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Page 1: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Warehouse Management

Luis Felipe Cardona

Page 2: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.
Page 3: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.
Page 4: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.
Page 5: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.
Page 6: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Main Topics

1. For specific operating conditions, find the optimal layout.

2. Design the detailed layout.

Page 7: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Warehouse Layout

Unit Load Order Picking

Cross Aisles

Page 8: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

How to pick a Layout?

Page 9: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

How to calculate the expected value of travel ?

Unit Load Unit Load





















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Page 11: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.
Page 12: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Calulate the with discrete representation

Page 13: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Calulate the with discrete representation

Distance function

Page 14: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Calulate the with discrete representation

Expected value

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Some assumptions

1. Each openning can be selected randomly

2. The behavior of the variables in continuous domain are proportional to the behavior of the variables in discrete domain

Continuous variableDiscrete variable

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Continuous variable

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Page 19: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Calculate the

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Page 21: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

The optimal design

Page 22: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Main Topics

1. For specific operating conditions, find the optimal layout.

a) Create a distance function for the operating conditions.

b) Write the function for the expected value of the distance function.

c) Use the expected value function to find optimal values for the parameters of the design.

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How to design a Layout?

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Page 27: Warehouse Management Luis Felipe Cardona.

Main Topics

2. Design the detailed layout.

a) Create a system of equations according to the desired shape for the warehouse.

b) Solve the system. Find the unknowns.

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