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  • 8/21/2019 Warzone Rules 1.2


    Version 1.2April 2014

    Rules:Jarek Ewertowski

    Book Editor:Mark Rapson

    Art Direction:Micha Pawlaczyk

    Faction Rules & Missions:Jarek Ewertowski, Rob Alderman,Jim Vidlak and Mark Rapson

    Background:Andy Hoare, Rob Alderman, om Haswell and Mark Rapson

    Cover Art: omek worekOriginal Artwork: Darek Zabrocki, omek worek, Small Impact Games,

    Ania Jarmoowska, Anna Mitura, Nicholas Kay, Igor Kieryluk and Micha PawlaczykAdditional Art Supplied by: Mutant Chronicles International Inc.

    Photography: Jarek Ewertowski and Jon LawGraphic Design & Layouts: Rafa Bagiski

    Model Sculptors: Pawe Kazube Laskowski and Arkadiusz omaszewskiSupport Sculptors:Daniele Danko Angelozzi, Giovanni Mauro, Lorenzo Actis Dato,

    Small Impact Games and Kris Hammes

    Model Painters: Artur odowski, Paul Cocks, Rob Alderman,Carl Evans and Damien omasina

    Boards & Scenery: Famous Gaming

    Prodos Games would like to thank:

    Richard Chalcraft, Michael Del Rio, Xabier Escudero, Gaetano Giammarino,Lindsey Hood, Richard Howkins, Marshall Jones, om Kiley, Kraig Koranda,

    Bobby Limoggio, Andrew Markell, Agata Mazurek, Dimosthenis Papamarkos,Lidia Pawlaczyk, Kim Rapson, Paul Rist, Mike Sanders, Ben Saunders, Noel Sorensen,

    Charlotte Tompson, Frank Tompson, Fredrik Tibblin, Hannah White

    and Jay ZetterbergOur Kickstarter Supporters

    Te Leamington Gaming Club, Warwickshire Wargamers, Modiphiusand Paradox Entertainment

    2013 Mutant Chronicles International Inc. MUAN CHRONICLES and related logos, characters, names,and distinctive likenesses are trademarks or registered trademarks of Mutant Chronicles International Inc.

    Used with permission. All rights reserved.

    Produced by Prodos Games Limited.All Rights Reserved

    Prodos Games Ltd. 2013

  • 8/21/2019 Warzone Rules 1.2


    Introduction ..............................................................................................4Te Mutant Chronicles...........................................................................6Te Chronicle ......................................................................................... 24Te Rules .................................................................................................26

    General Rules ........................................................................................ 26Action Rules ........................................................................................... 30Definitions ...............................................................................................33Squads ...................................................................................................... 36Heroes ....................................................................................................... 39Morale .......................................................................................................40Cards in Basic Games ........................................................................ 42Armour ests ......................................................................................... 44errain and Movement ......................................................................47Te Game ................................................................................................. 51Shooting ...................................................................................................54emplate Weapons ............................................................................. 58Close Combat .........................................................................................61Psychic Fight ......................................................................................... 67Armoury Section .................................................................................68Special Skills ............................................................................................71Structures.................................................................................................75Cards in Advanced Games ...............................................................78Vehicle Rules ......................................................................................... 82

  • 8/21/2019 Warzone Rules 1.2


  • 8/21/2019 Warzone Rules 1.2



    WelcometoMutantChroniclesWarzoneResurrection!Te richly visualised Mutant Chronicles dark future has been exciting gamers and sci-

    ence fiction fans for over 20 years. Warzone Resurrection is the tabletop miniatures skirmishgame, set in the Mutant Chronicles dark SciFi Future.

    Te Solar System is besieged by abominations from the dark beyond, infernal hybrids of

    undead alien flesh brought into existence by the Dark Symmetry. Mankind is divided intofive rival megacorporations, concerned only with profit and territory, as they tear the inner

    worlds apart in bitter, internecine war. United in faith under the Brotherhood, Mankind may

    yet prevail divided, they shall surely fall as the Dark Legion sweeps all before it.

    In this lavishly illustrated Rule Book you will find all the rules and Squads bios you needto play Warzone Resurrection. You will meet, among many, the hero of the Bauhaus Corpo-ration, Max Steiner, the Capitolian man-mountain Big Bob Watts, the beautiful but deadlyBlessed Vestal Laura, the cruel Lord Commander Nozaki of Mishima and Archmagus Val-purgius, favoured of the Dark LegionWhere do your allegiances lie and who will command

    your forces?

    Warzone Resurrection is a 28mm scale table top skirmish wargame for two or more play-ers, each fielding units of warriors drawn from one of the mighty megacorporations of Man-kind, the Brotherhood or its vile enemy, the Dark Legion.

    WZR is a reimaging of the wonderfully dark Mutant Chronicles setting, bringing the 1990svision of the vibrant and terrifying 27th Century bang up to date for the new millennium.Prodos Games has designed over 200 new miniatures (models), each and every one highly

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    detailed, the cutting edge of model design. We have also commissioned new artwork andprose from world renowned artists and writers and designed an all new and innovative ruleset which centres on not only these beautiful models, but also enables both cinematic andengaging battles, which elevate tabletop gaming to a whole new level!

    Novel to table top gaming, the WZR game involves both Models and Cards. Te Models areyour skirmish force, the cards represent in-game resources, additional wargear, global andlocal effects on the battlefield etc.. Such unexpected effects may make the likelihood of com-pleting your Priority, Secondary or Corporate Agenda Mission easier or near on impossible.In a real battle it is likely that a soldier would not know his opponents wargear, whether theenemy has grenades or laser-sights. Both sides might be surprised by a Martian earthquakeor a Mercurian solar flare. Te Venusian jungle cover may be infested by the local fauna orunexpectedly reinforced from a previous long forgotten battle. War is rarely predictable, es-pecially when it takes place on the planets, planetoids and asteroids of the solar system. Allthese and many more variables are represented by the cards you and your opponent play;making Warzone Resurrection a truly novel and the most realistic and exciting tabletop min-iature skirmish game on the market.



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    DiceRollsIn Warzone Resurrection, dice allow the el-ement of chance to be represented, which iskey to a fun, exciting and tactically challeng-ing table top Game.Warzone Resurrection uses 20 sided dice,referred to as D20 throughout the War-

    zone Resurrection rules. If there is a num-ber in front of D20, then that is the numberof 20-sided dice that should be rolled (i.e.2D20 = Roll 2 20-sided dice). All tests, rollsand rerolls in the Game are made by rollingD20 dice.

    Reroll A Player may only reroll once(play-ers may not reroll a reroll). If the Player is ableto reroll and chooses to do so, they must keepthe second result, even if it is worse than thefirst result.

    Off the able! - D20 rolls count only if theyland on the gaming table. If a D20 happensto roll off of the table, it must be rolled again,the result only counts if it lands on the table.(Tis is the only exception to the no rerollinga reroll rule; i.e. rerolls that land off of the ta-ble must be rolled again).

    Power Shot Dice rolls which result in anatural 1 (unmodified result of a 1) are always

    successful. Armour and AV tests or Healrolls cannot be made if the RS,CC or WP testresults in a natural 1.

    Fumble - Rolls of a natural 20 are always afailure.Any Model that rolls a natural 20 for any Skilltest may spend no further Action Points in theGame urn. Tey also cannot urn to Burn anyfurther Resource Cards this Game urn.For Example: A Chasseur uses his 1st Action

    Point to make a Basic Shooting Action. TeChasseurs AR3501 Chain Carbine has RoF2. Te Player allocates all RoF to an enemy

    Model, then the Player rolls 2D20. One of therolls is a 20, meaning that the Chasseur loseshis 2nd Action Point, but may still completethe initiated Action (one further shot).

    SkilltestsIn order to pass a Skill test, roll equal to or lessthan the relevant skill Value of the Model.

    For Example: a Model with a Range Skill of12 (RS 12) after any Modifiers, needs a roll of12 or less on a D20 to successfully passes theRS (Range Skill) test.

    ModifiersModifiers follow the mathematical principle:first multiply then divide, add then subtract(i.e. 3x2+2= 8).

    MeasurementPlayers may measure any distance (i.e.movement, shooting, Squad Coherency etc.)at any point in the Game. Tis is commonlyreferred to as pre-measuring.Models without a base (and errain pieces)are measured from the nearest point of theModel to the target, unless stated otherwise.Models with a Base should be measured fromnearest part of the Base edge to the targets

    Base edge.

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    ModelTypesandStatLinesA Models Stat line represents the skillsand abilities of the Model. Each Skill can betemporarily or permanently affected as theGame progresses. Most are used as the start-ing point for calculating the number needed

    to roll on a D20:

    M Movement is the distance in inches thatthe Model can travel when making a basicMove Action. A Models minimum move-ment distance can never be reduced below2, unless specifically defined.For Example: a Played Card states that aModels Movement Value is reduced to 0.

    Te maximum distance a Model can travel ininches in one Game urn is twice its Move-ment Value. Movement does not have to bemade in a straight line (unless stated other-wise).

    CC Close Combat. Te number required toroll on a D20 for a Close Combat test.RS Range Skill. Te number required to roll

    on a D20 for a Range Skill test.St - Strength. Te strength of a Model will af-fect the Armour Value of its target.Con Constitution. Constitution representsthe Models ability to resist factors such asfalling from height.WP Will Power. Used to cast and resist Psy-chic Powers.LD Leadership. Te number required to rollon a D20 for a Morale test.W Wounds. Tis is a way of tracking how

    much damage a Model can receive. If a Mod-els Wound Value is reduced to 0 or less byWound Effects, it is removed from the boardas a casualty.A Armour Value. Te number required to

    roll on a D20 for an Armour test to ignore aWound Effect. Occasionally an Armour Valuemay include a second number in bracketse.g. A:18(12), this is the Impenetrable ArmourValue. Armour cannot be reduced below theValue in brackets.

    Pts - Points Value. Tis number representshow much the Model is worth and is used bythe Players to produce balanced opposingarmy lists.For Example: each Player will write an armylist to the Value of a set amount of Points.

    StatValues-maximumandminimumModifiersNo Stat Value can be Modified below a Valueof 1, except for Wound Value.No Stat Value can be Modified above a Valueof 20.


    R - Range. Te effective distance of theweapon, measured in inches. For Close Com-bat Attacks the R is used to determine CloseCombat Weapon Range (CCWR).St - Strength. Te Strength of a ModelsWeapon will Modify the Armour Value of itstarget and for Close Combat weapons it willModify its users St.RoF/RoA Rate of Fire/Rate of Attack.

    Te amount of a Skill tests that can be madeduring a Ranged or Close Combat Attack.AVV Anti Vehicle Value. Tis value willModify the Armoured Value (AV) of targetswith SP (Structure Points).ype.Te characteristic which represents thetype of ammunition or the weapons con-struction. Te type of a weapon might befound more or less effective depending onthe type of armour worn by a targeted Model.

    MiniaturedefinitionsBody- Te body of a Model includes the legs,torso, arms, head and backpack. Any otherdetails on the Model are not classified as partof Models Body.

    Any parts of the Model that extend beyondthe Base circumference do not count as partof the Body.


    5 16 16 10 9 16 17 3 16(12) 200

    Bauforce HMG 1000 Deathlockdrum


    24 15 4 2 Piercing (A)

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    BasesSmall Bases are 30mmin diameter.Medium Bases are 40mm in diameter andare used for Warlords and Lords, and largerModels.Large Bases are 50mm or more in diameter

    and used for large Models and Light Vehicles.Heavy Vehicles often do not have a base orhave a special base (e.g. heavy flyers).

    FacingAreaAll Models in Warzone Resurrection have aFacing Area. Tis is used specifically to calcu-late the Cover Modifier for intervening Mod-els. Te Facing Area is defined by the diam-eter of the Models Base and physical heightof the Model (or in the case of Models that do

    not have a base the footprint and physicalheight of the Model).

    Te minimum Facing Area is: Small Bases: minimum Facing Area

    Height: 1 Medium Bases: minimum Facing Area

    Height: 1.5 Large Bases: minimum Facing Area

    Height: 2 Heavy Vehicles: Use the height to the top

    of the hull or turret, whichever is higher.

    For Example: Te minimum Facing Area of aninfantry Model mounted on a Medium Baseequal to the diameter of the base x height of1.5, regardless of the Models pose.

    LineofSight(LOS).If a straight, unblocked, Line of Sight (LOS)from the Body of the firing Model to any part

    of the Body of the target Model can be drawn,the firing Model has Line of Sight (LOS) to thetarget.

    ModelsFacingAll Models in Warzone Resurrection have twofacings: Front and Rear. Te two Facings split aModels Base or Footprint into two equal parts.Te Front Facing will be in the same direction

    as the models chest or the front of the Vehicle.Models only have LOS in their Front Facing.Models can only perform Shooting and CloseCombat Actions in their Front Facing.

    For Example: Te Everassur has two UndeadLegionnaires within its Front Facing.

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    In Warzone Resurrection, each Model is an in-dividual. As such, these individuals are capa-ble of making their own decisions (Actions).Whilst one Squad member may choose toadvance on their opponent, spending all oftheir energy on running as fast as they can,another in the same Squad might take a mo-ment to take aim and then fire with pin-pointaccuracy.

    ActionPointsEach Model in the Game has 2 Action Points(unless stated otherwise). For simplicity thisValue is not included on the Stat lines. Oncea Model uses all of its Action Points, it is De-activated for the rest of the Game urn. Ac-tivated Models that begin their Activationalready Engaged have only 1 Action Point tospend.

    GeneralActionRulesIf more than one Action requires an imme-diate reaction, the Player with the Initiativedecides the order that they are completed. NoAction can be Activated more than once perModel per Game urn (unless stated other-wise).

    BasicActions(1ActionPoint)Requiring only a short burst of energy, Basic

    Actions are the most common of all Actionsin Warzone Resurrection. Te Basic Actions inWarzone Resurrection are as follows:

    Move Action Models can make a Move-ment up to their Movement Value in inches.Tis measurement is made from the Baseedge of the Model, (or footprint of a Modelwhich has no base).Pivoting is classified as a Move Action andtherefore, the Model must spend an Action

    Point in order to complete a pivot (even if itdoesnt move in any other way).

    Designer Note: No Model may travel morethan twice its Movement Value per Gameurn in total regardless of Action used.

    For Example: A Model with Movement Value:5 may use a Move Action to travel 5 in Openerrain, taking it into LOS of an enemy Mod-el, then the Model can use an Engage Actionto travel a maximum of 5 in to Engage. TeModel has not travelled more than its maxi-mum allocated Movement of 10.

    Engage Action- Models can travel up to theirMovement Value x2 in inches. An EngageAction can only be made if a CCWR (CloseCombat Weapon Range- see the Close Com-bat section) is reached. If the distance moved

    is reduced and a CCWR cannot therefore bereached, the Engage Action fails. Te modelloses its remaining Action Points and trav-els in the same direction as the failed EngageAction at its Modified Movement Value.

    For Example: A Model with a Movement Val-ue of 6, uses 1 Action Point to make a MoveAction, traveling 3; then its 2nd Action Pointmaking an Engage Action. In the Engage Ac-tion it may only move 9 (6x2 3=9).

    Unless otherwise specified, the Engage Ac-tion must always be made in a straight line,within LOS of the target and in the Front

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    Facing of the Engaging Model; while the En-gage Action is being made the controllingPlayer may change the facing of their Modelas appropriate. Models cannot be Engagedthrough errain gaps or Access Points nar-rower than either Engaged Models Bases.

    Models gain a Modifier to their St and AVVbased on their Base size when they completean Engage Action: Small Bases: receive a +2 St and +1 AVV

    Modifier Medium Bases: receive a + 4 St and + 2

    AVV Modifier Large Bases: receive + 6 St and + 3 AVV


    Te Engage Bonus is only applied to the 1st

    Close Combat Attack of a Close Combat Ac-tion completed in the same Game urn (evenif the RoA of the weapon is more than 1).

    A Model must travel at least its unmodifiedMovement Value when completing an En-gage Action to Claim the Engage Bonus.Aim Action A Model can spend one ActionPoint to gain a +2 Modifier to RS and +2 to theRanged Weapons St in the same Activation

    Phase. Te Modifier is added only to their firstRanged Attack in the case of Models weaponwith a RoF higher than 1, additionally if anAim Action is used to make a Ranged Attackat a Vehicle, the Player can use this Action toselect the Hit Location instead of rolling forit. Tis action cannot be used with emplateRanged Attacks or Psychic Powers.

    Hide Action A Model can spend one ActionPoint to turn a Claimed Light Cover Value

    Modifier into a Heavy Cover Value Modifi-er. Tis Action does not affect Heavy Cover.Te Hide Action Cover Bonus is lost once theModel makes another Action (except for aPass Action). Place a Hide token next to theModel to indicate that this Action is in effect.

    Shooting Action A Model can spend oneAction Point to make a Ranged Attack at atarget. When making a Shooting Action, theModel will make a number of RS tests equalto the RoF of the weapon they are firing. Tetarget must be in LOS and within the FrontFacing of the Model that is making a Shoot-ing Action in order to be a viable target for aShooting Action.

    Close Combat Action - An Engaged Mod-el can spend one Action Point to perform aClose Combat Attack. When making a CloseCombat Action, the Model will make a num-ber of CC tests equal to their weapons RoA.

    Morale test to Recover from Pinning - Asdescribed in the Morale Section.

    Morale test to Regroup from Broken - Asdescribed in the Morale Section.

    Pass Action Te Model may spend one Ac-tion Point to end its Activation.

    AdvancedActions(2ActionPoints)Sometimes, it is worthwhile taking sometime on the battlefield, to ensure that a task isdone correctly with a significant and lastingeffect. Advanced Actions do just this.

    Run Action - Models can make a Movementup to their Movement Value x2 in inches. ARun Action follows same rules as a Move Ac-tion.

    Rapid Fire A Model completing a Rapid FireShooting Action gains a +1 Modifier to theirRanged Weapons RoF and a -2 Modifier totheir RS for this Action. Te weapons Rangeis halved during this Action. emplate weap-ons cannot Rapid Fire.

    Sentry Action A Model may enter Sentry.Models in Sentry can use 1 Action Point (whichcannot be increased by any means) duringthe enemys Activation Phase. Te followingBasic Actions may be made during a Sentry

    Action: Shooting, Close Combat, Move or Divefor Cover.No more than 2 Models for every 5Models in a Squad can be placed into Sentry.If the Squad contains less than 5 Models, upto 2 Models can be placed in Sentry.

    Sentry Actions can be used between the Ac-tions of enemy Models, but require the Modelon Sentry to pass a LD test first. If the test isfailed then the Model is no longer in Sentry.

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    For Example: Player 2 Activates the 1st Modelin her Squad. Player 1 can now use a Modelin Sentry mode before Player 2 can use anyAction Points.

    For Example: Player 2 Activates their 3rdModel, Player 1 decides not to use their Mod-el(s) in Sentry at that point, so Player 2 issuesan Engage Action, Engaging a Model in Sen-try. Player 1 can choose to use the ModelsSentry Action at this point, after successfully

    passing a LD test before Player 2 can use itsModels 2nd Action Point.

    If a Model in Sentry is targeted by a RangedAttack it may make a Dive for Cover Action toenter a piece of Cover, causing an additional-2 Modifier to the enemy Models RS. A Dive

    for Cover Action cannot be attempted if noCover is within Movement Value of the Model

    on Sentry (this can be affected by applicableModifiers as normal) and if the Model doesnot have sufficient Movement allowance re-maining. If the Model travels out of LOS of theModel making a Ranged Attack, the RangedAttack is still completed but with a -6 Mod-ifier to RS.

    Dive for Cover is the only Sentry Action thatcan occur during an enemy Models Activa-tion and only if targeted by a Ranged Attack.

    For Example: A Capitol Light Infantryman inSentry passes his LD test when targeted by aRanged Attack from a Cybertronic Chasseurand chooses to Dive for Cover into nearbyLight errain (thus Claiming the Cover). Tetotal RS Modifier taken by the Cybertronic

    Chasseur is equal to -4 (-2 for Light Coverand 2 for Dive for Cover).

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    Activated/Deactivated A Model that isActivated may spend Action Points and useits Active Special Skills. Deactivated Modelsare Models which have been Activated orare counted as having been Activated in theGame urn.

    Active: (X) A Special Skill/Rule can bedescribed as Active. Active Special Skills/Rules can only be used by the relevant Ac-tivated Model and will cost the Model ActionPoints, or the Player Resource Cards as statedin the relevant Active: (X) Special Skill/Rule.All Active Skills last for 1 Game urn, unlessotherwise stated in the description.

    At the beginning of Squad Activation If aSquad must make several Actions at the be-ginning of Squad Activation, Recover fromPinning and Recover from Broken Actions

    must always be made before any other Ac-tions are made. Te order of any other Ac-tions that must be made at the beginningof Squad Activation are made in a sequencedecided by the controlling Player.

    Autohit If a Ranged or Close Combat At-tack is described as being an Autohit, thismeans the RS or CC test is always successful.

    B2B - an acronym for Base to Base.

    Close Combat Attack - Any kind of Actionwhich requires a Model to make a CC test is aClose Combat Attack.

    Count as - Any action which is counts as XAction follows the same rules as the X Ac-tion described in the Rulebook, thus, countsas a Shooting Action costs a Model one Ac-tion Point, needs LOS and can be completedonly in the Models Front Facing.

    Critical Force/Critical Damage - Someweapons are naturally so powerful that theyhave what is referred to as Critical Force orCritical Damage.Other weapons can have their St increased toCritical Force level (e.g. by Focus Fire or bythe use of particular Gear Cards). If a WoundEffect is caused with St18 or more, CriticalForce (X) is caused. Te Critical Force level isdependant of the St of the Attack. St 18 has Critical Force (2) Each Wound

    Effect inflicts 2 Wounds per failed Armourtest

    St 19 has Critical Force (3) Each WoundEffect inflicts 3 Wounds per failed Armourtest

    St 20 has Critical Force (4) Each WoundEffect inflicts 4 Wounds per failed Ar-mour test

    Regardless of Modifiers the Critical Force/Critical Damage can never be higher than(4). Failed AV tests against weapons withCritical Damage (x) result in a loss of Struc-ture Points equal to X.

    Dividing- If a skill test requires any math-ematical division (for Example: halved) al-ways round up.For Example: for Squad Coherency, the LDValue is divided by 2. If the LD Value is 17, di-

    vide 17 by 2 which equals 8.5, which is round-ed up to 9.

    Dash Values If any Value in the Stats ofa Model or weapon has a - Value, it meansthat it cannot be used. Models that are forcedto make a Skill test with a - Value alwayspass the Skill test.For Example: An Eradicator Death Droid hasWP -, if it is required to pass a WP test it au-tomatically passes. Models with a - Value

    cannot make Actions that require the use ofthe - Value.For Example: Models with CC -cannot make Close Combat Actions.

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    Destroyed Every Destroyed Vehicle al-ways counts towards Body Count Value (seeMissions Section), regardless of whether theVehicle remains in play as a piece of errainor not.

    Elevation- If the vertical distance betweenany Model is larger than X (where X is de-fined on the following table and is measuredfrom Base to Base) then the Models are con-sidered to be at Different Elevations. If both models are on Small Bases the X

    is equal to 1. If either Model is on a Medium Base the X

    is equal to 2. If either Model is on a Large Base the X is

    equal to 4 If either Model has no Base the X is equal

    to 4. Always use the highest relevant number

    on the table.

    Passive: (X) A Special Skill/Rule can bedescribed as Passive. Passive Special Skills/Rules are always in effect.

    Ranged Attack Any kind of Action whichrequires a Model to make a RS test is a

    Ranged Attack. Any Psychic Ranged Attackis also classified as a Ranged Attack.

    Removed as a casualty Any model thatis removed from the Board as a casualty iscounted towards Body Count Value (see theMissions Section).

    Stun Effect Models which receive a StunEffect must, at the beginning of their nextActivation, spend their first Action Point to

    recover from Stun Effect. A Model can only beaffected by 1 Stun Effect at any one time. If aModel that is unrecovered from Stun Effectis forced to travel by any means from its lo-cation or if it becomes Pinned or Broken, theModel automatically recovers from Stun Ef-fect. CC tests against unrecovered Models areautomatically successful.

    arget priority - Any Basic, Advanced orSquad Special Actions made against anoth-er Model (i.e. Shooting, Engage) must be di-rected at the nearest enemy Model within 12and within LOS. Engaged Models are ignoredfor arget Priority. If there are no enemyModels within 12 from the Activated Model,

    then the Action may be directed at any otherModel on the board that is in range and LOSof the attacker.Models can ignore the arget Priority rule ifthey have the arget Sense Special Skill.

    Models without the arget Sense SpecialSkill gain it by passing a LD test with the ap-propriate Modifiers for each Action.If the testis failed, the Action Point is lost, although asecond Ranged Attack can be made.If a Model with arget Sense is participatingin a Ranged Squad Special Action, all Mod-els participating in this Action gain argetSense.When there is more than one enemy Modelat the same and nearest distance, either canbe targeted as the Primary arget without

    need for a arget Sense test.

    For Example: Te Armoured Chasseurs areclosing on the Razide and are all within 12 ofit. Te Razide must target Chasseur B, as heis the nearest to the Razide, unless the Razide

    passes a LD test to gain the arget SenseSpecial Skill.

    okens some Special Rules or Skills often

    ask to place a 30mm round token as a pointof reference. Tere are two types of tokens:1. okens with Structure Points - Tese to-

    kens, if not specified otherwise, countas Light errain and cannot be placed onImpassable errain.

    2. okens without Structure Points- thesetokens are placed only as a point of refer-ence and can be placed anywhere on theBattlefield including Impassible errain(if not specified otherwise).

    Models cannot stay Engaged with a token.

    Designers Note: Please note, any Model(friendly or foe) counts as Impassible errain.

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    owards/Away - When a Model must travelowards or Away from a specific point, use atape measure to define a line from the cen-tre of the Model and the centre of the specificpoint. Te Model must then move along thisline either owards or Away from the specificpoint.

    For Example: If the Armoured Chasseurneeds to travel owards or Away from theRazide , draw a straight line from the centreof the Razides Base and the Armoured Chas-seurs Base and move the Armoured Chas-seur along that line.

    Within A Model is described as being

    Within when any part of its Base or Footprintis within the measured distance, emplate orFootprint.

    Wound Effect Te Wound Effect is an ab-stract term which combines two process-es; hitting and wounding a Model. For eachfailed Armour test against a Wound Effect, aModel reduces its Wound Value by 1. Wheth-er a Model passes an Armour test or not, it isalways classed as having received a WoundEffect.

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    A Squad can consist of one Model, such asthe Warlord, or a number of Models. EachSquad is Activated once per Game urn. Ev-ery Model in the Squad must be Activatedbefore play moves to the next Player.

    SquadCommandersEach Squad must have a designated SquadCommander which is nominated before theGame starts; the designated Model is a heroicindividual, a veteran of many battles or themost senior in the chain of command. AnyModel in the Squad (unless otherwise spec-ified), regardless of armament, may be allo-cated as the Squad Commander.Te Model in a Squad consisting of one Mod-el is the Squad Commander.

    If the Squad Commander is removed fromplay, an Acting Squad Commander must beallocated and the Squad receives a -2 Modi-fier to their LD Value for the rest of the Game.Te Acting Squad Commander is nominat-ed only for Squad Coherency purposes. Ifthis Model is lost, a new Acting Squad Com-mander is allocated. If any Acting SquadCommander is removed from the Game, theSquad does not take any further -2 Modifiersto Leadership for losing a Squad Commander.

    Neither the Squad Commander, nor the Act-ing Squad Commander, can Get the Gun,although a Model with a Heavy or Specialype weapon can become an Acting SquadCommander. Any special gear on the SquadCommander, or Acting Squad Commander,is lost when it is removed from play.

    SquadCoherencySquads have to stick together, otherwise in-dividual Models become scattered and theSquad loses its ability to work as an effective

    fighting force. All Models in a Squad muststay in Squad Coherency, which is definedin inches by the LD Value of the Squad Com-mander or Acting Squad Commander divid-ed by two. Squad Coherency is measured asper the Measurement rules.

    For Example: A Squad Commander has aLD Value of 16, so every Model in the Squadmust be within 8 of the Squad Commander.If it is removed from play, the Squad suffers aSquad Commander Lost Modifier of -2 to LD.Te Squad therefore has to be within 7 of theActing Squad Commander for the rest of theGame to be in Squad Coherency.

    During the course of a Game, it is possible thata Squad member will find themselves out ofCoherency. If this occurs, any Model out ofSquad Coherency must be the first Model in

    the Squad Activated and must complete aRun Action (even if not normally able to doso) to return to Squad Coherency. If morethan 1 Model is out of Squad Coherency, Ac-tivate all of these Models in urn and beforeany other Models in the Squad, starting withthe Model which needs to move the furthest.Complete a Run Action for each. Once allModels in the Squad are in Squad Coheren-cy, Models not yet Activated from the sameSquad can be Activated in any order. Models

    that begin their Activation out of Coherencywhilst Engaged in Close Combat ignore theSquad Coherency rule, but suffer a Modifi-er to their CC Value which reduces it by half,rounded up.

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    For Example: Te Chasseur Squad Com-mander has a Squad Coherency Value of 8

    A Player can choose the take a model out ofSquad Coherency at any point, but it shouldbe remembered that a Model out of SquadCoherency at the beginning of its next Acti-vation must make a Run Action to return toSquad Coherency.


    When measuring for Squad Coherency at dif-ferent Elevations, measure the shortest dis-tance from the Squad Commanders or Act-

    ing Squad Commanders Base to the otherModels Base, or any part of the Models Bodyif the Base is not within LOS, measuring in astraight line.

    SquadSpecialActionsOccasionally, the whole is greater than thesum of its parts; if a team works together,they can focus fire on an enemy Vehicle orMonster or swarm a Warlord. Squad Special

    Actions are a team approach.

    Squad Special Actions can only be issued atthe beginning of a Squad Activation; eachSquad Special Action costs 1 Action Point forevery Model in the Squad, even if some ofthe Models cannot or do not participate inthe Squad Special Action. Only one SpecialSquad Action can be issued in a Game urnper Squad. After declaration, but before aSquad Special Action takes place, the Models

    can use their remaining Action Point(s).

    For Example: If no Model has LOS to a targetenemy Model, the Player can still issue theFocus Fire Squad Special Action against thetarget enemy Model. However the Playermust then spend the participating Models re-maining Action Points in order to bring themin to LOS of the Model targeted by Focus Fire.Once the last participating Model is Deacti-vated, the Player rolls for Focus Fire.

    For Example: Te Player declares the SwarmSquad Special Action against an enemy Mod-el, then uses any remaining Action Pointsin order to Engage the target Model with asmany Models from the Squad taking partin the Swarm Squad Special Action. Whenall remaining Actions have been made, thePlayer then rolls for the Swarm Squad SpecialAction.

    FocusFireA minimum of 3 Models from the same Squadmust be selected in order to issue the FocusFire Squad Special Action.

    Te Models participating in a Focus Fire mustbe in Range and in LOS of the target at theend of their Activation.

    Te Models completing the Focus Fire SquadSpecial Action cannot make any other Shoot-ing Actions in the same Game urn.

    Te Player makes a single RS test (ignoringthe weapons RoF) with a +6 Modifier to RS,using the highest RS Value of any one Squad

    member participating in the Focus Fire.

    Te St of the weapon during this Squad Spe-cial Action is equal to the lowest St Value ofRanged weapons participating in the FocusFire plus the sum of the RoF of all Modelsparticipating in the Focus Fire.

    Te weapon type is always counted as Pierc-ing in a Focus Fire Squad Special Action.

    For every 3 Models participating in the FocusFire, the Ranged Attack gains Critical Force+1 and AVV +1.

    Designer Note: If the Focus Fire St is equalto 18, the Ranged Attack would gain CriticalForce (2). For every 3 Models participating inthe Focus Fire the Critical Force gains an ad-ditional +1 Modifier. Regardless of Modifiersthe Critical Force/Critical Damage can neverbe higher than (4)Models receiving a Wound Effect from the Fo-

    cus Fire cannot use the Heal Special Skill.Focus Fire cannot be used against EngagedModels.

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    Weapon Special Rules or Modifiers (Skills,Strategy Cards etc.) of participating Modelsare not in effect during the Focus Fire SquadSpecial Action.Models with only emplate Ranged weaponscannot participate in a Focus Fire Squad Spe-cial Action.For each Model participating in a Focus FireSquad Special Action with an obscured LOSto the target (regardless of whether it is Lightor Heavy errain), a -1 Modifier to the FocusFire RS is applied.

    For Example: A Squad of 6 Models with RS12 focus fires on a Razide; so would haveRS12+6, St 12 (lowest St Value of participatingrange weapon) + (6x RoF1) = St18. Tree of theshooting Models have obscured LOS to the

    Razide as more than 25% of the Razide is be-hind Cover. Terefore the RS of 18 is modifiedby -3 (due to 3 of the participants having anobscured LOS) to 15.

    SwarmA minimum of 3 Models must be Engaged tobe able to complete a Swarm Squad SpecialAction.

    Te Player makes a single CC test (ignoringthe weapons RoA) with a +6 Modifier to CC,using the highest CC Value of any one Squadmember participating in the Swarm.

    Te St of the weapon during this Squad Spe-cial Action is equal to the lowest sum of aparticipating Models St Value and the St of itsweapon plus the sum of the RoA of all Modelsparticipating in the Swarm.

    Te weapon type is always counted as Pierc-ing in a Swarm Squad Special Action.

    Swarming Models do not receive an EngageBonus.

    For every 3 Models participating in theSwarm, the Close Combat Attack gains Criti-cal Force +1 and AVV +1.Designer Note: If the Swarm Squad SpecialAction St is equal to 18, the Close Combat At-tack would gain Critical Force (2). For every 3Models participating in the Swarm the Criti-cal Force gains an additional +1 Modifier.Models receiving a Wound Effect from theSwarm cannot use the Heal Special Skill.

    Weapon Special Rules or Modifiers (Skills,Strategy Cards etc.) of participating Modelsare not in effect during the Swarm SquadSpecial Action.

    SuppressionFireTis Squad Special Action can only be carriedout by Squads with the Suppression FireSpecial Skill. A minimum of 3 Models fromthe same Squad must be selected in order toissue the Suppression Fire Squad Special Ac-tion.

    Te Models participating in a SuppressionFire must be in Range and in LOS of the targetat the end of their Activation.

    Te Models completing the Suppression FireSquad Special Action cannot make any otherShooting Actions in the same Game urn.

    Te Player does not need to make a RS test touse Suppression Fire.

    If a Squad targeted by Suppression Fire trav-els more than 2 in the same Game urn, itmust take a Con test. If the test is failed, theModel receives an immediate Autohit with Stequal to the lowest St Value of Ranged weap-ons participating in the Suppression Fire.

    Te weapon type is always counted as Blastin a Suppression Fire Squad Special Action.

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    SquadCommandersQuite simply, their job is to commandSquads. Before the Game starts each Playermust nominate one Model from each Squadto be the Squad Commander.

    Squad Commanders have the Guarded Spe-

    cial Skill.

    LordsLords are individuals that can join roops andSupport Squads or act as an independentSquad of their own.Te Player must choose to attach the Lord toanother Squad before the Game starts.Lords cannot leave a Squad that they have

    joined or join any other Squads during theGame. Lords count as part of the Squad forActivation purposes.Squads lose Rapid Deployment and/or Infil-trate if a Lord is attached, unless the Lord hasthe same Special Skill. Te Lord must be theSquad Commander of any Squad it joins.If a Lord is removed as a casualty, nominatean Acting Squad Commander as normal.Lords have the Shielded Special Skill.

    WarlordTis is your General; the ultimate communi-cation link with HQ. All Squads can use theWarlords LD if at least one Model from theSquad is within 10 of the Warlord. Warlordsalways act independently and so cannot joinSquads.

    Warlords have the Shielded Special Rule.

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    Morale checks are required at certain pointswithin a Game of Warzone Resurrection.Morale checks are made by rolling a D20and comparing the result against the SquadCommanders or Acting Squad Command-ers LD Value with any appropriate Modifiers.If the D20 roll is equal to or less than theSquad Commanders or Acting Squad Com-manders modified LD Value, the test ispassed and the Squad continues as beforethe test was taken. If the D20 roll is higher,the test is failed and the Squad will suffer anegative effect dependant on the kind of Mo-rale check being taken.

    PinningWhen a Squad loses 50% or more of the Squadmembers (100% equals the number of Mod-els in the Squad at the start of the Game urn)

    in one Game urn, a Pinning test must betaken. If the test is failed, the Squad is Pinned.Pinned Squads have a positive Modifier of +2to Armour Value against Ranged Attacks, butcannot complete any Actions apart from Re-cover from Pinning until they have success-fully Recovered from Pinning. A Squad canonly make one Pinning test per Game urn.


    toRecoverfromPinningo recover from Pinning, the Squad mustspend one Action Point at the beginning ofthe Squads Activation to attempt to Recoverfrom Pinning by taking a Morale test with a-2 Modifier to LD. Tis attempt costs all Mod-els in the Squad one Action Point. Tis Actionmust be repeated if failed the first time. If bothattempts fail, the Squad is Deactivated andstays Pinned. Close Combat Attacks made

    against a Pinned Model have a +4 Modifier toClose Combat Value.

    BrokenWhen a Squad loses 75% or more of the Squadmembers (100% equals the number of Mod-els in the Squad at the start of the Game urn)in one Game urn, a Break test must be taken.If the test is failed, the Squad is Broken.Broken Squads must immediately travel

    x2 Movement Value owards the nearestfriendly Deployment Board edge, taking theshortest route possible (i.e. avoiding Im-passable errain).If playing a Mission in which an army doesnot have its own Deployment Board edge,Squads in that army that failed a Break testmust immediately travel towards the nearestboard edge, taking the shortest route possi-ble (i.e. avoiding Impassable errain).Tis counts as a free move and does not fac-

    tor in to the Models maximum Movementallowance per Game urn.Broken Models cannot interact with Objec-tive Markers or hold able Zones.

    All Special and Basic Close Combat Actionsmade against a Broken Model are passedautomatically.Engaged Models from a Broken Squad do notlose an Action Point for their 1st attempt ofRegroup from Broken. Broken Models can-not complete a CC Action.Broken Models which travel into or throughthe CCWR of an enemy Model receive a FreeSlash immediately from the enemy Model.

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    MoraletesttoRegroupfromBrokeno regroup from being broken, the Squadmust spend one Action Point at the begin-

    ning of the Squads Activation to attempt toRegroup from Broken by taking a Morale

    test with a -6 Modifier to LD. Tis attemptcosts all Models in the Squad one ActionPoint. Tis Action must be repeated if failedthe first time.

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    Warzone Resurrection is a Game that in-volves not only dice, but also cards. Beforeplaying a Game of Warzone Resurrection, thePlayers should decide whether they will playa Basic Game, where they use only ResourceCards, or whether they will play an AdvancedGame. Te Advanced Game includes the useof Resource Cards and also a deck of cardswhich add an element of character and real-ism to the Game.

    BasicGameRulesWhen playing the Basic Game Rules, the useof cards is limited to Resource Cards. No oth-er cards are required for this version of theGame. Te number of Resource Cards thateach Player starts with is dependent on therelevant Players Warlord choice and how

    many roop Squad Commandersare in theircontrol.

    WarlordsandResourceCardsWarlords are the conduit between their forceand the higher echelons of the commandStructure they work for. Depending on theWarlord ype they have access to ResourceCards as allocated:

    Eachroop Squad Commander also provides1 Resource Card. Resource Cards are allocatedby the Warlord and roop Squad Command-ers, but they can be urned to Burn for anymodel in the Players force.For Example: Alakhai is a Close CombatWarlord, so he starts with 3 Resource Cards.Alakhais army also contains 2 Squads ofUndead Legionnaires, each led by a Nec-romutant Squad Commander. Each Nec-romutant Squad Commander will allocate afurther 1 Resource Card. Tis means that Al-akhais army will have 5 Resource Cards, 3from Alakhai and 1 from each NecromutantSquad Commander.

    ResourceCardsResource Cards are not normally removable,

    however if a Warlord or roop Squad Com-mander is removed from play, a number ofResource Cards equal to the number of Re-source Cards it providedat the beginning ofthe Game are also lost. It is the controllingPlayers choice which Resource Cards theyremove (i.e. a urned to Burn Resource Cardmay be removed).Under no circumstances,can a removed Resource Card be returned tothe Game once it has been removed.

    For Example: Player 1s Ronin Squad has justlost its Squad Commander. Te Model is re-moved from play and with it, a Resource Card.Te Controlling Player chooses to remove aResource Card they had already urned toBurn this Game urn. Whereas Player 2 los-es his Commander Dr. Diana. CommanderDr. Diana is a ech Warlord so Player 2 mustimmediately discard any 4 of his ResourceCards.

    Number of Resource Cards


    TECH 4


    RANGED 3


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    Players can urn to Burn a Resource Card inany of the following ways:

    A. o give the selected Model (but not to aVehicle) a third Action Point; can only beused once per Model per urn.

    B. o add Heal (3) to the selected Model; canonly be used once per Wound Effect.

    C. o Activate a Squad Special Skill if appli-cable or required.

    D. o Modify the RoF or RoA Value of a sin-gle weapon by +1. urn to Burn and de-clare before making a Shooting or CloseCombat Action. Tis cannot be used to

    increase the RoF or RoA during SpecialActions. Only 1 Resource Card per Modelper Game urn can be used in this way.

    For Example: Player 1 urns to Burn 1 Re-source Card, thus giving a Model a 3rd Ac-tion Point. Player 1 also gives the sameModel Heal (3) by urning to Burn anotherResource Card. Player 1 cannot urn to Burna 3rd Resource Card to give a 4th Action Pointor 2nd Heal test; although they may urn toBurn a 3rd Resource Card to Modify the Mod-els weapons RoF or RoA by +1.

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    It is rare that a character enters the Warzonewith naught but the shirt on its back. o rep-resent this, every non-Vehicle Model in War-zone Resurrection has an Armour Value.

    Te Armour Value represents the strengthof the wearers Armour. Te higher the Ar-mour Value, the better the Armour is. SomeArmour Values have a second number inbrackets. Tis bracketed number representsthe minimum number an Armour Value canbe modified to, this is referred to as Impene-trable Armour.

    For Example: Te Everassurs Armour Valueis 16 (12) meaning that if the Everassur need-ed to take an unmodified Armour test a D20roll of 16 or less would be needed. If therewere Armour Modifiers their cumulative Val-ue can never reduce the Everassurs ArmourValue to below 12.

    Unless otherwise specified, if an Attackstates that no Armour test can be taken thenthe Model cannot make any Armour test

    against this Attack, regardless of whether ithas Impenetrable Armour or not.

    WeaponTypeAll Weapons have a characteristic to repre-sent their nature. Some, for example, may bedescribed as Piercing, or Blast, or Plasma.Often the weapon may be better or worse

    at penetrating an armour type. o representthis, the Stat line of each Squad will often in-clude Modifier information which needs to beapplied if the Squad is targeted by a particu-lar weapon type.

    For Example: Chasseurs are stated as wear-ing itanium plates (Blast-3), meaning ifthey are targeted by a Blast ype weaponthey receive an additional -3 Modifier to Ar-mour Value. Occasionally an Armour ype

    may receive a positive Modifier against aparticular weapon type (e.g. Piercing +2), inthis case the Model would receive a +2 Modi-fier to Armour Value if targeted by a Piercingweapon.

    WeaponStrengthTe Strength (St) of the weapon also Modifiesthe Armour Value as shown in the followingtable:

    Weapon Strength and Modificators


    1... +9

    7 +3

    8 +2

    9 +1

    10 0

    11 -112 -2

    13 -3

    ...20 -10

    Capitol M66 AutoCannon

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    ModifierstoMovement/MovementValueIn the Movement Section of Warzone Resur-rection there are two definitions, Movementand Movement Value. Te Movement Value isa number stated on the Models Stat Card and

    Movement is the distance that a Model cantravel depending on the ype of Action Made.

    For Example: A Models Movement Value of 5means that the Model can use a Move Actionfor a Movement of 5. If a Run Action is made bythe Model, then the Movement is equal to 10.

    Modifiers, unless stated otherwise, alwaysaffect the Models Movement not a ModelsMovement Value.

    Regardless of movement modifiers, modelcannot travel more than twice its MovementValue.


    A Model completing two Movement Actionsin any combination (For Example : Move +Engage) can only claim its positive Move-ment Modifiers to one of the Actions.

    TerrainWarzone Resurrection takes place in ruggedand hostile locations throughout the SolarSystem, be that in the depths of space or onan alien planet. Te deployed force mightbe surprised by a Martian earthquake or aMercurian solar flare. Te Venusian jungles

    can be just as dangerous as the enemy andan apparently benign city ruin provides theperfect cover, but could collapse at any time.A warzone is rarely predictable, especiallywhen it located on the planets, planetoidsand asteroids of the solar system.

    TerrainAreaEvery feature of rough errain occupies a spe-

    cific area on the battlefield; this is referred toas its footprint. Sometimes a errain featurehas a clearly defined footprint, i.e. a crater,bunker or building, others however, mightbe less defined; such as a woodland, ruinedbuilding or scrubland. o avoid confusion,the Players must determine the exact foot-print of each piece of errain before the Gamestarts.

    For the purposes of movement, if the Base orfootprint of a Model touches or is partially or

    wholly within the footprint of a errain fea-ture it is considered within the errain. Mod-els that start or end their Activation withinerrain or enter errain during a Movementare affected by the appropriate MovementModifiers.

    When LOS is affected by a Claimed or inter-vening errain piece the RS of the shootingModel is modified by the Cover as appropri-ate.Cover does not modify Armour Value.

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    Tere are 4 types of errain in Warzone Res-urrection. Players should agree what their

    scenery represents before the Game starts.

    Open e.g. flat plains, or light hills. Open er-rain does notModify Movement.

    Light e.g. shallow water, bushes. Light er-rainModifies Movement by -2, to minimumof 2.

    Heavy e.g. walls, trees. Heavy errainMod-ifies Movement by -4, to minimum of 2.

    Impassable e.g. deep water, solid rock,pools of acid etc. Models cannot travelthrough or into this type of errain.

    If a Model travels more than 3 through asingle piece of Light errain, its Movement isreduced as if it had travelled through Heavyerrain(i.e. reduce movement by 4, to min-imum of 2). Each separate piece of erraincauses the appropriate Modifiers. Move-ment Modifiers are cumulative. Calculateall Movement Modifiers before moving theModel.

    For Example: A Hussar makes a Run Action(Movement of 10) which would take himthrough Light errain and then Heavy errain,as such his Movement is Modified by -2 andthen -4, a total Modifier of -6. Tis makeshis Movement 4.

    FallingfromheightA model which falls from height takes aPiercing Autohit with a St equal to the verti-cal distance in inches (rounded up) that theModel has fallen, with an additional +6 Mod-

    ifier to St.A Vehicle takes a Autohit with AVV10 on arandom section.Any Model which falls from height is alwaysplace in B2B with the piece of errain it hasfallen from.

    JumpingorDrivingfromheightAs part of a Move, Run or Engage Action aModel or Vehicle may jump downwards fromheight. Models on Small Bases may jump 1downwards, Medium bases may jump 2downwards and Large Based Models mayjump 3 downwards without suffering thepenalties allocated for Falling from Height.Vehicle can drive from height 3 down-wards without suffering the Falling fromheight penalties. Tis is referred to as FreeJump. When a Model uses Free Jump it does

    not count the vertical distance as part of itsMovement. When the Free Jump is complet-ed, place the model at its new Elevation as ifit is in Base contact with its last position be-fore it jumped.

    For Example: A Razide has a Movement Val-ue of 5 and is in Heavy errain, 3 above theground. It makes a Run Action. It travels 4 inthe Heavy errain before it Free Jumps out ofthe errain. As such it receives a -3 Modifier

    for the Movement in Heavy errain, but doesnot count the vertical distance saving 3 of itsMovement, allowing it to use the remaining3 of Movement in the Open errain.

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    If a Model chooses to travel further down-wards than its Free Jump distance, it mustuse its Movement to make the additionaldistance. Additionally, if a Model chooses tojump further downwards than its Free Jumpdistance (i.e. if a Small Based Model jumpedfurther than 1), apply the rules for Fallingfrom Height, but as this has happened aspart of a Jump, the Controlling Player shouldreduce the distance fallen Modifier by anamount equal to their Free Jump distance.

    For Example: A Hussar has a Movement Val-ue 5 and chooses to make a Jumping fromheight during its Move Action down a build-ing to the ground floor, jumping 1. Te 1Jump that the Hussar made is free, so onceit reaches the Ground Floor, it may now move

    its full Movement of 5.

    However, if the Hussar had jumped down 2,his Movement would be reduced by 1 for theextra distance jumped and he would suffer aSt7, Piercing Autohit (1 extra distance fallenbeyond Free Jump distance +6St for Fallingfrom Height).

    JumpingacrossgapsAs part of a Move, Engage or Run Action,Models can attempt to Jump across gapsbetween two pieces of errain. Tis cannotbe performed if the gap is across Impassableerrain or if the Model cannot be placed un-der the gap for any reason. If this is the case,the Model must use an alternative route.

    When attempting to Jump across gaps thefollowing distance restrictions are in placedepending on the Base size of the Model:Small Bases: Te maximum gap distance aModel on a Small Base can jump across is 1.If the gap is less than 0.5, the Model movesacross it as normal. If the gap is between 0.5and 1, apply an additional Light errain Mod-ifier to Movement and cross the gap. Beforethe Model attempts to cross the gap it mustimmediately make a Con test. If this is failed,the Controlling Player must place the Mod-el at the bottom of the gap in Base to Basecontact with the errain it was attempting to

    jump on to. Te Model then must take an Ar-mour test with the usual Modifiers for Fallingfrom height.

    Medium Bases: Te maximum gap distancea Model on a Medium Base can jump across is2. If the gap is less than 1, the Model movesacross it as normal. If the gap is between 1and 2, apply an additional Light errainModifier to Movement and cross the gap.Before the Model attempts to cross the gapit must immediately make a Con test. If thisis failed, the Controlling Player must placethe Model at the bottom of the gap in Base toBase contact with the errain it was attempt-ing to jump on to. Te Model then must takean Armour test with the usual Modifiers forFalling from height.Large Bases: Te maximum gap distancea Model on a Large Base can jump across is3. If the gap is less than 2, the Model movesacross it as normal. If the gap is between

    2 and 3, apply an additional Light errainModifier to Movement and cross the gap.Before the Model attempts to cross the gapit must immediately make a Con test. If thisis failed, the Controlling Player must placethe Model at the bottom of the gap in Base toBase contact with the errain it was attempt-ing to jump on to. Te Model then must takean Armour test with the usual Modifiers forFalling from height.

    For Example: Te Cuirassier Attila MK.IIIis on a Medium Base so it can Jump acrossGaps of up to 2. In this case the Gap is justunder 1, so it crosses without needing tomake a Con test. Although the Cuirassier At-tila MK.III still takes a Movement Modifier formoving in the Heavy errain (Ruins).

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    ClimbingAs part of a Move, Run or Engage Action aModel may change Elevation by Climbing.Use the following measuring approach: First-ly measure the horizontal distance from the

    Models base to the point where the Elevationchange will occur. Ten measure the verticaldistance needed to reach the desired Eleva-tion. Add the two together with any appro-priate Modifiers. Te Movement can be com-pleted if the resulting distance is less thanthe Models Movement.If a Model has completed a Run or EngageAction to Climb, it must immediately take aCon test with a +4 Modifier.

    If the test is passed, there is no further effect,but if the test is failed, the Model falls, fol-lowing the rules for Falling from height andis immediately Deactivated. Place the Modelat the bottom of the vertical Elevation. FreeJump is not in effect in this situation.

    Designer Note: If a Model attempting to En-gage an enemy Model by Climbing fails theCon test then it will become disengaged andtherefore the enemy Model will be allowed tomake a Free Slash.

    For Example: Te horizontal distance re-quired for the Armoured Chasseur to reachthe cliff face is 2. Te vertical distance ofthe cliff is 4. Te Player decides that the Ar-moured Chasseur will travel an additional 2

    on the new Elevation, therefore a Run Actionis required. Tis means the Armoured Chas-seur must pass a Con test with a +4 Modifier.If the Con test is failed, the model will sufferthe effect of Falling from height.

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    TurnsandPhasesTe Game starts with the first Game urn.Due to the nature of Warzone Resurrection,all Players play in each Game urn, there-fore, each Game urn is split into a number of

    Phases. Te first Phase is the Control Phasewhich is superseded by a number of Acti-vation Phases. Te number of ActivationPhases is dependent on the total number ofSquads in play.

    InitialInitiativeEach player rolls a D20 for Initial Initiative.Te highest roll wins. Te winner may choose

    to give Initiative to the opponent (or the play-er of their choice, if there are more than twoplayers).Te player that has the Initiativesets-up first following the mission rules. Teplayer who set-up first must keep the Initia-tive in the first Game urn. Te Battle Sectionof the first Game urn begins when the playerwith the Initiative Activates their first Squad.

    ControlPhaseFrom the Second Game urn and onwardsthe first Phase of the Game urn is the ControlPhase. Tis Phase is used to reset or discardCards and tokens (as appropriate) from the pre-vious Game urn and determine which Play-er will have urn Initiative for this Game urn.urn Initiative is determined by the Playerseach rolling a D20. Te Initiative winner is thePlayer with the highest D20 roll. In the case ofa draw the Players reroll until one Player gets

    a higher number. Te winner chooses to keepor give away the Initiative (in the same man-ner as the Initial Initiative). In the Control Phaseall urned to Burn Resource Cards are reset toface the owning Player and can then be urnedto Burn in the Game urn.

    ActivationPhaseTe Player with the Initiative for this turn hasthe first Activation Phase.Te Player with the Initiative must performthe following steps:

    All Models (unless otherwise specified) inWarzone Resurrection have 2 Action Points.By spending your Models Action Points theModel can perform Basic or Advanced Ac-tions. Each Action can be used only once perModels Activation.

    All Models in an Activated Squad must beActivated one-by-one. Each Model must useat least 1 Action Point per Activation. Once allModels in a Squad have been Activated and

    have completed at least 1 Action, play movesto the next Player, who then Activates theirchosen Squad in the same way.Players continue this process until all of theirSquads have been Activated once per Gameurn. If one Player has more Squads in playthan their opponent, they must Activate theextra Squads in any order at the end of theGame urn. Te last Squad Activated in theprevious Game urn for each Player maynot be Activated first in the new Game urn.

    Ignore this rule if the Player has only oneSquad left. Once there are no more Squadsleft to be Activated on either side, the Gameurn ends. Start a new Game urn with theControl Phase.

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    For Example: Tomas and Jean are in Gameurn 3 and Jean has 1 Squad remaining in

    play whilst Tomas has 3. Tomas wins theInitiative, so Activates first, they take it inturns then, when Jean has used his SquadTomas Activates his 2nd and 3rd Squads in

    turn, completing at least 1 Action with eachModel. Tomas choose to Activate Alakhaithe Cunning last in urn 3, so cannot use himfirst in urn 4. Jean only has a Squad of FreeMarines left on the battlefield so can Activatethem first.

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    Wherever theres a battle, firearms are nev-er far away. Shooting is a valuable Action totake in Warzone Resurrection, for quite oftenones life depends upon it.

    RangeAttackandTerrainA Models ability to shoot is defined by theModels Range Skill (RS). errain, interven-ing Models and Line of Sight (LOS) affect theability of the shooting Model to hit the targetModel.

    If the target Model is partially Covered (mini-mum 25% Coverage) by errain or the FacingArea of an Intervening Model, the firing Mod-els RS receives a Cover Modifier as appropri-


    Light Cover (Light errain): -2 Modifier to RS.Examples of this type of Cover include barbedwire, low-lying scrub and bushes.

    Heavy Cover (Heavy errain, interveningModels, Impassable errain): -4 Modifier toRS.Examples of this type of Cover include walls,trees, ruins and intervening Squad members.

    Cover Modifiers are cumulative. As such, ifa target Model is behind Heavy Cover andthere are intervening Models in the way, itwill be very difficult to hit.Designer note: Imagine shooting through

    people whilst at a busy market, at a target 40feet away and behind a brick wall.

    UsingandClaimingCovero take advantage of Cover, the Model mustbe at least 25% Covered by it.

    For Example: In the First Picture the UndeadLegionnaire receives Cover from the Wall,therefore the Armoured Chasseur receives a-4 Modifier to its RS test. In the second picturethe Undead Legionnaire receives no Cover

    from the wall and so the Armoured Chasseurtakes its RS test without a Cover Modifier.

    If the shooting Model is inside or within 1 ofa piece of Cover it does not suffer the CoverModifier to shoot through or over the Cover.Tis is referred to as Claiming Cover.

    A Model cannot make a Shooting Action at atarget which is behind more than 3 pieces of

    Cover (including intervening Models), unlessa Lucky Shot attempt is declared. On a D20roll of natural 1 a Lucky Shot attempt is re-garded as a successful RS test.

    Intervening Models (except Vehicles) cannotcompletely block LOS to the target, as bothare constantly moving.

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    If there is more than one type of Cover within

    1 of each other, only the highest Cover Modi-fier Value is taken into consideration.

    For Example: Valerie Duval is being targetedwith a Shooting Action made by the Immor-tal. Valerie has Claimed Light errain Cover(-2 Modifier to the Immortals RS) behind alow-lying bush and has also Claimed Heavyerrain behind a ruined brick wall (-4 Mod-ifier to the Immortals RS).Both of which arewithin 1. Te Immortal suffers a -4 Modifierto its RS.

    For Example: 2 Hussars have Claimed LightCover, they are in B2B contact, one behind theother. A Razide decides to make a ShootingAction at the further one, but only receives a-4 Modifier to RS (the Light Cover is negated)as his target has Claimed two types of Cover.


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    A Model may target an Engaged Model. If itdoes, it receives a -8 Modifier to its RS. Anyfailed RS test automatically inflicts a Wound

    Effect or SP Damage on the nearest friendlyModel in LOS that is involved in the targetedClose Combat. Te friendly Model may takeArmour and Heal tests as normal, using allof the usual Modifiers. If the friendly Model isremoved from play as a casualty, its Squadmust immediately take a Break test. Onlybasic Shooting Actions can be made againstEngaged Models (i.e. no Squad Special Ac-tions).


    Te Player can choose to target a friendlyModel in LOS. If a Wound Effect or SP Dam-age is applied (after normal Armour tests),

    the Squad it belongs to takes an immediateBreak test. Squad Special Actions and Ad-vanced Actions cannot be targeted againstfriendly Models.


    When a Model is making a Ranged Attackand its target is at a different Elevation,measure the shortest distance between themfrom the shooting Models Base edge, to the

    targeted Models Base or any part of the tar-geted Models Body if the base is not withinLOS, measuring in a straight line.

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    Tere are times when, due to Cover or lack oflight, you cant quite get a solid bead on yourtarget. For times like these, nothing beatshaving a weapon where Close enoughworks just as well as bang on target.Tere are some weapons in Warzone Resur-rection which use a emplate.

    emplate Weapons cannot be used in anyform of Special Action.

    Tis is described in a Ranged weaponsRange Value as follows:SE Small Explosion 3 diameter emplate.LE Large Exposion 5 diameter emplate.

    S Shotgun emplate 7 rapezoid emplate.

    SF Small Flamer emplate 3.5 eardropemplate.F- Flamer emplate 7 eardrop emplate.Some of the weapons have a dual Value intheir Range Value.

    For Example: Grenade Launcher

    First Value under the Range Stat Value is theeffective distance of the weapon (18). Tesecond Value (SE Small Explosion) is theemplate which is centred up to the first Val-ue of 18.


    Grenade Launcher


    18/SE 10 1 1 Blast (A)

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    If a RS test with an Explosion emplate

    weapon is failed centre the emplate over thenominated target with the number 1 on theemplate pointing owards the Model whichmade the Ranged Attack.Roll a D20 and half the result. Refer to theemplate to see which direction the templatewill scatter. Next, roll a D20 and half the re-sult. Move the emplate a number of inchesequal to the second result. Any Models Baseor Footprint which is within the relevantemplate receives a Wound Effect or SP Dam-

    age. Models can be within more than oneemplate and receive Wound Effects or SPDamage equal to the number of emplatesthey have been within during the sameShooting Action.


    o use a Flamer emplate weapon, place thesmallest end of the Flamer emplate in Basecontact with the Model making a Ranged At-tack in any direction, ensuring that no part ofthe Flamer emplate crosses the Front Facingof the Model using it.

    Any Models Base or Footprint fully or par-tially within the Flamer emplate receivesa Wound Effect or SP Damage at the FlamerWeapons St or AVV.If any Engaged Model is within a Flameremplate, every Model within CCWR of theModel within the Flamer emplate receivesa Wound Effect or SP Damage at the FlamerWeapons St or AVV.Flamer emplates are unaffected by anykind of Range Modifiers.

    RoFonFlamerTemplateweaponsA Flamers RoF represents the number of

    times each Models Base or Footprint withinthe Flamer emplate receives a Wound Effector SP Damage.If the RoF is 1 any Models Base or Footprintwithin the Flamer emplate receive 1 WoundEffect or SP Damage. If RoF is 2, the Modelsreceive 2 Wound Effects or SP Damage.

    CoverandFlamerTemplateweaponsFlamers are particularly effectual at clearingenemies from Cover, as the heat is intensifiedin confined spaces and often the Cover itselfcatches fire.If a Model receives a Wound Effect from aFlamer emplate weapon and is within er-rain that would give them Cover Modifierfrom a non-template weapon, their ArmourValue is halved for this Ranged Attack.

    For Example: An Etoiles Mortant fires her Ge-henna Puker at a Praetorian Stalker whichis Claiming Cover in a Ruined Structure. Ifshe was firing her Punisher Handgun at thePraetorian Stalker she would have receiveda RS Modifier of -4 because the PraetorianStalker is Claiming Heavy Cover, but insteadthe Praetorian Stalkers Armour Valueishalved from 16 to 8.

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    Flamers can be used against GarrisonedSquads in Intact Structures.

    Place the Flamer emplate as described inMaking a Ranged Attack with Flamer em-plate weapons. If any part of the emplatereaches any Access Point of the Structure, rolla D20 for each Garrisoned Model in the IntactStructure, regardless of their location with-in the Structure, on roll of 1-10 the Model re-ceive a Wound Effect and its Armour Value ishalved for this Ranged Attack.

    Flamers can be used to make a Ranged At-

    tack from an Intact Structure by a GarrisonedModel. Place the Flamer emplate in contactwith an Access Point that the Model making aRanged Attack is within B2B contact of.


    Active: Wall of Fire: During the Activation ofa Model with a Flamer emplate weapon, the

    Player can urn to Burn 2 Resource Cards tomake a Wall of Fire Ranged Attack. Te Play-er places 2 30mm tokens onto the battlefield,within 8 of the Model with a Flamer em-plate weapon. Tis Special Action counts as aShooting Action.

    Te distance between the 2 tokens must notexceed 8. Any Models which travel throughthe space between the two tokens or the to-kens themselves, take an Autohit from the

    Wall of Fire at the unmodified Weapon St ofthe Flamer emplate weapon immediately.

    Ignore the Cover and Flamer emplateWeapons rules for any errain touched bythis Ranged Attack.

    ShotgunTemplateWaeponsShotgun (S) Shotgun emplate weaponscan be used as a Close Combat weapon, re-gardless of their Weapon ype, following therules of a Pistol (P) in Close Combat Attacks.

    For Example: Mandible Autoshotgun withSolid Bullets

    MakingaRangedAttackwithShotgunTemplateweaponsPlace the narrow end of the Shotgun em-plate in Base contact with the Model makinga Ranged Attack in any direction as long asno part of emplate crosses the Front Facingof the Model making a Ranged Attack.

    Make a number of RS tests equal to the RoFof the Shotgun Weapon for each model with-in the template.

    Shotgun emplate weapons are unaffectedby any kind of Range Modifiers.


    Shotguns can be used against GarrisonedSquads in Intact Structures. Place the Shotgunemplate as described in Making a Ranged At-tack with Shotgun emplate weapons.If any part of the emplate reaches any AccessPoint of the Structure, make a RS test for eachGarrisoned Model within 1 of the Access Point.

    Mandible Autoshotgun with Solid Bullets


    18 12 1 1 Piercing (S)

    Mandible Autoshotgun with Solid Bullets


    ST 10 2 0 Blast (S)

    P1000 Hand Gun

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    In Warzone Resurrection, there is every op-portunity for a character to engage in mortalcombat; often with equally devastating effectsfor their victim as shooting them from afar. Infact, many Squads and characters specialise inClose Combat.

    CloseCombatWeaponRangeClose Combat Weapon Range is a distancemeasured in inches within which a Model canmake a Close Combat Attack. Close CombatWeapon Range is equal to Weapons Range.If not otherwise stated by the Models weap-on(s), CCWR is dependant of size of the Mod-

    els Base:

    Small Bases CCWR is Base to Base (B2B)Medium Bases CCWR is 1Heroes on Medium Bases CCWR is 1.5Large Bases or larger CCWR is 2

    Te CCWR may be affected by any Gear Cardsor Upgrades applied to the Model.

    For Example: A Small Based Model equippedwith wo Handed Sword has a 1.0 CCWR dueto its weapon.


    If a Model passes through the CCWR of an en-emy Model as it travels to Engage, a CounterCharge can occur. A Counter Charge is com-pleted on a successful LD test by the count-er charger (if counter charging Model is in aSentry Action the LD test is passed auto-matically).

    If a Counter Charge is successful the En-gaging Model is stopped in the CCWR of theCounter Charging Model. Engaged Modelscannot Counter Charge.

    Models on a Small or a Medium Base cannotCounter Charge Models on Large Bases orVehicles.

    Activated Models that are already Engagedhave only 1 Action Point to spend. Tis ActionPoint can only be spent on a Special or BasicClose Combat Action or a Move Action.

    Models in at least one enemy Close CombatWeapon Range (CCWR) always count as En-gaged.

    If an Activated Model is Engaged due to anenemy Models CCWR, but the Activated

    Model is not in range of its own CCWR, then

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    the Activated Model must perform a FreeClosing Action to bring itself into CCWR.Te Free Closing Action can only be madewithin the Facing which the Model is En-gaged with.A Free Closing Action does not cost any Ac-tion Points.

    A Close Combat Free Closing Action mustbe made against the closest Model. If morethan one Model is within the same CCWR,the owning Player can select which Model tomake the Free Closing Action against.

    Picture above: Both Models are Engaged,Alakhai can make a Close Combat Attackwithout performing Free Closing in his Acti-

    vation Phase, the Capitol rooper is Engagedbut cannot make a Close Combat Attack ashis CCWR is only B2B, therefore the Capitolrooper must perform a Free Closing whenit is Activated. Free Closing can be performedeven if Models are both in their CCWR. Tismay allow to bring other Models into theEngagement. Models making Free Closingmust stay within the enemy Models Facingthey are Engaged with.During the Free Closing Action, Models areunaffected by Free Slash.

    EngageActionsmadefromHeightSurprising an enemy from above, jumping onthem from where they least expect it can be

    a sound and quick method to dispatch onesfoe. In Warzone Resurrection Models can de-clare an Engage Action from height, jump-ing on their poor victim from a high vantagepoint.Models which Engage from height gain anadditional Modifier to their St and AVV Val-ues for their 1st Close Combat test in thesame Game urn, dependent on their Basesize:

    Small Bases: +1 St and +0 AVV Modifierfor each 1 of vertical distance (i.e. Engagefrom 2 = +2 St)

    Medium Bases: +2 St and +0 AVV Modifierfor each 1 of vertical distance (i.e. Engagefrom 2 = +4 St)

    Large Bases: +3 St and +1 AVV Modifierfor each 1 of vertical distance (i.e. Engagefrom 2 = +6 St and + 2 AVV)

    Te Model that is Engaging from height mustcomplete an Engage Action following the

    rules for Jumping from height.

    For Example: A Brotherhood rooper Engag-es from height. Te vertical height of the er-rain is 3, therefore the Brotherhood roopergains an additional a +3 St Modifier. Once theEngage Action is completed, the Brotherhoodrooper takes a St 8 Piercing Autohit as perFalling from height. Ten the Brotherhoodrooper can make a Close Combat Action.

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    For Example: Te Cuirassier Attila MK.III En-gages the Undead Legionnaire from a heightof 2, as such it gets a Free Jump of the 2. Itdoes not get an Engage Bonus (because ithas not moved the required distance for anEngage Bonus), but it does get a +4 St Mod-ifier to his first Close Combat test for Engagefrom Height.


    o be Engaged both Models must be on thesame Elevation and within the CCWR of ei-ther Model. If both Models cannot be placedon the same Elevation, the target Model

    cannot be Engaged.


    Designer Note: Only one Model in a ModelsActivation Phase can be selected as the Pri-mary arget.

    DisengagingfromCloseCombatDisengage Models which move out of theirown or their opponents CCWR for any reason

    are classified as Disengaged.Passive: Grab- If a Model on a Small or Medi-um Base attempts to Disengage from a Mod-el on a Medium Base, they must first pass aSt test. Ignore this rule if the Disengage isforced (i.e. failed Break test).Passive: Seize - If a Model on a Small, Me-dium or Large Base attempts to Disengagefrom a Model on a Large Base, they must firstpass a St test. Ignore this rule if the Disen-gage is forced (i.e. failed Break test).

    Free Slash Models which Disengage takea Free Slash Autohit immediately from theenemy Model(s).Te St of the Free Slash is equal to the St ofthe Model/Vehicle that is performing theFree Slash plus their highest Close CombatWeapon St x2.For Example: Alakhai is Engaged with aChasseur. Te Player decides to DisengageAlakhai from the Close Combat. Te Chas-seur will now immediately make a FreeSlash of St 8 plus the Chasseurs Close Com-bat Weapon St of 1 x2. Alakhai will receive a St10 Wound Effect from the Chasseur.

    FreeSlashagainstVehiclesModels with SP which Disengage take a FreeSlash Autohit immediately from the enemyModel(s). Te AVV of the Free Slash is equalto the highest AVV of any Close Combat Weap-

    on equipped by the Model(s). Te Free Slashis made against a random location. Modelsequipped with Anti-Vehicle Grenades can usethem to make a Free Slash.

    EngagingintoRearFacingA Model can be Engaged in its Rear Facing.Tis only applies if the Engaging Model iscompletely within the Rear Facing of the En-gaged Model. Models making a Close Combat

    Attack in the Rear Facing of a Model gain anadditional +4 Modifier to their CC Value. TisModifier is not applicable if a Model is mak-ing a Close Combat Squad Special Action.

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    Any Model can use a Special Close CombatAction instead of the normal Close Combat

    Action. If a Special Close Combat Action isused, the Models weapons RoA is reducedto 1 and cannot be increased by any means.All Special Close Combat Actions are regard-ed as Piercing (unless stated otherwise andregardless of the attacking Models weaponype). A Model can issue only one SpecialClose Combat Action per Game urn. Unlessstated otherwise, all Special Close CombatAction count as a Close Combat Action.

    SpecialCloseCombatActionsforModelsonSmallBasesActive: Back Stab If a Model is Engaged inthe Rear Facing of an enemy Model, a BackStab Action can be initiated. Te Model mustpass a CC test, if successful the enemy Modelreceives a Wound Effect and the Armour Val-ue of the enemy Model is halved. Tis Actioncan only be used against Models on Small or

    Medium Bases.For Example: A Sacred Warrior is making aBack Stab Action against a Praetorian Stalk-er. Te Sacred Warrior passes the CC test. TePraetorian Stalker receives a Wound Effectso must pass an Armour test. Because of theBack Stab, the Praetorian Stalkers ArmourValue is equal to 8 (half of its normal ArmourValue of 16). If the Praetorian Stalker had a +2Modifier to Armour Value the Armour testwould be successful on a roll of 10 or less (as

    per mathematical principle).

    Active: Hold him down! If a Model is in orEngages in a multiple combat which includesat least one other friendly Model, a Hold himdown! Special Action can be attempted. TeModel attempting Hold him down! must be inB2B with the target and in the targets RearFacing. Te Model must pass a CC test, if thetest is successful then the targeted Model hasbeen Held Down (no Wound Effect is takenby the targeted Model). Any other unsuc-

    cessful CC tests against Held Down Modelsin the same Game urn can be rerolled. Tis

    Action can only be used against Models onSmall or Medium Bases.


    MediumBasesActive: Charge Nominate a point on thebattlefield that is within Movement Value x2of the Model making a Charge. A Charge mustbe made in a straight line owards the nom-inated point. If this move brings it into B2Bwith any Model on a Small Base, the Modelreceives an Autohit at the chargers unmod-ified St Value. Continue this process until themaximum Movement has been reached, aModel in the path of the charging Model isnot removed, the charging Model is killed ora Model with a Medium or Large Base is met.As a Charge requires some momentum, thisClose Combat Special Action cannot be madeby a Model that is already Engaged.

    Active: Brutal Attack Te Player must makea Close Combat Attack as normal, if this CloseCombat Attack causes an enemy Model to beremoved from play as a casualty, the enemy

    Squad that the removed Model was a mem-ber of must immediately take a Pinning testwith a -4 Modifier to LD.

    Active: Swing- Allocate a single D20 perModel in the Swinging Models CCWR andwithin its Front Facing, then make a CC testagainst each allocated D20 successively. Foreach successful CC test the relevant Mod-el receives a Wound Effect or SP Damage atthe unmodified St Value or AVV of the Model

    completing the Swing.

    Active: Trow A Trow Action can be de-clared against Models on Small Bases. Selecta Model within the CCWR of the Trower. If asuccessful CC test is made, the target Model isplaced by the Player controlling the Trowerup to 4 away from the Trower. Te thrownModel must be placed on the same Elevationor below the Trower and in the TrowersFront Facing.

    Te thrown Model can be thrown over oth-er Models, but cannot be placed on top ofany other Model or in Impassable errain.

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    Te thrown Model takes an Autohit with thethrowers St and a +4 Modifier. Models thatbecome Disengaged by a Trow Close Com-bat Special Action are not affected by FreeSlash. If a Model is thrown from height, add+1 St for each 1 the Model travels to a lowerElevation, measuring from the bottom of thethrowers Base.

    For Example: A Model is thrown 3.2 down,this will be rounded up to 4. Te thrownModel will suffer a St(x)+4+4 Wound Effect.

    Active: Hold him down! If a Model is in orEngages in a multiple combat which includesat least one other friendly Model, a Hold himdown! Special Action can be attempted. TeModel attempting Hold him down! must be in

    B2B with the target and in the targets RearFacing. Te Model must pass a CC test, if thetest is successful then the targeted Model hasbeen Held Down (no Wound Effect is takenby the targeted Model). Any other unsuc-cessful CC tests against Held Down Modelsin the same Game urn can be rerolled. TisAction can only be used against Models onSmall, Medium or Large Bases.


    Acive: Squash A Squash Action can bedeclared against any Model on a Small or aMedium Base within the CCWR of the Mod-el making a Squash Action. Make a CC test,if the test is successful, the target Model re-ceives a Wound Effect equal to the St of the

    Model which performed a Squash Action atCritical Force (3). If the targeted Model is re-moved from play as a casualty, the Squad ofthe squashed Model must take a Pinning testwith -4 Modifier to LD immediately.

    Active: Lob A Lob Action can be declaredagainst Models on Small or Medium Bases.Select a Model within the CCWR of the lob-ber. If a successful CC test is made, the targetModel is placed by the Player controlling the

    lobber up to 6 away from the lobber. Telobbed Model must be placed on the sameElevation or below the lobber and in the lob-bers Front Facing.

    Te lobbed Model can be lobbed over oth-er Models, but cannot be placed on top ofany other Model or in Impassable errain.Te lobbed Model takes an Autohit with thelobbers St and a +4 Modifier. Models thatbecome Disengaged by a Lob Close CombatSpecial Action are not affected by Free Slash.If a Model is thrown from height, add +1 St foreach 1 the Model travels to a lower Elevation,measuring from the bottom of the lobbersBase.

    For Example: A Model is lobbed 3.2 down,this will be rounded up to 4. Te lobbedModel will suffer a St(x)+4+4 Wound Effect.

    Active: Tunderous Charge Nominate apoint on the battlefield that is within Move-

    ment Value x2 of the Model making a Tun-derous Charge. A Tunderous Charge mustbe made in a straight line owards the nom-inated point. If this move brings it into B2Bwith any Model on a Small or Medium Base,the Model receives an Autohit at the char-gers unmodified St Value. Continue this pro-cess until the maximum Movement has beenreached, a Model in the path of the chargingModel is not removed, the charging Modelis killed or a Model with a Large Base is met.

    As a Charge requires some momentum, thisClose Combat Special Action cannot be madeby a Model that is already Engaged.

    Designer note: A model can only travel a dis-tance in inches equal to its Movement Valuex2 regardless of any other Actions used in thesame Game urn

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