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Page 1: Web-Based Temporal Typography for Musical Expression … · Web-Based Temporal Typography for Musical Expression and ... ther show a number of examples that illustrate ... of a web-browser

Web-Based Temporal Typography for Musical Expression

and Performance

Sang Won LeeComputer Science and Engineering

University of Michigan2260 Hayward Ave

Ann Arbor, MI [email protected]

Georg EsslElectrical Engineering & Computer Science

University of Michigan2260 Hayward Ave

Ann Arbor, MI [email protected]

Figure 1: Live Writing : Gloomy Streets using Web-Based Temporal Typography. The poem written by Pain

ABSTRACTThis paper introduces programmable text rendering thatenables temporal typography in web browsers. Typing isseen not only as a dynamic but interactive process facili-tating both scripted and live musical expression in variouscontexts such as audio-visual performance using keyboardsand live coding visualization. With the programmable textanimation , we turn plain text into a highly audiovisualmedium and a musical interface which is visually expressive.We describe a concrete technical realization of the conceptusing Web Audio API, WebGL and GLSL shaders. We fur-ther show a number of examples that illustrate instances ofthe concept in various scenarios ranging from simple tex-tual visualization to live coding environments. Lastly, wepresent an audiovisual music piece that involves live writingaugmented by the visualization technique.

Author KeywordsWeb Audio, Visualization, Live Coding, Live Writing

ACM ClassificationH.5.5 [Information Interfaces and Presentation] Sound andMusic Computing, H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Pre-sentation] User Interfaces — Screen design

1. INTRODUCTIONTextual performance interfaces and textual visualizationsare common in computer music performance. Text is the

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NIME’15, May 31-June 3, 2015, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge, LA.

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basic building block of modern computer music software, forexample, in live coding [9]. On the other hand, textual visu-alization is a powerful medium to convey the idea“literally.”Turning plain text into a visual mean a↵ords novel oppor-tunities for musical expression and performance. Temporaltypography - text that moves or changes over time - can beused to express music in visual, textual, and control man-ners. For musicians, this becomes an attractive channel bywhich they can communicate with the audience. In thispaper, we introduce the foundation upon which the idea isbuilt. We further elaborate the core ideas and describe theimplementation structure. This is followed by a numberof proof-of-concept examples and a music piece that showsthe potential of this work in audiovisual performance mu-sic. Finally, we outline future research plans that are madepossible by the system.


Textual information is ubiquitous in digital music instru-ments, especially given the proliferation of music softwaretools and audiovisual performance. Text as an expressivemedium for the purpose of better audience communicationcan be found in many forms, tag-cloud [16], audiovisual per-formances[4], audience participation music piece [10] andinteractive installation [32]. Text is used as basic buildingblocks in most audio programming languages such as MAX[24], Pure Data [25], SuperCollider [21] and Chuck [33].In live coding [9], in particular, the code text projection

plays a significant role in communicating with the audiencein live coding performance. This principle is captured wellin the following statement of TOPLAP1 manifesto: “Ob-scurantism is dangerous. Show us your screens.” By screensharing, the audience can draw possible connections be-tween the algorithm (code text) and its outcome (generative



Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 31-June 3, 2015

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music). Live coders have made e↵orts to develop techniquesto help audience understand live coding, for example, ac-cessible variable naming conventions or writing code from aclean slate [5].Instead of projecting the plain code text editor, live cod-

ing environments/language has been developed to have vi-sual artifacts as part of the code outcome. These visualsare designed to help audience members associate them withgenerative sound. Some live coding music environmentschoose to overlay generative graphics on top of/behind/nextto the code text and create visualization that can be mappedto the audio signal [14, 19, 27]. In contrast, there are livecoding environments where visual information is embeddedin the code text. SchemeBricks flashes code blocks whenthe instruction triggers certain sound events [23]. ixi langutilizes programming syntax with which the spatial positionof each symbol is interpreted as a rhythmic pattern of music[20]. LOLC visualizes code text from networked performersonly at the moment of code execution (as opposed to reveal-ing the whole process of typing), like chat messages in aninstant messenger; the code generates visual patterns thatrepresent tunes [19]. Swift and co-workers discuss the useof visual annotation one three aspect of live-coding: (1) thecode text (State of Code), (2) the program state (State ofWorld), and (3) the relationship between two [30]. In a re-cent update of Gibber [26], the authors added visualizationdirectly on code text, which highlights a literal correspond-ing to a sound at the moment and changes text propertiesaccording to audiovisual output [28]. Indeed, expressiveways to visualize code text will be beneficial not only formore appealing visuals but also to help audience associatecode text with music.


Modern web browsers have become a common platformfor music making in many di↵erent contexts. A numberof previous works of web-based music applications discussthe advantages of using web browser as a computer mu-sic platform. Common reasons are: (1) no installation re-quired, (2) platform independent, (3) rich set of open-sourcelibraries and (4) easy to distribute an application. Webbrowsers have been deployed in collaborative music mak-ing, networked musical systems [3, 6] and audience partici-pation [13, 15, 34], to name a few usages. Recently, a WebUI toolkit has been introduced to support rapid prototypingof graphical user interfaces for music web apps [31].The Web Audio API [29] accelerated emerging trends of

web browser-based music applications. In [35], the viabilityof a web-browser as a computer music platform is evaluatedin terms of timing and extensibility. There are many livecoding environments built on the web browser using WebAudio API, including Gibber[26], Lich.js [22], wavepot.com[1], and livecodelab [11]. The Web Audio API also invitedthe development of high-level wrapper for better accessibil-ity [8, 27]. Many of these web browser-based music appli-cations will benefit from temporal typography that takesinput from a variety of inputs.

4. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATIONThe goal of this work is to realize a font-rendering systemthat supports expressive animations that can respond toboth live and recorded music while facilitating the injec-tion of a range of control mechanisms. The result is thesupport of expressive textual artistic expression. Its liveproperties is what di↵erentiates it from common temporaltypography techniques, i.e., kinetic typography [17]. Ki-

netic typography is usually created with a special software(such as Adobe After E↵ects) in a slow o↵-line authoringprocess and the outcome is fixed media (video) that doesnot change. Although this video outcome may create con-vincing visuals, it is not appropriate for live musicians whowant real-time interactivity in text. Our work seeks to pro-vide an on-line form of temporal typography. In addition,the approach is flexible in input and can take real-time in-put from any source such as sensors and live audio. WebGLtakes advantages of accessibility, extensibility, and the grow-ing popularity of web browsers while employing the powerof OpenGL-based graphical rendering. The current imple-mentation of temporal typography utilizes state-of-the-artweb browser graphics libraries. It is written in javascript,WebGL [2] and Three.js [7] to draw text on HTML5 canvasobjects.One important technical factor in the implementation is

the emphasis of the use, for animation, of a computer’sgraphics processing unit (GPU). The number of letters canbe quite large for a certain context, potentially requiringsubstantial computational power. Making heavy use of theGPU for animations leaves the CPU available for audio pro-cessing and user input handling on the web browser. Im-plementing an animation algorithm in GPU can be doneusing OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) shaders. GLSLis a high-level programming language syntactically close toC. There are two types of programmable shaders in GLSL:the vertex shader (operates on every vertex) and the frag-ment shader (runs per pixel). In this work, we update theposition of vertices in the vertex shader, which can deforma letter in its shape, size, position, orientation, and rota-tion. The fragment shader is also used to change color andto manipulate texel (texture coordinate). For instance, thedistorted letters of Step 4 from Figure-2 were created us-ing sine wave to parametrically displace the texture coordi-nates. The main application written in javascript can com-municate with GLSL shaders using uniform and attributevariables. For example, to change the font size based on thevolume of audio, the WebGL program can set the value ofa uniform variable, named volume, and then the variable ispassed to the vertex shader to change the positions of thevertexes of letters. Attribute variable is used for the samepurpose while attribute variables are defined per vertex.There are four steps that constitute the final visualiza-

tion (see Figure-2). The first step is to create a font textureatlas that allows for fast font rendering. The second stepis to layout letters of the writing and generate the arrayof vertices. The texture associated with the array vertexis based on the texture coordinates of the font glyph fromthe texture atlas. For example, to draw “Hello, World” onscreen, the second step would create a vertex array for 12squares (which provide 48 vertices) and assign texture coor-dinates for each vertex. The third step is to generate datathat is needed to animate the text (or part of the text)that will be passed to GLSL shaders. For example, if onewants to create a “Hello, World” that fades out over time,one need to create a uniform variable for the vertex shaderand send timestamp values to the vertex shader using thisvariable. In the fourth step, the GLSL shaders create an-imation e↵ects using whatever data is fed from the thirdstep. For example, for fading out, the color of the fragmentshould be the product of the original color and a variablethat goes from 1 to 0 over time based on the timestampuniform variable passed from the javascript part. The firststep determines the font-family and the resolution of thefont that the visualization uses. The second step deter-mines the placement of the text that the animation will bebased on. The third and fourth steps are the placeholders


Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 31-June 3, 2015

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Figure 2: The procedure of programmable temporal typography

for the algorithmic visualization. Steps 1-3 of the algorithmof temporal typography are implemented in javascript whileStep 4 is implemented in GLSL.Interactive text in motion enabled by the algorithm above,

does o↵er a wide range of expressivity. Algorithms writ-ten in javascript and GLSL shaders can access a varietyof text properties, to name a few, font size, shape, posi-tion, color, texel (texture coordinate per fragments). Onthe other side, the algorithm can take input from audio sig-nals, user input (keystrokes, mouse, camera, microphone,etc.), and pre-processed data. The algorithm in betweenwill determine the mapping between these two sides andbe able to create diverse audiovisual artifacts on top of thetext.In conjunction with expressive text rendering, typingitself can be the site of the performance itself [12], leading toexpressivity not only in sound but associated type. Typinghas temporal characteristics which themselves can be madeparameters in mappings. For example rapid typing can bevisually and sonically di↵erentiated from slow typing.

5. EXAMPLE APPLICATIONSWe present several examples of programmable temporal ty-pography built on a web browser. These examples illustratea range of possible application domains of temporal typog-raphy. All these examples are accessible at:http://www.sangwonlee.com/temporal-typography

5.1 Example 1: Volume to Font SizeThe first example is a straight-forward illustration of sim-ple mapping. The z position (depth) of letters on screen isconnected to the volume of the audio signal. Steps 1 and 2are trivial tasks in preparing the font texture atlas and toplace letters in the layout of usual writing. In Step 3, us-ing Web Audio API, the javascript program plays an mp3file and creates an audio analyzer node to retrieve an arrayof samples and to calculate the overall volume of the sig-nal. Then the javascript program feeds shaders a uniformvariable with the volume. For Step 4, the vertex shader willincrease the z-position of letters (vertexes more specifically)in proportion to the volume value. Therefore, it creates ananimation e↵ect of increasing the font size in conjunctionwith the sound’s volume. In point of fact, the letters areput closer to the camera so that they look larger than whenin their original positions.

5.2 Example 2: Karaoke LyricKaraoke lyrics o↵er an example that explores audio signalin conjunction with timestamped scheduling data. The vi-sualization displays the lyrics of the Beatles’ song “Come

Together” and the music plays along with the visualization.As the song progresses, the lyrics that correspond to thevocal at a particular moment are made to stand out. Atthe same time all of the text jitters based on the volumeof the audio signal, using the same technique described inExample 1. The combination of two di↵erent visualizationsenable richer expression of the relationship of lyrics to themusic.For the implementation of this example, the javascript

program creates four types of input: overall volume, aver-age frequency, the timestamp data per each word (or sylla-bles), index of each letter as a vertex attribute. The firsttwo variables are global values that all vertices share andare linked to two uniform variables in the shader. The lasttwo variables are for the lyric progression, which is handleddi↵erently. First, timestamp data per word (or syllable) isannotated in advance. Second, while playing, the javascriptwill send two uniform variables - the starting-letter indexand ending-letter index, specifying the range of words thatshould stand out at one moment. In the meantime whenvertices are generated during Step 2, all vertices are givenan index attribute of the associated letter. The four ver-tices that make one letter will have the same letter index.Lastly, vertex shader changes the z coordinates of all thevertices whose letter index falls into the two uniform vari-ables passed from the script. As time passes, the draw func-tion will update this starting index and ending index so thatthe next word will stand out at the proper time.

5.3 Example 3 - 5: Microphone InputWhat the following three examples have in common is thatthey are based on input from a microphone; they di↵erin their visualization approach. Example 3 computes the↵t spectrum of the audio signal coming from the micro-phone and changes the height of the letter. The low fre-quency sound will heighten the left side of the text whilethe high frequency sound will lengthen the right side of thetext. Example 4 is similar, though that it makes the let-ter stroke convoluted with the weighted average frequencyof the sound that the microphone is capturing. This tech-nique is particularly interesting because it utilizes the frag-ment shader and manipulates texels (texture coordinates).The texel is adjusted so that a fragment color is set withthe color of a point displaced from the original position. InExample 5 vertices of each letter are displaced based on thetime domain data of the microphone audio signal. For allthree example above, the javascript part passes an arrayof audio data (either in frequency domain or time domain)


Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 31-June 3, 2015

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captured from the microphone to one of the shaders anddisplaces vertices’ positions (or texture position).

5.4 Example 6: Live Coding Code Visualiza-tion

This example demonstrate how the State of World (or theprogram state) in live coding can be visualized on top of thecode text using programmable temporal typography. Thisexample simulates a live coding editor where textual visu-alization is connected to the audio signal that is associatedwith the code. The sound outcome is composed of twosamples-drum and harp. The upper part of the text is thecode that generates the drum sound and the lower part theharp. Looking at the whole code with two visualizations,one can easily distinguish the code text related to the drumsound.We believe such textual visualization adds liveness to a

live-coding performance. Typically, a live coder’s typing isonly related to certain events in the near future except themoment of the code run. However, with this kind of vi-sualization, the audience will have a clearer idea of whichcode generates which sound regardless of which code the livecoder edits. It also enhances the audience’s anticipation.For example when the live coder modifies a parameter inthe part where the drum sound is convoluted, the audiencecan expect that there will be a change in the drum patternjust by looking at where the live coder writes, as opposed toexpecting that “something is going to happen.” In addition,when a live coder writes a program from scratch, the au-dience will be able to quickly di↵erentiate the code that ispresently generating sound from code yet to be submittedso still unavailable in the program state.The technique used in this example is the same as that

used in Example 5, with the exception of there being twosets of data for two types of sound: two arrays of timedomain audio data from two Web Audio analyser nodesplaying two generative patterns. Each node sends an arrayof uniform float variables to the vertex shader. The ver-tex shader checks vertex attributes to identify which array(drum or harp) to use and displace the vertex y positionbased on the selected data. To realize multiple tracks ofsound, multiple sets of data will simply be needed. How-ever, it should be noted that optimization is needed due tothe limit in the number of uniform/attribute variables thatthe shader can hold at once.

5.5 Example 7: Writing InterfaceThe last example demonstrates the potential of this workin an audiovisual performance where typing is the primarymusical control. There are two types of data used in this ex-ample: microphone input and inter-keystroke interval. Asa musician types a letter, it will appear on the screen asif it were a plain text editor with expressive visualization.The overall volume of the microphone input will change thesize of the letter so that the typing sound level is visualizedby the size of each letter. The average interval betweenkeystrokes is used to determine the motion of the text andto change the intensity of the font color. Keystrokes aremapped to control visualization and to trigger certain mu-sical events so that typing does generate, simultaneously,sound and visual with the textual content. This makes aunique audiovisual performance. The algorithm of sonifi-cation can be altered by typing a set of words selected inadvance that will help a musician progress the music piece.

6. LIVE WRITING - GLOOMY STREETS.As suggested in the previous section, the textual visualiza-tion introduces typing as a new performance interface that

not only produces a music piece but also presents a pieceof writing to audience. We presented an audiovisual musicpiece and strategically prefixed the title of the piece with“Live Writing”, emphasizing the real-time writing shown tothe audience (similar to what live coding does) and the livesound coming from the writing activity. While it is possibleto completely improvise the writing as well (so-called live-poetry), the writing content of the piece is borrowed from apoem, “Gloomy Streets” by Pain-a multi-instrumental mu-sician, composer, and lyricist. The music accompanied iscomposed by Lee with the poem in mind so that the com-position will reinforce the content of the poem.The piece is composed of three parts (or pages; see Figure-

1). The mapping between inputs and sound is pre-programmedto alter whenever a performer presses a shortcut, writes aspecial letter, or the writing reaches a certain length. In thepiece, interactivity of the piece mainly utilizes keystrokes toplay a set of samples, to trigger the onset of synthesis al-gorithms and to change the mapping as the piece progress.Microphone input is used to capture the sound of typing.The amplified sound of typing helps convey the idea of livewriting and introduces temporal dynamics of typing let-ters, words, and sentences. Towards the end of the piece,the algorithm incorporates more responsive and dynamicvisualization that combines techniques used in the afore-mentioned examples with typing sonification and composedsoundscape. The trackpad of the laptop is used to trig-ger synthesized tones and change the perspective of thecamera so that the writing can be viewed from di↵erentperspectives, creating three-dimensional visuals of writing.The piece, which premiered at the University of Michigan’sPerforming Arts and Technology Showcase 2015, was wellreceived. More detailed motivation and footage behind thepiece is available at www.sangwonlee.com/gloomy-streets.

7. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONIn this paper, we introduced programmable text renderingthat enables temporal typography on web browsers. Webelieve this is useful for textual performance interface andtextual visualization, as it expands the range of musical ex-pression and performance. The system is realized throughthe use of state-of-the-art Web Audio and Graphic libraries.The implementation of examples of distributed algorithmsin GPU and CPU are given in detail. We outlined our fu-ture plan to explore the system in the context of a musicperformance, open source API, and a live coding environ-ment.We believe this will be useful in live-coding environments

to help the audience better understand code text. We planto build temporal typography enabled live coding editorthat can be integrated with existing live coding languageson the web browser. The visualization of code text will beembedded in the editor and support textual visualizationby default, as seen in Example 6.In addition, typing that generates expressive animation

can create a form of highly audiovisual performance that in-corporates live writing, live poetry, sonification, and textualvisualization. We plan to develop an accessible javascriptlibrary to support easy integration of programmable tem-poral typography in any web-based performance. We applythe concept of a control signal graph to the textual visu-alization so that one can connect any input to a propertyof text (e.g., connecting audio output to font size). Ourgoal is to develop the system in such a way that it can eas-ily be incorporated in a wide range of web browser-basedaudiovisual performances for musical expression.With a number of applications in practice, we believe

there will emerge a set of interesting questions. Such ques-


Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 31-June 3, 2015

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tions may include: How will this text in motion enhance au-dience and musicians’ engagement with the interface? Howwill it impact the reading comprehension of textual infor-mation and assist information visualization? Finally, werecently explored the program state visualization separatefrom code text in the context of collaborative live coding[18]. This raised the intriguing question of how the tempo-ral typography changes the program state view, which canbe now integrated into the code text for networked collab-oration.

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Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, May 31-June 3, 2015

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