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3/25/2013 6:39:34 glade

a glade or clearing is anopen area within awoodland. Glades are oftengrassy meadows under thecanopy of deciduous treessuch as red alder or quakingaspen in western North

 America. They alsorepresent openings inforests where localconditions such asavalanches, poor soils, or fire damage have createdsemi-permanent clearings.They are very important toherbivorous animals, suchas deer and elk, for forageand denning activities

3/25/2013 6:50:33 Larceny

Larceny is a crime involvingthe wrongful acquisition of the personal property of another person

One of the definingcharacteristics of larceny isthat it is nonviolent. If someone breaks into a car and steals it, this is larceny.If someone happens to be inthe car at the time, itbecomes a carjacking. Theabsence of violence makeslarceny less heavilypunished than crimes likerobbery, which involveactive violence against

people or property.

3/25/2013 6:51:29 consented

to give assent or permissionto permit, approve, or comply; agree, as to anexpressed wish or aproposed action

3/25/2013 6:55:51 hypocrisy

Hypocrisy is the state of promoting or trying toenforce standards, attitudes,lifestyles, virtues, beliefs,principles, etc., that onedoes not actually hold.a person who pretends to

be what he is not(N)

3/25/2013 6:58:55 ballestics

The study of the dynamicsof projectiles.b. The study of the flightcharacteristics of projectiles.2.a. The study of thefunctioning of firearms.b. The study of the firing,flight, and effects of ammunition.

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3/25/2013 7:02:39 stippling

. To draw, engrave, or paintin dots or short strokes.2. To apply (paint, for example) in dots or shortstrokemake by small short touchesthat together produce aneven or softly gradedshadow, as in paint or ink

3/25/2013 7:08:30 titan

One of a family of giants,the children of Uranus andGaea, who sought to ruleheaven and wereoverthrown and supplantedby the family of Zeus.2. titan One of prodigioussize, strength, or achievement.a person of great strength or size

3/25/2013 7:09:38 misnomer 

 An error in naming a personor place.

2.a. Application of a wrongname.b. A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to aperson or an object.an incorrect or unsuitablename or term for a personor thing2. the act of referring to aperson by the wrong name

3/25/2013 7:21:05 snapping

Break or cause to breaksuddenly and completely,

typically with a sharpcracking sound.Emit a sudden, sharpcracking sound..chutki bajana

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3/25/2013 7:24:30 deserted

 Abandon (a person, cause,or organization) in a wayconsidered disloyal or treacherous.(of a number of people)Leave (a place), causing itto appear empty.

 A barren or desolate area,especially:a. A dry, often sandy regionof little rainfall, extremetemperatures, and sparsevegetation.b. A region of permanentcold that is largely or entirelydevoid of life.c. An apparently lifelessarea of water.2. An empty or forsakenplace; a wasteland: acultural desert.3. Archaic A wild,

uncultivated, anduninhabited region.

3/25/2013 7:27:10 gig

 A light two-wheeled carriagepulled by one horse.

 A live performance by or engagement for a musicianor group playing popular music.

 A harpoonlike device usedfor catching fish or frogs.VerbTravel in a gig.Perform a gig or gigs.

Catch fish or frogs usingsuch a device.

3/25/2013 7:29:24 cakewalk

very easySomething easilyaccomplished: Winning therace was a cakewalk for her.2. A 19th-century publicentertainment among

 African Americans in whichwalkers performing the mostaccomplished or amusingsteps won cakes as prizes.3.

a. A strutting dance, oftenperformed in minstrelshows.b. The music for this dance.

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3/25/2013 7:34:28 felicity

Intense happiness.The ability to findappropriate expression for one's thoughts.Synonymshappiness - bliss - luck -blessedness - fortune - joypleasing and appropriatemanner or style (especiallymanner or style of expression)state of well-beingcharacterized by emotionsranging from contentment tointense joy.

 उत् तम प् रकार से

3/25/2013 7:35:26 babble

Talk rapidly andcontinuously in a foolish,excited, or incomprehensible way: "hewould babble on inSpanish".

3/25/2013 7:36:57 latte form of italian coffie

3/25/2013 7:38:01 salvage

The rescue of a ship, itscrew, or its cargo from fireor shipwreck.b. The ship, crew, or cargoso rescued.c. Compensation given tothose who voluntarily aid insuch a rescue.2.a. The act of savingimperiled property from loss.b. The property so saved.

3. Something saved fromdestruction or waste and putto further use.tr.v. sal·vaged, sal·vag·ing,sal·vag·es1. To save from loss or destruction.2. To save (discarded or damaged material) for further use.

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3/25/2013 7:40:25 stray

To move away from agroup, deviate from thecorrect course, or gobeyond established limits.b. To become lost.2. To wander about withouta destination or purpose;roam. See Synonyms atwander.3. To follow a windingcourse; meander.4. To deviate from a moral,proper, or right course; err.5. To become diverted froma subject or train of thought;d. to wander away, as fromthe correct path or from agiven area

3/25/2013 7:43:13 filthy

 AdjectiveDisgustingly dirty.


To an extreme and oftendisgusting extent: "he isfilthy rich".Synonymsfoul - nasty - sordid -unclean - smutty - squalid

3/25/2013 8:01:50 vigilante

 A member of a self-appointed group of citizenswho undertake lawenforcement in their community without legalauthority.a person who tries in an

unofficial way to preventcrime, or to catch andpunish someone who hascommitted a crime,especially because they donot think that officialorganizations, such as thepolice, are controlling crimeeffectively. Vigilantesusually join together to formgroups.

3/25/2013 8:08:47

to take someone

"to the woodshed"

These days it's used in aliteral way of saying

someone is being punished.

3/25/2013 8:13:17 leash

 A strap or cord for restraining and guiding adog or other domesticanimal

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3/25/2013 8:17:05 alibi

 A claim or piece of evidencethat one was elsewherewhen an act, typically acriminal one, is alleged tohave taken place.

 An alibi is a form of defenseused in criminal procedurewherein the accusedattempts to prove that he or she was in some other placeat the time the allegedoffense was committed.Law. the defense by anaccused person of havingbeen elsewhere when anoffense was committed.2. an excuse, esp. to avoidblame.3. a person used as one'sexcuse.v.i.4. to give an excuse; offer a


3/25/2013 8:20:44 gazillion

Number  A very large number or quantity (used humorouslyor for emphasis): "I'd like tosell gazillions of books".

3/25/2013 8:23:04 mugged

to assault or menace, usu.with intent to rob.to be robbed of your personal belongings by astranger when you arewalking down the road."Man, I was walking back

from my mates house lastnight and this guy took mywallet and my cell phone. Ican't believe I got mugged." verb - to be drunk. 

 A Scottish slang word for being intoxicated.'Alison had 8 jager-bombslast night, needless to say,she was mugged by

3/25/2013 8:28:56 embezzled

To take (money, for 

example) for one's own usein violation of a trust.to appropriate (as propertyentrusted to one's care)fraudulently to one's ownuse <embezzled thousandsof dollars>

3/25/2013 8:31:54 dime A ten-cent coin. A small amount of money.

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3/25/2013 8:34:43 atone

To make amends, as for asin or fault: These crimesmust be atoned for.2. Archaic To agree.v.tr.1. To expiate.to make amends or reparation (for a crime, sin,etc.)make amends for; "expiateone's sins"

3/25/2013 8:45:10 grinning

Smile broadly, esp. in anunrestrained manner andwith the mouth open.Grimace or appear togrimace grotesquely in away that reveals the teeth.To smile broadly, oftenbaring the teeth, as inamusement, glee,embarrassment, or other strong emotion.

v.tr.To express with a grin: I

3/25/2013 8:48:50 habeas corpus

: a writ for bringing anaccused from a differentcounty into a court in theplace where a crime hadbeen committed for purposes of trial, or moreliterally to return holding thebody for purposes of “deliberation and receipt” of a decision.

3/25/2013 8:51:18 hyphenate

To divide or connect

(syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen.

3/25/2013 9:11:02 ski mask

 A balaclava (pron.:/ˌbæləˈklɑːvə/), also knownas a balaclava helmet or skimask, is a form of clothheadgear that covers thewhole head, exposing onlypart of the face. Often, onlythe eyes, or eyes andmouth, are left exposed.The name "balaclava"comes from the town of 

Balaklava, near Sevastopolin Crimea, Ukraine.[1]

3/25/2013 9:17:36 scraped off remove the upper part

3/25/2013 9:19:03 barge

To move about clumsily.2. To intrude or interrupt,especially rudely: bargedinto the meeting.

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3/25/2013 9:20:50 aggravated

To make worse or moretroublesome.2. To rouse to exasperationor anger; provoke.aw. characterized by somefeature that makes the crimemore serious: aggravated a

3/25/2013 9:25:43 trespassing

To commit an offense or asin; transgress or err.2. Law To commit anunlawful injury to theperson, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence,especially to enter ontoanother's land wrongfully.3. To infringe on the privacy,time, or attention of another:

3/25/2013 9:30:22 menace

1.a. A possible danger; athreat: the menace of nuclear war.

b. The act of threatening.2. A troublesome or annoying person: a toddler who was a menace in ashop full of crystal.v. men·aced, men·ac·ing,men·ac·esv.tr.1. To utter threats against.2. To constitute a threat to;endanger.v.intr.To make threats.

3/25/2013 9:33:07 yachts

 A yacht /ˈjɒt/ is arecreational boat or ship.The term originated from theDutch Jacht meaning "hunt".[note 1] It was originallydefined as a light fast sailingvessel used by the Dutchnavy to pursue pirates andother transgressors aroundand into the shallow watersof the Low Countries

3/25/2013 9:36:00 ludicrous

So foolish, unreasonable, or out of place as to be

amusing.Synonymsridiculous - laughable -absurd - funny - comical

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3/25/2013 9:40:57 precinct

 A precinct is a spaceenclosed by the walls or other boundaries of aparticular place or building,or by an arbitrary andimaginary line drawn aroundit. The term has severaldifferent uses. It can, for example, refer to a divisionof a police department in alarge city (either to the areapatrolled or to the policestation itself).

3/25/2013 9:42:18 subdue

Overcome or bring under control (a feeling or person).Bring (a country or people)under control by force.Synonymssubjugate - subject -suppress - conquer -repress

3/25/2013 9:45:07 wrecks

. To cause the destruction of 

in or as if in a collision.2. To dismantle or raze; tear down.3. To cause to undergo ruinor disaster. See Synonymsat blast, ruin. See UsageNote at wreak.v.intr.1. To suffer destruction or ruin; become wrecked.

3/25/2013 9:51:56 seclusion

1. an act of secluding.2. the state of beingsecluded; solitude.

3. a secluded place.

3/25/2013 23:29:53 accustomed

Frequently practiced, used,or experienced; customary:answered with hisaccustomed modesty. SeeSynonyms at usual.2. Being in the habit of: I amaccustomed to sleeping late.3. Having been adapted tothe existing environmentand conditions: eyes notaccustomed to desert sun.

3/26/2013 16:37:19 brunch

Brunch is a meal eaten

between breakfast andlunch, and is a substitute for both these meals.

3/26/2013 16:46:10 scoin

 A young shoot or twig of aplant, esp. one cut for grafting or rooting.

 A descendant of a notablefamily.Synonymsshoot - offspring - offshoot -descendant - sprout

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3/26/2013 16:47:50 consolidated

VerbMake (something) physicallystronger or more solid.Reinforce or strengthen(one's position or power).

3/26/2013 16:56:57 prodigal

 AdjectiveSpending money or resources freely andrecklessly; wastefullyextravagant.Noun

 A person who spendsmoney in a recklesslyextravagant way.Synonymsadjective. lavish - profuse -extravagant - wasteful -spendthriftnoun. spendthrift - waster -wastrel - spender -squanderer 

3/26/2013 16:57:35 subtle

(esp. of a change or 

distinction) So delicate or precise as to be difficult toanalyze or describe.(of a mixture or effect)Delicately complex andunderstated.Synonymssubtile - fine - delicate - nice- sharp

3/26/2013 17:01:50 abrupt

Sudden and unexpected.Brief to the point of rudeness; curt.Synonyms

sudden - steep -unexpected - sharp -brusque - bluff 

3/26/2013 17:45:01 pavement

 Any paved area or surface.The hard surface of a roador street.Synonymssidewalk - paving

3/26/2013 17:52:51 blunt

(of a knife, pencil, etc.)Having a worn-down edgeor point; not sharp.VerbMake or become less sharp:

"wood can blunt your ax";"the edge may blunt veryrapidly".Synonymsadjective. dull - obtuseverb. dull

3/26/2013 17:53:43 recuperating

Recover from illness or exertion.Recover or regain(something lost or taken):"they will recuperate thereturns that go withinvestment".

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3/26/2013 17:57:47 prunning

Trim (a tree, shrub, or bush)by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, esp. to increasefruitfulness and growth.Cut away (a branch or stem)in this way.

3/26/2013 18:04:06 glitchy

 A minor malfunction,mishap, or technicalproblem; a snag: acomputer glitch; anavigational glitch; a glitchin the negotiations.2. A false or spuriouselectronic signal caused bya brief, unwanted surge of electric power.3. Astronomy A suddenchange in the period of rotation of a neutron star.

3/26/2013 18:04:49 confiscated

Take or seize (someone'sproperty) with authority.

Take (a possession, esp.land) as a penalty and giveit to the public treasury.

3/26/2013 18:06:21 crucible

 A ceramic or metalcontainer in which metals or other substances may bemelted or subjected to veryhigh temperatures.

 A place or occasion of severe test or trial: "thecrucible of combat".Synonymsmelting pot

3/26/2013 18:09:06 conviction

 A formal declaration thatsomeone is guilty of acriminal offense, made bythe verdict of a jury or thedecision of a judge in acourt...

 A firmly held belief or opinion.Synonymsbelief - persuasion -condemnation - opinion -confidence

3/26/2013 18:33:18 fury

Wild or violent anger.

 A surge of violent anger or other feeling.Synonymsrage - wrath - anger - frenzy- madness - ire - violence

3/26/2013 18:37:14 merger 

 A combination of two things,esp. companies, into one.Synonymsfusion - amalgamation -consolidation - union

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3/26/2013 18:42:01 crusade

  A medieval militaryexpedition, one of a seriesmade by Europeans torecover the Holy Land fromthe Muslims in the 11th,12th, and 13th...VerbLead or take part in acampaign concerning asocial, political, or religiousissue

3/26/2013 18:46:02 crinkle

VerbForm small creases or wrinkles in the surface of something, esp. the skin of the face as the result of afacial expression.Noun

 A wrinkle or crease found onthe surface of something:"there was a crinkle of 

suspicion on her forehead".Synonymsverb. wrinkle - crumple -corrugate - crease - pucker -rufflenoun. crease - wrinkle -pucker - fold - ruck

3/26/2013 18:50:19 tempest

 A violent windy storm.Synonymsstorm - gale - hurricane -squall - thunderstorm

3/26/2013 18:50:48 hinky

(of a person) Dishonest or suspect: "he knew the guy

was hinky".(of an object) Unreliable:"my brakes are a littlehinky".

3/26/2013 18:51:24 prying

Inquire too inquisitively intoa person's private affairs:"I'm sick of you prying intomy personal life".Use force in order to moveor open (something) or toseparate (something) fromsomething else: "he priedopen the window".

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3/26/2013 18:56:38 impromptu

Done without beingplanned, organized, or rehearsed: "an impromptupress conference".Noun

 A short piece of instrumentalmusic, esp. a solo, that isreminiscent of animprovisation.Synonymsadjective. extemporaneous- improvised - extemporary -extemporenoun. improvisation -extemporization

3/26/2013 19:08:31 bug

Noun A small insect.VerbConceal a miniaturemicrophone in (a room,telephone, etc.) in order tomonitor or record

someone's conversations.Synonymsbedbug - beetle - insect -chinch

3/27/2013 3:37:09 juvenile

 AdjectiveOf, for, or relating to youngpeople.Noun

 A young person.Synonymsadjective. youthful - young -adolescentnoun. stripling - youngster -

adolescent - youth - lad

3/27/2013 3:38:23 generously

Liberal in giving or sharing.See Synonyms at liberal.2. Characterized by nobilityand forbearance in thoughtor behavior; magnanimous.3. Marked by abundance;ample: a generous slice of cake.4. Having a rich bouquetand flavor: a generous wine.5. Obsolete Of noblelineage.

3/27/2013 3:45:06 priors

 A previous criminalconviction: "he had nopriors".

 A man who is head of ahouse or group of houses of certain religious orders, inparticular.

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3/27/2013 3:45:23 discretion

the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way asto avoid socialembarrassment or distress2. freedom or authority tomake judgments and to actas one sees fit (esp in thephrases at one's owndiscretion, at the discretionof)age or years of discretionthe age at which a person isconsidered to be able tomanage his own affairs

3/27/2013 3:50:45 divulge

Make known (private or sensitive information).Synonymsdisclose - reveal - publish -betray - expose

3/27/2013 3:54:26 snuggler 

Web definitions A sleeved blanket is a body-length blanket with sleeves

usually made of fleecematerial. It is similar indesign to a bathrobe thatis...

3/27/2013 19:31:57 irreparable

 Adjective(of an injury or loss)Impossible to rectify or repair.Synonymsirrecoverable - irretrievable -irremediable

3/27/2013 19:32:30 botched

Carry out (a task) badly or carelessly: "a botched

attempt to kill them".Patch or repair (an object or damage) clumsily.

3/27/2013 19:33:03 famished

 AdjectiveExtremely hungry.Synonymshungry - ravenous - starved- starveling - sharp-set

3/27/2013 19:33:46 arsonist

a criminal who illegally setsfire to property.

3/27/2013 19:34:18 lunatic

Noun A mentally ill person (not intechnical use).

 AdjectiveMentally ill (not in technicaluse).Synonymsnoun. madman - maniac -bedlamiteadjective. mad - crazy -insane - demented - loony -moonstruck

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3/27/2013 19:34:45 bait

NounFood used to entice fish or other animals as prey.VerbDeliberately annoy or taunt(someone): "the boysreveled in baiting him abouthis love of literature".Synonymsnoun. lure - decoy -enticementverb. entice - lure - allure

3/27/2013 19:35:17 eavesdropping

VerbSecretly listen to aconversation: "she openedthe window enough toeavesdrop on theconversation

3/27/2013 19:35:43 deception

NounThe action of deceivingsomeone.

 A thing that deceives.

Synonymsdeceit - fraud - delusion -cheat - trick - trickery

3/27/2013 19:36:24 intimidation

bullying: the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them dosomething.

3/27/2013 19:37:56 astonish

VerbSurprise or impress(someone) greatly.Synonymsastound - amaze - surprise -flabbergast - stupefy

3/27/2013 19:38:24 attorney

Noun A person appointed to actfor another in business or legal matters.

 A lawyer.Synonymslawyer - solicitor - barrister -advocate - counsel

3/27/2013 19:38:47 culinary


 AdjectiveOf or for cooking: "culinaryskills"

3/27/2013 19:39:21 infatuation

a foolish and usuallyextravagant passion or loveor admiration

3/27/2013 19:39:42 taser 

Noun A weapon firing barbsattached by wires tobatteries, causing temporaryparalysis.VerbFire a taser at (someone) inorder to incapacitate themtemporarily

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3/27/2013 19:40:12 sabotaged

Deliberately destroy,damage, or obstruct(something).

3/27/2013 19:40:38 intruder 

Noun A person who intrudes, esp.into a building with criminalintent.Synonymsinterloper - invade

3/27/2013 19:41:09 odyssey

Noun A long and eventful journey.

3/27/2013 19:41:33 lease

Noun A contract by which oneparty conveys land,property, services, etc., toanother for a specified time,usually in return for aperiodic...VerbGrant (property) on lease;let.Synonyms

noun. hire - rent - tenancy -leasing - leaseholdverb. rent - hire - let -charter - let out - take alease

3/27/2013 19:41:51 puke

VerbVomit: "I had eaten to thepoint of puking"; "he pukedup his pizza".NounVomit.Synonymsverb. vomit - spew - throw

up - disgorge - spuenoun. vomit - spew

3/27/2013 19:42:

16 crusade

Noun A medieval militaryexpedition, one of a seriesmade by Europeans torecover the Holy Land fromthe Muslims in the 11th,12th, and 13th...VerbLead or take part in acampaign concerning asocial, political, or religious


3/28/2013 12:53:15 confide

VerbTell someone about a secretor private matter whiletrusting them not to repeat itto others.Trust (someone) enough totell them of such a secret or private matter.Synonymstrust - entrust - intrust - rely -consign - commit

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3/28/2013 12:53:39 trifle

Noun A thing of little value or importance.VerbTreat (someone or something) withoutseriousness or respect.Synonymsnoun. bagatelleverb. jest - dally

3/28/2013 12:54:07 precinct

Noun A district of a city or town asdefined for police purposes.The police station situated insuch a subdivision.Synonymsdistrict

3/28/2013 12:54:32 extorts

Obtain (something) by force,threats, or other unfair means.

3/28/2013 12:54:58 lingering

 AdjectiveLasting for a long time or 

slow to end.Synonymslong - slow - prolonged -protracted

3/28/2013 12:57:31 brooding

noun :-sitting on eggs so asto hatch them by the warmthof the body.adj:-Showing deepunhappiness of thought.

 Appearing darkly menacing.deeply or seriouslythoughtful; "Byron lives onnot only in his poetry, but

also in his creation of the'Byronic hero' - the personaof a brooding melancholyyoung man";

3/28/2013 16:32:53 brooding

noun :-sitting on eggs so asto hatch them by the warmthof the body.adj:-Showing deepunhappiness of thought.

 Appearing darkly menacing.deeply or seriouslythoughtful; "Byron lives onnot only in his poetry, but

also in his creation of the'Byronic hero' - the personaof a brooding melancholyyoung man";

3/28/2013 16:34:13 etiquette

NounThe customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of aparticular profession or group.Synonymslabel - tag - ticket - decorum

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4/6/2013 14:11:49 Epitome

 A person or thing that is aperfect example of aparticular quality or type:"she is the epitome of elegance and taste".

 A summary of a writtenwork; an abstract.Synonymsabstract - summary -abridgment - abridgement -synopsis

4/8/2013 15:37:27 scoff 

VerbSpeak to someone or aboutsomething in a scornfullyderisive or mocking way:"department officials scoffedat the allegations".Eat (something) quickly andgreedily: "she scoffed downseveral chops".Noun

 An expression of scornful

derision.Food.Synonymsverb. mock - jeer - deride -gibe - sneer - ridicule - floutnoun. mockery - derision -ridicule - taunt - gibe - jeer 

4/8/2013 15:39:09 toady

Noun A person who behavesobsequiously to someoneimportant.Verb

 Act in an obsequious way.

Synonymsnoun. sycophant -bootlicker - lickspittle -groveller verb. fawn - adulate - flatter 

4/8/2013 15:41:29 shrewish(of a woman) Bad-temperedor aggressively assertive

4/8/2013 15:41:53 nagging

(of a person) Constantlyharassing someone to dosomething

4/8/2013 15:43:16 blatant

 Adjective(of bad behavior) Doneopenly and unashamedly:

"blatant lies".Completely lacking insubtlety; very obvious.Synonymsnoisy - loud - obstreperous

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4/8/2013 15:50:00 superficial

ityWeb definitionslack of depth of knowledgeor thought or feeling.wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwnial

 AdjectiveExisting or occurring at or on the surface: "superficialdamage".Situated or occurring on theskin or immediately beneathit.Synonymsshallow - perfunctory -cursory - skin-deep -sketchy

4/8/2013 15:50:57 deity

Noun A god or goddess (in apolytheistic religion): "a deityof ancient Greece".

Divine status, quality, or nature: "a ruler driven bydelusions of deity".Synonymsdivinity - godhead - god

4/8/2013 15:52:02 harradian

Noun A strict, bossy, or belligerentold woman: "a bullying oldharridan".Synonymshag - witch - crone

4/8/2013 15:52:36 Hale

 Adjective(of a person) Strong and

healthy.VerbDrag or draw forcibly: "hehaled an old man out of theaudience".Synonymsadjective. robust - sound -healthy - lusty - strong -heartyverb. pull - drag - draw -haul - lug - trail - tug

4/11/2013 17:45:29 Grim

Forbidding or uninviting.(of humor) Lacking genuine

levity; mirthless; black.Synonymsstern - severe - cruel - fierc

4/11/2013 17:46:50 massacred

Deliberately and violently kill(a large number of people).Inflict a heavy defeat on (asports team or contestant).

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4/11/2013 17:47:13 whimpering

(of a person or animal)Make a series of low, feeblesounds expressive of fear,pain, or discontent.Say something in a low,feeble voice expressive of such emotions: "“He's notdead, is he?” shewhimpered".

4/11/2013 17:48:11 forbid

Refuse to allow (something).Order (someone) not to dosomething: "my doctor hasforbidden me to eat sugar".Synonymsprohibit - ban - interdict - bar - inhibit - debar 

4/11/2013 17:48:

45 condemned

Express completedisapproval of, typically inpublic; censure.Sentence (someone) to aparticular punishment, esp.death: "the rebels had been

condemned to death".

4/11/2013 17:49:48 Ragged

(of cloth or clothes) Old andtorn.(of a person) Wearing suchclothes: "a ragged child".Synonymstattered - rough - rugged -torn - uneven - shabby

4/11/2013 17:50:30 generous

(of a person) Showing areadiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictlynecessary or expected.

Showing kindness towardothers.Synonymsliberal - bounteous -bountiful - munificent - lavish

4/11/2013 17:51:04 pervert

 Alter (something) from itsoriginal course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was firstintended.Noun

 A person whose sexualbehavior is regarded as

abnormal and unacceptable.Synonymsverb. distort - corrupt -garble - vitiate - debauch -depravenoun. apostate - renegade

Timestamp Spelling Meaning