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    Recommended CitationQuarterly, Vol. 08, no. 4 (1962, December), p. 44-50

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  • We P r e s e n t . . . OUR NEW ASSOCIATES

    Atlanta — The audit staff welcomes Sherman C. Burgess, who graduated from Georgia State College.

    Chicago — Donald Teigen recently joined the Chicago audit staff after completing two years of service with the Army Audit Agency. He entered the service immediately after his grad-uation from the University of Wis-consin in 1960.

    Two additions to the office staff are Elizabeth Fico and Verla Deck.

    Dayton — Tom Jeckering, University of Dayton student, joined our proof reading department for the winter season.

    Denver — We have three additions to the audit staff. Ray Clements came to Denver from Brigham Young Univer-sity, where he received his B.S. and M.S. degrees. John Guerin, a gradu-ate of the University of Denver, joined this office after being in partnership in Denver. George Olson joined the staff after graduating from the Uni-versity of Colorado with a B.S. in Business.

    Detroit — Recent additions to the De-troit tax department are Louis C. Bosco, Jr., who received a Ph.B. de-gree in Commerce from the University of Notre Dame and an L.L.B. degree from the University of Detroit; and

    Bray E. Liston, who has a B.S. degree from West Virginia University.

    Executive Office — Anne Peteroy and Drue Devlin are new secretaries. Olga Rodriguez is a new bookeeper.

    Grand Rapids — Howell H. Ridley is working in the Grand Rapids Office this fall. He is a student at the Univer-sity of Michigan, Dearborn Center, under the cooperative student training program.

    Houston — On October 1 Charles W. Philips joined the audit staff of the Houston Office. He received his B.S.I.M. in June from Georgia Tech and entered the service on graduation from college.

    Harry W. Dillashaw, Jr. joined the audit staff as intern on September 10. He attended the University of Texas from 1959 to 1961 and has recently been attending evening classes at the University of Houston. He expects to receive his B.B.A. in accounting from Texas in June 1963.

    Kansas City — Recent additions to the Kansas City audit staff include Robert B. Miller, Jr. and John Edward Mutti. Mr. Miller returned to the Kansas City staff after an absence of six months spent working with a local firm. Mr. Mutti, a graduate of the University of Missouri, was formerly on the staff of


  • another national firm. Lucille Wolf is the new switchboard operator.

    Los Angeles — New members of the Los Angeles professional staff include Nelson F. Gibbs, Jr., who has a B.C.E. from Clarkson College of Technol-ogy at Potsdam, New York and an M.S.I.M. from Purdue. William R. Wolanow has a B.S. in Business Ad-ministration and an L.L.B., both from U.C.L.A. Mr. Wolanow is currently working on his L.L.M. degree in Taxa-tion at the University of Southern Cal-ifornia. Jerry Burdick has a B.B.A. from Woodbury College in Los An-geles. Mr. Burdick was valedictorian of his class and graduated cum laude. Cecil Zezula has a B.A., B.S. and L.L.B. from Montana University and an L.L.M. from New York University.

    Alice Findley became our office manager in September. A CPA, she was previously on our audit staff. Lor-raine Jordane, Anita Ellison, Marion Saito, Barbara Neese, Elota Scott and Diane Gentry are new to our office staff.

    Management Services Central Staff — C. Robert Frye recently joined the Computer Systems Department as a member of the Financial Institutions Group. Mr. Frye, a graduate of Tem-ple University, is a CPA and comes to us from RCA where he was branch manager for the EDP Division in the New York area.

    Memphis — We are pleased to welcome the following people who have joined the Memphis Office: Anne N. Hamil-ton, a graduate of the University of Mississippi with a B.B.A. degree and a C.P.A.; Eldon H. Patterson, also a graduate of the University of Missis-sippi with a B.B.A. degree and a C.P.A.; Robert G. Colvard, a graduate

    of Memphis State University with a B.B.A. degree. Sandra Lee Dick will be secretary to Clinton R. Pearson, partner in charge.

    Milwaukee — Mayme Solberg joined the firm in August as secretary to Roger Froemming.

    Minneapolis—John McFarland, a grad-uate of Marquette University, joined us in September. Mr. McFarland has been with a St. Paul firm of attorneys for the past four years. Karen Cham-plin, a graduate of the University of Oklahoma, is new in the tax depart-ment.

    New York — Leslie Barth joined the New York staff in September. Mr. Barth, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard Law School, was originally engaged in 1960 but military service prevented his employ-ment until this fall.

    Philadelphia — A new addition to our statistical typing department is Veron-ica B. Morris.

    Phoenix — Bryan Wright, who has a Master's degree from Oklahoma State, and Andrea Sandretto, a recent gradu-ate of Michigan State University, have joined our professional staff. Thelma Thiessen is new to our stenographic department.

    San Diego — Wilhelmine C. Livingston has joined the staff as secretary to George F. Meitner, partner in charge. Merilyn J. Smith is new in our typing and multilith department.

    San Francisco — We welcome Joseph Burns, who has an M.B.A. from Stan-ford University; David Fuhriman, B.S. from Brigham Young University; John Hubbard and Peter Walling, both with B.S. degrees from the University of

    DECEMBER 1962 45

  • California; and Frederick Murata, B.S. and M.S. from San Jose State.

    Hans Bloch is the new head book-keeper in the San Francisco Office, and Myrtle Sayers is a newcomer in the bookkeeping department.

    San Jose — Andrew L. Brandt, new senior on our audit staff, was educated in Holland and later became an ar-ticled student for a firm of chartered accountants in Canada. He speaks

    Atlanta — Donald C. Peterson, for-merly with the Chicago Office, recently transferred to the Atlanta Office audit staff; and George Vest, formerly of the Washington Office, has transferred to the Atlanta Office to head the tax department.

    Boston — Walter Barker has been trans-ferred from the Boston Office tax de-partment to the audit staff, and Peter Power from the audit staff to the tax department as of October 1.

    Chicago — Henry C. Korff has re-cently transferred to the Executive Of-fice from the Chicago Office to direct our national recruiting program.

    Dayton — Keith A. Cunningham trans-ferred from the Detroit Office to the Dayton Office on September 1.

    Kansas City — George R. Cramsey transferred to the San Diego Office in September. Robert M. Mehlinger, a member of the audit staff for three years, resigned September 30 to join a local public accounting firm in

    Dutch, French and German in addi-tion to excellent English.

    Nancy Marley is our statistical typist and Winifred Dyer is our new book-keeper.

    Washington — Maxine J. Ellis is Kar-ney Brasfield's new secretary. Frances J. Young has joined our staff as book-keeper. Carol Anne Auth has also joined the staff as secretary. She was an honor graduate of The Washington School for Secretaries in June.

    Topeka, Kansas. Vernon B. Mucke, also a three-year staff member, re-signed August 31 to form a partnership with his brother in the grocery busi-ness.

    Philadelphia — We are delighted to welcome back Millard L. Breiden who will head the Management Services staff after having spent one year in Detroit receiving diversified manage-ment services experience. We also wel-come Roger C. Markhus, who trans-ferred from the Detroit Office to take over as head of the tax department here.

    San Diego — Glen A. Olson transferred from the Kansas City Office to the San Diego Office as Administrative Man-ager on September 15.

    San Francico — David Nagao trans-ferred here from the Honolulu Office.

    San Jose — On October 15, Richard G. Shuma transferred to the San Jose Office from Denver; Mr. Shuma is now our audit manager.




    Atlanta — James A. Westbrook has re-signed to take a position with a local firm in Durham, North Carolina.

    Boston — Thomas P. Nee resigned to become controller of O. G. Kelley Co., a lead-burning company. Mr. Nee was a member of the Audit Staff for four years.

    Chicago — Jack Anderson has returned to the University of Wisconsin to work on a Master's Degree, and Marvin Pil-chen resigned to attend Harvard Law School.

    Dayton — L. Luke Ware resigned as of September 30 to become a partner in a local firm, R. S. Thompson & Co., C.P.A., in Richmond, Indiana. Ches-ter W. Russ resigned recently to accept a position as controller of the Clarion, Pa. plant of Divco-Wayne Industries, a client. Peter J. Hackett also resigned to become associated with a local firm in Ohio.

    Detroit — Donald R. Miesel recently joined a Detroit client, Bryant & Det-wiler Co., as controller. In September, Donald W. Graham resigned to accept a position as treasurer with the Five R's Corporation, a Detroit Office client.

    Executive Office — Terry Greenlees, for many years secretary to Wallace M. Jensen, resigned in September to be married. She will make her home in Detroit.

    Milwaukee — David Johnson has ac-cepted a position with Brownberry

    Ovens, Inc., a client. William Birming-ham, who interned during the summer, returned to his studies in September.

    New York — The Alumni of the New York Office held their Annual Dinner on October 5. About 90 men were present, which was the largest attend-ance to date at this annual affair.

    Samuel Siegel, assistant treasurer of Nuclear Corporation of America, has been elected a director of Vulcraft Corporation, South Carolina. Vulcraft, a manufacturer of lightweight steel joists, was recently purchased by Nu-clear, a client of our Phoenix Office. Mr. Siegel was formerly with our New York Office.

    Portland — Stephen Swanson has re-turned to the University of Idaho to attend law school after working at the Portland Office for two years.

    St. Louis — Warren B. Lammert re-signed to accept a position with Gen-eral Steel Industries, Inc.

    San Francisco — Edward Pisenti of our Tax Department has left the firm. He purchased a public accounting firm in Santa Rosa. Richard Woods is going into private industry. Boyd Burnison has left the firm to become deputy County Counsel of Yolo County, California.

    San Jose — Austin J. Hanika resigned on October 15. He was Audit Man-ager.

    DECEMBER 1962 47


    Boston — Lt. Frank L. Fiorentino, who is serving with the U. S. Army in Korea, writes that he has been assigned new duties doing accounting work for his unit.

    Chicago — Michael Henn writes from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri that he is now an Aviation Repair Parts Specialist.

    Detroit — Frederick J. Schwab has re-joined the Detroit audit staff after a six-month tour of active duty in the army, and Robert M. Reuss has left the audit staff to fulfill his six-month obligation.

    Houston — Wesley Ashendorf returned to the tax staff on October 9 after two years in the service.

    Los Angeles — Roderick Thomson is serving six months with the Air Force Reserve in Lackland, Texas.

    Milwaukee — Milton H. Kult returned from six months of active service in the armed forces, Matthew Mandt re-turned from active duty at Ft. Lewis, Washington, and Robert F. Hollman was called to active duty on October 28.

    Minneapolis-Richard McMahon was recalled to active service with the air-

    borne division of the U. S. Army on October 29.

    Two members of the audit staff were welcomed back from the armed serv-ices in October — Dowlan Nelson and Richard Kostboth.

    New York — The New York Office lost several members of the 1962 Col-lege Group to military service: Irwin Cohen, Fred Hiller, Michael Fragale and Eric Gustafson.

    Joseph Prestifilippo, Robert Land-herr and Herbert Wender have re-joined the Audit Staff after a year's active duty with their respective Re-serve Groups. All three were called up during the Berlin crisis.

    Daniel P. McCaigue has also rejoined the staff after two years with the Army.

    Philadelphia — We welcome back Car-roll E. Hartman to our audit staff after six months duty with the Air Force.

    St. Louis — We were happy to welcome back Raymond E. Noones and Gerald L. Winkler after their six-month tours of duty with the Army. James A. Clarkson left the office in October for six months service in the Army at Fort Leonard Wood.

    Watch for these articles in

    • Supermarkets —

    future issues of the


    • Tax Problems of Savings and

    • Assembly Line Bal

    Big Business


    Loan Associations





    On October 18 the Boston Office held a staff meeting to discuss the Revenue Act of 1962. Robert Margil led a group discussion on the new deprecia-tion guidelines and the investment credit section of the Act.

    All members of the Boston Office attended a staff meeting held on Sep-tember 20 at which Donald Keller led a discussion on Profitability Account-ing.

    Several members of the Boston Of-fice are presently enrolled in a home study course offered by IBM on punch card accounting.


    Effective September 1, Page Thibo-deaux was made manager in charge of the Cleveland Office, while Roy Holzman took up the duties of admin-istrative manager.

    Los Angeles

    Niranjan Desai, a partner from the Bombay Office, is visiting the Los An-geles Office. He will stay with us about six months.

    Management Services Central Staff

    Roger Crane, as Director of the Man-agement Services Central Staff, also has been given responsibility for the direction of management services on a national basis. In this connection, Roger will be working directly with all

    of the offices in the development of management services and in the direc-tion of training of management serv-ices personnel.


    September 1 was the formal opening of the St. Paul Office in the new De-gree of Honor Building in downtown St. Paul, just off Kellogg Boulevard overlooking the Mississippi River. Einar Ross is the manager in charge of the office and Richard Guinand is supervisor. Others transferred from Minneapolis are William Nelson, in charge of tax, and Gerald McGrath and Donald Engen. Colette Cour-chaine is the new office secretary.


    The Pittsburgh Office started an in-novation in training programs by spon-soring a staff training program for wives. The purpose of the meeting was to tell the wives things their hus-bands did not tell them about Touche, Ross, Bailey & Smart and to ask for their help in making the Pittsburgh Office a better place to work.

    The meeting was a dinner affair in which the staff and their wives were divided into tables of eight. Each table was headed by a partner, manager or supervisor. The balance of the table was made up of a representative seg-ment of the senior and junior tech-nical staff and office personnel.

    After a talk by Louis Werbaneth, partner in charge, the staff and their wives remained at their tables for a

    DECEMBER 1962 49

  • buzz session of about 30 minutes. During this time there were questions concerning overtime, travel and pro-motions. The program was very well received and will probably become an annual part of the Pittsburgh staff training program.

    St. Louis

    The St. Louis Office participated in the Career Day activities sponsored by the St. Louis Chapter of the Missouri Society of CPAs. We had as guests two faculty representatives and a group of students who are majoring in ac-counting at five universities. The group was welcomed by James Carroll

    and then Messrs. Bauer, Maloney and Phegley discussed a career in account-ing, working papers, reports, our staff training programs and the responsi-bilities and ethics of the certified pub-lic accountant.

    San Francisco

    In a realignment of responsibilities in the San Francisco Office, Milton M. Gilmore has been appointed partner in charge, succeeding Leroy Schadlich, who will concentrate on his tax activ-ities as head of the San Francisco tax department and as a member of the Tax Committee of the American In-stitute and the California State Society.

    Seventeen TRB&S people become new CPAs


    Richard Gallagher Donald McLean

    *Cherie Mertens Ronald Stone


    * James J. Flannery

    * Richard A. Patterson Robert J. Smith

    *Laurance A. Solomonson Ramon P. Vallez

    Los Angeles

    -Robert H. Pilch *Jess W. Moore, Jr.


    * Robert C. McCurry


    John J. Jefferies Henry T. Mason


    * James Ascher * Morwin T. Rockowitz * Gerald McCormick

    * Passed on first attempt.


    University of MississippieGrove1962

    We presentAnonymousRecommended Citation


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