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 Disclaimer:The Vertex 90-Day Fat Loss Program Templates is published by Vertex Performance Systems. ALLRIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

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or via email at [email protected] text, layout and designs presented in this manual, as well as the manual in its entirety, are protected

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Check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program to avoid/reduce the risk of injury.

Perform these exercises at your own risk. Vertex Performance Systems will not be responsible or liable forany injury sustained as a result of using any fitness program presented in this document.

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 Vertex Performance Systems Fat Loss Program Templates 

In these templates you will get an inside look at the programming that I have adapted over the yearsworking with hundreds of clients, getting a behind the scenes look at the best programming in the

industry and in my years of experimenting with fat loss training.

One big thing that is missing from most fat loss programs is the focus on strength. We are coming outof a period where boot camps and metabolic training were king when it came to fitness and fat lossprograms being offered to clients.

While this was a great trend for the industry to get more people involved it did, in my opinion, force us to

swing too far in to the metabolic training craze and forget about the need for strength development. I am

 just as guilty as the next person!

More muscle mass = a higher metabolic demand on the body

 Using more muscle mass to do work in your training = a higher metabolic demand in your training

Often times the best thing you can do for a client is get them focused on strength and hypertrophy work

during an intense fat loss phase. While they may not gain much in terms of muscle mass, this focus will

force their body to keep as much of it as possible. In this 90-day program you will see a primary focus on

strength training elements, developing strength in foundational movements and in tempo training.

Hold on!

Tempo? – Don’t sweat the small stuff!

Before you throw out these templates because you think tempo training is a joke, I used to hate it as wellI want to encourage you to read on. In my tempo training you will simple control the eccentric portion o

the movement for a moderate 2-3 count. This ensures the client is focused on the movement, engages

the muscles needed to perform the movement and will help with utilizing more of the glycogen that is

stored in the muscles.

I am not asking you to do marathon eccentrics, negatives or anything else. Simply control the eccentric

portion of most of the movements (overhead pressing, rows, pull ups and deadlifts are excluded) and be

smart about it. I know that you aren’t going to literally set a timer for each client using this program!

Your clients will likely notice a bit more of a ‘burn’ when they focus on the controlled (estimated 2second) eccentrics programmed in for most of the movements in this program. That is a good thing and

will help them reach temporary muscular failure before technical failure in most of the lifts.

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Training To Failure????

A quick note on the program, our goal is never to actually reach true failure for any of the lifts. You wantto save a rep or two in the tank with your clients. If you do hit technical failure on any movement at any

time with a client the set MUST STOP. You can lighten the load and attempt the next set after a slightly

extended rest period.

Training Volume

The sets and reps listed are meant to be working sets. There are some movements that might require yo

to have your client warm up prior to counting the sets as working sets. Using the first few weeks to feel

out what a working set is in each phase will help you maximize efforts in the final weeks of the program.You will notice that in many of the phases the working sets increase through the weeks. This is a planned

increase in overall volume to keep your client progressing. It may also leads to shorter workouts in the

first few weeks but it is assumed you will spend more time finding the weights for the working sets and

teaching new movements.

Rest Periods

Rest periods are prescribed but may need to be adjusted according to each client’s individual needs. I

favor shorter rest periods and would rather see a client perform more sets in a shorter period of time witha lighter load than have them rest for extended periods and lift heavier. Many female clients will be able

to cut rest periods down for most of the movements by up to 50%, however men will want to milk their

rest periods most of the time. I suggest using a timer or stopwatch to closely monitor rest periods andadjust as needed.

You can always progress the phases by reducing rest and keeping the weight used on each movement th

same. If you choose to use this method a reduction of 5-10s a week is recommended.

Movement Order

The first column in the program is labeled as ‘Order’ and this indicates the order and pairings in which to

perform the movements. I have chosen to use the A1, A2, B1, B2., type format for this program. To followthis program as written you will have the client perform the ‘A movements as a superset or circuit making

sure to have them rest between the movements as prescribed.

For example in Phase 1 Workout A you have the following two movements listed as a super set:

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Order Exercise Tempo Rest Week 1

A1 Hinge 00X 30s  2x8


A2 Push 20X 60s  2x8


In this format you would perform 8 repetitions of the hinge movement you selected for the client, rest30 seconds, perform 8 repetitions of the push movement you selected, rest 60s and then repeat thatsuperset one more time as prescribed.

If there are 3 or more movements listed in order, for example B1, B2, B3, these are to be done as a tri-set

or circuit. Use the same format as the supersets but add in the additional movements.

The sets and reps are always prescribed in ‘Sets’ x ‘Reps’ fashion. On the final phase you will see 5 -3-2 a

a prescription and that indicates the client is to perform 3 total sets- one of 5 reps, one of 3 reps, and one

of 2 reps.

3-Day or 2-Day Programming?

These are set up to be three day per week training programs. If you have a client that trains more

frequently you can repeat the three days or add an additional conditioning day. If a client trains two days

per week you can adjust by dropping the last day of the program or cycling through the three days on atwo day rotation so that it would take 3 weeks to get through two cycles of a workout. If you choose the

latter you can repeat the ‘A’ and ‘B’ Workouts three times each and ‘C’ workout only two before moving to

the next phase.

For example:

Week 1 Day 1 Workout A

Week 1 Day 2 Workout B

Week 2 Day 1 Workout C

Week 2 Day 2 Workout A

Week 3 Day 1 Workout B

Week 3 Day 3 Workout CWeek 4 Day 1 Workout A

Week 4 Day 1 Workout B

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What About Recovery?

The first week in any phase of training should be used as an acclimation week and a deload from th

previous week. It is easy to come out guns a blazin’ trying to crush the workouts from day one and

pay for it when you can’t recover later in the program. Be smart and progress clients through slowly

Choosing Your Movements

When selecting the movements that you want to use for your clients take into careful consideration

the volume prescribed for the movement in the program and the skill and ability level of the client.

For example I wouldn’t select a Barbell Deadlift for a hinge movement that was in the 12 to 15 rep

range due to the risk involved. There are much better exercises to choose from that will produce

the same effect but in a much safer manner, for instance the BB Hip Thrust or the KB RDL.

Feel free to substitute unilateral movements for the squat or hinge as needed for clients due to

mobility limitations. This is left to your discretion but if there are no concerns with mobility issues I

suggest leaving the program unaltered.

Exercise Selections

Squat Patterns

Sandbag Bear Hug SquatGoblet Squat

KB or DB Front Racked SquatSandbag Front Racked Squat

Barbell Front Squat

Barbell Back Squat

Barbell Box Squat

Barbell Overhead SquatSafety Squat

Trap Bar Deadlift (this is a hybrid hinge/squat)

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Hinge Patterns

Cable Pull ThroughSingle KB RDL

KB Deadlift

Double KB/DB RDL

Barbell RDL

Barbell Hip Thrusts (can also use sandbags as weight instead of BB)BB Shoulders Elevated Hip Thrusts (can also use sandbags as weight instead of BB)

Glute Ham Raises

Barbell Deadlift

Barbell Snatch Grip Deadlift

Sumo DeadliftRack Deadlifts (can use rubber mats or blocks to elevate instead of a rack)

Trap Bar Deadlift (this is a hybrid hinge/squat)

Unilateral Lower Body Patterns*

Split SquatSingle Leg Hip Thrusts

Single Leg Shoulders Elevated Hip Thrusts

Reverse Lunges

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Forward or Walking LungesSingle Leg RDL

Lateral Squat

Lateral Lunge

Skater SquatStep UpsSingle Leg Squat (to a box or off a box)

Sled Pushing/Pulling/Dragging Variations

*when using these replace reps with timeo 5 reps = 20so 8 reps = 40so 12 reps + = 60s

*Loading options include contralateral, ipsilateral (same side), front loaded, DB, KB, BB,Sandbag, etc. vary these as needed based on the client.

Pushing Pattern*

DB/BB/KB/SB Military Press

DB/BB/KB/SB Push Press

DB/BB Bench Press

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DB/BB Low Incline Press

DB/BB 45 Deg Incline PressPush Ups (any variations)

Suspended Push Ups

Feet Elevated Push Ups

Landmine Press

Cable Chest Press

*Use a single arm or alternating pressing variations as needed. Also vary grip as needed.

Bands can be used in place of cables

Pulling Patterns*

BB or Suspended Inverted Row**

Pull Up or Chin Up***

Three Point DB Row

Two Point DB Row

Barbell Bent Over RowChest Supported DB Row

Landmine Row

Cable Lat Pulldown

Cable Row

*For most of these pulling patterns you can adjust the grips used to add variety. Use

 prone, neutral or supine grips as needed. Bands can be used in place of cables

** The angle and grips can be adjusted as needed

*** Vary your grips and the equipment. Rings are a great option for advanced clients.

Core (Timed)*


Side Planks

Anti Rotation Iso Holds


Hollow BodyL-Sits

Plank Walk UpsT-Rotations

*Vary the difficult by adding or removing points of support or the base and also changing


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Core (Rep based)

Knee Tucks (TRX or Stability Ball)Body Saws (TRX or Sliders)

Stir The Pot

Rollout (wheel or ball)

Fallout (TRX)

Core Rows/Renegade RowsHanging Leg Raises

½ Kneeling Chops

½ Kneeling Lifts

Anti Rotation Press

DeadbugsReverse Crunches


Farmers Carry

Suitcase Farmers CarryBear Hug Carry

Waiters Walk

Racked Carry

Off Set Farmers Carry (different weights in each hand)

Off Set Racked/Farmers Carry (one side in racked position the other at side)Off Set Waiters/Farmers Carry (one side overhead, one at the side)


KB Swing x 20Plank x 30s

Complete 3-5 rounds, rest only as needed

KB Swing/Push Up Ladder

Complete 10 swings, 10 push ups, 10 swings, 9 push ups, 10 swings, 8 push ups, etc until you finish with 1

push up.

KB Clean x 10

Push Up x 5Complete 2-5 rounds with as little rest as possible. Can be done by performing 5+5 single arm KB cleans or

10 total double kettlebell cleans.

Sled Push

Push, pull or drag a sled for 30s, rest for 60s and repeat for 10 total minutes

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Battle Ropes

Perform a 20s all out effort, rest for 40s and repeat for 5-10 minutes

KB Goblet Squat x 5 Reps

Bear Crawl 20s

Repeat 3-5 rounds with as little rest as possible

10min Burpee ChallengePerform 10 burpees every minute for 10 straight minutes. Set a timer to repeat on 60s intervals and at the to

of every minute perform 10 burpees. Rest the remainder of the minute and repeat.

250 Swings Challenge

Perform 250 swings as quickly as possible using any set and rep scheme. Try to keep the sets at 10-25 reps s

that the quality of each swing is high. Females use a 12-16kg KB and males use a 24-32kg KB.

Sled MedleyPush or Pull a Sled for a set distance

Bear Crawl back the start

Perform a Carry back to the sled

Complete 3-5 rounds and rest as needed between rounds

*You can insert any of these or other basic finishers for each workout. Simple interval

training on a bike or bodyweight circuits are fine as well. The key is an intense 5-10

minute metabolic spurt at the end of a workout.

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Workout A

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Hinge 30s 2x8 3x8 3x8 4x8

A2 Push 60s 2x8 2x8 3x8 3x8

B1 Unilateral Lower 30s 2x8ea 2x8ea 3x8ea 3x8ea

B2 Pull 30s 2x8 3x8 3x8 4x8

B3 Core 30s 2x30s 3x30s 3x30s 3x30s

C1 Finisher -

Workout B

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Squat 30s 2x8 3x8 3x8 4x8

A2 Core 60s 2x30s 3x30s 3x30s 3x30s

B1 Pull 30s 2x8 3x8 3x8 4x8

B2 Push 30s 2x8 2x8 3x8 3x8

B3 Core 30s 2x8 2x8 3x8 3x8

C1 Finisher -

Workout C

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Push 45s 2x8 3x8 3x8 4x8

A2 Pull 45s 2x8 3x8 3x8 4x8

B1 Unilateral Lower 30s 2x8 3x8 3x8 3x8

B2 Pull 30s 2x8 2x8 3x8 3x8

B3 Carry 30s 2x30s 3x30s 3x30s 4x30s

C1 Finisher -

Fat Loss Template Phase 1

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Workout A

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Squat 30s 3x5 3x5 4x5 4x5

A2 Pull 60s 3x5 3x5 4x5 4x5

B1 Hinge 30s 2x12 2x12 2x12 2x12

B2 Push 30s 2x12 2x12 2x12 2x12

B3 Carry 30s 2x45s 2x45s 2x45s 2x45s

C1 Finisher -

Workout B

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Pull 30s 3x5 3x5 4x5 5x5

A2 Push 30s 3x5 3x5 4x5 4x5

B1 Unilateral 30s 2x12ea 2x12ea 2x12ea 2x12ea

B2 Core 30s 2x12 2x12 2x12 2x12

C1 Finisher -

Workout C

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Hinge 30s 3x5 3x5 4x5 5x5

A2 Pull 60s 2x6 2x6 3x6 4x6

B1 Squat 30s 2x12 2x12 2x12 2x12

B2 Carry 30s 2x45s 2x45s 3x45s 3x45s

C1 Finisher -

Fat Loss Template Phase 2

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Workout C

Order Exercise Rest Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

A1 Squat 30s 2x15-20 2x15-20 2x15-20 2x15-20

A2 Pull 30s 2x10-12 2x10-12 2x10-12 2x10-12

A3 Core 30s 2x45-60s 2x45-60s 2x45-60s 2x45-60s

B1 Hinge 30s 2x15-20 2x15-20 2x15-20 2x15-20

B2 Push 30s 2x10-12 2x10-12 2x10-12 2x10-12

B3 Carry 30s 2x30-45s 2x30-45s 2x30-45s 2x30-45s

C1 Finisher -

Fat Loss Template Phase 3 (Cont.)

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