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Term 3 Calendar

Week 3

6-8 Aug

Fri 8 Aug

Year 6/7 Camp

8:50am Chapel

SAPSASA Athletics

Week 4

Mon 11 Aug

Tues 12 Aug

Fri 15 Aug

8:50am Assembly

ICAS Maths Competition

8:50am Chapel

Week 5

18-22 Aug

Mon 18 Aug

Aug 22 Aug

Book Week & Science Week

8:50am Assembly

8:50am Chapel

Week 6

Mon 25 Aug

Wed 27 Aug

Fri, 29 Aug

8:50am Assembly

Festival Theatre Choir Practice at 6:30pm

8:50am Chapel

Week 7

Mon 1 Sept

Tue 2 Sept

Thu 4 Sept

Fri 5 Sept

8:50am Assembly

School Photo Day

School Concert

Student Free Day

Week 8

Mon 8 Sept

Fri 12 Sept

8:50am Assembly

8:50am Chapel

Waikerie Lutheran

Primary School

16 McCutcheon Street

Waikerie SA 5330

Ph: (08) 8541 2344

Fax: 8541 2140

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.wlps.sa.edu.au

Principal: Adam Borgas

Waikerie Lutheran Primary School is a supportive Christian community, equipping each student for life.

Message from the Principal

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. John C. Maxwell (pastor, author, speaker on leadership) The following piece this week is an example of the PYP concept of perspective which we are trying to instill in our students: SCENARIO 1: There was little room in the dirt floor hut, as the 7 child family shared a two room house. They slept together; they cried together, they ate together: they lived life together. This scenario has played out in the past and in the present. SCENARIO 2: They were a family of four who occupied a house of 10 rooms. They had two bathrooms which was a tiresome venture to clean twice the porcelain. They had two living areas which gathered twice the dust and two other bedrooms ‘just in case’ a visitor arrived. This scenario is playing out in the present day for some families. SCENARIO 3: There are more people in the world than ever before. There will be more cities in the world than ever before. People will live in apartment style shelters and there will be an increasing need to share space. Out of the three scenarios, which is the odd one out? What can you learn from the most likely ‘past’ scenario and likely ‘present’ that can influence our future scenario? What do the scenarios have in common and what is different? The thing I pull out as a learner (which lines up with this week’s quote) is that we live closely with people at our workplaces. Our kids will have to live with people that will not be a part of their biological family both at work and at home. Positive relationship skills will be essential to assist them to make a real difference in life. Would an employer want someone in their workplace that will make a real difference? – you bet! We pray: Dear Lord, that you would help us to show care and concern to everyone around us, as they are part of your creation. Help us to have the same idea as the classroom teacher, to work as a team to grow relationship skills in our kids. Amen. Adam Borgas

Tuesday, 5th August 2014

Waikerie Lutheran Primary School


School Mobile Number is


wine&food 2014 Wine & Food Tickets on sale

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Saturday, 18th October 4:00pm till late

$45.00 per head for 3 course meal,

live entertainment with top Adelaide duo REDLINE, live auctions and much, more.

Tickets held for 48 hours only! If left unpaid for more than 48 hours, held tickets will be put back on sale.

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It’s a Girl Congratulations and God’s blessings to Mary-Anne, Aaron, Elizabeth and Logan on the safe arrival of baby Anneliese during the holidays.

Baptism Congratulations God’s richest blessings to the Waterson family on the baptism of their daughter Elsie last Sunday, 3rd August. We pray that God will be with you all today and always.

Premier’s Reading Challenge Congratulations to Alicia Kroehn, Taylah Kuchel, Joseph Mee, Latisha Smith and Chloe Tang for completing the Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2014. The Premier’s Reading Challenge finishes on Friday, 5th September.

Scholastic Book Club A reminder that orders for the latest Scholastic Book Club Catalogue are due back this Friday, 8th August.

Reports Survey A reminder if you have access to a computer, to access the SurveyMonkey site (3 minute survey) to feedback specifically on the new report format that we used for the first time this year.

The link is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/7ZJLML3

Book Week Book Week is scheduled for the week commencing Monday, 18th August. The theme for Book Week is “Connecting to Books”. Students can dress up as a character from a book or as something that connects them to a particular book.

Dress up day will be advise in next week’s Newsletter.

Term 3 Fees Please be advised that the fees for Term 3 will be sent out this week. If you need to discuss payment options or would like some information about your fees, please speak to our lovely Bursar, Mrs Andrea Kalisch.

Can Anyone Help? Is anybody wanting to clean out some of the toys in their home? As part of building the inquiry, investigative and creative nature in children, the Reception class is looking to add to their classroom learning environment.

We would greatly appreciate any donations of any of the listed items or look at purchasing larger items for a negotiated price. We are looking for:

Duplo blocks; Short pieces of PVC pipe; Matchbox cars, Dolls house; doll furniture; dolls; dolls pram/pusher; dolls clothes; clothes line (toy); baby dolls. Plastic animals; sea creatures; zoo animals; dinosaurs; Dress ups; old mobile phones; Scoops; Funnels; Ladles; Potato mashers; Lanyards; Keyrings

Please see Sue Beelitz for any further information. Thank you for your generosity and help!

ICAS Congratulations Congratulations to Trey-Kai Bamford on achieving a Credit for the recent ICAS Science competition and to Luke Kroehn for achieving a High Distinction. Their certificates will be presented at Assembly next Monday, 11th August.

Year 6/7 Camp We hope that the students in Year 6/7 along with Mrs Canney, Mrs Schober, Mrs Schmidt and Mr Souter have a great time on camp!

School News

Attachments, Excursions and Notices Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability Yesterday an information letter was forwarded to all families outlining the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with a Disability. We have been invited to be a part of this “project” which will become mandatory within all schools as of 2015. Please have a read of the letter and if you would like to discuss anything about this project, please feel free to make a time to speak to our Principal, Mr Adam Borgas.

Bringing NAPLAN home: The results and your child Please find attached to this week’s Newsletter, an information sheet from ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority) outlining what the NAPLAN test is, what the results are used for and when the results are available. NAPLAN tests are undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 Australia wide.

SAPSASA Athletics Carnival A reminder that all consent forms for students participating in the SAPSASA Athletics carnival need to be returned to Mr Fladrich by this Thursday, 7th August.

Year 2 Class Banrock Station Excursion The Year 2 class will be travelling to Banrock Station this Thursday, 7th August to take part in the wetlands revegetation initiative. Could all students in Year 2 please ensure that they have returned their excursion consent forms by tomorrow, Wednesday, 6th August.

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Corner of Peace In our hectic paced society where is it that we can go to for respite and reassurance? Is there anything we can do to help us feel better when we look at the ‘bad news’ that we see in the news and in the world around us? Planes are shot down it seems intentionally and our hearts cry with those who have lost loved ones (planes also disappear never to be found); wars flare up in various places; children and families starve in overseas countries (and also closer to home); we hear of children being abused on our own doorstep; and so it continues.

So how do we cope with this overload?

Perhaps we can look at all the good things happening all around us – people helping one another; people rescuing others often at their own risk; children laughing at play; many organisations working hard to assist those in need; school family fun days; families caring for one another and so many more wonderful everyday events.

Even more than this we can look to our Heavenly Father who says in Isaiah 30:15

the Holy One of Israel, says: “Returning and resting is what will save you; calmness and confidence will make you strong —

He gave this comforting advice to Israel when they were besieged and in serious trouble centuries ago: and He tells us all the same thing. We need to rest (stop striving, being ever busy and looking to mankind alone for the answers) and return to Him. It is in this that we will be able to find the calmness and confidence to face life with its good and its bad things – its ups and its downs. We can always maintain the calmness and confidence and be comforted by the Good News that Jesus Himself brings to each and every one of us.

God bless you all

Moira Ganner


This Week’s Fun Maths Activity Play with Calculator Riddles The calculator is a remarkable little machine. You’ve always know that it can perform mathematical calculations faster and with a little more accuracy than most humans, but did you know it can also type up words? Yes, it’s true. Your calculator can spell things out is you push the right buttons. Below is the list of letters that can be creat-ed by simply turning your calculator upside down.

Numbers: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Letters: O I Z E h S g L B G

Here are a few riddles for you to work out:

1. What is the only thing that gets larger the more you take away?

25,000 - 68 - 952 - 8,956 - 11,320 =

2. Ellie’s parents have 3 children. One is Nick and another is Penny. Who is the third?

.05 ÷ .01 ÷ .10 x 3 x 211 + 123 =

3. Bill subtracted numbers for 20 minutes, Bess multiplied them and Leslie added them.

Who was more exhausted when they were finished?

9 + 57 + 868 + 7920 + 93,208 + 215,475 =

Who went into debt when they were finished?

17,865 - 9,438 - 607 - 95 -7 =

Who got the most work done in 20 minutes?

.3 x 2 x 2.6 x 20 x 7.1 x 25 =

Waikerie High School Presents: HIGH SCHOOL SPOOFICAL

Matinee: Wednesday 13th August at 11:00am Evening Show: Thursday, 14th August at 7:00pm Cost: Gold Coin Donation Cost: Adult - $15 Concession - $8 Family - $38 Supper Show: Friday, 15th August at 7:00pm Dinner Show: Saturday, 16th August at 6:30pm Cost: Adult - $25 Concession - $15 Family - $60 Cost: Adult - $45 Under 12 - $20 Includes Supper Includes 3 Course Meal - Bookings Essential

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Student of the Week Awards Teaching children about our Skills; Communication, Research, Social, Thinking and Self Management skills provides them with the tool kit for successfully relating with others. As a way of celebrating the demonstration of these skills by students, staff have elected these students this week.

Year 6/7 Class

Self Management Skills - Liam Scholten. Well done Liam on demonstrating good organisation and time management skills this week by completing all your homework before the Choir concert! Great work!

Social Skills - Justice Ebert. Justice happily volunteered to accept the responsibility of assisting in sports shed even though it wasn’t her job. It’s wonderful to see students stepping up and helping their peers!

Year 4/5

Communication Skills - Joseph Mee. I was impressed with Joseph’s communication skills during the Riverland Festival of Music concert. He confidently performed his solo in a clear and skilful manner. Great job Joseph!

Communication Skills - Caitlyn Watkins. Caitlyn has continually impressed me with her dedication towards choir this year. This was particularly evident this week in her positive ability to communicate self-control and listening skills throughout the choir performance at the Chaffey Theatre. Great work Caitlyn.

Year 3/4

Self Management Skills - Tiana Burns. During PE, Tiana has shown great balance and control. She was able to continually bounce a tennis ball with excellent accuracy. Well done!

Thinking Skills - Brodie Bishop. Brodie made fantastic connections between our PE lessons and our science experiment about gravity. He worked out why balls bounce higher if you push them harder. Great thinking Brodie!

Year 2

Research Skills - Brodie Fechner. Brodie displayed excellent research skills when making observations of changes occurring in experiments and asking “why” questions. Well done Brodie!

Self Management Skills - Courtney Wood. Courtney is making excellent progress in improving her handwriting and setting out her work neatly. Well done Courtney!

Year 1

Communication Skills - Angelos Myer. Angelos demonstrated communication skills when presenting a story to the class. He spoke creatively and confidently when expressing his character. Fantastic to see Angelos!

Self Management Skills - Isabella Paschke. Isabella showed self-management skills when completing fine-motor activities. She undertook each activity well and focused on improving writing particular letters. Well done Isabella!


Self Management Skills - Gemma Gay. Gemma has shown she has good time management skills, especially working with a group. She also showed an awareness of others when working together to construct a model, being mindful to consider others and “their” space!

Thinking Skills - Thivyan Ramesh. Thivyan has shown a meticulous process when following his picture and using his group’s knowledge to construct a model.

Families In Our Prayers Tuesday: Gore

Wednesday: Hanton

Thursday: Hensel

Friday: Herzog/Hart Monday: Hull

Prayers Please be with Justice and Daniel as they

represent our school and the state of South Australia for Hockey this week.

Ask God to be with the Year 6/7’s as they attend camp tomorrow.

Lutheran Worship

Sunday, 10th August 9th Sunday after Pentecost

Waikerie: 9:00am HC

Lowbank: 10:30am HC

Morgan: 9:00am

Ramco: 9:00am

Pastor Perry Hart Mobile: 0428 359 777

Parish Office: 8541 2689

This Week’s Birthday Girls are:

Aby Mihalopoulos 7th August

Grace Borgas 11th August

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