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Page 1: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.
Page 2: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16th April to 19th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various activities, for example: mountain biking, horse riding, archery, mountain hiking, exc… We identified various plants and flowers of the wood and maquis. We did a lot of things during the evenings: karaoke, disco and we watched a film. In conclusion, we liked this school camp very much because we made important experiences that improved our relationship and behaviour, we learnt to be more responsible, to be a group and work together.

Page 3: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

Ecco la macchia mediterranea dove sono presenti: alloro, rosmarino, ginepro, oleandro, leccio, quercia, liquirizia, ma anche …

Page 4: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.
Page 5: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

La liquirizia è una pianta presente nella macchia mediterranea. Estraendo la sua radice, che può arrivare fino al metro di lunghezza, si ricava appunto la liquirizia (ovviamente sarebbe bene prima pulirla dalla terra). In quella comune ci aggiungono un colorante per farla diventare nera.

Page 6: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

Il ginepro ha una forma cespugliosa, può essere alto fino a 15 m, ha una chioma densa, verde scuro. Il tronco è molto robusto, contorto e ramificato alla base. Le sue foglie sono appiattite, rigide, pungenti e di colore verde scuro.

Page 7: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

Gli iris di palude sono molto diversi da quelli comuni. Infatti questi iris sono alti, a volte, più di due metri al di fuori della palude e crescono grazie alle inondazioni del fiume nei mesi di piena.

Page 8: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

Negli stagni mediterranei, sono presenti tartarughe e piccoli serpentelli marini che a metà anno vanno in letargo

Page 9: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

Dopo una lunga camminata nella macchia mediterranea … è arrivato il marino!!!

Page 10: We went to Policoro (Basilicata), from 16 th April to 19 th April. We had a lot of fun there; we visited interesting and beautiful places and we did various.

Ecco gli autori Francesca G. Luam Rebecca Alice

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