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The Way To Liberating Makkah


1. Verily We have granted you a clear victory:2. So God may forgive your past sins and those that you

may do later,and He will guide you on the Straight path;

3. And that God may grant you a great victory

الفتح سورة

The Prophet Prepares for the Liberation of Makkah

Abu Sufyan came to Madina calling the Muslims to renew the treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah.The Prophet refused to renew the treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah because he was sure that the Quraysh would break it again in the future.He asked his people,followers and allies across Arabia to prepare for the war.The prophet(PBUH) told everyone to keep the plan a secret,although people thought he might be going to Makkah,and some thought that he was going to Syria to punish the Romans for killing Ziad Ibn Harithah and other Muslim leaders at Mu’tah.

The Slip of Hatib Ibn Abi Balta’ah

He was a Muslim who embraced IslamHe fought in the Prophet’s army in the battle of BadrHe migrated to Makkah but he couldn’t bring all of his family to Makkah and he was always worried about his familyWhen he became aware of Prophet’s plans he guessed that Makkah was the target. Therefore,he wrote a letter to the Quraysh informing them the possible attack on Makkah.He gave his letter to his female slave and sent her off to Makkah.

Prophet came to know about it and he sent Ali and Az-Zubayr Ibn-ul-Awwam to receive the letter.They caught the slave and after threatening her she gave the letter.The letter was brought to Prophet.Hatib admitted his mistake and said that he did this because he wanted to protect his family.Muslims were angry at Hatib but Prophet(PBUH) excused him because he was one of the companions of Badr.Later, Allah revealed Surat-ul-Mumtahinah which adresses the story of Hatib.

Faith in Action

Remember always that Allah knows of everything you and all others do.He may, in mysterious ways, let your parents, teachers, elders or friends know of your bad choices,especially those that might hurt your family or community.Therefore, it is better for you and everyone to avoid such mistakes and always be faithful to your loved ones and your community.

The Quraysh Taken by Surprise

The prophet’s army was so well organised,the Quraysh were taken by surprise.The makkans knew nothing about their arrival until the army was only half a day away from their destination.When the prophet rested he ordered the soldiers to set up big campfires to let the Quraysh know that they are very close to them and will invade soon.

Al-Abbas mediates with the Quraysh

Al-Abbas Ibn Abdul-Mutttalib, Prophet Muhammed(PBUH)’s uncle had embraced Islam secretly for about one year before the campaign on Makkah.He had always been a friend of Prophet Muhammed(PBUH).When Al-Abbas(SAW) saw the huge preparations of the muslim army, he was afraid that a massacre might occur if the army entered Makkah.He wanted to help the Muslims liberate Makkah without bloodshed.After he and the Prophet had discussed the situations, Al-Abbas set out his journey of peace.When he got to Makkah,he told the people of Makkah that resistance to the Prophet was impossible.

Abu Sufyan CapturedWhen Al-Abbas headed towards Makkah, Abu Sufyan,Hakeem Ibn Hizam, and Budayl Ibn Warqaa’ set off to the outskirts of Makkah hoping to hear some news. By Allah’s wise plans,Al-Abbas saw Abu Sufyan and his companions.Al-Abbas heard the conversation between Abu Sufyan and Budayl Ibn Warqa’. He told the leaders of Quraysh(Abu sufyan and Budayl Ibn Warqa’) that it would be impossible defeating the Muslim army.He suggested that it would be best to meet Prophet Muhammed(PBUH).

Al-Abbas promised that Abu Sufyan would be under his protection.Abu Sufyan was attacked by Omar Ibn Al-Khattab(RA) and as Al-Abbas said, he protected Abu Sufyan.Finally the prophet ordered Al-Abbas to bring Abu Sufyan to him the next morning.

Abu Sufyan and others embrace Islam

The Prophet held a meeting in his tent when Abu Sufyan was brought to him.The Prophet said:”Abu Sufyan! Woe unto you;isn’t it time that you knew ‘la-illaha ill-allah’(there is no god but Allah)?”Abu Sufyan Said:”By my father and mother,how kind and generous you are,surely if I was sure there was a God beside Allah,they would have helped me by now”.The Prophet said:”Woe unto you, Oh Abu Sufyan! Isn’t it time you knew that I’m the messenger of Allah?”

Abu Sufyan:”But this, I still have something inside me against it.”Al-Abbas became angry with Abu Sufyan and demanded him to quit his arrogance and declare shahadah,and he did.Abu sufyan had heard the Quran before and he had witnessed the enthusiasm of Muslims.His faith in idols had been shaken,but had reluctant to leave something he had raised with since childhood.He didn’t want to lose his power amongst the Arabs.He acknowledged Islam,but not in clear terms.He then declared the shahadah,the testimony of faith, and was now a true Muslim.

Prophet Muhammad Honors Abu Sufyan

The prophet said:”who enters the house of Abu Sufyan shall be safe. He who shuts himself up in his own house and locks his door shall be safe and he who enters the Masjid in Makkah shall be safe.” When Abu Sufyan announced this to the people of Makkah some rejected what Abu Sufyan called for them for and prepared to fight.However,the vast majority of Quraysh people submitted to what Abu Sufyan said and followed through.

Meanwhile,another Abu Sufyan,Abu Sufyan Ibn-ul-Harith Ibn Abdul-Muttalib,the cousin of prophet ,came to visit the prophet along with Abdullah Ibn Abi ‘Ummayyah Ibn-ul-Mugheerah,brother of Ummu Salamah,prophet(SAW)’s wife.The Prophet hesitated to meet with them because they had treated him and the Muslims very badly in the past.Ummu Salamah urged the Prophet to forgive and pardon them.Eventually, the Prophet pardoned them and they accepted Islam.


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