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held in The Stevenson Centre at 8.02pm on Monday 23rd September 2019

PRESENT Councillors Mr A C Bavington ChairmanMr T Harman Mr S M SheridanMr D M Walton Mr C G Wright

Council Manager Mrs N TamlynCouncil Administrator Miss E Skuce


Apologies were received from Councillors Mr T M Walsh, Mr T J Keane, Mrs P White, Mr M D Newman and Mr D Young.



a. Village Hall: GC Scouts LeaseThe Council Manager advised that she was still awaiting a response from the Council’s solicitor in relation to the historic files.

b. Blackhouse Lane Sports FieldsMembers NOTED that Cornard Dynamos are wishing to carry on with the Lease.

Members discussed the need to assess the situation with regards to the maintenance and the current condition of the building and facilities. The Council Manager confirmed that the outstanding works are based on a recent structural survey of the building. The Parish Council had agreed to fund the materials to the cost £1800.00, on the understanding Cornard Dynamos carried out the works. Members AGREED that a meeting between the Council and Cornard Dynamos was needed which the Council Manager will arrange accordingly.

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c. Great Cornard Swimming Pool Councillor Bavington informed Members that there was a meeting scheduled to take place on Wednesday 25th September at which he and Councillor Newman would be in attendance. The outcome of that meeting would be reported back to this Council at the next meeting.

d. Neighbourhood Plan (NP)The Council Manager will contact working party members and arrange a meeting.

e. GDPR: Compliance Visit The Council Manager informed Members that unfortunately, she had been unable to secure a meeting with the DPO but she would keep trying.

f. Sudbury Town Council: Community Wardens Members reviewed correspondence received from Sudbury Town Council in relation to the proposed increase in costs from 2020 for the Community Wardens’ services. It was agreed that the continued rise in the hourly rates was unsustainable and it would be better to have a 5 year agreement in place which allowed for an annual percentage rise, rather than a 1 year agreement where they may again increase the hourly rate and the Council would not be able to challenge it. It was suggested that the Council Manager research the advantages of employing the Council’s own ‘Handyman’ and associated costs; e.g. wages, pension, van, insurance, equipment etc.

The Council Manager advised that this would be an expensive option and that she believed that the Council receives ‘good value for money’ from the Community Warden service.

AGREED for the Council Manager to provide Members with a list of jobs that the Wardens carry out for the Council so that Members can review what they do within the village and discuss at the next committee meeting.

Agreed to RECOMMEND to full Council that the 2019/2020 Service Agreement is signed and approved by the Council at an hourly rate of £17.50 which has already been approved by the Parish Council.

AGREED for the Council Manager to meet with the Sudbury Town Clerk to discuss the possibility of entering into a 5 year Agreement from 1st April 2020 onwards.


a. Lone Working Policy and Lone Working Risk Assessment

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Members reviewed and amended both the Lone Working Policy and generic Lone Working Risk Assessment and agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that both documents be adopted. (See Appendix A)The Council Manager will look at manual handling training for all members of staff.

b. Data Protection PolicyMembers reviewed and amended the Data Protection Policy and agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that the document be adopted. (See Appendix B)The Council Manager to liaise with Councillors T M Welsh and Mrs P White regarding the record management relating to the finance and planning documents.

c. Protocol for the Reporting at Meetings of the Council and CommitteesMembers reviewed the Protocol and agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that it be adopted. It was NOTED that the statement did not need to be read out at the start of every meeting. It could be displayed where everyone can see it and the Chairman of each meeting would refer to it. (See Appendix C).


Members reviewed and amended the Council’s Risk Assessment Schedule. The Council Manager advised Members that it had proved to be a very useful document as it has helped with keeping matters up to date and had highlighted issues which needed addressing. NOTED.

Members agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that the Risk Assessment Schedule be approved and signed by the Council Chairman. (See Appendix D).


The Chairman advised that the Council’s Lone Working Policy had addressed the need for a CCTV camera in the Parish Council’s office reception area. Members reviewed the quotation from STC Solutions for £325 plus VAT for one camera and a 12 month warranty, as well as the cost for appropriate signage around the building.

Members agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council the quotation for £325 plus VAT from STC Solutions for the purchase and installation of one camera. The Council Manager will assess the requirement for signage and report back to the Council.


Members reviewed the report for a defibrillator at the Stevenson Centre, which detailed three different options. Members AGREED a quote from the East of England Ambulance Service for £1,780 plus VAT for the following:

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i. Powerheart G5 AED Defibrillatorii. External heated Cabinet Stainless Steeliii. Training

The location of the unit to be agreed.

It was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council, the quotation for £1,780 plus VAT.

The Council Manager advised that the Council had budgeted £1,000 and had applied to County Councillor Beer to cover the cost of the cabinet and training. The Great Cornard Ladies Group and Great Cornard Lunch Club had offered to donate £500 in total towards the cost. The only unknown cost at this stage is the electrical installation.


a. Cheques Issued/Credits received – (See Appendix E) Members reviewed the list of cheques issued. NOTED.

b. Figures to Date – (See Appendix F)Members reviewed the Parish Council’s Figures to Date. NOTED.


AGREED to exclude the press and public from the meeting.


The Council Manager advised Members that a response from the solicitor was awaited.


Members reviewed and NOTED the correspondence from Cornard Dynamos which stated that they would like to continue with the Lease.


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Members NOTED confirmation from the Council’s solicitor that a Management Agreement would be an appropriate course of action. The Council Manager to amend the current Management Agreement and report back to the next Committee meeting.


The Council Manager advised Members that a response from the solicitors was awaited.

Meeting closed at 9.18pm

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1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that there are adequate systems in place to ensure the health, safety and welfare of lone workers and to manage the risks of lone working as far as is reasonably possible and practicable.

Both the Council’s and Charity’s employees are expected to work alone because of the nature of their jobs. Whilst working alone is not in itself unsafe, there may be circumstances where lone working can increase risk to an employee.

2. Definition

Lone working includes all members of staff alone in a building and those whose duties involve working outside where there is no close, frequent or regular contact with other colleagues.

3. Policy

The Council will, as far as reasonably practicable, ensure that:

Employees required to work alone are protected from risks to their health, safety and welfare;

Any risks are identified in discussion with the Council Manager and any actions required to mitigate high risks are taken before lone working is undertaken; and

Employees take responsibility for their own safety and understand that they must remove themselves immediately from any such situation. Such action and concerns must be reported immediately to the Council Manager.

4. Legal Responsibilities

Section 2(1) of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 places a duty on every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of employees. In addition, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 places a duty on

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the employer to consider all reasonably foreseeable hazards and to take the appropriate action to reduce the possible risk of injury to the lowest level that is practicable to achieve.

5. Who is at Risk

All employees who, as part of their contracted duties, are required to work alone and without direct supervision.

Lone Workers Include: Individual staff who work temporarily away from their fixed base at any of the following

o Parish Council Office and The Stevenson Centreo Recreation Groundo Great Cornard Cemetery o Great Cornard Country Park & Allotments o Shawlands LNR o Stacey Ardley Dog Exercise and Play Area o Village Hall o St Andrew’s Churchyard o Blackhouse Lane Sports Fields o Hedgerows Play Area & Village Greeno Whilst travelling on Great Cornard Parish Council Business

Staff who work outside normal working hours at the Parish Council Office and The

Stevenson CentreThis policy does not set out to identify all the situations where employees may be at risk from working alone but concentrates on describing the arrangements that must be in place to eliminate or manage the associated risks. Lone working itself is not necessarily high risk but the activity that is performed may well be. It is important that these individuals are made aware of the outcome of the risk assessment and informed of all necessary control measures.

6. Assessing the Risk

The Council is responsible for identifying and assessing the potential risks of lone working both in terms of the likelihood of being caused harm and also the severity of the injury. Consideration will be given to whether the activity is one that can be safely accomplished by one person or whether the presence of another member of staff would be advisable. If a risk cannot be eliminated completely, action must be taken to reduce the risk to the lowest level practicably achievable.

7. Specific Guidance

The Council should take account of the following factors when evaluating the risk:

The degree of isolation; The type of work activity; The level of supervision and support; and Contact or proximity with members of the public

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Lone workers must declare if they have any medical condition that may put them at risk whilst working alone, e.g. hearing impairment, diabetes. A mobile first aid kit should be readily available at all times in order to render first aid for minor injuries should they be sustained.

All lone workers will have access to a mobile telephone which must be switched on so that they may be contacted or to summon help should the need arise. For all high risk activities, e.g. where activity is remote from other people, it is imperative that the employee gives clear guidance to a colleague as to their location(s) during the day as well as their estimated time of return.

To try to avoid confrontation. If a situation develops try to remain calm. If violence is threatened try to withdraw from the situation and call 999.

Panic alarms can be provided to any lone working members of staff should they request one. These can be used to summon assistance in the event of an attack and will disorientate potential attackers.

Lone workers must contact a nominated person in the office before they finish work for the day if they intend to go directly home. If planning to work outside of standard hours, this must be agreed in advance with the Council Manager.

All employees will ensure that outer doors of the Council Offices and The Stevenson Centre are locked outside of public opening times.

Whilst it is appreciated that employees have to be available to meet members of the public, this should only be during office opening hours, and have other people in the building when possible.

8. Duties of the Council Manager

In order to fulfil its statutory responsibilities, the Council places specific duties on the Council Manager to ensure:

All lone working activities are formally identified and appropriate risk assessments undertaken, which identify the risk to lone workers and the control measures necessary to minimise those risks, as far as reasonably practicable;

Arrangements for lone working are communicated effectively and the details of what can or cannot be done while working alone is explicit;

The lone worker is made aware of the hazards and understands all the necessary control measures that need to be put in place;

Reasonable enquiries are made to ensure that the lone worker is medically fit to undertake work alone;

Adequate supervision, instruction and training are in place and that the lone worker is confident/competent. The extent of the supervision is a management decision, which should be established through a risk assessment process; and

Monitoring of lone working practices is in place to ensure that control measures identified in the Lone Working Risk Assessment are being adhered to.

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9. Employee Duties

All employees have a responsibility to take care of their own safety and to adhere to Council procedures. Employees should not knowingly place themselves in situations which expose them to additional risk by working alone. If a person finds that they are placed in a situation, which may be considered to be that of a ‘lone worker’, then they should ensure that the Council Manager is made aware of the circumstances at the earliest opportunity and then assist in the process of identifying the steps needed to either prevent the lone worker situation from arising, or, if this is not possible, assist in developing the precautions necessary to ensure their own safety.

10. Risk Assessment

The risk assessment process will be undertaken as a collaborative exercise by both the lone worker and the Council Manager and that the agreed safe working procedures are recorded and communicated to all persons who may be required to work alone and any other employees who have a role in ensuring their safety.

The following outlines the steps that must be taken for a lone working risk assessment.

1. Identify the hazards to which the person may be exposed. The hazards are likely to be the same for a particular activity whether lone working or not. The assessment of the risk to which a lone worker may be exposed must take in to account normal and foreseeable scenarios.

The hazards may be such that the risk cannot be controlled sufficiently and therefore lone working is prohibited. Examples of high risk activities where at least one other person will need to be present include:

Working on or near water; Using power tools and machinery; Working at height; and Working with chemicals that are corrosive, toxic, explosive, flammable or

asphyxiant products or reactions.

2. Identify all persons who may be required to work alone. Consideration must be given to an individual’s ability to carry out their activities safely on their own. Some individuals may be at greater risk than others for example, new and expectant mothers and young persons or those who are new to a role.

Check that lone workers do not have any medical conditions which make them unsuitable for working alone. Seek medical advice as necessary. Consider both routine work and foreseeable emergencies which may impose additional and mental burdens on the individual.

3. Assess whether current controls are adequate and if not, consider whether additional/alternative control measure(s) can be put in place. Examples of control measures include the provision of suitable training and communication strategies.

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4. Emergencies

What happens if a person becomes ill, has an accident, or there is an emergency?Lone workers should be capable of responding correctly to emergencies. Emergency procedures should be established and employees trained in them. Lone workers should have access to adequate first aid facilities (general first aid kit). In some situations lone workers might offer a code word to colleagues if they consider themselves in danger. If a distress call is made, the normal response would be for the receiver of the call to dial 999, give the details of the call, the situation (i.e. Intimidation) and the location of the member of staff. All staff and Councillors should be made aware of this procedure.

5. Record the findings. Record the risk assessment findings for any significant risks identified. Ensure that the lone worker is made aware of the findings of the risk assessment.

11. Monitoring and Review

Arrangements which are implemented to ensure the safety of lone workers need to be subject to a monitoring regime which is commensurate with the risk, by the Council. Risk Assessments are to be reviewed by the Council Manager if any significant changes take place, following an accident/incident or following any concerns being raised. Any review should make sure existing control measures are adequate and check if any additional controls are needed.

Adopted: October 2019

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GREAT CORNARD PARISH COUNCILData Protection and Information Management Policy

Data Protection

1. About this Policy

1.1 This policy outlines the standards Great Cornard Parish Council ‘The Council’ intends to observe in relation to its compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and subsequently revised UK Data Protection Law.

1.2 The policy is applicable to all Councillors and any employees, partners, voluntary groups, third parties and agents authorised by them.

1.3 The Council shall ensure that all users fully understand its obligations and have undertaken the necessary training to demonstrate compliance with this policy.

1.4 This policy applies to all personal information created or held by the Council, in whatever format. This includes, but is not limited to paper, electronic, mail, microfiche and film.

2. Responsibilities

2.1 To operate efficiently, the Council must collect and use information about people with whom it works. This may include members of the public, current, past and prospective employees, customers, contractors, suppliers and partner organisations.

2.2 The Council regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal information as critical to its successful operations, maintaining confidence between the Council and those with whom it carries out business. The Council will therefore ensure that it treats personal information correctly in accordance with the law.

2.3 The Council as a whole is accountable for ensuring compliance with this policy. The day to day responsibilities are delegated to the Council Manager, who will undertake information audits and manage the information collected by the Council including the issuing of privacy notices, dealing with requests and complaints raised and the safe disposal of information.

2.4 Councillors who process personal data on an individual basis and are not acting on behalf of the Council are likely to be considered data controllers and therefore required to notify the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Council notes that from the 1 st May 2019, the Data Protection (Charges and Information) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 came into force. The Regulations state that elected representatives are exempt from paying a fee.

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2.5 All Councillors and officers who hold or collect personal data are responsible for compliance with data protection legislation and must ensure that personal and/or sensitive information is kept and processed in accordance with this policy.

3. Breach of this Policy

3.1 Breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct procedure and, in certain circumstances may be considered to be gross misconduct, resulting in dismissal. It should also be noted that breach of the policy could also lead to criminal or civil action if illegal material is involved or legislation is contravened. Councillors found to be in breach of this policy may also be deemed to have breached the Code of Conduct and referred to the District Council’s Monitoring Officer.

4. Privacy by Design

4.1 The GDPR requires data controllers to put measures in place to minimize personal data processing and that they only process data that is necessary for the purposes of processing and stored for as long as is necessary.

4.2 The Council will have the appropriate measures in place to determine the basis for lawful processing and will undertake risk assessments to ensure compliance with the law. These measures include the use of Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs).

5. Contracts

5.1 Data protection law places requirements on both the Council and its suppliers to ensure the security of personal data, and to manage individuals’ privacy rights. This means that whenever the Council uses a supplier to process individuals’ data on its behalf, it must have a written contract in place.

5.2 The law sets out what needs to be included in the contract so that both parties understand their responsibilities and liabilities.

5.3 The Council is liable for its compliance with data protection law and must only appoint suppliers who can provide ‘sufficient guarantees’ that the requirements of the law will be met, and the rights of individuals protected.

5.4 If a contractor, partner organisation or agent of the Council is appointed or engaged to collect, hold, process or deal with personal data on behalf of the Council, or if they will do so as part of the services they provide to the Council, the relevant lead Councillor or Council officer must ensure that personal data is managed in accordance with data protection law and this policy.

5.5 Security and data protection requirements must be included in any contract that the agent, contractor or partner organization enters into with the Council and reviewed during the contract’s life cycle.

5.6 Council officers will use the appropriate processes, templates and DPIAs when managing or issuing contracts.

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6. Information Sharing

6.1 The Council may share information when it is in the best interest of the data subject and when failure to share data may carry risks to vulnerable groups and individuals.

6.2 Information must always be shared in a secure and appropriate manner and in accordance with the information type. The Council will be transparent and as open as possible about how and with whom data is shared; with what authority; and for what purpose; and with what protections and safeguards.

6.3 Any Councillor or officer dealing with telephone enquiries must be careful about disclosing personal information held by the Council. In order to manage this the enquirer will be asked to put their request in writing in the first instance.

7. Individuals’ Rights

7.1 An individual may request a copy of any data held about them, or information about the reasons for which it is kept and processed. This is called a Subject Access Request (SAR). Information on how an individual can make a SAR can be found on the Council’s website www.greatcornard.onesuffolk.net

7.2 Individuals also have other rights under the Data Protection Act 2018 which are set out in the Council’s privacy notices. The Council must respond to individuals exercising their rights, within one month.

8. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

8.1 Personal data can only be disclosed about a third party in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

8.2 If a user believes it is necessary to disclose information about a third party to a person requesting data, they must seek specialist advice before doing so.

9. Breach of Information Security

9.1 The Council understand the importance of recognising and managing information security incidents. This occurs when data or information is transferred to somebody who is not entitled to receive it. It includes losing data or theft of information, unauthorised use of the Council’s system to process or store data by any person or attempted unauthorised access to data or information regardless of whether this was successful or not.

9.2 All users have an obligation to report actual or potential data protection compliance failures and take immediate steps to minimise the impact and to assist with managing risk. The Council will fully investigate both actual and potential failures and take remedial steps if necessary and maintain a register of compliance failures. If the incident involves or impacts personal data, it must be reported to the ICO within 72 hours.

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10. I.T and Communication Systems

10.1 The Council’s I.T and communications systems are intended to promote effective communication and working practices. This policy outlines the standards users must observe when using these systems and the action the Council will take if users breach these standards.

10.2 Breach of this policy may be dealt with under the Council’s Disciplinary Procedure and, in serious cases, may be treated as gross misconduct.

11. Equipment and Security Passwords

11.1 Councillors and officers are responsible for the security of the equipment allocated to or used by them, and must not allow it to be used by anyone other than in accordance with this policy. Passwords must be set on all I.T equipment and passwords must remain confidential and be changed regularly.

11.2 Users must only log onto Council systems using their own username and password. Users must not use another person’s username and password or allow anyone else to log on using their name and password.

12. Systems and Data Security

12.1 Users should not delete, destroy or modify existing systems, programs, information or data (except as authorised in the proper performance of their duties).

12.2 Users must not download or install software from external sources. Downloading unauthorised software may interfere with the Council’s systems and may introduce viruses or other malware.

12.3 Users must not attach any device or equipment including mobile phones, tablet computers or USB storage devices to the Council’s systems.

12.4 Users should exercise particular caution when opening unsolicited emails from unknown sources. If an email looks suspicious, do not reply to it, open any attachments or click any links in it.

12.5 Users must inform the Council Manager immediately if they suspect a computer may have a virus.

13. Email

13.1 Users should adopt a professional tone and observe appropriate etiquette when communicating with third parties by email.

13.2 It should be noted that emails can be used in legal proceedings and that even deleted emails may remain on the system and be capable of being retrieved.

13.3 Users must not send abusive, obscene, discriminatory, racist, harassing, derogatory, defamatory, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate emails.

13.4 For the purposes of Council business, users must use a designated email account (or only use the email account provided) in order to receive or send email correspondence).

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14. Using the Internet

14.1 Users should not access any web page or download any image or other file from the internet which could be regarded as illegal, offensive, in bad taste or immoral. Even web content that is legal in the UK may be in sufficient bad taste to fall within this prohibition. As a general rule, if any person (whether intended to view the page or not) might be offended by the contents of a page, or if the fact that the Council’s software has accessed the page or file might be a source of embarrassment if made public, then viewing it will be a breach of this policy.

15. Prohibited use of Council Systems

15.1 Misuse or excessive personal use of the Council’s telephone or email system or inappropriate internet use will be dealt with under the Council’s disciplinary procedures. Misuse of the internet can in some cases be a criminal offence.

15.2 Creating, viewing, accessing, transmitting or downloading any of the following material will usually amount to gross misconduct (this list is not exhaustive).(a) Pornographic material (that is, writing, pictures, films and video clips of a sexually

explicit or arousing nature);(b) Offensive, obscene, or criminal material or material which is liable to cause

embarrassment to the Council or to the local community;(c) A false and defamatory statement about any person or organization;(d) Material which is discriminatory, offensive, derogatory or may cause

embarrassment to others (including material which breaches the Council’s Equal Opportunities or Harassment and Bullying policies);

(e) Confidential information about the Council or any of it’s staff or community (except as authorized in the proper performance of one’s duties);

(f) Unauthorised software;(g) Any other statement which is likely to create any criminal or civil liability; or(h) Music or video files or other material in breach of copyright.

16. Social Media

16.1 This policy is in place to minimise the risks to our Council through use of social media.16.2 This policy deals with the use of all forms of social media including Facebook, LinkedIn,

Twitter, Google+, Wikipedia, Instagram and all other social networking sites, internet postings and blogs. It applies to use of social media for Council purposes as well as personal use that may affect the Council’s business in any way.

17. Prohibited Use

17.1 Users must avoid making any social media communications that could damage the Council’s interests or reputation, even indirectly.

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17.2 Users must not use social media to defame or disparage this Council, it’s staff or any third party; to harass, bully or unlawfully discriminate against staff or third parties; to make false or misleading statements; or to impersonate colleagues or third parties.

17.3 Any misuse of social media should be reported to the Council Manager.

18. Guidelines for Responsible Use of Social Media

18.1 Users should make it clear in social media postings, or in their personal profile, that they are speaking on their own behalf.

18.2 Be respectful to others when making any statement on social media and be aware that they are personally responsible for all communications which will be published on the internet for anyone to see.

18.3 A data protection breach may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.18.4 Members of staff may be required to remove any social media content that the Council

believes constitutes a breach of this policy. Failure to comply with such a request may in itself result in disciplinary action.

19. Bring your Own Device (BOYD)

This Council must take appropriate technical and organisational measures against accidental loss or destruction of or damage to personal data. Councillors using their own devices raises a number of data protection concerns due to the fact that these are owned by the user rather than the data controller. The risks the controller needs to assess are:

The type of data held; Where the data may be stored; How the data is transferred; Potential data leakage; Blurring of personal and business use; The device’s security capacities; What to do if the person who owns the device leaves the Council; and How to deal with the loss, theft, failure and support of a device.

Councillors and officers using their own devices shall have the following responsibilities:

Users will not lend their device to anybody; Users will inform the Council should they lose, sell, recycle or change their device; Users will take adequate security precautions to access their device. Users will ensure security software is set up on their device and kept up to date; and Users will not use their device to sore Council emails, files and data.

20. Records Management

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20.1 It is necessary for the Council to retain a number of data sets as part of managing Council business. This Council shall apply the following framework:

Document Minimum Period Reason

MINUTES Approved minutes Indefinite Archive Draft/rough/notes of minutes taken at meetings

Until minutes are approved Management

FINANCE Receipt and Payment Accounts Indefinite Archive Paid invoices 6 years VAT VAT records 6 years VAT Bank Statements Last completed audit year Audit Paying in books Last completed audit year Audit Cheque stubs Last completed audit year Audit Scales of fees and charges 5 years Management Members allowances register 6 years Tax, Statute of Limitations

PLANNING Permissions 6 years Compliance Permissions - on appeal Indefinite Precedent Permissions - commercial or development

Indefinite Future compliance

Refusals 2 years Appeals

INSURANCE Insurance policies 2 years Management Certificates of Employers’ Liability Insurance

40 years Limitation period

OTHER Quotations and tenders 12 years /indefinite Statute of Limitations Title deeds, leases, agreements, contracts

Indefinite Audit, Management

Routine correspondence, papers & emails Retain as long as useful Notes from meetings Until minutes are confirmed Minutes are signed

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Great Cornard Parish Council Protocol for the Reporting at Meetings of the Council or Committees

1. Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential

nature of the business, any person may film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, or a committee, including any public participation session.

2. Reporting is restricted by legislation to the proceedings of the meeting, in other

words from calling to order to the official closure of the meeting.

3. In accordance with Government guidelines, Council policy does not permit the filming or photographing of persons under the age of eighteen or vulnerable adults without permission of a responsible adult. Any persons who object to being filmed or photographed and have moved to an area designated for this purpose should also not be filmed or photographed. However, the Council cannot guarantee that anyone will not be filmed or photographed.

4. Any person intending to report should give notice before the commencement of the meeting to the Clerk or Chairman of the Council. This will enable reasonable facilities to be afforded.

5. A notice indicating that meetings may be reported by use of filming etc. will be displayed at the meeting venue and a statement about reporting will also be included in relevant notices of meetings.

6. At the start of each meeting, the Chairman will announce that proceedings may

be filmed, photographed or recorded and invite any members of the public not wishing to be filmed or photographed to move to the designated area.

7. Any filming or recording of meetings should be conducted overtly from a fixed point in an area of the meeting room specified by the Clerk or Chairman.

8. Live oral commentary will not be permitted at any time.

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9. The use of flash photography or additional lighting will not be allowed unless agreement has been reached in advance of the meeting.

10. Recordings will not be made for reporting by the Council or any other person during any part of the meeting when the public and press are excluded.

11. Persons reporting on a meeting who act improperly or in a disruptive manner could be excluded from the meeting. ‘Disruptive behaviour’ would include any action or activity which disrupts the conduct of the meeting or impedes other members of the public from being able to see, hear or film etc., the proceedings. This might include:

• Moving outside designated public areas • Excessive noise during debate • Intrusive lighting and use of flash photography • Asking people to repeat for the purpose of recording • Failure to observe this protocol

12. Those reporting on meetings should not edit the recordings, films or

photographs in a way that could lead to misinterpretation of the proceedings. This includes refraining from editing an image or views expressed in a way that may ridicule, or show a lack of respect towards those being photographed, filmed or recorded.

13. Recording and reporting the council’s meetings is subject to the law and it is the

responsibility of those recording and reporting to ensure compliance, including data protection and defamation. They will be responsible for any allegations of breaches of the law which may result from their use of recorded material and are admitted to the Council Meeting on the basis that they accept this responsibility. The Council reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings in appropriate circumstances.

14. The Council takes no responsibility for any recording made by others. It also

takes no responsibility where a recording which it makes is subsequently used by any third party. Any third party making or editing a recording of a meeting shall in doing so be taken to have indemnified the Council against all actions, proceedings, costs, claims, demands, liabilities, losses and expenses whatsoever relating to the making or use of that recording.

15. The Council asserts no copyright or control over recordings of meetings made by

itself or others whilst on Council premises, subject to paragraph 12 above. 16. Generally, archived recordings made by the Council will be available on request.

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Great Cornard Parish Council – Adopted October 2019APPENDIX D


Risk Assessment ScheduleItem Frequency Last

Reviewed/Due Comments/Actions

Parish Council Insurance, including:

Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Public & Employers’ Liability Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Money & Fidelity Guarantee Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Personal Accident Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

War Memorial Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Buildings Cover for Parish Owned Property/Community Assets:Blackhouse Lane Pavilion Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year

AgreementGt Cornard Cemetery & Buildings

Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

The Stevenson Centre Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Cornard United Clubhouse Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Village Hall Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement

Public Liability-Public Open SpaceCrampthorns Playing Field(Bowls Club – Grounds ONLY)

Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement(Under Public liability)

Oliver Sports Ground (Recreation Ground)

Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement(Under Public

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Liability) St Andrews Churchyard – Closed churchyards

Annually April 2019 Zurich 5 Year Agreement(Under Public Liability)

Building regulations/certificatesBlackhouse Lane Pavilion Gas/Fire/Electrical Safety Check

5 YearlyYearly

Abs – 08/03Elec – 11/2017Gas – None Lgnlla – 10/17Fire – Yearly

If bldg. works required

Gt Cornard Cemetery & Buildings Asbestos/Electrical Safety Check

Annually5 yearly

Abs – 08/03Elec – 09/19

If bldg. works requiredAwtg survey J Maynard

The Stevenson Centre Gas/Fire/Building Electrical Safety Check/PAT Tests/legionella

5 Yearly

2 Yearly

Abs-06/18Elec- 09/18

Gas – NoneLgnlla- 10/17PAT – 06/19

If bldg. works requiredRe.Significant bldg works -Bldg test in 5 years from SC Project

Reg. water temp check mnthly

Cornard United Clubhouse Gas/Fire/Legionella/Electrical Safety Check

How Often?Abs - TBCLgnlla-10/17Elec - TBCGas - None Fire - Yearly

To be put in hand by PC

To be put in hand by PC

Village Hall Asbestos/Gas/Electrical Safety Check

Annually5 yearly

Abs –08/03Gas –10/18Elec – 09/19 Lgnlla-10/17

If bldg. works required Scouts to ActionAwtg. Survey JMaynard

Inspection of Playground Equipment by Qualified Inspector

Annually by Zurich

Hedgerows Stevenson Centre Rec

Ground Country Park Assault


July 2019July 2019Mar 2019

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Inspection of Playground Equipment by Parish Council/Community Wardens

Weekly Reports submitted monthly

Council officers to ensure reports are rcvd.

Other Inspections/Maintenance:Tree Maintenance – Tree Safety Policy

Annually/As Req.Annually To be adopted

Inspected by VertasFull Council annually

Inspections carried out: Recreation Ground Cemetery Churchyard Stacey Ardley Hedgerows Village Hall County Park Shawlands LNR

Sept 2019Sept 2019Sept 2019Sept 2019Sept 2019To be Instr. SCLC SCLC

}Refer to Sudbury Common Land Charity’s RA

Tree Maintenance Ongoing Subject to visual checks and outcome of Tree Inspection Reports

Risk Assessments for all council owned land/property


August 2019

Finance Matters:Banking Arrangements Annually February 2019 Risk Management

Policy Insurance Providers 5 Yearly April 2019 Policy reviewed

annuallyVAT Return Completed/Submitted

Quarterly June 2019

Salary Review Annually In line with NJC

Bye-Elections Annually Jan 2019 Incld. Budget ProcessOther:Budget Agreed/Monitored/Reported

Annually Jan 2019

Precept Requested Annually Jan 2019Payments Approval Procedure Annually Standing

Orders - 2011Action to Review

Bank Reconciliations Overseen by Councillors

Monthly Reviewed by Internal Control Member

Staff Salary Reviewed & Documented

Annually Oct 2019April/May 2020

CM By Chairman of P&R All Employees by CM

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Internal Audit Annually May 2019 Appntd. Mrs C Baker External Audit Annually June 2019 PKF Littlejohn

appointed Internal Check of Financial Records

Annually May 2019 Reviewed by Internal Control Member

Policies: Risk Management & Risk AssessmentHealth and Safety Equality And Diversity Environmental Policy Statement Safeguarding Policy CCTV Policy Tree Safety PolicyData Protection Policy Freedom of Information 2000Lone Working Policy

AnnuallyFeb 2019Nov 2018Sept 2018Sept 2018Sept 2018Dec 2018Oct 2019Oct 2019 Nov 2002Oct 2019

Prior to end of FYAnnual Council Meeting(ACM)Adopted as wrkng draft-ACMAdopted as wrkng draft- ACMACMACMA,S&L AnnuallyACMACM-Review of Charges 2019ACM

Record Keeping:Minutes Properly Numbered etc.


Asset Register Available/Updated

Ongoing Mar 2019

Financial Regulations Ongoing July 2010 Action To Review New NALC Model Aug 2019

Standing Orders Available/Updated

Ongoing July 2010 Action To Review

Back-up Taken of Computer Records

DailyAdditional QB


3IT Provider Council Manager

Employees & Contractors:Contracts of Employment Annually P & R Committee Employee Handbook Ongoing August 2008 To be reviewed

following separation of SC

Contractors’ Indemnity Insurance




Prov. on req

Jan2020April 2020

Ad-hoc Contractors assess & evaluate on a ‘repair/job’ basis

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Mortimer Contractors LtdGary Smith Grave DiggersSudbury Town Council Thomas Gainsborough School Sudbury Common Land Charity

Annually AnnuallyAnnuallyAnnually

May2020Mar 2020 Feb 2020July 2020

Written Arrangements with Contractors:Mortimer Contracts Ltd Thomas Gainsborough SchoolSudbury Town Council Sudbury Common Land Charity


Annually Annually Annually Rolling Contract

April 2019April 2019Mar 2018


SLA 19/20 TB Agreed

Members’ Responsibilities:Code of Conduct Adopted Ongoing 07/2014 Suffolk Code of

ConductRegister of Interests Completed & Updated

Ongoing Sept 2019

Register of Gifts/Hospitality Ongoing Added to AgendaDeclarations of Interests Minuted

Ongoing Added to Agenda

The information given above was agreed at the Meeting held on 14th October 2019 as being a correct record.

Signed: _________________________________________________ Dated: ____________________________________Chairman

Signed: _________________________________________________ Dated: ____________________________________Council Manager

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Under General Powers

Direct DebitTalk Talk £30.78 Internet ProvisionSalaries £3,825.86 September

204550 HMRC £929.61 Tax & NI Payover204551 Suffolk County Council £887.23 Pension Payover204552 PKF Littlejohn LLP £1,560.00 Annual Audit Fees204553 Sudbury Print Group £770.00 Cornard News204554 Sudbury Royal British Legion £17.00 Remembrance Wreath204555 Vertas Group Limited £1,089.00 Village Hall Fencing204556 DB Security £150.60 GCPC Entrance Door

repairs204557 Prosteel Limited £354.00 Country Park Gate Post

Repairs204558 SALC £108.00 VAT and Village Hall


TOTAL £9,722.08PAID IN

Cornard United £125.00 RentCornard United £65.02 Insurance ReimbursementCemetery £482.00

TOTAL £672.02

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APPENDIX FActual expenditure to date, compared to budget as at 17th September 2019Account Budget To DateINCOMEPrecept 221,815 221,815.00 100%Interest 100 125.00 125%Allotments 2,600 2,502.00 96% * Cadent 2250/income 252Cemetery 3,450 1,798.00 52%Recreation Ground 0 0.00 0%Blackhouse Lane 4,700 750.00 16%Wayleaves 130 19.00 15%Recycling 500 304.00 61%Community Infrastructure Levy 0 1,138.00 0%

233,295 228451.00 97.92%EXPENDITURE

Administration 13,700 5,871.00 43%Agency Services 14,000 3,151.00 23%Community Warden 11,750 1,159.00 10%Grants Made 12,000 8,522.00 71%Capital Spending 15,778 3,117.00 20%Loans Repayment & Interest 18,161 9,115.00 50%Stevenson Centre Grant 10,990 5,757.00 52% Wages £5.2k/Exp. 557

Allotment Expenses 1,700 349.00 21%Blackhouse Lane 2,450 512.00 21%Cemetery 7,490 3,054.00 41%Recreation Grounds 13,500 4,850.00 36%Shawlands Wood LNR 2,100 0.00 0%

Street Lights 15,500 0.00 0%Litter/Dog Bins 2,500 0.00 0%

Village Hall Expenses 1,000 120.00 12%Bank Charges 0 0.00 0%Insurance 5,000 4,007.00 80%Salaries & Wages 74,500 34,664.00 47%Professional Fees 5,000 2,800.00 56%Election Expenses 6,176 3,198.00 52%Transfer to Reserve 0 0.00 0%Total Expenditure 233,295 90,246.00 39%

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 2019/2020 Expenditure Remaining Recreation Grounds* 8950.97 1,032.00 7,918.97Street Lights ** 14512.83 0.00 14,512.83SC AED Grant 1000 0.00 1,000.00SC Car Park *** 1937.5 0.00 1,937.50Village Hall Improvements 3163.63 2,085.00 1,078.63SC Refurbishment 4600 0.00 4,600.00BHL Improvements **** 2523 0.00 2,523.00General Building Fund 10528 0.00 10,528.00

47215.93 3,117.00 44,098.93

* Allocated £4250 Allotment N/Board & fence **Allocated £4620 - Street Lights Mallard Way & Highbury Barn F/pth + lantern assessment*** SC Drains Approx £5000.00***£518 C.Dyn Garage Door/£1800 Pavilion Improvements

C/F 2018/19 2019/20 Expenditure Balance CIL Payments * 2330.23 1138.45 0 3468.68* Allocated to SID

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