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Change your diet habits

Patterns of healthful eating and regular physical activity should begin in childhood and

continue throughout adulthood. Diet and exercise plays a major role on the impact on our

health and on our life span. Calorie restriction and exercise slows down the destruction of body

cells. As in our body several chemical metabolic process produces free radicals. These free


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radicals can be neutralized by antioxidant, rich in colorful fruits and vegetables, like leafy

greens, tomatoes, blueberries, and carrots.


It can really be helpful in combating with these free radicals and thus stopping

the damage and inflammation of the cells. With aging, muscle mass also begins

to decline, further the drop in metabolism adds kilos on the body very easily.

This added weight increases the health risk. To boost muscle mass foods rich in

proteins like lean meat, beans and lentils can be included in the diet.

Plant-based proteins alternate to red meat are more heart friendly, thus

reducing the risk of heart disease as well as diabetes.


Along with this, protein-rich dairy products can also be included as they provide minerals like

calcium and phosphorous. Calcium along with enough protein helps to built bones. Fat-free

milk, yogurt and low fat cheese will be helpful in preventing the osteoporosis. A daily diet

should include whole grains like wheat, brown rice, oats and quinoa. As they are fibre rich, it will

keep the appetite in control and hence helps in staying slim. It also offers protection against

diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, colon cancer, high blood pressure and gum disease


Moreover, they are packed with array of vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals that work

together to promote health. Consumption of Omega- 3 fatty acids from plant source like

walnuts and flaxseeds as well as fatty fish like salmon and tuna is beneficial as they have the

most potent anti-inflammatory effects. Exercise is an anti-aging bonanza as it maintains muscle

mass, boosts metabolism and keeps heart and lungs healthy.



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