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Warnings of Relapse in Depression

A depression treatment center should have known the most cases of

depression before treatments. Yes, Depression is a condition that can

recur. While it is important for treatment centers to equip the patients

with the techniques & knowledge on how to combat a possible

relapse, it may be inadvertent or occurs when an individual becomes

helpless or a trauma strikes him/her. This is where catching the

symptoms early before they become a full-blown case of Depression

becomes important and necessary.

Depression treatment centers often conduct post therapy sessions,

though the condition has been successfully treated. This is done

primarily to eliminate chances of Relapse. Individuals who have come

out of chronic depression symptoms but do not go through these post

therapy sessions face big chances of a potential relapse.

Here are some warning symptoms of depression relapse that you should watch

out for.

Difficulty in making Conversations

If leaving the house and making a conversation seems challenging, you

should be wary of how socially active you are or are not. Maintaining a

strong and supportive social network is important for individuals who

have battled depression so that they can steer clear of another

potential relapse.

Sleep well

Sleeping at the same time everyday will put you in the habit of having

quality sleep. Engaging in other activities during usual sleep hours can

put you at the risk of developing insomnia. Being sleep deprived is one

of the major contributing factors to relapse of depression. Sleeping

well is key and that practice will be established when you get into a

routine sleep pattern. On the other hand, sleeping excessively can also

be equally disastrous.


When even the smallest of things make you snap, you should begin to

make conscious efforts to keep track. If you have been easy going but

suddenly experience emotional spurts and violent outbursts, you could

be preparing yourself for another bout of depression.


Feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness are major reasons that

contribute to self-loathing and thereby causing depression in


The role of any depression treatment center is to turn off these

feelings when they emerge. This is the main reason why post session

therapies are conducted by these centers to ensure that relapses do

not occur and even if there are chances; to equip the individual to

handle such situations better.


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