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VS005 - Cordova vs NativeScript

Fabio Franzini – Microsoft MVP


• Apache Cordova

• Telerik NativeScript

• Cordova VS NativeScript

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Apache Cordova is a platform for building natively installed mobile applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Apache Cordova

• Apache Cordova was originally called Phonegap build by Nitobi

• Open-source & free software from the beginning (MIT License), Apache License now

• Nitobi then aquired by Adobe and donated the PhoneGap codebase to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)

• PhoneGap is still a product of Adobe. It is a distribution of Apache Cordova.Think of Apache Cordova as the engine that powers PhoneGap.


Cordova Architecture

• The user interface for Apache Cordova applications is created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

• The UI layer is a web browser view that takes up 100% of the device width and 100% of the device height.

• The web view used by application is the same web view used by the native operating system iOS: Objective-C UIWebView class

Android: android.webkit.WebView

WP7: WebBrowser

WP8: WebBrowser control (Internet Explorer 10)

BlackBerry: WebWorks framework

Apache Cordova Application’s User Interface

Supported Platforms and API

• Accelerometer

• Camera

• Capture

• Compass

• Contacts

• File

• GeoLocation

• Media

• Network

• Notification

• Storage

Updated list:


• Tools for development

Any HTML & JS editor

Platform SDK e.g. Android SDT, Android SDK, BB SDK, Xcode, Visual Studio.

Platform Emulator (usually provide along with SDK)

JS/HTML GUI Mobile framework e.g. JQuery, Sencha Touch, dojo Mobile, Ionic

Browser e.g. Firefox with Bugzilla extension, Chrome Browser

Development using Cordova

<!DOCTYPE html><html>

<head><title>Device Properties Example</title><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova-2.0.0.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">// Wait for Cordova to loaddocument.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

// Cordova is readyfunction onDeviceReady() {

navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);}

// onSuccess Geolocationfunction onSuccess(position) {

var element = document.getElementById('geolocation');element.innerHTML = 'Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude + '<br />' +

'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude + '<br />' +'Altitude: ' + position.coords.altitude + '<br />' +'Accuracy: ' + position.coords.accuracy + '<br />' +'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + '<br />' +


// onError Callback receives a PositionError objectfunction onError(error) {

alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' + message: ' + error.message + '\n');}</script>


<p id="geolocation">Finding geolocation...</p></body>


Code Example

DEMOApache Cordova

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Telerik NativeScript

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A runtime for building and running native iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps

with a single, JavaScript code base

What is NativeScript?



• Its Open Source Free of Charge and available to anyone on GitHub (https://github.com/NativeScript/)

• Its Easy Code with JavaScript, Style with CSS

Create True Native Experience

• Its Powerful X-Platform UI Abstractions

Shared Busines Logic & Data Models

Third Party Native Libraries

Why NativeScript ?

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Access to Native Platform API

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100% Shared Code

How does it Work ?

NativeScript Android example


NativeScript iOS example

• NativeScript runs JavaScript on a JavaScript VM JavaScriptCore on iOS

V8 on Android

JavaScriptCore on Windows

NativeScript and JS VMs

• NativeScript uses reflection to build a list of available APIs for each platform.

• For optimal performance, this metadata is pre-generated, and injected into the app package at build time.

• V8/JavaScriptCore have C++ callbacks for JS function calls and property accesses.

• The NativeScript runtime uses those callbacks to translate JS calls into native calls.

• On iOS, you can directly call Objective-C APIs from C++ code.

• On Android, NativeScript uses Android’s JNI (Java Native Interface)

Invoking native APIs

• NativeScript-provided modules that provide cross-platform functionality.

• There are dozens of them and they’re easy to write yourself.

• TNS modules follow Node module’s conventions (CommonJS).

Cross Platform Modules: TNS modules

TNS file module

HTTP module example

Two ways to use NativeScript

• Backend-as-a-service Push notifications, cloud data, file storage, and more

• Analytics

• AppBuilder Cloud builds (build iOS apps on Windows, Windows Phone apps on a Mac)

NativeScript debugging and tooling

• Automated app testing

• Integrated in Visual Studio

• And more!

• http://telerik.com/platform

Telerik Platform

• Free and open source

• https://github.com/nativescript/nativescript-cli

• Android require JDK, Apache Ant, Android SDK

• iOS require Xcode, Xcode CLI tools, iOS SDK

ios-sim npm package

• https://github.com/nativescript/nativescript-cli#system-requirements

NativeScript CLI

Starting a new project and Running

Project Structure


• XML markup structure

• CSS for style

• Elements (e.g. <Page>, <Label>) are TNS modules


Data binding

DEMOTelerik NativeScript

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Apache Cordova Telerik NativeScript

UI HTML + CSS Native Components

Native API Custom PlugIn Native mapping in JavaScript

Supported Platforms • Android

• iOs

• Winddows

• + 6 other platforms

• Android

• iOS

• Windows

(coming soon)

Cordova VS NativeScript

Q & A

Domande e Risposte

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Contatti OverNetEducation

OverNet [email protected]


Tel. 02 365738




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