA) Priorities, and local DRRM fund among others. He also discussed the types of disasters and the Laguna Comprehensive DRRM Plan which be-

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Youth Desk (DENR-SCO-Youth Desk), Office of the Presidential Assistant for Climate Change (OPACC), youth environment groups Kabataang Sama-Samang Maglilingkod (KASAMA) Inc. and the Miriam Public Edu-cation and Awareness Campaign for the Environment (PEACE). Activities during the YES Camp include interactive and fun plenary sessions, break-out sessions, panel discus-sions, action planning, outdoor activities and contests such as speech choir, environmental quiz, debate, sayaw at awit sa kalikasan (SAYAWIT), on-the-spot poster making, Search for the Lakambini and Lakan ng Kalikasan, Youth for Environment in Schools Organiza-tion (YES-O) Exhibit and Spotlight featuring YES-O suc-cess stories on environmental action and initiatives. The camp also featured the Kabataang Bayani ng Kalikasan Awards and YES Program Awards. The DENR training team, composed of Youth Desk Offi-cers/coordinators from the bureaus and the regions acted as resource persons and facilitators in the break-out session groups on the 3rd day. They provided lec-tures Powerpoint presentations, film showing, work-shops, drills and other interactive activities for

New Handbook …. from page 3

Climate change …. from page 4 participant-students in the secondary level. Their topics focused on climate change adaptations and disaster man-agement (or emergency management). Likewise, the training team spearheaded the conduct of the outdoor activities and contest like on-the-spot poster making, speech choir, YES-O exhibit, YES-O Spotlight, environmental quiz for both elementary and secondary levels, SAYAWIT, and the Kabataang Bayani ng Kalika-san. They served as contest administrators, judge and facilitators.

Moreover, the group facilitated the preparation/drafting of the YES-O action plans per school, per region as basis for monitoring, evaluation and awards. The school’s rep-resentatives enumerated activities such as tree planting, awareness campaigns and symposia on environmental issues and actions, outreach programs, clean up drives, waste management programs, energy, water and power supply conservation, environmental camps and many more.

The event was also highlighted with guest performances from artists like Morisette Amon of TV 5, Tippi Dos San-tos, RJ Padilla, Sitti of ASAP Sessionista, Magno Broth-ers, and many more. Vienna O. Austria, UFERD

came the national template in making the DRRM plan. An open forum was also held after the lecture. Lastly, the Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) was held on March 13, 2012 at the ERDB Auditorium. The objectives of the training are to: a) develop awareness, knowledge and skills and to change perceptions, attitudes and be-haviors in relation to gender; and b) draw out personal commitments on GAD from each participant. This was participated in by ERDB staff from Science Research As-sistant to Science Research Specialist under casual/contractual basis. Resource speakers were Ms. Monette S. Santos, Ms. Romana A. Mauricio, Dr. Marilyn Q. Landicho, and Ms. Vienna O. Austria. Before the actual lecture and group dynamics, GAD diag-nostic test was facilitated by Ms. Romana Mauricio to determine the level of awareness of the participants on GAD. Topics discussed during the GST were the evolution and history of GAD; concept of development; GAD advocacy ; situation of women and men in the international and na-tional level; gender dynamics which include the basic concepts like sex and gender, gender division of labor, manifestation of gender bias/inequality and institution that promote bias ; concept of gender issues and its forms such as multiple burden, marginalization, gender stereo-type, subordination, violence and commodification ; legal mandates of GAD ; and concept of gender mainstream-ing and GAD efforts of ERDB. Monette S. Santos, UF-ERD

ERDB-GAD conducts …. from page 9

ERDB Director Marcial C. Amaro, Jr. hands over the handbook titled “Management and Restoration of Forest in Areas Affected by Mining in the Philippines” to the DENR Secretary. Also in photo are: For. Neria Andin, Director of Forest Management Bureau (FMB) and Director Leo L. Jasareno of the the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB).

would guide them on current policies and best-practices on forest management and mine rehabilitation through-out all the stages of mining operations. Dr. Aida B. Lapis, Chief of the Grassland and Degraded Areas Research Division of ERDB provided a brief background of the Handbook with an introductory audio-visual material about the handbook, authors, contents and its uses. ERDB Marcial C. Amaro, Jr. presented the Handbook to DENR Secretary Ramon JP Paje with For. Neria Andin, Director of Forest Management Bureau (FMB) and Di-rector. Leo L. Jasareno of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB). Marla V. Cambay, TDD

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Research Station.

ERDB Director inaugurates ERDS-10 Clonal Facility

E RDB Director MarciaL C. Amaro, Jr. has inaugurated

the ERDS-10 Regional Clonal facility located at ERDS Station, Sumpong, Malaybalay City on June 14, 2012. As of this date, twenty-three (23) DENR clonal facilities are existing nationwide. Among these is the ERDB clonal facility. Although not all of the regional clonal facilities are fully operational, most of these have already started pro-ducing the target number of seedlings for the National Greening Program (NGP). The regional clonal facilities are managed and administered by the Ecosystems Research and Development Sector (ERDS). Based on the records of the ERDB NGP Operation Cen-ter, four clonal facilities have been inaugurated this year including the one in ERDB. The inauguration was held at 4:00 in the afternoon, right after the field validation of the selected ongoing studies in Region 10. Mr. Leonardo Luceño, Administrative Officer, who represented Bukidnon PENRO Felix Mirasol also wit-nessed the inauguration rites. Pastor Elmer Tejero led the prayer and blessing of the facility. RTD Danilo Cacanindin and all the ERDS Region 10 were also present to witness the event. The ceremony

was followed by a short program at the function hall of the

ERDB Director Amaro and Region 10 RTD Cacanindin with Pastor Elmer Tejero and Dr. Marilyn Landicho of ERDB during the bless-ing of the facilities.

During the program, Director Amaro gave the keynote address, where he encouraged ERDS staff to ask some questions. One of the queries during the discussion was the clarifi-cation on the rouging permit, which was denied by the regional office, for one of the studies being conducted by ERDS. Director Amaro responded that the matter should have been brought to the attention of ERDB for proper intercession.

Director Amaro delivering his keynote address during the short program.

Another important issue raised was the resistance of the People’s Organizations (POs) to accept the spe-cies of seedlings being produced by ERDS for NGP. Director Amaro explained the importance of educating the people on the concept of species-site compatibility. ERDS was also advised to convince all stakeholders of the importance of this concept as part of its exten-sion role.

Director Amaro cutting the ribbon assisted by RTD Danilo Cacanindin together with ERDB and ERDS Staff.

Another crucial issue was the lack of technical informa-tion on bamboo. Director Amaro mentioned that the ERDB personnel who was sent to China to learn the recent and modern bamboo technologies will attend to their technical needs on bamboo. Finally, the gall disease problem of falcata plantations was brought to the attention of the Director. He assured that ERDB will look into the possibility of preventing the disease and not through sanitation cutting which is costly and destructive. After the program, a social gath-ering and interaction ended the day. Marilyn Q. Landi-cho, UFERD

D i s c u s s i o n during the short pro-gram after the blessing of the clonal facility.

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T he ERDB Annual In-House Review of CY 2011 Research, Development and Extension (RDE) pro-

grams/projects was conducted on July 5-6, 2012 at ERDB, College, Laguna. The review covered the com-pleted projects as of the review period, the ongoing pro-jects of 2012, and the newly implemented this year.

The Review aims to:

• evaluate ongoing and completed RDE programs and projects in terms of accomplishments relative to the attainment of objectives and expected outputs;

• Identify technologies and/or significant results for packaging and dissemination purposes; and those that can be used in policy formulation and develop-ment/planning;

• Identify the level of technology development, i. e. whether for technology verification, pilot-testing, adaptation, adoption and transfer;

• Identify problems in the program/project implemen-tation and recommend specific courses of action; and

• Identify researchable areas for future research un-dertakings.

As an evaluation mechanism, fifty-two (52) projects (ongoing, completed and newly implemented) under the eight (8) Research, Development and Extension (RDE) programs and other priority projects were presented by project leaders to a panel of reviewers. The projects were placed under scrutiny to determine areas for im-provement and strengthening.

The Regional Technical Directors for Research (2 offi-cials), former ERDB officials (2), representatives from PCAARRD (7), representatives from Sectoral Bureaus (5), DENR-Planning and Policy Studies Office (2), and National Water Resources Board (1) were invited to comprise the evaluation panel in the in-house review. Marla V. Cambay, TDD

Annual In-House Review of RDE Projects

I n strengthening the extension program of ERDB, the RDEP 8 Project 3 “Pro-Active Response Towards

Nurturing Environmental Relations: A Barangay Out-reach Project Based on Community Needs and De-mands (Partner-Bond)” was implemented through ca-pacity building of stakeholders. The training on medici-nal plant technology was conducted on June 7, 2011 at Municipal Hall, Cuenca, Batangas. It aimed to enrich the knowledge and enhance the capabilities of the Local Government Units on medicinal plants production, mar-keting and as sources of alternative livelihood of the communities.

Forty-five (45) participants attended the said training which composed of Barangay Chairmen, Councilors, key officials of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) and Samahan ng Kababai-han from five (5) barangays, namely: 1) Dalipit East; 2) Dalipit West; 3) Bungahan; 4) Emmanuel; and 5) Labak. The expected outputs of the training were: a) increased

awareness and learned the importance and uses of me-dicinal plants; b) gained knowledge on the financial as-pect and marketing of the high-value medicinal plants; and c) developed the skills on the production and proc-essing of malunggay as alternative sources of livelihood. Dr. Aurora S. Jose, technical staff of ERDB discussed

the topics on: a) Situational analysis of the Philippine medicinal plants; 2) The importance and uses of medici-nal plants; 3) Propagation and management of medicinal plants; and 4) Financial viability of Acapulco farming. The prototype livelihood using medicinal/herbal plants was also explained to the participants. At the same time, a lecture and hands-on regarding

“Malunggay Production and Processing” was discussed by Ms. Gloria Lanting, technical staff from the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), Los Banos, Laguna. An open forum relative to the action plan per barangay

was discussed and evaluated to address the needs and demands of the communities based on the knowledge and skills learned on the medicinal plants uses and benefits as well as potential sources of alternative liveli-hood.

One representative participant from the five barangays gave updates regarding their action plan such as pro-duction of herbal soap and ointment making, nursery establishment of medicinal/herbal plants, capsule and tea bag production. Daisy C. Kalaw, TDD and Aurora S. Jose, FERD

Partner-Bond in Batangas

The panel of evaluators during the ERDB Annual In-House Review of CY 2011 Research, Develop-ment and Extension (RDE) programs/projects held on July 5-6, 2012 at ERDB, College, Laguna.

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D r. Aurora S. Jose presented a paper titled “Determinants of Adaptive Mechanisms to Environ-

mental Change in Caliraya and Sta. Maria Watersheds, Laguna, Philippines” at the Philippine Extension Net-work’s (PEN) 4th National Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Symposium held on May 2 to 5, 2005 at Aklan State University, Brgy. Banga, Kalibo, Aklan. Various researches prepared by the extension practitio-ners, researchers and policy makers were simultane-ously presented in the three consecutive sessions in different venues. The papers were classified into three major topics, namely: a) Strengthening Inter-Institutional Collaboration and Networking of Climate Change Re-lated Programs; b) Advocating Climate Change-Related Policies; and c) Enhancing Capacity of Extension Stake-holders on Climate Change-Related Extension Program. The symposium highlighted the crucial roles of extension practitioners and community development workers in disseminating information, technologies and extension services. The country is presently faced with the challenges and problems of climate change and disasters which all of us had been experiencing all-year-round. In this context, we should be equipped on the ill-effects and be prepared whatever disaster will strike. ERDB should be responsive in translating the sector’s mandate through the scientific-based results of vital re-searches and transform them into an effective extension strategy or modality. The best practices and generated technologies need to be integrated and transformed into policy action. Furthermore, the environmental and natu-ral resources researches should provide inputs for an effective decision-making process of our policy makers

at the local and national levels of government. Through RDEP implementation, it will eventually rebound to the achievement of ERDB’s goal and the national goals of food security, people empowerment, social equity and resilience to amidst the challenges brought about by climate change. The PEN Symposium was attended and participated in by various state colleges, researchers from national and local agencies such as DENR, DA, DOST, PCAARRD, policy-makers and academician. This y e a r s ’ t h e m e i s “Agriculture, Fisheries and Natural Resources Ser-vice: Securing Active Re-sponses to Uncertain Weather Events” which is congruent to the wake of the occurrence of climatic change felt globally and lo-cally. The two-day symposium aimed to: 1) discuss the global perspective of climate change and draw out appropriate extension agenda among national institutions to strengthen the platform for sharing information in the management of extreme events and natural disasters; 2) provide venue to discuss adaptation, mitigation and an-ticipation measures that need to be addressed at the level of policies, programs and projects; 3) realize the significant role of regional networking arrangements aimed at sustainable management of rural advisory ser-vices in a diverse and changing rural and agricultural development in the Philippine context; and 4) recognize meritorious performance of extension practitioners, ex-tension projects and researches through various PEN awards.

The symposium lined up activities through a plenary and three different sessions to discuss the global and local environmental changes and their impact to human food security, population and surrounding environs and other ecosystems/sub-systems. Five papers were presented in the plenary session, namely: a) Global perspective on climate change by Dr. Josefino C. Camiso, NASA, USA; b) Impacts of climate change in the Philippines: Challenges and opportunities to agricultural extension and education by Dr. Esteban C. Godilano, Technical Expert, DA-Secretary’s Technical Advisory Group; c) Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS): Regional Networking for Rural Advi-sory Services by Dr. Virginia R. Cardenas, UPLB; d) Presentation and discussion of the pending bills on Phil-ippine Extension System by Dir. Asterio P. Saliot, ATI-DA; and e) Institutional responses of DOST-PCAARRD and Department of Agriculture. Aurora S. Jose, FERD

Paper on Adaptive Mechanisms to Environmental Change presented at PEN Symposium

Dr. Rex Victor O. Cruz, Chancellor, University of the Philippines in Los Baños gives the keynote address during the opening of the 4th National Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry and Natural Re-sources Extension Symposium held on May 2 to 5, 2005 at Aklan State University, Brgy. Banga, Kalibo, Aklan. Also with him are Dr. Danilo E. Abayon, Aklan State University President, Dr. Vir-ginia R. Cardenas, of the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Ser-vices for Asia-Pacific Islands, and Fil-Am NASA scientist Josefino C. Comiso.

Participants of the PEN Symposium

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2 6 April - June 2012

ERDB-ERDS Stakeholders’…. from page 5

Viray-Dipalo watersheds with the local government units and other sectors (LGAs, NGOs and among others), the recommended actions were as follows:

1) creation of multi-sectoral water resource

management council to be spearheaded by the DENR-Community Environment and Natural Resource (CENR) in collaboration with the LGA, water service provider, LGUs through the barangays and municipal, POs, NGOs’ and private individuals from the community;

2) deputization of barangay bantay gubat and forest

ranger; 3) institutional framework to define the roles and

responsibilities of each entity; 4) preparation of an action plan on the water resources

protection and development; 5) inventory of freshwater and other inland bodies

within the watershed according to uses and importance

6) strengthen the information education campaign

program in the protection and development of the water resources in the watershed and conservation measures on water use; and

7) provision of alternative sources of livelihood for

upland farmers and other constituents.

One significant contribution of the project is the genera-tion of data and information on water resources as inputs in the preparation or updating of forest land use plan and integration of stakeholders water resources protection and development in the watershed characterization. An-other input of the project is the generation of community maps on water sources and its uses and distribution. Aurora S. Jose, FERD


T he 2nd CALABARZON Regional Gender and Development Convention was held

on May 31 to June 1, 2012 at Kimberly Hotel, Amadeo Road, Tagaytay City. The convention is a call for partnership among local government units, government agencies, private sector, academe, and civic society organizations to strengthen gender mainstreaming efforts in CALABARZON.

The convention was divided into four ses-sions. Session 1 (Context Setting) included presentations on the topics the Women in Philippine History (presented by Dr. Maria Luisa Camagay from UP Diliman) and Current Situation of Women and Men in CALABAR-ZON (presented by Dir. Rosalinda Bautista from NSO IV-A). Session 2 tackled the Current and Emerging GAD Concerns while Session 3 dealt with Institutional Mechanisms and Initiatives to Address Gender Concerns. The ERDB repre-sentatives joined the LGUs, regional lines agencies and civic society groups in Session 4 on Mainstreaming Initiatives in Various Sectors.

After all the presentations, Dir. Agnes Espi-nas, Regional Development Council (RDC) Vice Chairperson, NEDA gave the synthesis, evaluation and next steps to be undertaken including the post workshop assessment, con-tinuing technical assistance on gender main-streaming, documentation and sharing of good practices, conduct of research and workshops to strengthen collaboration among LGUs, implementing agencies, NGOs, and academe, and prepare inventory of GAD spe-cialists (NGOs, GOs, and resource persons). Marilyn Q. Landicho, UFERD

ERDB representatives to the 2nd CALABARZON Convention (from left to right) Dr. Marilyn Q. Landicho, Ms. Monette S. Santos, GAD Focal Person; and Ms. Romana A. Mauri-cio.

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