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Page 1: loveseyproductions.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewWell my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already

Production EvaluationPlease use the tables below to evaluate your practical exploration.Remember writing a description of what you did is not evaluative.

Explain how/why things happened, what you think or feel about your work.Complete all boxes in full including examples and reasoning where required.

Production Title: Final ProjectStudent Name/s: Orlando Lovesey

Please review your own work and ask 3 peers to review your work.Place a mark in the box according to your/their opinion:

Poor OK Good Excellent N/AStory E, ObNarrative E, ObCharacters E ObVisuals O EbSound O b EInteractivity E, ObProduction E, ObPost-production O EbAudience O EbOverall Rating O Eb

Peer 1 please provide constructive feedback:

I find this production to be of a very high quality. The visuals in this production are very well made and are aesthetically pleasing.

Peer 2 please provide constructive feedback:

One of your best projects so far! I love the clash between modern graphical design and raw street art, a cocktail that isn’t seen enough in my opinion! Bravo! However if I had any advice to offer, it would have been that the manipulation could have been done practically, rather than on illustrator.

Peer 3 please provide constructive feedback:

I believe that these posters were made to a good standard and that they show the point that they were aimed to show very well. The quality of the work is very good and the finished productions look great.

In your own words detail what you think the strengths and weaknesses of the production :

Page 2: loveseyproductions.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewWell my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already

My strong point is the ‘research and respond’ stage of project development, so I feel like the best pieces of work have probably come from then. For example the iris Photoshop work I did makes me very proud!

In my opinion, the strengths of my work are probably the combination of CAD and street art, despite the fact my street art manipulation was produced via CAD (which I suppose would be a weakness). I feel like the use of colours was well thought process that went into choosing them worked well, though, it’s obvious that there was a lot of thought that had gone into this project.

Another benefit I thought was my zombie face! I wasn’t particularly impressed about having to create a zombie face, but it came out nicely, and I suppose I have a new profile picture for facebook!

Page 3: loveseyproductions.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewWell my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already

So now we’ve got the strengths out of the way, let’s assess the weaknesses. First off, my final pieces really didn’t turn out the way I had anticipated. My blog shows how I had hoped my final pieces to be, in a crumpled state, showing a weathered effect due to the length of time these posters were supposedly around for. I also am forever thanking my dyslexia, for never failing to amaze me. Turns out, ‘immediatley’ is spelt ‘immediately’…whoops!! I also really could have done more to make my posters instructional, and clear.

Think about the planning materials you created, did you follow them? If not why? Did the production change at all while you were making it?

Well my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already been replaced by more substantial and well thought out concepts. I know that it’s better to stick to a well conjured plan, but I really don’t work like that.Here is my second mind map, you can see the fast paced train of thought.

Page 4: loveseyproductions.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewWell my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already

So this was a week into the project, maybe two. I was still very much desperately searching for the best idea I could, hence ‘baby zombies’, all good ideas should steam from ‘baby zombies’!

So it was towards the end of the mind-maps that I decided to leave character designs behind in my concept art, and to focus on human

Page 5: loveseyproductions.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewWell my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already

expression through street art. I don’t regret the mind-maps though, because without them my project would be without direction or contemplation. After the last mind-map I had a direction and a focus for my further and final research.

Think about the research you undertook, how has that influenced your production. Compare your production to the professional examples you found, use images to illustrate your points:

Like I’ve mentioned before, a lot of my research consisted of zombie games that I have played, including Zombie Army Trilogy and Left For Dead. As well as this a lot of my ideas to use street art in a time of crisis came from my research into the Ukrainian 2014 riots, I love how the presence of street art still remained prominent, despite the violence.

I really tried to replicate this theme in my posters, especially the poster with my zombie face! As you can see the poster has the same comment section sort of theme as the safe house walls above.

Page 6: loveseyproductions.files.wordpress.com  · Web viewWell my project evolved so quickly, that in a weeks time of idea development and further research my initial ideas had already

What did you learn through doing this project? Did you develop any skills? :I learned a lot about organisation during this project, and how my thought processes are influenced by a fascination with human nature in otherwise uncomprehend able situations, like a zombie uprising. I would like to say that I have developed an abundance of free hand drawing skills from this project –seeing as it’s a concept art project- but sadly, no. Seeing as my project ended up being entirely produced on Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, I suppose I could say that I have revised my CAD skills, but other than that I have not learned any new skills.

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