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Page 1: Wasatch Wag Spring 2011

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Wasatch Wag The Wasatch Champions Newsletter

Wasatch Champions Set Fundraising Record for 2010!

Congratulations! The Wasatch Champions raised over $12,500 for Canine Companions for Independence (CCI) in 2010!

Here's the breakdown: $1,400.00 - proceeds from the sale of Stephanie Saint Thomas’s jewelry $780.00 - private donations $2,765.00 – cookbook sales $2,441.00 - Barnes and Noble Gift Wrapping $1,478.00 - ADP casual day sticker sales and ADP donations $3,880.00 – Tomato sales

Let’s make 2011 an even better year. Plans for fundraising include another great year of tomato sales from puppy raiser Linda Weiskopf (page 8), creation of a calendar, Barnes & Noble gift-wrapping, and we are in the preplanning stages of holding a golf tournament this summer to benefit CCI. Keep up the great work!

-Dawn Thorne, puppy raiser

Wasatch WagThe Wasatch Champions Newsletter

Wasatch Champions Set

Inside This Issue MMMeeelllaaannniiieee DDDuuutttccchhheeerrr WWWiiinnnsss

PPPrrreeessstttiiigggiiiooouuusss GGGeeennneeevvvaaa DDDaaavvviiisss AAAwwwaaarrrddd

UUUpppdddaaattteeesss fffrrrooommm ttthhheee LLLeeeaaadddeeerrrssshhhiiippp TTTeeeaaammm

PPPuuupppuuulllaaarrr OOOpppiiinnniiiooonnn

TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg SSSccchhheeeddduuullleee

FFFrrreeeeee GGGrrroooooommmiiinnnggg fffooorrr GGGrrraaaddduuuaaattteee DDDooogggsss!!!

PPPuuuppppppyyy RRRaaaiiissseeerrr SSSpppoootttllliiiggghhhttt

Barbara and David Kronenberg

JJJuuusssttt ttthhheee FFFaaaccctttsss Chapter news

GGGrrraaaddduuuaaattteee SSSpppoootttllliiiggghhhttt

Caleb and Raine

GGGaaarrrdddeeennniiinnnggg fffooorrr CCCCCCIII

GGGrrraaaddduuuaaattteee aaannnddd PPPuuuppppppyyy UUUpppdddaaattteeesss

SSSoooccciiiaaallliiizzzaaatttiiiooonnn WWWiiittthhh OOOttthhheeerrr


DDDiiiddd YYYooouuu KKKnnnooowww???

PPPaaawwwsss UUUppp PPPaaawwwsss DDDooowwwnnn CCI graduate teams and puppy

raisers experience around town














Page 2: Wasatch Wag Spring 2011



Melanie Dutcher Wins Prestigious Geneva Davis

Award! In November of 1999, a tradition of awarding excellence in CCI’s volunteer community was started with the inception of the annual Geneva Davis Award presentation at the November graduation ceremony. The purpose of this award is to recognize leadership in individuals who have been ambassadors of CCI’s program and its goals to promote and inspire volunteers and volunteer activity. That is the definition of what Melanie Dutcher has been doing since 2003.

Melanie’s involvement with CCI began many years ago, after reading a Dear Abby letter about CCI. She financially supported CCI for many years until she began puppy raising at retirement. Melanie and her husband John are currently raising their seventh pup, Waffle, and have had three pups graduate.

When Melanie began puppy raising in 2003, she thought she was the only volunteer in the entire state of Utah! Then she was invited to

an event at which a Utah graduate (featured in the Patricia Dibsie book “Love Heels”) was doing a Paw Signing, and found a few other puppy raisers. Melanie was taking obedience classes at the Brickyard Kennel, and invited other puppy raisers to join in the classes. Through Melanie’s efforts working with the kennel owners, the relationship between puppy raisers and the Brickyard had blossomed into free (donated) weekly classes and a specific trainer attending multiple CCI seminars in order to learn CCI training methods. The facility has also donated space for puppy raising seminars.

Melanie is very interested in connecting volunteers, so she began keeping records of the few puppy raisers and graduates she met, and anyone else who showed an interest in CCI. She organized outreach events and invited volunteers to events, speaking engagements, and a Pet Expo. At the 2004 Pet Expo, Melanie met Linda Valliant, the new Executive Director of the Southwest Regional Center for CCI. With that meeting and after Linda learned that Melanie had misunderstood the manual, and taught her first pup ALL the commands by six months old, Melanie became CCI’s “go to” person in Utah. As new puppy raisers applied, Melanie conducted the home visits, arranged for them to attend obedience classes, and included them in outreach and events.

As the volunteer, graduate, puppy raiser numbers grew, Melanie continued to organize the group. In 2008, she formally began the process of Chapter formation, and the Wasatch Champions Chapter was born. The group is now running strong, with a five-person Leadership Team, one of whom is Melanie.

Melanie initiated and maintains a terrific blog featuring all chapter news and activities (http://wasatchchampions.blogspot.com/). A photo gallery on the blog includes pictures back to the humble beginnings in Utah. Melanie obtained an email account for the chapter, and handles all correspondence. Melanie has traveled hundreds of miles to events and site visits. She eventually located and included in Chapter activities all 16 Utah graduates and 21 puppies in training, as well as a few dozen interested parties, families of adopted release dogs, and volunteers.

CCI’s growth in Utah has been phenomenal, from a few puppy raisers and graduates in 2003, to over twenty-one puppy raisers and sixteen graduates in 2010. That growth is due to the efforts of Melanie Dutcher. Congratulations Melanie! We all appreciate your hard work and dedication to CCI’s mission.


Melanie Dutcher Wins Prestigious Geneva Davis

In November of 1999, a tradition of awarding CCI’s volunteer community was started with the inception of the annual Geneva Davis Award presentation at the November graduation ceremony. The purpose of this award is to recognize leadership in individuals who have been ambassadors of CCI’inspire volunteers and volunteer activity. That is the definition of what Melanie Dutcher has been doing since 2003.

she was the only volunteer in the entire state of Utah! Then she was invited to an event at which a Utah graduate (featured in the Patricia Dibsie book “Love Heels”) was doing a

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UUUpppdddaaattteeesss fffrrrooommm ttthhheee LLLeeeaaadddeeerrrssshhhiiippp TTTeeeaaammm***

Wasatch Champions Cookbook Cookbooks are still available. They include 298 pages of

recipes and photos from the Wasatch Champions. They make great gifts, especially when you tell the recipient that 100% of

proceeds are donated to CCI! Purchase online at www.etsy.com/shop/wasatchchampions

($3 shipping or you pick up)

Puppy Raiser Workshop March 26th from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

We are fortunate to have our next Puppy Raiser Workshop on March 26th at puppy raiser Charlene Palmer’s home from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. CCI staff members will be here from Oceanside to provide lots of information, demonstrations, and training tips. CCI puppy raisers and their puppies, volunteer puppy sitters and prospective puppy raisers are invited. If you know someone interested in raising puppies for CCI, this is a great opportunity to learn about the great things that CCI does!

*Kelly Bussio, Susan Daynes, Melanie Dutcher, Amy Kernan, Dawn Thorne, AJ Bennett, and Rich Homer.

(Photos on the left from top to bottom: Devi showcasing her cover appearance on the cookbook, puppy raiser Chris Westergard with Wink, and puppy raiser Kody Myers with Goldy)

This quarter’s Pupular Opinion Poll asked about exercising your dogs in the winter. We received the following responses:

• Walks and hikes in the snow

• Snowshoeing

• Walks in the mall, Petsmart, or Home Depot

For the Next Issue….. What are some fun ways that you socialize your

puppy? Send your tips and creative ideas to [email protected].

PPPuuupppuuulllaaarrr OOOpppiiinnniiiooonnn


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TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg SSSccchhheeeddduuullleee Classes for CCI Puppies in Program – Graduate Teams and Observers Welcomed!

Trainer Edie Schoepp offers CCI group classes for $60 per quarter. Quarters coincide with CCI graduations and you can attend any or all of the classes. Class location varies from Camp Bow

Wow, Edie’s home, and field sites throughout the valley. Get class updates on your cell phone by texting follow wasatchchampion to 40404.

Classes are typically held on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM and Saturday at 9:00 AM. The class days,

times, and locations are subject to change. Many of the classes for the older pups are held in the field (i.e., Library or Gateway) to give them training in public places. Please find the updated schedule at


Ogden Classes for CCI Puppies in Program: contact Linda Weiskopf ([email protected])

Training and classes are broken down by age groups as follows:

Kinderpups: up to 6 months Basic: 6 – 10 months

Advanced: 10 months to Turn-in

**Puppy raisers of female pups: Remember that you must board your pup while she is in heat. CCI will reimburse you for the boarding charges. Amor Animal Hospital at 8576 S Redwood Road in West Jordan has made arrangements to board CCI pups for $379 for the 21-day stay. Puppy raisers must bring their own food. Contact Brad Nebeker at 801-561-9607 or [email protected] for more details.

FFFrrreeeeee GGGrrroooooommmiiinnnggg fffooorrr GGGrrraaaddd DDDooogggsss


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFrrFrFrrrrrrrrrrrrrrererrrrerrrerereeeeeerererereeeeeeeCamp Bow Wow* will give one free bath & nail trim each month to each of your canine partners. This offer applies to any CCI working

graduate dog.

Graduates will be asked to provide vaccination records, showing current on rabies, distemper, and bordatella. We prefer (but won't

require, as we do for clients) that bordatella be received within the last six months.

Please contact Amy at Camp Bow Wow ([email protected] or 801-

330-8291) for more details or to schedule an appointment!

*Offer good at the Camp Bow Wow located at 3600 South 475 West in Salt Lake City. www.campbowwow.com/southsaltlake



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Puppy Raiser Spotlight: Barbara & David Kronenberg

Hi, my name is Balsa. I’m 4 months old and already my life has been filled with so many adventures. I have been asked to tell you a little about my life since I came to Utah. I arrived in Utah on October 6th, and my Mom and Dad’s life has not been the same since. I have turned their quiet lives upside down. I have taken great pride seeking out the cat and tormenting my older sister, Rowdy. She’s a 9 ½ year old Border collie and now after only 2 months, I’m almost as big as she is. There is also a bird that lives in my house, he seems to like to stay in his cage all of the time. Mom doesn’t like it when I try to play with him, so I’ll just stay away from him. Monday to Friday I spend most of my day at the office with either my Mom or Dad, (depending on if my mom has to be on the road for her business). I’m pretty much the “office princess” at both places. They are amazed that such a young puppy knows how to behave and stay so quiet for 8 hours. Mom and Dad have been getting a lot of chances to tell people all about the CCI organization when they stop by to pet me and check me out. And they always tell people that CCI is looking for more puppy raisers. Mom says that I am the first CCI puppy she has ever raised, between you and me I hope she will raise more because she is wonderful at this. After work, I always get the chance to walk down to the park and then play with Rowdy in our backyard and work off my energy. Mom says that I am a very smart little girl and I am learning my lessons quickly, every day we spend time working on my commands. My favorite is cuddle – cause then I get my tummy and ears rubbed (they seem to like to rub my paws and teeth too, but I don’t much care about that). My second favorite thing is when my CCI playmate Mimosa gets to come over and have a play date with me in our backyard – it’s usually disguised as a training session with RoxAnn. A couple weeks ago I discovered this new thing called snow – I love this stuff. I can run, jump, and roll in it. I like burying my head and making a tunnel looking for whatever smells might be under all this white stuff. I wonder if they need a CCI dog in Alaska, then I could play in this stuff all the time. Mom says I’m shaping up just nicely for a very important job ahead of me. My breeder/caretaker says I was the largest of the litter and I saw a picture of my father Paxton III, wow is he big. Mom thinks I will be good at pulling someone’s wheelchair. My half-brother Tadaki does that, I met him and I think he is special. I gotta go now but you can follow my adventures at http://TheJourneyOfBalsa.blogspot.com/.

Barbara & David

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Just the Facts December 2010 Open House

In December 2010 over 40 CCI graduates, puppy raisers, volunteers and their families attended the first annual Open House at Daynes Recital Hall. All had fun as we socialized. There was photography by Rod Daynes, harpist Alexis Clukey provided holiday cheer, and refreshments were homemade by our wonderful volunteers. . We look forward to this event next year!

Two Utah Puppies Graduate!

Congratulations to puppy raisers Amy Kernan and Laura Arneson! Amy raised Misty who graduated in November 2010 as a service dog with Utah’s own Glenna Foremaster (pictured below). Laura raised Macy who graduated as a facility dog with Sherry Magness in February 2011 (pictured on the left). Sherry and Macy will be working with survivors of violent crime in the DA’s office in Texas.

Barnes & Noble Gift Wrap Success It was another successful holiday season at the annual Barnes & Noble gift-wrap. The Wasatch Champions were selected for several shifts of gift-wrapping in Sugarhouse, Layton, and Orem. Over $2,000 was raised for CCI and we made a good presence in the community, as the public was able to meet our CCI dog friends.

A big Wasatch Champions welcome to Service Team Glenna Foremaster and Misty. They completed graduation at the Dean, Gerda and Trixie Koontz Campus in Oceanside, California in November 2010. Glenna was introduced to CCI through a co-worker who was a puppy raiser.

New Graduate Team in Utah!


Two Utah Puppies Graduate!year!

Two Utah Puppies Graduate!

Congratulations to puppy raiserAmy raised Mistywith Utah’s own Glenna Foremaster (pictured below). Laura raised Macy who graduated as a facility dog with Sherry Magness in February 2011 (pictured on the left). Sherry and Macy will be working

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Graduate Spotlight: Caleb & RaineIt has been four months now since we received Raine. It has been working out better than I thought in some ways and not as well as I expected in other ways. Caleb and Raine have not bonded as well as we had hoped, but I’m sure it will come. Caleb now asks to bring Raine to many places. She has come with us to church several times, to family homes, to an ice skating show, to doctor appointments and surgery, to a dental appointment, to therapy, and to cub scouts. Caleb helps take care of Raine. He helps feed her twice a day. He helps with her grooming—we are supposed to brush Raine’s fur and her teeth everyday, and clean her ears and file her nails once a week. Caleb gets to pet Raine and give her treats when we do her nails. We encourage Caleb to come with us when walking Raine. This not only exercises Raine but Caleb also. When we school or do speech therapy, Raine sits by Caleb. This might be under the table as Caleb practices his handwriting or on the floor as we do math. Caleb also gets Raine to sit by him as he plays on the computer or as he colors. He likes to show Raine the pictures that he draws. I’m not sure that Raine appreciates having a magna doodle so close to her nose though. Caleb will also sit with Raine has he “reads” books and will show her the pictures. Caleb likes to practice Raine’s commands. He loves it when she “pushes” a light on or when she “speaks” and always gives her lots of love when she’s done with her task. We try to practice a few commands each day. Some commands that we learned during Team Training we have dropped. While practicing with Raine, we are teaching her “signs” to go along with the verbal commands, so that Caleb will be able to command her also. She knows “sit” and “down.” We are planning on teaching her “let’s go,” “eat” (for “OK”—which is used for eating/drinking on command), “speak,” “toilet” (for “hurry”), and others. Caleb loves to show people Raine. When people ask to pet Raine, we ask them to ask Caleb for permission. He always signs yes, and then proceeds to show them Raine’s tattoo in her ear. When we were at the ENT’s office, he even wanted the doctor to examine Raine’s ear with the otoscope!

Every night when it is time for bed, Caleb asks for Raine to sleep with him. After he has brushed his teeth and is all ready for bed, Raine is allowed to lay on the bed with him. After he’s asleep, she sleeps in her kennel which is at the foot of his bed. I think Caleb kicks her in his sleep, so she prefers the kennel. Continued..


Graduate Spotlight: Caleb & Raine


Graduate Spotlight: Caleb & Raine

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I am so glad that my husband was certified also as a facilitator. He did not really want to since we had to bring a “nanny” along to watch Caleb while we both attended the class. But, Caleb prefers Mark holding the leash when we are out in public as a family, so it is good that it worked out so well during training. There were many reasons why I wanted a skilled companion dog for Caleb. One reason was to help encourage Caleb’s verbal skills. Caleb says “woof” when he wants Raine to “speak” and he’ll say “K” sometimes for “OK” when feeding her. These are both new words since we first received Raine. I’m hoping that as time goes on, Caleb will pick up more words to use as he plays and as we practice our training each day with Raine. I am also hoping that it will help Caleb’s signing as he gives commands to Raine in ASL. Another reason was for Raine to be a “social bridge” to help other kids interact more with Caleb. We are working on this goal by encouraging others to “go through” Caleb to pet Raine. As I get better at taking 5 kids and a dog out by myself, I plan on taking Raine to more home school activities so that Caleb has more opportunities to “show” his friends his cool CCI dog. By Kaylene

Graduate Spotlight: Caleb & Raine Continued….

Ogden CCI puppy raisers, Linda and David Weiskopf, developed an unusual way to raise money for CCI this year. Starting in Feb., Linda planted from seed over 26 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. She sold the plants in May, with all the profits going to CCI. She had over 750 plants, but only sold about 350. She was looking for places to plant the remaining plants, and was offered the use of some land in a pasture in the Ogden area.

With the help of David and several friends, they weeded, tilled, put up fencing to keep the horses out, and created a new ‘farm’, as Linda liked to call it. They even named it the Windmill Farm, after an old windmill they found and erected on the property. A local nursery, Willard Bay Gardens, donated many flats of peppers, eggplant, and squash. Even with a late planting in mid-June (soon after latest CCI pup Donelly arrived) the garden thrived! A local Ogden restaurant, Roosters, bought all the produce, and several friends bought produce as well. Donny and the garden grew at an amazing rate!

The wonderful outcome of this 9-month effort was a check to CCI for $3,500, in recognition of CCI’s placement of their 3,500th assistance dog. Linda is already poring

over the heirloom seed catalogues looking for ideas for the 2011 season.

GGGaaarrrdddeeennniiinnnggg fffooorrr CCCCCCIII!!!

Ogden CCI puppy raisers, Linda and David Weiskopf, unusual way to raise money for CCI this year. Starting in

Feb., Linda planted from seed over 26 varieties of heirloom tomatoes. She sold the plants in May, with all the profits going to CCI. She had over 750 plants, but only

With the help of David and several friends, they weeded, tilled, put up fencing to keep the horses out, and created a new ‘farm’, as Linto call it. They even named it the Windmill Farm, after an old windmill they found and erected on the property. A local nursery, Willard Bay

$3,500, in recognition of CCI’s placement of their 3,500

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1) Glenna and Misty VI, Service Team 2) Kaylene, Caleb and Raine II, Skilled Companion Team 3)Kate & Gamay II, Facility Team 4)Abram & Icon, Service Team 5)Kelly & Tadaki, Service Team 6)Muffy & Leibe, Service Team 7)Susan & Devi, Facility Team 8)Tim & Sakai, Service Team 9)Carla, Samuel & Alice, Skilled Companion Team 10)Mandalina, Gabe & Fenley, Skilled Companion Team 11)Michelle, Rachel & Gerda, Skilled Companion Team 12)Kandace, Sawyer & Hal, Skilled Companion Team 13)Joseph & Rosner, Service Team 14)Galena, Pablo & Wendolyn, Skilled Companion Team 15)Annie, James & Alesia II, Skilled Companion Team 16)Amy, Sam & Lolo, Skilled Companion Team UUUtttaaahhh PPPuuuppppppiiieeesss &&& TTThhheeeiiirrr

PPPuuuppppppyyy RRRaaaiiissseeerrrsss

UUUtttaaahhh GGGrrraaaddduuuaaattteee TTTeeeaaammmsss

1) Cabo II - Lily and Glen Jones (Layton) 2) Waffle - Melanie and John Dutcher, Millcreek3) Kenyon II -Angela Scribner and Teri Hull, Clinton 4) Wink - Chris Westergard, Lehi 5) Tonia - Teresa Oborn, Ogden 6) Velma - Stephenie Swindle, Provo 7) Glamour - Heather and McKenzie Saddler, Hooper 8) Goldy - Kody Myers, Sandy 9) Balsa - Barbara and David Kronenberg, Riverton 10) Mimosa - Denise and Jonathan Yeager, South Jordan 11) Hillary - Gloria and Ray Kerns, West Valley City 12) Donelly - Linda and David Weiskopf, Pleasant View 13) Belize - Charlene Palmer & Alan Lang, Salt Lake City 14) Berlin - Amy & Bob Kernan, Sandy 15) Cheri - Becca & Shaun Anderson, Logan 16) Mylie - Debbie and Dick Tompson, Salt Lake City 17) Jazlyn II - Cassi Fowler, Sandy 18) Kerinne - Brenda and Jonas Lether, Taylorsville 19) Burma II - Lori and Rich Homer, Layton 20) Raisen II - A.J. Bennett and Rowdy Loenshal, Riverdale 21) Nacho - Erica and Charlie Forbush and Josie Hamilton, Spanish Fork 22) Delmar - Eileen and Ron Sever, Eden/San Clemente 23) Daya - Lindsay and Randy Anderson, Woods Cross24) Stella* - Dawn and Mike Thorne, Olympus Cove, Salt Lake County 25) Pascha II* - Melanie & John Dutcher; Millcreek 26) Wonka* - Lily and Glen Jones, Layton *In Professional Training in Oceanside, CA Grace IV - Gary Cohu, Summit, UT, associated w/ Las Vegas Champions


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SSSoooccciiiaaallliiizzzaaatttiiiooonnn WWWiiittthhh OOOttthhheeerrr DDDooogggsss It is important that any CCI graduate have a well-socialized dog. To achieve this goal, the puppy must be exposed to different types of people and different types of dogs throughout the course of their puppyhood. This exposure continues in Professional Training. By the time a CCI dog becomes a graduate, they must have the ability to:

Pass by other dogs on-leash without pulling or lunging Maintain sufficient self-control when on-leash and greeted by an "uncontrolled" dog, who may or

may not be on-leash Exercise off-leash in a fenced yard with 2-3 other dogs without displaying overly aggressive

behavior Exercise off-leash in a fenced area with 2-3 other dogs without requiring frequent physical

intervention to maintain appropriate play behavior To put the puppy on the path to being a well-socialized dog, it is beneficial to seek out safe and positive play experiences for them. Here are a few resources for developing play dates:

Ask your coworkers, friends, and family members if they have an appropriate dog to play with Ask around at church or a social club to seek out playmates Make connections with neighbors or other individuals you see regularly out walking their dogs Make connections within the CCI network to set up play time at someone’s house or appropriate

fully-fenced area Here are a few guidelines for making a play date successful:

When having the puppy meet a new dog, be sure both dogs meet on a loose leash before allowing them free play.

If you have a large playgroup, keep the number of dogs off-leash at any one time small (4 or less is best).

Pay close attention to the puppy during the entire session. Take note of the puppy’s "chemistry" with different dogs and focus on play with those dogs the

puppy does best with. If toys are available to the dogs, be sure you have more toys than dogs, and take any "trouble-

causing" toys out of the mix. Don’t go to dog parks—many dog owners are not conscientious about supervising their dog’s

behavior and may allow aggressive behavior to go unchecked. From a young age, work on having the puppy come to you for a treat in the yard. Use a fun word

like "Treat" for this behavior. As the puppy matures, incorporate this behavior into play sessions and use it at opportune times.

*Submitted by Becca Gordon




hhthtthtttthttthhhhhhhththththhhhhhheeheheeeeeeeeeeeeeerrererrrrrrrrrrrrrr DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDooooooooooooooooggogoggggggggggggggssgsgssssssssssssss

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Did You Know? DID YOU KNOW that National Geographic Wild presents a television series called Blue Collar Dogs. Canine Companions is thrilled to be a part of the segment "Canine MD" on working dogs. Filming took place at Canine Companions headquarters in Santa Rosa, CA last June. Staff, volunteers and graduate teams all participated. The show premiered Monday, February 21st at 8pm on the National Geographic Wild Channel. Check your local listings for reruns – www.cci.org Be sure to submit your Did You Know? Tips to [email protected]

Paws Up Paws Down We would like to start this as a regular column in the newsletter. Tell us about your local establishment experiences, good or bad, with your service dog or puppy in program by e-mailing the establishment name, location, and a description of your experience to [email protected]. We will feature 2 to 4 establishments in each issue of the Wasatch Wag.

Paws Up!*

Jerimiah's Restaurant, Ogden, UT: Three couples of puppy raisers decided to go to Jerimiah's for

breakfast. Burma, Raisen, and Donnie were there as well. I had called the restaurant to say we were coming and they were all ready for us. They put us at a table with plenty of room for the puppies. It seemed like there was a steady stream of waitresses coming through and asking about the dogs. As Rowdy, Raisen, and I go almost every Sunday, they are very familiar with the program and wanted to meet the other dogs. We have always been treated with the utmost cooperation and respect. I would highly recommend this restaurant to all puppy raisers and people with graduate dogs. – AJ Bennett

Legends Pub and Grill, 677 S 200 W, SLC, UT: The owners, Dave and Lisa welcome our CCI

dogs. Lunchtime is the quietest time - as this is a sports grill - when the games are on at night it's louder. And the dining area toward the back is also quieter. – Charlene Palmer

*Note that all experiences are the opinion of the person submitting the information and do not necessarily reflect the experience that you will have at the establishment, nor do the actions of any employee at each establishment reflect the views and opinions of the owner/operator of each establishment.

(Puppy raisers Teresa Oborn and Kelly & Stephanie Swindle with pups Tonia and Velma)


as this is a sports

ly & Stephanie Swindle with pups Tonia and

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WWWaaasssaaatttccchhh CCChhhaaammmpppiiiooonnnsss CCCooonnntttaaaccctttsss CCCCCCIII CCCooonnntttaaaccctttsss

Wasatch Champions Blog http://wasachchampions.blogspot.com/

Wasatch Champions Leadership Team

Kelly Bussio [email protected] Susan Daynes [email protected] Melanie Dutcher [email protected] Amy Kernan [email protected] Dawn Thorne [email protected] AJ Bennett [email protected] Rich Homer [email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator Abby Dils (760) 901-4308 [email protected]

Puppy Program Manager Stu Wahrenbrock (760) 901-4315 [email protected]

Puppy Program Assistant Becca Gordon (760) 901-4327 [email protected]

Graduate Contact [email protected]

Please note: Products and services referenced and the links provided here are for your information and convenience only; no affiliation can be assumed through linking with a site. Canine Companions for Independence makes no warranty expressed or implied as to the content, safety, product, or quality of any and all linked pages.

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