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Warm Up

• With the last incident in Connecticut in your opinion what should school districts do to ensure the safety of the students and staff?

• Remember you must be within reason.

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Classical Africa

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Northeast Africa• Early Nubia: Egypt as a model, gold

and slaves• Napata (Kush): 8th- 6th century

fought with Egyptians• Meroë: Nubians adopted Hellenism,

gold and ivory, irrigation technology, 5 independent female rulers, shifting trade patterns lead to decline

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Blue Nile, Northern Ethiopia

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Kushite Pyramids

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Christian Nubia (NEA)• Missionaries converted nobility

(543-1504)• Divided into feudal kingdoms• Christian society with monasteries,

cathedrals, and castles ruled by African bishops and knights

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Ethiopian Highlands (NEA)

• South of Nubia: outside Nile valley• 2nd oldest African civilization• Arab colonists intermarried and

absorbed by locals: State of Axum• Axum kings: Merchant princes of

Red Sea trade• Major regional power until coming

of Islam

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Ethiopian Highlands

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West Africa• Horse: military system rested on armored,

mounted knights• Camel: major event in African history,

TRANS-SAHARAN TRADE with North Africa• Divine Kingship: used to establish

ideology for the centralized politics and economy

• Gold: success rested on camels, new fields, and strong kingdoms

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Ghana (WA)• Oldest historical West African

kingdom• Greatest period 10-13th centuries• Gold: biggest, wealthiest, most

powerful state in west Africa• Traditional religions: Divine


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Ghana and Islam• Muslim merchants in 9th century• Ghana kings learned to capitalize

on writing and administration skills• Merged into a single society• Sacked by Muslim Berbers from

the Sahara• Lost preeminence in Africa

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Mali (WA)• United WA after fall of Ghana• Sundiata: Alexander of Africa• Mansa Musa: MVP of Mali society

– Ruled at height of power– Pilgrimage– Wide spread inflation

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Mansa Musa

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Songhai (WA)• Final and greatest kingdom 1464-1592• Overthrew Mali• Great centers of Islamic learning and

culture• Timbuktu• Overthrown by Moroccans in 1591• Benin and Ifo (Art and Statues)

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Southern and Central Sub-Saharan Africa

• Numerous ethnic groups collectively known as Bantu, a linguistic term

• Not native, migrated from western Africa (Niger river) as early as 400 BCE

• Iron tools: increased population, powerful military states

• Social organization: male solidarity, expands power and land

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Eastern Zimbabwe cave paintings, carbon dated at nearly 1000 years ago

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Mwenemutapa (Great Zimbabwe)

• Flourished in 13-17th centuries• Power: Bantu military traditions, gold,

good agricultural production, and control of trade routes

• Most famous part is walled complex at Great Zimbabwe: supreme example of indigenous African architecture. Included stone places, walls, towers, and shrines

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Great Zimbabwe Ruins

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