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WaspsByAbigailcondliffe1What do wasps eat?A wasp eats a lot of different things but mostly nectar, pollen, and honey. They also like fizzy drinks perhaps soda or sprite. Some wasps eat other wasps eggs!They get their food from what humans make, bees make (honey), and plants that grow.They can steal from other wasps hives to get their food too.

Whats wasps life cycle?A wasp starts out as a tiny egg it grows out of its egg and turns into a larva, next it sheds off the larva to turn into the pupa stage, soon it will be a adult wasp.

What do wasps look like?Head ThoraxAbdomenAntennaCompoundEyesMouthparts LegsWingsStingerA wasp is the size of a paper clip.What are wasps habitats?All wasps live in hives. They build their hives in places like parks, trash cans, farms, homes, and a lot of other places. They could be hiding almost everywhere! But they mostly love houses: they hide inside, outside, they just love them.

Who are wasps enemies?A wasps enemies are other hives that steal from them.They also hate birds, spiders, and ants.A wasp defends itself with a stinger.The stinger doesnt just sting people it can sting other things too like: insects and animals.

Whats a mud wasp?A mud wasp is a wasp that builds their hive out of mud. They make tunnels out of mud too.The funny thing about a mud wasp is how their abdomen is shaped.

How do you know who Is the queen wasp?The female wasps do a egg laying contest to find out who is the best egg layer.The wasp that wins will be crowned Queen.This competition includes eating eggs and stealing nests.The queen has to have over 3 husbands to lay enough eggs for the hive.The queen lays her eggs on a caterpillar so the egg can suck its blood until its a grown wasp.

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