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Page 1: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules
Page 2: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules



Why make your own rules?.................................4

The GM................................................................5

Characteristics and Shorthand..............................5

Characteristic tests............................................6Units, what are they?............................................7

Facing and Arc of sight....................................7Line Of Sight........................................................8

Woods...............................................................9Interposing models...........................................9Hills and the like..............................................9Hedges, fences and walls.................................9Characters and stragglers.................................9

Turn Order.............................................................10

Compulsory Phase.................................................10


Declaring Charges..............................................10

Charges and Movements to engage.......................10

Charge parameters..............................................10

Move to engage..................................................11

Charge Reactions,..............................................11

Redirecting a Charge......................................12Conducting a charge...........................................12

Movement Phase....................................................13

Movement Rates and Terrain.............................13

The 1” Rule........................................................13


Complex maneuvers...........................................13

Moving backwards.........................................13Wheeling backwards......................................14Wheeling from the center of the unit.............14Infantry square................................................14Testudo...........................................................14Countermarching............................................14

Simple maneuvers..............................................14

Snaking...........................................................14Archer wedge.................................................14Shield wall......................................................14Turning/expanding 2 frontage........................15Wheel.............................................................15Wedge.............................................................15Voluntary withdrawal from hand to hand combat 15Prepared position (linear obstacles that are fortified) 15

Changing formation in combat,.........................16


Free Hacks..........................................................16

Splitting up units................................................16

Cowardly killing your foe from afar. (Shooting)...17

Shooting Phase order.........................................17

Firing through gaps ...........................................17

Firing from a height...........................................17

Firing into combat..............................................18

To hit chart.........................................................18

To hit modifiers..................................................18

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Arch shots..........................................................18


Over Watch........................................................18

Dividing shots....................................................19

Killing your Foe Proper like (Hand-to-hand Combat) 20

To hit chart ........................................................20

To wound...........................................................21


Armor Penetration..............................................21

Combat resolution..............................................22


- Rank Disruption/unformed..............................22


Pushed back........................................................23

Horde .................................................................23

Removing the dead.............................................23

Killing blow...........................................................24

Reserve Move........................................................24



Afraid of/ Fears..................................................24

Animal Reaction Chart.......................................25

Cavalry/mount Psychology ...............................25



Immune to psychology.......................................26



Panic ..................................................................26





-Mounted Weapons............................................27

-Missile Weapons...............................................28


Ward Saves........................................................30

Common Mounts................................................30


Heroes and Wizards...............................................31


Characters and Units..........................................32

Leaders and Unit Psychology: when they differ32Challenges..........................................................33

Issuing Challenges..........................................33Fighting the Challenge...................................33Unfair challenges............................................33

Gear Limitations and costs.................................33


Single Character LOS........................................33




Battle standard....................................................34

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The General........................................................34

Subordinate commanders...................................34


Monsters and wounds.........................................34

Monster Attacks.................................................35

Breath Attacks....................................................35



Flying and Aerial Combat.....................................36

Flyers attacking models in hard to get places....36

Flyers Fighting Flyers........................................37

War Machines........................................................37

Movement (Not Chariots)..................................37

Casualties and war machines.............................37

War Machines in close combat (not chariots)....38

Charge Reactions............................................38Subsequent close combat and stealing...........38


Light Chariots....................................................39

Heavy Chariots...................................................39



Bolt thrower.......................................................40

Organ Guns........................................................40

Catapult/stone throwers/mangonels/trebuchet.. .41



Combat in Buildings..........................................42

Routing in Buildings..........................................42

Shooting from Buildings....................................42

Shooting into Buildings.....................................42

Damaging a Building.........................................43

Model Organization Types....................................43

Skirmishers/Fast Cavalry...................................43

Light Infantry.....................................................44




Animal Handlers................................................45



Combined/Mixed Unit Formations....................45

Heavy Cavalry....................................................45

Odd ball stuff/weird gear.......................................45

Falconer +3pts....................................................45


Flaming torches +1 pt/model..........................46Flaming Missiles (requires a brazier and ammo) 46Putting out fires..............................................46Creatures and fire...........................................46


Drowning........................................................46Walking under water......................................46

Scrambling about...............................................47

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Defenestration................................................47Climbing.........................................................47Jumping Down...............................................47Diving Charge................................................47Jumping Gaps.................................................47Falling.............................................................47

Grappling Hooks 1pts/model.............................48

Ladder 5pts.........................................................48

Battering Ram 40pts...........................................48

Mantlets 1pts/model...........................................48

Model costs, where do they come from?...........48

Why make your own rules?After playing a few games of Warhammer 8th ed. It was clear that there were problems with the rules. Beardy problems. Naturally, there will always be problems with any given rule set (ours are chalk full.) But it was that the rule changes in 8th ed. did not seem to come from a good faith attempt to improve the game, rather from an attempt to sell more miniatures and make the rules argument proof and air tight, but lacking an intent to make them more enjoyable. Hence, we see point and click artillery, real line of sight rules, cheap point models, everything having more ranks of attacks, ridiculous large monsters for nearly every team… you get the idea.

My first solution, was a knee jerk jump all the way back to the 3rd ed. This rule set has a lot to offer, but it was clunky (I wish I could say I have avoided this) and it too had blaring problems (creatures that are impossible to wound, cannons that automatically hit everything in a wide swathe) that became evident after a few games.

Consequently the rules presented here are an amalgam of the various editions of Warhammer fantasy, with some inspiration taken from Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Ancients. Citations provided.

Aside from these other sources there are some additions of our own machination. These rules are ultimately suggestions and are intended to be interpreted more in principle than by the letter though we did our best to make them cogent. Warhammer is ultimately about telling a story and having a good time with friends rather than a competition with rigid adherence to rules and technicality.

Our rule additions/changes: Alternating phases Counter Charges Armor saves in terms of thickness and coverage War machine misfire charts New Combat Resolution rubric Cavalry psychology rules

This rule set makes a number of assumptions regarding its reader. The principle assumption is the reader is familiar with previous Warhammer editions and will be able to fill in a number of holes especially in regards to rules that have changed little between editions. Basic movement rules for example.

As a final note, the intention of this rule set is to aim for a degree of “realism.” At times this means things will get slowed down a bit compared to conventional 8th ed. rules. We try to avoid this where we can. At the same time, we don’t feel that a game should be a standard cookie cutter affair. That is, Warhammer isn’t a world of constant pitched battles of equal forces. It is full of minor skirmishes, devious ambushes, brave sorties against ravening hordes, and characterful engagements. After all if you have put the time into painting all your miniatures, doesn’t each one deserve his/her moment of glory; not merely to be tossed aside as another nameless casualty? Along these lines, we highly recommend that readers seek out the 2nd edition

campaigns “Blood bath at Orcs drift” and “the Tragedy of McDeath.” While a bit silly and certainly not canon, they are fun and require multiple days to play. At the very least they should feed one’s imagination for creating scenarios instead of fighting the standard tournament pitched battle. Please write us back with feedback at [email protected] being said, let’s jump right in.

The GM1

The Game Master is an arbitrating 3rd player. Her/his word is scripture. The GM establishes parameters of a game, length, point totals, special deployment parameters, victory points, etc. Additionally, the GM takes the role of adjudicating rule discrepancies, moving chargers, and keeping track of secret information, particularly magic. She/he is a referee and keeps the game moving forward in an orderly fashion.

Characteristics and Shorthand

The various creatures of the Warhammer world are represented by the following stat line. Each is an attempt to quantify the capabilities of the creature and what it represents is loosely described below.

1 The GM appeared in the first three editions. There are a number of spells (namely illusions) and other situations which are all but impossible to properly do without a GM.

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M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Int Cl Wp2

M=Movement Allowance indicates the number of inches a creatures may move across the battlefield during a single movement or reserve phase. A typical human3 will have M4, a horse M8. In a single turn a model may not under any circumstance have its total move distance exceed 3M” (unless by magic.)

Ws= Weapon Skill represents the creatures skill in close combat. The higher the WS, the greater that creature’s skill. A typical human has WS3.

Bs= Ballistic Skill represents the skill the creature has with ranged weapons. The higher the value the greater the skill. A typical human has BS3

S= Strength represents how strong a creature is. The greater the strength the more likely the creatures is to wound an opponent in close combat, though some ranged weapons do utilize the strength of the thrower. A typical human has S3

T= Toughness represents how tough the creature is. The higher the value the more physically resilient the creature is. A typical human has T3

I= Initiative represents the agility and quickness of the creature. In close combat, creatures with greater I will strike first. A typical human will have I3

A= Attacks represents the number of “attacks” a creature gets in close combat. While we certainly imagine that close combat has each individual jabbing, stabbing and thrusting their weapons as quick and as often as possible, we might imagine that some creatures are more capable of meting out death. A typical creature will have A1

Ld=Leadership represents, a creature’s ability to maintain order in the heat of battle. This characteristic is most heavily involved in maneuvering. A typical human has Ld 7.

Int=intelligence represents the knowledge and intelligence of a creature. For most game purposes this stat is moot, but it does factor heavily in magic. A typical human has Int 7

Cl=Coolness represents a creatures ability to keep their cool in the chaos of combat. When their comrades are dying around them, models will generally have their coolness checked to see if they panic and run or continue the fight. Additionally, coolness can be tested to see if models lose their cool and rampage with frenzy or hatred. A typical human will have Cl 7.

Wp=Willpower represents a creature’s chutzpah or strength of mind. It is comparable to T, but in a spiritual sense. A typical human will have WP7. Like Int its role is largely in the realm of magic.

Death4: a model is removed from play if any one of the following stats is reduced to 0: S, T, W, Int, Cl, and Wp

Letters will be used as variables in this rule set. For example Ld”, means the Leadership value in inches of the referred model. Where a value is not an integer, for example a move of 3 ½” M is rounded down for equation’s sake.

LOS=Line of Sight

GM= Game Master

US=Unit Strength

XDY=Roll X di(c)e each with Y sides. E.g. 2D6 means that you roll 2 dice, each with 6 sides. Alternatively SDT means that you roll the S value number of dice with sides in number equal to the T value.

EquidistantFor the sake of determining distances (e.g. closest enemy) distances that are within 1” are considered equidistant. This is to represent that in the heat of battle soldiers are unable to make exacting range

measurements. Example: an archer is given the order to fire at will, the GM measures and determines that one unit is 15 ¾” away while another unit is 16 ½“ away. These two units would be considered equidistant

Characteristic tests

Sometimes models will need to take a test based on one of their characteristics. The most common are Cl and Ld tests, though others do arise from time to time. E.g. one might have to take an i test to dodge a falling giant.

The following tests are taken on a single d6: M, Ws, Bs, S, T, W, I, A. In each case the test is passed if one rolls equal to or below the characteristic in question. A result of 6 always fails and a 1 always passes.

The following are taken with 2d6: Ld, Cl, Int, WP. Just like the single die tests, the test is passed if the player rolls equal to or below the characteristic value. The result of a 2 always passes, and a 12 always fails.

Where an entire unit is taking a test (e.g. a coolness test) use the lowest value amongst models in the unit. As an exception, cavalry take the test based on the rider’s psychology characteristics.

Characteristic modifiersOften characteristics will be modified during a battle. A prominent character can modify the psychology characteristics of the men/women she/he leads. Psychological modifiers will be included in the model’s own stat line. E.g. a stern human captain may have “Ld 9+2” This means that when the model is tested she/he will test on a 9. While in a unit, that is being tested based on the lowest value, that lowest value will get a +2 modifier.

Putting them all together, all of a model’s characteristics will be presented in the following manner:

M Ws Bs S T w I ALd Int Cl WP

Man 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7 7 7

Additionally models will be described in terms of the armor, weapons and other special rules/attributes they possess.

Units, what are they?

A unit is any designated grouping of models. This means any regiment of infantry, horde of cavalry, singular war machine and its crew or a group of war machines of the same type and their crew, a singular chariot or a group of chariots of the same make, a single character, or a single monster or a group of monsters and their accompanying handlers should they need them. Unless otherwise noted (e.g. skirmishers) units of infantry, cavalry and monsters form into ranks and files. That is, they are arranged into rectangles, where each rank is no wider nor narrower than the one in front of it unless it is the rear rank.

2 The extra 3 stats are borrowed from Warhammer 2nd & 3rd ed. And 40,000 rogue trader. Later editions used Ld as a catch all stat. this seems inappropriate. Imagine well drilled troops following orders impeccably but who flee at the first sign of danger or stubborn barbarians who would never yield, yet have no inclination toward organization.3 Typical human here, refers to a human who has gone through the equivalent of basic training, not stalwart veterans nor hastily rallied conscripts/townsfolk.4 Bear in mind that death and wounded, mean that a model is taken out of action, a casualty. This doesn’t necessarily mean the model is dead, but that it will take no further part in the battle at hand.

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These are each examples of units.

War machine and chariot models in the same unit should stay within 2” of each other.

In odd situations, for example when a chariot is destroyed but its crew survive. Other chariots in the unit need not slow themselves and wait for the crew on foot. However, the disembarked crew ought to stay loosely together, effectively causing the unit to split in two. Ultimately it is the GM’s call, thought the goal should generally be to maintain some order on the battle field. It would be cumbersome to have near random models assorted across the battle field and attempt to make sense of it.

Unit strength

Unit strength is an odd concept that comes up now and again. Generally it’s intended to represent the size or presence of a unit on the battle field.

Unit strength is calculated by adding up all of the value of each model in a unit.

Model type Unit strength/modelInfantry 1Cavalry 2Up to and including ogre in size 3Really big monsters starting WRidden big monsters starting W+riderFlyers 1Flying Cavalry 2Chariots and Wagons number of crew and pullers

For example, the unit of Orcs below has 12 Unit strength

Facing and Arc of sight

The direction of the front of a model’s base is the direction it is facing. Generally, and nearly absolutely, a model may not charge or shoot a target they cannot see. With the exception of skirmishers and fast cavalry, models only have sight in a 90 degree arc to their front. This arc can be found by drawing an imaginary line from the opposite corners of a square platform. Alternatively, you may take a standard 8.5”x11” paper and folding a corner such that the top/bottom lines up with a side and use this as a guide to delineate the sides of the sight


Flanks are defined as the 90 degree arcs to the right and left of the forward face of the unit.

The rear of the unit is defined as the 90 degree arc opposite the front arc.

Line Of Sight

Where a model in a unit can trace a straight line to a target, that model’s unit can be said to see the target. For shooting purposes (other than Arc shots) each shooter individually needs to be able to see the target.

The scaling of the Warhammer battlefield can make it difficult to appreciate the difficulty that a soldier might have in seeing her/his opponent on the field.

Relatedly Warhammer is played at a skewed scaling system to allow for intricacies and nuances of close-combat and the larger scale maneuvers and distances of larger battles. What this means is that for scaling purposes Warhammer is simultaneously scaled to the size of the miniatures and where 1”=10 yards5. So a charge of 8” is a charge across 80 yards, but a stone thrower 1” radius template, is not a 20 yard diameter crater of death. What this means, is that when you attempt to target an enemy unit 30” away with a longbow, you must imagine your keen eyed archers spying the enemy from 300 yards away. At such a distance, individuals become near impossible to distinguish out of a crowd, regiments disappear in mist and fog, hills conceal, and myriad other obstacles impede our view. Things are tricky enough to see without things between the model and its target. Generally speaking, line of sight (a models ability to target/see another model) is blocked by interposing objects. 6 The GM should adjudicate in dubious cases whether a model has LOS. However the general principle should be to give the benefit of the doubt that the model

5 This is taken directly from the 3rd edition.6 This means that true or absolute line of sight is not used. It does not matter if you can see a hand or half a boot.

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cannot be seen. Below are more specific guidelines for common terrain types.

See how tiny people are in the distance?


Most woods or forests are surrounded by smaller shrubs, and bushes where they are able to get sunlight. Consequently, models may only see up to 2” into a forest and must be within 2”7 of the forest’s edge to see out. Once inside the forest, the trees out compete these smaller plants for sunlight, creating a canopy. Models inside the forest have an expanded LOS to 8”8

Wood terrain features are assumed to have many more trees than are physically represented by the models. Consequently for LOS purposes players must assume the tree line to be as tall as the tallest model tree featured and full of trees so as to completely block LOS, even though you may technically be able to see through.

Interposing models

Models block LOS for each other. This means, typically, models in the second and subsequent ranks generally do not have LOS and cannot use ranged weapons.

However, models that are tall in stature, those with the large target rule, may see over smaller models in between. Conversely, large targets may also be seen. This means that a giant may be targeted by the rear ranks of a unit armed with ranged weapons. This does not allow larger targets to charge or be charged through interposing models.

Hills and the like

Generally, hills allow the unit atop the hill to see as if they were a large target, that is they can see over interposing models and be seen. Additionally, units of missile weapon armed troops may have their second rank fire as well.

Hedges, fences and walls

These sorts of obstacles block line of sight unless the target models are directly behind the obstacle. These terrain features are a subset of linear obstacles, their movement (Movement Rates and Terrain) and combat rules (Prepared position (linear obstacles that are fortified)) are discussed later.

Characters and stragglers

Generally speaking it is difficult to target an individual out of a crowd, especially at battlefield distances. Similarly it is difficult and

potentially tactically foolish to single out a random straggler, who at great distance is indistinguishable from the rank and file of the crowd. To represent this, a player may not target an individual model or weapons team within 4” of a unit of unit strength 5 or greater unless there is a clear reason to do so or at at less than half range. For example the weapon team fires, revealing its purpose. Single Models may be targeted if they are the closest model and within half range or if they standout based on size (e.g. Mounted officer amongst infantry)

Turn Order9

Players alternate taking phase.10This means Player A does magic, then player B does magic, then Player A declares charges then Player B declares charges. GM may choose turn to turn who is player A and B

-Compulsorily phase1. Rally panicking units2. Panic tests due to still panicking units3. Stupidity, animosity4. GM movement


-Declare all charges-declare all reactions-Move fleers then chargers

-Movement-Regular movement

-Shooting-Hand-to-Hand-Reserve Moves-End turn

Compulsory Phase

7 This is taken from Warhammer 7th ed., though I certain it appears elsewhere.8 This value differs from the first to reflect woodland succession patterns, though the value itself is largely arbitrary. If this value seems too large or small the GM may alter it and notify the players when they enter the wood or before the game.9 Turn order is largely taken from Warhammer 3rd ed.10 We have found this allows for more player interaction, and makes the game feel as if it is taking place in real-time, as opposed to a world in which armies alternate moving. Though by having a single shared combat phase, it does technically reduce the total possible carnage of close combat.

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A unit can rally if: The unit has no pursuers in base contact The unit has at least 25% of its starting US The unit must be closer to a non-fleeing friendly unit (of 5US

or greater than an enemy unit. A unit may not take a rally test in the same turn that it fled. The unit is not within the fear radius of an enemy unit.

For each unit fleeing and not being free hacked, The unit must pass a Cl test If it does it must spend the movement phase reforming unless it

is a skirmishing unit in which case it never counts as unformed. Being unformed the unit has ranks equal to its files, so in order to return to its “prepanicked” state it must redress its ranks. (see Turning/changing frontage)

If the unit fails the Cl test, it must continue fleeing 2DM”11

Declaring Charges12

Step 1: 1st player declares all charges/moves to engage

Step 2: 2nd player declares all reactions

Units that react may attempt no other action that movement phase

Step 3: 2nd player declares all charges/moves to engage by units that have not already declared a charge reaction

Step 4: 1st declares all charge reactions by units that have not previously declared a charge nor a charge reaction

Step 5: Roll to hit for stand and fires (determine if they cause panic) step 6: move all fleers

Step 7: determine charge distances and move chargers13

Charges and Movements to engage

Charge parameters

Requires LOS, the target of the charge must be in the front arc of the unit.


Failed Charge distance =M”. If your unit is unable make the charge rather than advancing 2DM+M”, instead the unit is advanced only M” forward and may not reserve move later in the turn.

Units that fail a charge counts as unformed15 unless met by a different enemy in the front.

You may only wheel once during a charge. Must charge into the side/arc that the preponderance of your

unit is in.

Move to engage

Move to engage represents troops slowly and meticulously advancing on the enemy, perhaps maintaining a tight infantry formation. Moves to engage are conducted almost exactly like the name suggests. That is, you may advance your unit M” in the exact same manner as normal movement right up to an enemy unit. There are both advantages and disadvantages to this:

No charge benefitso No combat resolution benefito No lance/spear/ weapon benefits from charging

If the unit does not make it to the enemy it does not lose ground, and does not count as unformed

Cavalry, moving to engage, negate the stopping benefit of pikes, spears and halberds, and the strength bonus granted to pikes against chargers. They would not negate the initiative modifiers conferred by those weapons.

Retain ranks for spears, pikes and similar weapons, this allows spearmen to, slowly and menacingly, advance forward.

Charge Reactions,

Must be declared against a unit that has declared a charge

Stand and fireo A unit can only stand and fire if the chargers began

their charge at a distance greater than their M” away. Or if the enemy is moving to engage, if they began their advance ½ M” away. If the enemy begins their charge M+” away the missile unit has sufficient time to draw their close combat weapons. However, if the enemy

11 We have opted for 2DM” instead of the standard 2D6 or 3D6 because it makes models flee and pursuit distances more dependent upon their movement value, that way dwarves and elves don’t flee and pursue roughly similar distances (though dwarves are known to have a -1” rule)12 This is a new adaptation to compensate for the alternating of phases.13 To be clear, what this means is that typically both sides will advance during a charge as both will have declared a charge/countercharge. The GM will advance them toward each other in proportion to their charge distances, usually somewhere in the middle.14 This is mostly borrowed from 8th edition, however, it seemed stupid that all units added D6, 2DM +M more closely approximates the older charge distances (though technically 2D(M-1) +M would be more accurate. 15 The idea of formed and unformed is derived from the 3rd ed. It is explained hereRank Disruption/unformed .

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began their charge within M” then the unit is caught flat footed fumbling over their armaments and fights with their missile weapons in hand (improvised weapons)

o Unit fires its ranged weapons as soon as the target unit enters within range of the shooting unit. If the enemy does not make it within range of the targeting it is assumed that the weapons fell short

o -1 to hit modifiero Any unit that stands and fires may not shoot during the

shooting phaseo Any unit with ranged weapons, may opt to stand and

fire regardless if they are the intended target of a charge. In this sense multiple units of archers may “cover” a friendly melee troop as they receive a charge.

Counter Charge/move to engageo Your unit charges/moves to engage the enemy unit, the

unit with the highest charge distance claims charge bonuses. That is they claim the +1 to hit in close combat and the +d6 combat resolution. Both sides may still claim weapon modifiers like the lance’s +2 S modifier.

Stand and Holdo The unit stands its ground

Fleeo The unit flees 2dM” away from the chargerso The controlling player may choose direction of the flee,

whether the unit continues to follow this same direction is up to the GM

Fire and Flee16

o Follows the same rules as stand and fire except:o If the charger does not panic the firing unit flees DM”o The controlling player may choose direction of the flee,

whether the unit continues to follow this same direction is up to the GM

No reactiono The unit does not react to the charge and may do other

actions that turno A unit that chooses not to react but is successfully

charged must take a panic test

Redirecting a ChargeIn the event that the enemy flees from a charge, the player may redirect the charge to another enemy unit within its front arc and LOS.

Conducting a charge

Because charging isn’t just one side’s units being moved, but both, charges are orchestrated by the GM. After fleers have been moved the GM will ascertain the charge distances of all units involved. It will be at the Gm’s discretion to determine the order that chargers are moved. Note, that where two units are charging one another it would not be sufficient to simply move one and then the other, but they should instead meet somewhere in the middle, within an acceptable margin of error. in proportion to their charge speeds.

Other than moving directly forward, charging units may only execute a single wheeling maneuver. This wheel may only be attempted where it can reasonably be understood to bring more models into base contact.

Charging through a small gap. When attempting to charge through a gap narrower than the unit, the unit will move at full speed through the gap, however the extra files displaced by the walls will be moved to the back of the unit, in the following close combat the unit will not benefit from ranks and is unformed for all intents and purposes except that they need not adopt a formation of equal ranks and files.

Closing the gap/free wheel. Assuming that a unit has a single model make it into base contact with the enemy without exhausting its total charge distance, it may close the gap. (A successful charge is therefore

a charge in which at least single model made it into base contact) Closing the gap is not simply wheeling the charging unit such that it gets its front rank in base contact with the enemy. Some leeway should be taken here. The guideline is that both units should be wheeled/rotated in proportion to their unit strength. That is, we might imagine that a thin line of human halberdiers would adapt or fluctuate more to the charge of a massive swarm of goblins than the goblins would.

Closing the gap might take some tinkering where many units are involved. Additionally closing the gap may result in the models furthest from the point of rotation moving extreme distances. These model’s whose movement is too great should be placed in the rear ranks of the main formation, they do not contribute to rank bonuses until the second round of combat. Models who are believed to have moved further than 3M” in the span of the charger should be moved in this manner.

Note that if both units charge, both units benefit from strength modifiers from charging and initiative modifiers, however, the unit with the greatest charge speed claims the +1 to hit, and the +d6 combat resolution.

Movement Phase

16 Taken from Warhammer ancients

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Movement Rates and Terrain

Open Terrain imposes no movement penalty. Open Terrain includes open grassy fields, and areas with firm even earth.

Difficult Terrain reduces movement to ½. Units may not reserve move while in difficult terrain. Difficult terrain includes scrub, thick snow, infirm ground, streams, thin forests, loose sand, mud, clinging vegetation, marshes, bogs, debris, loose rocks, sand dunes, stairs, steps, ladders, steep slopes, crops, orchards

Very Difficult Terrain reduces movement to ¼ speed. Units may not reserve move while in very difficult terrain. Includes a shallow but swift river, steep slope that would require hands and feet to climb up, thick woods, briars, dense jungle, deep mud and the like

Impassable Terrain may not be crossed except by fliers. Includes sheer cliffs, deep rivers, ponds and lakes, and places where one could not normally go.

Linear obstacles require the crossing model to lose 1/2M”. A unit crossing an obstacle counts as unformed (but need not change ranks and files) and must take a panic test if it is charged. They also count as a prepared position for infantry. The combat benefits and hindrances are discussed under Prepared position (linear obstacles that are fortified). Linear obstacles include fences, hedges, ditches, trenches, short walls, earthworks, low cliffs/ridges and the like.

Cavalry and forests. While in a forest, cavalry must dismount and move at the speed of the rider, benefits for skirmishing still apply.

The 1” Rule

Except for charging, compulsory moves, and moving to engage, you may never make your models move within 1” of an enemy model


Models wearing armor tend to become encumbered due to the weight of the armor. A model loses movement according to the following formula (X-1)/2 where X is the model’s total armor thickness (excluding scaly skin and being mounted for example.) It is prudent to make a note of each unit’s encumbrance before the battle. Below is a chart of common gear combinations and their encumbrance.


eLight armor -0”Shield/buckler -0”Light armor & shield -1/2"heavy armor & shield -1"

Ithilmar & Large Shield -1/2"Fullplate Armor & shield -3/2"CavalryLight Armor/Shield -0”Light Armor & shield -1/2"Light armor, shield & barding -3/2"Heavy armor, shield & barding -2"Ithilmar armor, ithilmar barding & shield -1"

Complex maneuvers

A unit may only attempt a single complex maneuver per phase In order to do a complex maneuver the unit must pass a Ld test If you fail the Ld test the unit may do nothing else that phase A unit must have a leader to attempt a complex maneuver If a unit is in a non-rank and file formation (excluding

skirmishers) any maneuver is a complex maneuver

Moving backwards Half movement

Wheeling backwards The unit moves at half rate Rotates from a front corner

Wheeling from the center of the unit Normal movement rate, like a normal wheel, except that the

point of rotation is the center of the unit.

Infantry square18

Examples of infantry squares

Infantry square with mixed unit formations

4 Equal sides of one or more ranks all facing outwards, no flanks, can’t be pushed back, attackers don’t receive bonus for

following up, can’t follow up -1 for enemy to hit them in close combat A failed Ld test to form a square results in an unformed unit


Increases the coverage of shields or large shields by 2 The unit moves at half rate If engaged in combat the formation is abandoned and ends The unit has to be as close to a square (equal ranks and files) as

possible. The unit may not use ranged weapons while in a testudo


A unit of arquebus armed troops may perform a countermarch during the reserve move phase. During the shooting phase the front rank may shoot as normal. You may then either move the back rank in front of the unit such that it advances or the front

17 This is based off of the 3rd ed. but modified to fit our thickness and coverage system. See Armor, found later18 Borrowed from Warhammer 3rd ed. 19 Warhammer 3rd ed. 20 Borrowed from Warhammer 4th ed.

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rank to the rear such that the unit moves backward. The following turn, the newly exposed rank may then fire. This maneuver allows arquebus units to sustain fire at higher rates.


During the normal movement phase or reserve you may form up into a wedge with ranks beginning one wide and get one model wider with each rank. This is a complex maneuver requiring ½ M

If your unit gets the charge (infantry armed with shields may still claim the bonus if they move to engage) then all of the models on the outside of the wedge may attack (where the enemy is directly ahead,) in return, the enemy gets models equal to the width of your formation plus an additional rank of supporting attacks (a unit with spears would get 3 ranks of attacks) if your unit has more ranks ( you may claim rank bonuses despite the ranks not being 4+ models wide) and wins the combat it counts as having penetrated the enemy unit. They must take a break test, if they fail you pursue as normal and your unit forms into a block of width equal to the widest rank pursuing the enemy. If the unit holds your unit continues its charge through the enemy and is placed on the opposite side plus any remaining charge distance they had left.

If your unit fails the charge or does not get the charge then it forms up into a block of width equal to the back rank. This does not apply to shield armed infantry that move to engage

While in the wedge and charging, the unit does not have flanks (see diagram), it also has ranks, and heavy cavalry may count upwards of four ranks in exception to the normal cavalry rank limitations while in a wedge.

Simple maneuvers22

May make one for free each phase, each additional simple maneuver requires a leader and the passing of a Ld test. Failure ends the movement phase for that unit.

Snaking See any edition of Warhammer, this rule really has not


Archer wedge23

Forming into an archer wedge requires all the unit’s movement for the phase.

Each rank after the first increases by one. In close combat the unit forms into a block of width equal to

the widest rank. Like the wedge, models on the outside of the chevron may use

their ranged weapons. For non arching fire use each model’s LOS, for arcing fire use

the leader in the front.

Shield wall24

Must have shields, Can’t move

Shields grant +1 armor coverage against attacks coming from the front arc (including arcing missiles,)

The unit may not use missile weapons, except thrown weapons. If the unit moves, is pushed back or follows up the shield wall

ends. A shield wall must be declared before any other maneuvers or

movement is done. The shield wall is lost if the unit moves A unit already in an infantry square may additionally adopt a

shield wall.

Turning/changing frontage Lose ¼ movement The individual models in the unit all turn 90 or 180 degrees, or

the unit may expand/reduce its frontage by 2.

WheelWe all know what a wheel is….

Voluntary withdrawal from hand to hand combat25

If a unit is engaged in close combat it may attempt to withdraw During the reserve phase you may Move 2DM away from the

enemy, then take a Ld test, if you fail they count as routed. Enemy may pursue as if it were pursuing a routed foe regardless of whether you pass your Ld test. If the pursuers make it to the fleers than the fleers become routed and suffer1 round of free hacks.

Prepared position (linear obstacles that are fortified)26

The unit defending the obstacle cannot be pushed back, and canno follow up

Enemy gets -1 to hit neither side gets a rank bonus Pursuing enemies lose distance for crossing the obstacle Only unmounted models may benefit from a prepared position

Changing formation in combat,

During the movement phase If you won the last round combat you may move unoccupied (not

fighting) models to the rear (for added ranks) or to expand the frontage during either your reserve or move phase following the normal rules for reforming. Characters who are not engaged in close combat may be moved

within their unit into close combat during this phase regardless of winning the last round of combat


Units that flee, instead of moving directly away from the causing unit or toward the nearest table edge, the unit moves toward the nearest immediately safe area based on the knowledge of the unit determined by the GM. Directly away or the table edge, may be the safest place.

With preference toward table edges and places that could reasonably conceal the unit.

All fleeing moves are done at the end of the phase in which the unit was caused to flee (units that are being cut to pieces with free hacks will continue to flee at the end of the close combat phase after free hacks have been inflicted.)

Units that are completely surrounded are stuck, and simply sustain free hacks until an opportunity arises allowing their escape or they are cut down.

Units flee and pursue 2DM” Fleeing units count as unformed and consequently are arranged

such that they have as many ranks as files. (Unless adopting such a formation would cause some models to exceed 3M” movement, otherwise clump the models in a manner that approximates the chaos of models becoming unformed.)


A unit may restrain from pursuing if it passes a Cl test. Units in buildings and behind obstacles may automatically pass this test.

Pursuing units (even units that restrain) automatically get a round of free hacks, they may only make additional free hacks if they

21 Our rules here derive from a combination of Warhammer 3rd ed. and Bretonnia 5th ed. 22 Astute readers will note that Marching is not included. We have opted for keeping the reserve phase from the 3rd edition. The combination of alternating phases and the reserve phase makes maneuvering more dynamic. 23 Warhammer 3rd ed. and Bretonnia 5th ed. 24 Warhammer 3rd ed. and Warhammer ancients.25 This rule is borrowed nearly verbatim Warhammer 3rd ed. though similar rules exist in Warhammer ancients and Wood Elves 4th. 26 Largely borrowed from Warhammer 3rd ed.

Byron, 08/25/15,
Should they have to get the charge, or just have charged?
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pursue a distance equal to or greater than the distance fled by the unit.

Pursuit movement is made to directly follow a fleeing enemy. Overrun (where the entire enemy unit is killed in the first round of combat by chargers) is made directly forward. If the overrunning or pursuing unit comes into contact with an enemy unit it may close the gap and counts as having charged. (note, like pursuit, a player may attempt to restrain overrun) The combat will be resolved in the following turn. The unit may only react by holding or fleeing.

Where multiple units are fleeing the pursuers must declare which unit they will pursue before they roll.

Should a unit pursue or overrun off the game table it will return to the battle at the beginning of the next turn’s reserve phase. At the beginning of the next turn’s reserve phase place the front edge of the unit on the table’s edge where it left the field. The unit may reserve move as normal.

Free Hacks27

Free hacks are attacks that automatically hit and from which the enemy does not benefit from Shields.

If a unit flees, the unit it fled from gets free hacks, that is, each model in base contact makes A attack(s) that hit(s) automatically. If the fleeing unit is caught, it takes another round of free hacks, and the unit continues to suffer a round of free hacks until it rallies, is destroyed, or the enemy opts not to pursue or fails to pursue. No unit may inflict more than 2 rounds of free hacks in a single turn. Units do not benefit from shields to save against free hacks.

Flee/Pursuit/ Free hack sequence1. Complete all close combats. Note any units that have failed their

rout tests.2. Enact all free hacks against routing units.3. Players attempt to restrain units.4. Players declare which units will pursue which fleeing units from

their combat.5. If a non-fleeing unit would/might be pursued or overrun into it

should declare a reaction (flee or stand and fight)6. Fleers roll 2dM7. Pursuers roll 2dM8. Gm moves the Fleers and pursuers accordingly. Any unit of fleers

that is caught by a pursuing unit suffers free hacks for a second time that turn.

Splitting up units28

Generally it is forbidden to divide up regiments, though not without precedent.1. The unit cannot move/shoot the entire turn that it decides to split

up.2. Write orders for the new unit if it does not have a leader3. New unit may be of any size less than half the main unit4. The unit comes under GM control to obey the written orders as

she/he sees fit if it does not have a leader.

5. Rank and file units either split along a rank or file. So a 7x3 may for example become a 4x3 and a 3x3 or alternatively a 7x1 and a 7x2. In either case the command models stay with the main unit.

Cowardly killing your foe from afar. (Shooting)

Shooting Phase order

1. 1st player declares all ranged weapon targets or overwatch, including war machines (remember those soldiers who stood and fired cannot shoot now)

2. 2nd player does the same3. 1st player declares ranges for war machines and other guess range

weapons4. 2nd player does the same5. 1st player resolves her/his war machines6. 2nd player does the same7. 1st player resolves remaining ranged weapons8. 2nd player does the same9. Panic tests are taken as required

Firing through gaps 29

You may not target an enemy where the line of fire passes within 4” of a friendly unit that is over half range

Firing from a height

Missile troops gain or lose 10% range for each 2” in height difference relative to their target. This bonus only affects the maximum range, not the ¾, ½ and ¼ range. That is, it will not improve your accuracy.30

Firing into combat

You may fire into close combat, hits are distributed randomly (amongst models in range.) You take the total ranks of the entire engagement into account for modifiers (excluding models out of range). E.g. two units of three ranks each would give the archers the bonus of shooting a target with 6 ranks31

To hit chart32

BS -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10To hit 6,5 6,4 6 5 4 3 2 1,5 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,1,5

27 Warhammer 3rd ed. It is absolutely absurd that should a single skink or goblin somehow routs a unit of fully armored knights and catches them, that he/she should slay every last one. These rules prevent this from happening.28 Units were allowed to split up in Warhammer ancients siege and Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader29 Warhammer 3rd ed. though with our modification of range. The idea is that, at distance, the risk to friendly models increases due to archery weapons and a commander would not have their troops shoot through a narrow gap attempting to hit the enemy. 30 Not sure where this came from.31 Warhammer 3rd ed. though the rule continued for the Skaven into the present.32 6, 4 means that you must roll a 6 and then a 4+ in order to hit. 1, 5 means in order to miss you must roll a 1 and then less than 5.

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To hit modifiers

+1 Firing at large target (over 10’) -1 Fire at small target (under 1’)33

-1 Firing while moving/each maneuver (ignore counter marching) -1 firing at a rapidly moving target (unit moved further than 7”

during the charge phase or movement phase, this does not apply to stand and fire reactions)34

-1 fire at charging enemy/while charging35

-1 if the firer is wounded36

-1 improvised weapons -1 soft cover -2 hard cover -2 if over ¾ range37

-1 firing at over ½ range +1 if under ¼ range38

-1 to hit Arcing fire ( target must be over half range)

Arc shots

Some weapons shoot with a large arcing trajectory when shooting at long distances. The following rules apply to weapons with the arcing rule firing at a target over half range. +1 to hit for every two full ranks that the target unit has relative to

the facing of the shooting unit. targets gain no cover from linear obstacles Every model in the unit is allowed to shoot so long as the leader

has LOS of the target. Where a unit has no leader, only the front rank may fire as per normal.

May not divide shots Cavalry archers may not move and arch shots in the same turn.


Claiming cover: A model can claim cover if it is near the covering terrain and the covering terrain is between it and the shooter. The differentiating factor with cover is not the amount of the miniature that is covered39 but the physical protection from that cover40

Hard Cover- enemy suffers a -2 to hit from range. Hard cover includes building corners, large rocks, walls, wooden palisades, trenches, within buildings and the like

Soft Cover- enemy suffers a -1 to hit from range. Soft cover includes hedges, wagons, carts, woods, crops

Over Watch41

In peculiar situations, models armed with ranged weapons may wish to wait for a particular moment before loosing their shot. We might recall when Faramir was saved from orcs by a timely volley of arrows from overwatching rangers. Over Watch is simple in principle but potentially confusing in application. In principle Over Watch is delaying shooting until an opportune moment. Steps for over watching1. During the shooting phase declare which units are over watching,

and note to the GM the expected target or the directive of each over watching unit. Over watchers must be able to reasonably expect their target (e.g. LOS, previous LOS, close proximity around a corner, the general/ a signaling model with LOS of the target etc.) The GM should use discretion.

2. Over watching units may fire during any subsequent phase until the following shooting phase,

3. Otherwise over watchers may do nothing that turn, except charge reactions.

4. Overwatchers that are molested or harassed(shot at, charged, fear, etc.) by any source other than their intended target must pass an Ld test or lose their overwatch

5. Over watchers get a -1 to hit versus models moving into cover, or from cover. Note that this is non-cumulative with the normal charging to hit modifier and that a model charging from cover only incurs this penalty once.

6. Overwatchers do not suffer a -1 to hit vs chargers as they are not firing in haste

7. A unit may not be manipulated via overwatch to fire more in a single turn than it would normally be allowed in a single shooting phase

8. War Machines may over watch

Dividing shots

Sometimes a commander will find it necessary or useful to divide shots amongst a number of targets. However allocating shots in this many can be complicated under the pressure of combat. Take a Ld test. If you pass you may divide your unit’s shots between two targets. If you fail half the unit may not fire, the remaining shots are allocated randomly between the two targets.

Fire at Will

Sometimes a leader may find it more effectual to order his/her troops to fire at will. Fire at will is similar to dividing shots except that models in the unit direct their own shots. Each model in the unit targets the closest viable enemy unit within LOS. Where multiple targets are equidistant and just as easy to hit, randomize which is targeted. Units firing at will, will not fire into close combat. This is useful where a single unit occupies a stockade, a long front, a building with multiple approaches or is in a square formation and wants to shoot from a side without the leader. Models with ranged weapons that arch shots may not use the leader’s LOS.

Killing your Foe Proper like (Hand-to-hand Combat)

33 Warhammer 3rd ed. 34 Warhammer 3rd ed. 35 Firing while charging is from Warhammer 3rd ed. 36 Warhammer Combat 2nd ed.37 This is our own invention, it just felt right38 See above39 See Mordheim on Cover40 Warhammer 3rd, 4th, 5th at least41 Warhammer 40k Battle Manual 1st ed.

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Who Strikes First

In close combat, models with higher initiative strike first. Models that are slain cannot strike back. Where there is a tie for initiative the side that won the previous round of combat or got the charge gets to attack first.

Which Models Fight

A model can fight if its base is touching the base of an enemy model. Even models attacked in the side or rear may fight, and if you wish they may be temporarily turned in the ranks to indicate they are doing so.

Where a model is touching more than one enemy it may divide its attack(s) between them as it sees fit.

Where a rank is incomplete either the rearmost model shifts to the right or left to meet the enemy. If the enemy is attaching from the rear then unengaged models from the penultimate rank move to complete the rear rank to meet the enemy.

To hit chart 42

The attackers’ weapon skill benefits from the to hit modifiers whilst the defenders’ weapon skill does not. That is, to hit modifiers change the WS not the die result and only when considering results when rolling to hit.

Defender’s Weapon Skill

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attacker’s W

eapon Skill

1 Aut


4 4 5 5 6 6 6,4 6,4 6,5 6,5

2 Aut


3 4 4 55 6 6 6,4 6,4 6,5

3 Aut


3 3 4 4 55 6 6 6,4 6,4

4 Aut


2 3 3 4 4 55 6 6 6,4

5 Aut


2 2 3 3 4 4 55 6 6

6 Aut


1,6 2 2 3 3 4 4 55 6

7 Aut


1,6 1,6 2 2 3 3 4 4 558


o 1, 5 1,6 1,6 2 2 3 3 4 4 5

42 Note that the to hit roll increases in a stepped linear pattern, this differentiates it from other editions of Warhammer. This way better WS and conditions will almost always result in better fighting not just hitting on a 3+1, 5 means that in order to miss you must roll a 1 and then less than 4. 6, 4 means that in order to hit you must roll a 6 and then a 4+.

9 Aut

o1, 5 1, 5 1,6 1,6 2 2 3 3 4 4

10 Aut


1,4 1, 5 1, 5 1,6 1,6 2 2 3 3 4To hit modifiers

Charging +143

Follow up attack +1 Higher ground +1 Enemy behind obstacle -1 (lose charge bonuses) Unarmed -2 Supporting Attack (an attack from behind the front rank) -1 Hatred +1 Frenzy +1 Monsters with claw or weapons get +1 vs close order troops

To wound44

Defender’s Toughness

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Attacker’s Strength

1 4 5 6 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,6,2 6,6,32 3 4 5 6 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,6 6,6,23 2 3 4 5 6 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,5 6,64 1,6 2 3 4 5 6 6,2 6,3 6,4 6,55 1,5 1,6 2 3 4 5 6 6,2 6,3 6,46 1,4 1,5 1,6 2 3 4 5 6 6,2 6,37 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 2 3 4 5 6 6,28 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 2 3 4 5 69 1,1,6 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 2 3 4 5

10 1,1,5 1,1,6 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 2 3 4


Armor save chart45

Armor Type



Light armor 1 1Shield 1 1Buckler / Iron Fist 1* 1Large Shield 2 1Heavy Armor 2 2Gut Plates 1* 2Full plate Gromril Mithril 3 3Mounted 2 0**Barding 2 1Mounted on Boar/ cold one 3 0**

*Coverage only applies in close combat**Any penetrating blow loses 1S but is not stopped

Each article of armor is rolled to save individually. So a model with heavy armor, mount and shield would roll up to three times. The coverage value determines the necessary die result for the armor to save. For example light armor has 1 coverage, so the model needs to roll a 6 to save. If a model has heavy armor it must roll a 5+ to save. The more coverage the more likely the save.

Armor Penetration

Some attacks are strong enough to pierce through or bludgeon so strongly as to make armor irrelevant. Weapons or models with this capability have this listed in their profile. Rather than compare the penetration to the total save, it is instead compared to each article of

43 Having to hit modifiers is largely borrowed from Warhammer 3rd ed. 44 Note that you can always wound, but that it may require more than a 6.45 Trust us, this system makes more and more sense, as you get used to it. It also prevents the exponential costs of armor saves.

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armor. For instance a great weapon may modify armor by -2, in this case the model still rolls for armor save before rolling to wound but rather than each save preventing the wound it reduces the strength by the armor thickness and reducing its armor penetration by the same amount. So a typical human with a great weapon striking a model with heavy armor, would still allow the model to roll for the save, but the save would reduce the strength of the blow by 2S. A halberd with -1 armor however, would be stopped flat out by heavy armor as it simply does not have enough penetration to go through the 2 thickness.

Some “armors” are pierced by any blow, like scaly skin, being mounted and dryad bark. Despite always being pierced, they still reduce the strength of the blow by 1 but do not count as a thickness pierced. So a blow that could pierce a single piece of armor, would not be countered by both light armor and being mounted. Though the combination could reduce the weapons strength by 2.

Combat resolution

Outnumber + [(US1/US2)-1] Wounds +1 for each wound inflicted Ranks+1 for each rank after the first to a max of +3 Charging or Following up +1 Standard bearer +1 Battle standard +1 Engaged in the Flank +1 for each Engaged in the Rear 1 Overkill wounds +1 for each excess wound High Ground +1


-For each complete second or subsequent rank the formation had when the combat round began. However, there must be at least 4 models engaged in combat in the front rank or your front rank is wider on both sides, for this bonus to apply. The maximum number of ranks which count in this way are three, giving a maximum bonus of +3. A complete rank must contain as many models as the rank in front. Incomplete ranks confer no bonus. Each rank gives +1 combat Resolution

Rank Disruption/unformed

a unit charged in the rear and/or flank becomes unformed if charged by a unit of 8 or more unit strength

Unformed units are arranged such that they have ranks equal to their number of files, they lose all rank bonuses, though for ranged attack purposes they are still easier to hit from arcing fire.

Any model that is engaged in both the front and rear and does not have stomp or tail attacks, is hit automatically from the rear.


Until a unit has lost a ¼46+ of its starting US it does not need to take a rout test. Otherwise if a unit loses the combat the unit must take a Rout test. A rout test is based on the unit’s Cl but is modified to represent the pressures of the situation.

The modifier is calculated in the following manner. Take the difference in combat resolution and; this value is then subtracted from their Cl. They then must roll equal to or below this Cl on two dice or flee. For example a unit of goblins (base Cl of 5) loses a combat by 3, they would then have to pass with a dice result of 2 or less (5-3)

Pushed back47

In the event that a unit loses a combat, but did not suffer enough casualties it is pushed back. Move the unit backwards/away from the enemy 2”. The enemy may test to restrain (Cl test) otherwise they follow up and move the 2” forward into base contact. Where units are engaged in a lopsided manner (see below) the unit should be rotated 2” per GM discretion.

46 Warhammer 3rd ed. 47 Warhammer 3rd ed.

Horde 48

If you win the combat you may expand your frontage by two models on both sides and then lap around. To lap around, move however many models your unit is wider than the opponent’s unit, to your opponents flanks and then rear if the flanks are full. Models (not units) that are engaged to the front are hit automatically if attacked in the rear and gain no shield save.

Removing the wounded

This section will deal with removing casualties in 3 circumstances War machines, ranged weapons and close combat.

Close CombatIn close combat, models that are removed as casualties are removed from the rear of the unit as it is assumed that models from the rear move forward to fill in gaps in the line. Note that these new models that step forward do not get to attack that turn, nor do the dead get to fight back.

Ranged WeaponsIt is assumed with level firing ranged weapons (e.g. not arcing) that they strike the closest model in the unit. Usually this will have no effect as rear rank models will simply fill in. However, in the off chance that the ranged weapons inflict enough wounds to slay the entire front rank, remove the front rank (except hero/mage models) effectively moving the entire unit back the length of a platform. We all know every inch matters when it comes time to charge. Or, fire from the side inflicting wounds equal to the models in a file, will remove an entire file (excluding hero/magic user models,) which in the right circumstances could negate ranks.

War machinesLike the ranged weapon rule that can generally be disregarded, so can this rule unless the Gm has reason to believe a unit stands to be struck by multiple war machine blows. Otherwise when a unit is struck by a war machine remove (to the best of your ability) the actual model(s) that were smashed/pulverized/exploded by the war machine. This prevents redundancies of the same models getting hit twice by cannon fire or catapults. Particularly, this rule should be rigorously applied when a unit is hit by an organ gun or there will be significant redundant casualties, multiplying the effectiveness of the weapon.

Where an entire file is removed as casualties, (e.g. from a cannon or bolt thrower) the unit will lose a file, rather than losing models from the rear.

Units need not execute a reform maneuver to compensate for casualties, except in the event of loss ranks or files.

Killing blow

Normal Killing Blow: Models with this rule gain the following ability. Successful wounds cause d3 wounds. Ward saves apply as normal. The following limitations apply, your models must be able to hit on a 3 or higher and the target must be cavalry sized or smaller.49

Heroic Killing Blow: Models with this rules gain the same benefit as normal killing blow, except that it only works on models greater in size than a cavalry model.48 The concept is derived from Warhammer 8th ed. but implemented in what we felt was a more sensical manner.49This is still generally up for debate

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-Instant Death, any single (not swarm) model that suffers a wound from a blow with strength greater than double their toughness is removed as a casualty.50

Reserve Move51

During the reserve move phase, units may make another move during the reserve phase just like the movement phase with the following exceptions

The unit must take a Ld test to begin a reserve move that begins within 8” of the enemy or to continue to move should the unit enter within 8”

The unit fired a ranged weapon during the shooting or movement phase

o This does not apply to chariots or skirmishing cavalry armed with a ranged weapon that does not have the move or fire rule.

The model/unit is not in difficult terrain War machines may not reserve move The unit routed/panicked or pursued earlier that turn

The following maneuvers are unique to the reserve phase: Countermarching and Voluntary withdrawal from hand to hand combat.



50 Warhammer 40k 5th ed. 51 Taken from Warhammer 3rd ed. 52 Largely borrowing from Warhammer 3rd ed. and 8th ed.

When a unit is charged or moved to engage by a fear causing unit, take a Cl test. If the test is failed all models in the charged/moved up to unit reduce their WS by half rounded down to a min. of 1. The unit does not regain its normal Ws value until it wins/draws a round of combat against the triggering fear causing unit.

If a fear causing model wins a combat the opponent must take a rout test regardless of casualties.

If a unit is within the distance of the fear value in inches, the opponents must pass Cl test or the unit’s hit and shoot at a minus 1 as they quake in their boots.

Routing units cannot rally if they are within the range of the fear A unit must take and pass a Cl to move within the fear range. Units wishing to charge a fear causing unit must pass a Cl test or

stand still, if the unit is counter charged or is declaring its charge as a reaction to a charge by a fear causing unit, roll only once, if failed the unit does not move and counts as if it had failed when charged as well. That is, not only will it fail to counter charge (standing still quaking in their boots) the unit will also lose Ws in close combat.

Afraid of/ Fears

Some models have special rules denoting that they fear certain things. For example an untrained horse fears fire. Models with sort of rule are bound to the following rules

If the unit takes a single casualty from the feared source at range, the unit must take a panic test

If the source suddenly appears within 4”, e.g. a gout of flame appears next to a unit of horses, the unit must take a panic test.

The unit may not rally within 4” of the source of fear Being charged by or attempting to charge something one is

afraid of is treated exactly the same as if the charger had the fear rule above.

If the unit passes one of the above panic tests, it need not test again from the same source in the same manner. For example if a fire cannon attacks a fearful unit a second time inflicting over ¼ casualties the unit still needs to take a panic test, but not because they took s single casualty.

They also treat the unit as if it caused fear.

Animal Reaction Chart53

In the event that a monster finds itself without a master (rider or animal handler) it must take a Ld test (GM Rolls and knows the result moving the animal accordingly).

If the test is passed roll (D6) for the below chart5, 6 The monster may fight as normal, but must take another test at the end of its next combat

3, 4 The monster will guard its master’s body, refusing to leave the spot unless compelled by shooting or losing a combat

1, 2 The Monster gains hatred of the foe that killed its master and will move as directly as possible toward that unit

If the Test is failed roll for the below chart1-3 The Monster flees and may not rally, though if attacked it will fight (ignoring initial free hacks) and auto rally

4 The Monster turns and charges the nearest unit regardless of side

5-6 The Monster wanders around aimlessly, perhaps stopping to graze.54Move the monster in a random direction 1DM”. If threatened (any model comes within M” of the Monster) it will charge that model

Cavalry/mount Psychology 55

As one might imagine most ridden creatures have a tendency toward self-preservation and have little understanding of their actions in a larger moral or battlefield context. Unless a mount (excluding monstrous mounts) is made immune to psychology (e.g. undead

53 Forgot where this came from54 (GM note: carnivores may wander preferentially toward corpses to eat, and herbivores toward leafy green plants)55 Historically, this phenomenon has routinely been recorded where horses will absolutely refuse to charge straight into formations of pikes, spears, halberds or bayonets. Read of the repeated French cavalry charges at Waterloo.

Ibrahim Eldesouki, 07/30/15,
Become unformed if they pass???
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mounts) the following rules apply:A unit of cavalry must take a Cl test using the mount’s Cl if it charges a unit of formed close order infantry of WS 3+ wielding Pikes, halberds, or spears in the front (or in the case of an infantry square, any side.) If the unit fails the test they halt their charge 1” from the target. The riders may still fire and charge, shooting their weapons at near point blank in frustration. Note that this test is taken after the infantry have passed any requisite panic tests (e.g. due to outnumbering heavy cavalry) and need not be taken if the infantry become unformed.


If the unit did not declare a charge/countercharge/move-to-engage and the unit is within 2M” (ascertained by the GM) then it must take a Cl test at the end of their declare charges phase (corresponding to either step 1 or step 3.) If they fail the test they must declare a charge against the nearest enemy unit they can see. Additionally, they count as failing the Cl test just below. The unit may add or subtract the Cl modifier of its leader to aid or prevent failure of the test.

When a unit with frenzy charges, they must take a Cl test, if they fail they gain the following rules. (The unit may subtract or deduct any Cl modifiers from character models to help them pass or fail)

+1 to hit in close combat +1 to wound Must follow up and pursue Gains extra sturdiness (same save as if mounted, stacks with

being mounted) 5+ coverage 0 thickness Don’t benefit from parry rule or shield wall Frenzy is lost if the unit is pushed back, breaks or flees


Models with this rule may not have their Coolness modified due to combat resolution.

Immune to psychology

Units with this rule automatically pass all fear or panic tests. Can’t flee as a charge reaction. May not be affected by other psychologies except those

included in their profile May still break from combat and be pushed back


Cannot run away under any situation. The model/unit is also immune to psychology except those

included in their rules May not be pushed back nor route


Must Charge(within 2M”) or shoot hated foe on a failed Cl test taken during the compulsory phase

+1 to hit in close combat against hated foe +1 Cl in Close combat against hated foe Must follow up and pursue

Panic 57

A unit must take a panic test (Cl test) in the following circumstances:

There is a fleeing friendly unit of equal or greater size within 4” at beginning of the turn (after rally attempts have been made)

The unit is charged in the side and/or rear by a unit(s) with sufficient US to disrupt ranks while already engaged.

Charged in flank/rear by an unseen foe. This doesn’t mean out of LOS per se, but rather units that would reasonably be deemed to be hidden, perhaps from a forest edge charging in the flank.

A friendly unit, of unit strength 5 or greater, within 12” routs from close combat, +1Cl if routing unit ¼ size or smaller of testing unit

Engaged in combat and the highest level character leaves The unit is successfully charged by a unit it chose not to charge

react to. If the unit fails the panic test they flee.

56 Largely borrowed from Warhammer 3rd ed.57 3rd ed. Warhammer


If the unit is not in combat during the compulsory phase take a Ld test during compulsory phase, if passed all is good, if failed roll d6. On 1-3 they become unformed. On 4-6 Rotate the unit according to a weighted scatter and move it forward 2dM” the unit becomes unformed.

If the unit is engaged, take a Ld test. If the unit passes the unit fights as normal. If the unit fails, half the models in the unit don’t make attacks. Where there are odd models roll a die, on a 4+ the model fights as normal. On a 3 or less the model gapes and is slack jawed like the models around him.

Failure of a stupidity test negates subsequent psychology. That is a unit that fails its stupidity is not affected by frenzy, hatred, fear, panic, etc. Though they can still be broken in close combat.


Some troops or individuals are more prone to the uncontrolled imbibing of alcohol, even in dire situations. Each unit (associated hero of level 3 or lower are bound to the unit’s result) and character with alcoholism is bound to the following rules.

Before the battle the unit or character takes a WP test. If the test is failed roll another 2d6 and subtract their WP this is how drunk they are to a minimum of 1(consult the chart below)

Each time the unit enters within 4” of a potential source of alcohol or during each compulsory phase in which it is within 4” of such a source it must pass a WP test or investigate, so long as it is not engaged in close combat or the enemy is not within 12” and LOS. Investigate means the unit enters the establishment and searches it for alcohol. If alcohol is found the unit will drink for the turn. Each turn in the establishment the unit takes another d2 drinks (add to the drunk chart below.) In order for the unit to leave the establishment they must pass a WP test during the compulsory phase.

Drunk Chart Drinks – Effect (effects are non-cumulative)

1. -1 I -1 Ld, -1 Cl, -1 WP2. -1 BS -1 WS -1 I -1 Ld, -1 Int, -2 Cl, -2 WP stubborn3. -1 BS -1 WS -1 I -2 Ld, -1 Int, -2 Cl, -3 WP immune to panic, 4. -2 BS -2 WS -2 I -2 Ld, -2 Int, -2 Cl, -4 WP stupidity, immune

to panic,5. -2 BS -2 WS -2 I -3 Ld, -2 Int, -3 Cl, -5 WP frenzy, immune to

panic,6. -2 BS -2 WS -3 I -4 Ld, -3 Int, -3 Cl, -6 WP hatred, immune to

panic,7. -3 BS -3 WS -3 I -5 Ld, -4 Int, -4 Cl, -7 WP animosity8. -3 BS -3 WS -4 I -6 Ld, -5 Int, -4 Cl, -8 WP frenzy, hatred,

stupidity, animosity9. -3 BS -3 WS -4 I -7 Ld, -6 Int, -6 Cl, -9 WP frenzy, hatred,

stupidity, animosity10. -10 WP (since no WP can go above 10, you unit/character

should be removed from play by this point, assuming they have not been already)


Everything causes fear to a unit that is blinded, that is, anything that would cause a single wound to a blind unit, causes it to take a rout or panic test at the end of the phase.

Blinded Units that break/flee do so in a random direction (GM discretion, scatter die?)

Blinded models roll to hit in melee with a -4 Models attacking a blinded model in close combat benefit from

a +4 to hit


58 Warhammer 3rd ed. 59 Borrowing from Warhammer: Combat 2nd ed. 60 Largely taken from Warhammer 3rd, but with some alterations. Nets taken from Combat 2nd ed.

Page 19: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

Hand Weapon Typically Free

o No modifiersAdditional Hand Weapon 1pt

o Model gains +1Ao Left hand gets -1 to hito Parry: If the wielder has higher Ws the opponent gets -1

to hito Additional hand weapons rules apply for combinations

of daggers and hand weaponsImprovised Weapon Free

o -1 to hito Enemy gains a 6+ mounted save (stacks)

Dagger Typically free

o +2 i in meleeo -1 So Enemy gains a 5+ mounted Save (stacks)

Sword ½ pto Weapons with the Sword designation have all of the

attributes of their weapon type plus the Parry ruleo Where an entry simply says “sword” assume it is a hand

weapon with the sword designation.o Parry = If the wielder has higher Ws the opponent gets -

1 to hit, this is not cumulative with additional hand weapons

Great Weapons 2pts

o 2 hands (no shield in melee)o -2 io +2 So -2 armor

Bastard Sword 1 ½ pts

o This weapon can alternate in its usage amongst the following

Standard hand weapon/sword +1S -1i -1 armor two hands Unlike great weapons, it can be used effectively

on horseback in either fashion.Flail 1pt

o Requires 2 handso 3 Ws to use or improvisedo +2 S -2 armoro If pushed back -2 io ½ speed charge and pursue (may march and move as

normal)o If flee may drop flail to move at full speed.o -1 to armor until pushed back

Morning Star 1pto 1 hando 3 Ws to use or improvised(including modifiers)o +1 S, -1 armoro If pushed back -2 i

Halberd 2pts

o 2 hands (no shield in combat)o +2 i against cavalry unless pushed back or lose rankso +2 I against flyers (non-additive)o +1 S -1 armor

Net 2pt

A net may be used in one of two ways: defensively, like a buckler, or offensivelyIf used as a buckler the net will confer the usual saving throw in the same manner as a buckler.

If used as a weapon the net gives its user an extra attack. The net attack is always made just before all other attacks, this is because the results of the net attack will modify the normal attack.TO HIT +1 Against all troops.Any models hit by the net are not damaged, so there is no 'to wound' roll. Instead, they are entangled for the remainder of that turn. Any model which is entangled loses a single attack (a model may be netted multiple times losing 1 attack eat time.) The net user now makes his normal attack/s, use the following additional modifiers if the net attack has been successful.TO HIT +1 Against all entangled troopsTO WOUND +1 Against all entangled troopsARMOUR the entangled model must re-roll a single successful armor saveAt the end of the turn surviving entangled models are assumed tohave escaped.If a unit is routed by an offensive net wielding unit, entangled models are automatically caught and may either be free-hacked or arranged at the back of the pursuing unit as captives. If offensively wielded netters are allowed free hacks they may instead make net attacks. Models hit in this way are placed at the rear of the unit as captured victims. A unit with prisoners may not receive the benefit of its rear most rank when it charges, nor may its non-charging movement speed exceed that of the captives. Should the need arise, captives may be executed by sacrificing an entire movement phase. If the netters are forced to flee or break, leave the slaves in an unformed mass where they are. They may be freed and rearmed if a friendly unit reaches them and spends its reserve (if they can make a reserve move) or movement phase unshackling them. The freemen may form up on their own or join the liberating unit, treat it as a multiple unit formation with improvised weapons.

Captives are worth double Victory Points.

Pike 1pt

o Two hands, No shieldo Only 1 maneuver per phaseo Ld test to maneuver in difficult terraino No maneuvers in very difficult or foresto Only one rank may cross an obstacle a phaseo +6 i toward the front unless pushed back or loses rankso Additional +6 i when fighting cav. in front unless

pushed back or loses rankso Additional 3 more ranks may support attack, unless

pushed back, charged or loses rankso +1 S and -1 armor penetration when charged in the

front by cavalry or larger models.o +2 i against air unless pushed back or loses rankso May not enter buildings unless a troll sized model

would be able to do soo If the unit loses ranks, then pikes count as improvised

weaponso All attacks count as supporting attacks

Spear 1pt

o May use shieldo +2 i to front during first roundo +4 i against cavalry in the front unless pushed back or

loses rankso Additional rank may make attacks unless pushed back,

the wielding model charged, or the unit’s ranks are disrupted

o +2 i against flyers unless….

Page 20: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

-Mounted Weapons

Amounted Model may not wield more than one weapon in close combat.

Hand weapon Typically Freeo +1 to hit against infantry unless pushed backo May not attack foes under 10’ tall if riding a large

targetImprovised (great weapons, halberds, pikes) Free

o -1 to hito Enemy gains a 6+ mounted Save (stacks)o May not attack foes under 10’ tall if riding a large

targetDagger Typically Free

o +1 i o -1 So Enemy gains a 5+ mounted Save (stacks)o May not attack foes under 10’ tall if riding a large

targetMorning Star 1pt

o Need 4 Ws or improvised(including modifiers)o +2 So -2 i in all rounds of combat after the 1st\

o May not attack foes under 10’ tall if riding a large target

Lance 2pts

o +4 i on chargeo +2 S on chargeo -2 armoro May attack foes under 10’ tall if riding a large target

Spear 1pt

o +2 i on chargeo +1 to hit infantryo +1 S on chargeo May attack foes under 10’ tall if riding a large target

-Missile Weapons

Bow 2pts

o 24” arcingo 3S

Short bow 1pt

o 18” arcingo 3S

Long Bow 3pts

o 30” arcingo 3So Pierces light armor at ½ range

Crossbow 3pts

o 30”o 4So Pierces light armor ½ rangeo Unit may not move or reserve move in same turn as it

shootso May stand and fire if it did not move in previous turn

Repeating Crossbow 4pts

o 18”o 3So May fire thrice but suffers a -1 to hit penalty

Crossbow Pistol61 2pts

o 12”o 3S at short range, 2S at over half rangeo Requires an entire movement phase spent stationary to

reloado No negative to hit modifiers due to chargingo May stand and fire or fire while charging and then

revert to their normal close combat weapons. (adds to combat res)

61 Ravening Hordes 2nd ed.

o If desperate a pistol may be used as an improvised weapon. Or additional improvised weapon (all modifiers for both improvised and additional hand weapons apply)

Throwing spear/ax 1pts

Thrown weapono Doesn’t suffer penalties for range or movingo May be fired while charging, -1 to hit (adds to combat

res) -1” charge distance, rank up the models for the charge, then the front rank models get to make ranged attacks

o May stand and fire at any range, rank up the models first for the charge, then they stand and shoot.

o Stand and fire is a -1 for thrown weapons S as shooter +1 4” Pierces light armor

Throwing knives/stars/Darts 1pts

6” range S of shooter -1 Enemy gains a 5+ mounted Save (stacks) Same rules as throwing spear (except range, and armor

modifier)Javelin 1pts

8” S of shooter Same rules as throwing spear (except range, and armor

modifier) May stand in fire even if in a shield wall

Slings 1pts


2S If the unit does not move during either move or reserve phase it

may fire two shots with half the range (take into account the new range modifiers.) No multiple shot penalty

A unit may not double fire as a stand and fire reaction Models with Slings must skirmish

Blowpipe (Lizardmen and pygmies) 1pts

4” Doesn’t suffer from negative range hit modifiers Poisons vary 0S hit63

If it matters, the weapon is silentImprovised Weapon Free

3” Same rules as throwing spear (except range and armor

modifier) S as shooter -2 Enemy gains a 6+ mounted Save (stacks)

Arquebus 1pts

4S 24” -2 armor penetration May not move or reserve move in the same turn that it fires The unit may not fire in the following turn if it fired the

previous turn It may only stand and fire it if neither moved nor fired the

previous turn Units armed with arquebuses are capable of certain drill orders.

They may instead fire 1 rank each turn, alternating between the two and moving the unit forward or backward the distance of a rank. (see Countermarching)

Blunderbuss64 2pts D3 S3 hits at half range, or S1 at over half range 16” range -2 armor within half range May not move or reserve move in the same turn that it fires The unit may not fire in the following turn if it fired the

previous turn62 We were really curious about slings, so we looked it up, apparently they had an effective range comparable to a long bow. 63 No one is going to die from the impact of a dart64 Ravening Hordes 1987

Page 21: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

It may only stand and fire it if neither moved nor fired the previous turn

Units armed with blunderbusses are capable of certain drill orders. They may instead fire 1 rank each turn, alternating between the two and moving the unit forward or backward the distance of a rank. (see Countermarching)

Pistol 2pts

4S 8” -1 armor, -2 in combat No negative to hit modifiers due to range or charging May stand and fire or fire while charging and then revert to

their normal close combat weapons. (adds to combat res) A model with a pistol may fire every other turn. A model with

a brace of pistols may fire both in a single turn, or each in 2 consecutive turns, but only reloads one a turn. The model may not fire a pistol every turn.

If desperate a pistol may be used as an improvised weapon. Or additional improvised weapon (all modifiers for both improvised and additional hand weapons apply)


Buckler 1pt 1 coverage in close combat, 1 thickness but does not contribute

to encumbrance Requires a hand

Shield 1pt 1 coverage, 1 thickness Requires a hand, a model may not use a ranged weapon and

claim a shield bonus in the same turnLarge Shield65 2pts

2 coverage, 1 thickness Requires a hand a model may not use a ranged weapon and

claim a shield bonus in the same turnGut plate Free

1 coverage in close combat, 2thickness Encumbers like light armor

Light Armor 2pts 1 coverage, 1 thickness

Ithilmar body armor 3.5pts 2 coverage, 1 thickness Any blow that would pierce light armor also pierces ithilmar

armorHeavy Breast Plate 2pts

1 coverage, 3 thickness encumbers like heavy armor

Heavy Armor 3pts 2 coverage, 2 thickness

Gromril/Full plate 5pts 3 coverage, 3 thickness

Mounted Free 2 coverage, 0 thickness, but still reduces a blow by 1S

Thick-skinned mounted Free 3 Coverage, 0 thickness, but still reduces a blow by 1S

Barding 3pts 2 coverage, 1 thickness, encumbers like heavy armor

Ithilmar Barding 4pts 2 coverage, 1 thickness, encumbers like light armor

Ward Saves

Some models are protected by divine beings, sheer luck or other intervening forces. These saves do not have a thickness and are assumed to stop any blow flat out. These are generally referred to in model’s special rule sections where it will say “X+ ward save” where x represents the die roll necessary to save. Ward saves are taken after armor saves.

Common Mounts

Horse 3pts

Model MWs

Bs S T W I A Ld Cl Int WP

Horse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 - 3 3 3 3Special Rules: Afraid of fireMounted save

Warhorse 6pts

65 Warhammer Ancients

Model M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Cl Int WPWarhorse 8 3 - 3 3 1 3 1 4 4 3 4

Special Rules:Mounted Save

Elven Steed 7ptsModel M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Cl Int WPElven steed 9 3 - 4 3 1 3 1 4 4 3 3

Special Rules:Afraid of fireMounted Save

Giant Wolf 8pts

Model M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld ClInt WP

Giant wolf 9 4 - 3 3 1 3 1 3 4 4 4Special Rules:Afraid of fireVicious (See Orc and goblin rule book) Impatient (See orc and goblin rule book)Mounted SaveMay not wear barding

Boar 16pts

Model M WsBs S T W I A Ld

Cl Int WP

Giant Boar 7 4 - 3 4 1 3 1 3 4 4 4Special Rules:Boar Charge Thick-skinned mountDifficult to control (See orc and goblin rule book)May not wear barding (See orc and goblin rule book)

Cold One 22ptsModel M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Cl Int WPCold One 7 3 - 4 4 1 1 2 2 9 4 9

Special Rules:Causes fearThick skinned mount-1 to armorStupiditySkeletal Steed 6pts

Model MWs

Bs S T W I A





Skeletal Steed 8 2 - 3 3 1 2 1 4 2 1 4

Special Rules:Undead (See tomb kings book)


Each poison functions in its own way with the following commonality: In order to be effective the model armed with the poison/venom must hit the enemy and the blow must not be saved by armor.Neurotoxin - Wound on 4+ regardless of toughness. Remember to roll for any normal damage caused by the weapon.

Slow acting Poison- Roll to kill after battle

Anticoagulant- model hit and not saved by any non-cavalry armor or ward save lives for d (W*T) more turns and then dies if not helped. Each additional hit allows you to reroll the turns left, keeping the lower result and losing 1 turn. Each hit counts for ½ the normal combat resolution calculated as if the model had died and in aggregate for all the models poisoned. Such is the terror of anticoagulant poisons. Black Lotus is an example of this poison.

Toxin- If a model is successfully hit (and not saved) by a toxin weapon but not wounded add a toxin counter to that model or unit. Each turn, during the compulsory phase, that unit takes a single S hit for each toxin counter on it, no armor save. If a model suffers a wound or saves a wound with a ward save, remove a counter. In the event a 1 is rolled when rolling to wound, remove a counter.

Spitting poison, the model makes an attack at S 0 but +1 i, if it lands and is not stopped by armor the target is blinded for d2 turns.

66 Let’s be honest, a 6 to hit just doesn’t make sense nor +1 S.

Page 22: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

Adrenaline Poison, the unit accrues poison counters like a toxin, but does not take any hits, instead if the unit fails a Coolness test for whatever reason (including situations like frenzy,) the surge of adrenaline causes the poison to pass through their body too quickly, the unit suffers 5S hits equal in number to the poison counters, no armor save.

Repulsive Poison, some herbs, like garlic, Deamonbane or Graveroot, repel certain foes rather than flat out killing them. A model struck by a repulsive poison immediately runs 2DM” aware from the source of the poison. In order to advance on the source of the poison the model must pass a WP test.

Intensely Painful Poison, some poisons, like Dark venom, cause intense debilitating pain. The each time the afflicted model would take any action, its relevant characteristic is modified by the degree to which it fails a Wp test. That is, if the model wishes to move it must take a WP test. The movement would only be diminished if the model fails and by the degree to which the model fails. The same applies also to WS, BS, S, I, A, Ld, and Int.

Heroes and Wizards

No fantasy world would be complete without fantastical heroes capable of outstanding deeds exceeding common mortals. To represent this, as one might intuit, certain individual models are given augmented characteristics. For the sake of systematization and simplicity characters are on a 5 level tiered system. The table below indicates the general bonuses conferred for non-wizard heroes at each level.67

Lvl M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Int Cl Wp1 0 +1 +1 +1 0 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 02 0 +2 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +1 0 0 03 0 +2 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 0 +1 +14 0 +3 +1 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 +3 0 +1 +15 0 +3 +2 +1 +1 +3 +3 +3 +3 +2 +2 +2


Lvl M Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Int Cl Wp1 0 +1 +1 0 0 0 0 0 0 +1 0 +12 0 +1 +2 0 0 +1 +1 0 +1 +2 0 +23 0 +2 +2 0 0 +2 +1 0 +2 +2 +1 +24 0 +2 +3 0 0 +3 +2 0 +3 +3 +1 +35 0 +3 +3 0 0 +3 +3 0 +3 +3 +2 +3


Leaders must be positioned in the middle of the unit they are leading unless mounted. Mounted leaders amongst infantry are placed at the side of the unit in the front rank. The model with the highest leadership

67 This is taken directly from Warhammer 3rd ed. except the names are changed to 1,2,3,4, and 5 instead of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 2568 Warhammer 3rd Ed.

is the leader. The unit uses the leaders’ modifiers unless bested by the generals’ modifiers. It should be noted that units’ Ld WP, and Cl is based off the lowest value in the unit (use riders over mounts) and then modified by leader’s and/or general’s, even the best general can only get so much out of weasely goblins. Additionally, every unit of troops comes with a free “leader” model, who is not different in stats nor gear from regular troopers. Therefore a normal unit with a Lvl4 and lvl1 character will have 3 potential leaders. A general or Leader’s modifier refers to the +X that comes after their Int, Ld, Cl, or Wp values.

Characters and Units

Joining UnitsCharacters may join a unit by moving into base contact with it. Place the model anywhere in the unit, though the unit may not use his/her Ld and Cl unless he/she is in the front rank. Neither the unit nor the character model may exceed their total M value.69

Leaving UnitsA character may not leave a unit that is engaged in any compulsory movement, if the character is engaged in close combat, or any other compulsory behavior. Otherwise a character may leave whenever they like. Where a character was the leader of a unit his/her departure must be declared (perhaps in secret to the GM) the turn before during the movement phase. This represents the time it takes to hand over the reigns of control for the unit.

Leaders and Unit Psychology: when they differFrenzyLeader has it: The unit does not benefit, but must pursue, follow up and charge when the leader does. Additionally, the unit may not adopt a shield wall

Unit has it: The character goes along with the unit, but may not prevent them from charging, pursuing or following up, nor may he/she adopt a shield wall

StubbornLeader has it: The unit becomes stubborn

Unit has it: the unit will either use the modified Cl of the Leader or their own unmodified, whichever is greater.

Immune to PsychologyLeader has it: If the leader is immune to psychology he/she may not order a flee charge reaction. The unit may flee, abandoning their leader if forced by circumstance. (E.g. charged in the flank while engaged to the front)

Unit has it: The leader gains immune to psychology whilst in the unit.

UnbreakableLeader has it: The leader may not flee/rout, but their unit may. In the event that the unit is pushed back, the leader stays engaged with the enemy. If the enemy decides to follow up the leader replaces a model in the enemy’s front rank that corresponds with his/her location and the combat is moved 2” as usual. The advancing unit must have 4 contiguous models in its front rank, or it loses its front rank bonus.

Unit has it: The leader has immune to psychology, and can flee from close combat if he/she would normally fail a rout test

HatredLeader has it: the unit is bound to charge/shoot/follow up/ pursue whatever the leader would be bound to do. He/she is giving the orders. The unit benefits from her/his Cl bonus in close combat.

Unit has it: the unit ignores their leader and will charge/shoot/pursue/follow according to the rules of hatred though it may use her/his Cl modifier. The leader follows along and does not abandon their troops.StupidityLeader has it: the unit is bound to his/her stupidity test result

69 Gm note: Be lenient with Character movement, however avoid abuses… example a unit may be in a long snake wherein the hero joins in the rear and moves to the front instantly traveling 12” use your good judgment to prevent such abuse.

Page 23: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

Unit has it: the leader is bound to the unit’s test result

Afraid ofLeader has it: the unit is bound to the leader’s afraid test result

Unit has it: Leader is not bound to the unit’s afraid of test results, may choose to stand his/her own ground or flee with the unit in hopes of rallying it.

WarbandUnit has it: Leaders are bound to the results of warband psychology


Issuing ChallengesDuring each close-combat phase a player may declare a single challenge for each combat. The first player goes first issuing challenges, the second player may choose to accept or decline these challenges. In combats where the first player did not declare a challenge the second player may then opt to declare a challenge. To which the first player may accept or decline.

Accepting and decliningOnly character models engaged in close combat may accept a challenge. When these two models have been determined place them aside.

If a player should decline a challenge then the challenging player may nominate one of the declining player’s characters from the combat. That nominated character is moved to the second rank and does not take part in the combat.

Fighting the ChallengeDuring close combat the two dueling models fight a single round of combat. If they have mounts, monsters or chariots they may use them in the duel (except chariot crew) impact hits are allocated against the unit not the challenger.

Any wounds caused in the challenge, including excess, go toward combat resolution.

If the character refused a challenge, and the enemy killed the rank separating them from the challenger then he/she has been exposed. A model thus exposed may be forced into a challenge with the original challenging model. If the challenger should choose they immediately fight a round of combat.

Unfair challenges70

If a model that is on a larger platform, except for cavalry platforms, is challenging a unit to a duel then multiple heroes can rise to the challenge at once. E.g. 40mm platform challenges 20mm. GM discretion advised.

Gear Limitations and costs

As a general rule of thumb, heroes are limited to gear of similar models in their army and at the same price. For example an Ogre hero is limited to the gear that fellow ogres may requisition, and at the same cost to upgrade. Alternatively, an orc hero may not ride a wolf, but a goblin may.


After a combat in which a character was killed and you did not pursue, you may loot any items that you are aware of (i.e. were used against you, or that your magic users are aware of, or are clearly visible.) Your character may attempt to use any item (except suits of armor) by having the GM take a WP test when the item is first picked up. If the test is passed the item functions as normal. If the test is failed, the item will obstinately refuse to function. On a WP test result of 12 (automatic fail) the GM may consider letting the item back fire. Conversely, on a WP test result of 2 or 3 the Gm may decide to tell the player they passed.

Single Character LOS

70 Warhammer 3rd ed.

On foot =360 degree LOSMounted =360 degree LOSRiding a monster/is a monster = 90 degree/front arc LOSRiding a chariot =It depends if the character is driving or not, see chariot section.


Costs double the cost of the basic model without upgrades to a maximum of 16 additional points though you still need to buy them gear to match the rest of the unit.

+D6 combat resolution Worth 50 victory points at end of game for each captured standard.

A standard is captured if the unit is routed from close combat or utterly destroyed in close combat.

Standards are always placed in the front rank, next to the leader. If the standard bearer is slain, the banner will be picked up by

another standard rank and file model and does not negate the benefit of the standard.

Standards are automatically captured if the unit routs from close combat and is pursued. The victorious player may take the captured standard bearer model and place it behind the stealing unit as a trophy. Stolen Standards are typically worth extra victory points but don’t provide combat resolution

Stolen standards may be recaptured by routing and pursuing the unit with them.


Costs double the cost of a rank and file model to a maximum of 12 additional points

+1 Ld for maneuver tests +1 CL when rolling to rally Musicians are useless without a leader to tell them what to do. Musicians are placed in the front rank next to the leader In combat musicians fight like a standard rank and file model,

Similar to a standard bearer a musician cannot be killed, it is assumed that someone else takes on the role or that he/she assumes a place of relative safety.


A champion is a hero character of level 2 or lower (unless otherwise noted in an army list.) They must be deployed with a unit and stay with that unit to the best of their ability throughout a game. Champions must be mounted if they are part of a cavalry unit, though may also be mounted if joining an infantry unit.

Battle standard

+25pts to upgrade a single hero model to battle standard May carry a banner of any point cost May only carry a weapon requiring a single hand, no shields, no

mounted spear/lance. +D6 combat resolution for the unit he/she is fighting for Being charged by the battle standard automatically disrupts

ranks if in a flank or rear. Worth its’ values worth in victory points +100 in addition to the

hero’s cost. Must stay with the general. Any friendly unit may reroll failed rout/panic tests within 12” Can’t be the subordinate commander Can’t be the general

The General

Any unit within 12” may add the general’s bonus values, though they may not exceed the general’s total value.

Killing the enemy general gives you 100 bonus victory points

Subordinate commanders71

Any unit within a predetermined 2D6” may use the subordinate commanders bonus values

Killing the enemy subordinate gives you 25 bonus victory points


71 Warhammer 3rd ed.

Page 24: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

Monsters and wounds

When shooting at a unit of monsters, always randomize which monsters are struck and record the wounds separately for each monster

In hand to hand, the player must allocate wounds against each monster and record them individually. Extra wounds beyond mortal caused against a particular monster count as overkill just like a challenge.

Monster Attacks72

Some monsters attack in different ways from humanoids. The difference is that their bodies tend to be the weapons rather than a hand weapon these attacks have some limitations. Claw attacks may not attack to the rear Gore and Bite attacks may only be made to the front Stomp attacks may attack in all directions Tail attacks may not be made to the front (with the exception of

scorpion tails which may not attack to the rear) Constriction Attacks. Roll to hit. If you hit roll a d6. 1 or 2 both

of their arms are pinned and they may not attack back. 3-5 only a single arm is pinned, roll to see if their sword arm is free (4+.) 6 both hands are free. Models being constricted are automatically hit in subsequent rounds (a constrictor can either constrict the same model multiple times or multiple models, IF it has multiple attacks.) To release a constrictor, it must either be slain, or the targeted model can forfeit an attack to attempt to remove it; both take a S test. If the targeted model does better73 in their S test it is freed.

Breath Attacks

Some Creatures and Magic Users have breath attacks. To use a breath weapon declare your general target during the appropriate time during the shooting phase or the magic phase. Place the breath template with the narrow end at the creature/magic user’s mouth and the fat end in a manner that suits the player. Any model touched by the template is hit and suffers the effects of the breath weapon (plague, various S fire, etc.)


Swarms must either be magically bound, or have an animal handler Ignore difficult terrain Swarms are afraid of fire Swarms are small targets Swarms are composed of little creatures with an instinct for self-

preservation, unless stated otherwise a swarm unit may only charge a unit of smaller unit size.

To represent the swarming potential of swarms, swarms gain an additional attack for each successful roll to hit.

72 Warhammer 3rd ed. and WFRP 1st ed. 73 Better means who ever passes their test by the most, or fails it by the least. In a tie the constriction stays but the model does not suffer a hit from it that turn.

Swarms that are hit by a S equal to double their T take double wounds. So a catapult that would normally cause D4 wounds, would cause D4 wounds x2.

Unlike Monsters, swarms always aggregate wounds together, to represent this the swarm simply condense back together. Consequently swarms do not lose attacks due to casualties, so long as there are sufficient wounds to be aggregated from elsewhere (back ranks)

Swarms adopt a “fluid” formation:74

o Whilst unengaged the unit maintains a square formation of equal width and depth

o Swarms charge like skirmishers75, where they form as wide a front rank as possible based on the number of models capable of making the charge

o Swarm formations may “squeeze” through tight places. To represent this the front and subsequent ranks need not have the same number of models wide. The swarm suffers no movement penalty for this rearrangement, and front most models continue to advance at normal speed. Once out from between two or more terrain pieces, the swarm reverts to its square arrangement.

o Swarms may wheel about their center as if it were a simple maneuver,

Stomp!As one might imagine vermin, lizards and insects don’t pose a significant barrier to tall fast moving cavalry. To represent this cavalry may move through enemy swarms as if they were difficult terrain, even charging through them. To represent this, each swarm base takes a hit of strength equal to the mount’s strength. Where cavalry are charging and this would modify the mount’s strength it would correspondingly modify the strength of the hit taken by the swarm. Note the swarms may still declare a charge against cavalry.


Some creatures, such as trolls, are able to rapidly regenerate wounds.

During the compulsory phase, roll a die for each creature with regeneration that has suffered at least one wound. Based on the creatures’ regenerative powers the creature may regain that wound (generally a 4+). This does not apply to wounds caused by fire, recommend use of a red die for fire wounds.

When a model with Regeneration dies, leave the model on the table on its side. During the following compulsory phase roll a die, if the result is greater than their normal regeneration value, the model regains a wound and comes back to life otherwise it is removed as a casualty.

If the model comes back to life in base contact with an enemy they may make free hacks against the creature

Flying and Aerial Combat76

One perplexing element that fantasy presents is flying combatants. Historically, there is no precedent to follow. The following rules are meant to represent a kind of swooping attack comparable the nazgul or great eagles of LotR rather than the later Warhammer charging and standing around.

-Troops that fly have the special rule “fly X” where X is their maximum flight speed for one turn. -Flying troops may move over other units and terrain but may not start flying or land inside terrain.-if a flying unit wishes to move into a piece of terrain it cannot have flown that turn.-flying units count as skirmishers-a unit counts as flying if it exceeded its’ regular movement value and moves at least half its maximum fly move.-A unit that is flying can’t be charged by a unit that can’t fly.-fliers may either charge (using their regular charge distance 2DM+M”) or make an aerial attack74 Largely made up, but it seems to fit one’s imagination of a seething tide of vermin75 See 6th ed.76 Our flying rules are an amalgam of 3rd ed. and 6th edition flying, we removed the different altitudes, and acceleration form 3rd ed. and meshed it with the simplicity of 6th.

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To make an aerial attack you move over the unit and each flier attacks a different model (or more if they have extra attacks, up to one model per attack) that they flew over.

Each flier must have had LOS of the model they choose to attack at the beginning of the turn.

Fliers are moved during the charge phase and are reacted to just like a charging unit.

The chosen models and each model in base contact (skirmishers are at a disadvantage in this regard) with the chosen models may defend against the aerial attack

Attacks made while flying benefit from charge benefits (e.g. lance S modifier)

In order to make attacks against a fear causing target you must pass a fear test if necessary, otherwise you simply fly over and keep your distance

When rolling for aerial attacks, roll during the appropriate initiative order during the close combat phase.

-when flying, a unit of fliers has a turn radius equal to their fly speed that turn. Or a unit can spend a turn on ground to change direction as a unit of skirmishers and move and so forth.-A unit is considered to have landed if it moves > M” in a turn-Falling. When a creature plummets to the ground or is killed in flight consult the Falling section found later.

Flyers attacking models in hard to get places

Flyers may not attempt to hit models within 2” of a wall/tower/building (unless they are a swarm or falcon sized)

Flyers attempting to hit models behind cover that roll a 1 to hit suffer a number of hits equal to the cover provided of strength T (where T equals the toughness of the obstacle, see Damaging a Building) causing D(T/4) wounds rounded up to a minimum of 1. The blow being so large and blunt penetrates all armor as it cannot be deflected, but will have its strength reduced accordingly.

For example, a Warhawk is striking at a goblin behind a wooden fence and rolls a 1 when rolling to hit. The fence provides light cover (-1 to hit) so the Warhawk takes a single hit. The fence is wooden (according to the building toughness chart (see Damaging a Building), light wooden constructs have a T of 7) so the S of the hit is 7. If this wounds, it causes D 7/4, or D2 wounds.

Flyers Fighting Flyers

This will be complicated and predominantly a task for the GM. During the declare charges phase, the flyers declare their intention to engage with enemy flyers in the same manner that one would declare a charge. Just as flyers are able to make their attacks against ground targets by crossing their flight path over them, attacking flyers works in like manner except it requires much better timing. The onus of avoiding or pursuing their quarry tends to fall on the slower flyer. Rather than engage in calculus to calculate the appropriate points of intersection the following system is proposed:

The general rule of thumb is that in order to attack each other both flyers’ paths must at a similar time. E.G. flyer one crosses the path of flyer 2 roughly ½ way through its total possible flight in order for it to be able to attack flyer two must have also reached that point using roughly half of its total fly move for that turn.

The flyer that opted to charge the other counts as charging, if the other counter charges the fastest gets the +1 to hit. During the combat phase the combatant exchange blows in initiative order. Unless one is killed they continue on their full paths from the movement phase. There is no combat resolution as they swoop past each other and keep going. However, if one suffers enough wounds to induce panic it will take a panic test as normal. Fear Causing flyers also cause the requisite fear test.

There is an exception and that is the pursuit of flyers. Flyers get free hacks if they are flying in the same direction and the hacker is faster, otherwise they fleer gets away.

War Machines

Movement (Not Chariots)

War Machines may not move and fire in the same turn, nor may they reserve move. War Machines may be moved in the movement phase in proportion to its crew (e.g. a 3 man cannon with two Dwarf crew left may move 2” per turn)

If a player pays for the necessary points for the draft animals (3pts per horse) a war machine may be limbered. Limbering takes an entire turn. Limbered War machines may not reserve move, but may move at the speed and maneuverability of a comparably pulled and crewed chariot. (E.g. a 5 man empire cannon would move like a wagon with a crew of 5and have its movement contingent upon the pulling animals in the same manner) It is assumed that the crew simply hop on, or maintain a lively pace.

Casualties and war machines

When a war machine (not a chariot) is targeted by a missile weapon, the shots are randomized in the following fashion: on a 1, or 2 a crewman is hit. On a 3-6 the war machine is hit. War machines with half or fewer crew fire every other turn. War machine crew panic from ranged attacks like any other unit. This is why it is advisable to combine war machines into units or batteries. War machines without any crew may be manned by spare crewmen or taken by enemy war machine crew, or a unit lead by an engineer character model.

War Machines in close combat (not chariots)

Charge Reactions If War Machines are organized into a battery the reaction applies to all crew and characters in the battery.

Flee- the crew flee as per normal, the enemy may pursue as normal or halt and destroy the War machines

Hold- the crew of the battery line up to fight off the charging enemy like skirmishers

Overwatch fire- if the War machine opted to overwatch and the chargers are legal targets for the overwatch it may be used at this time

Spike! - The crew attempts to spike the gun (inserting a metal spike into the touch hole) A crew successfully spikes their gun on a 2+. Only black powder weapons may be spiked. Spiked weapons are disabled for the duration of the battle (though they may be unspiked for subsequent battles)

Subsequent close combat and stealingIf by good fortune the warmachine crew push back or rout their opponent they may follow up and pursue as normal, but may choose not to without recourse to a successful Ld test.

Otherwise if the crew is routed or pushed back the attacking unit may allocate any number of unengaged models to scurrying off with the warmachines or destroying them.


warmachines may be fired by models specially trained in their use or models supervized by an Engineer/bombadier model.


Page 26: Warhammer: an Old Grumbler's Rules

Disembark/ re-embark: you may embark or disembark from a chariot at any point during the charge (but not while the chariot is charging,) movement or reserve phases. A model may make a charge/disembark from a chariot. That is, we might imagine a warrior leaping from a chariot to charge the foe. Disembarking model’s move is modified in proportion to the distance moved by the chariot. If the player wishes to disembark and charge with the rider, this is done during the charge phase, the chariot may move and the rider may disembark at any point during this move but the chariot may not also charge.

Ogres count as 2 crew, Halflings count has half a crew man and snotlings count as a third of a person.

Chariots take damage when going through rough terrain, D6 S7 to the chariot itself

All charging chariots sustain d6 ST (of the target) hits distributed as per shooting when they collide with the enemy. Charging chariots also gain Impact hits which always strike last, but are unavoidable. Distributed as per shooting. In order to count as charging a chariot must charge farther than M” otherwise they count as moving to engage.

Like with cavalry, horses pulling chariots will not willfully charge into spear/pike/halberd points. Test just as you would for cavalry

Chariots without draft animals cannot move, though the crew may disembark.

In close combat the crew and draft animals may all attack enemies in base contact with the chariot. However, the draft animals may only attack to the front.

LOS for movement and charging purposes is limited to the front arc due to the driver’s concentration. For shooting purposes it is 360 degrees as the archer may turn freely in the chariot.

When shooting at a chariot shots are randomized between the chariot, the draft creatures, and crew




1-3 4,5 6Range



1 2,3 4-6

Number of animals/chariot type

Speed modifier

Turn Radius crew

reserve move

Light Chariots

D3(+1 for scythes) impact hits at S= Charge (2DM+M)/3.5 (rounded up) -6 armor

1 -2 ½M 1-2 Yes2 0 ½M 1-2 Yes

Heavy Chariots

D6(+1 for scythes) impact hits at S= Charge

77 Dividing damage amongst the components of a chariot comes from the 4th Ed.

(2DM+M)/3 (rounded up) -6 armor 1 -3 M 1-4 No2 -2 M 1-4 No3 -1 M 1-4 No4 -0 M 1-4 No


2D4 impact hits at S= Charge (2DM+M)/2.5 (rounded up) -6 armor

1 -5 2M 1-8 No2 -4 2M 1-8 No3 -3 2M 1-8 No4 -2 2M 1-8 No

Chariots and loss of CrewIn the event that a chariot loses its crew the draft animals take an Ld test during each charge phase after all charges have been declared (players may declare charge reactions against it.) If they pass they continue what they were last doing (same rate of turning/ going straight, same speed etc.) if they fail consult the failed monster reaction chart.


Cannons may not bounce up hill. In order to hit a target on a hill, you must guess such that your guess plus the 1st artillery die lands on your target.

Firing the Cannon1. Nominate a target point in LOS (mark with a

die/coin/token/chit/what-have-you)2. Guess/estimate/reason/fathom/reckon a distance3. Roll to hit using the leader’s Bs factoring in all to hit modifiers

(range modifiers are based on the range guessed)4. If you miss the GM will move the target marker to the left or right,

perpendicular to the line of fire of the cannon, a number of inches equal to how much you missed by.

5. Measure out the distance you guessed toward the marker and roll the artillery die. If the result is a misfire roll a D6 and consult the chart below. If not add the result in inches to your guess from before.

6. Then roll the artillery die again, this result represents the bounce of the cannon ball. Add this distance to the guess and the previous extra distance. Any model that is overlapped by the bounce is hit. A misfire for the second artillery die, means that the cannon ball did not bounce, if it happens to have landed right on a model’s platform, that model is struck.

Firing Grapeshot1. Point the cannon in the desired direction2. Roll a DS (based on the S of the cannon.) If the result is the highest

value on the die consult the misfire chart. 3. Place the flame template from the barrel of the cannon4. Every model platform touched by the template is hit with strength

equal to the DS roll earlier, and a -1 armor modifier.

Organ Gun/ Cannon Misfire Chart1 Explodes! The cannon explodes and is removed. Place the 1.5” radius template over the cannon, any models in the radius are hit at the cannon’s strength

2 Too much powder! The crew has added too much powder, the ball goes an extra 12” and hits with an additional strength, bounce as normal. The cannon takes a hit as if it had struck itself. If this result is rolled for grapeshot, resolve the hit at the maximum S+1.

78 The addition of multiple sizes of war machines is derived from Warhammer 3rd ed.

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3 the cannon has overheated (ignore if this is the first shot) causing the powder to ignite prematurely, the shot is fired but with 0” added, and the cannon permanently loses 2 toughness. If this result was rolled for grapeshot, resolve the hit at S1.

4 In their haste a crewman has injured himself (a random crewman takes a S4 hit) the cannon does not fire this turn as the crew sorts out what happened

5-6 The crew has made a routine mistake and must reload the gun correctly, the gun does not fire this turn or the next.

Crew range Strength wounds Armor modifier

2 24" 6 D4 -4

3 36" 7 D6 -5

4 48" 8 D8 -6

5 60" 9 D10 -7

6 84" 10 D10 -8

Bolt thrower

Firing the Bolt Thrower1. Nominate a target in LOS2. Roll to hit using the leader’s Bs as your would for a normal ranged

weapon.3. If the weapon hits, roll to wound as normal.4. If the shot successfully wounds the first model, you may then

attempt to would the next model.5. This next hit has reduced strength for any armor saves the previous

model made and -1S for penetrating a model. So at the very least the bolt loses 1S for each rank it penetrates

6. Continue this process until the bolt fails to wound or there are no more ranks.

7. The bolt may continue on to another target if there is another target within 1” of the last rank penetrated.

Crew range Strength wounds Armor modifier

2 30" 5 1 -3

3 36" 6 D3 -4

4 48" 7 D4 -5

5 60" 8 D6 -6

6 84" 9 D8 -7

Organ Guns

Like Cannon but multiple barrels, all fired at same distance and target

Organ guns may not grape shot See cannon misfire chart

Crew range Strength wounds Armor modifier3 24" 5 d2 -3

Catapult/stone throwers/mangonels/trebuchet

Firing the Catapult1. Nominate a target in LOS.2. Guess distance3. Roll and artillery die and scatter die. If it’s a misfire, consult the

catapult misfire chart. Otherwise, move the template accordingly.4. Any model partially or wholly under the template is hit.

Catapult Misfire Chart 1 Too much strain was put on the catapult throwing arm causing it to snap. Splinters and boards fly. The catapult is effectively destroyed and each crew takes a hit as if struck by the catapult.

2 Not Yet! A crewman accidently releases the mechanism before the catapult is fully tensed. Re-roll the artillery die, move the template accordingly, then move the template 3D6” toward the catapult, this is where the catapult strikes. Treat a second misfire result as a 12.

3, 4 Creek! The catapult arm strains under the force of the flinging motion. The catapult takes a 7S hit. Re-roll the artillery die, the catapult otherwise fires as normal. Treat a second misfire as a 12.

5, 6 Twang! A rope, winch or ratchet gives out, catching a crewman. A random crew man takes a 3S hit and the catapult does not fire this turn.

Crew Min Max Temp S Wound Armor Modifier3 12 48 1" Rad 5 d4 -24 14 64 1" rad 6 d4+1 -35 16 80 1.5" Rad 7 2d4 -46 18 96 1.5" Rad 8 2d4+1 -57 20 112 2" Rad 9 3d6 -68 22 128 2" Rad 10 4d6 -79 24 144 2" Rad 10 4d6 -810 26 144 2" Rad 10 4d6 -9


Firing the Mortar1. Nominate a target 2. Guess distance3. Roll and artillery die and scatter die. If it’s a misfire consult the

Mortar Misfire chart. Otherwise, move the template in the indicated direction and distance (this distance is doubled if the target is not in LOS)

4. Any model partially or wholly under the template is hit on a 3+

Crew Min Max Temp S WoundArmor

Modifier3 12 48 2.5" Rad 3 1 -1

Mortar Misfire Chart1 Boom! The bomb explodes within the mortar. Place the 2.5” radius template directly atop the mortar and resolve it as if it had struck there. Remove the mortar as it is destroyed.

2 Too much powder! The mortar fires as normal scattering 12” directly away from the mortar. The mortar itself takes a S7 hit.

3 The mortar has overheated (ignore this result if this is the first shot fired) causing the powder to fire prematurely. The mortar fires as normal, except that it scatters 12” directly toward the mortar. The mortar permanently loses 2T.

4 Short Fuse! The fuse was short causing the bomb to detonate midflight. Place a 4” radius template D(distance guessed)” toward the target. Any model touched by the template is hit on a 5+ and takes a 3S blow -1 armor.

5 A crew man has injured himself (a random crewman takes a 4S hit.) The mortar does not fire this turn as they sort out what happened

6 The crew has made a routine mistake and must unload and reload the mortar. It does not fire this turn nor the next

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Buildings are divided into sections1. These sections loosely correspond to 4” x4” portions of

the buildings and floors.2. Where there is the potential for doubt a diagram of the

building should be drawn before the fight delineating the sections of the building

3. Each section may hold 12 infantry models. In the event of a fight both sides may pile in 12 models

4. Large models may enter, if there is room5. Models may only move to a laterally (non-diagonal)

adjacent section during their movement phase.6. Models in a building are only known to the GM and

their controlling player.7. Units must be as concentrated within as few sections as

possible.8. 4 models may enter a section/building each turn/door. 1

per window, 8 per barn door.9. If a unit is charged while in the process of entering the

building, the unit is treated as two separate units for purposes of fleeing.

Combat in Buildings

1. No normal charge bonus2. People charging from higher floors or defending while higher get

a +13. Units receive bonuses for push backs and follow ups, but are not

physically moved4. Whilst a combat continues models may continue to join the fight

from adjacent rooms.5. When fighting from the outside, attacks are struck from 2 models

from each side of a door, and 1 for each window.a. Charge the building lining up with it as if it were an

enemy unit. Ignore all bonuses for combat resolution except casualties.

b. Defenders benefit as if they had a defended obstacle until pushed back

c. When/if you lap around your lapping around models may make attacks through the openings on the new side.

Routing in Buildings

A unit that routs from within a building takes free hacks equal to the number of sections needed to be crossed in order to escape the building and the number of enemies that were fighting them in. The number of sections needed is based on the furthest necessary move by a model in the unit to escape. For example 5 humans are on the 3rd floor of a tower and are routed by 24 ratmen armed with hand weapons who occupy both their level and the levels (2) below. The 5 humans would take 24 free hacks as they have to get by all the ratmen to escape out the front door.

Shooting from Buildings

1. 2 models may fire from a building per window/door/opening (unless GM rules otherwise)

2. They may choose their targets independently79 Building rules are mostly taken from Warhammer 3rd edition; though more complicated they prevent trickery

Shooting into Buildings

1. May only target models you can see (i.e. those that are standing next to windows or otherwise explicitly visible)

2. -3 to hit (hard cover, skirmishing)

Damaging a Building


Large stone 10Smaller stone 80 9Wood/lumber 8Plaster/wattle/light wood 7Bamboo 4Straw and twigs 3

1. A building section needs 6 wounds before it is liable to collapse

2. The GM rolls a die each turn adding 1 for each wound past the first 6:

1. Only 6 models may occupy the section and models only gain soft cover due to the holes

2. Extremely shaken, if more than 6 models the section collapses (see 4), counts as soft cover

3. If there is more than 1 level above the section it will collapse, if more than 6 models it will collapse, soft cover, and archers count as moving

4. The section and any above it collapse. Any models take a hit of strength equal to the material’s toughness + the number of floors above it. This causes D3 wounds. Survivors are placed in an adjacent section or outside of a door.

5. The section collapses, as does the section below6. The level collapses, including all above, and the same

number below7. Same as six, except adjacent section are also destroyed

(those above the adjacent are also destroyed)8. All adjacent levels and sections collapse entirely9. 8 happens, plus sections adjacent to the adjacent

collapse as well, and those above.10. + . 9 happens + sections below also collapse.

3. Free standing walls will not cause tertiary or secondary collapse

Model Organization Types

80 Stone buildings have magic resistance 3+ except against the advance of stone and move through stone spells.

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Close Order Troops

Close Order Troops are your default troops. That is, if a unit is not demarcated as skirmishers or light infantry they are close order. Close Order Troops follow all of the rules previously mentioned in the rules.

Skirmishers/Fast Cavalry

Lose skirmishers if they get heavy armor or heavier encumbrance, may not carry large shield

Each model in the unit must stay within 2” of another model in the same unit, but they may not touch.

Movement penalties are halved Benefits from 360 LOS. Never count as unformed Don’t block line of sight if they are within 4 inches of the unit

attempting to see through. Skirmishers can move through another unit if that unit doesn’t

move throughout that turn, counts as a simple maneuver. In combat they only count the front rank for rank bonuses With the exception of skirmishing Levies, Skirmishing units

may not exceed 15 models in size Units of skirmishers that stand and fire or fire and charge, only

get the front rank of shots (determined after determining how many skirmishers would end up engaged in close combat)

Charging81, to enact a charge with skirmishers determine how many skirmishers can make it to the enemy regiment. Form these models into a rank in base contact with the enemy. Models not in charge distance are loosely formed up behind the front rank

Being charged, if the skirmishers are charged, measure from the charging unit and determine how many skirmishers are in charging distance, move the charging unit to the farthest such model and form the skirmishers that were in range into a rank at this point along the front of the charging unit. The remaining models are then formed loosely behind this rank.

Charging each other. When two units of skirmishers charge each other, or if one charges and the other holds Ascertain which models are in range of the closest charging skirmisher and conversely the most distal skirmisher also within charge range of an enemy model. Place all enemy skirmishers in range of the closest skirmisher in a rank and place all skirmishers closer than and including the most distal skirmisher within charge distance in that rank in close combat with the first. All skirmishers outside of these two categories are placed loosely clumped behind their lines.

Skirmishers are more vulnerable than formed troops and they know it. Skirmishers are afraid of any unengaged close order unit they do not outnumber.

Light Infantry82

Light infantry are with a looser formation than the typical close order troops. They are typified by lighter gear and not being trained for the press of combat.

To represent this Light infantry may be ranked up loosely (ranks and files, but no more than ½” between models) and otherwise behave just like normal blocks of troops with the following exceptions

Like skirmishers, they cannot be equipped with large shields, heavy armor or have a total encumbrance greater than heavy armor.

Like skirmishers all of their movement penalties are halved

81 Warhammer 6th82 Warhammer Ancients

Unlike skirmishers they may not march while in very difficult or difficult terrain

They may conduct a 2nd simple maneuver without taking a Ld test

May only count the first 2 ranks in close combat for rank bonus. Unlike close order infantry (default for all units) they may gain this rank bonus if a portion of the unit is in difficult terrain

Some light infantry may claim additional rank bonuses (stated in their rules entry) they may only claim these additional ranks in open ground.

The above mentioned rank limitations affect the effects of warband rank bonuses and Skaven Cl modifiers.


Add rank bonus to Cl to max of 3 (if the unit has a character, the warband modifier becomes identical to a character’s ability to add or subtract Cl.) This modifier is non-cumulative with character modifiers.

Lose above bonus if fleeing, unformed or skirmishing During compulsory phase roll a die, on result of 1 the

unit/model must charge the nearest enemy unit within 2M” or move forward at least M” toward the enemy during the movement phase

On the charge, if a warband wins the combat and outnumbers the foe the enemy unit must take a break test regardless of casualties


At beginning of turn the unit may change formation +/-2 files, may then charge or move as normal, though any charged target must have been in LOS at beginning

Can pursue or restrain at will, no Ld test May disengage from combat without taking Ld test if they

move faster than enemy Against chariots charging in the front, take Ld test, if passed

they open a lane and the chariot passes through without fighting it (a single test for any number of chariots)


Must have unit strength of 16+ and 2 or more ranks to get bonus

May charge and fight with two ranks of spears Always counts as maintaining a shield wall even if moving May not change formation except to turn 180 degrees Can wheel but may not reserve move or charge in same turn But may drift 1” to right when reserve moving or charging Abandoning a phalanx is a simple maneuver. Adopting a

phalanx is a complex maneuver

Animal Handlers

A unit of animals, unless magically bound, must have at least one handler. One of which is the unit leader

Handlers are always placed in a rank behind the animals they control

An animal hander can control up to 6US of animals Psychology tests are taken on the handlers’ stats Animal handled packs may only make a single simple maneuver

in the movement and reserve phases Ranged attacks are distributed randomly Packs move and reserve move at the slowest model’s speed in the

unit, but charge and pursue at the animals’ movement rate In close combat the handlers may not fight in the first round of

combat, they may be moved into close combat in subsequent rounds.

83 Warhammer Ancients84 Warhammer Ancients85 Same

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If the ratio of animals to handlers falls below 6:1 US then the animals take an animal reaction test and act accordingly.


Requires both models, though partial teams can pair up May do one of the following:

o Build a wall (hard cover defended obstacle,) 1” per turno Build a bridge, 1.5” wide, 1” longo Demolish may make 3 total attacks against a building


The unit forms into a mass of equal ranks and files and may not adopt a different formation

In the event that a levy unit must skirmish (e.g. use of slings) all of the models must be arranged in a skirmishing pattern but within the square root of the unit strength inches from the leader.

Combined/Mixed Unit Formations

The differing models form a single regiment, the models are not intermixed but rather form ranks of each model type.

Archers may either arc fire over comrades in front or be formed in the front of the regiment.

If charged the archers may either stand and fire and fight in that turn’s round of combat or retire to the back of the unit, as with counter marching this would de facto move the regiment backwards the width of the front rank

To switch the ranks in an ordinary situation would require a reform maneuver

Heavy Cavalry88

Heavy Cavalry are the heavily armored knights of legend mounted on massive destriers that cause the ground to shake and spears to rattle. Alternatively they are the rumbling boars and other riotous mounts whose charge unnerves those they are bearing down upon.

May utilize up to the first three ranks for combat rank bonuses If a unit of heavy cavalry outnumbers the enemy unit and gets

the charge it causes fear. Units with the Phalanx, drilled, stubborn, frenzy, unbreakable, or immune to psychology rules need not take this test.

Odd ball stuff/weird gear

Falconer +3pts

Falcons may not be targeted or killed, but they fly away if their master is killed

Falcons are “shot/loosed” during the shooting phase. A falconer may move and shoot. Subject to normal targeting rules. 24” range, BS 5, S2.

Falcons are unaffected by ranged to hit modifiers except large target and fast moving target

May aid in close combat, 1 attack, WS 5, S2

Weighted Scattering

Weighted scattering is a means of scatting that results in a certain direction (usual continuing forward) more likely. Unless otherwise specified, a weighted scatter works in the following manner. Place a 12 hour clock face such that the 1 is directly behind the thing to be scatters and where 7 is in the initial direction of facing. Roll 2d6. The result is the new heading.

86 Warhammer 3rd87 Warhammer 3rd ed. 88 Warhammer Ancients


All Fire attacks count as magical.

Flaming torches +1 pt/model89

Improvised weapon Flaming attack may not be held by creatures that fear fire A melee unit with torches may automatically catch a building

or non-chariot war machine on fire in base contact. Barring interceding terrain/units, a torch may be seen at any

distance. During reduced light conditions torches add 6” to the wielder’s LOS

Any model may be equipped with a torch

Flaming Missiles (requires a brazier and ammo)90

o Brazier 2pts plus two noncombat (armed with hand weapons or swords and may be equipped with armor to match the unit they accompany) models to attend to it.

o Ammo 1 pts/modelo A unit loosing fire attacks may not move that turn and

has its range reduced in half Flaming attacks get +1 S against flammable targets and count

as magical attacks Buildings catch on fire if they take damage from a fire missile

(for stone buildings imagine the arrow hits the wooden flooring within), after the shooting phase the GM rolls a d6 if the result is less than the number of wounds taken from flaming sources that turn the building is on fire.

Once on fire a building takes D3 wounds each turn. Models inside take a 3S hit

Putting out fires91

Wind spells/effects roll:o 1,2 fire burns more fiercely causing additional d3

woundso 3,4 fire blown outo 5,6 Player may choose either result

Rain effects/spello Negates new fire for a turno Puts out braziers and torcheso Doesn’t put out fires

Dust stormso Extinguish any fires

Water missile spells may extinguish fires

89 Warhammer 3rd90 Warhammer 3rd91 Warhammer 3rd

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Creatures and fire92

Flammable creatures catch on fire in the same ways as buildings

Burning creatures leave the unit they are with, moving charge speed toward the nearest water feature. If no water they move in a random direction

A burning creature that enters within charge range may charge the enemy and causes flaming hits, roll for frenzy

takes d3 wounds each turn water features will extinguish it Creatures that fear fire must pass a Cl test or panic if within 4”

of fire or attacked by fire.


Drowning If a model finds itself in a deep water feature without the rules

for swimming, breathing underwater, or water strider then it runs the risk of drowning.

Every model loses all of its gear except a single weapon requiring a single hand (swords, hand weapons, daggers etc) and must fail an armor save or die. If they fail they are allowed to swim at half movement rate with no reserve move directly to the nearest shore, unformed. Mounts with armor are unable to remove it and automatically fail. The rider may survive and continue on foot.

Troops may be ordered to enter a river or water feature (perhaps under the suspicion that it is an illusion) but they must pass a Ld test or halt at the “waters” edge

Walking under waterModels that breathe under water, but cannot swim, may walk at half rate. Armor encumbrances work in the opposite manner, increasing movement rate93 but may not exceed the base move speed.

Scrambling about

92 Warhammer 3rd93 Imagine Link’s heavy Iron boots


In the event that a model utilizing a window/ledge is attacked or climbing up a ladder/ grapple and met by the enemy. Said attacker or climber may attempt to defenestrate them.

1. Sacrifice your regular attack(s,) roll to hit in initiative order (+1 to hit if using a shield/large shield)

2. If you hit both players roll a die and add the result to their respective strengths unmodified by weapons but modified by shields.

3. If the attacker has a greater total the model is cast from the window and plummets to the ground (see Falling)


1. During their movement phase a model may attempt to climb a wall, cliff, fence or otherwise impassable feature.

2. The model must be touching the feature at the beginning of the movement phase.

3. A model cannot climb a feature with height greater than M”4. To successfully climb up a model must pass an i test. If failed the

model cannot move that turn5. If the I test is failed while climbing down the model counts as

falling from that height

Jumping Down96

If a model wishes to jump down it must successfully pass an i test for every 2” if jumps down (a model cannot jump further than 6” down) if a single test is failed the model counts as falling the entire height, if successful the model may continue to move.

Diving Charge97

Models from an elevated position may attempt to leap upon their enemies in a diving charge. To do this the enemy must be within 2” horizontally from the jump spot. Like with jumping down the model must pass an i test for every 2” of the jump or counts as falling.

If successful the model gains +1 to hit (on top of charging) and +1S in the following close combat phase.

Jumping Gaps98

Models may attempt to jump over gaps (maximum of 3”)

Deduct the jump distance from the model’s movement (can’t measure beforehand) if the model doesn’t have enough movement it fails the jump automatically. Otherwise models must pass an i test or fall.

94 Made up95 Mordheim96 Mordheim97 Mordheim98 Mostly taken from Mordheim

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Skirmishers may jump during both the reserve and movement phase. Normal models may only jump during the movement phase.

FallingWhen a model falls it and anything it falls on takes a hit of strength US*Height”/2 (rounded up) (armor may reduce the strength but cannot stop the blow) and wounds equal to D(T*height/3-2) to a minimum of 1. Use a falling model’s platform as a template. A falling model may be avoided by passing an i test.

When a flying model dies midflight or otherwise plummets to the group scatter it 2d6.” Falling flying creatures are always assumed to fall from 6”. This assumption is made to be a compromise between the added momentum of a low swoop and the slower speed of a creature who was just climbing in altitude and the air resistance created by a winged creature clumsily falling through the air.

Grappling Hooks 1pts/model99

1. During shooting phase roll to latch (BS) up to 2 sections high(up to 2” range from wall/building)

2. There can’t be too many grapplesa. 2/windowb. Platform space limitations

3. One model per grapple may attempt to cut it down. Grapples are cut on a 4+ (+1 if armed with an edged weapon)

4. Models may climb entirely up the length of a grapple during the movement phase

Ladder 5pts100

Carrying ladders

Max 6 models can carry a ladder 4 to move at max speed 3 or 2 half speed, 1 can’t carry it Moving ladders indoors to a new building section requires

passing an i test.

Dropping ladders

Models must drop ladders in the following situations

Hand to hand combat They panic Fail any psychology test (fear, stupidity, frenzy) They become unstable Reduced to a single model GM decides a spell would induce them to drop it GM decides a special circumstance would cause them to drop it

Putting ladders up

If the carrying models come in contact with a wall they may immediately erect a ladder.

Models atop a wall may use an entire turn to lift a ladder up and transfer it to the other side so that they may enter the courtyard or what have you. If they are forced to drop it, roll a d6, on a 1, 2 falls outside the castle, 3, 4 ladder falls on the rampart, 5, 6 ladder falls into the courtyard

Climbing up

Any unblocked ladder can allow up to 4 models to climb it per turn

Only a single model may climb up if the ladder is blocked

Battering Ram 40pts

Require at least 4 unit strength to hold it. Strength of the ram equals the unit strength using it (to a

maximum of 8) The ram does wounds equal to D(S-2)

99 Warhammer 3rd Siege100 Warhammer 3rd Siege

Rams may not be used in close combat and are assumed to be dropped.

Mantlets 1pts/model

Provides hard cover for those behind it even against arcing fire May only be requisitioned for siege battles Mantlet users may not move and fire Mantlets may not reserve move. For deployment purposes they have a M value of 0.

Model costs, where do they come from?101

Models in this edition have their points cost derived from the following rubric. Take the standard stat line of a human (5pts.) You then modify the human’s stats until they equal the stats of the desired creature. Like a balance sheet each stat has a point value as follows:

M Ws Bs S T W I A LdInt CL

WP points

4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 7 7 7 5¼ ½ ¼ 1 1 4 ¼ 4 ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼

So let’s practice with a dwarf

M WsBs S T W I A Ld



3 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 7 9 9 8-











+1/2 +2.5

For simplicity this has been rounded up to +3 as creatures with a points cost over 5 usually are not allowed partial points cost.

Next we have to throw in a multiplier, as larger and larger creatures are able to get greater effect from their stats (stats effects are non-linear.)

So take the calculated cost of your creature and multiply it by the appropriate multiplier below

10-15 pts X 1.516-20 pts X 221-30 pts X 331-40 pts X4+10 pts X+1

This results in a series of stepped or staggered results, we recommend the following formula: Pts*(pts+5)/10It should remove staggering.

From there Models can then be upgraded in a number of manners. According to the 3rd ed. They were classified as either missile or shock elite troops and given corresponding levels (e.g. +3 shock elite) Missile elite troops gained +1 Bs, +1 I, +1 Ws +1 S respectively for each level and elite shock troops gain +1 Ws, +1 I, +1S, +1A for each level. Each level costs an additional point. So a +3 Shock elite human would be 8 pts and would have +1 Ws, +1 I, +1S.102

101 This rubric comes from the 2nd ed. Combat Rules book. It held as a guide for points cost until the late 5th ed.

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Conversely a model may be downgraded to “levy” status for -1 point. The model suffers -1 Ws, -1 Bs, -1I, -1 Int, -1 WP, -1 Ld, -1 Cl and is restricted by the rules for levy formations.

Expensive models would have increasingly expensive gear. So an ogre would pay 8pts for a great weapon while a goblin need only pay 1pt. This made ogres and larger creatures prohibitively expensive. By the 5th ed, this was done away with and larger models paid the same points cost as regular infantry. However, by the 6th ed. Varying gear costs came back and have oscillated in every edition since. For simplicity’s sake we have opted for the 5th ed. approach in this regard. While it may benefit a hero to use a great weapon more than an infantry, it seems intuitive that the cost of the item shouldn’t change as it changes hands. Though one could argue for changing utilities, we have found that it equals out in the end.

There have been a few notable gear cost changes in our rules. Notably these are armor and arquebuses. Armor costs traditionally increase exponentially and this is because their effectiveness is not linear but exponential. For example in traditional rules a mounted knight with heavy armor, shield (3+) would halve their casualties by upgrading to barding (2+ save.) That is, they go from dying on a 1 or 2, to only dying on a 1. In comparison the addition of the shield to mounted and heavy armor would only reduce casualties by a third. This means, traditionally, armor became more effective in a non-linear fashion. However, our rules dictate that each armor save it taken individually. This results in a linear effectiveness of armor. Additionally, since armor isn’t ignored but rather penetrated, armor is always a benefit. This means that the prices for armor have been changed to reflect this.

Traditionally arquebuses have been priced at 3pts. This has never made sense. In editions up to the 6th, hand guns fired every other turn. As they should. This equates to a reduced rate of fire and less range than a crossbow though the same S. At this traditional pricing a unit of 8 crossbowmen (64 pts) would easily and decisively defeat 8 handgunners (also 64pts) due to added range and rate of fire and equal lethality. Consequently, arquebuses have been priced at 1pt. 12 crossbowmen (96pts) vs. 16 handgunners (also 96 pts) is a more equal fight as the handgunners will continue to have a lower rate of fire but with have more bodies to bear the brunt so that their rate of fire will be effected less by casualties.


102 This system broke down by 6th ed as it became clear that not all elite troops would be elite for the same reasons. So we use it as a general guide line for calculating veteran and elite troops.

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