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OneSchoolUnit Plan

Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)Duration: 10 Weeks

Year Level: Year 3

Applicable LearningAreas/Subjects: Science

Unit Plan

Is it living?In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living things can be distinguished from non-living things. They justify sorting living things into common animal and plant groups based on observable features. They also explore grouping familiar things into living, non-living, once living things and products of living things.

Students will understand that science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of actions. They use their experiences to identify questions that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions about scientific investigations. Students identify and use safe practices to make scientific observations and record data about living and non-living things. Students use scientific language and representations to communicate their observations, ideas and findings.

For further information to support teaching of the unit, view the:

Year level plan Teacher lesson overview

Throughout the unit, ensure all students have opportunities to develop their higher-order thinking skills. Students develop skills in thinking when they are encouraged to reflect, inquire, generate, and analyse, synthesise and evaluate. Resources that support higher-order thinking skills:

Helpful information - Higher-order thinking skills Years P-9 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/9bd81b3a-7e0f-4031-b685-85cdd806fd89/0/Higher_Order_Thinking.html

Throughout this unit, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Such ICT include spreadsheet software, graphing software, graphic calculators or mobile device apps. Note: A mobile device is a portable computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard. Ensure that the use of ICT in the classroom, including mobile devices, complies with DET policy requirements - Advice for State Schools on Acceptable Use of ICT Facilities and Devices http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au/corp/ict/management/Procedure%20Attachments/Information%20Communication%20and%20Technology/advice.DOCX.

SafetyTeachers need to identify safety issues and conduct risk assessments. For this unit teachers should:

refer to the Health and Safety http://education.qld.gov.au/health/safety/index.html policy pertaining to schools consult the Curriculum Activity Risk Management Guidelines http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/carmg/index.html

ensure students wear personal protective equipment

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

observe the Department of Education and Training's sun safety policy when working outside with students - Developing a sun safety strategy http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/healthy/wellbeing-guidelines/sun-safety.html

ensure risk assessment includes allergic reactions to any plants, animals or environmental factors students may be exposed to during field studies. consider accessing Plants and mushrooms (fungi) poisonous to people in Queensland (Queensland Health) http://www.health.qld.gov.au/poisonsinformationcentre/plants_fungi/


In addition to the teacher's risk assessment, students are required to complete risk assessments for their own projects, under the guidance of their teacher.

Schools should consult the Guideline for Managing Risks with Chemicals in DET Workplaces (HLS-PR-006) http://education.qld.gov.au/health/pdfs/healthsafety/guideline-managing-chemicals.pdf.

The document Chemwatch GoldFFX FAQ Factsheet http://education.qld.gov.au/health/pdfs/chemwatch-gold-ffx-faq.pdf contains information relating to the Department's online subscription to Chemwatch GoldFFX.

Detailed instructions are available to assist schools when registering for the first time, in the document Registering for Chemwatch GoldFFX online http://education.qld.gov.au/health/pdfs/chemwatch-registration-instructions.pdf.

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Page 3: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Assessment Task Summary Type Learning Areas Status Date

Construct a grouping diagram for living and non-living. (Yr 03)Students construct a grouping diagram to sort living and non-living things and then extend the diagram to include the grouping of living things into animals and plants, and further sub-groupings (e.ge mammals, reptiles, insects; flowering plants, conifers).

Monitoring Science Unscheduled

Group familiar living things (Yr 03)Students group animals into common animal groups and plants into common plant groups and explain why each living thing has been sorted into this group based on its observable features.

Monitoring Science Unscheduled

Investigating living things (Yr 03)Students group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things.

Supervised assessment

Science Unscheduled

Document Table of Contents

Curriculum Australian Curriculum Considerations

Teaching SequenceTeaching Sequence Summary

Grouping in our world Investigating what it means to

be living Examining living and non-living Investigating groups in an

environment Assessment Consolidating learning

Resources Attachments Plan Resource Bank

Assessment Monitoring - Construct a grouping

diagram for living and non-living. (Yr 03) Monitoring - Group familiar living things

(Yr 03) Supervised assessment - Investigating

living things (Yr 03)

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Page 4: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Australian Curriculum

Science - Year 3

Year 3 Achievement StandardBy the end of Year 3, students use their understanding of the movement of Earth, materials and the behaviour of heat to suggest explanations for everyday observations. They group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things. They describe how they can use science investigations to respond to questions.

Students use their experiences to identify questions and make predictions about scientific investigations. They follow procedures to collect and record observations and suggest possible reasons for their findings, based on patterns in their data. They describe how safety and fairness were considered and they use diagrams and other representations to communicate their ideas.

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Page 5: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Content Descriptions

Science as a Human Endeavour Science Inquiry Skills Science Understanding

Nature and development of science

Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE050)

Use and influence of science

Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE051)

Planning and conducting

Consider the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate, to make and record observations accurately (ACSIS055)

With guidance, plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment (ACSIS054)


Represent and communicate observations, ideas and findings using formal and informal representations (ACSIS060)


Reflect on investigations, including whether a test was fair or not (ACSIS058)

Processing and analysing data and information

Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings (ACSIS215)

Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends (ACSIS057)

Questioning and predicting

With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge (ACSIS053)

Biological sciences

Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things (ACSSU044)

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Page 6: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Curriculum Priorities - Pedagogy


Prior and future curriculumRelevant prior curriculumStudents require prior experience with the following:

Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030) Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034) People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE035)

Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Evaluating Communicating

Curriculum working towardsThe teaching and learning in this unit work towards the following:

Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073) Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE061) Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062)

Science Inquiry Skills Questioning and predicting Planning and conducting Processing and analysing data and information Evaluating Communicating

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Page 7: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

General capabilitiesThis unit provides opportunities for students to engage in the following general capabilities.Literacy

Comprehending texts through listening, reading and viewing Composing texts through speaking, writing and creating Text knowledge Word knowledge Visual knowledge

Numeracy Recognising and using patterns and relationships Interpreting statistical information

Critical and creative thinking Inquiring - identifying, exploring and organising information and ideas Generating ideas, possibilities and actions Reflecting on thinking and processes Analysing, synthesising and evaluating reasoning and procedures

Personal and social capability Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Social management

Ethical understanding Understanding ethical concepts and issues Reasoning in decision making and actions Exploring values, rights and responsibilities

Intercultural understanding Recognising culture and developing respect Interacting and empathising with others

For further information, refer to General capabilities in the Australian Curriculum http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/generalcapabilities/overview/introduction and the Learning area specific advice http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/generalcapabilities/overview/learning-area-specific-advice.

Cross-curriculum prioritiesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culturesStudents will develop a knowledge, deep understanding and respect for Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' history and culture and build an awareness that their histories are part of a shared history belonging to all Australians.The embedding of Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' histories and cultures into the curriculum can be a challenging task. For further information, including pedagogical approaches, refer to C2C: Aboriginal peoples & Torres Strait Islander peoples Cross Curriculum Priority support https://oneportal.deta.qld.gov.au/EducationDelivery/Stateschooling/schoolcurriculum/Curriculumintotheclassroom/Pages/C2CAandTSICCPSupport.aspx.

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Page 8: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

SustainabilityStudents will develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary for people to act in ways that contribute to more sustainable patterns of living.For further information, refer to Sustainability in the Australian Curriculum http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/CrossCurriculumPriorities/Sustainability and the Learning area statements http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/crosscurriculumpriorities/sustainability/in-the-learning-areas.

Assessing student learningAssessment name: Investigating living thingsAssessment description: Students group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things.In this unit, assessment of student learning aligns to the following aspects of the achievement standard.By the end of Year 3, students use their understanding of the movement of Earth, materials and the behaviour of heat to suggest explanations for everyday observations. They group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things. They describe how they can use science investigations to respond to questions.Students use their experiences to identify questions and make predictions about scientific investigations. They follow procedures to collect and record observations and suggest possible reasons for their findings, based on patterns in their data. They describe how safety and fairness were considered and they use diagrams and other representations to communicate their ideas.Monitoring student learningStudent learning should be monitored throughout the teaching and learning process to determine student progress and learning needs.Each lesson provides opportunities to gather evidence about how students are progressing and what they need to learn next.Specific monitoring opportunities in this unit may include observations, consultations and samples of student work, for example:Monitoring activityActivity name: Group familiar living things (Lessons 3-4)Monitoring description: Students group animals into common animal groups and plants into common plant groups and explain why each living thing has been sorted into this group based on its observable features.Activity name: Construct a grouping diagram for living and non-living (Lessons 11-12)Monitoring description: Students construct a grouping diagram to sort living and non-living things and then extend the diagram to include the grouping of living things into animals and plants, and further sub-groupings (e.g. mammals, reptiles, insects; flowering plants, conifers).

FeedbackFeedback may relate to misunderstandings and common alternative conceptions. In this unit this may include students:

identifying already known features, which are not observable, instead of observable features. Review senses, and how to observe using senses, to distinguish between previously known features and features which can be observed (observable features). Identify that observations made with senses are observable features

thinking that observations can only be made by sight. Review that observations are collected through the use of all senses. Engage with familiar products that have obvious observable features to use all of the senses (smell, touch, sound, sight). Remind students that tasting objects or products during science observations is not always appropriate or safe and should only be done with adult direction

grouping animals or plants based on habitats, behaviours or students' personal opinions rather than observable physical features. Explain that while animals and plants can be grouped in many ways for many reasons, that this type of scientific grouping is based on observable features of the animals' and plants' bodies and structures

thinking that the only features (characteristics) of living things are breathing and eating. Explain the features (characteristics) of living things including growth, movement, response to stimuli, and having young

thinking that something is 'non-living' because they have not observed it growing, moving, having young or responding to stimuli. Review the characteristics of living things to identify what the features look like in the object being observed

identifying fruit, seeds or spore as the 'young' of plants. Explain that seeds and spores are some of the ways that plants reproduce but that the 'young' is the new plant that grows from

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Page 9: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

the seed or spore. thinking that it is acceptable to disturb the environment being studied by breaking, moving or removing living and non-living things. Review the need to observe and leave the

environment as you found it. thinking that movement (e.g. the wind blowing a plastic bag) and sensitivity (feeling an emotion) are characteristics of living. Clarify the meaning of movement (as created by the thing

itself) and response to stimuli (something that makes you blink, plants moving towards the light) thinking the some items were once alive because they are made from a natural material (e.g. a ruler was once alive and died rather than wood was sourced from a tree and produced

to make the ruler). Explain the difference between the material and the manufactured object (e.g. wood was once living because it was part of the tree; the ruler is a manufactured object)

thinking that a general look will provide enough evidence on which to draw a conclusion. Explain that in order to collect and record accurate data, ways of observing can include taking photos, recording each thing observed carefully or gently moving leaf litter to see hidden things. It can also include making notes/drawings, sharing observations with others, thinking about observations and sometimes collecting samples

recording the number of things observed rather than the different types. Remind students of the investigation question thinking that statements based on assumptions about living things in the environment can be used instead of evidence collected. Read and explain the data for each location

separately thinking that science only occurs in a science laboratory. Explain that science investigations occur in all cultures and in many different environments thinking that the science knowledge used in grouping living and non-living things is limited to a science laboratory. Discuss visits of class members to museums and zoos, and signage

observed by students using everyday language to explain objects. Prompt them to use the identification card to help them recall related science language.

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Page 10: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Curriculum Plan Topics

Duration Topic

4 Lessons Grouping in our world Lesson 1: Making and naming groups Lesson 2: Grouping objects using observable features Lessons 3-4: Grouping animals and plants

4 Lessons Investigating what it means to be living Lesson 5: Observing things scientifically Lesson 6: Exploring living Lesson 7: Identifying 'living' in plants and animals Lesson 8: Recognising differing views about 'living'

4 Lessons Examining living and non-living Lesson 9: Exploring non-living things Lesson 10: Grouping living and non-living Lessons 11-12: Grouping living, non-living, once living and products of living things

3 Lessons Investigating groups in an environment Lesson 13: Planning and conducting an investigation Lesson 14: Representing, interpreting and evaluating investigation Lesson 15: Review, reinforce and extend learning

2 Lessons Assessment Lessons 16-17: Assessing student learning

3 Lessons Consolidating learning Lesson 18: Reviewing the investigation process Lesson 19: Grouping specimens for a museum Lesson 20: Presenting the museum

20 Lessons Total Unit

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Page 11: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Grouping in our world Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will consider reasons for grouping and sort plants and animals into common groups on the basis of observable features.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 1

Making and naming groups

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that objects can be grouped based on observable features.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Group things based on observable features and justify groupings?Example learning sequence

Explore object grouping Group products based on observable features Define observable features Consider other ways of grouping Identify the importance of grouping things in science

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6 Slideshow - Why do we group things? Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander

peoples' ways of grouping activity: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Indigenous classification: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Science learning pathway: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Word wall for science - Pinboard space: Teacher

note Supporting learning resource - C2C Science glossary

Helpful information Website - Contemporary practice resource: Science


Website - Cultural background (New South Wales Government) http://ab-ed.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/go/7-10/science/units/story-1/cultural-background

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 2

Grouping objects using observable features

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how observations can be scientifically recorded.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain their labelling of a group according to observable features?

Example learning sequence Group things using observable features

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Cereal identification card Slideshow - Observable features of cereals Supporting learning resource - Making a grouping diagram: Teacher note Supporting learning resource - Making a grouping diagram about cereals Supporting learning resource - Cereal identification card - answers Supporting learning resource - Making judgments with science journals: Teacher


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Page 12: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Grouping in our world Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will consider reasons for grouping and sort plants and animals into common groups on the basis of observable features.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Produce an identification card Produce and use a grouping diagram Review the use of grouping by scientists

Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 3-4

Grouping animals and plants

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that animals and plants can be grouped based on observable features.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Group familiar animals and plants into common groups?Example learning sequence

Identify reasons for grouping animals Explore how scientists group animals Identify reasons for grouping plants Explore how scientists group plants Group familiar living things

Resources Slideshow - Grouping living things Learning object - Animal groups: at the zoo 1 (TLF L1355) © Department of

Education, Tasmania, 2002Helpful information

Sheet - Animal families https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/2be58208-6323-eea8-daec-531bd0d45c67/1/ani_fm_02.pdf

Sheet - Mammals https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/a05739f0-edfa-37b6-3674-976945004831/1/ref_m08.pdf

Sheet - Birds https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/ab6b63f9-7dcd-cc79-5cf6-05fb7f7c5d53/1/ref_b01.pdf

Sheet - Animal groups https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/28188097-f055-1ff4-6b46-72b3b82a1f6f/1/u8-as-animal-groups.doc

Sheet - The trees of life https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/0c9cceef-60cd-64ff-6f00-4326d3e69b5d/1/plants_01.pdf

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 13: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating what it means to be living Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will develop their observational skills and record their observations. Students will begin to understand that there are common observable features that characterise something as 'living' and these can be used to identify living things. They will begin to appreciate the range of living things. Students will consider that Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' perspectives on living may be different from that of a Western societal perspective.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency. End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 5

Observing things scientifically

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that observing in science provides useful information to answer questions.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Describe observations and compare with predictions? Answer a question using observations and recorded information?

Example learning sequence Reflect on the use of observable features and grouping Explore observable features Conduct a field walk to 'observe' Reflect on observations and ideas

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Video - 5 Seasons (2004): Clip 3. Barra-rains coming Courtesy of CAAMA

Productions and Ronin Films. Slideshow - Tracks, scats and signs choose locations for field walk that can be compared for examples of living and

non-living things.Helpful information

Learning object - Garden detective: Australian garden (TLF L699) (Education Services Australia) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/7225f1d3-8bd9-15f9-3d12-c3a30ead06db/0/ViewIMS.jsp

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 6

Exploring living

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that things can be grouped as living.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Sort things into a group labelled 'living'?Example learning sequence

Identify living things Clarify the meaning of living Perform guided investigations about living Consolidate understanding about living

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Slideshow - The characteristics of living things Sheet - What can we observe if something is living? Supporting learning resource - Investigation: Is it living?

Helpful information Website - Cooperative learning: introduction


Website - Animals in education http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/area/science/animals-ed.html

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Page 14: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating what it means to be living Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will develop their observational skills and record their observations. Students will begin to understand that there are common observable features that characterise something as 'living' and these can be used to identify living things. They will begin to appreciate the range of living things. Students will consider that Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' perspectives on living may be different from that of a Western societal perspective.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency. End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 7

Identifying 'living' in plants and animals

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Recognise that animals and plants have common observable features that identify them as 'living'.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Suggest examples of common observable features of animals and plants?

Example learning sequence Explore the range of living things Review the meaning of living Identify the common observable features in animals Identify the common observable features in plants Classify animals and plants as living things

Resources Video - From seed to flower (PBS LearningMedia) (1:07) © 2003 WGBH

Educational Foundation Slideshow - The characteristics of living things Sheet - Animal identification card Supporting learning resource - Grouping animals and plants as living based on

common observable features: Teacher noteHelpful information

Video - National parks: Daintree (TLF R12115) © Absolutely Wild Visuals Pty Ltd 2011 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6d6640a3-2d0f-a2e4-d136-2cce981eaaac/0/ViewIMS.jsp

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 8

Recognising differing views about 'living'

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' perspectives on living and non-living may be different from that of a Western societal perspective and that these differences may affect their actions in everyday life.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain that some cultures have different views of living and non-living and this can affect their actions in everyday life?

ResourcesNote: Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples are warned that these resources may contain images, voices and names of persons who may now be deceased.

Sheet - Glass House Mountains Supporting learning resource - Dreaming story of the Glass House Mountains:

Teacher note Video - Glass House Mountains: Tibrogargan and Coonowrin (Script and audio ©

State of Queensland (Department of Education and Training); Visual (video) © Peter Johnson. Used with permission.)

Supporting learning resource - Activities to consolidate science learning: Teacher note

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Page 15: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating what it means to be living Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will develop their observational skills and record their observations. Students will begin to understand that there are common observable features that characterise something as 'living' and these can be used to identify living things. They will begin to appreciate the range of living things. Students will consider that Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' perspectives on living may be different from that of a Western societal perspective.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency. End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Example learning sequence Review language of 'living' Recognise the Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander

peoples' use of 'living' Consider how Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander

peoples' views of living and non-living affect their everyday actions

Helpful information Website - Glass House Mountains national park (Queensland Government,

Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing) http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/glass-house-mountains/

Attachments Lesson plan

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Page 16: pialbastateschool.files.wordpress.com€¦  · Web viewUnit Plan . Is it living? In this unit students learn about grouping living things based on observable features and that living

Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Examining living and non-living Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students understand that living things can be identified as having common observable features and that non-living things can be identified by the absence of these features. They will group things they observe as living or non-living and construct a diagram to represent their scientific observations.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 9

Exploring non-living things

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Use common observable features to classify things as living or non-living.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify things that are non-living and explain why using common observable features?

Example learning sequence Identify non-living objects Collect evidence of non-living things through a field walk Construct a grouping diagram for non-living things Share conclusions about non-living

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Supporting learning resource - Activities to consolidate science learning:

Teacher note Sheet - When investigating - Using PROE Supporting learning resource - Making a grouping diagram: Teacher note field walk area - suitable location within school grounds with several different sites

within it e.g. garden bed, play area, eating area, walking pathHelpful information

Website - Animals in education http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/area/science/animals-ed.html

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 10

Grouping living and non-living

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how to classify objects or things in living and non-living groups based on observable features.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain their sorting of things into living and non-living groups based on common observable features?

Example learning sequence Review the common features of living things Construct living and non-living groups Construct a grouping diagram for living and non-living

Resources Sheet - Living and non-living sorting cards Supporting learning resource - Making a grouping diagram: Teacher note

Helpful information Website - Concept map tool https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/dac6ed3f-


Attachments Lesson plan

Lessons 11-12 Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Resources Sheet - Living or non-living: A learning check-up

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Examining living and non-living Topic Duration 4 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students understand that living things can be identified as having common observable features and that non-living things can be identified by the absence of these features. They will group things they observe as living or non-living and construct a diagram to represent their scientific observations.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Grouping living, non-living, once living and products of living things

Group things as never living, once living and products of living things.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Explain why they grouped things as never living, once living or product of a living thing?

Example learning sequence Review living and non-living Explore other ways of grouping Understand the manufacture of once living and products of living

things Investigate the traditional use of living, once-living and products of

living things by Aboriginal peoples Group living, non-living, once living and products of living things

Supporting learning resource - Living or non-living: A learning check-up - answers Sheet - Traditional uses of black wattle trees Sheet - Living and non-living sorting cards Sheet - Grouping justification for living and non-living things

Helpful information Website - Concept map tool https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/dac6ed3f-


Attachments Lesson plan

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating groups in an environment Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will engage in an investigation in which they compare the types of living and non-living things in two different school environments. They will be guided to make links between the use of an area and the types of things present. Students will draw conclusions about the effect of human actions on an area and understand how we use our science knowledge to inform our decisions.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 13

Planning and conducting an investigation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Demonstrate understanding of the process of planning and conducting an investigation about living things.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Record an investigation question, a prediction and safety requirements for an investigation comparing the living and non-living things in two different environments?

Conduct an investigation, make observations and collect data?Example learning sequence

Review understanding about working and thinking scientifically Plan a field walk investigation of living and non-living things Reflect on ways of observing Prepare for field walk investigation Participate in the field walk

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Investigating environments: Investigation recording sheet Supporting learning resource - Investigating environments: Investigation recording

sheet (Answers) Supporting learning resource - Word cards to support thinking about the scientific

investigation processHelpful information

Website - Animals in education http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/area/science/animals-ed.html

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 14

Representing, interpreting and evaluating investigation

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that data collected from investigations can be used to inform people's actions.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Use the results from the investigation to explain the effect of actions?

Example learning sequence Recall questions and processes for field walk investigation Reflect on data Generalise actions from findings

Resources Sheet - Investigating environments: Investigation recording sheet Supporting learning resource - Investigating environments: Investigation recording

sheet (Answers) Supporting learning resource - Word cards to support thinking about the scientific

investigation processHelpful information

Learning object - Graph maker https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/10cc63b0-15aa-1488-a200-f91cc9f9d8d3/0/viewIMS.jsp


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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Investigating groups in an environment Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will engage in an investigation in which they compare the types of living and non-living things in two different school environments. They will be guided to make links between the use of an area and the types of things present. Students will draw conclusions about the effect of human actions on an area and understand how we use our science knowledge to inform our decisions.Spend a short time at the start of each lesson revising concepts, facts or skills and enhancing understanding and fluency.End each lesson with a review of student learning in that lesson.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Lesson plan

Lesson 15

Review, reinforce and extend learning

Review, reinforce and extend learning Resources Slideshow - Grouping living things Slideshow - The characteristics of living things

Helpful information Learning object - Animal search


Attachments Lesson plan

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Assessment Topic Duration 2 Lessons

Overview Students will complete the assessment task for this unit of work.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lessons 16-17

Assessing student learning

Assessment purposeTo group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things.Example assessment sequence

Understand the assessment Review the Guide to making judgments and understand the

standards A-E Conduct the assessment

Resources Assessment task - Investigating living things Assessment task - Investigating living things: Student resource 1 Assessment task - Investigating living things: Student resource 2 Assessment task - Investigating living things: Teaching notes Assessment task - Investigating living things: Model response

Attachments Lesson plan

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Consolidating learning Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will reflect on learning in the unit and plan a class museum.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources

Lesson 18

Reviewing the investigation process

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand that there are different methods for investigating scientifically.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Identify similarities and differences between ways of investigating across cultures?

Example learning sequence Reflect on working scientifically in the unit Examine how and why Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait

Islander peoples investigate Compare investigation processes

Resources Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list Video - A scientist at work: Dr Sean Fitzgibbon, clips 1-3 eBook - Natj nidja (TLF S4746) © 2012 Catholic Education Office of Western

Australia. Used with permission. Sheet - Comparing investigation processes Sheet - Yulunga: waayin (Australian Sports Commission)

http://www.ausport.gov.au/participating/resources/indigenous/individual_games/other_games/waayin.pdf CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/au/deed.en

Supporting learning resource – Learning to investigate by making animal tracks: Teacher note

Helpful information Website - Aboriginal trackers (Australia.gov.au) http://www.australia.gov.au/about-

australia/australian-story/aboriginal-trackers Website - Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous games (Australian Sports Commission)

http://www.ausport.gov.au/participating/resources/indigenous/full_resource Website - People-powered research (Zooniverse) https://www.zooniverse.org/ (click

on the link to Get Involved Now and then Notes from Nature)

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 19

Grouping specimens for a museum

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Understand how museums use observable features to help organise and communicate information about objects.

Use science knowledge and language to communicate about a selected object and justify its grouping in a class museum.

Evidence of learningCan the student:

Select an object to contribute to a museum display and construct an identification card that accurately describes its observable features?

Resources Support learning resource - Materials and equipment list Sheet - Museum exhibit identification card

Helpful information Website - What does a curator really do in a day? (Powerhouse Museum)


Video - How big is Australia's largest dinosaur bone? (ABC Splash) http://splash.abc.net.au/media/-/m/661518/how-big-is-australia-s-largest-dinosaur-bone-

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Teaching Sequence

Topic Consolidating learning Topic Duration 3 Lessons

Overview Throughout this lesson series, students will require ready access to ICT at a whole-class, small-group and individual level. Students will reflect on learning in the unit and plan a class museum.

Lessons Teaching and Learning Sequence Resources Justify the choice of grouping of the object for display?

Example learning sequence Reflect on the purposes and presentation of a museum Design a museum display Construct a display Explain the groupings in the museum display

Attachments Lesson plan

Lesson 20

Presenting the museum

Lesson objectivesStudents will:

Communicate their science knowledge about grouping things based on common observable features.

Communicate their ideas about the value of science knowledge.Evidence of learningCan the student:

Use science knowledge to explain detailed observations about a selected object?

Use science knowledge to describe how objects can be grouped according to their observable features?

Share ideas about the learning gained from this science unit?Example learning sequence

Review the purposes and presentation of a museum Explain learning about grouping living and non-living Review the museum and unit learning

Resources Support learning resource - Materials and equipment list museum displays (objects, identification cards, props or signs) created from

previous lesson

Attachments Lesson plan

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Resources* Attachments are available in the relevant Unit Plan Section directory in the downloaded zip file.

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sequence - Grouping in our world Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP01.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP02.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP03_04.docx

Sequence - Investigating what it means to be living

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP05.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP06.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP07.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP08.docx

Sequence - Examining living and non-living

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP09.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP10.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP11_12.docx

Sequence - Investigating groups in an environment

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP13.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP14.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP15.docx

Sequence - Assessment Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP16_17.docx

Sequence - Consolidating learning Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP18.docx

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP19.docx

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Lesson plan - Sci_Y03_U1_LP20.docx

Sequence choose locations for field walk that can be compared for examples of living and non-living things.

eBook - Natj nidja (TLF S4746) © 2012 Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. Used with permission. field walk area - suitable location within school grounds with several different sites within it e.g. garden bed, play area, eating area, walking path

Learning object - Animal groups: at the zoo 1 (TLF L1355) © Department of Education, Tasmania, 2002

Learning object - Animal search https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/36102021-f36a-e68a-6e57-0ecc28e6fc5f/0/viewIMS.jsp

Learning object - Garden detective: Australian garden (TLF L699) (Education Services Australia) https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/7225f1d3-8bd9-15f9-3d12-c3a30ead06db/0/ViewIMS.jsp

Learning object - Graph maker https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/10cc63b0-15aa-1488-a200-f91cc9f9d8d3/0/viewIMS.jsp

museum displays (objects, identification cards, props or signs) created from previous lesson

Sheet - Animal families https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/2be58208-6323-eea8-daec-531bd0d45c67/1/ani_fm_02.pdf

Sheet - Animal groups https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/28188097-f055-1ff4-6b46-72b3b82a1f6f/1/u8-as-animal-groups.doc

Sheet - Animal identification card

Sheet - Birds https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/ab6b63f9-7dcd-cc79-5cf6-05fb7f7c5d53/1/ref_b01.pdf

Sheet - Cereal identification card

Sheet - Comparing investigation processes

Sheet - Glass House Mountains

Sheet - Grouping justification for living and non-living things

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Sheet - Investigating environments: Investigation recording sheet

Sheet - Living and non-living sorting cards

Sheet - Living or non-living: A learning check-up

Sheet - Mammals https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/a05739f0-edfa-37b6-3674-976945004831/1/ref_m08.pdf

Sheet - Museum exhibit identification card

Sheet - The trees of life https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/0c9cceef-60cd-64ff-6f00-4326d3e69b5d/1/plants_01.pdf

Sheet - Traditional uses of black wattle trees

Sheet - What can we observe if something is living?

Sheet - When investigating - Using PROE Sheet - Yulunga: waayin (Australian Sports Commission) http://www.ausport.gov.au/participating/resources/indigenous/individual_games/other_games/waayin.pdf CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/au/deed.en

Slideshow - Grouping living things

Slideshow - Observable features of cereals

Slideshow - The characteristics of living things

Slideshow - Tracks, scats and signs

Slideshow - Why do we group things?

Support learning resource - Materials and equipment list

Supporting learning resource - Aboriginal peoples' and Torres Strait Islander peoples' ways of grouping activity: Teacher note

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Supporting learning resource - Activities to consolidate science learning: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - C2C Science glossary

Supporting learning resource - Cereal identification card - answers

Supporting learning resource - Dreaming story of the Glass House Mountains: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Grouping animals and plants as living based on common observable features: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Indigenous classification: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Investigating environments: Investigation recording sheet (Answers)

Supporting learning resource - Investigation: Is it living?

Supporting learning resource - Learning to investigate by making animal tracks: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Living or non-living: A learning check-up - answers

Supporting learning resource - Making a grouping diagram about cereals

Supporting learning resource - Making judgments with science journals: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Materials and equipment list

Supporting learning resource - Science inquiry skills poster Years 3-6

Supporting learning resource - Science learning pathway: Teacher note

Supporting learning resource - Word cards to support thinking about the scientific investigation process

Supporting learning resource - Word wall for science - Pinboard space: Teacher note

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Video - 5 Seasons (2004): Clip 3. Barra-rains coming Courtesy of CAAMA Productions and Ronin Films.

Video - A scientist at work: Dr Sean Fitzgibbon, clips 1-3

Video - From seed to flower (PBS LearningMedia) (1:07) © 2003 WGBH Educational Foundation Video - Glass House Mountains: Tibrogargan and Coonowrin (Script and audio © State of Queensland (Department of Education and Training); Visual (video) © Peter Johnson. Used with permission.) Video - How big is Australia's largest dinosaur bone? (ABC Splash) http://splash.abc.net.au/media/-/m/661518/how-big-is-australia-s-largest-dinosaur-bone-

Video - National parks: Daintree (TLF R12115) © Absolutely Wild Visuals Pty Ltd 2011 https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/6d6640a3-2d0f-a2e4-d136-2cce981eaaac/0/ViewIMS.jsp

Website - Aboriginal trackers (Australia.gov.au) http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/aboriginal-trackers

Website - Animals in education http://education.qld.gov.au/curriculum/area/science/animals-ed.html

Website - Concept map tool https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/dac6ed3f-3f5f-49f8-5098-a8e461533cf3/0/ViewIMS.jsp

Website - Contemporary practice resource: Science https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/items/f8019ae1-2174-8a3d-6ba4-6af039998d9a/0/index.html

Website - Cooperative learning: introduction https://learningplace.eq.edu.au/cx/resources/file/0703112b-2b9a-36a5-c27e-26f876ae8ade/1/01592a.htm

Website - Cultural background (New South Wales Government) http://ab-ed.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/go/7-10/science/units/story-1/cultural-background

Website - Glass House Mountains national park (Queensland Government, Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing) http://www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/parks/glass-house-mountains/

Website - People-powered research (Zooniverse) https://www.zooniverse.org/ (click on the link to Get Involved Now and then Notes from Nature)

Website - What does a curator really do in a day? (Powerhouse Museum) http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/insidethecollection/2012/05/what-does-a-curator-really-do-in-a-day/

Website - Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous games (Australian Sports Commission) http://www.ausport.gov.au/participating/resources/indigenous/full_resource

Assessment Planner - Investigating living things

Assessment task - Sci_Y03_U1_AT_Living.docx

Assessment task - Sci_Y03_U1_AT_MR_Living.docx

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Unit Plan Section Resource Attachments*

Assessment task - Sci_Y03_U1_AT_SH1_LivNonLiv.docx

Assessment task - Sci_Y03_U1_AT_SH2_AnimalGroups.docx

Assessment task - Sci_Y03_U1_AT_TN_Living.docx

Assessment Assessment task - Investigating living things

Assessment task - Investigating living things: Model response

Assessment task - Investigating living things: Student resource 1

Assessment task - Investigating living things: Student resource 2

Assessment task - Investigating living things: Teaching notes

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks


Assessment Task - Marking guide

AssessmentTask Name

Investigating living things (Yr 03)Type Supervised assessment


Description Students group living things based on observable features and distinguish them from non-living things.

Learning Area Science

Science understanding Science inquiry skills

Group living things based on observable features and distinguishes them from non-living things.

Communicate ideas.

A ◄ Justifies the best grouping choice based on observable features. ◄ Communicates using accurate scientific language.

B ◄ Explains grouping choices based on a variety of observable features. ◄ Communicates using scientific language.

C ◄ Selects groups for a living thing based on observable features. Distinguishes living things from non-living things. ◄ Communicates ideas.

D ◄ Groups living things and states observable features. ◄ Uses everyday language.

E ◄ Groups living and non-living things. ◄ Uses fragmented language.

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Unit Plan Plan Name: Unit 1 - Science Year 3 (V8)

Year: 3Learning Areas/Subjects: Science

Duration: 10 Weeks

Acknowledgement, Disclaimer and Copyright

Content descriptions, achievement standards and general capabilities are extracts from the Australian Curriculum.

These are subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 and are owned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) [2014].

Disclaimer: ACARA neither endorses nor verifies the accuracy of the information provided and accepts no responsibility for incomplete or inaccurate information. In particular,

ACARA does not endorse or verify that:

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You can find the unaltered and most up to date version of this material at http://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au. This material is reproduced with the permission of ACARA.

Copyright in this publication and the content therein is owned by the State of Queensland (acting through the Department of Education and Training) (‘the Department’) or, in the case of some materials, by third parties (‘Third Party Content’).

Apart from any use expressly permitted by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced, published, adapted, communicated, or otherwise used without the prior written permission of the Department.

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