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By: James Wethington


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Menu Page:Slides 3-5: Educating With


Slides 9-11: Other Fields Using Podcasting:

Slide 12: My Conclusion:

Slides 6-8: iPods- Is There More to Them Than Tunes:

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What’s podcasting? Putting information onto an audio/video (MP3) file. It can be

downloaded onto a computer and listened/watched (Harris & Park, 2008).

How’s podcasting effecting the field of education? Study at UK Universities (Bristol, Loughborough,

Southampton, & etc.) show that professors are trying match their students’ learning styles (Harris & Park, 2008).

Some of the universities are using podcasting as a market tool towards students because of their use of newer technology compared to other universities (Harris & Park, 2008).

Educating With Podcasting:

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Different types of Podcasting: Teaching-Driven:

An improvement of the quality of teaching to the students. This type of podcasting can help improve the relationship of professors and students. It’s now improving from having professors lecture but students responding back to what they listened to from their professor (Harris & Park, 2008).

Service-Device: This is allowed to have a choice/preference of what information is gathered and

listened to by students. This is mostly to get information out to people and it’s a new form of communication (Harris & Park, 2008).

Marketing-Device: Universities wanting to use podcasting to attract students to their universities

(Harris & Park, 2008). Technology-Driven:

This is mostly having universities share how to use technology (Harris & Park, 2008).

Educating With Podcasting:

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Personal Reflection: I feel that podcast is more of an effective tool for educators

& students: We need to use more of the Internet because students are

getting more and more else to using technology & society is changing to technology:

For more information, read the following hyperlink:http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=5&hid=112&sid=3771dbf5-6f5c-46d3-bb5e-90907e64bc02%40sessionmgr14

Educating With Podcasting:

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Within health education, podcasts are mostly used to listen to lectures from professors (Koo & Sanders, 2008).

Another survey from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry [105 students were surveyed] (Koo & Sanders, 2008). 9% used podcasts to substitute going to class/lectures: 44% downloaded podcasts that were close to exams: 26% downloaded the podcasts right when they become available: 84% of the students said that the podcasts had a positive effect on

their grades & were helpful: 12.7% of the students’ grades wasn’t effected by using


Other Fields Using Podcasting:

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Within health education, podcasts are mostly used to listen to lectures from professors (Koo & Sanders, 2008).

In medical school, there has been a higher usage of podcasting among first year medical students. At the University of Leeds, 86 students were surveyed. They said that 60% download podcasts and 21% had a subscription to a podcast providers (Koo & Sanders, 2008).

Other Fields Using Podcasting:

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Personal Reflection: Surveys that are being at different universities around the

country and world are showing that podcasts are getting more and more popular with students:

I feel that professors need to take these surveys seriously and even ask their students about podcasting. By this, they are trying new ways of learning for their students:

For more information, read the following hyperlink:http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=5&hid=122&sid=c1bba2ca-d9d2-464b-bb96-99b264a9910f%40sessionmgr11

Other Fields Using Podcasting:

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iPods: Good for the classroom: Podcasts are “inexpensive” technology and you can take iPods

everywhere you go (Ragusa, Chan, & Crampton, 2009). Students can participate in listening to podcasts to further advance in

their education instead of “wasting time” doing nothing: Is there a bad side to podcasts?

Some critics said that podcasts could have a bad effect on classrooms: It could lead to having empty classrooms, students skipping class and having their

podcasts for class, and many more (Ragusa, Chan, & Crampton, 2009).

iPods: Is There More to Them Than Tunes:

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As we can see in our society, technology is becoming a huge topic. What about the rest of the world? In Indonesia, the Internet is slow but they still use podcasts to

get information from “teachers to students” (Ragusa, Chan, & Crampton, 2009)

However, the learning environment changing because students are going from books to online sources- podcasts and many more (Ragusa, Chan, & Crampton, 2009).

iPods: Is There More to Them Than Tunes:

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Personal Reflection: iPods are one of the most popular music listening technology

out there in the US. If there is more reason to use them, outside from music, we should take the opportunity to use what technology we do have to its’ fullest capacity:

For more information, read the following hyperlink:http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=5&hid=122&sid=c1bba2ca-d9d2-464b-bb96-99b264a9910f%40sessionmgr11

iPods: Is There More to Them Than Tunes:

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Personally, I feel that podcasts can greatly help students in the classroom. We need to remember that we’re in an age of where technology is being used more and it’s popular than ever. Where ever you go, you see someone with their cell phone, iPod, and so on, out. Plus, with the surveys that were done, teachers & professors need to look at those and ask themselves, “Would podcasting my lectures/lesson for the day be beneficial to my students?” We need to remember that it’s our students’ education on the line… not us:


Thanks For Watching:

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Harris, Howard, and Sungmin Park. "Educational Usages of Podcasting." British Journal of Educational Technology 39.3 (2008): 548-51. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=5&hid=119&sid=3771dbf5-6f5c-46d3-bb5e-90907e64bc02%40sessionmgr14>.

Koo, Sara, and John Sanders. "Podcasting for Undergraduate Healthcare Education." Education for Primary Care 19.1 (January 2008): 13-17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=5&hid=119&sid=3771dbf5-6f5c-46d3-bb5e-90907e64bc02%40sessionmgr14>.

Ragusa, Angela T., Anthony Chan, and Andrea Crampton. "IPods Aren't Just for Tunes." Information, Communication & Society 12.5 (August 2009): 678-90. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. <http://http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=4&hid=13&sid=3771dbf5-6f5c-46d3-bb5e-90907e64bc02%40sessionmgr14&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=43744012>.

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