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Page 1: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

湖州市基本情况介绍湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有 2300多年

历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的重要城市,离杭州 75公里、上海 130公里、南京 220公里。市域面积 5818平方公里,下辖德清、长兴、安吉三县和吴兴、南浔两区,地貌结构丰富,俗称“五山一水四分田”,总人口 262万。2014

年全市经济总量达到 1955.96亿元人民币,增长 8.4%,人均GDP达 12041

美元。2014年 3月 4日,由中国中央电视台联合国家统计局、中国邮政集团公司、北京大学国家发展研究院共同举办的中国经济生活大调查结果出炉,湖州成为“中国最幸福的十大城市(地市级)”中的一员。这是湖州十几年如一日地坚持打造“生态、文化、和谐、精致”的幸福城市结出的硕果,也是中国元代著名诗人戴表元笔下“行遍江南清丽地,人生只合住湖州”的幸福重现。一是生态之城。湖州山水清丽、生态环境优美,“太湖、竹乡、古镇、名

山、湿地、古生态”六大旅游品牌享誉海内外。全市森林覆盖率、市区绿化率均保持在 50%以上。南浔古镇是中国十大魅力名镇之一;德清有全国四大避暑胜地—莫干山和江南最大的湿地—下渚湖;长兴有十里银杏长廊、扬子鳄、金钉子等古生态奇观;安吉是中国竹乡、全国首个生态县、全国第一个“联合国人居奖”获得县。中华人民共和国习近平主席在湖州调研时提出的“绿水青山就是金山银山”的重要论断正在湖州得到生动的实践。我市按照“生态优市”方针,始终做到城市发展与环境建设同步开展、与生态保护同步实施。在全国率先编制推行绿色GDP核算体系,并作为对下辖县区的考核导向;在全市开发区、园区实施生态化建设与改造,广泛开展绿色企业创建,鼓励膜法水处理行业等环保产业发展,积极发展循环经济;在浙江省率先实现了建制镇污水处理

Page 2: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

设施全覆盖,全市入太湖河流断面水质连续五年全部保持Ⅲ类水标准。湖州是全国首个地市级生态文明先行示范区,拥有国家级生态县 1个、国家级生态乡镇 42个、国家级生态村 2个,三县两区全部成为省级森林城市。湖州市生态环境质量公众满意度连续 6年位居全省前列。二是文化之城。湖州人文荟萃、文化底蕴深厚,素有“丝绸之府、鱼米之

乡、文化之邦”的美誉,人杰地灵,诞生了赵孟頫、吴昌硕、钱三强等一大批艺术家、科学家。湖州是湖笔文化、丝绸文化、茶文化、瓷文化的发源地,列为“文房四宝”之首的湖笔就产于湖州;市郊钱山漾遗址曾出土了有 4700多年历史、迄今为止世界上最悠久的蚕丝织物,湖州所产的“辑里湖丝”是中国首个参与 1851年英国伦敦首届“世博会”并获金奖的产品;茶圣陆羽在湖州完成了世界上首部茶学巨著《茶经》;湖州德清火烧山、亭子桥窑址发掘了中国目前最早的原始瓷龙窑遗迹。只有坚持历史文化的传承,城市才有灵魂。在“找出来、保下来、亮出来、用起来、串起来”的工作思路指引下,湖州市着力在城市建设中展示文化“精髓”、塑造城市“神韵”。结合旧城改造,先后修缮、复建、新建了子城城墙、陈英士故居、赵孟頫故居等一批文化项目;结合道路、公园改造,建设了项王出征、骆驼桥繁华图等一大批城市雕塑,其中霅溪公园群雕获得国家建设部一等奖;结合历史文化街区建设,重塑了沈家本、历代贤守、民国文化等一批具有地方特色的博物馆,启动了小西街历史文化街区保护性修缮。城市的人文气息日益浓厚,知名度与美誉度显著提升。三是和谐之城。湖州历来崇文重教,文化开放多元、包容并蓄,讲诚信、


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年位居浙江省前列。让城乡居民满意是城市发展的唯一标准,湖州市始终把民生需求作为城市发展的风向标,不断增强各项工作的为民属性和服务功能。十多年来,湖州市持续实施民生实事项目,每年都向社会公开征集项目,把与老百姓密切相关的住房、社保、就业、就医、就学等民生问题纳入其中,如探索建立了“6+2”城乡保障性住房体系,相继开工建设保障性住房面积超过 1000

万平方米,整体受益面达到 50万人。坚持把公共财政支出的方向和重点向民生领域倾斜,2014年全市用于医疗卫生、社会保障、教育等民生方面的支出占全市财政支出的 73.7%。坚持以城乡统筹为突破口,全力开展了村庄整治、美丽乡村创建、中心村集聚、示范带建设等工作,加快推进了城乡基础设施的一体化建设,推进公共服务均等化,逐步建立完善了覆盖城乡、惠及全民的城乡一体化发展模式,2014年城乡居民收入比仅为 1.74:1,优于全国平均水平,城乡差距不断缩小,在全国打响了“美丽乡村”品牌,成为“美丽中国”的发轫之地。四是精致之城。湖州市在城市发展中不与其它城市比高、比大,始终坚持


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岸”60公里水系综合整治工程,打造了连线成片的亲水滨河空间,形成了湖与城相伴、水与山交融、人与自然高度融合的格局,打响“秀水江南、清丽湖州”的城市品牌。在注重保护区域生态的同时,不断提升中心城市品位。焕发着现代气息的爱山广场和沉淀着悠久历史文脉的衣裳街区两大片区均已开放运营,更有苏宁大厦、双子大厦等一批地处老城区的重大项目相继崛起,一个充满活力的城市“CBD”已逐步形成。中心城市建成区面积从 2007年底的 74.4

平方公里增加到 2014年底的 99.2平方公里,全市城市化率达到 64%。

An Overview of Huzhou CityHuzhou is situated at the geographical center of Yangtze River Delta leading by Shanghai. It is a renowned cultural city with a history of more than 2300 years, an important element in Shanghai Metropolitan Circle. Huzhou is only 75 kilometers away from Hangzhou, 130 kilometers away from Shanghai, 220 kilometers away from Nanjing, covering an area of 5,818 square kilometers. There are Deqing, Changxing, Anji three counties and Wuxing, Nanxun two districts under jurisdiction of Huzhou Municipality, with a total population of 2.62 million. Huzhou features geomorphological diversity, commonly known as five-tenths of mountains, a tenth of waters and four-tenths of farming fields. The municipal GDP in 2014 hit 195.6 billion yuan, a jump of 8.4% year-on-year, while the per capita GDP reached 12,041 US dollars. On March 4, 2014, the results of the survey for China’s economic lives jointly conducted by CCTV, National Ministry of Statistics, China Postal Corporation and Beijing University National Development Research Institute were announced. Huzhou became one of the ten happiest prefecture-level cities in China. Huzhou has worked hard for years to build a happy city of ecology, culture, harmony and refinement and now it has come to fruition. The beautiful scenes depicted by the famous poet in Yuan Dynasty Dai Yuanbiao – Touring around the beautiful land in the south of Yangtze River, I’d only enjoy dwelling in Huzhou, has appeared again.First, Huzhou is a city of ecology. Huzhou has picturesque landscape and beautiful eco-environment, featuring “Taihu Lake, vast bamboo forests, ancient town, famous mountains, wetland and palaeoecological diversity” six tourist brands that are famous at home and abroad. The rates of the forest coverage and urban green coverage all remain above 50%. The Nanxun ancient town is titled as the top ten Chinese town of charm. Deqing is known for Mogan mountain – one of the four summer resorts of China, and Xiazhu lake - the largest wetland in the south of Yangtze River. Changxing is home to ten-mile corridor of ancient gingko trees, Yangtze alligators, Golden Spike ancient ecological wonders. Anji is the bamboo town of China and the first Chinese

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winner of UN Habitat Award. The important judgment proposed by Mr. Xi Jinping, the president of PRC, when he made an investigation in Huzhou, that blue mountains and green waters are the biggest wealth, has been put into vibrant practice in Huzhou. Guided by the policy of ecological dominance, the urban construction of Huzhou City is always synchronized with the environmental construction and ecological protection. We are among the first in the nation to formulate and implement the green GDP accounting system and uses it as the assessment criteria to examine the subordinate counties and districts. All the development zones and industrial parks have implemented the ecological construction and renovation. We widely initiate the establishment of environmental friendly enterprises, encourage the development of the environmental protection sector, such as membrane water treatment, and devote efforts to develop recycling economy. Huzhou city is the first in Zhejiang Province to cover all of its townships with sewage treatment. The water quality flowing into Taihu Lake has remained the Grade III water standard for five years running. Huzhou City is the first prefecture-level city which was granted the honor title of the national pilot model area for conservation culture. Now there are one national-level ecology county, 42 national-level ecology towns and 2 national-level ecology villages in Huzhou. The three counties and districts of Huzhou are all provincial-level forestry cities. The public satisfaction rate for ecological environment quality in Huzhou has ranked among the best in the province for six years running. Second, Huzhou is a city of culture. Huzhou boasts rich cultural heritages and was reputed as the home of silk, land of abundance and state of culture. Many famous artists and scientists in Chinese history were born in Huzhou. Huzhou is also the birthplace of Hu writing brush culture, silk culture, tea culture and porcelain culture. The first item of the four treasuries of the study, Hu writing brushes are made in Huzhou. The silk fabrics with a history of over 4,700 years have been unearthed at Qianshan Lake ruins in the outskirts of Huzhou City, which was known of the earliest silk fabrics found in the world. The Jilihu silk, produced in Huzhou, was awarded the gold medal in the first World Expo held in London in 1851. The first book in the world about tea culture was written by Lu Yu, the “tea sage”, in Huzhou in Tang Dynasty. Deqing County, Huzhou, excavated the primitive porcelain kiln sites that now are known of the earliest in China. Only when we stick to inheriting the history and culture can the city have its soul. In urban construction, Huzhou City stresses the demonstration of its cultural essence and forges the city of charm. In combination with the old city renovation, we have remedied, rebuilt and newly built a number of cultural projects such as ancient city wall, Chen Yingshi’s former residence and Zhao Mengfu’s former residence. In the road and park construction, we built King Xiang Yu’s Statue and Relief Sculpture showing bustling Camels Bridge in ancient time as well as other sculptures of the city, of which the sculptures in Zhaxi Park wined the first prize from the National Ministry of Construction. In combination with the construction of historical and cultural streets, we built a number of museums with local features, such as Shen Jiaben’s memorial, the memorial for sages in the Huzhou’s history and the memorial hall of the culture for the Republic of China etc. The renovation and protective remedy for Little West Street in the city has started up,

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too. The cultural ambience of the city is getting much richer and the city has gained high popularity and reputation.Third, Huzhou is a city of harmony. In the history, Huzhou advocates literacy and education. Its culture is opening, diversified and inclusive. The folk customs are pure and simple, and the locals are known for their honesty, integrity, and composure in disposition, and are easy to feel content and happy. The development in the urban and rural areas of Huzhou City is coordinated and the society is harmonious and stable. Huzhou has been honored the title of the safest and most harmonious city in the nation for years in a row. The senses of security and public satisfactions for the people’s livelihood have ranked among the front in Zhejiang Province for years running. Let urban and rural residents satisfy has been the only criteria for the city’s development. In Huzhou, the people’s livelihood and their demands are always the wind vane of the city’s development. The government insists in improving its service function. Many more projects to serve people have been implemented over the past decade or so. The government opens to the public to collect project proposals and put the people’s livelihood such as housing, social security, employment, medical service and education etc. into consideration. For example, we have explored the affordable housing system in urban and rural areas and built affordable housing with an area of 10 million square meters, and a half million of people have been benefited from the affordable housing projects. Huzhou sticks to incline its public fiscal expenditures to the fields of the people’s livelihood. In 2014, the spending on medical service, social security and education etc. accounted for 73.7% of the municipal total fiscal expenditures. Targeting the coordination between the urban and rural areas, Huzhou has forcefully initiated the village renovation, beautiful countryside construction, central villages and model area construction, revs up the integration of the urban and rural infrastructure facilities construction, facilitating the fair public service and working up an urban-rural integration development pattern that will cover all of the urban and rural areas and benefits all of people. The ratio between the urban and rural incomes in 2014 was only 1.74:1, better than the average level of the nation. The urban and rural gap is narrowed sustainably. Huzhou has successfully promoted the brand of “Beautiful Countryside” in China, and become the beginning place of “Beautiful China”.Fourth, Huzhou is a city of fineness. In the city development, Huzhou City doesn’t compare with other cities in terms of heights and sizes, but in terms of fineness and features. Featuring of lakes, mountains and waters, Huzhou vividly shows its beautiful lakeshore, mountains and waters in its construction and development. Huzhou is the only city named after the lake around Taihu Lake area. Guiding by the ideas of bringing the lake into the city and highlighting leisure and tourism, convention and exhibition, Huzhou has completed a number of the landmark projects, such as Moon Hotel, Fisherman’s Wharf, Lakeside Boulevard etc. A number of major tourist projects such as Southern Taihu Lake Joy Land, Changtian Lake Wetland Park and Dubai Wind Tunnel, now are under planning. A lakeside new city has shown its image and the late-development advantages of Southern Taihu Lake have already emerged. According to the concept of putting the mountains into the city, Huzhou has

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implemented the comprehensive development projects for Mt. Renhuang, Mt. Bian and Mt. Jingai, and promoted constructions of eight natural parks. According to the idea of handing the waters back to the people, Huzhou has deeply dug its water culture, developed water landscapes and boosted on-water tourism, and initiated the comprehensive project to harness 60 kilometers long rivers, and built riverside landscapes. A pattern that the lake accompanies the city, the mountains blends in water landscape, humans harmonize with the nature has been formed. The city’s tourist brand - “Beautiful Huzhou” has been promoted. While focusing on conservation of the regional ecology, Huzhou has enhanced the cultural tastes of the central city, too. The Aishan Square of modern styles and the historical and cultural Yishang Streets have been opened to public. A number of major projects such as Suning Plaza and Twin Towers have risen up in the old city area one after another. An energetic city CBD has taken form. The built-up area in the central city of Huzhou has increased from 74.4 square kilometers in 2007 to 99.2 square kilometers in 2014, with an urbanized rate of 64%.


序号 项目名称 项目行业 总投资(亿元)

1 生物医药产业园区项目 生物医药 500

2 下渚湖湿地风景区旅游度假村项目 旅游业 10

3 太湖文化石产业园项目 旅游业 3

4 西太湖盛家漾养生产业基地项目 服务业 50

5 图影高端康体养生健康城 康体养生 100

6 长兴县综合性三甲医院项目 医疗服务 10

7 黄浦江源旅游综合体项目 旅游业 6

8 灵峰旅游度假区灵峰寺旅游项目 旅游业 7.5

9 中国大竹海旅游区项目 旅游业 15

10 安吉东方健康医疗度假岛项目 医疗服务 17.5

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11 湖州丝绸小镇项目 服务业 50

12 东部新城健康医疗产业项目 医疗服务 20

13 妙峰山景区开发项目 旅游业 52

14 义家漾旅游综合开发建设项目 旅游业 15

15 古村落文化保护园项目 旅游业 3

16 南浔老年康复医院项目 医疗服务 2.5

17 南浔骨伤科医院项目 医疗服务 0.6

18 大健康产业园项目 康体养生 30

19 综合性三甲医院项目 医疗服务 8

20 生物医药产业化基地项目 生物医药 20

21 长田漾湿地开发项目 旅游业 20

Directory of Investment Projects for Healthcare and Senior Service Industry In Huzhou

No. Project Title IndustryTotal


01 Biopharmaceutical Industry Park Biopharmaceutical 50000 million

02Xiazhu Lake Wetland landscape Tourism resort project

Tourism 1000million

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03 Ornamental Stone Cultural Park Tourism 300 million04 Healthcare Service Facilities Service Sector 5000 million05 Tuying high-end fitness health city Healthcare 10000 million

06Changxing County General Hospital Construction Project

Medical Service 1000 million

07Tourism Complex Project on the source area of the Huangpu River

Tourism 600 million

08Lingfeng Temple Tourism Project, Lingfeng Tourism Resort

Tourism 750 million

09 China Great Bamboo Sea Resort Tourism 1500 million10 Anji Oriental Health Care Holiday Island Project Medical Service 1750 million11 Huzhou Silk Town Service Sector 5000 million12 Healthcare and Medical Project Medical Service 2000 million13 Scenic Spot Development Project Tourism 5200 million

14Yijiayang Ecotourism Comprehensive Development Project

Tourism 1500 million

15 ancient village culture protection park project Tourism 300 million16 Nanxun Elderly Rehabilitation Hospital Project Medical Service 250 million17 Nanxun Orthopedics Hospital Project Medical Service 60 million18 Health Industrial Project Healthcare 3000 million19 Comprehensive Hospital Project Medical Service 800 million20 Biopharmaceutical Industry Park Biopharmaceutical 2000 million21 Wetland Resort Development Project Tourism 2000 million

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项目名称:生物医药产业园区项目项目所属行业:生物医药项目落户地:德清县项目背景及建设条件:德清生物医药产业起步于 20世纪 80年代。2008年 8月和 2009年 9月,

德清生物医药产业基地分别被国家科技部和商务部命名为“国家火炬计划德清生物医药特色产业基地”和“生物与医药国家科技兴贸创业基地”。2010年 9


“十二五”期间,为打造“长三角生物医药谷”,在德清经济开发区(高新区)东北侧设立德清县生物医药产业园。园区规划面积约 10平方公里。项目建设规模和建设内容:计划吸引投资 500亿元,重点发展生物制药产业,打造一批具有国际竞争

力的生物制药企业集团。 重点发展珍珠深加工、生物保健品、生物化妆品制造等生物制造产业。 重点拓展医用冷链设备、低温医用冰箱、冷柜、输液器、医用消毒纱布、健康保健器械等医疗器械产业。合作内容与要求:独资项目中方可提供的合作条件: 项目投资前期调查服务、项目审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、

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外来人员生活帮助服务。项目中方情况简介:浙江德清经济开发区(高新区)成立于 1992年 7月,前身为浙江省莫干

山经济开发区,1993年 10月经浙江省人民政府批准为首批省级经济开发区,2005年 12月通过国家发改委重新审核,更名为浙江德清经济开发区,2010




E-mail:[email protected]


通讯地址:浙江省德清武康镇长虹中街 198 号邮编:313200

Project No. 01Project:BiopharmaceuticalIndustryParkIndustry: BiopharmaceuticalProject Site:Deqing CountyProject Background and Conditions:

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Deqing’s Biopharmaceutical industry started in 1980’s. In August 2008 and September 2009, Deqing biopharmaceutical industry base was named by the state ministry of Sci-tech and the state ministry of commerce as the State Torch ProgramDeqing biopharmaceutical industry base and the state technological innovation base of biopharmaceutical industry. In September 2010, Zhejiang provincial government listed Deqing’s biopharmaceutical industry cluster into the demonstration zones which transformed and upgraded industries from massive economic to modern industrial cluster in Zhejiang province. Project Progress:In order to forge a biopharmaceutical valley in Yangtze River Delta, Deqingcounty plans to set up a biopharmaceutical industry park at the northeastern part of Deqing Economic Development Zone, covering a planned area of about 10 km2.Plan of Implementation:The project has a planned investment amount of about RMB 50 billion and will give priorities to developing biopharmaceutical sector and fostering a number of biopharmaceutical companies with international competitiveness, and focuses on developing pearl deep processing, bio-health product, bio-cosmetics, medical cold chain equipment, low-temperature medical refrigerators and freezers, transfusion system, sterile gauzes and healthcare apparatus etc. Co-operation Form: The foreign investors may set up their wholly owned ventures in the industrial park.Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The local government will assist to conduct the survey service prior to the project investment, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou.Status of Chinese Partner:Established in July 1992, Deqing Economic Development Zone (New High-tech Industrial Park), formerly known as Mt. Mogan Economic Development Zone, was among the first batch of provincial level development zones ratified by Zhejiang Provincial Government in October 1993. After reviewing and ratification by the state development and reform commission again, it was renamed as Zhejiang Deqing Economic Development Zone, and promoted to Zhejiang Provincial New High-tech Industrial Park in 2010. The new high-tech industrial park is divided into new high-tech industrial development area, trade and business area, advanced manufacturing upgrade area, R&D and innovation area, urban landscape renovation area and eco-friendly recreation service area, six functional areas, with high-end equipment manufacturing, biopharmaceutical and electronics and IT three leading industries. There are a number of public listed companies in the park, such as Zuoli Pharmaceutical, ShenghuaBiok, Tubao etc. Correspondence:

Contact Person: Chen WeiTelephone: 0572-8083389Fax: 0572-8061355E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.dqcom.gov.cn/Address: 198 Changhong Middle Street, WukangTown, Deqing County,

Zhejiang Province 313200

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项目名称:下渚湖湿地风景区旅游度假村项目(朱金寺区块)项目所属行业:旅游业项目落户地:浙江德清县下渚湖湿地风景区项目背景及建设条件:下渚湖湿地是国家级湿地公园、国家 AAAA级旅游景区,是天目山余脉与

杭嘉湖平原交汇处山水交融的天然湿地,也是江南最大湿地。西部低山丘陵、茂林修竹,东部水漾交错、芦风帆影。湿地区位得天独厚,交通快速便捷:处于长三角腹地、杭州市二环区内,德清高铁站距离下渚湖风景区入口仅 700米,到杭州东站、湖州南站约 12分钟;杭宁高速入口距景区北部主入口仅 3公里。 下渚湖湿地气候温暖湿润,四季分明,光照较多,雨量充沛,年平均气温15.5-16℃,年降雨量 1385.5 毫米,是我国自然条件最优越的地区之一;同时,湿地历史底蕴深厚,防风文化、古窑文化、古桥文化、古寺庙文化源远流长, “防风传说”、“防风氏祭典”、“下渚湖三道茶”分别被列入国家级和省级非物质文化遗产名录。项目准备或进展情况:项目区周边配套设施完善。由杭宁高速德清下口经 09省道,沿下仁公路

(县道)可直达项目区,规划中的临杭大道(省道)距项目区仅 3公里,且与杭宁高速实现互通,临杭大道与杭宁高速交接处将建设高速出入口,预计将于2016年实现通车;德清杭宁高铁站距该项目区约 4公里;项目区内中国移动、中国联通、中国电信无线通讯设备全覆盖;水电设施完备,均可直接铺设至项目区;垃圾处理统一纳入城乡垃圾一体化处理系统;污水处理可通过附近的城南污水处理厂(总污水处理规模为 5万吨/日)或者乾元污水处理厂(总污水处理规模为 3.6万吨/日)处理。项目建设规模和建设内容:

朱金寺项目区块位于下渚湖湿地风景区中部的防风揽古景区内,总面积约1700 亩,计划吸引投资 10亿元。项目区三面环山,其中山林面积约 800 亩,平地面积约 900 亩。该项目区块环境清幽,适合建设以休闲度假、生态养生等为主题的旅游度假村项目。合作内容与要求:独资或合资项目中方可提供的合作条件:项目投资前期调查服务、项目审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、


Page 14: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

项目中方为德清县下渚湖湿地风景区管理委员会。下渚湖湿地风景区处于德清县休闲旅游发展格局的中心位置,主入口距离下渚湖风景区入口仅 700米,距离杭宁高速入口仅 3公里。联系人:何肖夏联系电话:0572-8484251传真:0572-8484235网址:www.xzhfjq.com通讯地址:浙江省湖州市德清县下渚湖风景区集散中心邮编:313200

Project No. 02Project: Xiazhu Lake Wetland landscape Tourism resort project (Zhujin temple Block)Industry: TourismProject Site: Xiazhu Lake Wetland scenic spotProject Background and Conditions:Xiazhu Lake Wetland is a National Wetland Park and the national AAAA level scenic spot. It is in the intersection of Tianmu Mountain area and the Hangjiahu Plain. Xiazhu Lake is the largest wetland in the south of the Yangtze River. There are low hills, flourishing woods and tall bamboo bushes in the west of the wetland. In the east, we can see aqua staggered and reed fluttered. The wetland area is richly endowed by nature and the traffic is very convenient. The scenic spot lies in the Yangtze River Delta hinterland, it is near Hangzhou ring area and is only 700 meters from Deqing High-speed Railway Station. It takes only 12 minutes from Hangzhou or Huzhou by train. Nanjing Hangzhou high-speed entrance is only 3 kilometers away from the north entrance of scenic spot.Xiazhu Lake Wetland has a warm and humid climate and four distinctive seasons, in the whole years, there is plenty of sunshine and rainfall. The average annual temperature is 15.5-16 degrees Celsius and the average annual rainfall is 1385.5 mm.Project Progress: The planned Linhang Road is only 3 km from the project area, moreover, the road is interlinked with the Hangzhou-Ningbo high-speed road. Hangzhou avenue in the Hangzhou-Ningbo high-speed road will build high-speed entrance and it is expected to open to traffic in 2016. Hangzhou- Ningbo high-speed road is 4 km away from the project area. Services from China mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom wireless communications cover the whole planned area. Water and electricity facilities can be directly laid to the project area. Garbage system is included in the integration of urban and rural garbage processing system. Sewage can be governance from the nearly south sewage factory (The total scale of sewage treatment is 50000 tons/day) or Qianyuan sewage factory (the total scale of sewage treatment is 36000 tons/day).Plan of Implementation: Zhu Jin temple project is located in the middle of Fangfeng scenic spot in the Xiazhu Lake Wetland. The total planned area is about 1700 mu and the planned investment amount is about RMB 1 billion.The project area surrounded by mountains on three sides and the forest area is about 800 mu, then the ground area is about 900 mu. The project block has quiet environment and suitable for building tourist resort project about leisure holiday and ecological health.Co-operation Form: Wholly owned or joint venture.Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:Project investment research services, the whole course service project examination and approval, project tracking link service, migrants help service life, etc. Status of Chinese Partner:

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The Chinese side is Xiazhu lake management committee of deqing, Xiazhu Lake Wetland is located in  the center of the leisure tourism development pattern. The main entrance from Xiazhu Lake Wetland scenic area entrance is only 700 meters and from Hangzhou-Ningbo expressway entrance only 3 kilometers.Correspondence:

Contact: He, XiaoxiaContact phone: 0572-8484251Fax: 0572-8484235Website: www.xzhfjq.comAddress: Xiazhu Lake Wetland hub, Deqing County, Huzhou, Zhejiang province,

P.R.C.Postcode: 313200


项目名称:太湖文化石产业园项目项目所属行业:旅游观光业项目落户地:长兴县项目背景及建设条件: 目前在与安徽、江苏交界的白岘乡已形成了一个观赏石的交易市场,2012

年销售额达到了 2亿元。为更好的保护和利用太湖石独特的自然资源,长兴县人民政府相继申报了“中国观赏石之乡(长兴太湖石)”,出台了《长兴县观赏石资源保护管理暂行办法》等一系列保护措施,并将打造有特色的景观石展示、观赏、销售等为一体的体现“山水神韵、竹石之乡”的太湖石文化产业园。项目前期准备或进展情况:


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项目规划用地面积 120 亩,其中建设用地面积 30 亩,建筑面积 1.6万平方米。预计建设总投资为 3亿元,主要建设太湖石博物园、太湖石产业带、洞山保护区等。项目合作方式和内容: 合资、合作。项目中方可提供的合作条件:政府政策扶持。

项目联系方式:联系人:李顺银联系单位:长兴县商务局电话:15167235288 传真:0572-6028795电子邮箱:[email protected]网址:http://www.zjcxzsj.com/地址:浙江省长兴县县前中街 402 号

Project No. 03Project: Ornamental Stone Cultural Park Industry: Tourism Project Site: Changxing CountyProject Background and Conditions: At present, an ornamental stone trading market has been formed in Baixian Town, Changxing County where it borders Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. In 2012, this market reached an annual turnover of RMB 200 million. In order to preserve and utilize the unique local natural resources for ornamental stones in a better way, Changxing county government has declared the title of the

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Village of Chinese Ornamental Stones (or Changxing Taihu Lake Stones) to the relevant authority, and promulgated a series of conservation measures such as “the temporary provisions for conserving and managing the resources of the ornamental stones in Changxing County”. This project is planned to build Taihu Lake stone cultural park in which the ornamental stone shows, visits and marketing activities are engaged. Project Progress:The project proposal and plan have been completed. The land requisition has finished. The business and show place has opened to public for investment. The Taihu Lake Stone Culture Research Association is prepared to be established now. Plan of Implementation: The project covers a land area of 120 mu, in which 30 mu is construction land with a building area of 16,000 m2. The estimated total investment for the project amounts to RMB 300 million. The construction items include Taihu Lake Stone Museum, Taihu Lake stone industrial belt, Dongshan Reservation Zone etc. Co-operation Form: Joint venture or cooperative Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The local government has promulgated preferential policy to support the investors.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Li ShunyinDepartment: Changxing County Bureau of Commerce Telephone: 15167235288Fax: 0572-6028795E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.zjcxzsj.com/Address: 402 Xianqian Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province



Page 18: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

项目落户地:长兴县项目背景及建设条件: 长兴处于长江三角洲中心位置,是中国经济最发达的地区之一,2012年 长三角 30个城市GDP为 119,373亿元、常住人口达 18,419万人,人均 GDP

为 64,810元。西太湖盛家漾养生产业基地选址在长兴经济技术开发区盛家漾区块,环绕盛家漾与珍珠湖,交通便利,配套设施齐全,自然环境优越。项目前期准备或进展情况:项目正在进行总体规划。

项目建设规模和内容: 项目规划总用地面积约 2975 亩,湿地公园及农业观光园区 1638 亩,总投资约 50亿元,将导入专业护理、紧急救助、艺人书苑、文体娱乐、农业观光体验等功能,打造集护理型养老、助养型养老、居养型养老服务于一体的综合性养生养老社区。项目合作方式和内容: 企业独立投资运作。项目中方可提供的合作条件: 政府给予政策支持。项目联系方式:联系人:宋先生联系单位:长兴县商务局 电话:0572-6032222 传真:0572-6129185电子邮箱:[email protected]网址:http://www.zjcxzsj.com/

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地址:浙江省长兴县县前中街 402 号

Project No. 04Project: Healthcare Service Facilities Industry: Service SectorProject Site: Changxing CountyProject Background and Conditions: Changxing County is located in the central area of Yangtze River Delta and it is one of the most prosperous areas in China. In 2012, the GDP of 30 major cities in Yangtze River Delta reached RMB 11,937.3 billion. The resident population of these cities was 184.19 million, with GDP per capita RMB 64,810. The selected site of the healthcare service base project lies in Shengjia Lake in the western part of Taihu Lake, where it is surrounded by Shengjia Lake and Pearl Lake and enjoys easy access. The infrastructure and supporting facilities in the project site are complete and the natural environment is superior. Project Progress: The overall planning of the project is underway. Plan of Implementation: The land for the project planning covers a total area of 2,975 mu, in which the wetland park and agricultural sight-seeing park are 1,638 mu, with a total investment of about RMB 5 billion. The project will introduce professional cares, emergency rescues, performing artists’ park, recreation and entertainment, agricultural tourism etc., and build a healthcare community for aged people which have the comprehensive service functions, such as nursing, assisted living and residential service for elderly populations. Co-operation Form:The companies moving into the healthcare base will invest and operate independently in the form of foreign wholly owned or joint venture. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The local government will offer policy support to the companies investing in the healthcare base. Correspondence:

Contact Person: Mr. Song

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Department: Changxing County Bureau of CommerceTelephone: 0572-6032222Fax: 0572-6129185E-mail: [email protected]:http://www.zjcxzsj.com/Address: 402 Xianquan Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province


项目名称:图影高端康体养生健康城 项目所属行业:康体养生项目落户地:长兴太湖图影省级旅游度假区项目背景及建设条件:图影度假区位于长兴县东南端,与湖州太湖度假区相毗邻,规划面积 23.8平方公里。度假区区域交通优势,距上海、杭州、苏州、无锡均在 150公里范围之内。离 G25杭宁高速长兴出口处仅 15分钟车程、长兴高铁站 10分钟车程。太湖图影度假区度假区自然禀赋优越,可以归纳为“面朝太湖,三面环山,腹拥湿地”,东面是浩瀚的太湖,西、南、北环绕有秀丽的弁山,内含神秘、广阔的湿地。,项目准备或进展情况:度假区基础设施配套建设已累计投入 40亿余元。主要道路:联系度假区各功能片区,形成内引外联的放射形路网结构,主要有滨湖景观大道,图影大道,区内“三纵两横”道路。基础设施建设:征地拆迁工程、湖泊清淤工程安置房建设工程。旅游景点建设:图影湿地文化公园、碧岩景区、滨湖景观大道、太湖风情街、大地景观。落户项目:颐和大酒店、颐和国际会议会展中心、朗诗绿色建筑技术研发基地、美合酒店、美合房车营地、太湖珍宝馆、药师文化园。项目建设规模和建设内容:项目规划面积 3600 亩(含 600 亩水面),总投资约 100亿元。以太湖图影 3000 亩原生态湿地为核心,以太湖为依托,结合环绕湿地四周的弁山,打造一座超大规模、国际化、现代化的绿色生态医疗健康和老年养护基地-。建设内容包括:国际医院、金色年华健康养护中心、国际医学研究院、医护培训学院、国宾酒店。 

Page 21: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

合作内容与要求:独资或合资项目中方可提供的合作条件:项目外来投资者将享受各类优惠的投资政策。项目投资前期调查服务、项目审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、外来人员生活帮助服务。项目中方情况简介:项目中方为长兴太湖图影旅游度假区管委会。区地处长兴县东南侧。联系人:金蔚宇联系电话:18157222866传真:0572-6660508E-mail:[email protected] 网址:http://www.zjcxzsj.com/通讯地址: 长兴县横山集镇邮编:313100Project No. 05The project name: Tuying high-end fitness health city The project by sector:Healthcare

Location of the project: Changxing Taihu Tuying Provincial tourist resortThe background and the construction condition of the project:Tu-Ying tourist resort is located in the east-south of Changxing county, adjoining to Huzhou Taihu tourist resort. The planing area is 23.8 square kilometers.The tourist resort has evident transportation advantage.The distance to Shanghai,Hangzhou,Suzhou and Wuxi is all within 150 kilometers. It takes 15 minutes to the exit of G25 Hang-Ning Highway and 10 minutes to the high-speed railway Changxing station.Tu-Ying tourist resort possesses superior natural endowment which can be concluded as “facing Taihu, be embraced on three-sides by green hills,possessing wet-land”,the east is vast Taihu, the west,south and north side is surrounded by beautiful Bian Mountain, containing embedded mysterious and vast wetland. The progress of the project:The infrastructure investment of the tourist resort has accumulated to 4 billion RMB.The major road:connecting individual function area of the tourist resort, has formed as radioactive network structure which includes Lakeside landscape road, Tuying road, “3 vertical 2 horizontal” road within the area. The construction of the infrastructure: The project of land acquistion and removal, dredging up of the lake and the construction of removal apartment.

The contruction of the tourist zone: Tu-ying wetland culture park,Biyan tourist zone, Lakeside landscape road, Taihu feature street and landscape tourist zone. Settled down project: Yihe hotel, Yihe international conference center,Langshi R&D foundation for green  architecture technology, Meihe hotel, Meihe motor-car basement,Taihu treasure museum and medicine budda culture park. The construction scale and the contents of the project:The planning area of the project is 3600 Mu (including 600 mu water surface). Total investment is about 10 billion RMB. Taihu Tuying 3000 mu primitive ecological wetland as the core, Taihu as the support, combining with Bian Mountain surrounding wetland, we aim to build a super-scale, international and modern green ecological medicalcare and healthcare basement for senior citizens.

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The construction contents include international hospital, golden age healthcare center, international medical science research center, nursing care training institute and Guobin hotel. The contents and requirement of the coopration: sole proprietorship or joint ventureThe corporation terms that could be provided by project supplier:The outside investor will be able to enjoy all kinds of favorable investment policy including the investigation service in the earlier stage, agency service for approval process, tracking service for project construction and support service for outside workers. Brief introduction of the project supplier:The project supplier is Changxing Taihu Tuying tourist resort committee which is located in the east-south of Changxing County.Correspondence:

Contact person: Weiyu JinContact Number:18157222866Fax: 0572-6660508E-mail:[email protected] Website:http://www.zjcxzsj.com/Contact Address: Changxing County Hengshanji villiageZip code: 313100


项目名称:长兴县综合性三甲医院项目项目建设内容和规模项目选址在长兴县太湖新城发展大道北侧,距杭宁高铁、杭宁高速仅 5分

钟车程,交通便捷,用地面积约 300 亩,规划综合性三甲医院,病床在 501

张以上,集医疗、科研、保健、康复、养老于一体,提供辐射长三角地区的高水平综合医疗服务。投资概算:总投资约 10亿元人民币经济效益和社会效益评价


Page 23: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

太湖新城位于长兴最东面,紧临太湖,与长兴老城区、龙山新区、国家级经济技术开发区紧密相连,距离长兴县行政中心仅 3公里的路程,交通便捷,境内设有杭宁高铁车站及杭宁高速互通,规划面积 12.5平方公里,是中心城区的重要组成部分,也是中心城区今后向东发展的唯一方向,规划人口约 10






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Project No. 06The project name: Changxing County General Hospital Construction ProjectProject Construction Content and Sizes:The selected project site is located in the north side of the development boulevard of Tahi Lake New City in Changxing County. It only takes 5 minutes to drive to Hangning high-speed railway and expressway, and enjoys easy access. The project covers a land area of 300 mu, and is planned to establish a Class 3 Grade A general hospital with a sickbed number of more than 501, which features of medical service, scientific research, healthcare, rehabilitation and elderly care, and is able to offer high standard general medical service to people living in Yangtze River Delta. Investment Estimation:The total investment of the project is RMB 10 billion approx.Evaluation of Economic and Social Benefits:The completion of the project will vigorously boost the development of the medical and health undertaking in Changxing County, and balance allocation of the medical and healthcare resources in the county and upgrade the medical and health service level of Changxing County and even Yangtze River Delta. The project will facilitate the people for hospitalizing and speed up the economic and social development in Changxing County. Location Advantages:The project site – Taihu Lake New City, is located in the easternmost part of Changxing County and faces vast Taihu Lake, close to the old town, Longshan New Zone, the national-level Economic and Technology Development Zone. It is only 3 kilometers away from the county administrative center and enjoys easy access. The high-speed railway station and expressway interchanges were built up in the area nearby, where an area of 12.5 km2 has been planned. It is an important part of the central city and it is also the sole area where the central city will develop eastwardly in the future, with a planned population of about 100,000.Cooperative Form:Foreign wholly owned, joint venture or cooperativeProject Progress:The project site selection has been done and the land acquisition and relocation has started up. Preferential Policy and Supporting Conditions:1.The project investors will enjoy the preferential investment policy promulgated by the county government. 2.The important and famous investors will enjoy most favored treatment with the principle of one project one discussion. Correspondence:

Responsible Department: Changxing County Taihu Lake New City Administrative Committee

Contact Person: Xu YingqiangCell Phone: 13665738844Website:http://www.zjcxzsj.com/

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项目名称:黄浦江源旅游综合体项目项目所属行业:旅游业项目落户地:安吉县项目背景及建设条件: 黄浦江源生态旅游综合体项目位于浙江省安吉县章村镇南部龙王山区,是安吉县黄浦江源景区的核心区和安吉西南部旅游接待中心。在安吉旅游发展中占有重要的战略地位。黄浦江源生态旅游综合体依托龙王山、黄浦江源两大品牌以及得天独厚的竹海森林、山地、竹海、高山水库等优质自然生态资源,发展漂流、乡村游等旅游产品,作为章村镇生态旅游的引擎已经取得了良好的发展势头,坐拥浙北第一高峰龙王山、黄浦江源头两大品牌,充分发挥了旅游产业集聚优势和规模优势。项目准备或进展情况:项目总体规划、总体可研报告已完成编制。部分已建成营业,年接待游客

15万人次左右。项目建设规模和建设内容:计划投资 6亿元人民币,项目定位:生态观光、休闲度假、户外运动、商

务会议、主题酒店、度假社区。开发总面积:17.74平方公里,建设周期 3-5年。合作内容与要求:合资或合作项目中方可提供的合作条件:


距离安吉县城 40公里,旅游发展成熟度高,旅游产品集聚度高。联系人:王正南联系电话:0572-5123091传真:0572-5123092

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Project No. 07Project Name: Tourism Complex Project on the source area of the Huangpu RiverProject Classification: Tourism Project Site: Anji CountyProject Background and Construction Conditions:The Ecological Tourism Complex Project on the source area of the Huangpu River is located in the mountainous area of Mt. Longwang (literally Dragon King) to the south of Zhangcun Town of Anji County in Zhejiang Province. It is the core part of the Huangpuyuan Scenic Area and the tourist reception center in the southwest of Anji County, strategically important in the tourism development of the county.The Ecological Tourism Complex on the source area of the Huangpu River relies on the Mt. Longwang and the source area of the Huangpu River—the two reputed major tourism images of the county—and the exceptionally beautiful bamboo groves, forests, hilly land, reservoirs and other pleasant natural resources. It develops rafting, country tour and other tourism products. As the eco-tourism engine of Zhangcun Town, the complex has achieved good momentum of development. Based on the charm of the highest mountain in the northern Zhejiang and the source area of the Huangpu River, it will give full play to tourism clustering advantage and scale advantage.Preparations or Progress of the Project:The compilation of the overall planning and the feasibility studies for project report is complete. Part of the project has been put into operation. Annual visits count to about 150,000 person-times. Construction Scale and Contents:It is planned that the total investment in this project is about 600 million yuan. Project orientation: ecological sightseeing, leisure and vacationing, outdoor sports, business conference, theme hotel and resort community; The total area for development: 17.74 square kilometers; and construction period: 3-5 years.Cooperation Contents and Requirements: joint venture or cooperationCooperative Conditions Provided by Chinese Partner:Foreign investors for this project will enjoy various preferential policies. In addition, they will enjoy pre-investment inspection service, agency service in the entire process of project examination and approval, following-up reporting service of the project construction process and assistant service in daily life for foreign personnel.Sketch of Chinese Partner:The Chinese partner of this project is Zhangcun Town People’s Government, Anji County. The town, 40 kilometers away from the county seat of Anji, is the major area of Anji County in tourism

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development. The town is highly mature in tourism development and good at creating tourism products.Correspondence:

Contact: Wang ZhengnanTel: 0572-5123091Fax: 0572-5123092Website:http://www.anjiinvest.com/index.htmlAddress: Scenic Area and Tourism Management Commission, Anji Administration Center, Anji County 313300 China


项目名称:灵峰旅游度假区灵峰寺旅游项目项目所属行业:旅游业项目落户地:安吉县项目背景及建设条件:规划区总体是以灵峰寺、灵峰山为核心的区域,灵峰寺,始建于梁开平元年(公元 907年),至今已有一千一百多年。寺因峰建,峰以寺传,齐名。灵峰寺历史悠久,高僧辈出,是明末第一高僧蕅益大师的古道场,也是天台宗灵峰派净土宗祖庭。从用地建设适宜性出发,基于对古寺、人文古迹、山林、茶园、田园、溪流等自然与人文资源的充分重视和合理利用,新规划规模较大的建筑服务设施组团状主分布与用地东南角孝子桥入口,而靠灵峰寺周围的建筑服务设施呈点状隐于山林、田园之中,表达了建筑对核心生态环境最小干预和建筑融入环境的布局构思。项目准备或进展情况:项目总体概念规划、一期修建性详细规划、项目功能和业态定位研究已完成编制。景区已建成部分年接待游客达 20万人次。项目建设规模和建设内容: 以灵峰寺“禅文化”为核心,以坡地茶园、灵峰山林以及灵峰山上恢复的人文景点为景观特色,以礼佛禅修、养生度假、观光游览为内在功能的安养桃园和养心净土。开发范围主要包括:灵峰旅游度假区灵峰寺周边,总面积:1.6平方公里,规划总投资,7.5亿元,建设周期 3-5年。合作内容与要求:合资/合作/独资项目中方可提供的合作条件:项目外来投资者将享受各类优惠的投资政策。项目投资前期调查服务、项目审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、外来人员生活帮助服务。项目中方情况简介: 省级旅游度假区灵峰旅游度假区位于安吉县城与古镇孝丰的连接地,东与城

Page 28: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

区隔浒溪相望,北靠 306省道,西、南与安吉黄浦源景区和天荒坪景区相连,随着县城发展从递铺港时代向浒溪河时代跨越,灵峰度假区已是县城中心地带、独具清静安宁的一方休闲胜地,并成为安吉接轨上海、融入杭州的桥头堡。  灵峰度假区方圆 52平方公里,由安吉灵峰旅游度假区管委会负责区域内的统一规划与开发建设。联系人:王正南联系电话:0572-5123091传真:0572-5123092网址:http://www.anjiinvest.com/index.html通讯地址:浙江省安吉县行政中心县风景与旅游管理委员会邮编:313300Project No. 08Project Name: Lingfeng Temple Tourism Project, Lingfeng Tourism Resort Project Classification: TourismProject Site: Anji CountyProject Background and Construction Conditions:This tourism resort is generally planned with Lingfeng Temple and Mt. Lingfeng as the core area, Lingfeng Temple, built in the first year (907 AD) of the Kaiping period in the Liang Dynasty, has a history of more than 1,100 years.The temple was built by the peak of Mt. Lingfeng and the peak became famous and shares equal fame because of the temple. Thanks to the long history, the temple has produced many eminent monks. The temple is the place where Ouyi, the first monk master in the late Ming Dynasty practiced Buddhism. It is also the sacred ancestral chamber of Lingfeng faction under Tiantai Sect and Pure Land Sect.Full consideration has been given to the suitability of the constructions on the land in planning based on the importance attached to and rational utilization of the ancient temple, historical sites, forests, tea plantation, crops field, streams and other natural and cultural resources. The new planning locates the bigger construction and service facility clusters to the southeast corner of the entrance to Xiaozi Bridge (or Filial-son Bridge literally). Other construction and service facilities near Lingfeng Temple are arranged like separate dots among forests and pieces of field. This shows the distribution design concept of minimal intervention to the core part of eco-system and the maximal integration of construction with environmental elements.Preparations or Progress of the Project:The compilation of the overall concept planning, the first phase of the site plan, the research on project function and business orientation has been concluded. The complete part of the scenic area now has an annual visitor reception capacity of 200,000 person-times. Construction Scale and Contents:This scenic area will be further developed into a Shangri-La good for regimen and a Pure Land good for mental cultivation with such intrinsic functions as Buddhist meditation, healthy vacationing, sightseeing and tourism, focusing on the Lingfeng Temple’s "Zen Culture", featuring landscape items such as the tea gardens on the slope, forests on Mt. Lingfeng and restored historical and cultural sites. The scope of the development covers 1.6 square kilometers in an area around the Lingfeng Temple in the Lingfeng Tourist Resort. The total investment is estimated about 750 million yuan and the construction period 3-5 years.

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Cooperation Contents and Requirements: Joint venture / cooperation / sole proprietorshipCooperative Conditions Provided by Chinese Partner:Foreign investors for this project will enjoy various preferential policies. In addition, they will enjoy pre-investment inspection service, agency service in the entire process of project examination and approval, following-up reporting service of the project construction process and assistant service in daily life for foreign personnel.Sketch of Chinese Partner:Lingfeng Tourist Resort, a provincial tourist attraction, is located in the joint point between the county seat of Anji and the ancient Xiaofeng Town, facing the urban area across the Huxi River to the east, neighboring S306 highway to the north and adjacent to Anji Huangpuyuan Scenic Area and Tianhuangping Scenic Area to the south and the west. With the development of the county from the Dipu Port Era to the Huxi River Era, the Lingfeng Tourist Resort has become a unique, tranquil and peaceful relaxation place in the center of the county seat as well as the bridgehead linking the county to Shanghai and integrating Anji with Hongzhou in terms of economic development.The total area of the Lingfeng Tourist Resort is 52 square kilometers and it is under the unified leadership of the Management Commission for Anji Lingfeng Tourist Resort in planning and development.Correspondence:

Contact: Wang ZhengnanTel: 0572-5123091Fax: 0572-5123092Website:http://www.anjiinvest.com/index.htmlAddress: Scenic Area and Tourism Management Commission, Anji Administration Center, Anji County in Zhejiang ProvinceZip code: 313300


项目名称:中国大竹海旅游区项目项目所属行业:旅游业项目落户地:安吉县项目背景及建设条件: 根据区域的资源分布状况,自然地形地貌,景区结合“中国大竹海”品牌建成九大功能板块区:大竹海核心景区(已建成,目前属国有投资),另外包括待开发的高山养生度假产业区、老年养生基地、文化创意产业区、野外运动区、

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竹海主题农庄、竹海高尔夫球场、竹海小镇、竹海山地人居等。项目准备或进展情况: 项目总体规划、项目建议书已完成编制。景区已建成部分功能区及景观设施,目前年接待游客人次达 60 余万人次。项目建设规模和建设内容:

休闲观光、餐饮运动、野外拓展、疗养保健、山地人居等。项目开发范围包括:天荒坪镇、山川乡等县南郊区域。规划总投资 15亿元,建设周期 3-5

年。拟引进外来资金 5-15亿人民币。合作内容与要求:合资或合作项目中方可提供的合作条件:项目外来投资者将享受各类优惠的投资政策。


个对外开放景区,人口 46万,面积 1886平方公里。近年来,安吉全面贯彻落实打造“休闲经济先行区”和“中国美丽乡村”两大决策部署,促进旅游业向休闲旅游业转型升级。安吉县还被评为中国第一个生态县、国家园林县城、中国最佳人居环境示范奖等。2008年中国旅游发展大会中,安吉被列为第一批浙江省旅游经济强县之一。天荒坪镇和山川乡是安吉县旅游发展重点区域,是浙江省旅游强镇,山川乡是第一个国家级乡域 4A级景区,旅游发展成熟度高,旅游产品集聚度高。联系人: 王正南联系电话: 0572-5123091

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E-mail:[email protected]


通讯地址: 安吉县风景与旅游管理委员会 邮编:313300

Project No. 09Project: China Great Bamboo Sea Resort Industry: TourismProject Site: Anji CountyProject Background and Conditions: According to the regional resources distributions, the natural landscape and terrains, the resort under construction can be divided with nine functional areas in combination with the tourism brand of China Great Bamboo Sea, the kernel area of giant bamboo forests which has been completed by the state owned investment, healthcare base for elderly, cultural creativity industrial area, field sports area, the granges with the theme of bamboo forests, bamboo forest golf courts, little town in bamboo sea and habitation in bamboo forests and mountains etc.Project Progress: The overall plan and proposals for the project have been completed. Part of the functional areas and landscape facilities has been built. Now the resort welcomes 600,000 tourists annually. Plan of Implementation:The project includes recreation and sightseeing, restaurants, sports, outward bound training, healthcare, mountain residences etc. The development areas are in the south outskirts of the county town, including territories of Tianhuangping Town and Shanchuang Village etc. The total investment for the project amounts to RMB 1.5 billion with the construction period of 3 – 5 years. Co-operation Form: Joint venture and cooperativePreferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors will enjoy the preferential policies promulgated by Anji county. Status of Chinese Partner: Anji, a county with a boom economy, is an important tourism county in Yangtze river delta. The county has a population of 460,000 and covers an area of 1886 km2. In recent years, Anji promotes the two tourism brands - the pioneer for recreational economy and the beautiful countryside of China, and transform and escalate its tourism sector. Anji county has been granted the titles of the first ecological county in China and the national garden county town, honored the

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award of the China’s best environment for habitation etc. Anji was listed in the first batch of the counties which boast a booming tourism economy in Zhejiang province in China Tourism Development Convention 2008. Tianhuangping Town and Shanchuan Village are the key areas for tourist development in Anji County and famous tourism towns in Zhjiang Province. Shanchuang Village is known as the first national-level rural area 4A scenic spot. The tourist industry in these areas has been well developed.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Wang ZhengnanTelephone: 0572-5123092Fax: 0572-5123092E-mail: [email protected]:http://www.anjiinvest.com/index.htmlAddress: Anji County Landscape and Tourism Administration Committee,

Anji County, Zhejiang Province 313300



东方健康医疗度假岛项目位于安吉县城北部城北新区,距离市中心仅 2.2

公里,距离杭长高速安吉北出口 5公里。周边有竹博园、灵峰寺、中南百草园等众多国家AAAA级景区及 27 洞标准高尔夫球场一座。项目占地

约 0.8平方公里项目投资开发企业安吉县城北新区开发总公司


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林覆盖率达 70%以上。项目所在地的东山岛目前已完成全部 110 余户农户的搬迁与 1200 余亩土地国有征收,存量建设用地面积超过 10万平方米,可以满足项目建设所需的全部空间。主要建设规模及内容项目涉及管理中心接待区,包括科技研发区、体检医治区、健康疗养区、


该项目总投资 2.8亿美元,其中固定资产投资 2.4亿美元,铺底流动资金0.4亿美元,占地 453 亩,建筑面积 12.43万平方米。该项目将以体验式休闲度假为最大亮点,以高端医疗检验与疗养为核心,建设国内独一无二的集成精品医疗养老类度假岛项目。项目经济效益根据本项目的总体规划设计以及安吉县在长三角经济圈内旅游区位的不断


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联系方式联系人:程益欢 联系电话:+86-572- 5123938




Project No. 10Project:Anji Oriental Health Care Holiday Island ProjectLocation of Project:It is located in the north of the county, 2.2 km away from the downtown area, 5 km away from Hangchang highway Anji station. There are so many national AAAA tourist attractions around there, such as Bamboo Garden, Lingfeng Temple, Central South Baicao Garden and 27 holes golf course.Project Area: 0.8 sq. kmProject Developer:Anji North City New District Development CorporationOwnership of Land: State-owned landAdvantages of Project Construction: It enjoys a superior geographical position. The air quality within the region keeps the first level and the water quality is above second level. The forest acreage is 71%. Dongshan island where the project is located has 110 rural households which have been moved out. There are 178 acres and 100,000 Square meters are available.Scale and Content of Construction:It covers the reception center which included science technology R&D area, physical examination area, health care area, sightseeing area, leisure amusement area, experience activity, and international catering area. The rest of the land will keep as ecological protection area.Investment Estimation:It will invest 288 million dollar in total, including fixed assets 240 million dollar, guaranteed working capital 40 million dollar and it covers 68 acres with 124,300 square meters of building area. It will take experience leisure holiday as the bright light, focus on medical examination and health care ,and will establish a unique resort island of integrated medical care and retirement with high quality in China.Economic Benefits:According to the overall planning design and with the fact that Anji is becoming more and more famous in Yangtze River, people will choose medical care for the aged increased year by year.

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Construction of the project will develop related industry which includes transportation, telecommunication, catering, bath, planting and handicrafts. It has large space to appreciate for medical care for the aged.Cooperation Form:Sino-foreign joint ventures and foreign wholly ownedContact Information:

Contact Person: Cheng YihuanE-mail:[email protected]:+86-572-5123938Fax: +86-572-5123938Website:http://www.anjiinvest.com/index.htmlAddress: Anji County Investment Promotion Bureau




1.文化优势湖州丝绸距今已有 4700多年历史,钱山漾文化遗址的出土文物就是有力




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万吨);本世纪以来,真丝绸缎约占全国的三分之一(近 2亿米)。二是生丝产业集聚。湖州本地生丝用量约占全国的三分之一。三是出口量大。湖州绸缎出口约占全球的 1/5。湖州丝绸享有“湖州丝绸甲天下”的美誉,生丝质量长期保持全国之最,产品专供世界顶级品牌如爱马仕、普拉达等。项目准备或进展情况:根据湖州市吴兴区委、区政府“八大行动”任务目标,丝绸小镇所在西山

漾区域是推进湖州吴兴城市化建设的重要内容,早在 2010年就启动景观规划,2013年启动主要绿化景观项目建设。截至目前,丝绸小镇 6.38平方公里区域内,已拆除旧农房 3500多户,整理可建设用地约 1500 亩,其中 345.2 亩已具备用地指标。项目建设规模和建设内容: 丝绸小镇核心区规划面积 6.38平方公里,其中水面、桑园 5平方公里,

建设用地 1425 亩,计划总投资约 50亿元。小镇规划以产业项目为核心,以文化、休闲、旅游为延伸配套,按照“一轴、两环、四片区”的结构进行规划布局,“一轴”即:贯穿丝绸小镇的西山漾中央景观轴;“两环”即:两条丝绸之路(陆上、海上)组成的丝路环、小镇主干道路组成的交通环;“四片区”即:丝绸企业运营研发区、丝绸时尚会展交易区、丝绸文化创意体验区、丝绸主题公园休闲区。合作内容与要求:独资或合资项目中方可提供的合作条件:丝绸小镇投资建设秉承“政府引导、企业主导、市场导向”的原则,以区

域性 PPP合作开发方式,引入社会民间资本,共同参与小镇基础设施建设及整体开发运营,重点突出产业项目引进和集聚,保障丝绸产业的快速复兴和持续稳定发展,力争五年内建成具备上市规模和潜力的特色小镇。 项目中方情况简介:吴兴区人民政府:吴兴区,位于浙江省北部杭嘉湖平原,北依太湖,是湖州市中心城市所在地。吴兴区下辖 12个乡镇街道和 1个高新区,总面积 871.9平方公里,户籍人口 62万。联系人:江波联系电话:13957281597 传真:0572-2289560 E-mail:[email protected]网址:http://zsj.wuxing.gov.cn/通讯地址:浙江省湖州市吴兴大道 1 号商务局

Page 37: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的


Project No. 11

Project: Huzhou Silk TownIndustry: Tertiary IndustryProject Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: Huzhou is the important origin of the Silk Road. It is also the main contributor for the world silk civilization. The industry status and cultural value of Huzhou city is incomparable to others in the silk-production circle. Nowadays, Huzhou intends to convert from the traditional silk city to an international silk brand. In order to realize this goal, building the Silk Town in Huzhou is quite a good method.The Silk Town is located in the east of Huzhou’s downtown area. It reaches Xishan Road to the east, Wuxing Avenue to the south, Shushan Road to the west and Zhongxing Avenue to the north. 1. Cultural Advantage.Up to now, silk has more than 4,700-year history in Huzhou, which is proved by the strong evidence of the antiques discovered from the culture site of Qianshanyang. From the Warring State Period to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, ghatpot silk had exported to more than 10 countries. In Tang Dynasty, Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou became the center of silk industry in regions south of the Yangtze River. During Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huzhou had been the center for all country’s silk exportation. There was an old saying: “It has large areas of mulberry trees and millions of silk producers in Huzhou”. In Ming Dynasty, Huzhou is world famous for its Jili Silk. In Qing Dynasty, the quality of Huzhou silk is the top in the country. In 1851, Huzhou silk, as the only product of China to participate the 1st World Expo in London, won the big prize. And it got the Special Award in the 1st National Xihu Expo in 1929.2. Regional AdvantageFirst of all, Huzhou has exceptional geography and climate conditions. Taihu basin is one of the three biggest traditional silk producing areas in China. The climate and geographical environment

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are very suitable for mulberry growing and silkworm raising. Secondly, Huzhou is a pivotal place for both land and water transportation and is also an important commodity gathering place in the Yangtze River Delta region. It is a strategic city which has the function to help the central region to develop. Huzhou plays an important role in combining east and west, connecting north and south. It is called “the Heart of Yangtze River Delta”.3. Industrial AdvantageFirst of all, the silk industry has large scale in Huzhou. Since the Reform and Opening Up, the production of silkworm cocoon occupies 1/10 of the national amount (42,000 tons). Since this century, Huzhou’s silk and satin takes 1/3 of the total production in China (nearly 200million meters). Secondly, raw silk industry is gathering in Huzhou. Huzhou’s consumption of raw silk takes up 1/3 of the whole country. Thirdly, Huzhou has large amount of exportation. Silk and satin exported from Huzhou accounts 1/5 of the global amount. Lastly, Huzhou silk has excellent quality. Huzhou silk enjoys the comments that “Huzhou silk is top of the world”. Its raw silk quality is always the best in China. Huzhou silk exclusively supplies for the world top bands such as Hermes, Prada, etc.Therefore, Huzhou is the important origin of the Silk Road. It is also the main contributor for the world silk civilization. The industry status and cultural value of Huzhou city is incomparable to others in the silk-production circle. Nowadays, Huzhou intends to convert from the traditional silk city to an international silk brand. In order to realize this goal, building the Silk Town in Huzhou is quite a good method.Project Progress:According to the “Eight Actions” task goal proposed by Wuxing government, Silk Town located in Xishanyang area is a key step to promote the urbanization of Wuxing District. The landscape planning started from 2010 and the major greenery landscape construction started in 2013. Up to now, within Silk Town’s area of 6.38km2, 3,500 old rural houses have been removed, making space for the constructive land about 1,500 mu, in which, 345.2 mu has got the land usage approval.Plan of Implementation: Huzhou Silk Town The planning area of its central region is 6.38 km2, in which, the water and mulberry area occupies 5 km2. The construction land is 1,425 mu. Planning a total investment of about 5 billion yuan.The plan of the Silk Town focuses on the industrial project and extends to different aspects as culture, leisure and tourism. It is designed according to the structure of “1 axis, 2 rings and 4 zones”. “1 axis” is the Xishanyang central scenic line which goes through the Silk Town. “2 rings” refers to the silk industrial area ring which is composed by the two Silk Roads (both land and marine) and the other one is the transportation ring composed by the main streets in the town. “4 zones” are operational and development zone for silk enterprises, exhibition and trading zone for silk fashion products, experience zone for the silk culture innovation and the leisure zone for silk theme park.Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venturePreferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The investment and construction of Silk Town hold the principle that “government guides, enterprises lead and market determines”. It adopts the regional PPP cooperative and development

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method to attract the non-governmental capital to take part in the infrastructure construction and whole scale development of the town. It will focus on the bringing and gathering of the industrial program to guarantee the quick revival and sustainable development of silk industry. It is hoped that this town will become a featured Silk Town with listed size and potential within 5 years. Status of Chinese Partner: People’s Government of Wuxing District : Wuxing District was set up in January, 2003 upon the approval of The State Council. It is the seat of the city proper of Huzhou. The district covers a total area of 871.9 square kilometers and holds a population of 620,000.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Jiang BoTelephone: 13957281597 Fax: 0572-2289560E-mail: hzjiangbo@ 163.comWebsite: http://zsj.wuxing.gov.cn/Address: 1st floor, Wuxing District Bureau of Commerce, No.1 Wuxing

Avenue, Huzhou ,Zhejiang Province 313000


项目名称:东部新城健康医疗产业项目项目所属行业:医疗服务项目落户地:吴兴区项目背景及建设条件: 吴兴生态环境优美,宜居宜业,已成功创建全国唯一的生态文明建设先行示范区。项目所在地的东部新城被誉为吴兴的“城市新客厅”,是湖州总体规划中的绿肺,正努力打造成一座湿地之城、旅游之城、森林之城和生态之城。中国是目前亚健康人群最多的国家,约有 75%的人群处于亚健康状态。随着国民收入的快速增长和健康意识的大幅增强,健康消费将成为未来家庭消费的增长热点,这也使医疗健康产业成为中国最有投资价值的产业之一。项目准备或进展情况:

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该项目位于湖州东部新城,项目预期总投资 3.3亿美元,规划面积 1000亩。项目充分结合良好的生态资源,以医疗保健为领航,以休闲养生为主导,以康复疗养为互补,以文化康体服务为配套,开创“医、护、养、学、研”一体化新型服务模式,打造一座规模化、国际化、信息化的健康医疗城。合作内容与要求:不限

项目中方可提供的合作条件: 项目外来投资者将享受各类优惠的投资政策。项目投资前期调查服务、项目审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、外来人员生活帮助服务。项目中方情况简介:吴兴区区位独特,位于长三角经济圈地理中心的吴兴,与上海、杭州均在

1小时物流半径内,公路、铁路、水路运输发达;是东部沿海内陆连接的交通枢纽,是长三角区域的“一核六带”的交汇点。联系人: 江波联系电话:13957281597


E-mail:[email protected]


通讯地址:浙江省湖州市吴兴大道 1 号招商局 邮编:313000

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Project No. 12Project: Healthcare and Medical ProjectIndustry: Medical ServiceProject Site: Wuxing DistrictProject Background and Conditions: Wuxing boasts a beautiful environment and landscape and it is the exclusive national-level model zone for ecological civilization construction. The eastern new area, where the project is located, is known as the new living room of the city and a green lung in the overall planning of Huzhou City. We are working hard to build a wetland city, a city of tourism, a forest city and ecological city. 75% of the population in China are in the sub-health state, which is the highest in the world. With rapid increase of incomes and awareness of health, health consuming will become a new hot spot of family consumption in the future. This means that the healthcare sector is going to be one of the industries with the most valuable investment in China. Project Progress: The public infrastructure such as water, power supply, and communication has been completed. The platform construction has been completed basically. The fundamental education system in Huzhou is complete. The economic and service departments, customs, banks, insurances, scientific research institutes and fine hotels, are all ready for service.Plan of Implementation:The project is located in the eastern new area, with a planned area 1000 mu. The total investment of the project is 330 million US dollars. It is planned to build a large international healthcare facility based on the excellent ecological resources and cultural healthcare service. Co-operation Form: The collaboration form for the project is not limited. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The foreign investors will enjoy various preferential policies promulgated by the local government. The local government will conduct the survey service prior to the project investment by the investors, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou.Status of Chinese Partner: The project is implemented by Wuxing district southern Taihu lake new high-tech park. Wuxing district of Huzhou city is located in the geographical heart of Yangtze river delta, within the reach of Shanghai and Hangzhou by about an hour drive, enjoying unique location advantages. With the highly developed highway, railway and waterway facilities, Wuxing is the transport hub which links the eastern coastal area with the inland.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Jiang BoTelephone: 13957281597Fax: 0572-2289560E-mail: hzjiangbo@ 163.comWebsite: http://zsj.wuxing.gov.cn/Address: 1st floor, Wuxing District Bureau of Commerce, No.1 Wuxing

Avenue, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000

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妙峰山区域位于妙西镇东北部,是上海、杭州、安吉的黄金交叉点,距中心城区 8公里,离 G25杭宁高速湖州出口处仅 15分钟车程、湖州高铁站 20

分钟车程,交通便利。妙峰山区域,生态环境良好,森林覆盖率达到 70%以上,有天然氧吧之称。整体大气、水资源环境条件优越,气温适中,年平均气温16℃,年平均降水量在 1050~1850 毫米,年适游期达 300 天以上。山林资源丰富,茶叶、竹笋、水蜜桃、山野菜等纯天然绿色产品备受青睐。同时历史底蕴深厚,茶文化、宗教文化、法学文化源远流长,茶圣陆羽、近现代法学奠基人沈家本等都曾在此寓居并留下巨著。项目准备或进展情况:

妙峰山景区基础设施配套建设已累计投入 1亿余元。项目周边 220KV变电站可确保电力容量,区域用水、排污均已纳入城市管网;天然气 “西气东输”门站已建至项目所在地旁。项目建设规模和建设内容: 项目规划面积 8500 亩,总投资 8.2亿美元,以青山镜水之绿色环境为背景,挖掘“茶道”深厚内涵,实现“儒、释、道合流,诗、禅、茶合一”, 重点打造集禅茶文化旅游、诗词书画文化交流、高端健康养老养生等为一体的文

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审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、外来人员生活帮助服务。 项目中方情况简介:项目中方为湖州市吴兴区妙西镇人民政府。妙峰山景区地处湖州市吴兴区

妙西镇,距离湖州中心城区 12公里,距离高铁站 2公里,是湖州市西塞山旅游度假区重要组成部分联系人:江波联系电话:13957281597


E-mail:[email protected]


通讯地址:浙江省湖州市吴兴大道 1 号招商局 邮编:313000

Project No. 13Project: Scenic Spot Development Project Industry: TourismProject Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: The Mt. Miaofeng scenic spot is located in the southwest of Huzhou City which is the gold intersection of Shanghai, Hangzhou and Anji. The project site is 8 kilometers away from the downtown, 15 minutes’ drive to Huzhou exit of Hangzhou-Nanjing Expressway and 20 minutes’ drive to Huzhou high-speed railway station. The Mt. Miaofeng boasts a favorable ecological environment with the forest coverage rate of 70% above, so it is called as the natural oxygen bar.

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The overall atmospheric and water environment conditions are superior, the temperature all the year around is moderate, annual average temperature 16 , annual average rainfall 1050 - 1850℃ mm. At least 300 days or more in a year are suitable for tourism. The forest resources in the mountain are rich and the local produces such as tea, bamboo shoots, peaches, wild vegetables and pure natural green products are very popular. Meanwhile, the Mt. Miaofeng was known for its profound history. The tea culture, religious culture and jurist culture have a long history in this area. The sage for tea in Chinese history Lu Yu and the famous modern jurist Shen Jiaben used to make their homes in this area and wrote their great works. Project Progress:The local government has invested 100 million yuan totally in construction of the infrastructure facilities for Mt. Miaofeng Scenic Spot. The 220-kilovolt substation in the scenic spot will ensure the power supply. The water supply and sewage treatment in the project site have been a part of the piping network of Huzhou city. The gas supply station has been set up nearby the site. Plan of Implementation: The project covers a planned area of 8,500 mu with a total investment of 820 million US dollars. The investment and development items include culture and tourism, commercial real estate, high end healthcare and elderly care etc.Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venturePreferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The foreign investors for the project will enjoy a number of preferential policies made by the local government. The local government will assist to conduct the survey service prior to the project investment, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou. Status of Chinese Partner: The project is implemented by Miaoxi Town Government. Miaoxi town is 12 km away from the downtown of Huzhou, 2 km from the high-speed railway station, and it is an important part of Xisai Mountain Resort.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Jiang BoTelephone: 13957281597 Fax: 0572-2289560E-mail: hzjiangbo@ 163.comWebsite: http://zsj.wuxing.gov.cn/Address: 1st floor, Wuxing District Bureau of Commerce, No.1 Wuxing

Avenue, Huzhou ,Zhejiang Province 313000



Page 45: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

项目位于旧馆镇临港工业区西侧,江南古村新兴港村北侧。西距湖州中心城区 18公里,东离南浔城区 12.3公里,紧邻申苏浙皖、申嘉湖高速,318国道和长湖申航道贯穿全境,承东启西,通南达北,水陆交通便捷,现已初步形成了水路、公路、铁路的综合交通网路,并已纳入了上海一小时快速交通圈。总规划占地面积 2920 亩,其中水域 828 亩,建设义家漾湿地生态旅游,开发农业观光园及养老休闲项目。项目规划区域内村落均依河而建,地势平坦、平原沃野,属江南典型的平原水乡型村落。水域内小岛密布,形态各异,溪水潺潺,鸟语花香,自然景观风貌优美,原生态保持较好。项目准备或进展情况:

正在规划中项目建设规模和建设内容: 总规划占地面积 2920 亩,其中水域 828 亩,建设义家漾湿地生态旅游,

开发农家乐游、农业观光及养老休闲项目。计划总投资 15亿人民币。合作内容与要求:合资、合作项目中方可提供的合作条件:

中方负责土地的流转和建设项目的土地征用项目中方情况简介:旧馆镇属于湖州市南浔区下辖的一个乡镇,全镇总人口 19109人,2013

年全年完成工业总产值 127亿元,规上工业产值 55.9亿元,财政收入 1.2亿元,民营经济比较发达,金属冶炼及木地板产业为全镇的支柱产业。联系人:吴红斌联系电话:13587206090 传真:0572—3518234 E-mail:[email protected]网址:http://www.nanxun.gov.cn/index.html通讯地址:湖州市南浔区旧馆镇共富路 87 号

Page 46: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的


Project No. 14

Project: Yijiayang Ecotourism Comprehensive Development ProjectIndustry:TourismProject Site:Nanxun DistrictProject Background and Conditions:The project is to the west side of Lin'gang Industrial Zone and north side to Jiangnan Village Xinxinggang Village of Jiuguan Town, Nanxun District.being about 18 km. away from downtown Huzhou to the west and 12.3 km. from towntown Nanxun to the east. It is close to Shanghai, Suzhou, Zhejiang and Anhui and the Jiaxin-Huzhou highway, and besides, 318 national highway and Changhushen course are all crossing the city with convenient water and land transportations, which has formed a comprehensive transportation network involving waterway, highway and railway and has been included into the one-hour transportation rim of Shanghai.The total planning floor area of the project is 2,920 mu, of which 828 mu is the water area. It is suggested that Yijiayang wetland ecotourism shall develop the agricultural tourism park and caring leisure projects. All the villages within the project area are established beside the rivers with plain land and rich soils, being the traditional plain villages. There are a lot of small islands within the water area of various shapes and natural view sites and a good original ecological style.Project Progress:Is in the planningPlan of Implementation:The total planning floor area of the project is 2,920 mu, of which 828 mu is the water area. It is suggested that Yijiayang wetland ecotourism shall develop the agricultural tourism park and caring leisure projects.The total investment of the projects is expected to be RMB 1.5 billion .Co-operation Form: Ways of joint venture and partnership are accepted.Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The transfer of land construction project of China is responsible for land requisition.Status of Chinese Partner:Jiuguan Town belongs to the Huzhou District of Nanxun City,under the jurisdiction of the town,the total population of 19109 people, in 2013 the annual total industrial output value of RMB12.7 billion, the regulation of industrial output value ofRMB 5.59billion , RMB0.12billion of fiscal revenue, the more developed private economy, metal smelting and wood flooring industry as a pillar industry of the town.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Wu Hongbin

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Telephone:13587206090 Fax:0572—3518234 E-mail:[email protected]: http://www.nanxun.gov.cn/index.htmlAddress: No. 87, Gongfu Road, Jiuguan Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou Postcode:313000


项目名称:古村落文化保护园项目项目所属行业:旅游业项目落户地:南浔区项目背景及建设条件: 辑里古村落是辑里湖丝发源地。“辑里湖丝”是国家级非物质文化遗产;是中国第一个获得世界大奖的民族工业品牌;翻开中国历史就是一部丝绸文化的历史;国家提出“文化大发展、大繁荣”,丝绸文化古自就是一个文化交流、经济发展的纽带;南浔因丝绸有闻名于天下,传承荣誉和经典是一种使命。项目准备或进展情况: 项目专项规划正在编制中。项目建设规模和建设内容: 项目规划面积约 2000 亩,建设:1、辑里湖丝国家级非物质文化遗产展示

基地;2、蚕学馆,蚕桑科普教育基地;3、辑里湖丝文化研究基地;4、蚕桑文化生态休闲观光园;5、蚕丝产品仿古作坊区;6、南浔传统文化传承展示示范基地;7、保护性开发古村落。合作内容与要求:合作项目中方可提供的合作条件:1、南浔镇负责办理项目前期手续2、符合财政补助的项目积极负责申报 项目中方情况简介:湖州南浔城南新农村建设投资有限公司成立于 2012年 5月,南浔区国资

委下属湖州市南浔区新农村建设投资有限公司全额出资成立,注册资本 12000万人民币,公司与城南试验区指挥部合署办公,按照市场化、公司化、商业化的运作模式封闭运行,并通过产业投资、土地整治节余土地出让金收益以及省、市、区新农村财政补助和政策扶持来实现资金平衡及盈利。

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联系人:钱月华联系电话:0572-3057789 传真:0572-3057789 E-mail:[email protected]网址:http://www.nanxun.gov.cn/index.html通讯地址:湖州市南浔区南浔镇浔练公路 2998 号 邮编:313009

Project No. 15Project: ancient village culture protection park project

Industry of the project: tourism Project location: Nanxun DistrictBackground and construction condition of the project:Jili ancient village is the birthplace of Jili Lake Silk. “Jili Lake Silk” is a national intangible cultural heritage and the first national industry brand of China that wins the world award; Chinese history is a history of silk culture; the country puts forward the “cultural development and prosperity”, and silk culture has been a tie for cultural exchange and economic development since ancient times; Nanxun is famous for silk, and honor and classical inheritance is a mission.Preparation or progress of the project:The special planning of the project is being formulated. Construction scale and content of the project:Planning area of the project is about 2000 acres and it is used for constructing: 1. National intangible cultural heritage display base of Jili Lake Silk; 2. Sericulture museum and popular science education base of sericulture; 3. Culture research base of Jili Lake Silk; 4. Sericulture ecological leisure park; 5. Antique silk products workshop area; 6. The demonstration base of inheriting Nanxun traditional culture; 7. Ancient village with protective development.The contents and requirements of cooperation:cooperationCooperative conditions provided by the Chinese side for the project:1. Nanxun town is responsible for handling pre project formalities.2. Actively declare the items that are in accordance with financial assistance.Brief introduction of the Chinese side about the project:Huzhou Nanxun Chengnan New Rural Construction Investment Co., Ltd was founded in May, 2012 and contributed in full by Huzhou Nanxun New Rural Construction Investment Co., Ltd subordinate to Nanxun State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission with registered capital of RMB 120 million Yuan. The company and the Chengnan test zone headquarter work together and it is operated in accordance with marketization, company and commercial mode. It also realizes the balance of fund and profits through industrial investment, reclamation land leasing revenue savings and new rural financial assistance and policy support. Correspondence:

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Contact person: Qian YuehuaContact telephone: 0572-3057789Fax: 0572-3057789E-mail:[email protected]: http://www.nanxun.gov.cn/index.htmlAddress: Xunlian Road No. 2998, Nanxun Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou CityPostal code: 313009


项目名称:南浔老年康复医院项目项目建设内容和规模新建大型老年康复专科医院,规划用地 50 亩,建设规模 500床,业务用

房建筑面积 4.5万平方米,分两期建设,一期建设 200-300张床位。临床诊疗科目主要是老年病科、康复科,以及其他相应科目。投资概算总建设投资 2.5亿元,其中一期建设投资 1.5亿元。

经济效益和社会效益评价南浔区常住人口 53万,60岁以上老龄人口占 24.21%,2013年城镇居

民人均可支配收入 40500元,农民人均年收入 19758元。职工医保、城镇居民医保和新农合的总参保率 98%以上,养老形式以居家养老为主,现有老年专科医院 1家,核定床位 25张,难以满足社会需求。目前老年病与康复市场需求巨大,新建老年康复医院能有效缓解老有所医矛盾。初期财务预测分析

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1.业务收入:一期 6000-10000万元/年,二期 15000-20000万元/年2.收支结余:1000-3000万元/年3.投资回收期:10年



Email:[email protected]


Project No. 16Project: Nanxun Elderly Rehabilitation Hospital ProjectProject Construction Content and Sizes:The large elderly rehabilitation hospital under planning covers a land area of 50 mu, with

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construction sizes of 500 ward beds and the building area of 45,000 m2. The project will be implemented in two phases, the first phase engaging 200 – 300 ward beds. The medical subjects of clinical diagnosis and treatment for the hospital include geriatrics and rehabilitation, and other related subjects. Investment Estimation:The total investment of the project is RMB 250 million, of which the first phase will invest RMB 150 million. Evaluation of Economic and Social Benefits:The resident population in Nanxun Town has reached 530,000, of which the elderly population aged 60 and above account for 24.21%. In 2013, the per capita disposable income was RMB 40,500 for urban residents and RMB 19,758 for rural residents. The coverage of medical insurances - medical insurances for urban workers and urban residents and new rural cooperative medical service, reaches above 98%. Now most of the aging population in Nanxun lives at home. There is only one geriatrics hospital with 25 ward beds in the town, which is not able to meet the social demands. Nowadays, the market demands for elderly diseases and rehabilitation are huge and the newly built hospital will effectively alleviate the burdens of medical treatment for elderly. Initial Financial Forecast and Analysis:1.Annual Business Incomes: RMB 60 – 100 million per year for the first phase and RMB 150 – 200 million per year for the second phase 2.Annual Profits: RMB 10 – 30 million per year3.Payoff Period: 10 yearsInvestment Form:Privately owned or foreign wholly ownedNature of Business:Profit or non-profitCorrespondence:

Department: Nanxun District Bureau of Health and Family Planning Contact Person: Zhang FengliTel: 0572-3023605E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.nanxun.gov.cn/index.html


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项目名称:南浔骨伤科医院项目项目建设内容和规模新建骨伤科专科医院,规划用地 20 亩,建设规模 120床,业务用房建筑

面积 1万平方米。临床诊疗科目主要是骨科、中医骨伤科、康复科,以及其他相应科目。投资概算总建设投资 6000万元。

经济效益和社会效益评价南浔区常住人口 53万,2013年城镇居民人均可支配收入 40500元,农

民人均年收入 19758元,职工医保、城镇居民医保和新农合的总参保率 98%






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Email:[email protected]


Project No. 17Project:Nanxun Orthopedics Hospital ProjectProject Construction Content and Sizes:The newly built orthopedics hospital in Nanxun will cover a land area of 20 mu, with a construction size of 120 ward-beds and a building area of 10,000 m2. The main medical subjects of the hospital include orthopedics for Chinese and western medicine, rehabilitation and other related subjects. Investment Estimation:The estimated total investment for the project is RMB 60 million. Evaluation of Economic and Social Benefits:There are 530,000 resident population in Nanxun District. In 2013, the per capita disposable income was RMB 40,500 for urban residents and RMB 19,758 for rural residents. The coverage of medical insurances - medical insurances for urban workers and urban residents and new rural cooperative medical service, have reached 98% above. Nanxun is home to numerous small-sized timbering workshops and motor-making factories. Many physical injury accidents have happened in production every year and the existing hospital technology and size are not able to meet the treatment demands. While the aging population gets more, the number of orthopedic diseases for aging population increases as well. Therefore, the market demands for elderly orthopedics and rehabilitation treatment are huge.

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Initial Financial Forecast and Analysis:Annual Business Incomes: RMB 40 – 100 million per year Annual Profits: RMB 5 – 10 million per yearPayoff Period: 10 yearsInvestment Form:Privately owned or foreign wholly ownedNature of Business:Profit or non-profitCorrespondence:

Department: Nanxun District Bureau of Health and Family Planning Contact Person: Zhang FengliTel: 0572-3023605E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.nanxun.gov.cn/index.html



该项目位于浙江省湖州经济技术开发区规划中的康山主题公园区域。唐代诗人张志和:“西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。青箬笠,绿蓑衣,斜风细雨不须归”,描述的就是西塞山前的自然风光。项目紧临湖州高铁站前新城(杭宁高铁(2013年 7月已建成通车)、商合杭高铁(在建)、规划中的湖苏沪城市轻轨交汇处),具有大量潜在的外地游客群体,依山傍水,交通便利,是休闲养老主题园区的理想之地。项目准备或进展情况:大健康产业园项目基础设施配套建设已累计投入 1亿余元。项目周边


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“西气东输”门站已建至项目所在地旁。项目建设规模和建设内容: 大健康产业园项目总占地各位 5500 亩(含山体绿地),总投资额为 20-


审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、外来人员生活帮助服务。 项目中方情况简介:项目中方湖州经济技术开发区为国家级经济技术开发区,并且属于浙江省

重点规划建设的 14个产业集聚区-湖州南太湖产业集聚区的核心区,享有国家级开发区和省级产业集聚区的双重政策优势。联系人:王 伟联系电话:13362280918 传真:0572-2105751E-mail:[email protected]网址:http://www.hetd.gov.cn/通讯地址:浙江省湖州市红丰西路 1366 号投资促进二局 邮编:313000Project No. 18Project: Huzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Health Industrial ProjectIndustry: Pension and HealthProject Site: Huzhou Economic and Technological Development ZoneProject Background and Conditions:The project is located in Zhejiang Huzhou economic and Technological Development Zone in the planning of mountain theme park area.The project site is neat to Huzhou high-speed railway station. Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Zhihe said: "in front of white egrets fly, peach flowers flowing away with water, Mandarin fish. Green bamboo hat, green hemp fiber light wind and drizzling rain, do not have to go, "the description is in front of the natural scenery. It is located at a large number of potential tourists groups, neighboring mountains and rivers,convenient transportation, leisure theme park is an ideal place for retirement.Project Progress:The local government has invested 100 million yuan totally in construction of the infrastructure facilities for Health Industrial Project. The 220-kilovolt substation in the scenic spot will ensure the power supply. The water supply and sewage treatment in the project site have been a part of the piping network of Huzhou city. The gas supply station has been set up nearby the site.

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Plan of Implementation:The health Industrial Project is covers a total area of 5500 acres (including all mountain green), the total investment amounted to 20-30 billion yuan 。 The project is consists of medical institutions, health, College Hill apartments for the elderly, commercial center, health exchanges, leisure and entertainment as one integrated health industrial park, provided care, assisted living facilities and service integration, and integration into the China traditional pension and health concept, provided high quality, high standard, professional medical care and nursing service.Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:The foreign investors for the project will enjoy a number of preferential policies made by the local government. The local government will assist to conduct the survey service prior to the project investment, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou. Status of Chinese Partner:The Chinese side of the project of Huzhou economic and Technological Development Zone is a national level economic and Technological Development Zone, the core area of Zhejiang province and belongs to the 14 industry focused on planning and construction of the gathering area - Huzhou South Taihu industrial agglomeration area, enjoy the dual policy advantages of state level development zones and provincial industrial agglomeration area.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Wang weiTelephone: 13362280918 Fax: 0572-2105751E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.hetd.gov.cn/Address: Investment Promotion Bureau 2, No.1366 Hongfeng Road,

Huzhou ,Zhejiang Province 313000


项目名称:湖州开发区综合性三甲医院项目项目所属行业:医疗卫生业项目落户地:湖州经济技术开发区项目背景及建设条件:湖州经济技术开发区行政管辖面积 144平方公里,常住人口 15万,流动人口 6万左右,辐射吴兴区、长兴县、安徽广德县等,总辐射人口约 120 余万,职工医保、城镇居民医保和新农合的总参保率 98%以上。近年来,湖州市经济社会快速发展,城市化进程日益推进,城市框架进一步拉大,作为城市副中心的西南分区,医疗机构建设相对滞后。因此在该区域建设一家综合性三甲医院,以此满足群众的医疗需求,具有十分的必要性。随着市中心医院的整体迁建,该地块与市内其他综合性医院相距约 20公里,

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医疗资源丰富。项目准备或进展情况:项目所在地目前已完成全部拆迁及土地征用工作,可以马上满足项目建设需要。项目建设规模和建设内容:新建大型开发区综合性三甲医院,总建设投资 8亿元,其中一期建设投资 5亿元。规划用地 150 亩,建设规模 800床,业务用房建筑面积 8万平方米,分两期建设,一期建设 400-500张床位。临床诊疗科目主要是内科、外科、妇产科、儿科、骨科、康复科、老年科以及其他相应科目。合作内容与要求:独资项目中方可提供的合作条件:根据我市加快医疗卫生事业发展的相关意见,将分别在项目建设、产业体系完善、产业规模和服务提升、公共配套提升、市场推广、人才培养等方面给予一定的奖励。项目外来投资者将享受各类优惠的投资政策以及项目投资前期调查服务、项目审批全程代理服务、项目建设跟踪联系服务、外来人员生活帮助服务等。项目中方情况简介:项目中方为湖州经济技术开发区管理委员会。湖州经济技术开发区地处长江三角洲经济圈的地理中心,是湖州南太湖产业集聚区的核心区,于 1992年 8月经浙江省政府批准设立,并于 2010年 3月经国务院批准升格为国家级经济技术开发区。联系人:周晓芸联系电话:13567286647/0572-2165390传真:0572-2165390E-mail:[email protected]网址:http://www.hetd.gov.cn/通讯地址:浙江省湖州市红丰路 1366 号邮编:313000

Project No. 19Project: The project of comprehensive hospital in Huzhou Development ZoneIndustry: HealthcareProject Site: Huzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone (HETD)Project Background and Conditions:The area under the jurisdiction of HETD is 144 square kilometers, with 150000 resident population and 60000 floating population, and the related area include Wuxing District, Changxing County, Anhui Guangde County, the radiation of the population is about 1.2 million. The total insured employee health insurance, medical insurance for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical system in the rate of 98%.In recent years, the rapid economic growth and social development of Huzhou brings urbanization day by day, the city is also growing. The Southwest Division, as the sub-center of the city, lack large-scale medical institutions. Therefore, it is necessary for this area to construct a new comprehensive hospital.

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After the overall relocation of Huzhou Central Hospital, the plot and the other hospitals are about 20 kilometers apart, with abundant medical resources.Project Progress:The location of the project has been completed all demolition and land acquisition work, to satisfy the needs of the construction project.Plan of Implementation:The new third-grade class-A hospital in HETD, of which the total investment is 800 million yuan, and the first phase of construction investment is 500 million yuan. The project plans to cover an area of 150 Mu, the construction scale of 800 beds, business housing construction area of 80000 square meters, the construction in two phases, the first phase of the construction has 400-500 beds. Clinical medical subjects include internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, Pediatrics, orthopedics, rehabilitation therapy, Geriatrics and other related subjects.Co-operation Form: Sole proprietorshipPreferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:According to the related suggestions to accelerate the development of medical and health care in our city, The local government will provide certain rewards in terms of project construction, a complete industrial system, industrial scale and upgrade services, public facilities, enhance marketing, personnel training etc.. The foreign investors for the project will enjoy various preferential policies made by the local government. The local government will assist to conduct the survey service prior to the project investment, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign managements and professionals who live in Huzhou.Status of Chinese Partner:The Chinese Partner of the project is The Administrative Committee of Huzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone. HETD is located in the central of Yangtze River Delta economic circle, and the core area of Huzhou South Taihu Industrial Cluster District, which the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province approved in August 1992, and in March 2010, HTED was accredited by State Council as National Economic & Technological Development Zone.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Zhou Xiao YunTelephone: 13567286647/0572-2165390Fax: 0572-2165390E-mail: [email protected]: http://www.hetd.gov.cn/Address: 1366 Hongfeng Road Huzhou, ZhejiangPostcode: 313000



Page 59: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

湖州市已初步形成了由医药生物技术产业、工业生物技术产业、中成药及饮片、化学合成原药及制剂、药用辅料及医用敷料等门类组成的较为齐全的生物医药产业格局。湖州南太湖生物医药园着眼于高端生物医药项目建设,位于杨家埠工业区北部,杭宁高速以东、104国道以北,紧邻 G25高速湖州北出口,交通便利,园区三面环山,生态环境优美。园区目前已经完成基础建设投资 15亿元,其中,园区 10条骨干道路全面完成建设,综合管线配套,具备项目落地条件。项目准备或进展情况:区块基础设施完善,产业用地具备出让条件,对外招商进行中。

项目建设规模和建设内容: 项目占地 200亩。引进和发展单克隆抗体、蛋白质、基因、细胞、微生态



区仅一河之隔,背倚老城,面向太湖,区内地势平坦,是湖州南太湖产业集聚区的核心区,是 1992年 8月经浙江省政府批准设立的首批省级开发区,2010

年 3月经国务院批准升格为国家级经济技术开发区。行政管辖面积 144平方公里,受市政府委托管辖四个街道。规划面积 100平方公里分为凤凰分区、西南

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通讯地址:浙江省湖州市红丰路 1366号湖州经济技术开发区投资促进四局 邮编:313000

Project No. 20Project: Biopharmaceutical Industry ParkIndustry: Biopharmaceutical Project Site: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development ZoneProject Background and Conditions: A complete pharmaceutical industry pattern has been taken shape initially in Huzhou , including biopharmaceutical technology, industrial biotechnology, Chinese patent drugs and herbal pieces prepared for decoction, synthetic drugs, pharmaceutical adjuvants etc. Huzhou Southern Taihu Lake Biopharmaceutical Industry Park focuses on high-end biopharmaceutical projects and it is located in the north of Yangjiabu Industrial zone, on the east of Hangzhou-Nanjing expressway and the east of No. 104 national highway, neighboring the north exit of G25 expressway. The site of the park embraced on three sides by mountains enjoys easy access and beautiful ecological environment. Now the infrastructure construction with an investment of 1.5 billion yuan has been completed in the park, in which the ten main roads, supporting piping and lines have been

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finished. The conditions for projects to settle down in the park have been mature. Project Progress:The construction of infrastructure facilities in the park has been completed and the industrial land is able to be transferred. Now the park is inviting investment from the outside. Plan of Implementation: The industrial park covers an area of 200 mu. The objectives of the industrial park are to set up an advanced industrial cluster of genes, proteins, stem cells, monoclonal antibodies, plant extracts and pharmaceutical adjuvant etc., and introduce projects of medical technology, chemical drugs, high-end medical instruments, and build industrial workshops, R&D and laboratory platforms, office and warehouse facilities etc. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:According to investment scales of the projects and their output and taxes, Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone will offer policy supports to the investors. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone is situated at the northwest of Huzhou City, only a river apart from the old city. Leaning by the old city and confronting to the vast Taihu Lake, the development zone is the core of the southern Taihu lake industrial agglomeration. It was among the first batch of provincial-level development zone approved by the provincial government in August 1992 and was upgraded to the national-level by the State Council in March 2010. The development zone covers an administrative jurisdiction area of 144 square kilometers with four sub-districts of a planning area of 100 square kilometers, dividing into Phoenix sub-district, Southwest sub-district, Xisai Mountian sub-district, Kangshan Mountain sub-district four functional districts. As the main industrial platform in Huzhou, it gathers strategic new industry, new and high-tech industry and modern service sectors, and it is also the important urban expansion and a sub-center of Huzhou City. Correspondence:

Contact Person: Ruan XiaomingTelephone: 0572-2117992Fax: 0572-2102753Website: http://www.hetd.gov.cn/Address: 1366 Hongfeng Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000



Page 62: €¦ · Web view2015/05/28  · 湖州市基本情况介绍. 湖州地处以上海为龙头的长三角地区的地理中心,是一座具有2300多年历史的文化名城,是上海都市圈的

长田漾湿地总占地面积 7740 亩,位于太湖旅游度假区西南部。东临湖州市通往度假区的主干道太湖路、西接湖州文化名山弁山、北面即为烟波浩淼的太湖(各漾经小梅港直通太湖)、南面则为湖州市区(与湖州一中、体育馆、网球中心相邻),距离行政中心仅 2公里,是城市天然的湿地公园。湿地区域面积广阔、生态优良、芦苇丛生、水鸟纷飞、鱼类品种资源丰富,点缀的村落和民居原始自然,呈现了典型的江南梦里水乡风貌。被世界旅游组织称为环太湖地区最具开发潜力与旅游吸引力的资源。项目准备或进展情况:项目招商中

项目建设规模和建设内容:250 亩的商业旅游用地作为此项目的配套用地。总投资约 3亿美元。



部,水域面积约 300平方公里,湖岸线约 64.6公里。申苏浙皖、申嘉湖、杭宁等三条高速公路,318、104等两条国道贯穿东西,杭长、杭宣两条铁路及宁杭高速铁路穿越期间,距上海、杭州、南京、苏州等城市均在 200公里之内,现为国家AAAA级旅游景区。

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通讯地址:浙江省湖州太湖旅游度假区招商局 邮编:313000

Project No. 21Project: Wetland Resort Development ProjectIndustry: TourismProject Site: Huzhou Taihu Lake ResortProject Background and Conditions: Changtian Lake wetland lies in the southwestern part of Taihu Lake Resort, covering a total land area of 7,740 mu. To the east, it neighbors the main boulevard from Huzhou city to the Taihu Lake Resort, and connects with the famous cultural mountain Mt. Bian to the west. The wetland faces the vast expanse of misty Taihu Lake to the north, and the lakes open to Taihu Lake through Xiaomei River. Adjacent to Huzhou first middle school, gym and tennis court, the wetland is close to Huzhou city proper to the south. The wide wetland is reserved with favorable ecological environment. The lake is reedy. The water fowls on the lake flit and the fishery resources are affluent. The local village residents nearby the wetland lead a quiet and natural life, showing a typical scenery of the land of waters in the south of the lower reaches of Yangtze River. The world tourism organization called it in high terms as the most attractive tourist resources with high development potentials around Taihu Lake.Project Progress: The project is inviting and attracting outside investment. Plan of Implementation: The land for commercial and tourist purposes with an area of 250 mu has been allocated to this project, with a total investment of 300 million dollars.Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or cooperativePreferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner:According to the project conditions, the preferential treatment for project land is available. The infrastructure facilities such as water, electric power and road are supplied to the red line of the project. The resort administrative committee will assist the investors in arranging relevant

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formalities and offer one-stop service.Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Taihu Lake Resort is a AAAA level national scenic sport. The resort is located in the southern bank of Taihu Lake which is known as the third largest freshwater lake in China, neighboring the northern part of Huzhou city proper. The resort boasts a water area of 300 km2 and lakeshore line of 64.8 km long. Three expressways, two state highways and three railways pass through the city. It is all within the distance of 200 km from Huzhou to major cities Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou etc.Correspondence:

Contact Person: Zhang YunTelephone: 0572-2151609 Fax: 0572-2159907E-mail: [email protected]:http://www.taihu.gov.cn/Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, Taihu Lake Resort, Huzhou, Zhejiang

Province 313000

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