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Effective language, Effective communication

Erasmus project



Once upon a time, long- long ago, at the ancient orient, where the two Grand River pour their water into the sky-blue sea, was a wondrous and rich town, which fame has gone far around the world. Ur was the name of the town, probably because the residents called themselves as the children of God. The king was the wise and rightful Nimród, who loved hunting. He and his wife Enéh had two sons. The elder was Hunor and the younger was Magyar. Their dad took them hunting even when they were teens. As time passed they grew into brave and handsome men. They were just like their father, they loved hunting. They used the arrow masterfully , and they always defeated their enemies.

One day the two brothers decided to go hunting without their father. Hunor and Magyar chose fifty-fifty youthful soldiers. On the next day, at down, they hopped on their fiery horses, and they galloped away so only dust could be seen behind them. They trapped hundreds of wild animals. As they wanted to go home they saw an amazingly coloured deer popping out of the woods. All of them were fascinated by the gorgeous animal, but just for a moment. Hunor’s loud shout broke the silence:

-Go after it soldiers! Hunt down the deer!

Just like a lightning, they hopped onto their horses and went after the beautiful stag. The horses were faster than a gale, but the game was faster. Arrows were flying quickly, but the stag was quicker. They were after the animal all day, they have shot out hundreds of arrows, but they couldn’t even hurt the deer. The riders and the horses were tired, when the sun went behind the globe, and the deer disappeared in the gloom. The brothers and their soldiers made a huge campfire and they made a delicious dinner from the fresh meat. While eating they talked about the gorgeous animal and they couldn’t get enough of it. After dinner they danced, and they went to sleep to go back to the town freshly in the morning.

At daybreak Hunor , Magyar and the soldiers were up. When the sun was goldenly shining on the eastern sky, they were ready to go back. Hunor commanded to go back. When just like magic the stag appeared in front of them.

-Soldiers! A hundred golds to the one, who can trap the animal! – shouted Magyar.

Go! Go!-screamed one hundred soldiers, with big zest they started chasing the stag. They were going up on mountain, down on valley, trough infinite plain. The land was loud from shouts and noises that the horses made. They used thousands of arrows to shut it down


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but the animal was invuolnerably running in front of them. When the sun hit the ground, the wondrous stag blended into the red sky.

-We’re going home in the morning!-said Hunor.

-It shall be as you said, brother.-said Magyar.

-We’re not going to be fooled by this animal anymore, even if it is that beautiful.-said the others.

On the third morning they were on their horses, and the deer was standing in front of them again defiantly, in gorgeous colours, temptingly, irresistibly. The two brothers did not say a word, they just looked at each other and nodded. One hundred and two horses with their one hundred and two riders were after the stag again. The stag was leading the hunters further and further from king Nimród’s kingdom. Who could tell how many rivers, mountains, plains they have left behind? The sun was about to settle when the wonder stag dived into a dark lake.

Hunor, Magyar and their people encamped in a enormous forest. They ate their freshly roasted meat without a word, unwillingly, even though they haven’t eaten all day. They haven’t danced, played any music, they were just staring in front of themselves. Everybody was thinking of one thing, the wondrous stag. They went sleeping one after the other. Hunor and Magyar fell asleep too. Around midnight a light wind went through the bushes, which woke up the two brothers. They heard voices in the wind. Magyar went after the noise, Hunor followed him so did the soldiers. They arrived quickly to a glade where they saw one hundred and two maiden dancing and singing happy and sad songs. The songs were familiar for the stalkers and they realised they understood the language of the girls, so they ran towards them. They found out that they were in Pannónia, and that the two most beautiful girls are the daughters of the king of Pannónia. Hunor, Magyar and the soldiers married the girls, and they had a wedding, which fame spread far and wide.

Many decades later, when Hunor’s and Magyar’s descendant’s multiplied, they parted. Hunor’s off springs became the hunok and Magyar’s became the magyarok.


In 1915 duringthe 1st World War, there was a bloody battle in the Dardanel. There were thousands of soldiers from every part of the world without knowing where they were and who they were fighting with. On the other hand Türkish soldiers were really in bad conditions. Most of the soldiers were children between 13-18. There weren’t enough soldiers, weapons, food, clothes even medicines because of the long wars in Anatolia.

Those were difficult times for everybody. Stretchers carried the wounded soldiers from the front. Doctors could deal with soldiers who have the chance to survive. They could


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do very little painkillers. Nurses and doctors were willing to treate ach soldier for hours, one from the worst to the better, but it was not possible.

When a doctor saw a soldier who was about to break off one of his legand his guts were pulled out, he called out to the carriers and said ’’Remove this one he has no chance to survive’’ He had said these words desperately may be hundred times till that time. At that moment, the dying soldier said “ Dad, it’s me!’’Everything and everybody stopped at that time. All the nurses and doctors were looking at their friend’s face.

In desperation, the doctor cleaned the bloody face of his son and told the carriers “ Put him in a shadowy place!’’ And went on his work. He could leave to find his son after midnight and he knew that it was too late for him. When he saw his son lying under a tree, he said “You had no privilege than the others. Shadow place was the only thing I had for you my dear.’’ He was reduced to tears but couldn’t cry for a log time, because other sons were waiting for his help to survive.

KEY WORDS: dealwith: heal : treat desperately : hopelessly privilege : extraright front:


The little girl smiled at a sad stranger. This smile made him feel better. He remembered not thanking a friend who had helped him in the near past. He has wrote a note immediately and sent. His friend was so delighted with this thank that in the restaurant where he had his lunch at noon, he left the waitress a large tip.

The waitress was getting a tip like this for the first time. While she was going home, she left a piece of the money she had earned to the poor man who always was in the corner. He's a poor man, but he's so grateful. He hadn't had anything for two days. After feeding himself for the first time, he kept whistling on the way to his room in the basement of an apartment. He was so cheerful that when he saw a trembling dog under an eave, he took it in his arms.

The small dog was happy to be away from cold of the night. She ran in the warm room till midnight. After midnight, the smoke enveloped the building. A fire was starting. The dog smelt the smoke began to bark so that the poor man first woke up, then the whole apartment.Mothers, fathers embraced their children and saved from the smoke. All of this was the result of a smile with no cost even one penny.


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The two friends were fiercely arguing: The issue they were discussing was that they would read the Bible while smoking. When they did not get the result, they decided to ask the Pope.

They went to the Pope and inquired about their questions. One of them received a negative response, the other managed to get permission. The question that couldn’t get permission:- His Holiness, while I am reading the Bible, I want to smoke. Can I smoke while I am reading?The question got the permission is:- His Holiness, while I am smoking, I want to read the Bible, but I can not take the Holly Book because I smoke, can I read?- My son, wherever and wherever you want, you can read the Bible.From the short part:1) The important thing is not the answer you receive, but the question you ask.2) Skill; to ask the right question get the answer you want to get the question.


One of the bloodiest days of the war. The soldier saw that his best friend had fallen to the ground in blood. They were in a rain of fire that could not hold a man's head for over a second. The soldier ran to his lieutenant and said: ' Sir, can and go and take my friend?' said. Commander ‘Are you crazy? Is it worth going? Your friend has been shot many times. He's probably dead. Don't put your own life in danger. The soldier insisted, and the lieutenant said, "Okay." "Go then ..." It's a miracle hard to believe. The soldier reached his friend under that horrible fire. He took him on his back and ran. They rolled together into the trench. Lieutenant had the injured soldier’s bloody body check. Then he turned to the friend who carried him to the set: 'I told you not, not to risk your life. He's already dead. ’He said. The soldier 'It was worth it, sir. Because when I got to him he was still alive. Hearing his last words was worth the world to me. 'And he repeated his friend's last words: 'Jim! .. I knew you would come!'


An expert working for a journal claims that there are more pessimist people in the world than optimists. He made a little test on people. He asked the administrators to read the following sentence, consisting of adjacent words, for a few seconds:

"THEGODISNOWHERE" All participants read this sentence as "The God is no where." It means, "God isn't anywhere". The expert bitterly smiled ... "Just like I expected, ... he mumbled, the participants who are optimist read this sentence: "THE GOD IS NOW HERE"


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DIAMOND Once a wealthy jeweler wants to test his employees who is working for him years. Giving him a big piece of diamond says, ‘Son, take this, show the tradesmen, ask them how much they paid, and then show it to another jeweler.Just let me know what the prices are and come back without selling it to anyone. The employee walks into a grocery shop with the diamond in his hands and asks ‘How much will you pay for this, sir?

The grocery store takes the jeweler looks like a bright bead, checks in the hands then:“I'll give it a penny. My children can play with it.’ The Boy thanks thank and goes to a drummer. He also agrees to give a five pounds to the jeweler, he likens it to a brilliant stone.Thirdly, he goes to a seller of packsaddles. He asks how much he will pay.The man looks at the diamond, “This may be a good ornament for my saddles. I'll give ten pounds.’’

At last, the boy goes to a jeweler. The owner of the jeweler shop jumps off when he sees the diamond and asks ‘Where did you get such great diamonds?’ he shouts in surprise and immediately adds up. . How much do you want for this? ” The boy asks: ‘How much will you pay?’ The man says ‘I’ll give you what you want.

The employee picks up the diamond:’ umm No, I can't,’ and the man begins to beg. Let me give you my store, my house, even my land.’ The boy explains that he can’t sell, he is not authorized to sell, but that he wants only to learn the price.When he returns to the boss, he describes his adventure in great amazement.The boss asks: What do you understand from this experience?’ The boy said: Something is worthwhile besides those who know its value.


The Elven Girl


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At dawn, an ordinary forest has been sprung to life by the presence of a magical being. The humming of a song could be heard all over the area, drawing the attention of every living being around. The wolves who once hunted their prey, are now drawn out of curiosity to the middle of the land, as well as the ferocious bears who now look numb and harmless. This strange phenomenon is caused by an elven girl. She came into this exact forest to pick up an extremely rare kind of flower, whose petals were as red as blood and had a gorgeous blue stem, the most beautiful red and blue in this world. The elf was searching under the fallen trees, inside hollows and in the small caves in this forest. The flower loved dark and humid places. In the light, the flower would look like the work of the best jeweler, a flower with red ruby petals and a blue diamond stem. Its rarity is given by the fact that life can't be drawn out of it, so it doesn't fade away. It also takes millions of years to grow.

The girl was jumping here and there, looking like a spark of light because of her bright white velvet dress, reflecting the sun's rays off of the fabric. After a while, the night fell amongst the realm, the moonshine giving the elf an angelic look. Out of luck, she decided to head back to where she came from. On the road, she heard the screams of something on the verge of dying. She ran that way as fast as she could, only to find a dungeon, a cave captured by the works of evil. She drew her sword, forged and enchanted by the best elven blacksmiths. By the look of it, the place was full of undead beings. These evil creatures are weak and brittle, because of their soul being stuck inside their dead bodies, whom flesh rot away, becoming walking skeletons. Being aware their only strength is that they fight in large armies, she started humming, drawing their attention.

The screams they made were terrifying, but she did not flinch at all. The sword started glowing more and more as the dead approached, an old enchantment made by the elves to fight evil, making the swordsman aware of their presence, how close they are and how many they are through some runes that form on the blade. As they came closer, screaming in agony, the blade was at full light and the runes showed there were thousands of undead approaching. So she whispered the incantation of a spell. When the first ones came out of the cave, she ended the incantation with an elven word that ment "Purge". An orb was formed in her left hand, emitting a light that seemed to draw the evil out of the skeletons and make them fall at her feet. She started chasing the fleeing skeletons deeper and deeper into the dungeon. She noticed that the walls of the huge rooms and hallways started looking scorched as she was exploring.

After some time, the rest of the skeletons banged on a huge metal door, screaming in fear and scratching it as they were crying for help of something inside. The evil inside all of them was casted out, and as the last one gave it's soul, she noticed on the giant door a carving that frightened her. The face of a balrog whom someone had imprisoned in the depths of this dungeon. The girl knew that the flower might be in there, so she broke the magic spell on the door and opened it. The light in her hand got extinguished at her command she started moving forward in pitch blackness, in order to not draw attention. She looked at the sword and saw a vague light surrounding the blade. With her eyes on the blade and looking all directions with caution, she realised she couldn't figure out how big the room


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was, but it surely was huge. After some time, she realised the sword's aura was getting brighter, so she stopped.

The aura was still growing, realising something was coming. The elf put her sword back in the sheath and hid in the shadows. She looked at her surroundings to see where the enemy was. But suddenty, while she was looking forward, she noticed the sound of thumpy footsteps coming from that direction. The beast was coming closer and closer. The demon opened his eyes and his mouth, a sight that terrified the angel. There were only 250 yards between them and she could now see the flames inside the beast's mouth and eyes and also the fact that he didn't have his skin aflame, so either it was extinguished, or he wanted to move unnoticed. He stood there for a while, looking at something sparkling. It was the flower she was trying to find for so long.

The balrog started moving again towards the right, and she began approaching the flower. As the demon got further away, her enthusiasm gave her the courage to walk faster and faster until grasping the jewel. She turned around and walked towards the door, looking at the mesmerising thing. She forgot about her threats and forgot to check the blade for imminent dangers.

While walking away, the balrog opened his eyes and mouth again, making a threatening noise and catching aflame. It grabbed the elf and brought her in front of his eyes, looking ferociously at her while growling. The girl suddenLy casted a blinding light, stunning the evil creature and escaping it's grip. The demon was screaming and weaving his whip in all directions with an unimaginable rage. Then, after the effect of the light wared off, he could see the little elf running off in the distance, guided by her magical orb, so he threw his whip in an attempt to catch her. She dodged it with graceful movement and managed to get out of the room. The door was closed shut and the spell was put back on the door, so the balrog won't escape his chamber. While walking towards the entrAnce of the dungeon, the screams of the balrog were piercing the walls and could be heard even from the surface.

After these events, the little girl relieved at the sight of her city with it's roads illuminated by orbs of moonshine, looking like huge fireflies, and the huge, magical tree where all elven beings live. Now, she will come home and boast about the adventure she has lived, with the flower she craved so much as proof.

Strange Fruit


It was just after six that evening when Simon arrived home with the pumpkin. Sandra was in the kitchen. The radio was on, the evening meal was nearly ready. The door opened and he came in; a cold wind followed him in from the dark street.


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'Hello, love,' he said as he closed the door with his foot. He had both his arms round a very large, heavy pumpkin. 'Take a look at this - it's from Marty's garden. He doesn't really like eating pumpkin, so he gave it to me. Enormous, isn't it?'

Simon put the gigantic pumpkin down on the table in the middle of the kitchen. Sandra went over and looked at it.

'Wow, Simon! Marty gave it to us? That was nice of him. He always grows really beautiful fruit and vegetables - but he doesn't enter competitions with them, does he? And you're not growing any pumpkins this year, are you, dear? Perhaps we could have fried pumpkin tomorrow evening?'

'Mmm. Fried pumpkin, yeah! My favourite. I'd like that.' Simon took off his warm coat, put it over the back of a chair and went out to wash his hands. Sandra turned back to the cooking. The pumpkin sat in the middle of the kitchen table ...

In the

kitchen everything was quiet and dark. The moon came out from behind a cloud and its light made long shadows across the floor with the legs of the tables and chairs. The pumpkin lay in those shadows. it was not on the table now; it was on the floor. There was a long crack down one side of its shell.

Suddenly it moved a little and a small noise came from inside it: knock ... knock ... knock.

Slowly the crack in the shell of the pumpkin opened more and more. Then a small grey head with a thin mouth and sharp black eyes pushed out through the crack. The eyes looked round the kitchen and a creature started to slide out of the pumpkin, silently, onto the floor of the kitchen.

Another small grey he had appeared in the crack in the pumpkin's shell immediately after

the fırst and another creature started to slide out onto the floor. Then another ... and another ... and another ...


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The creatures moved quietly towards the stairs.


Once upon a time…

Forty-five builders and sixty helpers were laying the foundations for a bridge over the river of Arta..They tried to build it all day long but at night it collapsed. The builders and the helpers lamented :

«Alas for our exertions, woe to our labors, we toil all day and at night it collapses!»

A bird appeared and sat on the opposite side of the bridge.

It did not sing like a bird , but spoke in a human voice:

«Unless you sacrifice a human, the bridge will never stand. And don’t you sacrifice an orphan, or a stranger, or a passer-by, but only the master builder’s beautiful wife. She comes late in the afternoon and brings his supper.»


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When the master builder heard the news, felt down like dead. He sent the bird as a messenger to his wife:

“Tell her to bring the supper late in the evening.”

But the bird ignored it and gave her a different message:

“Hurry, bring the supper earlier to your husband. Go quickly to the bridge of Arta!”

So, she appeared there, earlier. The master builder saw her and his heart broke. She greeted them and said:

“Good evening to you builders and helpers. But what’s wrong with the master builder? Why is he so sad?”

They answered that he had lost his wedding ring into the first arch of the bridge..

“Who’ll go down there now and up again to find the ring for him?” .The moment that she heard that, she calmed him : “Master, don’t worry! I’ll go to get it, I’ll go down there and come up again with your ring.”

She had hardly arrived down, when she called:

“Pull me up, dear, pull the chain, I’ve looked everywhere but can’t find anything!”.

The master builder threw a huge stone and others started building her in the bridge. She cried and shouted:

“Alas for our fate, woe to our destiny! We were three sisters and the first was built in Danube, the second in Euphrates and me , the youngest, in the bridge of Arta. May the bridge ever be shaken by the air and may those, who cross it, ever fall down as leaves fall from trees”.

The builders terrified asked her to change the curse, because her one and only brother was a traveler. Finally, she took it back and uttered a different curse:«When the wild mountains and birds fall down, then may the bridge fall down. For my brother is a traveler and it’s possible to pass by this bridge.


One day, at the eye specialist, in Brasov, there comes a very bad child. He does everything he wants, still his grandma doesn’t say anything to him. He runs from left to right, just like in a marathon. After a few minutes of running, he starts climbing up the furniture like a monkey, and that is not enough! Oh, no! He even breaks some nice flower pots...his grandma, nothing.


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A few minutes later comes a little girl and the boy stops doing bad things. Now grandma tells him to go and play with the girl. He goes straight to her and says: „This is my car. Do you like it?”. Me, thinking: „What is wrong with him?”

Some time later, inside the medical office, grandma finally says something: „Come back!” The little boy starts to run back and forth, without any moment of rest or silence, as while running, he also screams: „Aaaaaaaaaa! Brrrrbrrrrrbrrrr!” He just doesn’t stop screaming and guess what? ...grandma still nothing.

The only things the old woman says are „Come back” and „Stop!”, just two short words to stop the monster-kid. When finally, his mum comes out of the office and I have to go in, it’s the doctor’s turn to say something: „Thank God!” And that is the last experience I had at the eye specialist.


It is well known that students’ opinions about school are very different. Some children may love to get up early in the morning, go to school, and spend at least five hours there, trying to learn new things. Other children might not enjoy school very much, and thus they try to find another way to spend their time during classes.

Many of those ways to get rid of the boredom in school are quite funny. I will tell you about one of those ways, which I witnessed.

A few years ago I came to school earlier than usual. The first class that was about to start was Geography. One of my colleagues thought that it would be funny to come to school dressed in a gray bathrobe. Moreover, he thought that it would be even funnier to also bring a red rose in the bathrobe’s chest pocket, and also a small pillow in his hand…

Once the class started, our teacher came in and she burst into laughter. Immediately the whole class followed her example… My friend thought that it would be interesting to give the rose to the teacher, and he did that. She accepted, and she asked him what’s the reason for which he also brought that little white pillow. He replied quickly: ``The desk is too hard for me to sleep on it...’’ Of course, another round of laughter was on its way.

Every time I remember what happened that day, I get a smile, and I also call my friend from time to time, to talk about the past, and to find about other things that he had done .


One day, some scientists wanted to do something big. They decided to create a new animal. They worked non-stop, day after day to achieve this.


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After many years they did it... they were ready to build the animal, and... JUST KIDDING! There was a bored kid that didn’t know what to draw so he drew this:

The thing in the picture’s name was Bartolomeu. He was just a piece of paper.

UNTIL a witch came and turned him into a real animal. When the kid saw the paper drawing he was so scared that he fainted.

“What is Bartolomeu?”

He is a piece of paper that came to life and speaks.

“What does he know?”

He knows two languages, (Romanian and English), he knows a little bit of math:

The kid: Bartolomeu, what is 1+1?

Bartolomeu: seven

“What is his personality?”

He is very brave! (This is a lie. He is afraid of sponges and squids.) He has many friends. (This is also a lie, I’m his only friend.) His favourite food is paper. (Yes, I know that he is a cannibal.)

What is the moral of the story? Never let your window open so witches don’t turn your drawings into real stuff.


It was a sunny but windy morning when I realized I was late for school. I hardly got out of bed and ran as fast as I just could in the bathroom to get ready. My parents were not at home so I couldn't call them to drive me. I ran out of the house but when I tried to open the door it was locked. I didn't know what to do so I ran upstairs trying to find an idea. I went to the balcony. It was not very high so I thought it was a good idea to jump off. Then I


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found out it wasn't because my schoolbag fell in dirt and my clothes were even dirtier. I didn't pay much attention to that and started running to school.

I suddenly saw such a cute, friendly dog that I had to stop to it to pet it. It seemed really nice but it turned out it wasn’t. He started barking and chasing me. It wasn't that big so I tried to get him off the ground and because of fear and not knowing what to do I threw him in someone's garden. Then I started running to school like crazy. I had 5 minutes left. I didn't even realize that I was running in the wrong direction. After a few long minutes I was at school but for some reason the door was closed. Then I found out why. It was a sunny but windy day of Saturday.


It’s September 2016 …. a boy named Louis met a girl named Caroline. Both loved robots so when they were together they were talking just about robots.

One day Louis got a bad grade so he didn't want to talk about robots. As they were walking together back home, they saw a poster about a contest in which you needed to build a robot.

The prize for the winner was 1.000€.

"Oh wow", said Caroline, "We really need to take part in this contest" "Oh yeah! " replied

Louis .

Hurriedly, they went to Louise's house, where they searched for all kinds of pieces and parts of electronics. They took apart a coffee maker and an old TV. Louise's mother even banned Caroline to come again at their house, because she set a bed on fire. She actually tried to paintsome stuff with chemical paintings, but she failed. In conclusion, they worked a lot.

In the end, after one week the robot was ready. It was a dog-cyborg. They were really proud of themselves but also really tired.

"Oh, but wait. When do we need to give the robot to the jury? I forgot to look at the date on the poster!!" exclaimed Caroline "I forgot it too.... Let's go and watch. “replied Louis.

They went outside at the pole on which the poster was. In big and bold letters it was written:

"Bring it on 23rd September 2015"

"It is an old poster... ", said Caroline disappointed but also a little bit amused, because she realized how addicted to robots she was and so she had not noticed the correct date…


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One day (ok, until here there is nothing wow, a beginning like any other....) Like and Comment were walking. The two were very happy because they finally had smart phones and they could use Peacebook and Friendsgram. Very excitedly they took the phones out of the boxes and switched them on. Fast fast they started using the phones and making accounts, entering on what later would be called SOCIAL MEDIA. The first who used Peacebook and Friendsgram was Comment- a young man with very “colourful” vocabulary and who said everything he had to say (sure he didn't hear the expression "to tell a white lie") and who always had one eye black or something broken.(surely not because he spoke in an impolite way with many people). As I was saying, he used first on Friendsgram and Peacebook and he started looking at photos (to understand, these two applications were just for posting photos or to see them. You couldn’t do anything else). Comment, while looking at the pictures, always had something to say.

Like also used the applications. For two hours the two friends sat on a bench and checked those applications. Like only said something if he liked or not the picture but Comment made more and more.....observations (better you imagine you the observations are). With time the two friends started to feel like something was missing. They wanted the other people to know their opinions about the pictures of others. Because of these, they created two buttons for these applications: one to appreciate people's photos (these button is LIKE) and one to write their opinion(known as Comment).

Now people around the world express their opinions about the photos of others. And......still …Comment hasn’t changed his language (he speaks as "correct and polite" as before)!


Hello, everybody! Let's get know each other! I'm Ellie Prescott, a thirteen - year old girl. I learn at the Bilingual High-School and I'm very excited, because my class and I will go on a trip, at the seaside. We'll have a whale of a time.... especially the teachers :)! It's time to do my suitcase. I need to sleep.... Oh, I forgot to tell you that I'm very noisy, so you can expect anything from me.

Next day: It's coming! The bus is coming! My friend and I scream very loudly, so the English teacher was quite serious. Who cares? We're going to the SEASIDE!! I find a good seat next to my friend, Rebeca, and I begin to gossip.

A few hours later, the big seaside was smiling at us. The sun was making hilarious figures


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and shadows on the sand. Suddenly, a voice broke my dream. …the English teacher… Again…” Kids, you can't enter the water today. Go to your rooms and read the article about ocean care. Then you will eat something and go to bed"! Seriously? She's joking. But, as I said: a noise girl can find the perfect way to go to the seashore.... without the teacher to know. Actually, the funny time begins just now. Rebeca and I went to her room and put some seaweed on the floor. When she entered the room, she started screaming and blaming Simon, the naughtiest boy.... which hurt me, because I'm the naughtiest girl, aren’t I? So, the teacher thought, they were some sea creatures. So funny! Then, Rebeca and I went to the seaside. Nobody knew as they were too busy to find the person who made the joke. OHH.... Cocktails, sun breeze, relax.... that's life! Let's go and swim in the clear ocean. When I stood up I thought: was it the perfect joke?... Yeah, it was :). We had a whale of a time together. After some hours we arrived at the hotel. All the teachers and guides were looking at us….big problem. They were so serious. Their faces were unreadable. I knew we were in trouble. Especially me.

Now, I'm at the age of twenty two and I remember every funny moment. I was so naughty. But, I managed to see my dream come true. I'm a teacher and I love my students. Every day when they make a noise, I laugh but they need to understand that some jokes aren't funny.

Povestea scaunului

Sunt un simplu scaun. Un scaun dintr-o clasă mai puțin grijulie cu mobila și cu bunurile liceului. În încăperea asta învață noi-veniții boboci de clasa a IX-a. Deși nu îmi place ce mi se întâmplă în pauze nu am cum să mă apăr, sunt un simplu obiect de mobilier, un simplu scaun... Totuși sunt fericit când văd atâtea persoane prin preajma mea. Noaptea, când nu mai este nimeni, mă simt singur, mi-e frică, vreau să văd din nou lumina zilei, să intre copiii în clasă și să se joace. Sunt destul de bătrân, am 12 ani și văd clar că s-a întâmplat ceva cu generația asta, ceva nu tocmai bine. Când spun că ,,se joacă’’ mă refer la modul mai frumos de a spune că se îmbrâncesc sau se lovesc, iar apoi, după partida de bătaie se așează în bancă și stau pe telefon ori iau un pix sau ceva ascuțit și începe să ne zgârie, pe mine și pe celelalte scaune. Daca ar știi și ei că și noi avem sentimente... Habar nu am cum funcționează acel ,,telefon’’ cum îi zic ei, dar dacă ar putea să facă ceva să-mi înlocuiască spătarul sau să-mi aducă colegi noi atunci mi-aș dori și eu unul. Pe copiii din ziua de azi nu-i mai văd ca pe cei de acum 6-7 ani, sunt mult mai închiși, mult mai violenți, mult mai neinteresați și mereu o aud pe doamna profesoară când le spune că sunt rătăciți. Chiar sunt rătăciți, mereu le simt această ,,rătăceală’’ în timpul testelor, rătăceală pe care ei o rezolvă scriind cu pixul pe mine și pe celelalte scaune fel și fel de definiții ca să ia ,,o notă mare’’. Abia dacă văd trei-patru copii care să fie atenți la doamna profesoară. Mi-aș dori atât de mult să fac ceva, să mă mișc, să pot vorbi, să le spun, să-i cert, să-i fac să înțeleagă ce fac ceea ce fac ei nu este tocmai bine și merg pe drumul greșit. Cred că dacă așa vor fi și


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viitoarele generații, peste 10 ani, dacă voi mai exista, nici nu o să mai vină copiii la școală și toate astea doar din cauza lor sau poate a părinților lor așa cum îi numesc ei. Eu nu știu ce sunt părinții și nici nu știu dacă am așa ceva. Poate părinții mei sunt oameni? Dar dacă e așa, de ce nu vin să mă ia de aici, să stau cu ei, să mă curețe, să aibă grijă de mine, că din câte am auzit, asta fac ,,părinții’’. Poate că gândesc mai mult decât normal sau poate că aberez. Îmi tot spun că sunt un simplu scaun dintr-o clasă de elevi de a IX a dar tot am visuri mărețe: vreau să devin un scaun de rege, am văzut că arată foarte bine și e uriaș, am văzut când eram în clasa de istorie acum doi ani, era într-o poză pe un perete. Poate că acolo, într-un palat nu voi fi niciodată singur. Dar poate că nici aici nu sunt singur, poate că și celelalte scaune din clasă gândesc, văd și aud la fel ca mine, doar că nu au gură să vorbească. Că tot a venit vorba de singurătate, în vacanța de vară nici nu vreți să știți cum mă simt, îmi trec fel și fel de gânduri înspăimântătoare și dorințe nebunești, vreau să fiu ars, să devin cenușă, să mă transform într-un nor de fum, orice dar nu aici. Îmi doresc atât de mult să văd lumea de afară...

Povestea unui scaun

Se crapă de ziuă. Lumina intră timid cu o strălucire piezișă, printre perdelele cu țesătură albă. Ca de obicei sunt aproape băgat de tot sub masa din stejar. E o masă nouă, lungă și frumos lustruită. E adusă dintr-o altă ţară, al cărei nume e greu de pronunțat. Culoarea ei, un stacojiu destul de închis, îmi transmite rigiditate și demnitate. Ca restul mobilierelor, nu cred că este însuflețită. Nu știu dacă are gânduri și sentimente, asemenea mie. Nu îmi dă vreun semn ca ar avea. Eu pot doar să continui să le observ. De vorbit nici nu e cazul.

Rita, menajera casei, a avut grijă ca scaunul comandantului să fie așezat frumos înainte de cină. Aseară a avut loc Ceremonia lunară, iar eu mam simțit foarte stingherit. Ceilalți : soția comandantului îmbrăcată în rochia ei albastră, slujitoarea sa, Offred, cu haina roșie până-n pământ și Nick, băiatul în negru, șoferul stăpânului, stăteau în picioare. Dar greșesc... Offred se afla în genunchi, iar capul ei acoperit răsărea de după masă. Doar comandantul stătea jos, șezând pe mine. Îi simțeam emoția din tremurat în timp ce citea din Biblie si istorisea bine știutul episod. Rahela pismuind-o pe soră'sa Lea, pentru că ea nu putea avea copii. Avea rod sterp si nu-i putea purta sămânţa lui Iacov. Dă-mi copii, ori mor! a zis comandantul ca de fiecare dată privind spre slujitoare și apoi spre soție. La finalul povestirii, Rahela își aduce roaba, pe Bilha, să se culce cu Iacov, ca să-i nască copii pe genunchii ei. Se făcuse o tăcere groaznică după ce Comandantul închise biblia cu pocnet. Binecuvântat să fie fructul! termină cu o voce rece bărbatul. Fie ca Domnul să-l deschidă, răspund pioși ceilalţi în cor. Comandatul se ridică, și se făcu nevăzut dupa ce luă colţul coridorului, urmat imediat de soție și slujitoare. Nu știu ce se intâmplă după. Ce urmeaza să facă. Probabil merg în camera conjugală și îndeplinesc întocmai cele mărturisite, sfârșind întru-totul Ceremonia. De multe ori am auzit o pe doamna Serena discutand nervos cu


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Offred, despre norocul dat de Dumnezeu în nașterea unui prunc. "Unei minuni". Dupa ce au plecat, Rita a ramas să strângă masa, tăcută si obosită după ziua lungă de ieri. M-a împins cu târșâit spre masa stacojie, și cu un mic clinchet a cufundat tot salonul în beznă. Am rămas inert până dimineață, într-o stare de somnolență, nu de somn. Scaunele nu dorm...

Povestea scaunului

Eu sunt scaunul de lângă fereastră. Nimeni nu mă observă prea des, însă eu îi observ pe toți. De multe ori sunt invizibil pentru membrii familiei mele, dar știu că eu sunt singurul care îi poate îmbrățișa în momentele grele. În zilele triste eu sunt cel pe care se scurg lacrimi, amintiri, dureri și neîmpliniri. Toți se ghemuiesc și încep să mi se destăinuie, privid peisajul de afară. Eu nu-l pot vedea, dar știu că natura este magică și te poate liniștii, știu că mediul înconjurător îți poate da putere să treci peste orice. Pot spune că a început să-mi placă singurătatea, pentru că, atunci când sunt singur, știu că cei din casă sunt fericiți. Eu chiar am început să-i înțeleg pe toți, dar pe mine, cine mă înțelege? Toți mă văd ca pe un obiect nesemnificativ, însă dacă eu n-aș exista, cine i-ar mai fi ascultat fără să-i judece? Mereu mi-am dorit să le pot vorbi. Să mă descarc și să le spun că și eu am sentimente. Mi-am dorit să le spun că-i iubesc din tot sufletul și că le pot fi aproape mereu, nu doar când sunt triști. Eu nu fac prea multe și am un singur prieten: o muscă. Vine mereu și se așează pe spatele meu. Aș vrea să o întreb dacă și ea e tristă, însă bâzâitul ei nu-mi dă impresia că ar fi tristă, ci destul de veselă. M-am obișnuit cu ea, uneori e agitată și mă trezește din somn, dar nu-i pot spune să plece, nu vreau să-mi pierd singurul prieten care mă vizitează în fiecare zi. Nu cred că pot defini prietenia, dar știu că un prieten adevărat te caută indiferent de situație, nu doar în momentele triste. De aceea nu-i pot numi pe cei din casă prieteni, însă țin la ei, îi văd ca pe o familie si vreau să-i văd fericiți. Sunt multe scaune în casă si de multe ori mi-am dorit să fiu înlocuit. Mi-am dorit sa iau locul scaunului de la masă, sau locul scaunului din camera cu jocuri, pentru că îmi doream să-mi văd familia fericită și să le fiu alături când zâmbesc. Dar acum nu-mi mai doresc. Știți de ce? Pentru că eu am un rol important spre fericirea lor. Sunt singurul care-i vede triști, sunt singurul care-i ascultă, sunt singurul unde tristețea se varsă și fericirea învie. Îi iubesc pe cei din casă, dar îmi iubesc și viața și destinul pe care-l am!


It was a pouring day. I was at home, reading. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was my friend Joyce, who told me she had tickets for the theatre. She suggested coming with her to the play. I quickly accepted the invitation because I had nothing to do and Joyce was a funny friend.


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I got dressed and I was supposed to wait for her in front of the theatre. At 12 o’clock, the play was supposed to start and I have been waiting for Joyce until 11:55. I called her and asked where she was. Joyce told me that she completely forgot, but she promised me that she owed me a funny rainy day at the theatre. I wasn’t very upset because she paid for the tickets, but I was still bored. When I got back home, I turned on the TV and the weatherman said that it was going to be a rainy week. So, I got back on my coach and my book and I sadly looked outside. “I can’t believe we’re on vacation and it is raining!”, I said to myself, “I really have bad luck”.

Two days later, the telephone rang again. It was Joyce and she told me she had tickets for the cinema. I told her I would come only if she also remembered to come at the right time, in the right place. “Come on, I know that I have disappointed you and I’m sorry! I told you I owe you a funny rainy day and that’s what I’m doing now!”, she told me. I said yes, excited that we’re going to: “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of the Grindelwald”, a movie I was waiting for to be released two years ago. This time Joyce came early to my house to pick me up and made sure we would be on time.

At the cinema, she gave me the ticket and we were waiting to get in. I looked at mine and, with a wide smile on my face, I got out of the cinema. Joyce was running towards me and when she arrived beside me, she asked what was going on and why I left. I answered her, with the same wide smile: “The tickets for the movie are for tomorrow!”.


Have you ever done something so stupid that makes everyone around you laugh? Well, I’ve done this one cold Monday evening, last winter.

I was on a trip with my sister and my brother and we were staying outside the guest house with some friends when, suddenly, it started to snow heavily and I didnt’t think it would stop soon. We didn’t have any choice so we decided to get into the house.

Before that day, it snowed a lot and there was already ice on the path. Of course I didn’t want to stay in cold so I ran to the door. I bet you can’t guess what happened next. I obviously slipped like I was a beginner trying to skate. My sister came to help me, but because of my shoes, I slipped for the second time. To be honest, that fall was more painful than the first one. I was dizzy and when I got up, my friends were laughing loudly. I was mad and I told them it wasn’t funny at all, but now I’m sure it was. Because I thought more about it, I know if someone else was instead of me, I would laugh so much that I couldn’t stop smiling or worse, until I wouldn’t have air.

I think the worst part was the next day, when I woke up with a backache and a pain in my leg. Fortunately, my pain disappeared a few hours later. But this story can’t have a happy end, can it? On that awful evening, when I arrived in my room, my little brother realized that my favourite blue jeans were completely dirty with a lot of stains. He started to giggle. I felt embarrassed and I was praying that my friends didn’t see anything. Now I’m not


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concerned about that because I know it wasn’t my fault. When I arrived home I told my parents what had happened there and they laughed a lot, too.

Now, I'm careful where I walk and I don’t run anymore when it snows. I’ve learned my lesson and I pay attention when I buy boots, because I don’t want them to be slippery anymore!


It was an extremely hot day of August. A thirteen-year-old girl named Elizabeth invited her good friend, Laura, at her house to relax and play together.

They had fun in the pool, but they easily got bored, so they thought they should do something innovating and special. Elizabeth was passionate about aliens and well-informed on this topic. Laura was handy and practical, so they decided to make a space and time machine because they wanted to get in touch with entities from Outer Space. Beth had from a previous attempt of doing a similar machinery an exo-structure, so, they considered to improve it. In order to obtain the needed materials, they took some recyclable metal from the trash bin across the street. Laura took some useful devices from around the house which she later transformed into valuable parts of their planned machine. After accomplishing the mission, they took the invention in the garden, where they tried multiple times to ignite the engine, but they didn’t succeed in doing it. Instead, they lighted a tree, which fell down and wrecked a neighbor’s expensive car.

After the failure, an amazing idea came to Elizabeth’s mind. She thought she could communicate in an alternative way with the aliens by using a walky-talky device. They started to hear some voices, so they got extremely excited but also anxious about it. Only a few seconds after they heard a deep voice which wasn’t an alien, it was a policeman urging them to exit the police frequency.

When Elizabeth’s parents came home they found two girls looking detached and smiling as they had been obedient. As it was getting late, the creative girls had to go to bed and they had to hand over their mobile phones to the parents. Because they didn’t want to do it, they took some glue, cardboard, paint, alongside two old phones in order to mock their real ones. The trick succeeded and they were so happy and relieved they could fool them that easy.

The girls spent the whole night speaking, laughing, doing other crazy activities with their mobile phones such as texting, watching videos or films, dancing and playing the music without the parents to observe what Elizabeth and Laura were doing.

Next morning, as they were really tired they confessed about their wrong-doings and behavior but their parents weren’t very upset because they knew the girls were young and restless.

At the end of the day, Beth and Laura decided they had the time of their life doing these crazy things and they would definitely repeat these actions again sometime in the future because this is what makes life amazing.


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She left the house after grabbing the keys. For the last time, she inhaled the dusty scent of the apartment, which was akin to hospitals’s. She didn’t care about warm tears falling down her cheek.

The street was utterly empty as she went outside. She began running to the avenue. The delight of breezes touching her naked skin was all she wanted to feel. As she reached the avenue, everyone gazed at that entirelynaked woman rushing on the sidewalk in astonishment. Some were thinking what she was doing because she seemed totally insane.

While running to the square, she was making noise, and screaming “I’m independent!” When she got at the square, there was a crowd and everyone was busy. Honestly, nobody has time judging her- she was invisible.

A man shut down streetlights by clapping. Life was paused for awhile. Silently, everyone listened to her. Trees were surprised, birds weren’t warbling. First, she kneeled and yelled at the crowd. “You,” she said. “You people breaking my heart, killing my inner bird that sings and my inner rose that blooms whenever I’m happy, dig up! I can’t make their lives hell anymore.” Then, she put her hands on her chest and hurt herself by sticking the keys in her heart. She widened the wound with nails until her inner bird and rose were in sight. She was exhaling her last breaths, and all she could say was that she was free. Her naked body fell down. Her inner bird took the rose and flew away. And, life resumed again…

Well, who was I in that story? Was I one of those gazing at her? Who was I genuinely? I was you witnessing everything, but not uttering a word! I was only you; not more, not less. Only you.


He was eight years old when I lost my son. He was always sad. I don’t even remember if I ever saw him without crying. Even at his birth he cried for days. It was like he didn’t want to leave my tummy. He saw everything different.

I climbed up to hill and saw the grave. There was a tombstone says’’To my beloved son who chose freedom over pain.’ There was a willow tree next to the grave.I sat under it. I started thinking about the day it happened.

It was a casual morning. I got up. Then I saw Marthe. She was an old lady who worked for this manor. I went upstairs. My son’s room was empty .I looked outside. He was under the sun which shines brighter on his pale skin .I never saw him while playing .I only saw him afraid and in pain .Night came quickly. I saw him crying in his bed .I asked him what


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was wrong.He said ’Nothing mommy. Thinking hurts.’ My son was falling down in his mind. I went upstairs and saw Marthe. She said ’World isn’t for everyone .He is in pain and he is also unlucky. Because he was made of pure imagination. It is the worst thing that can happened to him in this world. You have the let him be.

We found his body on his bed next morning.Doctors never understood why. It was my first time here since the funeral. ’My son,William,world was cruel to you. You saw everything differently.It gave you pain and sadness.You waited here for me. You can go now. You can be the the wind and fly away wherever you want.I love you’ I said yelling outloud. Sun didn’t shine brighter or wind didn’t blow strongly. Nothing happened. I smiled anyway.

Rolling and Rolling

I have been snowboarding since i was nine in my hometown called Erzurum. It has always been a big fantasy for me to board in winter. Actually the charming point snowboarding has is to do it with all of my cousins and also sieblings so that we could be able to have fun.

For two years, there has been a problem that is going on about my knees due to the basketball injury that i had. Because of the injury my knees used to cause me a lot of trouble sometimes.

The first term of the school for tenth grade was horrible for me because we had made a lot of things happen about our school. Owing to this i have thought like i need a break before i bought my tickets for Erzurum. After the vacantion has started to go on i headed to Erzurum. As soon as I have got there, i went to the mountain with my cousins in order to board. We have snowboarded for 7 hours before i made the decision to continue with the longest and also most horrible track. By the way the weather was blizzarding. We have boarded for ten minutes before i decided to head to the ramp that would make me fly for at least ten seconds.

Because of being a sports enthusiast i have a brave soul. Despite of being too tired to move on, i leaped from the ramp. Before the things got clear, i had been enjoying to be on air. After i have landed to the ground and rolled over for many "mes, i felt the worst emotion that i’ve had so far. It was very painful.

The worst thing about this case is not being able to board anymore. It was my first ever day for this year to board and sadly the last. But thanks to the God this case would hurt me even more. Board safely…

Winter Story


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Two years ago, during winter, I went with my friends in the park to play in the snow. It was very cold outside, so the lake was frozen solid, or at least I thought so. We wanted to break some ice on the shore of the lake so we started kicking the ice closest to the shore hoping we would at least move it. It didn’t seem like it was going to break at first so I wasn’t paying close attention to the state of the ice and during one wrong move I broke the ice and slid half of my leg into the cold water. My friends laughed and I did too because it was funny. I didn’t mind that my leg was freezing, since I was planning on going back home anyway. I tink to this day, it’s still a funny story that I tell from time to time.

Matei Teodor, clasa a XI-a

My funny story

It is an old story, but for me it is still a funny one . I was in the fifth grade, the first year in the general school. I had some new classmates and my class was very disorganised and noisy. In one break, one of my classmates had fun of a new classmate and he didnt want to give his pencil case back. In their game, the first boy threw the pencil case through the open window. But it felt o the window sill on the exterior of the window. Its owner went there and tried to take the pencil case with an umbrella. The others classmates went there and instead helping him, they tried to close the window. All laughed, the stucked boy too, althrough they was scared. Somebody called the cleaning women and a teacher so they let him came inside. The story was heared by the school's principal, but because the boy didn't suffer any injury she didn't punished the others.

The worst part of this story is that I wasn't to the school in that day because I was sick, but my best friend classmates told me. It was a funny, but a very scary story too.

Elev ...Clasa a XI a

Story funny My dog:OTTHO

My dog is a 3 month old male,named OTTHO.He really likes to go out in the park and discover new things. Me and my parents us laugh when he run by tail. We received this one when we went this summer in the Danube Delta from the pension owner where we stayed for to have a beautiful memory there. Every time when I and my parents eat something that he is not allowed to do, he looks at us with a milong face and does not go anywhere near what we do not give him. Me and my parents are in the yard, and OTTHO has his own cage. Every time we pass by him, he goes out of the cage and stands with his paws and his fingers on the fence, and when we get home he is very happy and starts to give Both I and my family love him immensely!


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Matei Alexandra, clasa a X-a

This is a funny story from my childhood, which I will never forget. It was my father's birthday. At the party came my father's friends and their children. It was very nice because we were played very well. Because some guests wanted to see the cake, my father went to the kitchen, took only the cake box and a whipped cream, came to the living room and pretended to stop and get rid of the cake. When the box fell all the guests were scared and the box came into the arms of two guests they wondered why they didn't get dirty. Then my father took the box from the guests, opened it and showed then the box was empty. Immediately my father threw on them with whipped cream and then they all broke into laughter. It was an unforgettable happening.

Alecu Danut, clasa a XI-a

Stranger Things at altitude 2000

On the winter holiday of 2012 I went with my family to a Mountain Resort in Vatra Dornei.

Vatra Dornei is a small city, but a very beautiful one. You can smell the air “human hand didn’t touch this place”. There are only some houses and close to them were some very big old firs. All being at their place in this magic land the slope was near.

There I went to the slope to enjoy some time skiing. Almost 30 minutes after I arrived to the ski area everything was all right. After the 2nd or 3rd end of the circuit I was again at the top of the slope. I wanted to start the circuit, but suddenly I was touched by something. When I turned my eyes back I got one of the best jump scares I ever had that made me to fall almost 10 meters on the ski slope. A little lost bear came to me. I thought he was looking for the food so I tried to get back from the slope. Meanwhile one of the skis was far away by me, because it went out after the fall.

In the end, one of the skier came and called for the help. When I was at the foot of the slope I saw two foresters taking the bear. The last time I saw that little bear seemed to me less scary and more cute. Now I know that it is on the good hands, going back to his mother.

Popa Alexandru, clasa a XI-a

My funny story


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It is an old story, but for me it is still a funny one . I was in the fifth grade, the first year in the general school. I had some new classmates and my class was very disorganised and noisy. In one break, one of my classmates had fun of a new classmate and he didnt want to give his pencil case back. In their game, the first boy threw the pencil case through the open window. But it felt o the window sill on the exterior of the window. Its owner went there and tried to take the pencil case with an umbrella. The others classmates went there and instead helping him, they tried to close the window. All laughed, the stucked boy too, althrough they was scared. Somebody called the cleaning women and a teacher so they let him came inside. The story was heared by the school's principal, but because the boy didn't suffer any injury she didn't punished the others.

The worst part of this story is that I wasn't to the school in that day because I was sick, but my best friend classmates told me. It was a funny, but a very scary story too.

Eleva : Serafim Maria ,12

Almost sent in my own luggage This was happening when i was 8 years, anode we were packing for a trip in Italy, usually before we put all the clothes in the suitcase we sort them on the bed or the couch.

My mother had a very big suitcase and she was complaining because she didn't have enough space for all her clothes and she asked me if i could put some of her clothes in my own suitcase. Iwas very angry and when she went to the kitchen i put myself in her case and hid all her clothes. After she finished the job in the kitchen she started looking after me but with no luck. She couldn't find me so she paniced and she started to throu the cases in the house and when she picked her suitcase she observed that it was pretty heavy and she found out that I was there. It was a pretty funny story and also a lesson for my mother.

Elev : Ranghet Bogdan ,12

Funny story

One day I was outside in a park with my friends, Rares and Bogdan. We were waiting for one of our friends to get dressed and while we were wai ng we started telling bad jokes when Bogdan asked me : „Where do your parent work?”. At that moment i said: „It’s time to stop” because that friend was coming and we needed to go. Bogdan understood somehow that he need to stop talking about my parents because they are dead or something. On our way to the mall he seemed to be sad and he didn’t talk to me all day. One month later, Rares told me what happend and we met with Bogdan and talked about that. A'er that we thought that was pre(y funny because of the misunderstanding.


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Damian Daniel, clasa a XII a

A short funny story A couple of years ago in class, colleagues heard the horn and milk. I was the first one

behind the class, and someone hooked in me, I went quickly to get myself, but I found someone else, my colleague upset and took corn, after all the class began to drink with horns. Everyone laughed, throwing corn, falling. I could not stop laughing. And after entering the classroom, and someone gets hit * by the head shot *. After we saw we had fun, we started to play with us.Wh at if the apples came on that day?

Me in the mirror

One day, I was in front of my mirror staring at me. “Wow, I changed so much”, I said. I was so different but inside me, I was still me, the same essence. Now, I’m a few ages older, I am a little bit bolder. I’m not a kit anymore, I’m a mature guy now. At least this is how I feel now. “What should I change at me?” I asked to myself. Nothing. Well.. maybe sometimes I want to be a little kid again.

Andronache George Eduard, clasa a XII a

Funny story

I've always been keen on the Star Wars series. There is a famous line who all fans know "Luke, I am your father". It's one of the most iconic lines in film history. Once I told a classmate "Andrei, i am your father"(I was very serious) and he replied me with pride : "Yes, my brother".

Me in the mirror

I consider myself a normal person, but for some people I am very difficult. I'm a planner, I schedule tasks for exact times. But sometimes I may be spontaneous, if plans changed for reasons that I'm not guilty. To be spontaneous is to be the most relaxed and funny. I am perfectionist if I deal with something I like, I hate careless people who are not serious and indifferent when they have something important to do. I manage to stay calm in difficult situations even if I want to break everything around. I am a kid who watches cartoons, but I do not want to look like one, I want to be mature ass posible. My attitude almost always


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does not coincide with my personality, but I think it is the same in the case of everyone because we are afraid of being judged.

Graniceru Ana Maria, clasa a XII a

A funny story

It was a regular day of school in 8th grade. I was in the physics class and none of my

classmates were quiet. Since I was red of their noise, I had an idea: why not trying to imitate a phone that’s ringing. Everyone suddenly stopped talking. “Who’s phone is that?”. They were confused as I was doing the buzzing sound of a phone set on silent. Three years have passed and no one knew that I was the one making those sounds.

Nita Rares, clasa a XII a

A Funny Story

It was Monday evening . My mom and I were getting ready to go to the mall. When we were almost ready to go she suddenly stopped. She looked very worried and after a few seconds my mom told me that she lost her keys. She was very worried that my dad might get angry , so she started to panic. After a while I saw something strange in her pocket. I asked her what is it and then she realised that she never lost the keys. My mother looked very embarrassed and I couldn’t stop laughing.

Me In The Mirror

When I look at myself in the mirror I see a young man with a simple face but beyond that I see someone that will never conform to others people tastes and interests.I see a thinker who is sharp and analytical and go into activities positively and im happy with it.

Carmaciu Tinel, clasa a XII a



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In 1915 during the 1st World War, there was a bloody battle in the Dardanel. There were thousands of soldiers from every part of the world without knowing where they were and who they were fighting with. On the other hand Türkish soldiers were really in bad conditions.Most of the soldiers were children between 13- 18. There weren’t enough soldiers , weapons, food, clothes even medicines because of the long wars in Anatolia. Those were difficult times for everybody. Stretchers carried the wounded soldiers from the front. Doctors could deal with soldiers who have the chance to survive. They could do very little painkillers. Nurses and doctors were willing to treat each soldier for hours, one from the worst to the better, but it was not possible.

When a doctor saw a soldier who was about to break off one of his leg and his guts were pulled out, he called out to the carriers and said ’’Remove this one he has no chance to survive’’ He had said these words desperately may be hundred times till that time.

At that moment, the dying soldier said “ Dad, it’s me! ’’ Everything and everybody stopped at that time.

All the nurses and doctors were looking at their friend’s face.

In desperation, the doctor cleaned the bloody face of his son and told the carriers “ Put him in a shadowy place!’’ And went on his work.

He could leave to find his son after midnight and he knew that it was too late for him. When he saw his son lying under a tree, he said “You had no privilege than the others. Shadow place was the only thing I had for you my dear.’’ He was reduced to tears but couldn’t cry for a log time, because other sons were waiting for his help to survive.


deal with : heal : treat

desperately : hopelessly

privilege : extra right



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Brădătan Lazăr Bogdana Daria, clasa a VII-a

It was an extremely hot day of August. A thirteen-year-old girl named Elizabeth invited her good friend, Laura, at her house to relax and play together.

They had fun in the pool, but they easily got bored, so they thought they should do something innovating and special. Elizabeth was passionate about aliens and well-informed on this topic. Laura was handy and practical, so they decided to make a space and time machine because they wanted to get in touch with entities from Outer Space. Beth had from a previous attempt of doing a similar machinery an exo-structure, so, they considered to improve it. In order to obtain the needed materials, they took some recyclable metal from the trash bin across the street. Laura took some useful devices from around the house which she later transformed into valuable parts of their planned machine. After accomplishing the mission, they took the invention in the garden, where they tried multiple times to ignite the engine, but they didn’t succeed in doing it. Instead, they lighted a tree, which fell down and wrecked a neighbor’s expensive car.


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After the failure, an amazing idea came to Elizabeth’s mind. She thought she could communicate in an alternative way with the aliens by using a walky-talky device. They started to hear some voices, so they got extremely excited but also anxious about it. Only a few seconds after they heard a deep voice which wasn’t an alien, it was a policeman urging them to exit the police frequency.

When Elizabeth’s parents came home they found two girls looking detached and smiling as they had been obedient. As it was getting late, the creative girls had to go to bed and they had to hand over their mobile phones to the parents. Because they didn’t want to do it, they took some glue, cardboard, paint, alongside two old phones in order to mock their real ones. The trick succeeded and they were so happy and relieved they could fool them that easy.

The girls spent the whole night speaking, laughing, doing other crazy activities with their mobile phones such as texting, watching videos or films, dancing and playing the music without the parents to observe what Elizabeth and Laura were doing.

Next morning, as they were really tired they confessed about their wrong-doings and behavior but their parents weren’t very upset because they knew the girls were young and restless.

At the end of the day, Beth and Laura decided they had the time of their life doing these crazy things and they would definitely repeat these actions again sometime in the future because this is what makes life amazing.


Have you ever done something so stupid that makes everyone around you laugh? Well, I’ve done this one cold Monday evening, last winter.

I was on a trip with my sister and my brother and we were staying outside the guest house with some friends when, suddenly, it started to snow heavily and I didnt’t think it would stop soon. We didn’t have any choice so we decided to get into the house.

Before that day, it snowed a lot and there was already ice on the path. Of course I didn’t want to stay in cold so I ran to the door. I bet you can’t guess what happened next. I obviously slipped like I was a beginner trying to skate. My sister came to help me, but because of my shoes, I slipped for the second time. To be honest, that fall was more painful than the first one. I was dizzy and when I got up, my friends were laughing loudly. I was mad and I told them it wasn’t funny at all, but now I’m sure it was. Because I thought more about it, I know if someone else was instead of me, I would laugh so much that I couldn’t stop smiling or worse, until I wouldn’t have air.

I think the worst part was the next day, when I woke up with a backache and a pain in my leg. Fortunately, my pain disappeared a few hours later. But this story can’t have a happy end, can it? On that awful evening, when I arrived in my room, my little brother


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realized that my favourite blue jeans were completely dirty with a lot of stains. He started to giggle. I felt embarrassed and I was praying that my friends didn’t see anything. Now I’m not concerned about that because I know it wasn’t my fault. When I arrived home I told my parents what had happened there and they laughed a lot, too.

Now, I'm careful where I walk and I don’t run anymore when it snows. I’ve learned my lesson and I pay attention when I buy boots, because I don’t want them to be slippery anymore!


It was a pouring day. I was at home, reading. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was my friend Joyce, who told me she had tickets for the theatre. She suggested coming with her to the play. I quickly accepted the invitation because I had nothing to do and Joyce was a funny friend.

I got dressed and I was supposed to wait for her in front of the theatre. At 12 o’clock, the play was supposed to start and I have been waiting for Joyce until 11:55. I called her and asked where she was. Joyce told me that she completely forgot, but she promised me that she owed me a funny rainy day at the theatre. I wasn’t very upset because she paid for the tickets, but I was still bored. When I got back home, I turned on the TV and the weatherman said that it was going to be a rainy week. So, I got back on my coach and my book and I sadly looked outside. “I can’t believe we’re on vacation and it is raining!”, I said to myself, “I really have bad luck”.

Two days later, the telephone rang again. It was Joyce and she told me she had tickets for the cinema. I told her I would come only if she also remembered to come at the right time, in the right place. “Come on, I know that I have disappointed you and I’m sorry! I told you I owe you a funny rainy day and that’s what I’m doing now!”, she told me. I said yes, excited that we’re going to: “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of the Grindelwald”, a movie I was waiting for to be released two years ago. This time Joyce came early to my house to pick me up and made sure we would be on time.

At the cinema, she gave me the ticket and we were waiting to get in. I looked at mine and, with a wide smile on my face, I got out of the cinema. Joyce was running towards me and when she arrived beside me, she asked what was going on and why I left. I answered her, with the same wide smile: “The tickets for the movie are for tomorrow!”.


Iordache Robert, clasa a XI a

I have stayed in a few really bad hotels. Interestingly, although I have had some bad nights in hostels, I really haven’t stayed in a bad one yet. Luckily, I also haven’t spent too


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many bad nights in bad hotels either, since I try to usually get to a place early enough in the day so that I can check out places and rooms, until I find one that I like.

It had been quite a while since my last truly horrible hotel room, but there was a long travel day in Colombia a few months ago that brought it right back to me. I was going from Cartagena to a town called Mompos, which is far o" the normal backpacking trail in Colombia. Mompos, or Mompox, was an important town in Colombia a couple hundred years ago, but the river changed course and basically made it into a bit of a back-water town.

To get back to my short tale, to get to Mompos from Cartagena, you need to take a combination of road and river transport, since Mompos is an island and there is no way to get there by road. I left a bit later than I expected from Cartagena, but still thought I could get to the river port town of Magangue to catch one of the last li'le boats to head up river — since they don’t travel at night.Basically, the bus ended up being a typical Latin American experience. At some point, we randomly stopped on the road. Traffic was backed up for miles. There was no particular explanation, but there was a little town with a few beer stands and we sat there parked long enough for a couple trips there and back. In the end though, we got into Magangue after dark and I had to spend the night there.

I ended up at this par cularly lovely hotel because the ticket taker on my bus, who is invariably the person in charge, took a special interest in me. As is generally par for the course, I was the only white person on the bus. He spoke some English and since my Spanish is poor, he took my under his wing to insure that I would be happy at the end of the journey. So, when we got to town and dropped everyone off, he told me “I’ll find you a good hotel. Cheap. Budget.”

It was cheap and budget to be sure.

We got to the hotel and the bus guy talked to the hotel owner about rates and then took me upstairs to show me my room. The bus guy came with us and when I was shown the room, he beamed at me and said, “see, all good. And cheap.”

The bed actually looked fine and since I was only going to be there for a brief sleep and wasn’t needing to take a shower or anything other than crash, I said fine and just dealt with it. I got the feeling I’d made the bus guy’s day, which I took for good travel karma — important in my mind.I think even though I hate cold showers, a regular cold shower might still manage to be leaps and bounds be'er than what this bathroom had. If you look closely there, you can see there is a “shower.” It is the pipe coming from the wall.Now, the be'er question for me is whether I’d prefer this pipe from the wall shower over a widow-maker shower. At least this one stands zero chance of killing me….

A lucky mistake


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Bolovan Alexandra, clasa a XI a

It was summer and in a few days it was going to be the most waited concert. I bought the tickets two months ago and I was so excited to sing along with them.

The tickets were cheaper than i expected and i was so happy that i could buy them online. I got ready for the concert and when I got there it was a long tail right at the entrance. The security guard was checking the tickets but when I got to him and gave him my tickets he told me that they were not good, they were fake and he couldn't let me in. One of the singer's saw us arguing about the tickets and he come to us and he asked the security guard what the problem was. The security guard told him about the problem but then I intervened and told him what had really happened. He understood the situation and then he asked me to go with him. At first , I thought he would take me to the police or something but he took on the stage. Yes, I was on the stage with the band, still not believing that not only I was meeting them but was going to sing with them and the whole world was going to look at me.

I played with the band and I had a great time. Even though I couldn't stand to watch them, I finally got to sing along with them.

Serious story

Petre Valentin, clasa a XI a

History is a study of the past as it is described in written documents. A history lesson consists in events from the past, some of them are tragic and some of them brings happines to humanity.

I remember one time, during the history class, i was very tired because i didn't slept well last night. We were reading about World War 2 and without noticing i passed out

After a moment i found myself in the army in 1942. Me and the other soldiers were called outside to do the warmup. It was kind of hard because it was summer and it was hot outside. After that, our general told us to get our equipement and head to the boats. We were going to Normandy, in France to clear the german defensive from Omaha beach; that event was called "D-day".

We were still on the boats but the germans started to shoot. A lot of soldiers got shot and some of them drowned because their boats were damaged by machine guns.

When we had to land on the shore, i heard my name being said for quite a few time. One second later i found my teacher in front of my face looking angry. She told me that if i fall asleep again during her class i will get a small mark.


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I almost got a small mark, but it was worth it experiencing history on my skin.



Rizea Madalina, clasa a XII a

Last summer I was taken by surprize when I was invited to travel with my cousins to the mountain. With no hesitation,I accepted their request and the next day our little journey started.

We arrived at our destination after a full day of driving , in the evening. Before going to rest, we unpached our food and had a little dinner in our room.

In in the next morning, the hotel staff offered us a breakfast before starting our mountain path. On a nice wooden table , they gave us all we asked for and they were very kind. We thanked nicely for the food and we left on our mountain path with a very kind guide who knew the answer to all our question At the start, I have never seen so many flowers at the base of a mountain before and they were everywere in our way, some of us hardly kept themselves from tearing a few of them.

On the middle of our mountain path, a dog came to us as a second guide and followed us until we reached our destination. It wouldn’t move if one of us was left behind , it would wait untill all of us were moving , always staying in our back. It was very playfull too and fortunatelly we had a ball with us so we gave it to play while going with us along the way.

In the following few days, we spend some time in the town we were in and explored a few monuments that were there and took many walks throughout the city and it came to be a wonderfull experience.

English Composition Using: (spot,clear,fortune,police,sniff,coffe)


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Andrei Ion Cristian, clasa a XI a

I was walking on the street when I spotted a nice looking car.First time I taught it was a Ferrari ,but it wasn’t.I felt in love with it right-away.

The paint job was perfect and the color was crystal-clear without any pinches inside it, but unfortunately I didn’t knew what kind of car was , so I assumed that the owner was the one smoking next to the car and I decided to go and ask him.He said that it is a 2001 Toyota Supra with a few engine softs.

After another few words exchanged I’ve asked him how many horse power does the car have, then he immediately began to hit the gas pedal.The sound was so loud and clear, so I taught it had 800, but he started laughing and said “you should add 165...”.He made me speechless with that 4 words.

Then, a police officer showed up and he told us that we shouldn’t stay here and have fun with the car because we will most like disturb the “public quiet”,and he will be obligated to give us a ticket , and not a small one... .

We apologized to the officer and, and and then we explained our “guess the horse-power game”. He started laughing right-away, then said he would forgive us and asked us to leave.

The man told me to come with him to have a coffee-break and I couldn’t refuse that offer.He crashed the gas pedal to the floor one more time and when I sniffed all I could smell was gas.

MS Project

I heard it while it was still on the lower floor, but I only realized that it was real when it reached the stairs. Contrary to what I though just a few moments earlier, when I hoped that I’m not having a nightmare again, now I wish it was just that: a bad dream. But I saw the news and I know about the monster that lurks nearby.

Couldn’t the neighbor’s dog appear magically now? That humongous canine could easily distract the monster and maybe it could even save me. But I’m not dumb, we’re at the first floor and there’s no dog that could jump so high. Oh, Ronier, could you grow some wings for me?

He probably can’t. I should pay more attention to what’s possible though, because I can hear the monster’s footsteps approaching and it’s very likely that it will finish me. Hiding under the bed would be useless, just like trying to block the door, as this monster has so


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loud footsteps that I’m certain of how massive it is. I wonder how many people survived jumping from the first floor?


I approached the window, it may be my only way out of this. I slowly opened it… ‘What if the monster doesn’t know about me? What if it only looks for food?’ And then, I realized that for it, I AM FOOD, and this is the only way out.

I inhaled deeply the fresh air of the night. I remember all those ways to fall and land safely, or at least alive, from great heights, stuff I read in a book about planes. But I’m not sure that there’s enough time for me to adjust my landing from the first floor to the ground. I know, it shouldn’t be deadly, but if I break my leg I will be unable to run away from the monster. Tough, delaying the moment of the jump won’t help me.

I sighed as I heard a loud thud. ‘This is it!’ I said, and then something landed on me. In my horror, I didn’t think that whatever jumped on me came from the window. As the creature got off me and sniffed my head, I almost screamed of relief, Ronier CAN jump this high!


I could feel his warmth towards me, and I forgot, for a moment, about the monster. But this lasted only for a short moment because the loud steps of the monster were heard again and caught Ronier’s attention. He released a deep growl, which startled the monster. I could hear it sprinting on the stairs towards my door, but the situation changed: I’m not scared anymore, it should be the one scared now!

The monster hit the door with the force of a freight train, moving my door from its hinges, but the door was still attached to the wall. The monster tried a different approach, treating my door like a scratching pole. It ripped the wood and made way for its humongous body. It used its weigh to destroy the lower part of the door and with it, the thing that was staying in its way. It stepped in and like in western movies, Ronier and the monster circled each other slowly.


They looked at each other like I wasn’t there, like they were surrounded by nothing but space… space made specially for them to have where to fight. And I was going to use this new ability of mine, to be invisible, in our advantage.

I slowly approached the light switch. The dim light of the lamp wasn’t enough. Turning the light off wouldn’t be a good idea since they both can see in the dark, while I don’t. Plus, Ronier’s extremities glow in the dark.

I warned Ronier about my plan by whispering ‘Prepare for the Koh-INoor!’ 1 and I switched on all of my lights at once, temporally blinding myself, but Ronier was ready for it. The monster, surprised, attacked the place where he was moments ago, but Ronier was long gone. Confused, it didn’t see Ronier coming towards its neck from behind. He jumped on it and bit the monster’s cervical spine, but before he could latch on properly, the monster


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yelled like burned and sprinted towards me. I move away from its path and it jumped on the open window. I looked down with Ronier alongside me. Turns out that a fall from the first floor is survivable and that the window was our way out of this, we just weren’t the ones that had to jump.

‘So, that’s it, Ronier! We survived and, may I say, we won this fight. Though, there are more to come since the monster is roaming free out there.’

I turned the lights off and only kept the lamp. The sudden change of light made Ronier’s ears and nose to glow in a pale blue.

‘What’s next, bud?’ I asked him.

He looked at me and I saw the response in his eyes: “We should get some help.”

‘You’re right bud, But from who? You know, police won’t help. No state thingy is able or capable of helping us. The ‘Top Secret’ mark on your birth certificate is more than enough to keep them at bay…’

I was lost in my thoughts, but Ronier got me back in the real word when he touched my nose with his. “The lab” said his eyes.

‘You’re the smartest four-legged bud, but how do you plan to get in? The Lab it’s the obvious choice, but them won’t let us in.’

Ronier turned around and let me alone in the dim light of the lamp. He came back with my phone. I smirked as I understood hid plan.

‘You may be smarter than most of the two-legged too, my friend. Now, let’s make an official-looking message.’

E-mails are more official-looking that SMSs, and harder to track. I searched for the pound’s e-mail address: they’re official enough to get attention from The Lab and small enough to don’t look suspicious. Plus, they would be the ones to discover a loose monster in the town.

My crazy holiday

Have you ever heard of Mamaia Beach? Perhaps not or that was just my idea that I`m the only one from my village going there this last summer. As the summer holiday arrived, I packed all my things and went to the Grand Hotel Iaky with my friends.

In my opinion this was meant to be my dream holiday..lay on the hot sand, have a bath in the warm salt water, play different games. But no, my plans were meant to be changed as soon as I arrived there.

When we got to the airport and took the taxi till the hotel, I was admiring all the beautiful landscapes. I was dreaming with my eyes wide open. We registered at the hotel,


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we took the elevator till the sixth floor and when we got off the elevator I realized I stepped into something..an ID card and five euros.

I`m telling you all this in details because these will be my last memories here…because I have to leave back home.

So, I stepped on an ID card and when I grabbed it and saw the name of the owner I had a shock..it was a boy from a village next to mine. Really? and I was thinking that I`m the only one coming here.

We decided to end our holiday there and I got home, hopping to return to the owner the money and his ID card, but I couldn`t find him. As his neighbours told me, he moved to England because he was a soccer player at a very famous team. So, as a good citizen I decided to book a flight to England and hand him personally the ID card and money.

Lucky me, the airline was closed because of a strike and no airplane landed or took off that week. What a pity! It was an opportunity for me to visit England and also to make a good deed. Than Friday night I got a call. A friend informed me that the ID card`s owner was at the bus station in Oradea, waiting to leave to England. I asked my father to take me there, I gave the boy his ID card and money. He was very happy but also told me that it would have been easier to give it to the police and not do so many trips.

When I told my friends all the story, they laughed and thought that was a great adventure anyway, something that I will never forget.

❖ Once upon a time I was making a cheesecake for my family and realized I put too much butter in it, and so I was afraid it would come out so disgusting my mistake and throwing it away I spilt some water on the floor, slipped while moving the batter bowl, fell, and splattered the batter all over the kitchen.

❖ Have you ever tried to talk to someone across the room, but they can’t understand

what you’re saying so you start signing to them, but then you realize it’s totally not helping the situation because they don’t know sign language. But you did it anyway and now they’re even more confused?

❖ Turned off the lights in the city. “mom looks out the window” as if apocalypse,




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❖ I cheated on my ex during our relationship and he found out shortly after we broke up. He’s blocked me on everything, but briefly unblocks me every Monday to send me Game of Thrones spoilers before I can watch it. How can I get her to stop?

❖ At the market. A woman with 4 boys ages approx. 5-12 enters the chip aisle behind

me. Child#1: Look! A dog!

Child#2: HE’s a service dog so we have to leave him alone (bless you,child#2)

Child#3:A service dog? Is he blind?

Child#2 She’s not blind, she’s playing pokemon on her phone(thanks, bro. Just call me out like that.) Child#3: Maybe she can’t hear? I look over my shoulder at them. Child#4(whispering): I think she can hear.

❖ I’m going to be an adult in almost a year and yet I just begged my mom to buy some Winx cartoons which I am currently watching.

❖ One of my favorite moments is when your sitting down, very comfortably, and eating

something that unfortunately has a wrapper, but when you finish eating and have to throw the wrapper away and you make it into the trash bin. Not only is it exhilarating because you made the shot but you also do not have to get up.

Careful Driver

Once upon a time, traffic cops was controlling traffic . When the cops saw upcoming car which Fadime and Temel’s cops stopped the car. When cops saw both of them were wearing seat belts, cops said that;

-Sir, you are the only couples who wears the seat belt in the seat belt control that we made today, that’s why you won 500$. So what are you gonna do with this money?

Temel answered excitedly,

-What am I gonna do with this? Of course I’m gonna get a driver’s license.


-What the hell!? Don’t you have a driver’s license?

Fadime tried to save the situation and answered;

-We are so so sorry sir, Temel doesn’t know what he is talking about when he is drunk.

Cops were shocked.

-Whaaat? Are you kidding me? Are you drunk as well ? They shouted at them.


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The old man who was sitting at the back said ;

-I told you so, that don’t drive with a stolen car. When cops were double shocked, İdris showed up from car luggage an said;

-What happened ? Have we crossed the country border ?

The Perfect Son.

A: I have the perfect son.

B: Does he smoke?

A: No, he doesn't.

B: Does he drink whiskey?

A: No, he doesn't.

B: Does he ever come home late?

A: No, he doesn't.

В: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?

A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.


A teacher asked a student to write 55.

Student asked: How?

Teacher: Write 5 and beside it another 5!

The student wrote 5 and stopped, teacher: What are you waiting for? student: I don't know which side to write the other 5!


One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it's his daughter's birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, 'How much for one of those Barbie's in the display window?'

The salesperson answers, 'which one do you mean, Sir? We have:

•Work Out Barbie for $19.95


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•Shopping Barbie for $19.95 •Beach Barbie for $19.95 •Disco Barbie for $19.95 •Ballerina Barbie for $19.95 •and Divorced Barbie for $265.95'. The amazed father asks: 'It's what? Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?'

The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs and answers: "Sir, Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken’s Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer, one of Ken's Friends and a key chain made with Ken's private parts."


Hilarious, short conversation allegedly held between an US Immigration Officer at Miami International Airport and an incoming passenger: Immigration Officer: Your name, please? Passenger : Batman. Immigration Officer: What's your real name? Passenger: My name is Bat-man. Immigration Officer: Are you trying to be funny? What's your surname? Passenger: Superman. Immigration Officer: So you're telling me your name is Batman Superman? Passenger: Yes. Immigration Officer [calling over to Passport Security]: Hey Bud, arrest this guy [See below for the passenger's ID card:]

Who is stronger?


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One day someone asked to the Nasreddin Hodja “Hodja, who is stronger, A Soltan or afarmer?” Hodja answered “The farmer is stronger” then added “because if the farmer doesn’t work, the sultan dies.”

I can’t let

Nasreddin Hodja, buys some books from town. He puts them in to the bag and then takes the bag on his bag. A few minutes later he starts to ride his donkey to his home. On the way some men see him and ask “why didn’t you put your bag on the donkey?” Hodja answers to the stranger “Poor animal is carrying me so I can’t let it carry my bag.”

I will catch my voice

One day Nasreddin Hodja started to read a poem. But nobody cared what he was doing. Then Hodja started to run while he was reading poem loudly. And someone asked “Hodja what are you doing?” Hodja answered “I am curious about my voice where it will go, so I am running after it.” Talking with my wife

Nasreddin Hodja asked his wife “Our neighbour, Mehmet who is a repairman, what was his name?” His wife answered “you said his name a minute ago. Don’t you remember that you had said Mehmet.” Hodja said: “I didn’t mean his name, I wanted to ask what his job was.” Hodja’s wife was shocked “Hodja, are you okay?” said his wife and added “You already told that he was a repairman!” Hodja said: “You should understand me! I wanted to ask where he lives?” Hodja’s wife answered: “Hodja, today you aren’t really okay. You already know that he is our neighbor!” Hodja started to get angry and shouted “How can I talk to you?”

Thinking like a human

One day Nasreddin Hodja was in the bazaar. Then he saw a parrot. He asked to salesman “How much is this?” The Salesman answered “It costs twelve golden coins.” Hodja was surprised and said: “How can a bird cost twelve golden coins?” Sailesman answered “This bird is not like others. It can talk.” Immedietly Hodja went his home and took his turkey then turned back to the bazaar. He asked the salesman “How much will you give for this turkey?” Salesman answered: “Fifteen golden coins.” Hodja ask again: “Why do you want 12 golden coins for a little bird while you want 15 golden coins for a turkey?” and Hodja continued angrily “don’t you see? You are selling little bird for twelve golden coins!” The Salesman said “this bird can talk like a human” and asked “what is bird’s ability; what can it do?” Hodja answered wisely: “My bird can think like a human!”


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Someone’s mother is gonna cry

One of Nasreddin Hodja’ sons was working on pottery. One day Hodja asked his son “How’s work?” The son answered: “Dad, I spent all of my money for those pots. If today is sunny, the pots will dry and I will be rich. But if today is rainy, my mother will cry.” Hodja left there. Then he visited his elder son. His elder son said: “Dad, I spent all my money for this farm. If today is rainy I will be rich. But if today is sunny, my mother will cry.” Hodja turned back to his home in a sad mood. Hodja’s wife asked “Hodja are you okay? You don’t look good.” Hodja answered his wife: “Do not forget about me. You should think about your stiuation. Either It is rainy or It is sunny YOU WILL CRY TODAY!”

You are right

One day a man visited Nasreddin Hodja. The man told about what happened to himself. When he asked “Am I right?” the Hodja answered him “you are right.” Few hours later another man visited Hodja and he told about same subject in little changes. When 2 nd man asked “am I right said?” Hodja, answered to the 2nd man “you are right.” Later Hodja’s wife told “Hodja, one of the man must be right, am I right?” Hodja answered “you are right.”

Blowing Hot and Cold with the Same Breath

There was once a wild man who lived on a hill which was far in a forest. He was a simple man and seldom spoke to other people.

Once day he noticed a man walking along a path in the forest below the hill. He ran down to him and said, “I want to talk to you. You will come up to my home and have talk with me?” The man agreed. They climbed the hill together. As it was a cold day, the stranger breathed on his hands. “What are you doing?” asked the wild man. “Iam blowing on my hands.” “Why are you doing it?” “My hands are cold. I want them became warm.” “I understood,” said the wild man. When they came to the house on the hill, the wild man made the stranger drunk a cup of boiling milk. As the milk was very hot, the stranger began blowing on it.

“What are you doing now?” asked the wild man. “I am blowing on my milk.” “The milk is being hot. I am blowing on it made it cold.” “What!” shouted the wild man . “But before you had blew on your hands to make them hot. Was get out of my house! I am not want men like you in my home. You aren’t be an honest man, if you blowing hot and cold with the same breath.”


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I don’t interfere in Small Fires Murat, one of the richest town in the town, thought he was wealthy because he was too smart. Near the mosque, surrounded by soiled stone walls, in a large garden with a wide variety of fruit trees, three-storey house had a huge. She wears proud and expensive clothes, she walks proudly. If Nasreddin Hodja does his preaching work after listening to Friday sermons and sermons;

“Hodja, you do not interfere in the world affairs, the work of religion is separate, the world work is separate.”

One day, the fire of the fire in the house of the Murat Aga. Onat the mosque was out of the midday prayer. “Oh, my teacher, get out of my house. Flames come out. Put the fire out,” he bellow acts. In a quiet and indifferent voice:

“Look neighbor, let’s listen to you today for forty years. That fire is a world business that you want us to never interfere with. “What is the meaning of a brave, rich, intelligent man in such a small fire?”


The professor asked his student :

-Imagine that you found two bags while walking down on the road.There is wisedom in one of them and the money in other which one would you choose?

Student-of course with I choose the sack money.

Professor-I would choose the sack with wisedom.

Student-Normal,Everyone chooses what he needs.


When Temel did not see a single post in his son’s notebook,he asked why you don’t have anything on the notebook.

His son: - Whatever teacher writes your on the blackboard,exactly write my notebook.When he deletes the board,I also delete my notebook.


Teacher asks Ali:

-You have 6 walnuts.I want to have 3 of them.

How many walnuts will you have?


-“6 walnuts.Teacher’’.


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- I want to have 3 of them.


- Maybe, I don’t want to give.

Whose Office

One day a man come out of breath:

-Mr. Doctor, I have a strong pain in my stomach. I could not sleep with this pain.

-You should eat light meal, you don’t eat after 6 o’clock and you must buy glasses.

-But doctor, what the relation between stomach and glasses?

-In this way. The Doctor’s Consulting room is under this floor. This is the Lawyer’s Office so I am a lawyer.


Little Ahmet, angrily asked to grocer:

-Why do you always give me very little eggs ?

-To carry easily.

Ahmet pays to eggs and go. Grocer calls out to Ahmet and says:

-But your money is not enough!

The little boy turns back and says:

-To count easily.

I offended by my husband and told him:

-You are the piece of mouldy cake.

The answer was perfect :

-And you are my another piece.



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Once upon a time a boy asked to his grandfather with the small smile on his face:

-Do you know granny, why fish can’t speak?

Grandfather curiously asked:


The boy answered:

-If we deepen our head into the water we also will not be able to speak granny!


One film producer with young actor speak with each other:

-Here the abyss that you act in this scene.

-But it is very dangerous. I might fall down and die.

-Don’t worry! This scene is already the last scene of the film.


The teacher explain that the water on the earth’s surface is evaporate and turn into the clouds. Then she asks one of her student:

-Tell me Ali, how do the clouds become dark?

Ali thinks about it but he can’t answered. Ali’s friend hold his hand up and says this phrase:

-It becomes dark after dirty water.

The last ones belong to Turkmenistan students

Coordin teacher Habip Ozchacahir


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Our school Palsmane boarding school lies in a very beautiful and historical place.

On our way to school we can hear a river flowing. It is the river Palsa which flows around the


You can’t enter the school and not notice the big oak trees. They seem so strong and

beautiful in all seasons – winter, spring, summer and autumn. The view from school to park is

full of wonders. You can smell spring flowers, listen to romantic birds’ songs and dream about

the times when baron von Baehr lived here. Jumping squirrels remind us of our active

children. Also roes are frequent quests in our park.

The school building and stories about it are full of secrets. Earlier it wasn’t a school but a

manor where the baron von Baehr lived together with his family.

Believe or not, but we still can feel it. There are people who have seen human ghosts in the

building. Some people tell that at nights or in early mornings they have heard the school

piano playing or windows opening and closing when there was nobody at school. Some

people have seen the light in the attic of the manor. And that is not all. In the times when

teachers had to at school on duty all around the clock one of the teachers took her dog with

her to feel more safe. At night it was silent all around, but suddenly the dog started to bark

and gazed towards the door. The teacher opened the door and there was no one behind but

the dog continued to bark and gaze towards the door.

A little bit scary? But we are proud we can learn and work in that manor which is full of

secrets. We believe our ancestors are taking care of use. We are proud of our school.


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