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Page 1: VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-3r.pdf · f VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS FRIDAY,



Names_ of Varsity ~ale Quartette Members Disclosed

Orr, Voshell Are Cl1osen To Fill Senior Vacancies

Reveals Names Of A Cappella Choir Members

Page 2: VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-3r.pdf · f VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS FRIDAY,


(ltq~ ~pectator . The President's Corner Latest Fall Merchandise ~~-:::; ~=-~':._:' ,~:;·:=: ,!!;1~·1:.:.t•~=:· ~ i. ti.&. lint word t.o. tlae Pr...a.knt'• comer t d_.. to Direct fro1.n N. Y. lo Yon

.tat• that I fH.1 ho9ored te .. aaketl b, t .. e Editor ol t:t.. 5~ tlMt M""~ 19 .. ~ N;;;;rA;.; s:;;;:-~ tatOI' and hit at.Cf to contnllut~ a few i-.. each week. I ahall J'ABOLD SHOP

c.11.,.,.~ --~~ ....,.... f111.U r~i.t·y fw "'hat l aay an.d pray to be wortlly l'--------------------.....--.1 Attocia ted Collegiate Pra! :!'!.:~=~':; .... :!"':'::.;..:;,,: of LIM coel•DOe pl.ced ia me. 1 aNUN all wbo ...,,. ...,d thit lr----------------------,

HOM:r. OP nt£ Ol'LLIJOG~ Tfft: tu' UOOI. OF Qt."AJ,IT\' Corner lh•t I have nothinl' but soocl will to di.atribu.te a.ad tb.9 Jerry's Sho~ Shop Eai...w .., •f'lt...., ~'- -u .. r l'l• .... 1tott n. nu, ., '""' .....wm .. . , xer•iw.- ¥..• · hicheat intereth of "our collere."

, .. ~~2i:~~-- - ".,_. "" c:;;;.,~~ In Uda ialtl.at article I ara t:emiaded of what a famous 0"" s.,t;_v_: ___ · ~1:~11.8!,~;r.~!! I Ha,...nl p .. ot .. aor \&Nd to aay to hit c.luM:1: "You....,.

Tur: BnlTOltlAI~ 81'Af'J.' · - atate you.r opin.iont freely. and I will expreH mioei your.

~:!.t~~-:::~::~=~·· : .~~;:'·:5 ::t::r •.~~.";:":O:':u:~~~ are •• 1ood a1 your. and Mui .. a!Mfl.-..~ H4 Muil1fl• 1'1olt<l1 C•M- btlto:i.r1

~':%.8:.')t!.-.:_-::-_: __ :_ _ r~:.J'l...t:: Word1 ri1htly .elected al!ld carefully 1poken ate important REPOftT£K9 AXO, SPll:CIAL WRITEK8 l hut in &ft_rM>r111f actioe• do •peak M,ud-@r than word.. Putdna

~: • .8;!:tNO ~;t·11~.!:,' ~~ s8:.:r, it a.not1'er way, wh•t one i1 and doe• to and f« tboae with whom x...,~11••1tw a.r.n..tw ~::,.~ NIOH Ar•- .. .,.,'• • w~~':'n.ti he l ivet, work.a and ••aociate" ia of more worth than what t.e

Tin: Ut:Sl!\'f'.88 ST.H'f' .. ,.. to them.. ~~~- -

4""'""t.1.,. ~~ ~;llaton W eber. and v.•ar rea s•a.u de--

.. .._tb-A~ I "Sass" i·ety I' prl'l'ed \It or lhtlr COCON111 thlt WMll:-f eQd and ca,·e th,. home tolh a

~~ ~·~ c.,...t.u.. !1115 Hr J.w.lla Poi.rer ~::-:~·esccnt.a CJRCOLATIO :'o' ~TAFF"

Quality .. Conscientious Service Sludent.a Welcome

Dye Poli1h, Lace• and Shoe. Shined

Lake ~uperior Lumber Co. GEORGE B . GOODHOLll, KIT.


301 N. Map!. Pi.-40 - - --------------------- Wanted by Frethrne.n Cirl1 · We are 100rr1 to beo.r 1ht1 f>f.e Mii·

R 1 A wr-lt1e11 co11r u r P.:l ta11or Moyer·, !er ..,._. c:on•ld~nal.oly "knod.fld , ... ____________________ _

Social Science At Close . nnge ro1·mu111. •ellln• 110 ... 10 .ce• a i.eau11- •bout " dur 111, 0 "klck-ou ·· 111 ,00 •• 1 .. ---------------------. ~•vine come to life durin~ the, P• •t· d ecade, l~borat~ry ! ~=~ ·:p;;,~~c~;1 J ~;.:. 1:~1~1:rer~~ wTo~~~ I ba~e~::::~wo!~:)'0:::~r~i:~:.1 "' from

•:xpertence for atudenh of 1oc1al 1c1e,.ce1, ha1 received wide iwo 111 11010" Jciwt•lry litQre. ' o. cold, -Bnd "''Ill 1toon IJ,. 11,., rhuf!rf, acclai~ and 1upport ·~~· 1tu~enll ~nd educ~ton t•h1•,. ou1;


•.•.t Coml)e;titioo For M. C. Boy• : ""illtug H H uuin. the Un!ted State1. Th11 1nten11ve 1ocial ~.-per1ment on • Gaylou ll lnt1er o f t.o111 t;prluc• w 1.1. Kalle McH1u1 kno10 wb1u It re.11 ulved an the •lunITI!r work c.•mr.•• of which more than a acore ;cv ldldutly not loat wbllo , .. hlng beu Uke 10 win u oo.- 11lrno11.' w~ 11· were underway durin1 the m idd e month• of 194l . hll!lt wvell:. ll• •11 b~.tu1 ''•tcorted" ' tHd our aympathlu. Ko.II•.

s... ... 1 hundned colle1e 1tu.de'?t1 lived for a time !n ~ bf Jean Mc!'\'lcol. who said b• ,.., I Tile Tie That Binch

S:i.jj:'..::..~;!;Ed\~~~=~~:~1:;12• I~ I ~=7,·~~:·: .. :::ll~:~• :::,::::: £~:~.:~:~~ ••:.::;~:,:~:~:~:;! coemnu.ni.ty by buildina play1rounda, roada, and dam•; Ario ;uad IMbel Crampat:ll:tt wu.- • edlOC'k al lbe ho.-. .. o r Ml.M \ 'an-reaovatin.i: ach.ool buildin11; clearU.1 foreat lanch; Q~ rldl•• abUu1 town • · llh j;ftardar no~"I In Klng:sleJ. lowi, nd •r• ryinc atone for houtea; c.on1t-ruclin1 fac.to,,. equipment alfllt or sun4•J. lh•1 were Joe "'Res* and buildU.11; dJ'ivi111 truck•; e ven p itchin1 hay . • ! Orsd.r. and '"Son• r " W1Ubrldg~. ;::r::l.ng happily "-'ttr af1tr lb )le·

Of coaaiderable val\le to the communitie1 where they an I trlf"nd• ot \\'lllodeof", frorn away u• Localltle• who a.ueonded 10 lnir.ur• leea~~· t~1e project& are. aho ~ficial and ~uc.tioaal. to , norlh h1 l'l.'ollrHlla.. If you waul ttrOJ)(lr trlng o r lhe knot wer• Veila part~atms. 1tudent1. i:•eld tfa.9.1 are ettabhahed pract1co , their addr• .. or t th1pllOH number11. . Vannot"flde l, ll•rrlett Prau. Rllmot11 lw 1hldenta "'·many aubJe<:ta1 •uch •• reolory, entomolo~y, 1 we c:1n gh·e rou U~111. too. I f'rlet1. Arthur fkhuberi . .nd ot couru aoolon, and. btolo()'. Wh_y •hould ,not •tud~l~ of the 10Cta.I , Reconnai1Nnce Trip 1he g room Kt1u1ti~h \ ' 1111ru. ThtY !Cie'?cta r!'ce1ve • . comp~rable ••perten~ by hv!na. &Dd work• J OJKQ. Unruh uml Vt1l1111l Van lloozra ~adf! the ro und trlii In Albrllcht M

aa1 an 1tnfe-lom 1ndU1tn11;I cenle n , t'acially pr&JUd~ &Wla,' 1 1 acc:ompaohtd " 0.e:Ar " fHUer to nol "l.eo II" and did urrh,. In llme ror I ~llde~, GI!.• of~- bett w•J• for a atud•nt io set .•t loC.1al reality j cbu«:h at Oarlowe thla woek·l'.!nd I ihe wcddlnx I 1a to 1d•nbfy htnuell ••a member of• community under oluer• , They act11ndf!d th• 11oni1tCOmlH1t sua- 1

vaHon. ' day at th•~1n-h 11nd Olg:n, Ind-I Support T boie \ .. ' ho SMppor t U•

M I• 1 dentall1 l~td O'ftl'r th• lo.y ot tho!! !

orta 1ty •••• ;:::::.=::::::::::::=:::::::=:::=:~. Forfrver chaneina, diffv-ent, the ... '°"' ~ar on, endleaaly Ju~~ ~!:.u~dar1 Rutb 11.rr Ortel n •:rrf:lt I

.._... .. the~ ... , y•t alw•r• terrifyinsly. alwa11 in th~ .. me ere-le. 1 Lonry iDlanch• Hd W•Jne 'oelierl. CLEAN INC 4: PRESSINC

.S....... 1iw-e1 '!"a,y to •1;1tumn; ~utwnn llowa to w1ate_r; wiatel') Hd 'neralee 01Ub9l• bid an enJor· • 1

.._., to the will ol •Pnlll'; apnns fade. before the f .. ry Wait able um1 1t 110~ 11111 •ffk-end 1 OKERLlND Ir. ASP Ee.REN ol ......... Alwara and forevet, the ...... orclar, the l&llMI ' Kerlin and Vo•b•ll "did"" lhe C


a1· 9f!"f! N:--ru tion... Yet they are utrrer the .. me; 1ummer, autu.mn. ! .t Hutcblnaon 011e ulsbt h n• j LJ'kl Albrf11tht - l"'otl t>-lf" As-i1 wm..,., aprma; alwaya U.ey ckanp ~ n•ver can one be aaMarecl 0 T) la.I week •hat he haa aavorH ~II th~ sl~ of-;----?"•· A!-•)'• b.fo,. , m t~:;n,t ud UOrl .. lkenbrrry. F.velya Du.art :;::e~~n:fb~~~~;:H~:.· hH:"~"fo=:l1~:t~;~~!;:J;.," ~--::. 1 \\~11i°u da nd 1;•u\ Me

1t1t"''' •:•rHlced • ; p I t ~ OO

ferlorfty to that which he ace• about him I •• he fadea, hi. 1ur· ! w 0 " •1 ° ~ ·~ 1

11 or t r to *64 . -......_ 1'8fmiJllA S .,...

rowidinsa retain tbe appea.rance which WH thOU-a durina hia j' uui l!l laht• " 1 ~., 11 r. ~U BEAUTY youth. But man ia comforted br the thou1ht that while- he ia Bernard Tlnkltr. Oclm11r Weuler. SALON not the .. me, .o ia nature not quite the --.me. For life' m.-...t be !· • Pt.cme an eompoeed of c'han~; one life, contemporary with anothn, mual 8AV» HOVGBTOH'8 8alco1:11 ot Bbb1~1 Ona Oo.

:,.ri~:"::~~'o4:..u:Ji~!:1;U:c~~·~~~ '!'1'!!~Y':PJiff:!it ~=~ ... _. ftUke like it haa been.

Tlu!'9Case For Student Defenucnt

Safeway Groc . DUir;bution

Wifltout IPfllte Adctreuin1 the 1eael'al p1i&blic and lout dr•ft boarda, Dl'. I\ ..

9::.C:ua~=ttaa Charle• J. Tu.rc.lc ol Macale •ter, the Rev. Jamea Moynih..an of .-----------.1~----------''11 St. ~ ...! Dr. Chari .. Nelaon Pou of Hamline uk that fresh ke (ream cot•s• lhailleota ._ 1i.-en e•ery deferment conaideration by >WMae r .c.ll:Nl Pinta Ilk: telKti•e .. nice board1. I 1 '°" aoc Warren Barber &

Beauty Shop Their joint ttalement fo1Jow1' in part: 1· Jtud rM'ked Plate 9lc:

•-n.. natiorial committee of education and defente Select Dairy ~ fl"Om the national headquarter-a 6( the 1electi.._ JIQ R. MMlln ~ioe .,.nem &11 •mendment, with the full erfect ol law, ...._ __ ............ ...._.._ ___ _. providiq• for th. pottponeme nt of induction for any penon !..-----------,II .. The Pince !or

College Sludonts" ~":c;"i!:':!~:l'~.'!!':n.'.:!.~".~ 1.:di~ld.:.'id ~:.:r.t'1;:t• u.- J. E. Gusl1lson, Jeweler 0 WIUM thia uacadment ia ataled in aeneral tum.a. it·

pf'OlriclM the baM. for pre.-entin1 the lntetruptlon of a ltU· dent'• educalioa durin• ., aeme•t•r or colle1e year.

0 1t haa been olficialb inte1'9reted to i.aclude u a caUMU ol wch hardahip •.. 1to complete a cout9e of train· m, ... inM:nM:tioa..

.. Pr.aMleat Jlooen.elt Neefttly aaid : 'America will alway. ...cl mee ...d·woaaen with colle1e tninin1. Co..

• • ~t a.d ilulutry alike oeecl aldUed tecl\fticiaaa today-

"We hope Mlect:li•e Mrvlce boarda will be wiJUn• to ITUl 1hldenb the opportu.aitJ' of com,pletin1 the Mnteatef"1

·~'11..U:·~w:"...:" ;o';'~:f:rn~::eC:p':i~'":dk.n •&.ct.i .. •nice but ..,..1,. a JH>etponeinent of a few _ ....

HJa callin.i lhi1 melter to the attention of the pubUc and local boarda. we belHt•e we are actin1 for the beat in·

:.d '! !: .. ~~~. T. &:-:::,;th0! :.~i·::

oe military affaira ol the national committee on education ...!def-."

l"he joiat ata~t elicited a prompt 0 no" answer from ~· C... J . E. N.i.oo. MiaaelOta Mlec.ti" .e"ice' director1 wM ..W tbat. Wanlset def..-ent of colle1e atudenb it not ~ .a.le__. ... ..i.ctn. ...,.; .. law.

W atc.h and Clock Repairin1 Our SpKialty


Welcome To


~· Store 111 lt'. Mata


Phone4H Wan'l!:n Hotel

Prudeatl1I Ins. Co. of Amerlc1 H.......t. H. J,

At.1eb 4 Billi• boa. II BUlioa

A t P'(Lal tow rate prem. po!k1. Al'e !0-5000- Anaual premium

U 5.U DlubUlly Walnr o t Pttinlum

laclud•d Ako Dl'flden1J,i Cr«llt.

"""tail• on Nq\Mllll. C. D. CAUDLE, Special Art. P. O. DOX MG PHOl0,1 Mo


II. Q , KA.TIJ18. (:.ah~ BRl~A?i HOLLOWAl', AML ~ M.-ber Ftdt!nl ~ 1----.e ~ u~ ea.a l:te ...._nted only lor 1tudenta in thoM

ffelda '- wt.icla ~ ia a r.copis.d Non.a,.., 1uch u sned~

.. ff.....,.., i:Ddiftdu.al draft bo..nla will 1i•e every comid. j';====================~:u ...tloa fw a atq of iaducbooi lo ,.....Ut iadiridual &Ndeab to complete a q_,... • a MIDNMT of echool work." NEW TAXI FARES

1oe ~ · INS~E THIS CITY ZONE• UoO_I_) __ _ _ ...... _ ..........

IF You Need a

Table Lamp Chairs Study Dak Typewriter Text Books Book Case

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or one of a hundred othf!r things

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If oll por1rils In KonJOt would toke t lwir children to the fomily phplclon ond ho"• them YOCCit'IOted ogoim.I "'1CJllPoX 01 ttie 09' ol Nne fNIP'lrht, o.oain btfote school ent~e, ond ofltf' ~ tht1.oher to moin­toin on ~lty ooo;n,1 .-14pu, tn;, filthy di:MOM would ptO(tic:olly d•J.OCIPtO' In OUI' uo!lt, m it he, in other ' lotn whoc:h ~re voc:C.-.Ot.ori "eooinu t;mQl!pcu!

for s.choo4 et'llronn.

We know whot gerrm (W\e ""°ltoo-. w• know that voccinolion atfonh immta\lty, The doo:i~t of J11'10l,I• pox ;, l.i~•. c:w\d lloOlot!on c:w\d quarontine o f the pclirnl, wl1n voc.c•notion "* con1ocr1, 11op1 !he ~eod of Ike diwaM In foci, tkere IS no GOmmUnicoble d•MGM, c~ which tN me1Mch af control ore betMf ...,.rsfOOd. The dlllkultv in wlpl,,g cut lliis loothsom. dlseow c~t•lv, lltt In pe1wodl"G ~oc:ite to ~ thenu.el¥H vocciNIUtd ogolnit It. The pvblic ;s ln­d llfer..,t ~UM tkt dlwowi nos bffri of o rnlld form during r.C9nl )1Clrt. \Tnh fndifleret1ce is dotlgef'0!.1$, ~ tht per$0n who h wsceptlble. h ,mo11pox can· not choow Ike type o f imo11pox ~ is going to ho~. N "'°Y' conrtoc1 ltw mlkl fOfm Gf'ld sulftr SMCll d iJCOrn­fort, or ht rnoy how the ~thogk: kwm. wt-uch is uwcl'r fotal.

It k ..,,°"""'~' t~t f«w In.a the oreatei:t impet\ft to 1h. detl,. lot tha protection otto.ded by 'l'OttlN:ltiClft- Whtn o few co.wt cl diit filthy diMOwe occvr, thtrt is o sudden Nth for VO«<f'IQhon. When feor does not ullt. ltw pf(IClf• orw lndif"eftftl.

The atoff bootd of -~hh r~ the muftlp&i s-swre nwlhod' of 'llOCdr'IO!ion, ~lch often linie ap­Port..,.._;1y fOt" llw MC.ondory lnfectioru wh1ch, in llw old da)'$. wre 1fspon&1bll for IC MOny w iously lt\fec. ted ONN ond leg1 •• J r 1, oho recomtnendtd that oil wx:cinoriont bf done on t lw orm, ond thot no ~i•ld1 o or odwr '°"e1lng bt \IMd,

It is vitoUy ~o"t 1M 1 Ptraon• of on o0ts should bt protKttd ogolntt Sl'Mlllpio. by 'o'OC'dll'IOtion.

• .._.. .., "--..... ... "4 .... _ .. -' .,__... .,tti._..._ ..... ~c.....,~ s.ca..y_

ROXBUlY INMAN ,._... K. 1.-.... M. D • ,..._w . ........ M..D.

CfJ<TON MAAQUi= MOUNDlllDGE W. 'a. J-. M. D: • P. R. ,.,._, M. D. C... L ~ M. D.

LtNCSllORG _ .......... M.D.

Page 3: VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-3r.pdf · f VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS FRIDAY,

FRIDAY, SEPTEMllE!t !8, 1941

• - , I' ened blA Piltt. "Cb~. d~ reut Ile r&n !'itd:leut1 •el'Ol!s thti •ln•tt amid »iat lhe n9ble •&4 '° 11119 "'"' •t. Budget Heannt:1 I A Sap's Fables arttrme•lre•d1! .. he1bo•1b1,"Cllee. ttie 1.qa .. 11ntotbf'11.llHand 1heanu1 1na1 h• d~cnert!d tbal he ha ... , - --e I alo"t e'f'n 4one 1n1ht• J'd~ ftq"O allowlll of ruolorhta. HIP INped lalO ltwa el\Med IH!caHit or "la crlm\e•I Conducted last GalllH r.oa.. l.!I·r•blk e0ir:1n1 1101bd 'rl•h~ h•MrdulH!r aod tallOr probat.1,. l'l' to ha•e ma .. ...i.~ • ,'.~:1.1 and badt tbf' drlnr, '''Utp on rf'Nnl, but ~ue he la.ad forgottH

tf1f,,., llad juat irrado•1Hi from lhe -d lid M'Mcl'°d. Whh drlkata arw:l ~l=·~:a~ aea•;l~~et\'!aa':c::. ~e U.Ahor ht WH falr l.T ~Main Uria( lllf hll ltOUffn. w ednesday Eve •·•·•·• ,., .... ud ~\ hrll'. For ••d not-100-flUhJ' ···•e. • •Hdtok IOU h ••nl• 11_1'4 ll•k kotd lllbl patt had )Oat hb 1'\lni~er-. h• h•d llltr nb I ,_,.-----.,,...=-=------~---=-=-=-=-=

• • . 1_. kt•c 7•ani lle bad lala I• Hlr aallablr 10 a man •Im wu •kl•t lht ~~!lid batk to ""' tr b\I. UNUa•t rel•"' 10 bl• boul. Ai h antvf'd u I;-----------, Student C.Ouncd Luuens and loohd forward to tlltl.._ the daJ' to ~ ...... bta role u rlcbt-baad _.1m folloW'P.d OHIJ' to dlKJO'*' that bM d -Hutlon be loohd u~h11l7 (arisen PhlnMlt (O. To Cl.o.inH Of \ :ariou.s.. whe~ bu~d•o:~d ~:c:pr:.~~ •1°h~ --:;,;~ :::.:.~ ~:~ •• ~~d ~~=t~f'd":m~: •. ~: not on~. li~t 0two mt"n ,,..,.,.~hind ab<\\11 H 4 aaw notbl1a 1hat luoll•41 ~lra·Cl1"'icvJar Act\VJh e.8 he

0 • hl1'1 tnaot . llllJ11-IQit• ht nae r4<14DUJ him. Tb..,- •lltout\!d for"11m to •IOI), Ilk.II a i>Oil<'-IP.Wh or a 1h1.tH"tlv~. llt' Plumblnc - Jiu.tins; - Well•

coonal.D.1 Lo a re&;1.1lar aeu.LoA l.a1t 0~\"·lhe All.ff (ha• (limb~ fn to 1 purcha~ finerJ, ~0011 hi'! relt tb11ot but he ocly walked faat•r! 1A>oll ln1t ff'M:hH! !a. Ill• IHX'k"1 for mout.y to Wh1dmlllt' _ P\UDI>S

Wt'dn1tiday nl&hl, the Studeat Coun• hhtll pow f'rf'd M cta 11 aud wu ••hlt.lte d he wu H1flt ieullf •f'll ,;roomed lo bult a.gain h1J MW that lh-., w to 1---- OHie. ...._ H ; it.. M ell irnO•r the leaderala.lp or \ lr~l•I• •••J 11110 ih• traUll" A ll h e breath· lnllllrn hlll llllllld d ebur a nd wltlt flll•h- 1aiW1u: on b lm! Ou the co1uu an ,------~----: ._ _______ _.., _ _J Kt • ltu, t'4ndt~ted the annual hud•et f'd Of'll! PIJ or lhe air at !~0111 l ig lllk. amlh! aurt t•lrlln1t ranf', lw fioUO<I\• oUlur turntid aud ltU!JHHI U ~I~ hearln1r Al 11th• mee1111g , trl!Hmtr• mulled 10 htnuu.iu 'ThPf', ll'1t good to conflden ll>' 0111 ur 111c n111u·1ru•nt lilllf!11 VHl 'flier.• wo tfto abr UlfW FALL (OAn trom vartou1 organb11tlQn1 vre•enled ~ bat:lt wit 41~ m~h iu:aln 1•11 bet th~ a nd do•n to ilw Jttr•et t"'eN of a w hl•Ue lllDd • c ry or, lll:ft Supply Your Crocery Neede dCllm1t for allotment fiom the alu- bool•'ll bl' lllld to litf' llll' 110.,.,. that 01u•e ho WA.II ou lhl' hu1y\horoua:b ~::·,~~~ ~~~~e ~:~ ~r::\:n:u~':~,1~1 dent fund11 11rnu1lly apportioned l>f l'•fl ~Q 10 a n h••tllutlon o r higher rar,. bl11 IM'lf ('f)nfl'I'''""' toi•an tn mt>IL I • •

thft Stuih'nt Council 1ruc>11f:' Htr•· IHmlu Ch'°"'· I wottdi!t' 'l.'llet•\and h~ lic!ll't.n 10 fU.11 rOl11p(c1101u;. II !1~~1' .~~::· 0~e1~1~:. l:~~l ~~·:~ ~~~ '0;;!~~11~'l:1

!~~e re:uonabllhJ ()I ::~• ~~:1;1;"~t.:tl :::~11~~: .. ";r::i: 1:7:;: '!~:, 1;.:~'~,~o~~m':'tl•:r~~! lktr c>t lb law. Ill '9CK H bl• trill:

· A large vAriety of attractn e ~tyh~.'I

· ]2.75 lo ;{9.50

Rothrock Grocery wv. ot:1..1nm

*t'.: s . . \l•ln l'horw- "a-:


• arfoa .. C'l1lm•. aad coi:npatlar 11t;~n1 lhf!T ' •ln"t no"" ol 1tm ii;ol 'bumpo"d , natural fttllnJC or a e w t"lmbH. -.u1 Uil.!!.blog duwll lhe bii'>" 11re.1 """ k<ft • llll 0;)lo1m~1H11 c>t pr.TlouJI JNML. It or doln llmto'"' no u •:a111 mott t.b•• that surtlJ • trail of ••M •Pf'l:l•IOl"ll end droP-1ne01tteni or'-'" Stu.dent Council •Ill o H7 tlll• t i•• 1'9e1 had r.,.c h'l!d thf' l tlley C'OuldD' t l f'll ihat h .. had do. ~ I prd buodlo. •nd •Ith t a rll alt'P tit."' l'Ole 011 tbne appeals at Ila au;t r~&· dowatowa """"lion ~ad 00,. or 111" lime' Xo. o( <"0Ur6f' not. prflloo•n : •m:aT In P•~I a a hafll In 111u111Mn llSCHESKY ul•r u...ioa. Wotd.uead•J t-noal1111:, <k· ., .. ,. •llPPf'd 01111 • l"•n1•r1 nott> aad l dldo' t look a nr dlfft'N'ftl t r-om a •rOnf' I S-udd.-_n.11 .,t. anted hi• roane and Dry GOo41S ( :o. cobtor 1. at l : SO p. m_ told him

10 •Pl'IJ 11 011 a '4' ardroltro i •IM; o r did lh~J'~ A woman look.eJ ' =-:::::-:::::===~-11i~~~§======~~!!!!~!~~~~~

'. \ ' ' I• '

~d<>l"f' h,. mN.th.- Im~~. ,u1 .. r c:u• 1 ::a~1:m :•1t11u~~:1:1: •. t'~~-~·~~:' ::~ Ir ----~ - --------1 P T ! _ I - jstnr1...._1 10 ~·••·Am ~onu:1htn1: whf'n! arty I.411C 1

rer0-11tl1 h Wtmld ....... 111 that our UJ•· lu:r lll(•llWJ' ljlllrkl)' 11u1 ll llill'nt'IUll \ • J ;uul~omha: frellhmcu b.uH l1t.kt~11 n j 11A,ul ti''cr 1l1t• rhl1tr1 111ou1h :md '

To t hON! or you QD whom thr. Jilt• dlftCt'lllll 11!11nd 011 tt1 .. IO:i!IHI w l1h n ; i.adr lll•r h;ok llWllf• :lul'ely t!1»r l ialwtiyl'I Ahl.nea- wlth 110 nnmltln1 ,

1re11ull111K ldaho-Kttt1,.l'I" City IW()·1 (lld1i'1 1·••t·u,.nhti ldm 11- 1111 f'):·JHtlilk !

rrcck\O»-Oll whom L-nd)· L 1irk not "'om~. or 4'our,.P, 1hn" ur•• l hOl!t', •·1wm)' : K11r i•I)' 1101 nCt\•r 1,-.11 Y"'"r .. :•1 oulf ~111\\t11, but :wtuu!1y ,:c t' hy11rnr· who Ilk"' lh4' ldr-:1 Of :1 \\"l<'hlla-1\. ( ' . i II•• pa~rrl!rl A Srilvntlon A1·111y bittUI \cal ovftr, Gn whol)I th<' ii:rnht hf'!lto•· c·ombln111lon h\:"llt'I", but. 111.:i.ho will •I :inll 1h"\ n l l •lo111wd 11lay\11~ 1uu1 thl'lr tht-Of.t tlrt~:·:u,. n ~•I In tht '1rnd @rao h111d~hl1•. o•\' l' ll to pol\shi1~r 111ar .. 1l. a ul 111"" h•• 11r.111trl'Ho"(I r11rtll(lt f bet'k raw 11'1 daue11 or no 7 : 1>0 4"\l!I• 11 Plllr ot l'nwt.oy huOt• . IO lt~p b•~1 1IV"'n 1lw •ln•f'l 1a,. hr.1:1111 to lu•:1r 1

;:,:oh~::. ~:.o~;';n thl:~ a~~;hn/;lo~~ ~~~~~~~ ,.:~n!~ 110h:~~~;:; ;::~,\y ~~: ;';~r:a::.:":, :~~:1~:.~e:t::,~":i~~: ~ r~onallJ' ba~·e lh~ir 1:110m"•l• o f dttp In lh" dlnlnic hall. me1!!ilnk .. It 11roonil. S11ddt'lll)' thctf' wa. a 1ho11t dblrHa-, lhoce times 'a'bt'ft lh"Y fetil,11tpftrhf'th of dirty polhl"'· Roftk. from behind him. an1I h"" l•rM~I a• )Ow •• • bo•-let"1tt'd mO•M'. ht W"""f' bol'.>o llf'artnc: TO() D\•nJ · around 10 dl~•otr • man inaklnc:


:::e'~:. ~~m~·::!::; :~::mo/~~:: 1~11'1~=~11bT::.,i:~::= 1:~"' ~ Qttkk-r-la lhat hf' t'an C'OBlinu4! no long• wl~. on th,. r·oot o! thr IH',- boy11' jil~~~~~~~~~~ • r: bf! muu ch·e up. 11 S apolecm did dorm: PuiU1mt!n "''Dl r )•lnll: about I 1 1 tht' tlmf! o( hiS meruonblt> d4!fc61 !hf!lr ).:ntli11h th~m,.11: Th:u lhf- "'l•&r• J

At \\'111t'l'loct--no. you t'"oro-r111iaer1. pt10 lti J:;:l('ann.r M11y.•r"11 •' F ' ll- i,u·t t hf' 'a'ti'n nOI 1ialkl11J; abOlll yuul' fa ir flnl/ Gnfl 1hP. hu-rh~l'f'"IJ 111101her I t'"l~-or •·hen the IH"r&i&h:nt Mil("! 11111' o n tl1h'd rtr1g••r, l..r1 h :-.11•1: ,\ ru~I Stnndl M>h got ll1e roya l 41G-b)' Riter mou r to llu: ••rf•••' 1 1J1;o( P r oftrrl()r P1·hwlll1 went oU t hl! dt"ep e ud OVl!t Jl,.itlll w14,. 11('••11 wnl1'ht~ 11rro1>~ 1ht·

1 J4Jhll Q. Ald rn, (vtbo •11,.as 1so1newh11l 1:11111111111 wlll1 l1J11 hau11,. In l1i:S 11ock· I

:::~ c·'!~;:,'.~~lllr~:~c~~~e.l!i:u~~:~l 1~1~~· ~~;,, ~:~:~11~~1r~:~~:~l.f!~~•• ~ .. ~·~ :r:i·~: ~ a 1u1 named Brutu..a that d('Y'1t-tn Ing nouch:alantly dow11 lbe i;lrPf>I t n l :i.iorrb l '°Y!!"rttl yean 111;:0. or \aor~ th~ h1111lnf'111• u•l'tlo11 l'lf our <'lty, 11-a1u1

1 111 011r thntt, wlaen Geh!u•t 11bow1 up l'hOf'•. .

100111\or like a limp dhohrair; artu • ----..,,==- --=--­•f'•lt-e11d at taome. So doubt bb I b om• artll'ltl~a proYe too muc., of ,..------ -----,.----, • atrala o• bis dellcale l:'DD.slllutlon. llO•e•eT. aft4!r a few days In :\lePhU· . l'OD'I' b~n4!Ndal en.-lron.menl. \\'ayoe 11 hlti u1ual beamlnK. l:'ber•bk n U­atl rHdY lo p1nli5h Pr.an for her ml1· clo'IJ\U non by fort'lbh· setting h e r oo 111~/~11~


~~~ve prolJlcm and Prtiry j \\ t.rlln l)rOml~r; to ta )l;e it up at lhll 1 out S t11deut Council m tellna:. liad '

::.~~'~r •11::Y u~~~[t:;e ,:::.~~;: ~r~v~ f tr11 t1. It can"t be that "'e"rp Jo1ln1t I lJUr drllwloc power, y et to what otbl!l.r

UUH could tho> receot 'l'tl\)ldn,.,al ot I our Ulea bl! .attrlbut@d! Tbe rolltge 11•ar .-u &tarted tbll" ~ptember •Ith th.,. la n:"•t uo11 of frbiltr. fr1'olo111. Ulppant mu In the xlaool"s bl•lOrf. but no• It •oold H!em Ila.at ll1~7 arot ~ df'owtltlnc as tar r.:reener p.a~ture•­nr pos11lbl1 lhelr wlntf'r t<li':fl"la. Sobl

t·~ to now h ba.d IM!e.o our lmpreJI· 11-lon 1h:u Idaho a nd Calor~do ntade the bt'1111 tombhuulon IO he fft-n around lht> t'"&t:iwua. u. by "''Y ot e.a­amplf', the 1..0 ... 'b~r fQ.111ily, LaiM'J ttnd I Murte1. a IH!l'fect p lernr11 of Miu. b1u

Attention finircul• • • • 35c

Pumphrey Barber Shop ••l\'e 8t.rtn1 To Plea.~"

Deluxe Cleaners RONALD ORR, Acent

111 F.. Marlin



'" ROU.. t.!ml&rlftDe.Dt

Ahel's Gift Shop 221 N. Mam

•/jl/'l IOH. ......

~ Mt~I hNc ror the h f"l'I! 111nr bei1;. 1h-0rt orcltr•. rnftll•. foffel', 1mft drh1k11, f'U'.



foufttain S.rvice



.McPherson & Citizens State Bank

C:.ptal I< Surplu• $180,000

Mna_Mr p .D.J.O.

Biiier Moler Co. HUDSON


318 N. M ain



Run your 6.ncc.n ovt:r • Rodoc:a llJld you11 ftd • mcltiftc: aoftatu; wnr it MUOa efcu ........ aM

7ou1J ditcowr a ~f7 ru1•

Jed wur-ruUtancc:, tool 1t'1 .U U.. -'' ol Tnpk.JI""''"' ; •• Alpou •"" MohaU •u 'llooU




·s.-um STYllNG, llTfll TAllOllNG

llN!I IAlllCS


fS!R.!1§81 1

STUDENTS H your frientll't nrc not on lhe cnmpu!i you'll find l hem ut lhc-

PURITAN Delictou1 Food A Fountain

Sct vicc


--JI 'f OIW N- rarty .. ....... c.... _ .. _ --

, A'ITENTION COLLEGE .. '\. • • • STUDENTS .'. • ,.ifJ

'°''t• Gin· A I Oo/o f>itM•ouut

Tu All Cullt•1.t•• Stmlt'ull i ,

Russel Oothing Co.

Tr) Our ~rr\·irr For Tht• "4·1!1 in 'f o,,.•o

Sam Mhnelder Oil Co.

"Jt p l•••e• u1 to plea~ you11


./ FORDS - MH(Uln - llMCOl.H - Ll"'°"N %1PHYl$ /

~, Hi-. 1J Ut.tt- o.. ........ U-4 C.tt'• /

,. - ..... u.

t : irl1. tlirl yuu rnjoy tluur ham• '"" fl"'' ''"'" 1Pnl In the durm1?

TC) YOU •••••• Student.a and !ncully. we wl"h a happy and aucce.uful

~hool year. . _ We offer our b~k~g fflcllllieM lo help make it AO.

"""'- "· "· I."· POOPLES STATE BANK

For Coodne11 Sake Use


The Wall-Rogalaky Milling Co_.

Phone 100

Start School, Write \Vith a pen and pencil from our Jarae seledlon. ~e cany a comPlcte line or fiheafter and Ever·

. •harp Pan• and Pencil•, all •trl., and prjcoa.

Bixby, Lindsay &~fA - ,. •• 11<

Page 4: VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS ...archive.mcpherson.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/v25-3r.pdf · f VOL. XXV. Z-228 McPHERSON COILECE, McPHERSON, KANSAS FRIDAY,

PAGI FOu:a Jl1UDAY, 8EP'l'Ell1IER ff, 19'1

Bulldogs Open. ~ Season Tonight

At Midland

. ,16'00 w ...... .,. -~· '"'..,. G .d s 11 Grldlro GI i1 , .. ~ ... , ............. •Ill ~ b ' n eason n • ean n"da • dtotlded b7 the appllcUIOD Of OH Or lloo. J••• 8 1oe1<o1 wlll m1 .. 1e • · ~19 •••• ot <bem.

!:::~~ ,~:.d9:°0:1e:; ~~1~ ::u;~~::~ BegiDS For · &,no .. a.~ T•e DtT•lWO 1 lrl1 are ttQUlred to pl•J KCACThi w 1: ru111 ruU.1101 tbH tbl• cotu mo No•. under Lbe DUI' rule cbea1r•. It .. tbeH sameii and thf1're ,t1.re '° be S eeK will be •c.t)' dry •od ~bat IHDJ llUI a toucbbaclt U lb.a baU la ta.la,... J. s. Dlll00 & Son& enJ01.0 br all Who come out ... come o f JOU wm 11llp onr It Wbeo rou Me ceplA!d, but U lhe pua t. locomplete,

Canlneo To Return To M~n Tomorrow Alter Non-Conlucnce Tilt

pla7 IOCCer aad rtt ld hod . .,. Bet&..ny Met C. of E. •ht It'• a bout, J &JD nenrtb11IMS U.e ball con ba.ct to tb• 1pot t f"ODI. Tb• o vtluc c:lub u du t.bt ltder· I.alt Night, Bethel And 1110101 10 write about r ule chaos u lll wb.leb It wu thrown. I

... Qu.lity Foodo

•hip of Anna M.ae Slck eJ aad Luelle Ot T I T ight c-ollece tootl>a11 thi• JMr. I\ i. 0 011 Tblrd on tbt Hal o r n i t cb1a1• 1 llarrl• bad It.a: rl.rt.l oatl.DJ la tbe to rm lawa ang c OD ' w bea • • undentaod a ll tbe rain. coaoaru a.n.1 pu nt wbkb land.I ld ld• of a t.r.aldut bik e 11111 mOri.IAC. A Lau wffk marked the o~nl111 of etld 111d n t w. that • • eao &t-t tbe mo.t the reuh ·lnc team'• 1u-79rd Hoe.. '-----------'

Tll• JUI edllloa of tbe Mt-Pber90• o•mbt'r or glrll who didn't m ind c et- the rootball t.t"uo• tor tbrM K•nMt 1 o ut o t • 1tcblo1 a football 11 mt. Prerloa1t1 tbe llk lll.ng tttm c-aald I;--,,...,,.-.,,--,,-.,-...,..--, Collep B•lldo p lift M•C'lmPH tbll tla s •P at 1b rePOrt tbat tbe7 ti.ad Cootereac. \ur1111 01111 one o f tb• T"ber t are to1r m•tor cba Dgff In col- do"'lll t be ball a.ad tbe ball would be ~lity 5enioe for · aor.l•I' tor f'r••oat, NebrulU .• aoM o t' lua. • · tllree hYm1 emerced YlctorlOu•. ho • · lt.:U football rtlff tbl• rear. oDe put lo pla7 rrom that apot... Uader .. ta. •l low coet. wbe re tbt f t.alle oa ibt lr n ... 1 o ppcNI· All Omblfl:n a,. t...-lted 10 come u er. On Tbu ad11 nlg bl. S.,tb~I a OHd I bH al,...d1 auracted wide comment the ae• rnle, bo•ner. the llic ldos P H 0 N E 4 4 Uo• or \.b• 1oan1 11'-ld MNOO. tbe "m• Has al l a.r o·clocll on TiH:sda.f. oUI Al•a, Oi:la lloma Teathu .. . 7-0. · u t be r tHlt of 1•e All 8ta.r same tta41 U llHl to acb tbe ball ta•lde McPhereoD laa.Ddry A Mldlud Coll••• Warr10,.. n . 1• 111• £•u l h o • ch J'O• mlf llOl llao • bow, la • clotelf CGftl8led a:am•. f'r lda1 In Cb lc•10 . It I• I.be u ollmltfl:d ID. the recehlD& team'• tea-7ard It••· D a . w llt t Lart at elSlill o'docll to olg:bl, r o• ha.,e • llH o pporlenl tJ to tn.rn al&bt DMb&Jaf tng:led wl\b Xnme1. I .n1tutloa rule~ 81 tbla rwle a C'O&t:b I D cue tbt• doH hap pen, tbe k k kl111 Ad:rtaa Jif, ~Ith~ I . Ha.I• aad trfll be tbe rlA-t •oco111Ater 1ll1al 11 tom bllair club fhibf Pe tuaoa la !'O~br111la T eac:ben, a ad C o f f. "'"'


rnar • ubatll•te u ottu • • be llllu tum i. pea.Jlied nneea 11..U. I tb• Cul•• • Ill ha t'e bad • tui. tbe ttae m a nsier. T o t bOM of 1ou wbo Wubbura Ualnr1ilJ' f\olh Ue011an7 and a playt'r ma r be teot bacJc lato Tbe tounb r tsle c:ba.age permit• a Neltrulr:a •llrtca tlo ll la t lle btalOrf an· afraid Rub)''• arm•ID· • ltni; c:OD• a od C. o f t!. • " re tro1 nced ! l · O lh"' game a a 1ollm h ed aumtt.r ot nbttltate lo talk rmmedlatel1 a.lttt ·~~~~~~~~~~ at football h,,. A• • re.•11. tbe d ltlon t bl• • ea lr. I• a ,.,.1ult flt tu.mb- Tbb wttk'A ~hl'dwlf' lnclUdff l•O II DIM. )faay coubn. la.1111 aad 1porta f h e ba.t entered the gam e. UDd•r I= tom;i.ra tlY• •trea1t~ or ill• l•Ollln& m a1 r n l &Mur4!4 thal 1ucb t• t'onfe rene" frlnlf'A u •~II a,. 1b ree l .. r1ten c:Oolfl:nd tbtt th l-"· ""111 11o'lll' 1 tb e old r ule ooe pla1 h ad l ll b. raa .. •ad• remalH • m,.ter1. not the c .. e 110 fttl d fe about c<>a:i- nou..coafet•n.'"• tlh1 1 .• u l o h; ht up th" itam• too mut'h.

1 tnrorc>- tbe 11ubatl1ute wa s perto.llled to I

Reopotta f rom t'remo nt """' to In· 1 II' 001 tor tamblln1t ont TundaJ Be1bu 11 and t.: o r £ met In thl' llnil T h11 ttt0nd rwle c ba.nie concern• t alk T he new r ule me•na tbat Qu a r- 1 d lcate that tbe Mid land 1rldauu .. , n 1 babl , T h pool t'Onf~renc" .c11n1 .. o r 1ht- KCAC T c>- I fo urih d o•n pu 1t111 Into t he e n d r.on e


1 te r backlog- a nd c1111ni o l pla 11 m • r l t'-'- year b• • • ooe or l ht 1tro11i11Ht 11 ~:~Ir~~'.;::": townfl:•11 iro~nr 10 nlirh l Dvll'H~l ln•a d - Qt111.w:i. In t lllCI l'to:Ylou1l1 • n1 fourth down p&.11 I n t o bt! done f rom th& 11de l1n t11 by the I bad:fle ld• lo th'1 •late. Tbe llnl, h •Y llJI ib111rt11 or pulchrltude eury othe r contere ric tt Joullt , ! ll;10 11nd 1000 I bat wu locomple te or ! co1cb wb en necuaary bowne.r, b rtOOrted lo C'~ftlllat la r1ee- t"rh~•1 arternoot1 from 3 UDlll ~ wheo Hl~blh;:hl fl nH>n11: non-c1111tert"nC'e I h 1tf'rC'liPle d wa. • touch back 11nd • a.a l AllbOUl\'.h thne n ew rule c.ba l)gu ly <if recrullJI aud lnuper f':aced m~n I cf r th 1 eekh' i;:-im• wm b" lh" \\'1uh hurn. Knr1111a" i..-uu.w:ht out to 1he 1we1111 -111rd llno d o not 11eem to be extreme ly lm))<Ort· At aa7 r a te . Midland 11 feared a arf'•l :h~ .. : · A Tb~ ~:1


1~111:~11 :~d=r lbe w .. 111e 1 • n r rao11. With a heavy l f!A m _ -~--~·---- I du.I ID Ila o wn t trrltu ry, and tbl! P nen t of ~tlldri:!d f't"lt<B .,~ comp•)WUd 1111110 ,.. t ttntlr o ly o r h"Jlle r · I I Bvlldo1t• flJll>OCI no p u1h.-ovt1r ma uaJt!I k l bl ilf m .. n 1ncludtng 1hrt.!~ l4ll•cOnft'r(ll\C(t Shi • S S •

Coach lllJ d ftO wl11 • hio hlU'll • h u l n« . tht"l r flral du.I! Ill( 1

II - pe rformer.ti. K11.n11n11 W c"l••)'IUI IJ t l'lfl nn s uper erv1ce I lll.Jlnon squad wbleb I• "prlo kltd r a the r llicht· lernoon. ravflritfl: ln lh e l-\11111111.11 Ccmh:ron•' .. I 17 •Ith h1u ernien •nd lho o mti 1h l11 Areh·e rr bcicl n11 nul "'t""k and aga in 111111 Yt:IH T iu> CO)'Qtflll ' Sinclair Products .venlns .,,·111 • h : lh4' 1111w • d dl\10111 rrw1Jt11 at :t. 10 1111 :.t-0uda y1t •11~ Wed· stren-.1b can bi• t<11Tlmrut>d 11r1"' 1h l 11 Car Wa1hing • cbauu to pN>H Uuilr uH..1\tle. ll• Y· rw11d•Y~ a nd, u 11 nu• kt• Ul• Purlod tor Initia l en{"ountt.tr . 1 Cn"r Lubricnlton STARTS SUNDAY deo'i t Quad 1'ht1 year • 'H t1111·d· hll by tl111Ml who loM! o u1 on on~ 6r tbe l Al110 011 •'rlday. Mhu1ourl e~n1ral :.:'.M ff, Malo l'hone 130 !'tHCKEY tupld'tarrow and IJJ nt.1101111 tleltimie etth41r l'HlrlM is. Ill i :Gu un t' rldl T play1 Dak e r • t R11.ld wln a nd tb11 Mc.I'------------' IDdll• lrln. llowe•• r . 111 1111rdy leHcr• nw,.11h1.;,.. J 1••111 Oh111 ncl b lhr sport Ph euon Bulldo1:a l o v a d "' r•r,.1110111, ROONEY me11 11nd a Ila• rroup ot 1u!w 1qu d rt1•11a,;er. Neb rfll!lka to pla1 1he Midla nd War· STUDENTS memben &re UPflC'll'd IQ H a rl tho A11 a 11 .i1dd1:d a lln c llon. l ln: fi1llowl rlon In the! tlr•I U:tl P M'Pr 1.0 hul' Come in and See Ua JUDY

1qaad wllb ple 1.111 o r m u -11uw .. r c ry with lht ,;lrlL Mutone Barber Shop GARL .. i\ND c am,,; to11la:t11 a11d w ill 1•r(IYld.., 1111' u v uike d ltt comri • 11d practkt- arch· 1 1~n held hPt •Pen n , .. t •'o w h ool1.

T he te1• ad thl• YH r hu • • ho•n more Allbo u1th lbt-n 1 11 no r .. rular len - --- -

~;1;:.!: ea rl1 p ra t l lc• 1111•11 It b11 =~:.r~lur~~~~=r~1~:1D~•~;~.lt:~111" :,'°; Patroolr.e Spec:t• lor Ad\·erU&er• 'RnJ ~':;;rGrHf'fll Dra.rc1!':: 'UO i• _

'l'be atarHns lln,.· •11 or the Hull· tf'nlll• t ou rnament. both • lnt:l t 11 and '"::'.:'.:'.:'.~=~====~11::=========::::; "LIFE BEGJNS d oe• • H noi ddlal1PIY a ii.noa• ced 1Dlifl:d d oublea. lo tba aur fu ture af· .- .

•••· ............ "''""'''' ,, .... '" '°" "'" '" ......... ... ... Lovett Drug Co. Studer1t8 Welf!ome FOR ANDY HA. RDY" I up bat'"e stYen a lll•f o r Ith• • la rllna; y(Jur llllt t oltttr. wo r ked up. .

e leYe•. llt71aond · •Squeak " Mt-ft.or. Watdi the b e lletla board tor an- 9)7 J(, Hat.o t't teta• Bulldo« cente r . Jl'hll bu ff'• tio• nceruea ll • bo1n tlln-e tportt.

:::'-:~~I ~=:~;~'::'::e::opt:~~ 1111~!~~~ :~d Ad!::~~ :;::=:1 a .•d pl,.ot ma•. J u k Ko ull ••d t kll .. 1.11 to 1he bom.,. footti.U 1t&ou-1 J W iibur R1llln«e r . a le lltrrn u. are , 111 a cl•b pr@Jl!C.l. Tbe cba ns e In expected lo 1ta" llut 1ame •I ca.rd•. oucanl~lloo or thf' club from the aad H•1de• i. • • P"""t..,d 11.1 t t!OOM club pla n lo th~ point 11711tf!m waa ex­.. A.nd1" Collen n d M~rlla ll7e.-.. pla laed by MIN Htaebllng. botb lettermtA lo r lb• t• ck le potl· Tb4!1 cabine t •Ill m eC1t re1eiilarl1 • l UoH . J oolor .-reach, tt0pboruore i : i o 00 Mond•T • Yen higw. J ean

We Welcome You


W e Carry College Seal Stationery

on.. "' ... ,..... w.·u '""' .. ... ,.,,. ........ BARNA'S ~ ... , ,,.."".,. .. ~

1009 S. M• i• .



THE SOUTH SEAS" le n erma o. a nd l.aitrtQC~ lllll are MrSlcol b u 1- n 1ppolntff 1H1blldt1 l~§§§§§§~§§§~§~~~~~~~~~~11 u;«ted to Ul th n<Hi &# .. 1utln151 ni•n•i~r. Ii 1!11.~:· the b•cllrte td ,,1.,un1: 1111e--11p .,_...,.,,_ .. _ _,_...,_,.,_,.,_,._,....,_.._.._,._,.,.,.~ NATIONAL " JUNGLE CAVALCADE*' will probabl1 be J a {"ll Vt1lli'r , IHI


,. .... " ' end l •I• •· lhm l ... . lnl Vogue Beauty Shoppe the fllllbatlt • pot , wlth llklu1rd Clll· Jiule Marlt l/irgU, MotlOQltt

~:~· .. an;~:r o~4ll:~:"':~~•te1;~1:,:1.~~; I ~~~t~ ~=,;.~ : &:~!!: ~:a1~m1~:ll:~ ~:;'~.:1:11~~.:.:~111:~,·~! l••e•11

, ~:u-;,:,.. St..

were t e1n1m• le• Oil 1• 111 1c111.r'• charn-, 11lon lnmao bla h tchonl 11qu• d. 1t1rt'! ,..--- --------. HPt'!tl fld to round 4lllt Out 1>1ckfh1ld .

The ll<t;Utd will a rrlvti In McPhtir~

ion 1omorrow morni11a 111111 •Ill bo. 110. tralnhu· nu t • M k In p re ,u•ra· tlo n fo r tbe contu 1.1nu opto1u•r on t~rldar. Ottobf!r s . • h• n t ht<J ta n• lo wl1h tbe Ottawa Uru•.-11, •hoan lbflf toppled rrnm t he con ferrnce lhno­U&bt In lut 1 ear·a oHnrr, Thti • a n1e •Ill be pla1fld al OttawL

I Women'g AthleliC8 I




LEARN TO BOWL Week, Oct. 6-11

I N s T R u {; T

. )


0 N


Cedar Cheet1 .. Lampe

Dcllk.1 • Chair1

or Throw Ru.gs


MAC :-:... !:: : !:: . Mt.ta. Mt ·S..1t 1:00


....... lynl - C.rel H.,.._ .. "DESPERAlf W60" ....



like • hat wit~ • "going place•" JooU Try tbil WAHD~•LUS'T. h cravelt comlorubly too .. becau1e i& hu th< exd...;vc Rt>it<ol Sd/.Cott/M•i"I kalmc.

Morris & Son &fen'1 •nd Boyt'









' '"ti.. fl rt wittli tt.. ....... , ... Mc . ..


A• bu •• aoted bf tat br llllut dl.,la7 o r PQlllen on lb• b•ll• tl• board ln• l tlns • l r t1 to t am bl•. pla f Met&r, and 10 oo llr l llea. tbe W. A. A. baa ••btrff la t11 llH*'O o f f•ll 1pon • With eatbn•ta•m. All a:lrl• wbo Hile to J*rllclpat• ta a thlHk- at·

ll•ltln for fan. H en 1hou«lt tbl"f lllt.J' oot M a«'OatPH•htd Pl&1en . a ,.. ar1M to ~ftM o • t to al Maar apart•

Come in some afternoon and take advantage of our i1t udent rate. CAlTOOM 6'_!!!!.IJ. CH». s STARTS TVESDAY-

~Ml~~t~.t~ ~~l~r:!~~C:· 10 ~!~ . pro• • . ratbtr tha n lo 1tl•• •lllll9d per•

rormanc:M. With lht l&ri;e nrlety or fl)Orl• oUef'tld. eaeh 1lrl 1hould be 1bJe to l h1od •uer•l • bkb ah" tn• ,.,... I

Olrl• Yh o are lntero.tod t.n plar• 101 toe:ear •ni. 10 lnffl 'l t he 11111 •l

C~!!2!~ ~~~-::..~· ---;::·~~;. ~';t: ~ .. JUDY CANOVA CINCER




B & H BOWLING SH -a......,_..,. hi tt.. W, dty Wj..__

J• l l~~~~~==:::::::::::;r::::::::::::::::=::::=~:::C:".":.=~=y~-=-=~~-·=TOOM~~·=M=IWS==~~D=l=M=M=IS~M=O=l~OA~M=·:J:A:M:U~CU~IG~ 308 N. Main .Phone 1620




Vlmr, • • , llMINN • , • D.<c•


"' C.-...... s.lecHM SliMt M11Mc

c.. •• r.. A..f'ice• l•ltnil- h a.t.tw1a·,._ ...


Office Pho.e an OPmX£TRIRT •

--- M . S'A• Ref. l"b09e •3

SWI• ~

Dr. L. G. Reiff DENTIST

Ottlf!ol PboM TU

R-. """" '• ,,.., 9001' ?(, )fa.I•

Dr. ~D~~le-~i'OrY DR. A. V. ROBB r· l'IV'llVUUll ~I( ""I' ll'ew F..,..... AU ..... Ju. Bl... Kew Groad 81.. Pl>- 1eo

llOW•"-- ....... 17' ' '--------- ---' ~:.e!.~ tl1• m.tnv lo t tJle. a t a low II'"----------' ,-----------,•·~-·---------., -

"'~:Ii" Deluxe Cleaner8

RONALD 011!- A11nt

lU t. Marlla

, Dr. A. W. Cru·e• OP"r'OtmTRllT

a..1ec1 Ot-er m..1•Uadtoa1

Dr. Galen' R. Dean -Deatiot­

Otrke"'-U ......... 10'4

Onr LoftU ~ St-. • 11SN . .._~,._llO •

Dr. E. L. Hodce DENTIST --..:... -----... -- --


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