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A gannet is a type of sea bird.


(a)     When a gannet flies at a constant height above the sea, there is a downward force of 30N on the gannet.

What is the size of the upward force on the gannet?Tick the correct box.


less than 30N

exactly 30N


more than 30N


need more information


1 mark

(b)     To catch food, the gannet dives down into the sea.What is the useful energy transfer when the gannet dives?Choose words from the box below.


thermal      gravitational potential      sound      kinetic      light

When the gannet dives, ................................................................. energy is

transferred to ........................................................................ energy.

2 marks

(c)     Label the arrows to show the names of the forces acting on the gannet as it dives.


2 marks

(d)     Gannets have pockets of air between their muscles and their skin.Suggest how this is a good adaptation for gannets when they hit the water at fast speeds.



1 mark

(e)     The gannet releases energy through respiration.An aeroplane also releases energy when fossil fuels burn.

Write two other ways that respiration and burning are similar.

1 ...................................................................................................................

2 ...................................................................................................................

2 marks

maximum 8 marks


In a power station, coal can be used to generate electricity.



(a)     Use words from the box to answer the questions below.


chemical                   electrical                   gravitational potential

kinetic                   light               sound                 thermal

1 mark

(i)      What is the useful energy transfer when coal is burnt?

............................... energy is transferred to ............................. energy

1 mark

(ii)     Some of the energy stored in coal is wasted when it is burnt.Give the name of one type of energy released that is not useful.


1 mark


(b)     Wind turbines are also used to generate electricity.The wind turns the turbine blades and the turbine blades turn a generator.


Use words from the box opposite. Complete the sentence to show the useful energy transfer in a wind turbine and generator.

............................... energy is transferred to ............................. energy

1 mark

(c)     Suggest one disadvantage of using wind to generate electricity.



1 mark


(d)     Sugar cane is a plant.

The sugar from the cane is used to make alcohol.Alcohol is a fuel.




(i)      Which energy source do plants use to produce sugar?



1 mark

(ii)     Is sugar cane a renewable or non-renewable source of energy?Tick one box.

renewable source          non-renewable source  

Give a reason for your answer.


1 mark

maximum 7 marks


A company has made a new material called ‘Wellwarm’. They want to use ‘Wellwarm’ to make coats.

(a)     A scientist tested ‘Wellwarm’ to see how well it insulated a beaker of hot water.She tested ‘Wellwarm’ and three other materials as shown below.


                  material A                  material B                  material C                  material D

          She wrapped each beaker in a different material.She recorded the temperature at the start and 20 minutes later.

(i)      What was the independent variable that the scientist changed?


1 mark

(ii)     What was the dependent variable that the scientist measured during the investigation?


1 mark

(b)     The results of the investigation are shown below.



temperature of water (°C) wrapped in


material A

material B

material C

material D











(i)      The scientist said that the ‘Wellwarm’ material is the best insulator.Which material was ‘Wellwarm’? Use the results to help you.Tick the correct box.

A             B             C             D  

1 mark

(ii)     Use the evidence in the results table to explain your choice.



1 mark

(c)     The company made a coat from each of the four materials they tested.


          A person tested the different coats by wearing each one in a cold room.He measured the temperature inside each coat for 30 minutes.

          Write down two other variables that should be controlled to make this a fair test.

1. ....................................................................................................................

1 mark

2. ....................................................................................................................

1 mark

(d)     Write down one thing the scientists should do to make sure the person testing thecoats is safe.


1 mark

(e)     Suggest one advantage of using a temperature sensor and data logger instead of a thermometer in this experiment.



1 mark

maximum 8 marks


Jenny put a spring               She pressed the                            She let go of the springover a wooden rod.              spring down 2 cm.                         and measured the                                                                                                   height it reached.


                   not to scale

          Jenny repeated her experiment. She pressed the spring down more each time.Her results are shown in the graph below.


(a)     Use Jenny’s graph to complete the table below.


distance the spring waspressed down (cm)

height the springreached (cm)







1 mark

(b)     Jenny said, ‘If I double the distance I press the spring down, the height it reacheswill also double’.

          How do the results show she was wrong?



1 mark

(c)     This diagram shows the moving spring in three different positions.


          Complete the sentences below by choosing words from the box.You can use each word more than once.


most           some             least

(i)      When the spring is moving at B it has kinetic energy and

.................................. gravitational potential energy.

1 mark

(ii)     When the spring reaches C it has .............................. gravitational potential

energy and .................................. kinetic energy.

1 mark

(iii)     When the spring stops at A it has .................................. kinetic energy and

.................................. gravitational potential energy.

1 mark

maximum 5 marks


The pie charts show the relative proportions of electricity generated in Japan from different energy sources in 1975 and 2005.


(a)     Describe and suggest a reason for two differences in the energy sources used in 2005 compared with 1975.







(b)     Mining for coal often releases large amounts of methane gas. Methane is both explosive and a greenhouse gas. At the Sihe coal mine in China the methane is diverted to a gas burning power station where it is used to generate electricity.

(i)      A newspaper reported a scientist as saying:


If the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere doubles, the average temperature of the Earth will increase by up to 5 °C over the next 100 years.

What has been stated in the newspaper?

Draw a ring a round your answer.

          a fact                         a guess                       a prediction

Give a reason for your answer.





(ii)     Explain an environmental advantage of taking the methane gas from coal mines and using it to generate electricity.








(c)     The average person in Britain uses 1930 kWh of electricity each year. Many people in the world’s poorest countries do not have access to electricity.

Giving examples, explain why electricity is essential for both improving public health and for modern communications.









(Total 9 marks)


Coal is a non-renewable energy resource.

(a)     Give two other non-renewable energy resources.

1. ..................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................

2 marks

          Wood is a renewable energy resource.

(b)     Why can wood be described as a renewable energy resource?



1 mark

(c)     Give two other renewable energy resources.

1. ..................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................

2 marks

(d)     Complete the statement below to describe what happens when wood burns.

When wood burns, chemical energy in the wood is transformed

into .............................. energy, which is transferred to the surroundings.

1 mark

Maximum 6 marks


(a)     A torch battery is an energy resource. How is the energy stored in a torch battery?Tick the correct box.


as chemical energy


as kinetic energy


as potential energy


as thermal energy


1 mark

(b)     When a torch is switched on, energy is transferred from the battery to the bulb.How is energy transferred from the battery to the bulb?Tick the correct box.


by electricity


by light


by sound


by thermal energy


1 mark

(c)     Energy is transferred from the torch bulb to the surroundings.

          Choose from the following terms to complete the sentences.

electricity           light                     sound                  thermal transfer

(i)      Energy is transferred from the torch bulb to the surroundings in a

         useful way by ...............................................

1 mark

(ii)     Some energy is wasted. The wasted energy is transferred from the

         bulb to the surroundings by ...............................................

1 mark

(d)     The torch is lifted up and put on a high shelf.


Energy is transferred to the torch as it is lifted up. The energy is stored in the torch while it stays on the shelf.What energy has the torch gained?


1 mark

Maximum 5 marks

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