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  • 8/18/2019 Warnock Federal Amended Complaint







    and RUDOLPH M. WARNOCK, JR., anindividual,




    DANIEL B. GUILLET, P.E., individually

    and in his official capacity as Madison

    County Engineer, TREY BAXTER,

    individually and in his official capacity asMadison County Supervisor, SHEILA

    JONES, individually and in her official

    capacity as Madison County Supervisor,

    DAVID BISHOP, individually and in his

    official capacity as Madison County

    Supervisor, GERALD STEEN,

    individually and in his official capacity as

    Madison County Supervisor, and PAUL

    GRIFFIN, individually and in his official

    capacity as Madison County Supervisor.


    ) )























    CAUSE NO.: 3:16-cv-00068-CWR-




    COME NOW the Plaintiffs Warnock & Associates, LLC, and Rudolph M. Warnock, Jr.,

    and file this their First Amended Complaint against Defendants Madison County, Mississippi

    (“Madison County” or the “County”), Dan Guillet, P.E., and Madison County Supervisors Trey

    Baxter, Sheila Jones, David Bishop, Gerald Steen, and Paul Griffin, and in support thereof state as


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    1.  This is an action for infringement of copyright in violation of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C.

    § 101 et seq., and for injunctive, declaratory and equitable relief, and for breach of contract

    and bad faith.

    2.  Plaintiff Warnock & Associates, LLC, is a Mississippi limited liability company with its

     principal place of business in Hinds County, Mississippi.

    3.  Plaintiff Rudolph “Rudy” M. Warnock, Jr., P.E., is an individual adult resident of Madison

    County, Mississippi.


    Defendant Madison County, Mississippi, is a political entity created by the constitution

    and laws of the State of Mississippi.

    5.  Defendant Daniel “Dan” B. Guillet is an individual adult resident of Madison County,

    Mississippi, and County Engineer of Madison County.

    6.  Defendant Trey Baxter is an individual adult resident of Madison County, Mississippi and

    member of the Madison County Board of Supervisors.


    Defendant Sheila Jones is an individual adult resident of Madison County, Mississippi and

    member of the Madison County Board of Supervisors.


    Defendant David Bishop is an individual adult resident of Madison County, Mississippi

    and member of the Madison County Board of Supervisors.

    9.  Defendant Gerald Steen is an individual adult resident of Madison County, Mississippi and

    member of the Madison County Board of Supervisors.

    10. Defendant Paul Griffin is an individual adult resident of Madison County, Mississippi and

    member of the Madison County Board of Supervisors.

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    11. This Court has federal question jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1338(a), and


    12. This Court is the proper venue for the instant dispute pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391 and

    1400(b) because Defendants reside within this judicial district and division and/or have

    committed acts of infringement within this judicial district and division.

    13. Defendants do not have sovereign immunity and are amenable to suit in this Court. The

    materials here in issue fall within the “national protection” provided by the Copyright Act

    and do not implicate the Mississippi Tort Claims Act. 17 U.S.C. § 511; 17 U.S.C. § 301;

    28 U.S.C. § 2201; see also U.S. Const. Art. VI cl. 2 (the Supremacy Clause);  Richard

     Anderson Photography v. Brown, 852 F.2d 114 (4th  Cir. 1989). Furthermore, suits for

    injunctive and declaratory relief and for breach of an express contract do not implicate the

    Mississippi Tort Claims Act.

    14. Defendants do not have sovereign immunity under the Eleventh Amendment and are

    amenable to suit in this Court, as counties are not considered arms of the state for purposes

    of the Eleventh Amendment and Defendants can satisfy any monetary judgment without

     burdening the State of Mississippi’s treasury. See, e.g., Black v. N. Panola Sch. Dist., 461

    F.3d 584 (5th Cir. 2006).


    15. The allegations of the foregoing paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth herein.

    16. Plaintiff Warnock and Associates, LLC (“W&A”) is a Mississippi engineering firm owned

     by Plaintiff Rudy Warnock (“Warnock”). Warnock has a civil engineering degree from

    Mississippi State University.

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    17. Plaintiffs have worked on numerous construction projects for Defendant Madison County,

    Mississippi, including serving as County Engineer for over a decade.

    18. As part of providing these engineering services, W&A and/or Warnock entered into several

    different contracts with Madison County, covering all the work performed by W&A and/or

    Warnock on construction projects throughout the county.

    19. All work performed by Plaintiffs was authorized by the Madison County Board of

    Supervisors, and properly entered in the Minutes.

    20. Plaintiffs are owed monies on an estimated thirty-five (35) construction projects.


    A total balance in the principal amount of approximately $1,448,481.28


     is currently due

    to Plaintiffs from Madison County for work performed under these contracts, which can

     be broadly grouped into three (3) categories: (i) Project-Specific contracts (principal

     balance of approximately $1,041,284.082; seven (7) projects); (ii) General Engineering

    Services contract projects (principal balance of $163,013.20; fifteen (15) projects); and (iii)

    State Aid contracts (principal balance of approximately $244,184.00; thirteen (13)


    1 Excluding pre-judgment and post-judgment interest, attorneys’ fees, costs, and other damages.

    2 Bozeman Road is one of these seven projects. Plaintiffs’ engineering fee for the original plan on BozemanRoad was approximately $840,000 based on roughly $12,000,000 estimated construction cost. The re-design of the project to widen the road and add a median pursuant to federal and state requirementsincreased the estimated construction cost to $20,405,000, resulting in an engineering fee totaling

    approximately $1,428,350. Plaintiffs completed 98% of that work prior to their termination, and thereforeMadison County owes Plaintiffs a total of $1,399,783 for the Bozeman Road work. Madison County has paid $670,000 for the work, leaving a remaining balance due Plaintiffs in the amount of $729,783, of which$151,200 has been invoiced. Accordingly, this amount of $1,041,284.08 includes the additional $578,583on Bozeman Road project that was not invoiced prior to litigation.

    3 Inasmuch as the amounts owed on these State Aid projects are based on cost of construction, the exactamounts owed on these State Aid projects will be determined at trial, after final construction costs areknown. The contracts provide for 4.8% of construction cost to be paid for design, and 7.2% for construction

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    22. The General Engineering Services contract, and some of these Project-Specific contracts

    were recently terminated by the County, thereby also terminating any license or right to

    use the copyrighted plans, or any other intellectual property belonging to Plaintiffs.

    23. For the State Aid contracts, and for the remaining Project-Specific contracts, the County

     breached the contract by its failure and refusal to pay the contractual amounts owed,

    thereby also terminating any license or right to use the copyrighted plans, or any other

    intellectual property belonging to Plaintiffs.

    24. Defendants have given Plaintiffs no assurances of payment for their work on any of these

    thirty-five (35) construction projects.

    25. To the contrary, Defendants have refused to pay Plaintiffs for their work.



    Some projects were assigned their own separate, project-specific contracts.

    27. Relevant to this lawsuit, since April 2011, Warnock and Madison County have entered into

    at least seven (7) project-specific contracts for work in Madison County: the North

    Highland Colony Parkway (Exhibit A), Yandell Road Reconstruction (Exhibit B),

    Bozeman Road (Exhibit C), Reunion Phase III-A (Exhibit D), Calhoun Station (Exhibit

    E), Reunion Parkway II (Exhibit F), and Gluckstadt Road projects (Exhibit G).4 

    28. The language of these seven (7) Project-Specific contracts are nearly identical. The

    following language found in each Project-Specific contract is relevant to Plaintiffs’ claims:

    administration, for a total of 12% of final construction costs. Under the Project-Specific contracts betweenPlaintiffs and Madison County, Plaintiffs are paid 7% for design, and 7% for contract administration.

    4 Page 2 of the Project Specific Agreements represents that the Agreement is made by and between theMadison County Board of Supervisors and “Rudy Warnock, P.E, Warnock & Associates.” On informationand belief, in following with industry rule and custom, a specific individual (in this case, Rudy Warnock)is listed as the engineer of record on project-specific contracts, though the engineering firm with which heis associated does the work as a whole.

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    a.  “Article 2.01(B): Owner shall pay Engineer as set forth in Exhibit C.”

     b.  “Article 3.02(C): If Owner authorizes changes in the scope, extent, orcharacter of the Project, then the time for completion of Engineer’s services, andthe rates and amounts of Engineer’s compensation, shall be adjusted equitably.”

    c.  “Article 6.03(A). All Documents are instruments of service in respect tothis Project, and Engineer shall retain an ownership and property interest therein(including the copyright and the right of reuse at the discretion of the Engineer)whether or not the Project is completed…”

    d.  “Article 6.03, Use of Documents (D). …Engineer grants Owner a license touse the [construction documents] on the Project….”

    e.  “Article 6.05(D) Payments Upon Termination. In the event of anytermination under paragraph 6.05, Engineer will be entitled to invoice Owner and

    to receive full payment for all services performed or furnished and all ReimbursableExpenses incurred through the effective date of termination. Upon making such payment, Owner shall have the limited right to the use of Documents, at Owner’ssole risk, subject to the provisions of paragraph 6.03.E.”

    29. Madison County has now terminated and/or breached all of Plaintiffs’ Project-Specific

    contracts by its failure and refusal to pay same.

    30. Plaintiffs have not received full payment for all services performed or furnished through

    the effective date of termination.

    31. Plaintiffs have not received full payment for all Reimbursable Expenses through the

    effective date of termination.

    32.  Nevertheless, despite receiving cease and desist letters, Madison County continues to use

    the copyrighted plans and other intellectual property belonging to Plaintiffs.

    North Highland Colony Parkway Engineering Work


    Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “North Highland Colony

    Parkway.” Plans for “North Highland Colony Parkway” hereinafter will be referred to as

    the “North Highland Colony Parkway Engineering Work.”

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    34. Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the North Highland Colony Parkway contract (Exhibit A),

    “All Documents are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer shall

    retain an ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the right of

    reuse at the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed…”

    35. The North Highland Colony Parkway Engineering Work is an original work of authorship

    of Plaintiffs.

    36. The North Highland Colony Parkway Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and

    Plaintiffs own copyrights in the North Highland Colony Parkway Engineering Work.


    Plaintiffs have applied for registration of the North Highland Colony Parkway Engineering

    Work with the Register of Copyrights, paid the required fee, deposited the work in

    question, and the Copyright Office has received the registration application. Plaintiffs are

    awaiting issuance of a certificate of registration which, upon receipt, will be filed with the


    Yandell Road Reconstruction Engineering Work


    Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “Yandell Road

    Reconstruction.” Plans for “Yandell Road Reconstruction” hereinafter will be referred to

    as the “Yandell Road Reconstruction Engineering Work.”

    39. Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the Yandell Road Reconstruction contract (Exhibit B),

    “All Documents are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer shall

    retain an ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the right of

    reuse at the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed…”

    40. The Yandell Road Reconstruction Engineering Work is an original work of authorship of


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    41. The Yandell Road Reconstruction Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and

    Plaintiffs own copyrights in the Yandell Road Reconstruction Engineering Work.

    42. Plaintiffs have applied for registration of the Yandell Road Reconstruction Engineering

    Work with the Register of Copyrights, paid the required fee, deposited the work in

    question, and the Copyright Office has received the registration application. Plaintiffs are

    awaiting issuance of a certificate of registration which, upon receipt, will be filed with the


    Bozeman Road Engineering Work


    Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “Bozeman Road.” Plans for

    “Bozeman Road” hereinafter will be referred to as the “Bozeman Road Engineering



    Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the Bozeman Road Engineering Work contract (Exhibit

    C), “All Documents are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer

    shall retain an ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the

    right of reuse at the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is



    The Bozeman Road Engineering Work is an original work of authorship of Plaintiffs.

    46. The Bozeman Road Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and Plaintiffs own

    copyrights in the Bozeman Road Engineering Work.

    47. Plaintiffs have applied for registration of the Work with the Register of Copyrights, paid

    the required fee, deposited the work in question, and the Copyright Office has received the

    registration application. Plaintiffs are awaiting issuance of a certificate of registration

    which, upon receipt, will be filed with the Court.

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    Reunion Parkway III-A Engineering Work

    48. Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “Reunion Parkway III-A.”

    Plans for “Reunion Parkway III-A” hereinafter will be referred to as the “Reunion

    Parkway III-A Engineering Work.”

    49. Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the Reunion Parkway III-A contract (Exhibit D), “All

    Documents are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer shall retain

    an ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the right of reuse

    at the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed…”


    The Reunion Parkway III-A Engineering Work is an original work of authorship of


    51. The Reunion Parkway III-A Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and Plaintiffs

    own copyrights in the Reunion Parkway III-A Engineering Work.

    52. Plaintiffs plan to apply for registration of the Reunion Parkway III-A Engineering Work

    with the Register of Copyrights, pay the required fee, and deposit the Reunion Parkway

    III-A Engineering Work. Once the application is completed, Plaintiffs anticipate seeking

    leave to amend this lawsuit to include a copyright infringement claim on the Reunion

    Parkway III-A Engineering Work.

    Calhoun Station Engineering Work

    53. Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “Calhoun Station.” Plans for

    “Calhoun Station” hereinafter will be referred to as the “Calhoun Station Engineering


    54. Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the Calhoun Station contract (Exhibit E), “All Documents

    are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer shall retain an

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    ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the right of reuse at

    the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed…”

    55. The Calhoun Station Engineering Work is an original work of authorship of Plaintiffs.

    56. The Calhoun Station Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and Plaintiffs own

    copyrights in the Calhoun Station Engineering Work.

    57. Plaintiffs plan to apply for registration of the Calhoun Station Engineering Work with the

    Register of Copyrights, pay the required fee, and deposit the Calhoun Station Engineering

    Work. Once the application is completed, Plaintiffs anticipate seeking leave to amend this

    lawsuit to include a copyright infringement claim on the Calhoun Station Engineering


    Reunion Parkway II Engineering Work


    Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “Reunion Parkway II.” Plans

    for “Reunion Parkway II” hereinafter will be referred to as the “Reunion Parkway II

    Engineering Work.”


    Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the Reunion Parkway II contract (Exhibit F), “All

    Documents are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer shall retain

    an ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the right of reuse

    at the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed…”

    60. The Reunion Parkway II Engineering Work is an original work of authorship of Plaintiffs.

    61. The Reunion Parkway II Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and Plaintiffs own

    copyrights in the Reunion Parkway II Engineering Work.

    62. Plaintiffs plan to apply for registration of the Reunion Parkway II Engineering Work with

    the Register of Copyrights, pay the required fee, and deposit the Reunion Parkway II

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    Engineering Work. Once the application is completed, Plaintiffs anticipate seeking leave

    to amend this lawsuit to include a copyright infringement claim on the Reunion Parkway

    II Engineering Work.

    Gluckstadt Road Engineering Work

    63. Plaintiffs are the creators of a work of engineering entitled “Gluckstadt Road.” Plans for

    “Gluckstadt Road” hereinafter will be referred to as the “Gluckstadt Road Engineering


    64. Pursuant to Article 6.03(A) of the Gluckstadt Road contract (Exhibit G), “All

    Documents are instruments of service in respect to this Project, and Engineer shall retain

    an ownership and property interest therein (including the copyright and the right of reuse

    at the discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed…”


    The Gluckstadt Road Engineering Work is an original work of authorship of Plaintiffs.

    66. The Gluckstadt Road Engineering Work is protected by copyright, and Plaintiffs own

    copyrights in the Gluckstadt Road Engineering Work.


    Plaintiffs plan to apply for registration of the Gluckstadt Road Engineering Work with the

    Register of Copyrights, pay the required fee, and deposit the Gluckstadt Road Engineering

    Work. Once the application is completed, Plaintiffs anticipate seeking leave to amend this

    lawsuit to include a copyright infringement claim on the Gluckstadt Road Engineering


    Defendants’ Infringement of the Project-Specific Contract Work

    68. W&A and/or Warnock have properly performed all of their work for Madison County

    under the seven (7) subject Project-Specific contracts.

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    69. As of the filing of the instant Complaint, Madison County has not filed any complaint or

    taken any issue with any of W&A and/or Warnock’s performance under the subject

    Project-Specific contracts.

    70. However, despite demands for payment, Madison County has refused to remit full payment

    under the Project-Specific contracts. See Exhibit H, a compiled listing of Plaintiffs’

    outstanding invoices to Madison County; see also Exhibit I, December 7, 2015 Letter to

    Madison County; Exhibit J, December 21, 2015 Letter to Madison County; Exhibit K,

    January 29, 2016 Letter to Madison County.


    At all times, including after Madison County’s termination of Plaintiffs from the position

    of County Engineer in December 2015, W&A and Warnock own the drawings,

    specifications, etc., created by them under the Project-Specific contracts.


    Also, at termination, W&A became entitled to full payment of all amounts due W&A for

    services performed under the Project-Specific contracts, and, until such full payment,

    Madison County has no right or license to possess or use the drawings, specifications, etc.,

    created by W&A under the Project-Specific contracts.

    73. Specifically, unless and until the County “mak[es] such [final] payment,” the County does

    not have “the limited right to the use of Documents, at Owner’s sole risk...”

    74.  Nevertheless, without final payment, the County has used and is currently using some of

    these copyrighted works owned by W&A and Warnock.


    75. In January 2012, W&A entered into a General Engineering Services contract with Madison

    County to cover additional, smaller-value work performed by W&A for Madison County.

    See Exhibit L, a true and correct copy of the General Engineering Services contract.

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    76. This General Engineering Services contract was a four-year continuation of the prior

    general engineering services contract, which was identical in all material aspects.

    77. As County Engineer, Plaintiffs billed Madison County under an open account.

    78. At least some of the projects governed by the General Engineering Services contract and/or

    Project-Specific contracts received federal funding.

    79. W&A and/or Warnock have properly performed all of their work under the subject


    80. As of the filing of the instant Complaint, Madison County has not filed any complaint or

    taken any issue with any of W&A and/or Warnock’s performance under the General

    Engineering Services contracts.

    81. However, despite demands for payment, Madison County has failed to remit full payment

    under the General Engineering Services contract after terminating same on January 4,

    2016, and receiving W&A’s final invoice. See Ex. H, Ex. I, Ex. J, and Ex. K.



    In addition to contracts with Madison County, W&A also contracted with the State of

    Mississippi on thirteen (13) projects in Madison County known as State Aid projects.


    Plaintiffs are currently owed approximately $244,184.00 for work completed on thirteen

    (13) State Aid projects.

    84. Inasmuch as the amounts owed on these State Aid projects are based on cost of

    construction, the exact amounts owed on these projects cannot yet be finally determined.

    85. The State Aid Project contract language indicates that, for this work, the County is to pay

    the engineers (i.e., Plaintiffs) from its own funds and then receive reimbursement from the


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    93. Although Plaintiffs have not received written termination letters on the other projects,

    Madison County has taken the position that Plaintiffs are terminated on all Madison County

    work, including project-specific work, general services, and from the State Aid projects.5 

    94. At the January 19, 2016, meeting of the Madison County Board of Supervisors, Supervisor

    David Bishop made a motion, seconded by Supervisor Paul Griffin, to approve a payment

    of some W&A invoices totaling $91,330.006. See Excerpt of Minutes of January 19, 2016,

    Board of Supervisors meeting attached hereto as Exhibit M.

    95. The Madison County Journal, a newspaper of record, reported that following the meeting,

    Board President Trey Baxter told its reporter that at least $91,000.00 in invoices “was legal

    and ‘we have to pay what the law says.’” See January 20, 2016, article attached hereto as

    Exhibit N.


    Despite that admission that the Board owes Plaintiffs payment and, therefore, has not

    fulfilled its obligation of “full payment” required before it assumes ownership of plans

     prepared by W&A and/or Warnock, on information and belief, at the January 19, 2016,

    meeting of the Madison County Board of Supervisors, Board President Trey Baxter stated

    during public discussion that the Board could and/or would direct the Madison County

    Sheriff to enter Plaintiffs’ offices and take plans for Madison County projects.

    97. At the same time it has refused to pay W&A and/or Warnock monies indisputably earned,

    Madison County also is attempting to compel Plaintiffs to give Madison County ownership

    5 When a new board of supervisors is elected for a county and they wish to replace the engineers on StateAid projects, typically the State of Mississippi, the county, and the county engineer will enter into atransition agreement whereby the engineers complete the phase that they are working on—whether in thedesign or contract administration phase. Here, Madison County has refused to enter into any suchstandard transition agreement. Therefore, the status of these projects is in limbo.

    6 Plaintiffs do not concede, and expressly dispute, that $91,330.00 represents the total amount owed them.

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    of their drawings in contravention to the clear language of the contracts. See, e.g., Exhibit

    O, January 27, 2016, letter to Rudy Warnock demanding delivery of Yandell Road project


    98. As demonstrated by Ex. O, Madison County seeks to compel Plaintiffs to submit their

    “outstanding invoices, project plans, and files,” in direct defiance of both the express

    language of the project-specific contract and the copyright protection afforded Plaintiffs’

     plans by statute and the General Engineering Services contract. See Ex. B, Section 6.03;

    Ex. L, Section 5.1.


    Furthermore, this demand to submit plans for the Yandell Road project was made with the

    intent to use Warnock & Associates’ project plans, without the permission or authority of

    Plaintiffs, and without compensation.


    On February 1, 2016, Plaintiffs made a formal, written demand for mediation of the dispute

    regarding unsettled claims, as provided under Paragraph 6.08 of the Project Specific

    Agreements. See Exhibit P, February 1, 2016, Letter of Demand for Mediation.


    On February 8, 2016, Plaintiffs responded to Madison County’s request for Warnock to

    submit outstanding invoices, project plans, and files by a letter in which it made a written

    demand for assurances that Madison County and its contractors, subcontractors, suppliers,

    and other architecture and engineering design professionals, would immediately cease and

    desist use of Plaintiffs’ plans, drawings, specifications, or any other work product to close

    out the Yandell Road or other projects. See Exhibit Q, February 8, 2016 letter re:

    Infringement of Copyrights.

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    102. The February 8 letter requested such written assurances by return of the letter, with a

    signature of a Madison County representative, within five (5) days. To date, the letter has

    not been returned.

    103. On February 12, 2016, Plaintiffs informed Mr. Guillet that they had submitted a Copyright

    Registration Application for the engineering drawings on the North Highland Colony

    Parkway Project. See Exhibit R, February 12, 2016 letter Re: Infringement of Copyrights.

    104. In that letter, Plaintiffs renewed their prior request that Madison County cease and desist

    use of their work product. Id. 


    Despite Plaintiffs’ multiple demands that Madison County cease and desist unauthorized

    and improper use of its protected work product, the Madison County Board of Supervisors

    Agenda for February 16, 2016, included the possible closeout of the North Highland Colony

    Parkway Project through payment of two claims to Dickerson & Bowen, Inc. (“D&B”) for

     pay applications D&B submitted after Plaintiffs had been terminated by the County. See

    Exhibit S, Madison County Claims Docket excerpt.


    Plaintiffs did not certify the D&B pay applications listed on the February 16, 2016, Board

    of Supervisors Agenda, because they were no longer the engineers for the Project.


    Indeed, Plaintiffs had previously rejected the subject D&B pay applications.

    108. However, D&B’s pay applications were certified by Defendant Dan Guillet, using

    Plaintiffs’ copyrighted work. Pay applications can only properly be paid if certified by an

    architect or engineer who has the lawful right to use the copyrighted plans.

    109. Similarly, on the Yandell Road project, Defendant Dan Guillet signed the general

    contractor’s pay applications although neither he nor any other Defendant had any lawful

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    right to use Plaintiffs’ copyrighted plans. See Exhibit T, Yandell Road Payment


    110. Under both the terms of the Project Specific Contract and federal copyright law, Plaintiffs

    are the only engineer with right to use its work product at this time.

    111. In addition to Madison County’s breach of its obligations to pay W&A balances due under

    the contracts discussed above, Plaintiffs are entitled to relief for past and future copyright

    infringement arising from the unauthorized use of Plaintiffs’ copyrighted work product. The

    relief available for such infringements includes:


    Injunctive relief. 17 U.S.C § 502.

    •  Actual damages and profits, or statutory damages in an amount up to $150,000 per each

    infringed work. 17 U.S.C. § 504(b) and (c), and

    •  Impounding and destruction of infringing copies of protected work. 17 U.S.C. § 503.



    112. Plaintiffs incorporate and reallege each of the preceeding paragraphs.

    113. Plaintiffs own a valid copyright in the project plans for, among other projects, the Yandell

    Road Project, the North Highland Colony Parkway Project, and the Bozeman Road Project

    (collectively, the “Copyrighted Work”).

    114. Plaintiffs have applied for registration of the Copyrighted Work, paid the required fee,

    deposited the work in question, and the Copyright Office has received the registration

    application pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 411(a). See Exhibit U, Applications for the Work.

    115. On or about January 27, 2016, 2016, Dan Gaillet, on behalf of the County of Madison,

    demanded that Plaintiff Rudy Warnock submit “any and all…project plans, and files [for

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    the Yandell Road project] in order that we may complete and close out this project.” See

    Ex. O. 

    116. This demand was made with the intent to copy and/or use Plaintiffs’ project plans, without

    the permission or authority of Plaintiffs, and without compensating them for the plans and

    in violation of Plaintiffs’ rights under 17 U.S.C. § 106.

    117. Plaintiffs granted Madison County a non-exclusive license to utilize its copyrights in

    connection with past and ongoing projects, but such license was specifically contingent

    upon full payment to Plaintiffs.


    Given that the County has admittedly failed to remit full payment for the use of Plaintiffs’

    Copyrighted Work, all licenses are accordingly void.

    119. Additionally, the Madison County Board of Supervisors Agenda for February 16, 2016,

    indicates additional use of Plaintiffs’ project plans without permission or authority,

    inasmuch as it includes the possible closeout of the Highland Colony Parkway Project

    through payment of two claims to D&B for pay applications submitted after Plaintiffs had

     been terminated by the County.

    120. These pay applications can only properly be paid if certified by an architect or engineer

    who has the lawful right to use the work product.

    121. Yet, under both the terms of the Project Specific Contract and federal copyright law,

    Plaintiffs are the only engineer with right to use its work product at this time.

    122. Upon information and belief, Madison County continues to utilize Plaintiffs’ plans on

    several ongoing projects without right or permission, including the use and/or dissemination

    of Plaintiffs’ Copyrighted Plans by Dan Gaillet and other contractors, subcontractors, and

    engineers, and the creation of unauthorized derivative works.

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    123. The infringement committed by Madison County is willful and in disregard of Plaintiffs’

    rights under the Copyright Act.

    124. Plaintiffs have been damaged by Madison County and will continue to be damaged if

    Madison County’s infringement continues.

    125. The harm caused to Plaintiffs is irreparable.

    126. Accordingly, Plaintiffs seek relief under the Copyright Act as follows:

    a.  Injunctive relief prohibiting current or future use of Plaintiffs’ Copyrighted Plans

     pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 502;


    Impounding and disposition of all unauthorized copies or derivate works pursuant

    to 17 U.S.C. § 503;

    c.  Actual damages or statutory damages up to $30,000, and up to $150,000 for willful

    infringement, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504; and

    d.  Costs and attorney’s fees pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505.



    The allegations of the foregoing paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth herein.

    128. The individual Defendants named herein all had or have knowledge of the infringing

    activity of Madison County.

    129. The individual Defendants named herein induced, caused or materially contributed to the

    infringing conduct of Madison County through their actions as members of the Madison

    County Board of Supervisors and County Engineer by causing Madison County to infringe

    upon Plaintiffs’ copyrighted plans and using those plans without Plaintiffs’ consent after

    voluntarily terminating W&A’s contracts, without payment.

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    130. As a result of this contributory infringement, Plaintiffs have been damaged, and face

    continued and irreparable harm if the individual Defendants continue to infringe their

    copyrights, and continue to induce Madison County to do so as well.

    131. Accordingly, Plaintiffs seek relief under the Copyright Act as follows:

    e.  Injunctive relief prohibiting current or future use of Plaintiffs’ Copyrighted Plans

     pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 502;

    f.  Impounding and disposition of all unauthorized copies or derivate works pursuant

    to 17 U.S.C. § 503;


    Actual damages or statutory damages up to $30,000, and up to $150,000 for willful

    infringement, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504; and

    h.  Costs and attorney’s fees pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505.


    132. The allegations of the foregoing paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth herein.

    133. Defendant Dan Gaillet currently serves as County Engineer for Madison County.


    Upon information and belief, Gaillet has and continues to seek to infringe upon Plaintiffs’

    Copyrighted Plans to Plaintiffs’ detriment.


    Furthermore, as County Engineer replacing Plaintiffs with the aid of the individual

    members of the Board of Supervisors, he has the right and ability to supervise the infringing

    activity, and also has a direct financial interest in the activities. 


    As a result of this vicarious infringement, Plaintiffs have been damaged, and face continued

    and irreparable harm if Dan Gaillet continues to infringe their copyrights and oversee

    Madison County’s infringement to his own financial benefit.

    137. Accordingly, Plaintiffs seek relief under the Copyright Act as follows:

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    i.  Injunctive relief prohibiting current or future use of Plaintiffs’ Copyrighted Plans

     pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 502;

     j.  Impounding and disposition of all unauthorized copies or derivate works pursuant

    to 17 U.S.C. § 503;

    k.  Actual damages or statutory damages up to $30,000, and up to $150,000 for willful

    infringement, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504; and

    l.  Costs and attorney’s fees pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505.


    138. The allegations of the foregoing paragraphs are incorporated as if fully set forth herein.

    139. Pursuant to United States copyright law, 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq., Plaintiffs’ engineering

    drawings and schematics are entitled to copyright protection in favor of Plaintiffs, including

    the right to exclusive use and reproduction, from the moment they are created.

    140. Pursuant to their contracts with Madison County, W&A and Warnock granted Madison

    County a limited license to use their engineering drawings and other documents in

    connection with the relevant contractual projects.


    However, as the contracts make clear, “Engineer shall retain an ownership and property

    interest [in the project documents] (including the copyright and the right of reuse at the

    discretion of the Engineer) whether or not the Project is completed.” See Exs. A-G, Section

    6.03; see also Ex. L, Section 5.1 (“All Drawings, Specifications and other work product of

    the ENGINEER for this Project are instruments of service for this Project only and shall

     become the property of the OWNER upon full payment for services as agreed upon.”).

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    142. After terminating Plaintiffs’ contracts and refusing to remit full payment for Plaintiffs’

     performed and accepted work, Madison County threatened legal action against Plaintiffs

    and/or otherwise seeking use and ownership of Plaintiffs’ engineering drawings and

    specifications in contravention of the parties’ contracts.

    143. As set forth above, the threats are not only of litigation in the courts, but also wrongful

    entry of Plaintiffs’ offices by Madison County law enforcement to seize the plans in direct

    violation of the express contractual terms to which Madison County agreed (namely, that it

    owns the plans only upon full payment and that Warnock retains copyright protection in the


    144. By simultaneously admitting it owes Plaintiffs payment for invoices while threatening to

    wrongfully and forcibly confiscate Plaintiffs’ protected plans, Madison County has created

    a dispute that is properly decided by this Court.

    145. Accordingly, Plaintiffs seek a declaratory judgment that (i) until full and final payment is

    made, Plaintiffs are entitled to the full protection and ownership of their engineering

    drawings under United States copyright law, 17 U.S.C. § 101 et seq., and (ii) to the extent

    Plaintiffs have licensed any such drawings to Madison County, such licenses have

    terminated and expired because of Madison County’s failure to comply with their payment



    146. Plaintiffs incorporate and reallege each of the preceding paragraphs.

    147. Madison County entered into a contract with Plaintiffs for engineering services related to

     planning, zoning, and construction, including, but not limited to, those related to

    construction, re-construction, modification and/or improvement of Madison County

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    infrastructure systems, streets, roads, facilities, and other matters that are the responsibility

    of Madison County. See Ex. L.

    148. The terms of this contract are set forth in the General Engineering Services contract signed

     by Gerald Steen on behalf of the Madison County Board of Supervisors and Rudy M.

    Warnock on behalf of Warnock. Id. 

    149. In addition to the General Engineering Services contract, Madison County entered at least

    seven (7) project-specific agreements. Exs. A-G.

    150. Plaintiffs performed all of their obligations under the General Engineering Services

    contract and the Project-Specific agreements.

    151. Plaintiffs have submitted invoices for services rendered.

    152. The General Engineering Services contract requires Madison County to fulfill certain

    obligations, including:

    Article 2, Owner’s [Madison County’s] Responsibilities: The OWNER shall: 2.11:Compensate the ENGINEER [W&A] for services rendered under this Agreement.Article 4, Payments to the Engineer: 4.1: Progress payments shall be made on anhourly basis for the services rendered and as indicated within this Agreement andshall be due and owing within thirty days of the ENGINEER’s submittal of hismonthly statement. Past due amounts owed shall include a charge at the maximumlegal rate of interest from the thirtieth day. (Emphasis added.)

    Article 5, General Provisions

    5.1: Ownership of Documents: All Drawings, Specifications and other work product of the ENGINEER for this Project are instruments of service for this Projectonly and shall become the property of the OWNER upon full payment for servicesas agreed upon. (Emphasis added.)

    5.6.1: Should litigation or arbitration occur between the two parties relating to the provisions of this Agreement, all litigation or arbitration expenses, collectionexpenses, witness fees, court costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid by the non-prevailing party to the prevailing party.

    153. Additionally, the Project-Specific agreements provide:

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    Article 2—Owner’s Responsibilities, 2.01(B): Owner shall pay Engineer as setforth in Exhibit C.

    Article 4—Invoices and Payments, 4.01 Invoices….Invoices are due and payablewithin thirty (30) days of receipt.

    Article 6.03, Use of Documents (A). All Documents are instruments of service inrespect to this Project, and Engineer shall retain an ownership and property interesttherein (including the copyright and the right of reuse at the discretion of theEngineer) whether or not the Project is completed… (Emphasis added.)

    6.05(D) Payments Upon Termination. In the event of any termination under paragraph 6.05, Engineer will be entitled to invoice Owner and to receive full payment for all services performed or furnished and all Reimbursable Expensesincurred through the effective date of termination. Upon making such payment,Owner shall have the limited right to the use of Documents, at Owner’s sole risk,

    subject to the provisions of paragraph 6.03.E. (Emphasis added.)

    154. The General Engineering Services contract was terminated by the Madison County Board

    of Supervisors on January 4, 2016, as memorialized by a letter from the Madison County

    Board Attorney dated January 22, 2016. See Exhibit V, a true and correct copy of the

    January 22, 2016 letter from Madison County.

    155. The last invoice submitted by Plaintiffs is dated January 6, 2016.7 


    By and through Madison County’s conduct, as set forth herein, and as will be shown at

    trial of this matter, Madison County breached these contracts by failing to provide payment

    for services provided.

    157. Prior to filing the instant suit, counsel for Plaintiffs sent Madison County correspondences

    on December 7, 2015, and December 21, 2015 that relate to some of the past-due invoices.

    158. On January 29, 2016, Plaintiffs made a written demand for payment owed for past due

    invoices. After receipt of this demand, Madison County still failed and refused to agree that

    the invoices were valid.

    7 At least one more invoice will be sent by Plaintiffs covering the increased Engineer’s Estimate on theBozeman Road project.

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    159. As a result of these acts and omissions by Madison County, Plaintiffs have suffered

    damages as set forth herein.


    WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Plaintiffs Warnock & Associates, LLC and

    Rudy Warnock, pray for judgment against Defendants Madison County, Mississippi, Dan Guillet,

    P.E., and Madison County Supervisors Trey Baxter, Sheila Jones, David Bishop, Gerald Steen,

    and Paul Griffin as follows:

    a.  Injunctive relief pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 502 prohibiting current or future use of

    Plaintiffs’ copyrighted plans;

     b.  Defendants and their officers, agents, servants, employees, affiliated entities, and

    all of those in active concert with them, be preliminarily and permanently enjoined

    from committing the acts alleged herein in violation of 17 U.S.C. § 501;

    c.  During the pendency of this lawsuit, Defendants be required to account to the

    Plaintiffs for the extent of the infringements;


    Defendants to deliver to the Plaintiffs all copies of the copyrighted plans;

    e.  Impounding and disposition of all unauthorized copies or derivate works pursuant

    to 17 U.S.C. § 503;

    f.  Defendant Dan Guillet, P.E. be required to pay Plaintiffs all profits earned by him

    and his officers, agents, servants, employees, affiliated entities, and all of those in

    active concert with him;

    g.  Each of Defendants Madison County, Mississippi, and Supervisors Trey Baxter,

    Sheila Jones, David Bishop, Gerald Steen, and Paul Griffin be required to pay

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    Plaintiffs actual damages or statutory damages up to $30,000 per unintentional

    infringement, and $150,000 per willful infringement, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504;

    h.  A declaratory judgment that (i) Plaintiffs are entitled to the full protection and

    ownership of their engineering drawings under United States copyright law, 17

    U.S.C. § 101 et seq., on all Project-Specific, General Engineering Services, and

    State Aid projects and (ii) to the extent Plaintiffs have licensed any such drawings

    to Madison County, such licenses have terminated and expired because of Madison

    County’s failure to comply with their payment terms;


    Actual damages in the principal amount of no less than $1,448,481.28

    ($1,041,284.08 under project-specific contracts; $163,013.20 under General

    Engineering Services contract; and $244,184.00 under State Aid contracts);


    Pre-judgment interest in the maximum amount allowed by law from the date

    services were last provided to the date of entry of the judgment;

    k.  Post-judgment interest in the maximum amount allowed by law from the date of

    entry of the judgment until paid;

    l.  Costs and reasonable attorney’s fees incurred herein pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 505,

    and pursuant to the parties’ contract, the exact amount to be shown at the trial of

    this cause; and,

    Such other and further relief as this Court may deem just and proper.

    Respectfully submitted,

    s/Dorsey R. Carson, Jr.___________ Dorsey R. Carson, Jr., MSB #10493David S. Humphreys, MSB #100085Julie C. Skipper, MSB #101591

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    S. Anna Powers, MSB #103201Attorneys for Plaintiffs Rudy Warnock and Warnock & Associates,



    THE CARSON LAW GROUPCapital Towers125 South Congress Street, Suite 1336Jackson, Mississippi 39201Telephone: (601) 351-9831Facsimile: (601) [email protected]@thecarsonlawgroup.com  [email protected]

    [email protected] 

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